What iq is considered average. Checking your aikyu: ways to check

And so, you passed the test and you have a specific result in points. What will we do? Now you need to decipher these IQ test numbers. To do this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information.

Sum of points up to 50:

You are a calm and balanced person. Perhaps you are on the threshold of discovery. At this stage, you don't know much, but you strive hard for it. You have the potential to develop new knowledge. Although you do not yet know how to apply it, but in the future you will be able to overcome all obstacles and become an independent and active person. We recommend that you read more useful literature. It can be famous classics and unknown science fiction writers. The main thing for you is to find the field of activity you need. Finding yourself in the world is not so easy. But you have already taken the first step. Perhaps the next step will bring you closer to your dream and elevate you much.

The value of the results from 50 to 65:

You are an active person. But at the same time, you are not in too much of a hurry to learn all the delights of secrets. For you, there is nothing that could unsettle you. You are gaining knowledge and could have accumulated more, but there is one “but” that hinders you a little. This is some unwillingness to become higher than you are. But this is already happening to you, since the fact that you are now reading these lines is a confirmation of this truth.

Test results from 65 to 85 points:

You are an inquisitive person. And it's not even that you want to know everything. The fact is that you are constantly in the center of events. Wherever new information appears, you immediately find yourself in that place. You actively seek new and new sources of knowledge. Even during a period of financial instability, you manage to open such information that brings you not so much moral satisfaction as financial. Many of your acquaintances have no idea what potential you hide. And you know that with a little effort, you can become a great person. And who knows, maybe in time they will write poems about you...

The final result from 85 to 115 points:

You are practically a genius. No, there are of course much smarter people, but you don’t have much left before them. Some small steps and you are on top! Everything is easy for you. From childhood, you were distinguished by a high speed of memorization. You were praised by your teachers. And even if you didn't know about it. Then know that it was so. It's just that sometimes you don't notice your superiority and the unique flexibility of your mind. But you have more to strive for. In fact, every person has something to strive for. Even the greatest minds doubted their greatness and constantly evolved. Yes, it was in stages. Yes, it wasn't right away. But you also have plenty of time. Even if you are 95 years old, you have plenty of time to learn new information and discover new facets of the possible and the impossible. Think about it.

The value of the results from 115 to 132 points:

You are practically unique. All your actions are confirmed by a clear understanding of everything that is happening around you. You know everything. What needs to be said where. With whom, how to talk and how to attract people. You are not afraid of change. You are always active and ready to protect your interests at any time. You are not alien to the advice of other, more intelligent and powerful people. You are like a sponge soaking up all the information. It helps you a lot in resolving some issues. You just need a little effort and you are practically the god of reason. Don't stop there. You have many discoveries ahead of you.

(132 is the maximum score in our test!)

Descriptions of values ​​that are on other services.

Test points from 132 to 165:

Well, what can you say to a highly developed person? You have everything as in a song. By itself. You only have to wish, and the river of knowledge fills your brain. But in the avalanche of information flows, one should not forget about the simple and human. About those who are close to you. But you probably already know this. You are like a magnet for the new and the unknown. Like a climber. And each of your conquered peaks is one more step. This is a huge plus for you. But don't stop there. You have great potential.

The sum of points received from 165 to 195:

You were born and at 2-3 years old you spoke easily. You knew a lot. Perhaps this knowledge has been passed down to you through a hereditary line. No one knows how knowledge is transferred to child prodigies. But you are also an ordinary impressionable person. You are even impressed that many people stand far behind you. You do not understand why you know, but others do not know. You can be advised to pay attention to self-development from the other side. That is, if you know a lot in the field of exact sciences, then open the curtain on the humanities. This will help you focus your energy on self-development. You have more to strive for.

Received points from 195 to 235:

Many psychologists say that your mind is like a vessel with valuable content. Whether this is so, we cannot say. We know one thing, that the more you discover for yourself, the more chances you have to join the smartest people. Yes, your knowledge base is so high that sometimes it seems to you that there is simply nothing to strive for. But it's not. You can see the world from the other side. For each person, this reverse side is different. In simple words, the less you know about a topic, the more you need to study it. Don't ever stop for anything.

The value of the test result is from 235 and above:

You are just a genius. And no wonder. That you are often afraid of people. An excellent and flexible mind can both attract and repel. But this does not mean that you have already known everything. You can know the whole world and know nothing. This phrase is for you to think about. Find what you have learned little. It is, and even the fact that you are now reading these lines confirms this. Every moment discover something new or find something new in what you have learned. This can be understood by delving into what you think you have already gone through.

Read everything and it will help you understand the small intricacies of testing. After passing the test, you can leave yours.

Tests to determine the level of IQ are carried out in companies and schools, these two letters are heard by many. But not everyone understands what this indicator means: what it depends on and how it affects learning and career success.

What is IQ?

IQ (intelligence quotient, intelligence quotient) is a quantitative indicator of the level of intelligence in comparison with the level of the average person. The average person is considered to be the same age and development as the one for whom this coefficient is measured. It turns out that IQ does not show the level of intelligence itself, but its compliance or deviation from the norm, i.e. middle level.

Average IQ can be compared to average height. For example, according to research in Kazakhstan, the average height of women is 164.4 cm, men - 177.5 cm. We compare the height of a person with the average and give an assessment: if the height exceeds the average, then we consider the person to be tall, and vice versa. It is important to understand that this average level is not constant, but depends on various factors. With the definition of the IQ level, the situation is approximately the same.

How are IQ tests designed, and what results are considered normal?

There are no uniform standards for developing tests for determining IQ, but all tests are divided into age categories. Therefore, the same IQ for a child and a student does not mean that the student is stupid and the child is smart. After all, they have different age categories of tests.

The authors of the tests also write instructions for them, which explain how to pass them. These instructions are needed to minimize error. The tests include tasks for reasoning, memory, logic, acquired knowledge. The average score is considered equal to 100: tests are designed in such a way that the majority of results correspond to this indicator. The results of the test subjects are then compared with this average result.

It turns out that the average IQ test result is the level of most people. Therefore, the average level of intelligence is just normal. There are deviations from the average in the results, because many reasons can affect this: excitement, fatigue, haste. Only results less than 70 points can be considered a sign of mental retardation. A high level of intelligence with a score above 130 occurs in 2.2% of people - such data are cited by researcher Stuart Ritchie in his book Intelligence: Everything that Matters. At the same time, 68.2% of those tested correspond to the average level.

Source: Intelligence: All that Matters

What determines our level of intelligence?

Intelligence is the ability to learn and solve problems. Intelligence includes human cognitive abilities: sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking, imagination.

Mankind cannot unambiguously say what intelligence depends on. For example, we know for sure that thinking is a function of the brain. It can be assumed that intelligence depends on some characteristics of the brain and nervous system: the volume and relief of the brain, the amount of gray matter, the speed of nerve impulses. Moreover, it is more likely that combinations of different characteristics influence. If we consider each characteristic separately, then it is impossible to reveal its influence on intelligence. For example, the brain size of women is on average smaller than that of men. But on IQ tests, women on average score the same as men. This fact also suggests that intelligence does not depend on biological sex.

Scientists have also not established the influence of race or nationality on intelligence. Ushakov in the book "The Psychology of Intelligence and Giftedness" cites the following data: black orphans raised in foster families with access to better education have higher IQs. It is likely that intelligence in this case was more influenced by social factors than hereditary ones. This is confirmed by studies of twins with an identical set of genes, which Steward Richie cites. While twins are children, their IQ level is approximately equal, and this can be explained by genetics. As children grow older, they begin to create an environment for themselves: someone spends time reading books and other activities, someone wanders around idle. Then, with the same heredity, the level of IQ ceases to be equal. It turns out that with age we have more control over our environment. And the environments we create affect IQ levels.

Other facts speak about the influence of external factors on the intellect. The average IQ is higher in countries with a high standard of living. The quality of food and medical care, the availability of education, crime rates and social attitudes in society can also affect IQ levels.

Surprisingly, the average level of IQ is gradually growing both in the world and in individual countries. This process is called the Flynn effect, after the scientist who collected the data on these changes. The Flynn effect is paradoxical: the average IQ rises every 10 years. For genetic and evolutionary changes, this is too short a period of time. In addition, these data do not allow a strong connection of intelligence with heredity, race, nationality, gender, and brain characteristics. It turns out that people become "smarter" for various reasons, and the level of intelligence does not depend on anything specific.

How has the average intelligence quotient changed over time /

We have tested 3 174 368 Human!

Intelligence quotient (eng. IQ - intelligence quotient) - a quantitative assessment of the level of intelligence of a person: the level of intelligence relative to the level of intelligence of an average person of the same age. It is determined using special tests. IQ tests are designed to assess mental abilities, not the level of knowledge (erudition). The IQ is an attempt to measure the general intelligence factor (Wikipedia).

The IQ test lasts 30 minutes and contains 40 simple questions!

When performing the test, you can not use paper, a calculator, a pen, a cheat sheet, the Internet and friend's tips :)
IQ tests are designed so that the results are described by a normal distribution with an average IQ value of 100 and such a spread that 50% of people have an IQ between 90 and 110 and 25% each below 90 and above 110. The average IQ of American university graduates is 115, excellent students - 135-140. An IQ value of less than 70 often qualifies as mentally retarded.

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IQ test results:

IQ test results of famous people

Name Profession Origin IQ
Abraham LincolnThe presidentUSAI.Q. 128
Adolf HitlerNazi leaderGermanyIQ 141
Al GorePoliticianUSAIQ 134
Albert EinsteinPhysicistUSAIQ 160
Albrecht von HallerScientistSwitzerlandIQ 190
Alexander PopePoetEnglandIQ 180
Andrew J. WilesMathematicianEnglandIQ 170
Andrew JacksonThe presidentUSAIQ 123
Andy WarholSculptor, painterUSAIQ 86
Anthony van DyckArtistHollandIQ 155
Antoine ArnauldTheologianFranceIQ 190
Arne BeurlingMathematicianSwedenIQ 180
Arnold SchwarzeneggerActor / PoliticianAustriaIQ 135
Baruch SpinozaPhilosopherHollandIQ 175
Benjamin FranklinWriter, Scientist, PoliticianUSAIQ 160
Benjamin NetanyahuPrime MinisterIsraelIQ 180
Bill GatesMicrosoft founderUSAIQ 160
Bill (William) Jefferson ClintonThe presidentUSAIQ 137
Blaise PascalMathematician, PhilosopherFranceIQ 195
Bobby Fischerchess playerUSAIQ 187
Buonarroti MichelangeloPoet, architectItalyIQ 180
Carl von LinnBotanistSwedenIQ 165
Charles DarwinScientistEnglandIQ 165
Charles DickensWriterEnglandIQ 180
Christopher Michael LanganScientist, PhilosopherUSAIQ 195
Clive SinclairScientistEnglandIQ 159
David HumePhilosopher, PoliticianScotlandIQ 180
Dr David LivingstoneDoctorScotlandIQ 170
Donald Byrnechess playerIrelandIQ 170
Emanuel SwedenborgScientist, PhilosopherSwedenIQ 205
Francis GaltonScientist, dloctorEnglandIQ 200
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von SchellingPhilosopherGermanyIQ 190
Galileo GalileiPhysicist, astronomer, philosopherItalyIQ 185
Geena (Virginia) Elizabeth DavisActressUSAIQ 140
Georg Friedrich HandelComposerGermanyIQ 170
George Wilhelm Friedrich HegelPhilosopherGermanyIQ 165
George BerkeleyPhilosopherIrelandIQ 190
George H. ChoueiriChief A.C.ELibyaIQ 195
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)WriterEnglandIQ 160
George Sand (Amantinr Aurore Lucile Dupin)WriterFranceIQ 150
George Walker BushThe presidentUSAIQ 125
George WashingtonThe presidentUSAIQ 118
Gottfried Wilhelm von LeibnizScientist, lawyerGermanyIQ 205
Hans Dolph LundgrenActorSwedenIQ 160
Hans Christian AndersenWriter, poetDenmarkIQ 145
Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonPoliticianUSAIQ 140
Hjalmar Horace Greeley SchachtReichsbank PresidentGermanyIQ 143
Honore de Balzac (Honore Balzac)WriterFranceIQ 155
Hugo GrotiuslawyerHollandIQ 200
Hypatia of AlexandriaPhilosopher, MathematicianAlexandriaIQ 170
Immanuel KantPhilosopherGermanyIQ 175
Isaac NewtonScientistEnglandIQ 190
Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn BartholdyComposerGermanyIQ 165
James CookopenerEnglandIQ 160
James WattPhysicist, engineerScotlandIQ 165
James WoodsActorUSAIQ 180
Jayne Mansfield-- USAIQ 149
Jean M AuelWriterCanadaIQ 140
Jodie FosterActorUSAIQ 132
Johann Sebastian BachComposerGermanyIQ 165
Johann StraussComposerGermanyIQ 170
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-- GermanyIQ 210
Johannes KeplerMathematician, Physicist, AstronomerGermanyIQ 175
John AdamsThe presidentUSAIQ 137
John F Kennedyex-presidentUSAIQ 117
John H. SununuWar commanderUSAIQ 180
John Quincy AdamsThe presidentUSAIQ 153
John Stuart MillGeniusEnglandIQ 200
John LockePhilosopherEnglandIQ 165
Jola SigmondTeacherSwedenIQ 161
Jonathan SwiftWriter, theologianEnglandIQ 155
Joseph HaydnComposerAustriaIQ 160
Joseph Louis LagrangeMathematician, astronomerItaly / FranceIQ 185
Judith Polandchess playerHungaryIQ 170
Kim Ung-Yong-- KoreaIQ 200
Kimovitch Garry Kasparovchess playerRussiaIQ 190
Leonardo da VinciGeniusItalyIQ 220
Lord Byronpoet, writerEnglandIQ 180
Louis Napoleon BonaparteEmperorFranceIQ 145
Ludwig van BeethovenComposerGermanyIQ 165
Ludwig WittgensteinPhilosopherAustriaIQ 190
Madame de StaelPhilosopherFranceIQ 180
MadonnaSingerUSAIQ 140
Marilyn vos SavantWriterUSAIQ 186
Martin LutherPhilosopherGermanyIQ 170
Miguel de CervantesWriterSpainIQ 155
Nicolaus CopernicusastronomerPolandIQ 160
Nicole KidmanActorUSAIQ 132
Paul AllenOne of the founders of MicrosoftUSAIQ 160
Philip EmeagwaliMathematicianNigerIQ 190
Phillip MelanchthontheologianGermanyIQ 190
PierreSimon de Laplaceastronomer, mathematicianFranceIQ 190
PlatoPhilosopherGreeceIQ 170
Ralph Waldo EmersonWriterUSAIQ 155
RaphaelSculptor, painterItalyIQ 170
Rembrandt van RijnSculptor, painterHollandIQ 155
Ren DescartesMathematician, PhilosopherFranceIQ 185
Richard Nixonex-presidentUSAIQ 143
Richard WagnerComposerGermanyIQ 170
Robert Byrnechess playerIrelandIQ 170
RousseauWriterFranceIQ 150
Sarpitheologian, historianItalyIQ 195
ShakiraSingerColombiaIQ 140
Sharon StoneActressUSAIQ 154
Sofia KovalevskayaMathematician, WriterSweden / RussiaIQ 170
Stephen W. HawkingPhysicistEnglandIQ 160
Thomas Chattertonpoet, writerEnglandIQ 180
Thomas JeffersonThe presidentUSAIQ 138
Thomas WolseyPoliticianEnglandIQ 200
Truman Cloak-- -- IQ 165
Ulysses S. GrantThe presidentUSAIQ 110
VoltaireWriterFranceIQ 190
William James Sidis-- USAIQ 200
William PittPoliticianEnglandIQ 190
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartComposerAustriaIQ 165

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Everyone is familiar with the term IQ» and the abbreviation IQ. Also, many people know that the IQ is estimated using special tests.

The founder of the development of special test programs, currently known as the "IQ Test", was the French psychologist Alfred Binet. The test very quickly gained popularity in different countries. It began to be used to determine the level of IQ not only in children, but also in military personnel. More than 2 million people have been tested. Later, the level of aikyu began to be determined by students and employees of private companies.

The IQ level allows you to determine the speed of thought processes, and not the ability of a person to think. In this regard, the use of tests today has lost its relevance.

To solve problems, you need a well-developed ability to concentrate, the ability to highlight the main thing, a developed memory, a large vocabulary and fluency in spoken language, logical thinking, the ability to manipulate objects, the ability to perform mathematical operations and perseverance. As you can see, these are more psychological characteristics of the personality than mental abilities.

What is an IQ test used for?

Currently, the test is the only way to determine the level of a person's intelligence.

There are two ways to define intelligence. The first is intended for children 10-12 years old, with the help of the second, the development of children from 12 years old and adults is assessed. They differ in the level of complexity, but the principle of use is the same.

Each test has different tasks. To earn 100-120 points, which make up the average IQ, you do not need to strive to complete all the tasks. Half of the proposed tasks are sufficient. You have 30 minutes to complete the task. The most reliable result for a person is 100-130 points.

Aikyu level of a normal person - what is considered good

The level of intelligence in the range of 100-120 points, which is half of the correctly completed tasks, is considered the norm. The person who completes all tasks receives 200 points.

Also, this test helps to determine a number of psychological characteristics: attention, thinking, memory. By identifying shortcomings in abilities, one can help in their development and increase the aikyu index.

What determines the level of IQ

Psychologists are trying to establish the dependence of the level of intelligence on heredity, physiological data, gender or race. Several lines of research are being developed.

In the 19th century, scientists conducted a series of experiments to establish the dependence of the level of intelligence on physiological data and gender. They showed no connection. Other scientists have repeatedly stated that intelligence directly depends on the race of a person. These studies also found no relationship.

A number of researchers associate mental abilities with musical tastes. Music affects the emotional sphere. British scientists have found that the IQ is higher in people who prefer classical music, hard rock and metal. The minimum level of IQ, in their opinion, is among hip-hop and R'N'B fans.

What needs to be done to increase the aikyu coefficient

Increasing your IQ quotient requires constant training and brain development. Logic tasks and intellectual games, chess, crossword puzzles and poker are considered one of the effective ways. They help improve memory and increase concentration. Exact sciences develop analytical thinking. Mental development is influenced by reading fiction and learning foreign languages.

How much IQ does a normal person have

The average level of intellectual development is 100-120 points. However, scientists have long proposed to determine the level of IQ, taking into account chronological age. The test does not show the degree of erudition of the individual, but evaluates general indicators. Tests are designed to distribute results with an average score. The test indicates the direction in which a person should develop. An IQ level of 90-120 is considered good. However, it should be remembered that the results of the initial testing will be the most correct, further the data will be distorted.

Human intelligence is very difficult to define, it is almost impossible to measure. The accumulation of knowledge, abilities and skills occurs throughout a person's life.

The basis of intelligence is made up of several determining factors, genetics, environment, environment are important. Scientists have established a direct dependence of mental development on genes. The percentage of influence can range from 40 to 80 percent.

The development of the brain affects the level of intelligence and the aikyu index. The more developed a person's frontal lobes, which are responsible for thought processes, the higher the level of IQ.

Scientists pay special attention to the development of children in the first years of life and upbringing. The level of mental development was associated with the birth order of children in the family. For a long time it was believed that the first-born had a higher level of aikyu. Compared to younger children. Recent studies have shown that the birth order of children determines the developmental potential, the ability to reason and think, and as a result determine the level of development of the intellect. On average, first-born babies are age-appropriate on tests, but score a few points higher than younger siblings.

The development of mental abilities is influenced by the state of health. It is normal for a person to follow good habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. This allows you to keep your brain active. Scientists have proven that among people with a high level of intelligence, there are fewer patients with chronic diseases, their life expectancy is higher.

Aikyu scale level table by points

If the IQ test results are:

  • 1-24 - profound mental retardation;
  • 25-39 - severe mental retardation;
  • 40-54 - moderate mental retardation;
  • 55-69 - mild mental retardation;
  • 70-84 - borderline mental retardation;
  • 85-114 - medium;
  • 115-129 - above average;
  • 130-144 - moderately gifted;
  • 145-159 - gifted;
  • 160-179 - exceptionally gifted;
  • 180 and above - deeply gifted.

Criticism of IQ tests

Determining the level of intelligence according to the proposed tests cannot be taken as a basis, since average indicators are taken as units of measurement, which change over time, which means they are not a standard.
Human intelligence depends on many factors, ranging from the time of day to the state of health.

Gender cannot be taken as a basis: among men and women there are people with both high and low IQ levels.

Good day to all! In the process of self-development, it sometimes becomes interesting to learn more about your capabilities and features. IQ tests just help to determine what is well developed and what should be paid more attention to. And today we will just talk about what it is like, aikyu of a normal person, because sometimes a high result does not indicate that life is beautiful and easy.

iq definition

The iq level indicates which areas of thinking a person predominates, and not the level of his erudition. Therefore, when achieving success, the most important thing is motivation and internal resources, on which it becomes possible to rely on stressful and adverse situations. Usually the IQ depends on heredity. But if you practice regularly, it can be significantly increased. It is believed that the peak of the best indicator is 26 years of age, then the level gradually decreases, especially if a person does not keep himself in good shape. Therefore, it is very important to read books, solve problems and not give up in the face of difficulties, arranging a brainstorm for creative solutions.

The best way to check it is the Eysenck test, but keep in mind that it is the first result that will be true. Therefore, you should not chase a high indicator, and constantly double-check yourself. Also quite reliable are the tests of Cattell, Raven, Wexler and Amthauer.

Deciphering the values

  • From 130 and above - this is the largest indicator, and such people can be called geniuses. But, unfortunately, there is also the other side of genius. Such a person, for example, can easily perform complex mathematical calculations in a matter of seconds, but at the same time does not know how to determine his desires, or simply cook food. There are only 2% of people in the world with this level of intelligence, including Nicole Kidman and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • From 111 to 130 - above average. Such people have the highest score in all subjects at the University, easily master the material and achieve success in science, medicine, politics, business... Sometimes they themselves are surprised at how much energy and interest in knowledge they have. They are indefatigable and never stop growing.
  • From 91 to 110 - and there is an average level that a quarter of the world's population has.
  • From 81 to 90 - below average, if they are not engaged in self-development, then they do not achieve any colossal successes, occupying the niche of an employee who does not stand out for his abilities and achievements.
  • From 75 to 80 - an indicator of mental retardation in a mild degree. They are able to learn and work on a par with other people who have higher aikyu.
  • From 51 to 74 - they study in specialized institutions, but are full members of society, are responsible for their actions and are able to take care of themselves.
  • From 21 to 50 - dementia, usually under care, but able to take care of themselves.
  • From 0 to 20 - only 0.2% in the world, they are not capable of either learning or independence. They have no idea what this world is like, what they are, all attention is directed deep into themselves.


I hope you were able to find the answer to the question of what is the level of aikyu and what indicator is normal, and no matter what results you get, remember that it is important to always be in good shape. I recommend reading my article on why to read books,