How to get over the pain of making a mistake. Ways to overcome fear

From childhood, the fear of failure accompanies us everywhere. In childhood, the child expects to be praised for something, and if he does not wait for praise, he believes that he has failed. The same happens in adulthood.

Description of pathology

The fear of failure is indeed more often born in childhood, and as a person grows up, the fear of doing something wrong remains, and a person does not know how to overcome it.

It is not always possible to get a positive assessment of one's work or actions. Sometimes you have to listen to criticism, fail. A confident and developed person copes with criticism and failures quickly enough.

Others only increase the fear of failure by trying to avoid such actions in the future. It turns out the following: having experienced failure in some of the cases, in order to overcome his fear, a person no longer takes up this matter. It comes to the point that making coffee for him is a serious task, in which the main thing is not to fail. That is, there is a complete isolation of a person from society and a pathological fear of failure.

Causes of atychiphobia

Fear of embarrassment can be caused by completely different reasons. The predominant reason remains the existing negative experience person. Because of the fear of failure, a person projects the experience of one case onto all his possible experience.

The reasons why people are afraid to do any activity can be:

Manifestations of fear

Atychiphobia is expressed in quite different ways. You can describe what is characteristic of fear in this pathology as follows:

  • Self-isolation - a person is afraid to participate in any events, especially public ones, closing himself in his comfort zone.
  • Self-sabotage - fearing that he will do something wrong, a person subconsciously undermines his strength and efforts.
  • Self-doubt - fearing to make a mistake, a person assures himself that all the things he has done and the knowledge gained are worth nothing.
  • Due to panic fear, it is difficult to breathe, there is a burning sensation in the chest, shortness of breath, nausea and muscle spasms. Possible diarrhea. Sometimes nervous excitability increases, while in some, on the contrary, stiffness and closeness are possible.

    This fear significantly reduces the quality of a person’s life, interferes with his self-development and professional activities, personal life and networking. Therefore, it is the specialist who should provide assistance in advanced cases.

    • Learn to say no if you feel like you can't do something. Don't take a risk if it's not worth it.
    • Soberly assess the losses that are possible if the task assigned to you is not completed. Missed opportunities sometimes become much greater losses than the feeling of fear.
    • Always stock up on a backup plan. So you will have a safety net that in case of an unsuccessful course of the case, you can change it. For example, enlist the support of a friend or colleague.
    • Be more decisive, any delay will only increase fear. Create a situation in which it will be impossible to retreat.
    • Conclusion

      Fear of failure is common enough, but overcoming it doesn't take as much effort as it seems. If you conduct a deep introspection and come to terms with the idea that no one can be perfect, the problems of fear and mistakes will fade into the background. If the independent struggle was not successful, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. Otherwise, the phobia can develop into serious mental disorders and depression.

      Fear of making a mistake

      When my son went to first grade, we faced such fear as “fear of making a mistake”. When this topic first arose - “I'm afraid to answer in class, the guys will laugh” - I decided to move in two directions, firstly, to show my son that there is no reason to be afraid, and secondly, to develop a positive attitude towards answers in the lessons and to mistakes. And we had this conversation:

      - When you play at recess and in the extended day group, do you laugh?

      - Tell me, in what situations do you laugh when you play?

      - Does someone say something funny, funny, or flop, or do something wrong?

      “And it was like it was you?”

      - Well, yes, of course, how many times! - smiles.

      - And did you also laugh in this situation or did you stop playing?

      - Of course, I laughed, it's more interesting to play than to sit on the sidelines.

      - And you are not afraid that they will laugh at you in the game?

      - Yes, no ... (and then he thinks and looks at me with a smile), - I understand, mom, it’s the same in the lessons, right?

      - So, when they laugh, it’s not scary, and you will already be a brave, brave boy at the lessons.

      “But what if I still make a mistake - it’s not good, after all.”

      Let's see what's wrong? How do you think? Can you explain to me?

      - A mistake is when something is said wrong, wrong.

      - Why would it be an error? Think, take your time.

      - Because I forgot something, well, or, in a hurry (smiles) - he is very mobile.

      - So? ... - I pause for him to finish his conclusion.

      - So, you need to learn better and not rush! the son says happily.

      - Well done, and if you still made a mistake, what will you need to do? Here you write a test, the teacher checks it, corrects mistakes. And in the next lesson you do the work...

      “Work on the bugs,” he nods his head.

      - To remember how to solve the example correctly next time.

      - Well done, so, having made a mistake, you need to understand what you did wrong and correct it. Correctly?

      - Yes. This is cool! Now I'm not scared at all! Mom, you are magical!

      After this dialogue, when I saw that my son had some difficulties or made mistakes, it was enough to remind him and ask the question: “What should you do now, so that it would be different next time?”. And then she always praised him: “You did well, you did it” - and the result came faster each time. Now he is 16 years old. And the issue of fear of making mistakes is a thing of the past. Now he is already asking himself this control question. And I am sure that this ability to cope with difficult situations will come in handy more than once in his life.

      Many social fears arise from misunderstanding, from ignorance. From the fact that once acquired negative experience was not explained and translated into positive.

      Today, practicing at a distance, I understand that many exercises are aimed precisely at creating a positive experience, and therefore as a preventive measure for the emergence of certain fears. In parallel, I teach these exercises to my children.

      Conclusion: Doing distance exercises is useful - it forms a positive perception, confidence and the ability to quickly find a solution in various situations. And, therefore, reduces the risk of all kinds of fears.

      The fear of making mistakes is scientifically called atychiphobia. This is one of the most common phobias in the modern world. In psychology, it is customary to attribute the fear of making a mistake to the social class of fears, since the fear of making a mistake is born and changes under the influence of society.

      A person who is overcome by the fear of making a mistake may completely abandon the attempt to do something, as he will consider it unsuccessful in advance. In turn, a person who is afraid to make a mistake will gradually go down the social ladder, since self-improvement and career growth scare her.

      Some people have that kind of fear of failure that they don’t even want to think about the possibility of trying something and starting some kind of business. Such a stereotyped form of thinking, as it seems to a person, protects him from mistakes. In fact, it prevents any movement in his life.

      Fear of failure can also arise when an activity is evaluated only by its effectiveness, without taking into account the person's own rhythms and qualities. As a result of such a one-sided assessment, a certain label is assigned to the activity - failed or achieved success. There is nothing in between these two labels.

    • Connection with childhood fear, when in childhood the child was severely punished for any mistakes.
    • The impossibility of making mistakes in a team, ridiculing any mistake - most often the inability to overcome fear originates in a team of teenagers, at school or college.
    • Many fears are also driven by social fears imposed by the environment - a person begins to fear that if he is worse than the others, he will be rejected.
  • Immobility - in order not to do something wrong, a person decides to do absolutely nothing and not strive for anything.
  • Perfectionism is the desire to be the best in everything and always hold leadership positions, the desire to work only in the area in which a person is completely confident.
  • Physical symptoms of the disease

    Fear of failure is not only a mental manifestation. This pathology is also characterized by a number of physical conditions of a person. There is a rapid heartbeat, for example, when a person seems to be approaching the collapse of his affairs. Possible pain in the heart.

    There is increased sweating, chills, a feeling of heat or cold. In some cases, hallucinations are possible, more often - auditory.

    How to get rid of a phobia

  • Do not be afraid to remember the moments when fear first manifested itself. It is necessary to analyze the reasons why this or that case did not take place. Even if the cause was inattention or another personal factor, you should not place too much responsibility on yourself.
  • The cause of the pathology may be constant ignorance or uncertainty. To avoid this, you should have a solid theoretical base before starting any business. Then the possible risks will be significantly reduced.
  • Finally, believe that failures happen to absolutely everyone. But the most rational thing is to use them as a springboard for further start and self-improvement.
  • Psychologists use the methods of analysis and introspection to treat such fear, leaving the patient with a thorough examination of the reasons why he considers any enterprise a failure.

    Fear of error

    Fear of error appears in a person in two moments: when he has too strong an internal attitude only to success, and when there are prohibitions or punitive sanctions in case of an error (reduction of salary or bonus, dismissal, etc.). Strange as it may seem at first glance, a person experiences the most severe stress in the first case, when he strives to be only successful and successful.

    Fear of error "blocks" the creative abilities of a person. He experiences internal stiffness and tension, he has increased self-control and an overly rigid “monitoring system” for his own actions. As a result, despite the fact that a person strives with all his might to be successful, he himself reduces his potential by constantly “holding himself by the tail”.

    Success may also not be achieved due to the fact that, being afraid of making a mistake, a person tries not to risk anywhere and in anything, showing over-caution and over-anxiety.

    Success can “run away” like a horizon from such a person also because, having painfully experienced failure and experiencing an acute fear of making a second mistake, he does not try to try again. And, as you know, success is adjacent to courage, perseverance, perseverance and patience of repeated, many years of repetition of efforts aimed at achieving the goal.

    And the last. The fear of making a mistake makes a person avoid everything new, "untested" and, in a certain sense, makes him too conservative. A person in every possible way avoids changes and even the slightest instability, so he can fall into a panic state even with the smallest “movements”.

    Finally, the fear of making a mistake gradually turns into a fear of life in general. A person builds defenses and barriers everywhere and everywhere, and even where there is no objective need for this. The house of such a person is a fortress, protected by an iron door with many locks and an answering machine on the phone. The face of such a person is an impenetrable mask, and the movements are verified and are always “under control”. He rarely laughs because laughter is spontaneity and "wrongness". He speaks logically and in the form of "written speech", in which all nouns and verbs are in their "correct" place. He reads a lot of medical and psychological literature and strictly follows the advice of doctors and psychologists. In general, he wants to live correctly, without mistakes, and he demands this from other people.

    I want to say only one thing: "Fear is not compatible with a full life." I would like to repeat the well-known proverbs: "Fear is a bad adviser" and "The one who does nothing is not mistaken."

    In fact, the art of life is in balancing and finding a balance between incompatible things. Namely, it is necessary to always find a balance between the desire for novelty and reasonable risk - and caution, knowledge of the possible danger.

    Fear of mistakes

    Fear of making a mistake is the main obstacle to taking action. However, if we decompose it into components, we get 3 components:

    Fear of looking stupid

    Fear of wasting time

    Fear of getting hit on self-esteem and losing self-confidence.

    Because of the fear of making a mistake, we deprive ourselves of a lot: communication, opportunities, new experiences. Overcoming fear will allow us to begin to live life to the fullest and enjoy it, making mistakes and learning from them.

    Where does fear come from?

    This fear is formed from early childhood. It is especially pronounced in people whose parents were too anxious and did not allow the child to act independently. Another parenting option that creates this fear is “parents know best.” Too authoritarian parenting and overprotectiveness inevitably lead to the formation of a fear of making a mistake. The school environment exacerbates the situation. Unfortunately, mistakes are often ridiculed in schools, especially by students, but sometimes by teachers as well. The child experiences a bunch of negative feelings, which in the future makes him inactive under the influence of fear of making a mistake, rather than trying to do something.

    How to get rid of fear?

    1. Remember the phrase: "Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken." One way or another, we will make mistakes - this is an integral part of human activity. In addition, a mistake is a way to gain new experience and new knowledge. How can you know what is right if you don't know what is wrong?

    2. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Get rid of ossified beliefs that you can’t make mistakes.

    3. When you make a mistake, analyze it. You will understand that thanks to her you have learned something. Not everything works out the first time. All great discoveries are made by trial and error.

    4. If you make a mistake, do not blame others for it - take responsibility for yourself.

    5. Do not criticize the mistakes of others, let them make mistakes too.

    Where does the fear of mistakes and failures come from? From childhood. It was in childhood that we were taught that a mistake is very bad, it is something terrible and irreparable, and many of us were ridiculed more than once even for minor mistakes. The fear of failure is the fear of being rejected, the fear of being alone in the face of danger, the fear of death.

    What else can cause the emergence and development of fear that we will not succeed?

    Usually this is a continuation of the excessive demands on us by our parents. As a result, we see everything only in black or only in white, we do not recognize any intermediate shades. Either a genius or a loser - there is no middle ground. Being a genius means being on the crest of a wave. Failure is tantamount to death. Sink or swim. Sheer extremes. But to live all the time on the rise, at the limit of strength is simply impossible. We are not action heroes, and if we set ourselves such a pace, then sooner or later we will break.

    Output: accept your imperfections and allow yourself to make mistakes.

    2. Underestimating your capabilities

    This may be the result of inadequate self-esteem, formed in our childhood, when we blindly believe the opinion of our parents and other significant adults about us. Why do children develop low self-esteem? This is the result of both insufficient parental care and overprotection. Overprotection is perhaps even more dangerous, because as a result, we develop the so-called learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is when we are used to the fact that everyone is doing for us, either trying not to strain, or not trusting. As a result, we do not study, we do not get experience appropriate to our age, we are generally afraid to do something because of the fear of doing it poorly or not knowing how to approach the task. Learned helplessness can be formed in another way. For example, when negative feedback, or, in other words, non-constructive criticism, significantly outweighs positive feedback, when our actions are approved and we are praised. In this case, we are sure in advance that even now we will not succeed, no matter how hard we try, since the previous 999 times all our efforts have gone to waste. And as a result, we give up and stop making any attempts to improve our own condition.

    Output only one: do, do and do. Trying, failing and starting over - until it works. And constantly analyze: what turned out the way we wanted, and no refinement is needed; what turned out not entirely successful and requires adjustment (be sure to immediately think over which one); which turned out badly. In the latter case, a thorough analysis is needed: what exactly our decisions and actions led us to the wrong place, what should be changed in these thoughts and actions of ours, what to learn and what to do in order to get the result we expect. And one more very important point: all emotions for this period must be turned off so that they do not distract and lead astray, especially since there will definitely be people who will condemn us, laugh at us or devalue our work. The turn of emotions and reactions to the actions of others will come later, when the deed is done. Then it will be possible to rejoice, and grieve, and everything else. And until the job is done, you need to leave only logical thinking: what works and why, what does not work and why, then what to do to change it. The only exception: if we suddenly hear constructive criticism that can help us get closer to the goal, then we react to it and actively use it in our own interests. Our task is to focus as much as possible on what brings us closer to the desired goal, and ignore or brush aside everything that interferes with this.

    3. Exaggerate the complexity of the task

    Fear, as they say, has big eyes. The cure for this is drawing up a detailed plan to achieve the goal. That goal, which at first seems to us so huge and unattainable that we immediately lose heart and give up, suddenly becomes quite visible and feasible when we break the movement towards it into small steps. Steps that we are definitely able to take, often without even putting in much effort. The main thing is how to think over the route. For example, conquering Everest seems absolutely impossible, but climbing a mountain of 100 or at least 50 meters is quite real.

    Output: reverse planning method. We set ourselves an end goal that we want to achieve in the future, and then we move from the desired future to the real present, all the while asking ourselves the question: “What do I need to do to get it?” Let's take the example of conquering Everest, because in a sense, any of our goals is the Everest that we want to conquer. What do you need to do to conquer Everest? You need to gain experience climbing to lower heights. What needs to be done to gain the experience of climbing to lower heights? You need to become more resilient and acquire the necessary equipment. What do you need to do to become more resilient? You need to enroll in a club that trains future climbers, and do your physical training there. What do you need to do to get equipment? Get information about what you need, find the right store and make a purchase. So we have already come from the top of Everest to the present and we can take the first real steps - sign up for a club and find out what equipment a novice climber needs.

    4. Self-intimidation

    We are masters at intimidating ourselves, we imagine the horrors that will happen not only in the event of our defeat, but also with the slightest mistake.

    Output: First, let's ask ourselves the question: "What is the worst thing that can happen to us if this happens?" And secondly, we will use the amplification method (translated from Latin - “expansion, amplification, enrichment”). That is, let's give free rein to our imagination and come up with nightmarish and tragic scenarios. It is necessary to bring the frightening situation to the point of absurdity. You can create many horror stories and even arrange a competition for the scariest one. So we will live all these fears and pass through ourselves. And at the same time, we will feel in the process of composing and living that even a billionth part of what we fantasized and what we so diligently intimidated ourselves with will not happen to us.

    Three Exercises to Overcome Fear of Failure

    1. Change your attitude towards mistakes

    There is an effective way to safely survive those disappointments and defeats that await us on the way to the goal. How do we deal with our mistakes? Usually as a catastrophe on a universal scale, as something that no one can ever, under any circumstances, fix. But if we change the point of view on our mistakes and begin to perceive them simply as information that we have found the wrong solution, if we perceive our mistakes as a way to gain life experience, then there will simply be nothing to be upset about. There is no catastrophe and tragedy, there is just feedback, there is simply information that we have gone the wrong way and we need to choose another one. Perhaps one of the most striking and famous examples of this kind of thinking is Thomas Edison, who conducted 10,000 unsuccessful experiments before inventing the electric light bulb. It was he who said, “I have never failed. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work."

    2. Replace words

    In your thoughts about the future, replace the word "but" with the words "even if." For example, you usually think like this: "I want to become a brilliant speaker and be confident in public, but I'm afraid that at first everyone will laugh at me." Change the negative statement to a positive one: “I will become a brilliant speaker and I will be confident in public, even if everyone laughs at me at first.” Such a seemingly trifle - replacing one word with another, but what an effect, what an action! We immediately feel how the shoulders straighten and the back straightens, how the breathing becomes more even and deep, and the gait becomes firm and confident. We grow up in our own eyes and begin to treat ourselves with respect. As a result, people around us begin to treat us with respect. So it turns out that by changing one word to another, we actually change our own lives.

    3. Stop avoiding

    If we are afraid of something (for example, failure in a new business), then we often begin to avoid it - something that can be unpleasant or hurt. Avoidance becomes our way of protecting ourselves from failure. The trouble is that the area of ​​avoidance will expand indefinitely, until we become afraid of absolutely everything. Life will turn into continuous limitations, and can it be called life? Therefore, it is worth thinking not in the style of “What will we not lose if we don’t do it?”, But in the style of “What will we gain if we do it?”. In other words, it is worth replacing the movement away from something (that is, the avoidance of something) with the movement towards something.


    The fear of making a mistake is based on the fear of death, excessive demands on oneself, underestimation of one's capabilities (due to hyper- or hypo-custody), exaggeration of the complexity of the task, inability to competently plan the achievement of goals, and self-intimidation.

    The following exercises will help you cope with the fear of failure.

    1. When doing something, do not give up at the first failure and do not quit what you started. Redo it if it didn't work right away, or do it somehow differently. The main thing is to do, do and do. Trying, failing and starting over. Until it works.

    2. If the task before you is difficult, draw up a detailed plan of your actions. Well, or use the technique of reverse planning.

    3. If you're used to bullying yourself when something starts to go wrong, then ask yourself the question: "What's the worst thing that could happen if it happens?" Use the method of amplification, that is, exaggeration, and bring the situation that frightens you to the point of absurdity. Then she will stop scaring you.

    4. If you perceive any of your mistakes as a catastrophe of a universal scale, repeat the following to yourself every time: “There is no tragedy and catastrophe in the fact that I made a mistake. There is only feedback, information that I went the wrong way and I need to choose another one.

    5. Replace the word “but” with the words “even if” in your thoughts.

    6. Replace "from" thinking with "to" thinking. Or, in other words, instead of asking, “What am I not missing out on if I don’t do this?” mentally ask yourself the question “What will I gain if I do this?”.

    You can do the exercises in any order, depending on the situation and your mood.


    But what if you are afraid of ... success? Have there been situations in your life when, a couple of steps before the result, something happened to you (“as if you were jinxed”) and in the end you did not achieve anything? Or instead of the necessary actions, they were doing something unnecessary? Or stupidly sat on the Internet instead of work? Or made gross mistakes, were rude to the boss, fell ill at a crucial moment? Or they thought in advance: “I won’t succeed anyway!” - and did not even begin to realize your dream? Or "left the game", having lost interest, at the first achievements?

    Translation: Balezin Dmitry

    One of the main obstacles that prevents a person from taking action is the fear of making a mistake. If you think about it, you will realize that this fear is actually a collection of other fears:

    fear of appearing stupid in the face of other people; fear of losing time and resources; fear of exposing one's self-confidence to a blow;

    … and all these fears are packed into one – fear of making a mistake.

    So how do you overcome this fear?

    It is necessary to get rid of the stigma of fear such an event as a mistake. How? Very simple.

    Accept once and for all the UNDISPUTABLE, STONE HARD, ONE MILLION PERCENT TRUE FACT that in your life you WILL BE MISTAKEN.

    You will make them, period.
    Feel how a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.
    Feel how much easier it is now to move forward with this belief.
    Realize, too, that making mistakes is natural.

    You are not a perfect person, therefore, it is quite reasonable to assume that the actions of an imperfect person will also be imperfect. Therefore, there is no need to make a big event out of a common mistake. It's not about mistakes...

    It's all about BUG FIXING.

    Through mistakes, you can see your next move. That is what they were created for. If you are afraid of mistakes, you will not be able to understand what you need to do to get to your desired goal.

    Someone may object: “They say that anyone can cope with a mistake in the technical side of things, no one is afraid of them. And what about the social side?

    How about the fear of appearing ridiculous in the eyes of other people, at the moment of making a mistake? How to overcome it?

    This will help my love Theodore Roosevelt quote:

    “It doesn't matter what the critics are, nor those who point out how wrong a strong person is, nor those who point out where the doer of things could have done something better. Praise goes to the one who was in business; the one whose face is stained with dust, sweat and blood; one who passionately strives for something; the one who makes mistakes again and again, because there is no effort without mistakes; to someone who has nevertheless experienced great enthusiasm and great dedication; one who has dedicated himself to a worthy goal; to him who, at the best outcome, will experience triumph by a great achievement, and at the worst, defeat by a daring attempt. The place of this person will never be next to those cold and timid little souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

    Further reasoning on this quote, you will understand that it is the people who make mistakes who end up inevitably growing and learning. When moving towards the goal, they will stumble more than once, but they will learn to adapt to the new situation. At a certain point, this series of mistakes will turn into that baggage for them, which will help them very well in the event of a storm.

    Those who do not make mistakes will suffer greatly from such a storm, for no other reason than that they will not develop "adaptation muscles" ... they will have a much harder time.

    Dear readers, today we will talk about such a phenomenon as the fear of error. Consider what signs indicate its presence. Let's find out for what reasons it can occur, and how to deal with it.


    Fear of making a mistake begins to form in childhood. From there it takes its origins, like most phobias. So everything can be to blame:

    • criticism from parents over poorly done homework, ugly handwriting, unsuccessful paintings or crafts;
    • receiving severe punishment for misconduct;
    • lack of approval if you want to do something new;
    • publicly experienced failure;
    • making fun of the mistakes made in the team of children;
    • the school assessment system provokes the child to be afraid of making a mistake and getting a bad mark. Interestingly, more often it is the C students who achieve great success in life, thanks to the fact that they are used to failures, and the A students are so worried all the time because of a possible mistake in their actions, remain indecisive.

    Parents, by their actions, unconsciously lay in the subconscious mind of the little one the fear of possible failures, failures. That is why a matured person is afraid to take on something where there is no guarantee of success. With their thoughtless words, parents can achieve a neglected state in which the child will develop an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

    Characteristic features

    The fear of making a mistake is completely justified when faced with something previously unknown. And, if, in spite of everything, we step over ourselves and move on, then this is normal. If fear binds us, then we stand still, while earning stress and nervous shocks.

    A person may not notice that he has a similar phobia. The following signs may indicate that the fear of error has already conquered you:

    • avoidance of tasks with which he had not dealt before;
    • the presence of unfinished business;
    • the desire to do only what is good at;
    • fear of participation in social events, fear of failure;
    • self-sabotage;
    • lack of desire to strive to make new achievements;
    • self-doubt;
    • desire to be the best.

    Before performing some action, which may be followed by an error, in addition to psychological manifestations, physiological ones can also be observed:

    • tachycardia;
    • pain in the region of the heart;
    • labored breathing;
    • burning sensation in the chest;
    • nausea;
    • shortness of breath;
    • muscle spasms;
    • possible diarrhea;
    • there is stiffness or, conversely, increased excitability;
    • throws it into the cold, then into the heat, chills are possible;
    • the appearance of hallucinations, in particular auditory ones, is not excluded.

    How to overcome

    “I’m afraid to make a mistake and don’t know what to do” - if this is about you, then the following tips will be useful.

    1. Try to understand the reason for your fear, analyze this situation.
    2. Learn to say “no” if you know you won’t be able to complete the task at hand.
    3. Be calm about possible losses in case of failure. Evaluate possible risks in advance, be prepared for them.
    4. Have a backup plan up your sleeve.
    5. Be decisive, don't be afraid to take action.
    6. Understand that every person in his life faces ups and downs, makes mistakes. It's quite normal.
    7. Mistakes need to be made, we learn from them.
    8. Believe in yourself and your strengths. You can achieve a lot, you just need to try.
    9. If the task at hand seems unbearable to you, do not rush to give up. Gradually you will master it. Nothing is given the first time.
    10. If you are afraid that at work you will be criticized for failure, then seek help from more experienced employees, ask for advice. Rest assured that everyone made mistakes when starting their career path.
    11. Try to achieve success in some business, mistakes in which will not harm your self-esteem. Getting used to failing in that area will make it easier for you to cope with your fear, especially if failures end up with great success.
    12. Do not think that successful and strong people are not afraid of anything. They also experience fear, but not so pronounced. You can also overcome it and become a more sought-after specialist.

    I, like everyone else, am afraid to do something wrong, to run into criticism. In fact, for many years it prevented me from living. I was very responsible in all tasks, doing everything “excellently” to the detriment of my health, because I had to sleep a little so that everything was perfect. Today, thanks to my husband, I have learned to look at life more simply. Now I don’t worry about possible mistakes, I’m not afraid to take on new things, although I get upset when something doesn’t work out. My husband supports me even in moments of failure, does everything so that I continue to believe in my strength, to move forward. Thank him for this. I wish that in the life of every person there is such a treasure nearby.

    How to help a baby

    If your child is afraid of making mistakes, then the following tips will help him cope with his fear.

    1. Play situations in front of the baby in which you will make mistakes. Just don't force it to do so. It is important that the little one understands that everyone can make mistakes.
    2. Correctly respond to the offspring's mistakes. You don’t need to shout at him, but you shouldn’t say that there is nothing wrong with his misdeed, the baby can misunderstand everything. If the little one is worried about making a mistake, praise him for something else.
    3. Explain to the child that making a mistake is preceded by some wrong action.
    4. Focus your child's attention on the fact that mistakes are needed for experience. So he becomes wiser.
    5. Teach your child to analyze the mistakes made.

    I'm afraid to make a mistake, the fear of failure is a natural reaction of a healthy body. However, sometimes it develops into a pathological process. It is important to identify the formation of a phobia in a child in time and begin to fight this fear. Remember that a person with a fear of making mistakes lives very hard in the modern world, there is no opportunity for self-development. He is not able to reach the peaks that he really can do. That is why it is so important to start getting rid of a phobia in time. Do not forget that you can always seek help from a specialist if you cannot solve the problem on your own. A psychologist will help to identify the cause of the development of fear and help overcome the fear that has been formed for many years.