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Kim Kardashian belongs to the category of celebrities who are called "socialites". These are representatives of bohemians, well-known faces in the world of show business, who do not stand out in any way creatively. Scandals, experiments with appearance, defiant and arrogant behavior - these are their methods of gaining popularity. For this, many do not like socialites, and Kim is no exception. At the same time, she has a lot of admirers and admirers. Many strive to follow the life of the powerful of this world, trying in this way to touch luxury. Girls all over the world choose their idols from among the “socialites.

Basic information

Kimberly Noel Kardashian-West is a well-known American media personality, star of television shows, fashion model, designer, and businesswoman. She was noted for her participation in various areas of American show business, including television, film and music. Kim was born on October 21, 1980 in the city of Los Angeles in the capital of California, in a wealthy family.

Origin. Parents.

The name of the star causes many residents of Russia and the post-Soviet space to associate with the fraternal people of Armenia. Kim is connected with this Caucasian country by the distant roots of the family from which her father came. The Kardashians moved to the United States of America at the end of the 19th century, when the territory of Armenia was an example of territorial disagreements between Russia and Turkey (Ottoman Empire), so the Armenian ancestors of the American star experienced both Russian and Turkish influence. In 2015, for the first time at the age of 35, Kimberly visited her historical homeland in Yerevan.

Kimberly's father, Robert Kardashian, is a native of Los Angeles and comes from a wealthy canning family. Robert decided to become a lawyer. He is a doctor of jurisprudence. He received his education and degree in San Diego. Known as an entrepreneur and lawyer. He made a name for himself in the legal profession thanks in large part to the popular Simpson Case. Mother - Chris Jenner, nee Houten, comes from a family with Dutch-Scottish roots. Gained fame as a TV producer and socialite.


Robert Kardashian and Chris Houtan got married in 1978. The couple had four children: three daughters and a son. Kimberly became the second child. Has an older sister, Kourtney, and a younger sister, Chloe. Brother Robert was born last.

The marriage of Robert Kardashian Sr. and Kristen lasted until 1991, the couple divorced. In 2003, Kimberly's father passed away from cancer.

The Kardashian family has become one of the most famous and wealthy families in the North American states. All of its representatives "checked in" on American television and are quite successful in business.

Kristen Houten-Kardashian married a second time to an athlete, Olympic champion William Bruce Jenner. After divorcing her in 2015, Bruce changed gender, and today is known as Caitlin.

In her second marriage, Kimberly's mother gave birth to two daughters. In 2007, the head of a large family, Kristen Jenner, and her children from both marriages became the heroes of the television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Childhood and first steps

The life of a large Kardashian family was strikingly different from the life of millions of large families around the world. A decent condition made it possible to raise children as minions, they could not deny themselves anything. The social status was also formed by the social circle of young Kim - her childhood friends were Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

From the first years of life, children were taught that they are “golden youth”. This, of course, affected their character and sense of their own “specialness”, the feeling of being the “rulers” of this world.

Despite a comfortable childhood, Kim began working while still a schoolgirl. Her father at that time was a successful businessman and, among other things, owned the music company Movie Tunes, where the girl took her first steps in her career.

The first scandal and the beginning of a career

Public attention was first drawn to Kimberly Kardashian as a result of a sexual scandal that erupted in 2006. The network got a home video of intimate content featuring Kim and her boyfriend, a fairly popular music artist. The incident turned into a lawsuit against the company, which, it was announced, wanted to distribute the video via DVD. The girl eventually withdrew her application, receiving a compensation of $ 5 million.

The American public was inclined to believe that the distribution of the video and the subsequently inflated scandal was the work of Kardashian herself. In this way, she tried to increase her popularity. So it was or not really - it's hard to say. It is known that stars and representatives of the financial elite often resort to such PR methods.

The same year in the history of the family was marked by the first independent business experience of the Kardashian sisters. On the cusp of starting a media career, they open their first boutique. To date, the family owns several stores.

Television and modeling career

In 2007, a year after the scandal, the girl's career reaches its climax. She begins to appear regularly on American television as a participant in a show initiated by her mother. For four seasons, American viewers followed the life of the "golden family". Kemberly and her sisters have become role models for many young American women.

Modeling career began with spicy photos in the most famous erotic magazine Play Boy. At the same time, representatives of the fashion world pay attention to the girl. She becomes a participant in fashion shows and the face of fashion brands.

In 2008, having already become a favorite of the public, the girl takes part in a dance show. The main producer of the project was family friend Dina Katz. She invited the girl to the project. The show was on a more rated channel, in comparison with "E!", Where they broadcast an epic about her family, and therefore the girl could not miss the opportunity to "light up" again. Together with her partner, champion dancer Mark Ballos, Kim appeared on the screen for three issues, after which the couple dropped out of the project. Kim showed her failure as a dancer.

Music, cinema and other activities

Once in the “stream” and gaining popularity, which was not difficult to do with her connections, Kim decided not to limit herself to a television and modeling career and proved herself as an actress and singer. True, she failed in both fields.

She has appeared on American screens in small roles in several films and TV series. She played Ellie in Beyong the Break (TV series aired in the US in 2006-2009). This role was her first. This was followed by shooting in the comedy Blockbuster Unreal, appearances in episodes of the TV series Crime Scene NY and How I Met Your Mother (episode Benefits). As an actress of the second plan, Kim became a two-time nominee for the Golden Raspberry Award, awarded for the worst acting work.

The singing debut of the star girl dates back to 2010. She released a song, there was talk that a solo album would be released soon, but Kim denied this information. Songs performed by her sounded in American television programs. The musical community was skeptical about the singing impulse of the socialite, calling her the worst singer whose songs have ever been heard on television.

Kim also designs fashion and jewelry. She released a perfume named after her beloved. As a prominent figure in American show business, she was immortalized in wax incarnation in New York's Madame Tussauds.

Appearance. plastic surgery

Kim Kardashian gained great fame largely due to her appearance, her buttocks received special attention among fans. There was talk that such forms could not be natural. This opinion has been confirmed by professional surgeons.

Like many other representatives of the American beau monde, the TV star has repeatedly resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, made Botox injections and was not going to hide it. The girl made her first appearance correction in 2004 at the insistence of her first husband. However, not all rumors about experiments with appearance are confirmed in the words of the socialite herself. For example, she denies having had breast augmentation surgery.

Personal life. Husbands and children

First love - the nephew of the famous singer Michael Jackson. In between marriages, she met with singer Ray Jay, the hero of that very spicy video.

Was married three times.

  • Jamon Thomas - producer (married 2000 - 2004), no children
  • Chris Humphreys - athlete, basketball player, married in 2011, marriage broke up after 2.5 months
  • Kanye West is a musician, rapper and producer. Married from 2014 to the present.

From her third marriage, Kim gave birth to two children, a daughter and a son.

The childhood of the future star was happy and secure. Her father, a successful lawyer of Armenian descent, is the descendants of emigrants who moved to the US back in the 19th century. Perhaps Kim owes her bright appearance to the fact that many bloods are mixed in her veins: Russian, Armenian, Turkish and European on the maternal side.

In childhood

Kim's mother, Kris Jenner, a beauty and socialite, hosted her own TV show on one of the central channels. So the world of cinema and show business from early childhood was familiar to the girl not by hearsay. Moreover, while still at school, Kim began working for one of her father's music advertising firms.

In 1989, the Kardashian family, which at that time already had four children, broke up. The father left for another, but continued to maintain relations with the children. Mother soon also arranged her fate, going down the aisle with a famous athlete.

Bruce Jener already had several children from his first marriage, and soon they had two more joint children. So in total there were nine brothers and sisters in the family.

An interesting fact is that soon after the birth of the last child, Bruce officially announced that he was going to have a sex change operation. It shocked the public and drew intense media attention to the Kardashian family.

However, this was only to the benefit of media parents. Their popularity grew, and with it the fees that they were happy to spend on themselves and their children, who were not denied anything.


The beginning of Kim's career was her appearance on television in the family show "Together with the Kardashians", thanks to which the mother was able to bring all three of her daughters to the first lines of the tabloids. They regularly attended secular parties, where they made new useful acquaintances. The show lasted on the channel for several years, during which the girl managed to make an excellent career.

In 2006, she was at the epicenter of a high-profile scandal, the cause of which was private porn with her participation, which allegedly ended up on the Internet by accident. On the tape was Kim and her boyfriend, musician Ray. J. However, the girl managed to turn this episode in her favor by suing the company involved in the distribution of the video for five million dollars.

But the girl received not only monetary compensation, but also many lucrative offers from glossy men's magazines, and after a few months she showed off half-naked on their covers. Even now, thousands of girls dream of having the same buttocks as Kim Kardashian, to say nothing of men!

Unfortunately, Kim's acting career was not as successful as her modeling career. Yes, she was a recognized star of series and reality shows, but the girl dreamed of serious roles in a big movie. But, having made her debut as a supporting actress in the parody comedy Unreal Blockbuster, Kim received the infamous Golden Raspberry Award for the worst performance.

Then Kim decided to engage in the production of fashionable clothes and underwear. Together with their sisters, they founded their own sexy clothing brand. Then they launched a line of designer jewelry.

The next attempt to conquer the market was the creation of their own fragrance, which was presented in 2010. And the rights to the tanning cream, released by the sisters, were bought by a large network of cosmetic stores Sephora.

In 2010, Kim begins to promote herself as a singer. There were persistent rumors that a full-length solo album is being prepared for release, which will be presented to the public at a big New Year's party in the City of Angels. But in the end, she presented only a video for the song “Jam”, which was immediately criticized, and the failed singer received the title of the worst on reality TV.

However, failures do not prevent Kim from moving forward. Thanks to the millions earned in her modeling career, she can afford new experiments, including the release of a new collection of women's handbags, work in the Dancing with the Stars project and new own shows on the air.

Personal life of Kim Kardashian

There have always been many men in Kardashian's life. Possessing a super-attractive appearance and parental resources from childhood, she began to twist numerous novels from early youth, which eventually led to a loud scandal with porn on the network.

She prefers not to advertise the names of her boyfriends, and if the paparazzi manages to catch her in a piquant situation, she tries not to comment on the pictures.

At the age of 19, Kim marries successful producer Damon Thomas. But four years later, the couple divorced. The versions of the former spouses about the reasons for the collapse of their marriage are fundamentally different. Kim accuses Damon of regular episodes of domestic violence. He is her - in numerous betrayals (which is more like the truth).

Kim's next more or less serious relationship was an alliance with basketball player Reggie Bush, which lasted about two years. Then she was seen in the company of world-famous football star Cristiano Ronaldo (apparently, the girl inherited her love for athletes from her mother).

With Reggie Bush

Kim also entered into a second marriage with an athlete. Her chosen one was the striker of the basketball team Chris Humphreys. More than $10 million was spent on the lavish wedding. But a few months later, the couple filed for divorce, the cause of which was another betrayal of Kim.

With Chris Humphreys

It turned out that the affair with the most successful rapper in the world, Kanye West, began even before Kim's next marriage. But then both of them were not free, and Kim did not believe in the seriousness of the intention of her admirer for a very long time. And only when it turned out that she was pregnant by West did she have to make quick decisions.

With Kanye West

In 2014, shortly after the birth of their joint daughter, Kim and Kanye officially got married. This wedding also became a pompous and large-scale event, which was widely covered in the secular press. Four wedding dresses from leading fashion designers and a whole cortege moved the guests from Paris to Florence, where the celebration took place.

Soon a second child appeared in the family - a son. Let's hope that now the newly-made mother will calm down and become an exemplary wife.

It seems that the marriage with Kanye turned out to be really strong - in January 2018, the famous couple had a third child. The name of the baby was kept a secret for a whole week, but soon the happy parents reported that the girl was named Chicago Noel West.

Kim Kardashian's film career is still on standby, as the woman gives the lion's share of her free time to her beloved husband and three children, the eldest of whom is 5 years old.

Nevertheless, Kardashian has not left the public space at all and, using a well-known name, is trying to solve acute social issues of American citizens. So, shortly after the birth of her youngest daughter, Kim went to a meeting with Donald Trump, where the main topic of discussion was a 63-year-old prisoner.

She spent over 20 years behind bars for drug possession. This is the first conviction in the biography of a woman and immediately the highest measure - a life sentence. A long-standing event did not leave Kardashian indifferent, because the prisoner managed to become a great-grandmother, but is still deprived of the opportunity to spend time with her grandchildren.

Probably, there are still those who do not know who Kim Kardashian is, what she does and thanks to which she became a famous media personality. And in fact, this woman is not a singer or an actress, but she is a world-class celebrity, whose personal life is of interest to numerous fans, and it's not just about her outstanding parameters. This lady created herself. The path from an unknown participant in a TV project to an inimitable socialite and newsmaker was not easy, and she overcame it. Good or bad - a rhetorical question, because the winners are not judged.


Kimberly Noel Kardashian is Kim's real name. She was born in Los Angeles (USA, California) on October 21, 1980. The girl's parents were famous even before her birth, which, most likely, predetermined the future of the star herself.

Kimberly's father, Robert, was an eminent highly professional lawyer. He gained fame in wide circles after participating on the defense side in a sensational case on charges of a football player in the murder of his wife and her lover.

Robert's ancestors were Armenians, which explains. Historically, the territory where his father's relatives lived belonged to the Russian Empire, so when Kim talks about her origin, she also mentions the presence of Russian roots in the family. Kim's father passed away in 2003.

Kim began her search for something interesting for herself by opening a Dash boutique with her sisters. Of course, the first buyers there were numerous friends and acquaintances of her famous parents. In this fashion boutique one could find jewelry, designer clothes, shoes, bags and other women's accessories. The first boutique was opened in California in 2006. After 3 years, a second one appeared, this time in Miami, and a third one in New York in 2010.

Later, the biography of Kim Kardashian was enriched with various bright pages. This is filming in films, and participation in all kinds of reality shows and television projects. But her first real popularity was brought to her by their family reality show.


Participation in reality, which started in 2007, provided her with a great start in the world of show business. For 10 whole seasons, she actively portrayed a capricious girl on the air, sobbing at the cameras and throwing expensive shoes. Thanks to her attractive appearance, eccentric temperament and, of course, the possibilities of the girl's parents, the whole world then found out who Kim Kardashian was.

She, possessing remarkable commercial abilities, managed to make a lot of capital, creating her own empire. She herself says that her participation in the reality show taught her a lot, first of all, she always gives an account of all her actions and words (an important quality in the modern world).

However, the acquired popularity and money once ceased to satisfy the famous party girl Kim. She decided to move on and moved to New York in 2010.

Here she was able to conclude even more contracts, including work in advertising companies, became even more famous and even got her own wax figure in Madame Tussauds, which is also a kind of indicator of the level of popularity among foreign celebrities.

This woman is a hurricane even by the standards of American show business. Whatever she does. She starred in the show, develops designer clothing lines, releases new fragrances for women, as well as a personalized sunblock. Kim is a producer.

She tried to sing, however, her singing data was assessed negatively by specialists. Kim was called almost the worst singer of all time reality shows. Later, she shot a video for her single, which also did not receive positive reviews and wide circulation.

Among other things, they released an autobiography Kardashian Konfidential and announced their intention to write a joint novel.

Acting work

Kim also tried to become a famous actress. She made her debut in the series Beyond the Break. Later, a comedy film with her participation "Unreal blockbuster" (2008) was released. For her role in this film, she was nominated for the "Golden Raspberry" (film award for unsuccessful roles). Kim Kardashian's The Family Counselor (2013) failed miserably at the box office. In addition to those mentioned, there were several more attempts to act in films.

Kim's acting skills did not inspire critics. Kim Kardashian's awards in the field of cinema testify to this as well as possible. For her role in "Family Counselor", she received the Golden Raspberry Award.

Despite the fact that the films of Kim Kardashian did not receive the desired recognition, she does not stop and continues to work in this direction. Perseverance does not hold her, and who knows, perhaps her star will soon light up on the Walk of Hollywood Stars.

Marriages Kim

Kim's career is on the rise, but what about on the personal front? Here, too, everything is very intense. Kim has driven a lot of men crazy with her magnificent forms.

The first husband of Kim Kardashian in 2000 was producer Damon Thomas. Their marriage lasted 4 years and ended successfully in 2004.

Only in 2010, she decided on a second marriage, this time she marries a basketball player Kim's second marriage lasted a record short time - 72 days. Kim unexpectedly filed for divorce. Later, Chris admitted that the story of their marriage from beginning to end was directed by Kim, it was a fictitious marriage.

The third and current husband was Kanye West. Kim Kardashian and the famous rapper are raising two children.

Personal life of Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got married in 2014. Their relationship was discussed for a very long time in the press, and they met for several years. After their wedding, everyone wondered for a long time whether Kim would be able to save the family this time.

The love story of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West is very long and began long before their official marriage. The first time they met back in 2004, then both were not free. Before their wedding, they managed to change partners several times. In 2012, the rapper finally confessed his love to Kimberly with the song "I love Kim, Kim loves me."

Obviously, the girl liked the song, after that they began to notice them holding hands together. Their relationship was filled with romance. They appeared together and became welcome guests of any secular party. These inimitable style icons made you turn around and talk about them.

In December of the same year, Kenye admitted that his lover was pregnant. The future father simply shone with happiness.

Husband Kim Kardashian loves and is proud of his wife. This is confirmed by their joint photos, where both look completely satisfied. He shoots her in his videos, takes care of children, accompanies his wife always and everywhere and supports all her undertakings. This couple is just perfect.

Proposal and wedding

Kanye West proposed to Kim in San Francisco. This exciting event took place at a baseball game and was confirmed by a 15-carat diamond engagement ring.

In May 2014, a grandiose wedding took place. Six hundred guests were invited to the celebration in the Florentine castle. The newlyweds shone in dresses from GIVENCHY, and the outstanding Italian tenor of our time Andrea Bacelli was the guest singer.

Kim Kardashian children

In the summer of 2013, their daughter was born, who was named North West. The couple celebrated the birth of the baby with the purchase of a mansion in Los Angeles for $ 11 million.

A passionate fan of fashion shows, Kim Kardashian introduces her daughter to beauty from an early age. This is not welcomed by others, since from time to time little North arranges her "concerts" there.

At the end of 2015, another replenishment happened in the family, a son, Saint, was born.

Husband Kim Kardashian is not only a good husband, but also a very caring father. He can often be seen walking in the company of his children.

By the way, there are 2 tattoos on the rapper's wrists - the dates of birth of his mother and daughter North.

Rumor has it that the couple will soon become parents for the third time.

Serets of success

What is the secret of this woman, many wonder. How did the whole world know who Kim Kardashian is? At first, everyone was talking about her magnificent forms, but what now, because "you won't get far on this"? The point, most likely, is not in family reality or scandalous videos. Blame her irresistible lust for life, her desire for "the top of the Hollywood Olympus", for her "American dream".

All that she has achieved is the result of her work on herself. The exemplary Kim Kardashian family, children, husband are evidence that all efforts are not in vain. As well as the fact that she appears on the covers of glossy magazines almost more often than Angelina Jolie, and her appearance in the “light” is a holiday for a whole crowd of journalists and paparazzi waiting for her.

Kim Kardashian on Instagram- very popular and has over 85 million followers, which is a very large number for an Instagram app. Kim Kardashian is the star of the reality show of the same name, socialite, fashion model and actress. In this article we will tell you all the most interesting things in life Kim Kardashian, as well as show her beautiful photos on our website.

Instagram Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian- American celebrity, with Armenian roots. Kimberly Kardashian (her real full name) was born in Los Angeles in 1980. Kim Kardashian's father is Robert Kardashian and Kim Kardashian's mother is Kris Jenner. Kim Kardashian's parents divorced when Kim was 9 years old, which is why Kim has many half-relatives, sisters and brothers. When Kim was 18 years old, her parents limited the pocket money given to her daughter, which is why Kim began to try to earn her own living.

Kim Kardashian, along with her sisters, opened a fashion boutique that was popular with acquaintances of the Kardashian family. But despite this, Kim Kardashian became famous not as a fashion designer. Kim Kardashian became popular after spending more time with celebrity girlfriends, which allowed her to appear more often on popular TV channels.

Some time later, the Kardashians began filming their own reality show called Keeping up with the Kardashians. After which Kim became a real star. Then she participated in numerous other reality shows, commercials, films and photo shoots. Kim Kardashian also wrote her own autobiography, Kardashian Konfidential, and after a while began releasing her own clothing line for the BEBE brand.

Kim Kardashian's personal life is also very full of celebrity romances. But currently, her heart is occupied by the only man Kanye West. In 2013, Kim Kardashian became a mother and gave birth to a daughter.

Kim Kardashian has a special appearance and amazing shapes. Many people know Kim Kardashian precisely because of her gorgeous figure, which many men like so much. Big booty Kim Kardashian does not leave anyone indifferent. Kim Kardashian loves to take pictures of herself on her iPhone, take numerous selfies and share them with her followers on the social network Instagram. Kim Kardashian is even called selfie queen.

Kim Kardashian on Instagram - Account Link

Kim Kardashian Instagram photo

Kim Kardashian nude Instagram

Kim Kardashian posted a naked photo on Instagram

Kim Kardashian nude on Instagram and some censorship

Kim Kardashian in lingerie Instagram

A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Nov 12, 2015 at 7:19pm PST

Booty Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian's famous ass photo on Instagram

The name of the famous American TV personality and socialite Kim Kardashian is admired by some, irritated by others. But be that as it may, she does not let the public forget about herself, constantly drawing attention to her person.

Kimberly Kardashian was born in the wealthy area of ​​Los Angeles, California. The girl's father is a famous American lawyer with Armenian roots, and her mother is a socialite. Kim from early childhood grew up in luxury and wealth, in an atmosphere of secular ease, she was instilled with a consciousness of the exclusivity of her own status.

When Kimberly was nine years old, her parents separated at the initiative of her mother, who was not alone for long. Three years later, she married a new chosen one - an athlete, winner of the Olympic Games.

The Kardashian family can be called large. Kim has two sisters and one brother. In addition to them, there are two half-brothers and two half-sisters.

As a child, Kim was friends with such later famous socialites as Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

On her sixteenth birthday, Kim received a fancy car as a gift from her parents. And in general, until the age of eighteen, she did not need anything and always received from her parents as much money as she needed.

When she celebrated the day of majority, her parents began to seriously limit her funds, thus trying to stimulate the girl to live independently.

Then Kim, along with her sisters, decided to open a boutique of fashionable, expensive clothes. The first customers of the boutique were friends and acquaintances of the Kardashian family.

But I must say that Kim started working while studying in the last grades of the school. She worked at a music firm owned by her father.

When the girl was 16 years old, she was at the center of a scandal that erupted around a video with a homemade porn video. The video showed Kim making love with her then-boyfriend. Video recordings were allegedly stolen and distributed on the Internet.

At first, the girl claimed that the videos were fake, then she decided to sue the company that was going to distribute them on DVD, which confirmed the authenticity of her participation in them. There is an opinion that Kim herself rigged this whole story in order to increase her popularity. But, as she now admits, she is very ashamed of that scandal. However, as compensation, she managed to get $5 million from the company for not suing her.

Start of a career

In 2007, the reality show "Catching Up with the Kardashians" began to be broadcast on American screens, telling about the life of a large family. The show was released until 2010, a total of 4 seasons were filmed.

In 2008, Kim took part in the American project Dancing with the Stars, but despite the fact that she got a great partner, the couple flew out in third gear.

Kim starred in several films, but was recognized as one of the worst actresses. She also recorded a single in her own performance and a video for it, the money from the sale of which she planned to donate to charity. But here, too, she failed, she received negative reviews as the worst performer.

Kim created her own perfume fragrance, naming it by her own name, and also released a suntan lotion. In addition, as a designer, she designed a limited collection of clothes for the fashion brand Bebe, and was also able to make a collection of jewelry in ethnic style.

Personal life of a socialite

Kim has been married three times. She first married at the age of 19 to a music producer. The marriage lasted 4 years, after which it ended in divorce.

The second time she married a famous basketball player. The wedding was noisy and magnificent, but after only 72 days after the marriage, the young wife filed for divorce. The reason was family disagreements.

Kim is currently in her third marriage to famous rapper Kanye West. In marriage, they had two children: a girl in 2013 and a boy in 2015.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian walking with her daughter

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