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Kyrgyz-Russian Dictionary Yudakhin


The Kyrgyz-Russian dictionary, offered to the attention of readers, was compiled by a prominent lexicographer, researcher of the Kyrgyz language of action. member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR prof. K. K. Yudakhin. In 1940, the Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries published the first Kyrgyz-Russian dictionary of prof. K. K. Yudakhin, which received numerous positive reviews, was published in Turkey with a translation into Turkish of the Russian part, that is, in the form of a Kyrgyz-Turkish dictionary, and formed the basis of the Dictionary of the Kyrgyz language compiled by the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR. Prof. K. K. Yudakhin is one of the founders of national lexicography, especially Turkic: his Kyrgyz-Russian dictionary (1940) in Soviet times was the first fundamental national-Russian dictionary that became widely known both in the Soviet Union and abroad, a dictionary , which fixes the vocabulary of the national language and at the same time shows the usage of words with sufficient depth. The dictionary has rendered considerable service to the compilers of some Turkic-Russian national dictionaries. Experience has shown the use of the dictionary in other ways as well. Dictionary materials are used by a wide range of specialists, including graduate and doctoral students. The dictionary is highly appreciated by translators from Kyrgyz into Russian, for whom this dictionary is a reference book. However, the volume of the dictionary was still not particularly large, so the author faced the task of creating a new, more complete dictionary. Having devoted his whole life to the study of the Kyrgyz vocabulary, prof.K. K. Yudakhin collected a huge amount of material, on the basis of which this dictionary was created. The dictionary includes the vocabulary of the modern Kyrgyz language, historical and ethnographic terms, folklore materials, as well as obsolete words. This type of dictionary is published for the first time. This is not an ordinary translation dictionary, intended mainly for teachers and students, translators and press workers, but also a valuable guide for specialists in Kyrgyz folklore and Kyrgyz literature, for Turkic linguists, historians, and ethnographers. This purposefulness of the dictionary explains its structure, the way of presenting the material, which differs from those usually accepted in translation dictionaries; this explains the abundance of historical and ethnographic references, rich illustrative material. The manuscript of the dictionary before publication was widely reviewed by individual experts who highly appreciated the work of prof. K. K. Yudakhin, and was also discussed at the Academic Council of the Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz SSR, the Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR, in the Turkic sector of the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and in other organizations that recommended publishing the Kirghiz-Russian Dictionary as soon as possible.

Yudakhin Konstantin Kuzmich

Yudakhin Konstantin Kuzmich, Soviet linguist-Turkologist, professor (1940), doctor of philological sciences (1949), corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR (1952), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR (1954). Graduated from the Turkestan Oriental Institute (1925). In 1928-36 he was engaged in the development of new national alphabets for the peoples of the USSR, the author of many works on language construction. taught; since 1944 researcher at the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Kirghiz branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1954 - Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR). Compiled bilingual dictionaries in Uzbek and Uighur languages; the main work is the fundamental “Kyrgyz-Russian Dictionary” (1940, additional ed. 1965, State Prize of the USSR, 1967), which contributed to the formation of the Kyrgyz literary language. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, 2 other orders, as well as medals.

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    Translation- TRANSLATION Reconstruction of the original by means of another language. The requirement attached to the translation of a non-fiction work, if it is a translation, and not a remake, the most accurate transfer of the meaning of the original. This requirement remains... Dictionary of literary terms

    TRANSLATION- Translators postal horses of enlightenment. Alexander Pushkin Russian translators from English donkeys of enlightenment. Vladimir Nabokov Few things in the world can compare with the boredom that a good translation arouses in us. Mark Twain The translator surrenders words ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    translation- forwarding, (bank) transfer; payment; transformation, transformation, recalculation, conversion; switching, assigning, broadcasting, consuming, transaction, glossa, recalculation, transposing, interlinear, rebasing, exchange, sending, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    TRANSLATION- TRANSLATION. 1. An auxiliary type of speech activity, during which the content of the text is transmitted by means of another language; converting a speech work in one language into a speech work in another language while saving ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

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    translation- TRANSLATION, a, husband. 1. see translate 1 2, s 1. 2. Text translated from one language to another. P. from German. P. from the interlinear. Authorized p. 3. Sending money through a bank, post office, telegraph. Get an item for 50 thousand rubles. | adj… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    TRANSLATION 1- TRANSLATION 1, a, m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    TRANSLATION 2- see translate 2. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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Kyrgyz language

The language of the Turkic group. The spelling is Cyrillic, although there is currently a gradual transition to the Latin alphabet. Pronunciation: θ = “y” (like “u” in English “fur”), Y = “u”, H with a squiggle at the bottom = “n” like “ng” in English. “sing”, F = “j”. In words with unknown stress, it is recommended to put the stress at the end of the word.

How to pronounce + spelling in difficult cases
Hello - salaam alaikum

hello - salam

Goodbye - Dzhakshy kalyngizdar

Thank you - rahmat

Not really
ooba / jock

How are you? (how are you?)
Zhakshysyzby? – ZHAKSHYSYZBY/Kandai?

good, good (-th, -th) - JAKSHY

bad, bad (th, -th) - zhaman

can / can not - swamps / ballboyt

beautiful (-th, -th) - kooz, suluu

delicious (-th, -th) - daamduu

right, true - Yras / tuura

big / small - chong / kichine

very / most - θТθ / en

I don't understand - men tushumboy jatamyn - TYSHYMBθDUM

Where, Where...? - ... kaida?

tam - anda/tiyakta

then, then - anan / kiin

don't go, stay - ketpe/tokto

When? / When will he arrive, will he come? - Kachan? / Kachan kelet?

left / right / forward / straight - sol / he / alga / ace

close / far - zhakyn / alys

Why, why? - Emnege? Emne Yuchun?

How much? (How much?) - Kancha? Kanchadan?

money / expensive - akcha / kymbat

sell - satuu

I / we - men / biz

you / you (sing.) / you (pl.) - sen / siz / sealer

father / mother - ata / ene, apa

brother - yeah (how to address an unknown man), bike, ake (southern dialect)

family - yu-bulu - Yy-BYLθ

chief / leader - heads / heads

friend / friends - dos / dostor

human - adam/kishi

guy - zhigit
girl/girl - Kyz

teacher - mugalim

host - kojoyun

woman / women - ayal / ayaldar

man - erkek

child / children - bala / baldar

doctor - doctor

wounded - firefighter

hospital - Oruukana

hotel - meymankanA, konok yu

toilet - daaratkan

stop - ayaldama

airport / bus station - airport / bus station

gas station - maybeket

railway station - temir jol station

car / road / direction - car / zhol / zholdomo

militia - militia

border - check, check ara

hungry - ah

food - tamak

bread - nan

water / boiled water - suu / kainatylgan suu

milk - syut - SYT

meat / fish - et / salmon

rice - kuruch

salt / sugar - ace / cant, sheker

plov - plov / ash

vegetables - jashylchalar

fruit - jamishter, jer jamish

ram, sheep - koi

horse - zhylky

goat - echki

cow - uy (saan uy - cash cow)

house / home - yu - Yy / yugu - YyГθ

bed - toshok - TθSHθK

yurt - boz yu - BOZ Yy

mountain / mountains / to the mountains - too / toolor / toonu kozdoy

glacier - mongyu - MθNGY

rock - aska

break - jar

gorge - kapchygay

snow / ice - car / muses

swamp - saz

river / lake - uzUn - θЗθН, gifts / kol

desert - chol - CθL

forest - current

source, spring - bulak

rain - jaan / jamgyr

cold / cold - muzdak / suuk

hot, hot - ysyk

wind - jel

rope - jeep

snake / poisonous - zhylan / zaarduu

poet / writer / artist - akyn / jazzuuchu / surutchiu - SYRθTCHY

journey / traveler - sayakat / sayakatchy

hunter / shepherd - mergenchi / koichu

hike - jurush - ZHYRYSH

weather - aba yrayy

distance - aralyk

holiday - miram

guest / guests - konok / meymandar

time - ubakyt

Monday - Dushombyu - DYSHθMBY

Tuesday - Seishembi

Wednesday - Sharshembi

Thursday - Beishembi

Friday - Juma

Saturday - IshembI

Sunday - Jacksembee

3 - uch - YCH

4 - cake - TθRT

10/15 - he/he is besh

22 - zhiyyrma eki

34 - otuz cake

50 - elyu - ELYY

68 - altymysh segiz

100 - juz - ZhYZ

1000 / 6000 - min / alty min

Greeting - SalamdashUU
Hello - SalamAtchylyk
Good morning - Kutmanduu tanynyz menen!
Good afternoon - kutmanduu kununuz menen!
Good evening - Kutmanduu kechingiz menen!
Good night - Beipil tun
Hello - Salam
How are you? – Ishter Kandai? (to a friend, peer, etc.) Kandaisyz? (senior person in status or age)
Good - Zhakshi / Durus
Bad - Zhaman
So-so – Ancha mes
What is your name? - Atynyz kim swamps?
What is your name? - Atyn kim bogs?
My name is ... - Menin atym ...
Thank you - Rakhmat
Not worth it - ArzybAit / echteke emes

Kyrgyz language

The language of the Turkic group. The spelling is Cyrillic, although there is currently a gradual transition to the Latin alphabet. Pronunciation: θ = “y” (like “u” in English “fur”), Y = “u”, H with a squiggle at the bottom = “n” like “ng” in English. “sing”, F = “j”. In words with unknown stress, it is recommended to put the stress at the end of the word.

How to pronounce + spelling in difficult cases
Hello - salaam alaikum

hello - salam

Goodbye - Dzhakshy kalyngizdar

Thank you - rahmat

Not really
ooba / jock

How are you? (how are you?)
Zhakshysyzby? – ZHAKSHYSYZBY/Kandai?

good, good (-th, -th) - JAKSHY

bad, bad (th, -th) - zhaman

can / can not - swamps / ballboyt

beautiful (-th, -th) - kooz, suluu

delicious (-th, -th) - daamduu

right, true - Yras / tuura

big / small - chong / kichine

very / most - θТθ / en

I don't understand - men tushumboy jatamyn - TYSHYMBθDUM

Where, Where...? - ... kaida?

tam - anda/tiyakta

then, then - anan / kiin

don't go, stay - ketpe/tokto

When? / When will he arrive, will he come? - Kachan? / Kachan kelet?

left / right / forward / straight - sol / he / alga / ace

close / far - zhakyn / alys

Why, why? - Emnege? Emne Yuchun?

How much? (How much?) - Kancha? Kanchadan?

money / expensive - akcha / kymbat

sell - satuu

I / we - men / biz

you / you (sing.) / you (pl.) - sen / siz / sealer

father / mother - ata / ene, apa

brother - yeah (how to address an unknown man), bike, ake (southern dialect)

family - yu-bulu - Yy-BYLθ

chief / leader - heads / heads

friend / friends - dos / dostor

human - adam/kishi

guy - zhigit
girl/girl - Kyz

teacher - mugalim

host - kojoyun

woman / women - ayal / ayaldar

man - erkek

child / children - bala / baldar

doctor - doctor

wounded - firefighter

hospital - Oruukana

hotel - meymankanA, konok yu

toilet - daaratkan

stop - ayaldama

airport / bus station - airport / bus station

gas station - maybeket

railway station - temir jol station

car / road / direction - car / zhol / zholdomo

militia - militia

border - check, check ara

hungry - ah

food - tamak

bread - nan

water / boiled water - suu / kainatylgan suu

milk - syut - SYT

meat / fish - et / salmon

rice - kuruch

salt / sugar - ace / cant, sheker

plov - plov / ash

vegetables - jashylchalar

fruit - jamishter, jer jamish

ram, sheep - koi

horse - zhylky

goat - echki

cow - uy (saan uy - cash cow)

house / home - yu - Yy / yugu - YyГθ

bed - toshok - TθSHθK

yurt - boz yu - BOZ Yy

mountain / mountains / to the mountains - too / toolor / toonu kozdoy

glacier - mongyu - MθNGY

rock - aska

break - jar

gorge - kapchygay

snow / ice - car / muses

swamp - saz

river / lake - uzUn - θЗθН, gifts / kol

desert - chol - CθL

forest - current

source, spring - bulak

rain - jaan / jamgyr

cold / cold - muzdak / suuk

hot, hot - ysyk

wind - jel

rope - jeep

snake / poisonous - zhylan / zaarduu

poet / writer / artist - akyn / jazzuuchu / surutchiu - SYRθTCHY

journey / traveler - sayakat / sayakatchy

hunter / shepherd - mergenchi / koichu

hike - jurush - ZHYRYSH

weather - aba yrayy

distance - aralyk

holiday - miram

guest / guests - konok / meymandar

time - ubakyt

Monday - Dushombyu - DYSHθMBY

Tuesday - Seishembi

Wednesday - Sharshembi

Thursday - Beishembi

Friday - Juma

Saturday - IshembI

Sunday - Jacksembee

3 - uch - YCH

4 - cake - TθRT

10/15 - he/he is besh

22 - zhiyyrma eki

34 - otuz cake

50 - elyu - ELYY

68 - altymysh segiz

100 - juz - ZhYZ

1000 / 6000 - min / alty min

Greeting - SalamdashUU
Hello - SalamAtchylyk
Good morning - Kutmanduu tanynyz menen!
Good afternoon - kutmanduu kununuz menen!
Good evening - Kutmanduu kechingiz menen!
Good night - Beipil tun
Hello - Salam
How are you? – Ishter Kandai? (to a friend, peer, etc.) Kandaisyz? (senior person in status or age)
Good - Zhakshi / Durus
Bad - Zhaman
So-so – Ancha mes
What is your name? - Atynyz kim swamps?
What is your name? - Atyn kim bogs?
My name is ... - Menin atym ...
Thank you - Rakhmat
Not worth it - ArzybAit / echteke emes