Lapbook "2017 Year of Ecology in Russia. Educator of the Year

To understand the meaning of houses, it is useful for a modern astrologer to get acquainted with the ancient system of “joys” of planets in houses, which is already mentioned in the first centuries of our era.

Ancient astrologers looked at the relationship of planets and houses in a completely different way, and did not directly transfer the status of planets in signs to their position in houses. The idea that Mercury is related to the 3rd house or the Moon "exalts" in the 2nd house appeared only by the 20th century, when astrology lost its roots and tried to find itself again on the wave of psychology and spiritual development.

The first thing we need to understand when we turn to the legacy of the old traditional astrology is that there are no direct analogies between the position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac and the Houses. According to the ideas of the old astrologer, Mercury has no special status in the 3.6 houses, Venus has no direct relation to the 2, 7 houses, Mars is not tied to the 1st or 8th house, and Saturn to the 10th. Jupiter does not get high status in the 9th house, just as the 4th house is not "home" to the Moon or the 5th house is not "home" to the Sun. Moreover, there is no question of “exaltations” of planets in houses. Jupiter is not "exalted" in the 4th house, Saturn is not exalted in the 7th house, and Mars in the 10th, nor is Venus in any way "exalted" in the unlucky 12th house.

For more than 1.5 thousand years, the old astrology looked at things differently, each of the planets of the septenary had its own house of "joy" and there was a fairly understandable logic of the connection between the planet and this house. Based on the houses in which the planets "rejoice", we can draw conclusions of an astrological nature - about the meanings of houses, as well as broader conclusions about life, for example, about the nature of man and woman, work and pleasure.


So let's start. Mercury is responsible for brains, thinking, ingenuity. In accordance with the old scheme, Mercury rejoices in the house that is responsible for the head. Does it make sense? Obviously there is, because the center of thinking is in the head. It remains to remember which house is responsible for the head. Of course, the first one. Mercury "rejoices" in the 1st house. So, for this position in the horoscope, we can apply positive interpretations, and if he does not have strong defeats, we can talk about high intellectual talents of a person. A person tends to think with his own head, and this is already a considerable plus.

An interesting question that the old books don't make very clear is would Mercury be debilitated in the opposite 7th house? There may be two answers here. The first one - yes, it will be, because it is in the zone of dependence on other people, which means that a person’s thinking is strongly colored by the opinion of the public or significant life partners. The second answer is no, it won’t be, because the houses of one axis complement each other, and it often happens that a planet feels good on one axis of houses, but clearly bad on the other axis of houses. Mercury on the axis of houses 1-7 should be compared with its manifestations in the axes 2-8 or 6-12.

Move on. A personal planet responsible for love, pleasure, joy, Venus should rejoice above the horizon in the upper hemisphere or below the horizon in the sphere of private life? It is clear that the place of Venus is below the horizon, and not at the top in the social sphere. Which of the five remaining lower houses would suit her? We probably throw out the sixth house of service and illness. It remains 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. You can ask the question - "which house is responsible for love and pleasure", and get a direct hit. Of course, the fifth house. Will the second house be a candidate for the correct answer, is it responsible for love and pleasure? For pleasure yes, for love no. And according to the old scheme of "joys" of planets in houses, Venus rejoices in the 5th house, below the horizon.

We can say that in any chart, Venus in the 5th house should bring many positive emotional, financial and other bonuses to its owner, as always, if there is no heavy defeat through retrograde, malefic aspects, Black Moon, South Node, negative stars, etc. .d. The most interesting question is whether Venus will be positive in the opposite 11th house, or her position in it will be considered extremely weak. In my opinion, on the entire axis of houses 5-11, Venus manifests itself more positively in its functions, but in the 11th house it has obvious inadequate manifestations. Firstly, it is the home of the upper social hemisphere, which exposes many things to the whole world, for example, through social networks. Showing your feelings, love, relationships is not quite typical for Venus, she must keep her joys in secret and share with those closest to her. Further, the 11th house is the house of friendship and ideological relationships, so for Venus in the 11th we get the idea of ​​detached friendships, in which love is transformed and, apparently, ceases to be love, moving into a phase of common ideas and hobbies. However, I believe that in this house she gives a lot of bright and positive manifestations, people's help, popularity. She may be responsible for one of the children - as we know, the 11th house, along with the 5th house, is responsible for the children.

Next, let us ask the question in which hemisphere the benefactor Jupiter should “rejoice”. Of course, one would expect the social planet to rejoice in the upper hemisphere, where it belongs. But will it be the 9th house of teacher and abroad, or the 10th house of fame and achievement, or something else? One thing is clear - it will hardly be the 8th or 12th house. The answer may come as a surprise to an astrologer trained in 20th century ideas. Jupiter will rejoice in the house, which is responsible for friends, patrons, help, realization of hopes. And this is the 11th house. I think there is a lot of logic and truth here. Jupiter brings help and light circumstances. Jupiter reflects the joy that we experience from communicating with friends. And you can immediately notice that the two best planets in astrology "rejoice" on the same axis of houses, which means that these houses should reflect the most joyful and happy situations in life. Indeed, the 5th and 11th houses are love, faith and hope, as well as children, that is, the best that is in our life. No contradictions.

Now the question is about Jupiter in the 5th house - what is its likely inadequacy, if any? A large social planet turns out to be under the horizon in the zone of personal pleasures, in the 5th house, which is not particularly inclined to do something for society and people just like that, it is tuned in to itself, children, money, and its pleasures. Perhaps Jupiter here does not give such a big swing as in the 11th house, perhaps provokes some kind of selfishness in the pursuit of one's goals, unless, of course, there is opposition in the 11th house. I think that on this axis of houses 5-11 it is still positive, especially in comparison with the axis of houses 6-12, and if there are no severe defeats, it should give luck through children, friends, patrons.

Questions for Mars will ask exactly the same. Should he rejoice in the upper half or in the lower? The planet is personal, which means it’s more likely to be at the bottom. Of the houses in the lower hemisphere, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th remain. The choice is not entirely obvious, but logical in its own way.

In the house of money and in the house of the family, there is hardly a place for Mars, especially joy. Mars is the planet of men and work, labor, tension, solving problems. Mars is a soldier. And we have a house that is responsible for work, labor and service. This is the 6th house. Yes, that's right, in modern astrology, more precisely, in astrological thinking of the 20th century, there was no link between Mars and the sign of Virgo or the 6th house. And in the old scheme, this connection is, and it looks logical.

Mars is a pest, an evil and harsh planet, which is responsible for hard work, where you have to plow, sweat, where we do not have time for joy and entertainment. He should not rejoice in the light houses of the horoscope. I think it is out of place in the 4th house of the family, it does not correspond in any way to the economic and practical 2nd house, although for the active work of the mind it is good in its own way in the 3rd house of communication, communication. So the 6th house remains.

The question is, does Mars perform well in the 6th house or is it an enhancement of a problem planet in a problem house? In my experience, Mars in the 6th house works well and adequately - it gives active and hardworking workers, the dream of any employer. There is only one minus, you will have to work too much in your life, and women, by their own vocation, also “plow like horses”. Sometimes the authors of such a position ask “well, do I really have to strain like this all my life”? We say - apparently Yes, with some nuances that will be revealed through the positive or negative activation of this planet in the birth chart, in forecasting methods, transits, progressions, directions. I remember one woman who had Mars in the 6th and Venus in the 5th. She did not have time to pay due attention to her beauty and femininity, despite any Venus in the house of joy. Work covered everything. Mars in the 6th house is the Soldier on duty. It remains to take into account the sign of the Zodiac and aspects, and you will understand what kind of soldier, and in what service.

The houses of joy of Saturn and the two luminaries raise many questions.

Understanding the logic of this scheme, we can expect that Saturn, as an outer planet, can rejoice above the horizon. And we also understand that there is no idea of ​​his "joy" in the 10th house on the basis that he rules Capricorn. What are the options: theoretically - 7th house of the public, partnership, marriage and open enemies, 8th house of death, inheritance and big money, 9th house of distant lands, science and religion, 10th house of power and honors and 12th house of the hospital, prison, isolation, solitude . Saturn, the most problematic of all the planets, in the ancient scheme "rejoices" in the 12th house, the most problematic of all houses. The planet of prison, loneliness, restrictions rejoices in the house of prison, loneliness, restrictions. Well, this is an interesting conclusion, if only because Saturn is not given a high 10th house, corresponding to the leaders of the highest rank. And we notice that in the ancient scheme the malefics of Mars-Saturn do not rejoice in the angular houses, and receive their special status in the two most difficult houses of the horoscope, the 6th and 12th, which we today call the "houses of diseases."

Of course, an important question arises, who feels good from the "joy" of Saturn in the 12th house - is it good for a person with this position, or is it good for Saturn itself, which becomes even more severe, closed and painful? So far, we are rather inclined to answer that what is good for Saturn, but difficult for a person. Therefore, such a position causes a lot of fears regarding health, career, internal and external restrictions, difficult circumstances.

Although we are well aware that a well aspected direct planet in a noble sign (Leo, Libra, Sagittarius) in a strong bisextile configuration can be very productive, even if it is Saturn in the 12th house. On the contrary, any planet in the three or four most difficult signs of the Zodiac (Virgo-Scorpio-Capricorn-Pisces), retrograde, affected by aspects 90, 180 from malefactors, without aspects of support, and even in the 12th house, can give very complex manifestations In human life. Note that any planet in the 12th house begins to work differently when a person leaves for distant lands or abroad, therefore, when testing Saturn in the 12th house, two different modes must be distinguished - in one's own country and in distant lands, abroad .

In addition, according to Saturn, we will have a question about its manifestation in the 6th house - this position is rather a plus, since it is one axis of houses 6-12 with one common theme, or it is a minus, since the house is opposite to the area that he "loves ". Practice shows that Saturn in the 6th house can manifest itself in different ways, both hard and productive. For some, it gives difficult working conditions and serious illnesses, for someone it emphasizes the theme of working in government structures and can be a factor of stability. Probably, a lot depends on the positivity of the sign, directness-retrograde and aspectation. But the main idea, perhaps, is that in the 6th house it also proves to be difficult for the author of the horoscope, just like Mars gives a large number of labors in life, lack of freedom, illness.

I would like to ask, if Mars in the 6th house is a lot of hard work throughout life, then what is Saturn in the 6th house - an unbearable burden if it is aspected and badly placed? We know that retrograde Saturn in difficult aspects can generally block the manifestations of the house so much that a person is turned off from the themes of the house. Using the 6th house as an example, this can either look like hard office work at state enterprises, banks, educational centers, medical institutions, or like ruined health and nervous system, which completely knock a person out of work in general. That is, either a reliable soldier in the 6th house, or not a soldier, but a disabled person suffering from serious illnesses and depression, unable to work.

Of course, at this stage of our reflections, I want to immediately recall the relocation cards and quickly “remove” Saturn from the 6th house anywhere with the help of moving. But this is a topic for a separate article. Let's continue about the houses of joy of the Luminaries. This is where it gets especially interesting.

Moon and sun

As old sources tell us, the ancient Greeks had two houses with rather interesting names - the house of the Goddess and the house of God. But before we name these houses, let's define our expectations. The Moon, apparently, should "rejoice" under the horizon, and the Sun above the horizon, since it is a night and day luminary. For the Moon, there are options for "joy" in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses, the rest are occupied. "Joy" is possible for the Sun in the 7th house of sunset, the 8th house of death, the 9th house of study, distant lands, and religion (and later science), and the 10th house of honor and power.

And our expectations of the "joy" of the Moon in the 4th house and the Sun in the 10th house are not justified. Although noon is the heyday of the day, it is the maximum of light and heat. However, is it the maximum heat? And, it would seem, midnight is the heyday of the night, it is moisture and coolness, it is a mystery, all the conditions for revealing the nature of the moon. But behind the ancient scheme of the joys of the planets, either there was a different logic, or there was not logic at all, but knowledge of the secret nature of life phenomena. Therefore, the results are as surprising as they are deep in their conclusions.

So, the Sun really "rejoices" at the very top of the horoscope, but not on the side of the Top of the chart from which we expect. This is not an angular 10th house of honors and glory, but a falling 9th house, which is responsible for religion, education, laws. It was the 9th house that was called the "house of God" by the ancient Greeks. And the "joy" of the Sun in this house makes you think not only that the warmest time of the day is probably not 12-13 o'clock in the afternoon, when the Sun passes through the 10th house, but at 14-15 o'clock, when the Sun passes through the 9th house of the horoscope.

I would like to move further in my thoughts and talk about the nature of man and woman. What tasks should a man solve if the Sun, the planet of mature men, rejoices in the 9th house? I believe the answer here is this: the job of a man is to think, comprehend the processes of life, foresee the future, understand the directions of development, determine laws and foreign policy, indicate to society where to move. This is the main function of a man - he is a philosopher, he must think, he must study, he must be educated and literate in order to manage the family and society. And the 9th house is indeed the house of philosophy, reflection, study, religion, higher laws and sciences. And by the way, the house of astrology too. Yes, astrology, as a symbolic language, as the highest knowledge, as a system of understanding the world and prediction, also passes through the 9th house. Thus, the task of a man, and perhaps the nature of a man, is to think and philosophize, to study and reflect on the fate of the world, to comprehend and indicate the direction. It turns out interesting, deep, and not at all like the ideas of the 20th century.

Now our task is to deal with the Moon, and we are no longer waiting for banal decisions. Indeed, the Moon rejoices in the zone near midnight, but again, not on the other side of the lower climax, from which we think. Her joy, amazingly, falls not on the 4th house, but on the 3rd house, through which the Sun passes already at 1-2 o'clock in the morning. What is so special in nature that happens at this time of day, if the Moon rejoices in the 3rd house. High humidity? Maximum temperature drop? Is one in the morning the best time to conceive, or the most spiritual or most mystical time of the day? Of course, it is not entirely correct to argue this way, because at one in the morning the Sun will pass through the third house, and we need to catch the Moon in this house, which happens during the month at various times of the day.

So, the planet of women, the female luminary rejoices in the 3rd house. What this can tell us about the nature of the 3rd house, the Moon itself, and the nature of a woman. As the old books say, the joy of the Moon suggests that the 3rd house is associated with short trips and relatives. This is interesting, because we in the 20th century believed that it was Mercury, as the "significator" of the house, reflecting the theme of travel and relatives. As for the connection between the Moon and the 3rd house, it must be said that any good conversation improves mood, it is very important for all of us to spiritually communicate with others, almost as important as eating well, and maybe even more important. When the soul is out of place, you don’t feel like eating at all, but it’s enough to talk with a close understanding person, and it becomes easier. Thus, the planet-house connection in this pair is well felt. The moon is responsible for the soul and emotional state, the 3rd house is communication, conversation, communication. Through the joy of the Moon, we clarify an important thing regarding communication. Sincerity and emotional comfort are important components of communication. There is a well-known saying “a kind word is also pleasant for a cat”, it is interesting that in astrology the cat is associated precisely with the Moon. I would like to immediately ask a question - how, interestingly, do people perceive communication with Saturn in the 3rd house, given that it is actually the opposite of the Moon. But this will divert us somewhat from the topic.

Summing up the results of the luminaries, you need to draw the following conclusions. The Moon in the 3rd house in the horoscope apparently works adequately for all the main Lunar functions - it communicates well with relatives and friends, quickly navigates everyday situations, reads the emotional world of a person well, and easily copes with everyday tasks if this influence is not interrupted too much. strong zodiac sign and aspect. The moon in the opposite 9th house, which is not in its upper social hemisphere, may be inadequate in terms of the main lunar functions. We see that with such a Moon in the 9th house there are many student astrologers, which indicates the craving of the soul for higher knowledge and unwillingness to plunge into everyday mundane household chores. With this position of the Moon, the soul is clearly “reaching for the clouds”, a person may not really like to communicate with relatives if they are not far away. I believe that the Moon in the 9th house is inadequate in its own way, it is uncomfortable where it was born and raised, and it is good in distant lands. The soul of a person with the Moon in the 9th house is more comfortable in some kind of philosophical system than in an everyday conversation with his mother and other relatives.

The Sun in the 3rd house opposite from its joy, apparently, must also have a number of weak or inadequate manifestations. Inadequate not at all, but for their sunny nature. For example, we may assume a lack of scale, determination, ambition, sometimes pettiness, increased dependence on relatives and others, breaking life into many small fragments, a lack of strength and rootedness.

By the way, we note that any woman with a strong and positive 9th house, including the Sun in the 9th house and even the Moon in the 9th house, will lay claim to masculine tasks and functions. She will independently comprehend the processes of life and act as a teacher for others, suggesting where and how they need to move. And any man with a strong emphasis on the 3rd house, including those with the Sun or Moon in the 3rd house, will partly perform feminine functions - communicate with relatives, immerse themselves in everyday everyday life without trying to globally comprehend.

On the basis of this most interesting scheme of the joys of planets in houses, which fell out of the attention of astrologers for several centuries and returned to us at the end of the 20th century, many interesting, important conclusions can be drawn. In my opinion, this is, firstly, the clarification of the positive character of the axis of houses 5-11 and its explicit linking with benefactors, the clarification of the negative character of houses 6-12 and linking them with pests. Secondly, an interesting clarification of the nature of men and women. He must work hard and think about the laws and directions of further development, as required by the houses of joy of Mars and the Sun. At the same time, she should be an ornament and a muse, bringing joy, peace and beauty, as well as a connection with relatives and all the people around. If roles and tasks are not being fulfilled, it is obvious that distortions and failures accumulate in the system. Thus, a man should not sit idle or ignore the need for development and leadership, a woman should not be a warrior who forgets about her feminine pacifying, harmonizing nature. Therefore, the article has such a headline - “mom is beautiful, and dad works,” which my amazing wife gave me. You can also add - mom speaks and listens to the news, and dad thinks and builds a philosophical system. The third interesting conclusion concerns the apparently unexpected places of joy of Mercury and the luminaries, which expand our understanding of both the planets and the houses 1, 3 and 9.

Mercury rejoicing in the house of life and the house of childhood is a new idea for 20th and 21st century astrology. The fact that childhood is a continuous study, we understand. But the fact that life without Mercury is impossible is interesting, because Mercury is a flexible, thinking, democratic planet. If he lost his flexibility and democratic character, then he ceased to live fully. I think, therefore I am - the aptly expressed motto of Mercury in the 1st house. Only Mercury instead of "I exist" will say - "I live."

I invite you to webinars on Forecasting (Transits-Eclipses, Solars-Lunars, Five Forecast Methods), Elections-Talisman, Rectification, Relocations, which take place as part of the Summer School 2017. Webinars on the topics of Astrology of the Child and Family Dynamics, Astrology of Compatibility are available in the recording , Karmic Factors of the Cosmogram.

From September 2017, you can enroll in my stream of the GSKA web department and start learning astrology from scratch.

All information on the website

Send applications by email [email protected]

Evgeny Volokontsev - leading teacher of the correspondence department of the Higher School of Classical Astrology (Moscow), the first holder of the certificate of Professional Astrologer ISAR in Russia (International Society for Astrological Research, USA, 2006), editor of the 12-volume "Classical Astrology" by S.A. Vronsky , one of the organizers of the HSCA international conferences "Uranus in Aquarius", "Uranus in Pisces" (1999-2006).

On the YouTube website, you can find annual New Year's webinars, speeches at Internet conferences, recordings of lectures and reports.

Explanatory note to the methodological development "Nature through the eyes of a child", author Yezhova E.S.

The tense ecological situation around the globe requires that education at all levels form students' ideas about the world around them as an environment that, while providing a variety of living beings with a variety of conditions for fruitful activity, is at the same time an environment with obvious limits of resources and opportunities. At present, the requirements of environmental education and culture are becoming integral qualities of the general culture of the individual. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 2017 was declared the Year of Ecology. Preschoolers should be aware of the movement of the country, focused on the protection of nature. It is important for educators to convey to children the problem of protecting the environment, the struggle for nature. The most effective way to implement the tasks of environmental education is the organization of project activities. Participation in environmental projects, the opportunity for children and parents to express themselves, to benefit the natural environment of their native land.

The purpose of the methodological development is to create conditions for the development of an environmentally, socially active preschooler, responsible for the state of the environment, carefully treating the riches of nature.


1. Formation of the basic foundations of the ecological culture of the child;

2. To develop the cognitive skills of children in mastering the research methods of cognition of nature;

3. To implement one of the forms of work with parents of design and creative activity "Nature through the eyes of a child";

4. To bring up in children a reasonable, attentive, careful attitude towards nature;

5. Bring to an understanding of the importance of the problem of the relationship between man and nature and the consequences of human activity in it.

Project type: research.

Implementation period:long-term (September - April).

Project participants:older children, educators, parents, music director. The project implementation consisted of several stages: organizational, practical, final.

Stage 1 Organizational

At the first stage, I studied the methodological literature of the preschool educational institution on this topic, developed a long-term plan for holding an event on the project topic. Work was carried out to enrich the object-spatial environment in the group: a corner of nature was replenished, a mini-laboratory was organized for conducting various experiments, a garden was decorated on the window together with the children, with the help of parents, a library was created with educational literature on the subject of the project. A lapbook on ecology was made, consisting of seven elements: an interactive panel “What makes the planet sad - what makes the planet happy?”, the Sorter game, a set of environmental signs, the loto “Define the season”, “Be a friend to nature”, “Who friends with spruce? Why”, “Nature Conservation”. The use of a laptop on ecology makes it possible to generalize and systematize the environmental knowledge of preschoolers. Also, the work was aimed at increasing the competence of parents in this matter. A blitz survey was conducted among parents, during which it turned out that, according to parents, the formation of environmental consciousness, environmental culture, kindness and mercy is the basis of the basic qualities of a person. Thus, a social order was made for the formation of an ecological culture and knowledge of children about nature in children. Consultations and parent-teacher meetings were held for parents "Education of love for nature", "Ecological education of children in the family", "Walk in nature", a master class "Ecological fairy tales".

Stage 2 Practical

At the next stage, a system of work was implemented to achieve the goals and objectives defined for the work. When implementing the project, I use such forms of work with pupils as directly - educational activities to get acquainted with the natural world "Nature of Russia", "Live pages of the Red Book", "Let's save our planet", productive activities: drawing "Wild animals", "Planet Earth”, modeling “Animals of Russia”, “Birds on branches”, appliqué, building models, crafts from natural materials, compiling stories “How we relax without harming nature”. There were discussions and review of albums: “What are the reserves for”, “Water is the source of life”, “We protect animals and plants”.

Children played didactic and plot-role-playing games of the ecological direction “Live chains”, “Journey under water”, “Choose what you need”, “Rescuers”. There were also cycles of observations of seasonal changes in nature, excursions to a birch grove. A series of experiments was carried out. And also we regularly read the Encyclopedia of Nature, the stories of Prishvin, Bianki. Parents were full participants in the project. Together with our parents, we replenished and updated the object-spatial environment, photo albums were made from the family archive "Rest in Nature", posters on ecology, the album "Rare Animals", "The Red Book", environmental newspapers were published. Parents actively participated in various environmental campaigns: “Let's collect the unnecessary, turn it into useful”, “The cleanest site in the kindergarten”, “A grain in the world”, “It is difficult for birds on a frosty day”. Parents also took part in various competitions: "The best outfit made from waste material", "Autumn fantasies", the "Gifts of Nature" fair. The formation of the foundations of ecological culture in children is facilitated by: - ​​Local Lore Museum of the city of Bor;

Krasnoslobodskaya educational school.

Stage 3 Final

At the end of the main stage, the level of ecological culture increased among children.

As a result of the work, the set goals and objectives were implemented in practice.

A methodical piggy bank has been formed (summaries of classes, a card index of ecological fairy tales, didactic games).

Kindergarten and parents have become a close-knit team.

And the motto of our project was this quatrain:"Never throw away peels, skins, sticks, our cities will quickly turn into dumps."

Thank you for attention!

There is an ancient tradition known in astrology as the joys of the planets. Unfortunately, it was forgotten, even by such classics of astrological literature as, for example, William Lilly (in his writings of the 17th century, although he mentioned the places of joy of the planets, he rarely used them in practice). It seems that W. Lilly, having stumbled upon this tradition in old textbooks, simply could not adapt it to his own system, perhaps that is why it was not developed in his writings.

Tradition says that each planet is accidentally strengthened if it is placed in one or another house (specific and unique for each planet!): The house of its joy. The basis of which is the division of the planets into night and day. The three diurnal planets, Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun, have places of joy above the horizon; the nocturnal planets - Mars, Venus and the Moon - rejoice in the houses below the horizon, while Mercury, which can be attached to any of the groups, rejoices in the Ascendant, actually on the horizon.

John Frawley (who actually revived and developed the method of using the places of planetary joy in traditional astrological science) suspects that joys are associated with exaltations. They seem to come from a common astrological tradition, some of which has been adopted and some of which has been rejected by the dominant tradition that we follow today. Exaltations in our system are considered as a kind of deputy commanding signs, but in fact, exaltations are alternative abodes (houses). They come from a completely different system, which at the time of the writing of the first books on astrology was grafted onto the main stem, and its roots were lost - at least in the Western astrological tradition.

The joy of the planet is an accidental virtue of average strength. taken into account, both , and when interpreting .

The sun rejoices in the ninth house, which the ancients called the house of God, and the sun, of course, is a symbol of God. The Ninth House is the house of knowledge, visions and dreams, people who seek the truth, since God is Truth, and the Sun is its most manifested symbol. It is also the home of long journeys, because all the worldly journeys we take on Earth are a reflection of our long journey that goes beyond this world, the path to God.

The Fifth House is the house of children, and therefore, since the ninth house is the house of God, the fifth from the ninth should show us the Son of God. And this is true: the first House is the house of joy of Mercury. The Son of God is Christ, the Word (Mercury), who became flesh, appearing in the Ascendant, the House of the physical body. Mercury is the image of the ideal man and the only planet whose glyph contains all three symbols: the cross, the circle and the crescent; this image is suitable for an intermediary between the human and the divine. The ascendant, the eastern horizon is where this meeting takes place. “No one comes to the Father but through me,” says Christ. Only in this place is the meeting, because the doors are located here.

Completing the grand trine is the fifth house from this place, which is the fifth house, the place where Venus rejoices. The bird of Venus is the dove, a traditional symbol of the Holy Spirit, which can be found in many churches and religious paintings, especially those dedicated to the theme of the baptism of Christ, when “the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. “The Great Feast of the Holy Spirit, Trinity, commemorates the procession of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, giving them the ability to speak in different languages, so that they can go and carry the Word of God—to be evangelists (literally, “messengers”). The Fifth House is traditionally the home of messengers and ambassadors.

This grand trine of the 9th, 1st and 5th houses shows the divine energy that pours from God and ascends down into physical manifestation. It consists of the Sun, Mercury and Venus, who are the physical personification of the Trinity, the mystery of the three in one, as they move in circles around each other as a fixed unit, sometimes uniting, sometimes appearing on their own, but never apart.

After these three planets of the Trinity, the next planet is Earth, man, and then there are the three outer planets. Man takes his traditional place on the border of the material and the divine.

Pursuit of God

The joy of the planets is a system associated with the divine principle. Opposite the 9th House, the house of the joy of the Sun, is the third, the house of the joy of the Moon. Seventh house from the ninth: kindred, wife of God. In iconography, the traditional associations of Mary with the Moon are generally accepted. When the Moon is in opposition to the Sun, as happens when they are in the houses of their joy, he is full, filled with God's grace: “Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with you!” Mary is filled with God's light, her own aspirations are at one with His: "Here I am, the servant of the Lord."

The month, located in the 3rd House, becomes the basis of a large trine, depicting a person's path to God. The second point of this trine is in the 11th house, the house of joy of Jupiter. The Eleventh House was known as the House of Good Fortune. It is the house of joy of all that makes us think that someone from above still loves us, it is the house of the bounties of the Great Benefactor, Jupiter.

The third point of this trine is in the 7th. But none of the planets here rejoice. This is an empty corner, because, according to Christian teaching, we ourselves must fill it. The 7th House is opposite the 1st House, which is the house of Christ, hence it is the home of the Bride of Christ of the Church of us all, the church that we are still building. The connection between the top of the divine trine and the top of the earth trine first took place when the Lord breathed life into the clay to create Adam, and was established again when the Lord descended to Mary. We have the opportunity to cement this connection through the Trine, becoming the bride of Christ and filling our place in the seventh house. But it depends only on ourselves.

These two great Trines are united to give us the Star of David, a symbol of the perfect balance between heaven and earth. This is in Hebrew magen David, the shield of David, but magen is also a word that in Hebrew means "horoscope", that is, they say, the horoscope of King David himself, who, although he was a sinner, remained the most harmonious of all people. Of course, not sure that the planets were located in his horoscope in this way, but I hope that this was the case, and the criminal planets were also in the places of their joy.

And in the blue corner...

Criminal planets have no place in these big Trines. Saturn rejoices in the 12th house and Mars in the 6th, their opposition forms a great cross with a line from the Sun to the Moon. That's the devil: dia-bolos - literally "he who throws himself through" - in this case, through God's plan. This is the cross on which Christ is crucified, and then ourselves.

Paul of Alexandria referred to the 12th House as an "evil deity". When we look at the twelfth house, we are used to hearing the word "self-destruction", one of those terms that are used to imply that everyone else understands its meaning. Self-destruction is the true meaning of sin: that is, all we do when we sin is destroy ourselves, lose our own life, as can be seen from the story of Adam and Eve, whose sin cost both them and us a place in Paradise.

This is the meaning of the axis of the criminal planets: in the 12th it is a sin - all our unrighteous deeds and self-destruction. In the sixth, with Mars, these are the slings and arrows of furious fate: all those terrible things that happen to us in life that are not our obvious fault, such as service and sickness, traditional themes of the 6th House. This is completely different from Jupiter and the 11th House, who generously send us all sorts of nice things.

VETT Valens called the sixth house "weakness" and the twelfth - "suffering". According to him, the extremely harmful quality of Saturn is ignorance, that is, ignorance of the true nature of necessity, ignorance of the fact that necessity is only an illusion. That is, it shows that we are immersed in the material, and we pay for this with our relationship with the divine. The word Saturn clearly resembles the word Satan, but we usually think of Satan as an extremely hot figure that emits fire and brimstone - not Saturnian at all. But in Milton's poem "Paradise Lost" we find a truly Saturnian image of Satan - this is a huge, shaggy figure that is forever frozen into a swampy river in the depths of hell.

Satan is the Father of lies; Saturn is in exile in Leo and Cancer, the signs of the Sun and Moon, and likewise it can be damaged in other houses, the 3rd and 9th. Houses of communication: the ninth is communication from above - vision, dreams, etc.; the third is communication on our own level. Saturn also damages these houses by casting a square from the 12th House.

Communication may not be one of the most interesting parts of the horoscope: if there was an award for the most boring house, then the third House would certainly receive it. In any analysis of the natal chart, he is usually remembered only superficially, for lack of anything even remotely interesting to say about him. But that doesn't mean communication is unimportant; rather, we take it for granted. Each of Shakespeare's four great tragedies shows what is reported. A simple judgment is made—or, in the case of King Lear, unbearable. In every tragedy, and each in a different way, there is something in communication that leads the hero to death. And the hero is each of us. The harmful effect of Saturn on communication destroys us all.

The axis of the criminal planets also gives us prayers to God. "And lead us not into temptation" refers to the twelfth house; "Deliver us from the evil one" - the sixth House. “Don't let us destroy ourselves, or 'self-destruct', and please don't let something terrible happen to us. “Because it is these two things that repel us from God, as in any Grand Cross, we see two squares that pull each other in the central opposition.

"And lead us not into temptation": that is, in psychological terms, keep us away from the filth inside our subconscious, because we can be trapped forever. "Deliver us from evil": not because it hurts, but because it's hard to believe through pain. Focusing on the generous Eleventh House - counting our blessings - leads us to the divine; so too much focus on the house of evil fate leads us to agree with Stendhal's words that God's only excuse is that he does not exist.

This axis also shows the two curses with which humanity was punished after being expelled from paradise. “In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread”: we must work hard to earn a living - the sixth House. “In pain you will give birth to children”: in traditional astrology, the house of birth of children is the twelfth house.

Such is the theory of the joy of the planets, set forth by the outstanding astrologer, our contemporary John Frawley, in one of his lectures. In continuation of the topic of the essential virtues of the planets, I propose to familiarize yourself with.

There is an ancient tradition that states that each planet is strengthened if it is located in its own house of joy. This division is based on the division of the planets into night and day. The three diurnal planets, Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun, have houses of joy above the horizon; the nocturnal planets - Mars, Venus and the Moon - rejoice in the houses below the horizon, while Mercury, which can be added to any of the groups, rejoices in the Ascendant, that is, on the horizon.

Each of the seven planets has a certain power in one of the twelve houses, and this power is called "joy."

Mercury rejoices in the first house, because the first house signifies the personality of the native or querent. And Mercury rejoices in the former, for it signifies knowledge and the word that this knowledge is more suited to the personality of the native or querent than to anyone else. And only thanks to this knowledge a person is ennobled, which other circumstances cannot do.

Moon rejoices in the 3rd house because the 3rd house denotes short and fast journeys and things that change very quickly and also repeat. So as the Moon denotes rapid and swift changes from one state to another, from one thing to another, it follows that she rejoices in the 3rd.

Venus rejoices in the 5th because it is the house of pleasure and entertainment, dancing and having fun, and that is exactly what Venus means. Therefore, her house of joy is the fifth, since other houses do not carry such significance.

Mars rejoices in the 6th because this is the house of deceit and sickness as well as slaves and Mars denotes slaves, traitors and deceivers and those who speak lies. So he rejoices in the 6th, because the rest of the houses do not correspond to his meanings.

Sun rejoices in the 9th, because it is the house of religion, and it means religion, faith, and the 9th is the house of God. So the 9th house of joy of the Sun and no other house suits it in meaning.

Jupiter rejoices in the 11th as it is a benefic and denotes good fortune and prosperity, and naturally signifies money and wealth, so its house is the 11th.

Saturn rejoices in the 12th, for it is the house of woe and sorrow, toil, lamentation and groaning, and all the like.

The opposite house to the house of joy is called the house of shame or the house of sorrow. Mercury has the 7th house, the Moon has the 9th house, Venus has the 11th house and so on. The planet entering such a house, on the contrary, weakens it, makes it less capable.

Since this technique is ancient, there were no houses of joy for transsaturns, since they were not yet known about them.

The houses of joy are used in horary and natal astrology. The planet enters the house of its joy - it gets better, which means it will bring more pleasant things, and its harm, if it was such, will decrease. So if you see that you have Mercury in the Ascendant, know that this Mercury is cooler than the same Mercury, but located in the second house. If your Mars is in the 6th, then your plumbers will be much better than mine. If your Venus is in the 5th house, then your daughter will be smart and beautiful, and another person with the same Venus, but in the 4th house, will have sons.

* Abu Mashar Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Balkhi (787-886) - Persian mathematician, astronomer and astrologer.
* Al-Kabisi (Alkabitius (Alcabitius, Alchabitius), al-Kabisi, Alkabitsius, Abu-s-Saqr `Abd al-`Aziz ibn `Usman ibn `Ali al-Kabisi), an Arab astronomer and astrologer, one of the most widely read in the era of the Middle Ages of writers-astrologers. Lived in the tenth century AD.

Dasha Bulakhova

"From why the planet is sad and happy"

(Senior group)


Bulakhova Daria

Target: To form the idea of ​​older preschool children about the sources of garbage, the impact of waste on the environment and human health.

Didactic material: 2 picture drawings planets. (Sad and joyful)

Cards with a picture of what to planet well, and what is bad.

Methodology: Before holding didactic games, a conversation is held on the topic "The impact of garbage on our planet".

The leader in front of the children puts 2 drawings with the image on the table planets, which sad and who rejoices. Separately, there are cards that for planet well, and what is bad. Children are divided into two teams. And on a signal, the first team collects cards for a joyful planet, and the second to sad. At the end of the game, the host checks the task.

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