Presentation on the topic "Control programs. Computer tests"

Control programs

1. The idea of ​​learning with the help of a computer appeared a long time ago. The first attempts date back to the late 1950s. At that time, it was already possible to "communicate" a person with a computer by means of a telegraph apparatus-teletype used as an input / output device. A properly programmed computer enters into its memory the text of the request typed by a person on the teletypewriter keyboard, and after entering this text, it performs some analysis and prints on the teletypewriter a response text prepared in advance, or constructed from suitable elements. Or more simply - the computer issues the text of the question or the conditions of the problem to the teletype and waits for the answer from the keyboard, which is then checked against the existing standard in order to give an assessment: true / false. Since then, continuous scientific searches have been carried out all over the world for a solution to the problem of an effective and cheap way of teaching with the help of a computer.

Today, the prestige and rating of an educational institution are determined not only by the general level of teaching, the presence of world-famous scientists and material and technical base in the staff, but also by the effectiveness and quality of the student knowledge control system. Undoubtedly, its most operational, modern and objective form is computerized test control.

Currently, instrumental authoring systems for the creation of pedagogical tools are widely used: training programs, electronic textbooks, computer tests. Of particular relevance for teachers of schools and universities are programs for creating computer tests - test shells. There are many such software tools and programmers-developers are ready to build new versions of the so-called authoring systems. However, the wide distribution of these software tools is constrained by the lack of simple and easy methods for compiling test tasks with which you can "stuff" the shell.

There are a large number of software products that allow you to create test tasks and use them to control students' knowledge. However, most of them are not focused on the use of graphics and other illustrations, or it is so inconvenient or difficult that it requires the involvement of other specialists.

The creation of teaching and control tools is a complex and time-consuming work that requires the joint efforts of experienced lecturers, software developers, programmers, etc. The most difficult is the creation of textbooks and teaching aids, laboratory workshops, and test materials. Large-scale conduct of such work in universities is hindered by the lack of financial resources to stimulate it. As a result, it is carried out in an unsystematic manner, mainly by individual teachers and employees of the IT departments.

A serious obstacle in the creation of teaching and control programs is the insufficient level of computer training of the teaching staff.

2. At the end of the 80s, the problem laboratory of electronic computers of the Moscow State University created the microcomputer training system "Navtavnik".

A typical version of the system is designed to teach simultaneously up to 32 students served by one microcomputer. The system is simple and easy to manage, does not require special training of teachers and is convenient for trainees. All communication with the computer occurs at the prompts and control on his part.

The system software consists of five parts. Three parts, "Training", "Exam", "Test", provide the opportunity to conduct relevant classes.

Subsystems "Exam" and "Test" are designed to control knowledge and skills. In the "Exam" mode, the student receives from the teacher a set of sections in which he receives a number of exercises determined by the teacher with a limited number of attempts to answer. Correct answers are confirmed, and incorrect ones are denied, but certificates are not issued. "Test" differs from "Exam" in that each student answers all the questions in the educational material, and only one attempt is given to answer. The answers are neither confirmed nor denied. All student work is logged. Educational and methodological equipment is the least fixed and the most open for building up and development. Only the formats and rules for the design of training materials are strictly defined. There are no restrictions on the subject and content of educational materials, as well as methods or didactic techniques, except for the need to be expressed in the form of multiple choice.

3. In recent years, computer training programs designed to improve and support the educational process have become increasingly widespread in pedagogical practice. Computer training programs serve as a teaching aid for a teacher and a student; they can not only teach, but also control knowledge, provide reference information, etc.

A module of computer training programs is proposed, which considers a fragment of the course "Discrete Mathematics" - the topic "Partitioning a graph into maximal strongly connected subgraphs". Two methods for solving the problem are studied: the Malgrange method and the matrix method.

Work with the module of computer training programs is possible in the training and control modes. In the training mode, the student is given the opportunity to get acquainted with the theoretical material and consider the main stages of the algorithm using examples, in which illustrations are accompanied by comments. Knowledge control is carried out through testing. As a test task, the student is asked to solve the problem of finding a direct and/or inverse transitive closure on a graph given by an adjacency matrix. The student is graded taking into account the complexity of the test and the number of errors made. The resulting score can be improved, for this you need to take the test again, changing the level of difficulty of the task.

When working with the module of computer training programs, a database is formed, which accumulates information about the students who have passed the test (surname, group, grade), i.e. the possibility of maintaining an electronic journal of the teacher is provided.

Using the module of computer training programs in the educational process will increase the efficiency of the educational process (class), reduce unproductive time spent by the student, optimize teaching activities by freeing up time for individual work with students, and also encourage students to improve their knowledge.

The proposed module of computer training programs is universal, i.e. can be used for full-time study, and in a computer library, and for independent work at home.

4. There are tests two kinds:

  • traditional; Traditional tests are presented in the form of a system of tasks of increasing difficulty, having a specific form, allowing to qualitatively and effectively measure the level and evaluate the structure of students' readiness. At the same time, depending on how many academic disciplines are included in the test tasks, traditional tests are divided into homogeneous (testing knowledge in one subject) and heterogeneous (in several subjects).
  • unconventional. Non-traditional tests are represented by integrative, adaptive and criterion-evaluative tests. integrative - aimed at the overall final diagnosis of the readiness of a graduate of an educational institution. In one test, knowledge from two or more academic disciplines is presented. Conducting such testing is carried out, as a rule, with integrative learning. Adaptive tests allow you to adjust the difficulty of the tasks presented depending on the answers of the test person. If the answer is successful, the computer issues the next task, which is more difficult than the previous one, and if it fails, it is easier. Criteria-evaluative tests are designed to find out which elements of the content of the academic discipline are learned and which are not. At the same time, they are determined from the so-called general set of tasks, covering the entire discipline as a whole.

The essence of programmed knowledge control

Control of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities is an integral part of the educational process. Control must be objective, timely and purposeful. All students should be systematically surveyed.

In educational institutions, control is carried out at colloquia and seminars, at practical and laboratory classes, at tests and exams, as well as during the defense of course and diploma projects. However, practically in the conditions of mass education, the teacher is not able to systematically test the knowledge, skills and abilities of each student during the training session, since he does not have enough time for this. So, checking a group of 24 people will take 2 hours (the time of questioning each student is 5 minutes).

If the teacher exercises current control of knowledge by means of a selective survey of 2-3 people and judges the performance of the group as a whole by the effectiveness of their answers, this leads to inaccurate performance assessment, and students work irregularly.

The essence of programmed control is the systematic testing of knowledge, skills and abilities of students through standardized tasks - tests. Tasks for control are compiled by the teacher in such a way as to quickly and accurately assess the degree of assimilation by students of one or another educational information. In addition, it is necessary to determine the optimal technical means to speed up the control procedure.

The basis of programmed control is the control program, which is a set of questions (tasks) formulated in a certain way, compiled taking into account the possibility of promptly checking the correctness of answers manually or using technical control tools.

Classification and main characteristics of control programs

Control programs can be classified according to the type of control, according to the method of formulating answers to control questions, according to the controlled level of knowledge, skills and abilities.

By type of control, there are programs for current, intermediate and final control of knowledge.

Programs for the current control of knowledge cover relatively small portions of educational material and are used to test students' knowledge in lectures, practical and laboratory classes, as well as to independently check by students (outside school hours) the degree of assimilation of the material covered.

The results of the current control allow the teacher to timely adjust the educational process and quickly manage the cognitive activity of students.

Milestone control programs allow you to test the knowledge, skills and abilities of students formed as a result of studying several topics. Control is carried out 3-4 times during a quarter (semester) and provides the opportunity to adjust the course of study.

Final control programs provide an opportunity to test the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the test, as well as a preliminary assessment of the level of their preparation for the exam.

According to the method of formulating answers to control questions and tasks, control programs are distinguished with selective, comparative, constructed and numerically effective answers. In one control program, you can use several different methods for formulating answers at once. Such programs are called mixed programs.

The number of answer options for a question may vary, but it should be remembered that the more options for answering a question, the less likely it is to guess the correct answer.

Sampling method assumes the presence of several answers to the control question, of which only one is correct. As answer options, you can use sentences, individual words, formulas, symbols and graphic constructions.

The advantage of the method is its versatility (the ability to use it for control in almost any academic discipline) and the relative simplicity of the technical means of control used in this case.

comparative method is a modification of the selective answer method. The student is offered a task that requires calculations, and a set of ready-made answers, among which only one is correct, and the rest have characteristic errors.

Unlike questions with selective answers, the correct answer here cannot be obtained by reviewing the answer options and identifying the correct one among them. The task must first be solved, and then the result obtained must be compared with the proposed options for ready-made answers.

The advantage of the method lies in the activation of the mental activity of students.

Alternative Method is also a modification of the sampling method. Alternative (from Latin alter - one of two) - the need to choose one of two possible solutions (yes - no, plus - minus, up - down, etc.). An alternative is a task that requires a decision in a situation that has two mutually exclusive solutions.

The advantage of the method is the same as that of the selective method.

Constructed Method allows you to get the answer by forming it from individual elements. As ready-made elements of the answer, various symbols, words can be used. Questions with constructed answers can be of two types:

    no ordering of response elements;

    with the ordering of the response elements.

binary method is a type of program with constructed responses. A binary answer is constructed in the form of one conclusion or one answer, composed of two (and only two) logically connected judgments or elements, each of which is selected from the corresponding group of judgments (5-6).

The advantage of the method is that the student is forced to focus his attention not only on the choice of judgments or elements, but also on establishing a connection between them.

The main stages of work on the preparation of the control program

    For questions with constructed answers, it is necessary to make a list of ready-made elements to form a general answer.

    Compose tasks from control questions in such a way that each of them provides a reliable control of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the study of educational material. At the same time, one should strive to ensure that control tasks are of approximately the same difficulty.

    In accordance with the coding system of the selected technical means of control, code the prepared answers to the questions of control tasks.

    Use the technical control tool to check the compiled control program and make the necessary adjustments to it.

    The final stage is the experimental verification and adjustment of the control program.

    Discuss and test the control program with interested teachers, make adjustments to the program in accordance with the comments and suggestions of teachers.

    For greater reliability of student control, prepare the required number of options for the main control program. Variants of control tasks may differ from each other in the coding of the elements of the answers and the order in which the questions are posed.

The process of developing a control program can be conditionally divided into three stages: preliminary, main and final, and each of the stages includes a certain set of operations that must be performed in the given sequence.

1. Preliminary stage - preparation for drawing up a control program.

    Based on the experience of conducting classes, outline the subject, in the study of which it is most expedient to conduct control using technical means.

    After analyzing the thematic plan of the intended subject, select educational material for organizing control (current control in practical and laboratory classes, midterm control, final control in tests or admission to exams).

    Compile, taking into account the required levels of knowledge, a detailed list of basic concepts, skills and abilities that should be formed in the learning process and verified in the implementation of the selected type of control.

2. Main stage - direct preparation of the control program.

3. The final stage- in accordance with the requirements for the level of knowledge of students, compose the main array of control questions and sample answers to them. For questions with selective and comparative answers, develop answer options.

Computer control (CC) is a procedure for conducting pedagogical measurements to establish the correspondence between the level of knowledge and the quality of performing a specific task/operation of the planned knowledge model in order to control the process of assimilation of material/preparation in teaching systems.

The effectiveness of computer control depends on: the flexibility and variety of the created control materials, the ways they are used, the degree of adaptability of the created system to the characteristics and level of preparedness of the student, the ability of the system to recognize the answers or actions of the student when performing test tasks

The purpose of monitoring programs in a short time to identify the levels of knowledge of all students for any amount of educational material.

Requirements to the control program: input of the answer in the standard form; adequate analysis of the answer; fixation of control results, their collection, printing and statistical analysis.

Definition of the term "Test" A test is a set of interrelated test tasks that allow assessing the compliance of a student's knowledge with an expert model of knowledge of a subject area.

Application of tests 1864 -J. Fisher first used the test to test the knowledge of students 1890 - J. Cattell introduced the term "test" 1926 - the first series of tests for schools was published in Russia 1970 - the development of computer testing

Computer testing is a certification procedure that allows the most objective assessment of the compliance of a personal and expert knowledge model using a computer and specially organized tests.

The main types of computer tests: Psychological (intelligence tests) Pedagogical (achievement tests or success tests)

Advantages of computer testing Massiveness and short duration Democracy Manufacturability Differentiating ability Validity Objectivity Statistical analysis of information

Disadvantages of computer testing An element of chance Does not contribute to the development of oral and written speech; the impossibility of diagnosing communication skills; the impossibility of diagnosing inventive qualities; the impossibility of diagnosing the originality of thinking in solving educational problems and tasks

A test task is a clear and concise task in the subject area that requires an unambiguous answer or the implementation of a certain algorithm of actions.

Four main forms of test items: 1. Items with a choice of one or more correct answers 2. Items with an open form 3. Items to establish correspondence 4. Items to establish the correct sequence.

Tasks with the choice of one or more correct answers 1. 1. The choice of one correct answer according to the principle: one is correct, all the others (one, two, three, etc.) are incorrect. 1. 2. Selecting multiple correct answers

Tasks of an open form - there are no ready-made answers - answering the task, the student completes the answer - it is used at different stages of learning

The choice of form depends on: the purpose of testing; test content; technical capabilities; the level of preparedness of the teacher in the field of theory and methodology of test control of knowledge.

Classification of types and levels of knowledge 1. Knowledge of titles, names. 2. Knowledge of the meaning of words, titles and names. 3. Knowing the facts. 4. Knowledge of definitions. 5. Comparative, comparative knowledge. 6. Knowledge of opposites, contradictions, antonyms, etc. of objects. 7. Associative knowledge. 8. Classification knowledge. 9. Causal knowledge, knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships, knowledge of the grounds. 10. Procedural, algorithmic, procedural knowledge. 11. Technological knowledge. 12. Probabilistic knowledge. 13. Abstract knowledge. 14. Methodological knowledge.

General requirements for tasks in the test form logical form of the statement; brevity; the presence of a certain place for answers; the correct location of the elements of the task; the same rules for evaluating answers; the same instructions for all subjects; the adequacy of the instruction to the form and content of the task.

Principles of development of computer testing The test should correspond to the purposes of testing; Test tasks must be correct in terms of content; The test must correspond to the level of the current state of science; The content of the test should be comprehensive and balanced; The content of the test should be systematic

What is the USE? The Unified State Examination (USE) is the main form of state (final) certification of graduates of XI (XII) classes of schools in the Russian Federation

Features of the Unified State Examination: a unified schedule, unified rules for conducting the use of tasks of a standardized form (KIM), the use of special forms for filling out answers to tasks, conducting in writing in Russian (with the exception of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages)

The problem of domestic pedagogical diagnostics has been actively developing since the 80-90s. One of the lines of synthesis of pedagogical diagnostics is the connection with mathematical methods and information technologies.

In the last 10-15 years, computers and computer information technologies have been actively entering our lives. A computer today is a powerful tool for obtaining and processing information, the possibilities of computer and network technologies, their speed is progressing more and more every year. Therefore, it is quite natural to introduce these tools into the modern educational process.

There are more than enough difficulties on this path, the main of which is insufficient or zero funding for their development in our educational institutions. These technologies are expensive: the acquisition of computers, their current modernization, and the development of the technological base and security level require updating the computer park at least every 2-3 years, maintaining computers and networks, purchasing software, and connecting to the Internet. In addition, high qualifications of teachers, their continuous retraining and professional growth are required.

One of the main tasks of educational systems is the education of a creative personality. To do this, it is necessary to identify gifted children and students at all levels of education in order to organize special forms of educational activities for them, to carry out differentiation in education. The solution of the latter problems is unthinkable without diagnosing the inclinations, abilities and versatile development of students. In this regard, the role of knowledge control in the educational process is also increasing.

One of the ways to control students' knowledge is testing.

Testing - this is a purposeful, identical survey for all subjects, conducted under strictly controlled conditions, which allows objectively measuring the studied characteristics of the pedagogical process. The use of test forms of knowledge control, in my opinion, is undoubtedly of considerable interest, since the test results are easily processed and, in addition, it is the test form of student knowledge control that is the most objective.

Despite the abundance of tests in various disciplines, the creation of a system for diagnosing a specific subject is an urgent task in each case. The development of a fundamentally new communication system based on information and communication technologies makes it possible to significantly change the approach to designing testing systems for any subject of study. Computerized knowledge testing is constantly gaining popularity.

As a result, during the long work of programming, a controlling computer program was created and tested in practical and laboratory classes. The main task that was set before the author when creating this program is its compliance with the level of development of computer technology and software today and the possibility of a deeper and more detailed analysis of the knowledge gained by students during practical classes.

The results of application of the supervising computer program received at the first stages in honey. School No. 9 in Moscow showed that the final data on the level of knowledge of students is lower than in a conventional oral or written survey. This was especially noted in the first practical classes. This is due to the method of controlling the level of knowledge, which is unusual for students. Subsequently, under the condition of regular use of computer control, the average score of students' marks steadily increased.

The efficiency of assimilation of information is largely determined by the psycho-physiological state of the student. At the same time, the desire, the desire to engage are almost the main ones in the structure of any educational activity. In my opinion, in the work of a student with a controlling computer program, in addition to its undeniable merits, a significant factor of novelty, increased interest and attention is added.

Goals this work:

· Highlight the main steps in creating a test;

· Describe the main properties that teachers should be guided by when creating a test;

· Select several instrumental systems intended for the development of tests for educational purposes;

· Explore the possibilities of selected programs;

· Identify all the "pluses" and "minuses" of the programs;

· Conduct a comparative analysis of the educational opportunities of the selected programs;

Key steps in creating a test

One of the priority areas for improving the methods of intraschool control at present is test control. Most often, the control and evaluation of students' achievements is carried out only according to the final result, while the student's activity, his level of development and the dynamics of learning remain unestimated. The use of test control contributes to the consideration of students' achievements in the process of moving from one level of mastering the material to another.

Test control development includes the following steps:

1) determination of testing goals (prognostic - associated with the profile orientation of students, diagnostic - associated with the level differentiation of training, feedback-oriented);

2) selection and ordering of tasks;

3) layout of tests in blocks;

4) creating a test;

6) carrying out test trials.

Test (test, test) is a standardized task, the results of which are judged on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the subject. Therefore, certain requirements are imposed on the tests; validity, certainty, reliability, practicality, ease of use, predictive value. When choosing criteria for evaluating tests, the thinking skills that students must acquire in the learning process are also taken into account:

Information skills (learns, remembers);

Understanding (explains, shows);

Application (demonstrates);

Analysis (thinking, reasoning);

Synthesis (combines, models);

Comparative evaluation (compares by parameters),

This allows you to determine the level of difficulty of the test.

Test Properties

Tests must have the following properties:

Validity (adequacy, validity);

Certainty (comprehensibility);



Ease of use;

predictive value.

Validity The test reflects what the test is supposed to measure and how well it does it. shows to what extent the test measures the quality (property, abilities, etc.) for which it is intended. Tests that do not have validity are not suitable for practical use. There are three types of validity:

empirical- means checking a test with another test measuring the same indicator as the given one, in order to assess the individual predictive value of the test;

conceptual- is established by proving the correctness of the theoretical concepts underlying the test.

Certainty test means that when reading it, the subject understands well which tasks and to what extent he must complete in order for the result I to correspond to the task.

Reliability test is the question of the extent to which repeating it will lead to the same results. An increase in the reliability of the test is facilitated by its simplicity, strict observance of the testing conditions, and the exclusion of the possibility of the influence of extraneous factors (hints, cheating, etc.).

predictive value test means that the test must be such that the test results can be used in follow-up activities, for example, when repeating poorly learned material.

When compiling tests, the following requirements should also be taken into account:

§ strict compliance with the sources of information used by students;

§ simplicity - each task should consist in requiring the respondent to answer only one question;

§ unambiguousness - the wording of the task must fully explain the task assigned to the test subject, and the language and terms, designations, graphic images and illustrations of the task and answers to it must be unconditionally and unambiguously understandable to students.

§ avoidance of random guessing - you need to choose a form of the task that reduces the likelihood of randomly guessing the correct answers as much as possible;

§ compactness or accuracy - you need to choose such a form of the task in which the question is formed as concisely as possible;

§ the relationship between tasks - you need to ensure that the tasks do not contain or reveal answers to other tasks;

Control programs

Programs of this type are designed to test (evaluate) the quality of knowledge.

The widespread use of this type of program is due to the following circumstances:

1) control, allowing to assess the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, as well as the quality of the teacher's work, takes a lot of study time;

2) the knowledge control operation is a set of simple actions that basically boil down to the "question - answer - answer analysis" scheme, which makes it possible to develop fairly simple and, more importantly, universal control software.

According to there are some requirements for the controlling program:

Entering the answer in a form as close as possible to the generally accepted one;

· Recording of control results, their collection, printing and statistical analysis should be provided.

It is not difficult to make a control program if there is only one correct answer. It is possible to strive for such examples, but the whole variety of control situations cannot be reduced to them.

1. Field "Subject" - the name of the subject for which the test is being prepared is written here (mandatory filling). This name will be shown when opening the test, during testing. And by default it will be suggested as the name of the folder where the test will be saved.

2. The "Subject" field - the name of the topic of the given subject on which the test is being compiled is written here (mandatory filling). This name will be shown when opening the test, during testing. And by default it will be suggested as the name of the file under which the test will be saved.

4. "Select test type" field - here you can select the type of test you want to create. This choice determines how the points scored by the user will be calculated. There are two options:

· "Control" - allows you to set the criteria for assessments, according to which the certification of the tested will be carried out.

· "Psychological" - allows you to set your own difficulty score for each answer option, based on the sum of which the output will be shown.

5. The "Questions playback order" field - here you can select how questions are displayed during testing. One of three options is possible:

· "Direct" - the order in which the questions are displayed is the same as the order in which they were created. Starting from the first to the last.

· "Reverse" - the order of displaying questions is opposite to the direct one, i.е. starting from the last to the first.

· "Random" - the order of displaying questions is pseudo-random. When randomly selected, the questions are not repeated. The uniqueness of the sequence of questions for each testing is ensured.

6. Field "Test Description" - here you can enter any information that will be displayed to the user at the beginning of testing (optional).

7. Flag "Setting the ability to evaluate questions by difficulty score" - by setting this flag you have the opportunity to set your difficulty score for each question. In accordance with this, the final grade will be set depending on the amount of points scored and the established evaluation criteria. If this flag is not set, then all questions will have the same priority and the final grade will be set depending on the number of correctly answered questions. This flag is relevant only for the "Control" type of test.

8. Flag "Possibility of attaching pictures to questions and answers" - by setting this flag you have the opportunity for each question and answer option (if required) to attach your picture. Supported images in the following formats: jpg, bmp, wmf, emf, ico.

Note: When you save a test, all selected drawings are saved as links to a file name, which must be in the same folder as the test.

9. Flag "Ability to divide questions into groups" - the presence of this flag allows you to divide questions by topic within one test. And then determine how many questions from each topic to give the test taker to answer. The names of groups (topics) can be given by clicking the "Assign groups.." button. In the window that appears, add groups.

10. Flag "Use special customization groups" - unlike regular groups, this flag allows the use of special purpose groups. Special groups may include numbers of questions that will necessarily / optionally be given to the test-taker. Names of special groups with the ability to select them will be shown to the user during testing.

After entering the data, you can go to the next tab: "Questions and Answers".

The size of each test can be up to 1000 questions, and the size of each question and answer option is up to 400 characters.

1. The "Question" field is intended for entering a question (compulsory filling).

2. The "Group to which the question belongs" field - if you used groups in the previous step, then here you must select the group (topic) to which this question belongs.

3. The "Type of answer to the question" field - is intended for selecting the type of answer option. There are three types of response options:

· "One answer" - by entering several answers, you can choose only one correct answer.

· "Multiple answers" - by entering several answers, you can also choose several correct answers.

"Keyboard input" - the tested person enters the answer from the keyboard. Here you can enter several correct answers, among which the search for the answer entered by the tested will be carried out.

4. The "Answer options" field is intended for entering and editing the answer options for this question. Editing is done using the "Edit answer" button or the context menu (required). The number of answer options can be up to 10.

· "Add answer.." – adding a new answer option. If the test type "Psychological" was selected at the previous step, then in this window you will have the opportunity to set the difficulty score for this answer option.

· "Change answer..." – editing the selected answer option.

· "Delete answer..." – deleting the selected answer option.

· "Move to top" – move the selected answer one position up.

· "Move down" – move the selected answer one position down.

· "Copy" - copy the selected answer to the clipboard (for later use in another question). 7 independent clipboard levels are supported. This clipboard is standalone and does not overlap with the Windows clipboard.

· "Paste" – copy the answer option from the clipboard into the question.

· "Clear clipboard" – clear the clipboard from answer options.

· "Attach a picture to the answer…" – attach a picture to the selected answer. This item appears if at the previous step you selected the flag "Possibility of attaching pictures to questions and answers".

· "Attach a picture to a question…" – attach a picture to a question. This item appears if at the previous step you selected the flag "Possibility of attaching pictures to questions and answers".

5. The "Score" field - if at the previous step you checked the "Setting the ability to evaluate questions by difficulty score" flag, then here you can determine the difficulty of the question using scores. Points are allowed in the range from 1 to 100.

7. Button "Delete" - removal of the selected question from the general database.

8. "Jump buttons" - the transition to the first question, the previous question, the next question and the last question are shown in Fig.4. And also, there is the possibility of a quick direct transition to the question asked.

After entering questions and answer options, you can go to the next tab: "Options".

Options tab

In order for the test to meet certain requirements, it must be configured. Setting up a test comes down to selecting certain parameters and entering some values. The settings are made on the special "Parameters" tab, which in turn is subdivided into 5 more narrow-purpose tabs:

General tab

・Groups tab

・Score tab

Test protection tab

・Statistics tab

General tab

1. "Question or answer difficulty score" - if at the first step you set the flag "Setting the ability to evaluate questions by difficulty score", then by selecting this flag, during testing, the difficulty score of the current question will be displayed.

2. "Sum of points scored" - if at the first step you set the flag "Setting the ability to evaluate questions by difficulty score", then by selecting this flag, during testing, the sum of all scores of difficulty will be displayed.

3. "Preliminary assessment" - by selecting this flag, during testing, a preliminary assessment of the test results will be visible. The score can be presented as a whole (2, 3, 4, 5) or fractional (2.38, 4.56, etc.) to display more detailed information about the level of knowledge.

4. "The result of the answer to the question" - if you want the dialog to be shown during testing, informing the user about the correct answer to the question, then set this flag.

5. "Time spent on testing" - if you have limited the testing time, then by setting this flag, when testing, information about the amount of time elapsed since the beginning of testing will be displayed.

6. "How much time is left" - if you have limited the testing time, then by setting this flag, when testing, information about the amount of time left until the end of testing will be displayed.

7. "Group that the question belongs to" - if at the first step you set the flag "Ability to divide questions into groups", then by selecting this flag, when testing, the name of the group that the current question belongs to will be displayed.

8. "Comment about the number of answer options" - if you select this flag, then during testing information about the number of correct answer options for the current question will be displayed.

9. "Number of questions provided for testing N out of" - if at the first step you did not set the flag "Ability to divide questions into groups", then this field sets the number of questions that will be provided to the tester. If the flag "Ability to divide questions into groups" was set, this parameter is adjusted on the "Parameters - Groups" tab.

10. "Order questions according to their degree of difficulty" - if at the first step you set the flag "

Setting the ability to evaluate questions by difficulty score", then by setting this flag, when testing, the questions will be sorted by their degree of difficulty (from easy to difficult).

11. "When testing, randomly mix answer options" - if you set this flag, then, during testing, the answer options for all provided questions will be randomly mixed.

12. "Ability to return to the previous question during testing" - if this flag is set, the tester will be given the opportunity to return to the previous question back.

13. "The ability to limit the testing time in the amount of N minutes" - here you can limit the time for passing the test, in minutes. If the tested person did not meet the specified time, then all unanswered questions are automatically protected as incorrect.

14. "Ability to skip N questions during testing" - if this flag is set, then the tester will be given the opportunity to skip N questions. Missed questions will not appear in the test, but other N questions will come instead.

15. "Possibility to answer later to N questions" - if this flag is set, then the test-taker will be given the opportunity to answer later to N questions. Questions left "for later" will be placed at the end of the list.

16. "Go to the next question only if the answer is correct" - if you set this flag, then after the first incorrect answer, testing ends and all remaining questions are automatically protected as incorrect. Used to tighten testing conditions.

17. "Allow to use the calculator" - if you set this flag, the test-taker will be given the opportunity to use the calculator.

Groups tab

This tab is intended for setting the parameters of regular and special groups. If in the first step you checked the flag "Ability to divide questions into groups" and/or "Use special customization groups", then on this tab you configure the parameters of these groups.

1. Configuring the parameters of common groups:

· Shows the names of the groups and the number of questions in each group. The user has the ability to set the number of questions from each group provided for testing.

2. Setting the parameters of special groups:

· This defines the question numbers that will or will not be shown to the test taker.

· In the "Comment when choosing a special group" window, enter the message that will be displayed to the tester when choosing a special group. groups.

Results Evaluation Tab

This tab is intended for setting up the assessment parameters for the test taker.

1. Field "Use scoring system" - in this field, you can choose which system will be used to evaluate the test: 5, 10, 20 or 50 points.

2. Field "Setting criteria for scoring" - in this field, you can adjust the criteria for scoring in percent.

3. Field "Choice of grading system" - in this field you can select the system by which the test-taker will be evaluated. There are two types of systems:

· "Accounting for only 100% correct answer" - when choosing this system, the question will be protected as correct only if the test-taker has chosen all the correct answers.

For example: There is a question with 5 possible answers. 3 out of 5 answers are correct (i.e. this is a multiple-choice question). If this system is selected, then the answer is protected as correct only if all 3 correct answers are selected, otherwise the answer will be protected as incorrect.

· "Equal distribution of percentages for correct and incorrect answers" - when choosing this system, the question will be defended partially correct, even if the answer was not complete.

For example: There is a question with 5 possible answers. 3 out of 5 answers are correct (i.e. this is a multiple-choice question). If this system is selected, and the tester has chosen only 2 correct answers out of 3, then he will be protected (100/3) * 2 = 66% of the correct answer. If the tester chose 2 correct and 1 wrong answer out of 5 answers, then he will be protected by 33% + 33% (this is for 2 correct answers) and -20% (100/5 - for one wrong answer) = 66% -20% =46% correct answer. And so on.

Test Protection Tab

The main distinguishing feature of the SuperTest software package is that it pays great attention to issues of protection against unauthorized use of the test.

This tab is intended for configuring file-test protection parameters from unauthorized use.

1. The "Password for editing the test" field - here you can set a password for the ability to view and edit the test in the TestMaker module.

2. Field "Repeat" - this field is required to confirm the previously entered password.

3. Field "Password for testing" - here you can set a password that will be requested at the beginning of testing in the TestInfo module.

4. Field "Password to exit testing mode" - here you can set a password that will be requested if the tester, in the TestInfo module, tries to interrupt the testing process.

5. The "Source of passwords" field - in this field, select the method of requesting the entered passwords:

· "Request set passwords from the keyboard" – the password is requested by entering it from the keyboard.

· "Request the set passwords from the key floppy" – the password is requested by reading the information from the pre-prepared key floppy. A request to create a key floppy automatically appears when you select this source.

6. Flag "When testing, disable switching to other tasks" - by setting this flag, during testing, it will be prohibited to switch to other tasks. Doesn't work on Windows NT.

7. Flag "During testing, block the Start menu and Taskbar" - by setting this flag, during testing, access to the "Start" menu and "Taskbar" will be prohibited. Doesn't work on Windows NT.

8. Flag "During testing, block access to the desktop" - by setting this flag, during testing, the desktop will be deactivated.

9. The flag "Hide the program in the Task Manager during testing" - by setting this flag, during testing, the program will not be visible in the "Task Manager". Doesn't work on Windows NT.

10. Flag "Prohibit re-passing the test" - by setting this flag, at the end of the test, the button for re-passing the test will be blocked.

11. Flag "Restrict mouse cursor movement within the working form" - by setting this flag, during testing, the mouse cursor will be located only in the program area.

12. Flag "Protect the test by linking it to ..." - this flag will allow you to link the test to the unique parameters of the computer components. The test can be linked to the hard disk serial number, motherboard model and serial number (Does not work on Windows NT), to the hardware parameters of the central processor, and to the contents of the floppy disk. Thus, when you try to test on some other computer, a prohibition dialog will be displayed (this feature is enabled to protect against unauthorized copying of tests in order to study them on other PCs).

By setting the full set of these protections, you completely block the user from unauthorized access to the test or other applications during testing.

This tab is intended for setting the parameters for displaying test results statistics.

1. Flag "Show test results" - if you set this flag, then at the end of testing, the tester will be shown his result. Otherwise, the test result will not be available.

2. Flag "Test result write to file" - if you set this flag, then at the end of testing, all results will be written to the file "result.txt" (for further analysis).

3. "Conclusions" button - if you want to include some conclusions in the resulting report, depending on the quality of academic performance, then click this button. Fig.7. The number of conclusions is limited: no more than 7. On the left, the boundaries (in points or percentages) within which the result must fall are set. On the right, the output corresponding to the given boundaries is entered. The maximum amount of points that you have will be automatically calculated and displayed in the line "Maximum points".

Additional features of the component Test Maker.

1. Menu "Test - New" - creating a new test.

2. Menu "Test - Open" - opening for editing an already created test.

With the help of the TestMaker program, it is possible to create not only electronic tests, but also the preparation of "paper tests" is possible. They are designed to be printed on plain paper for testing without using a computer. These tests are processed manually.

4. Menu "Test - Print" - creating a "paper test", printing a test or exporting it to an RTF file. This feature allows you to flexibly configure print settings to create multiple copies and test options.

· Flag "No answers" – displaying questions and answer options without specifying the correct ones.

· Flag "With response standards" - displays questions and answer options with indication of the correct ones. Correct answers are marked in bold.

· The flag "Show the group that the question belongs to" - if groups were used during the creation of the test, then when the questions are displayed, it will be indicated to which group it belongs.

· Flag "Show the score of the complexity of the question/answer option" - if, in the process of creating the test, the difficulty scores were used, then they will be indicated when the questions are displayed.

· The flag "Type of answer to a question" - when displaying questions, it will be indicated how many correct answers are in it (one or more).

· Flag "Shuffle questions" - the output of questions occurs randomly.

· Flag "Shuffle answer options" - the output of the answer options for each question occurs randomly.

· The field "Number of displayed questions" - the choice of the number of questions contained in each option.

· The "Number of variants to create" field – selection of the number of different variants.

· Flag "Add inscription Option №-x" – when several options are selected, each option will be accompanied by the inscription "Option №-x".

5. Menu "Tools - Settings" - setting the parameters of TestMaker.

· Flag "When editing questions, remove extra spaces in the sentence" - if you set this flag, then when editing questions, extra and repeating spaces will be automatically removed.

· Checkbox "When editing questions, put a question mark at the end of the sentence" – if you set this flag, then when editing questions, a question mark will be automatically placed at the end of the sentence.

· Flag "When editing questions, make the first letter of the sentence capitalized" – if you set this flag, then when editing questions, the first letter of the sentence will automatically become capitalized.

· Flag "When editing answers, remove extra spaces in the sentence" - if you set this flag, then when editing answers, extra and duplicate spaces will be automatically removed.

· Flag "When editing answers, put a period at the end of the sentence" - if you set this flag, then when editing answers, a period will be automatically put at the end of the sentence.

· Flag "When editing answers, make the first letter of the sentence capitalized" – if you set this flag, then when editing the answers, the first letter of the sentence will automatically become capitalized.

· The field "Tests location path" – this field is intended for specifying the path along which the tests will be searched for, as well as their saving.

· Flag "Check questions for repetition" - the presence of this flag means, when saving a question, automatically check it for repetition. It can be useful when you do not remember whether you entered this question or not.

In addition to all of the above, TestMaker also has a convenient feature for translating questions and answer options from third-party editors (WordPad, MS-Word, Internet Explorer, etc.) into the test editor. For this you need:

· Open the entered test in a third-party editor.

· Open the question input window in the TestMaker program.

· And using the Drag&Drop technology, by dragging and dropping, select the necessary words and transfer them to the question input window or answer options.

TestInfo Component

TestInfo - the module is designed to test students based on the created test file.

This module is intended for direct testing of students. All test settings were made in the TestMaker module, and the TestInfo module uses these settings and parameters.

Testing takes place in 3 stages:

1. Entering data about the test subject and choosing a test.

1. The field "Enter your full name." - Entering the testee's initials. Optional to fill out.

2. The field "Enter the number of the group" - enter the number of the group or unit of the tested person. Optional to fill out.

3. The field "Select a topic for testing" - the choice of a subject and a topic for testing.

4. Field "Select your specialty" - in this field, the name of the specialty is selected. groups that were defined when the test was created. The name of the field is also determined when creating the test.

5. Field "Additional information" - this field displays the information specified by the teacher when creating the test.

The lower part of the window displays additional information about the selected test. To go to the next stage and start testing, click the "Start test" button.

2. Answer to the questions provided.

1. Field "Question #" - displays the number and text of the question with the ability to view the attached picture.

2. Field "Comment" - displaying a comment about the number of correct answers. The display of this field is determined at the test creation stage.

3. Field "Answer options" - viewing the answer options for the question with the ability to view the attached picture.

4. Flag "I think this answer is correct" - check the box if we believe that the selected answer is correct. If there is more than one correct answer, then this checkbox must be placed next to each answer.

5. Button "Accept answer" - after selecting all the correct answers, to confirm the answer to the question, you need to click this button.

6. Button "Go back" - the ability to return to the previous question. This possibility is determined at the test creation stage.

7. Button "Skip question" - the ability to skip this question. This question will no longer appear, but another will come in its place. This possibility is determined at the test creation stage.

8. Button "Answer later" - the ability to answer the question later. This question is moved to the bottom of the list. This possibility is determined at the test creation stage.

Also, when testing, the screen displays a preliminary assessment for the correct answers, the amount of points scored, the elapsed and remaining testing time. The display of these parameters is determined at the test creation stage.

After answering the questions, the result is displayed.

· The field "Full name of the tested person" - this field is intended for entering the initials of the tested person (optional).

· Field "File-test" – the name of the file-test, which will be automatically launched.

· Field "Special group" – selection of special group. group used in this test.

· The "Password for testing" field – enter a password to confirm access to testing.

· "Automatically load specified test" flag – if this flag is set, the selected test will be launched when the program is loaded.

Note: in the testing module, it is possible to work with several configuration files. Those. if you want to automatically run multiple tests, you can create multiple configuration files and run them one by one as a parameter from the command line. Example: "tinfo.exe st.ini" - where "st.ini" is the configuration file.

Note: All configuration files must be in the same folder as the test module.

use of pictures and ANY OLE-objects directly in questions

Full formatting of the description of the test and questions (each character can be written in its own font, color, etc.)

test preview

export test to RTF format

test printing: only questions, questions and answers, questions and answers + correct answers

password protection of the test (separately for change and test modes)

Possibility to limit testing time

Supporting questions with multimedia files

Ability to copy questions

test encryption and compression

use of mouse, keyboard and hotkeys.

· Working with the Windows clipboard.

simple and intuitive interface

Choice of the option for displaying questions during testing: from the first to the last; from last to first; randomly;

Each question can be assessed by its level of difficulty (assignment of a difficulty score);

Possibility to allow/prohibit repeated passing of the test;

support for various types of questions;

The number of questions in the test is not limited

The number of answers in each question is not limited

test encryption and compression

the possibility of entering additional information that will be shown before the start of testing;

«-» missing:

the possibility of using special purpose groups (definition of mandatory / optional questions for each group of test takers);

the opportunity to answer later on several (asked by the teacher) questions;

the ability to block access to the desktop during testing;

Possibility during testing to limit the movement of the mouse within the working form;

· development of tests in WYSIWYG style (what you see is what you get) greatly facilitates the work with the program and allows you to master its interface in the shortest possible time.

Types of questions used in the program

· closed questions:

- single choice;

The main type of questions used to control knowledge and skills. Questions of this type involve the choice of one answer from several possible options.

Benefits of this type of question:

Low probability of guessing the correct answer;

For the correct formulation of these questions, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

Correct and incorrect answers must be unambiguous in content, structure and total number of words;

- multiple choice;

The main type of questions used to control knowledge and skills. Questions of this type require the selection of several correct answers from a list of possible options.

The application of this type of questions is most appropriate for large definitions, complex processes, graphs, charts, tables, i.e. to those elements of knowledge that can be structured or broken down into smaller parts.

This is especially important both in terms of testing the assimilation of knowledge and monitoring the ability to analyze data, work with different forms of presenting results (graphs, charts, tables, etc.)

The advantage of multiple choice questions:

Questions are fairly reliable because there are no factors associated with subjective assessments that reduce reliability;

Low probability of guessing the correct answers;

For the correct formulation of multiple choice questions, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

All answer options should be grammatically consistent with the main part of the task;

Questions should contain only one thought or statement;

Wrong answers should be reasonable, skillfully selected, there should be no obvious inaccuracies;

Use negation as little as possible in the main part;

The question should not contain unnecessary details;

In traditional pedagogy, the following control tasks are distinguished:

· to establish the student's readiness for the perception and assimilation of new knowledge (to restore intra-subject and inter-subject communications);

Obtain information about the nature of independent work of students in the learning process;

identify difficulties and errors, their causes;

determine the effectiveness of the organization, methods and means of training;

identify the degree of correctness, volume and depth of knowledge and skills of the student

Summarizing, we can say that the functions of control are informing about the results of work and reflecting the dynamics of the student's development.

Having studied and analyzed the programs I chose (SuperTest and TeachLab), I concluded that despite the small "minuses", both programs are suitable for use in the educational process. Both programs have the ability to create tests that satisfy the properties and requirements (listed above). It remains only the main task - to write the test correctly.

1) Baranov V.Yu. Answer forms for automated knowledge control.-M.: Informatics and education, No. 8, 2004.

2) Plotnikova I.A. Methods of test control in high school.-M: INFO, No. 1, 2000.

3) Troyanovsky V.M. Automated control of knowledge in the system of interrelated concepts.-M: Informatics and Education, No. 3, 2002

4) Chernichin A.N. Laboratory workshop on the course "Technical and audiovisual teaching aids". - Smolensk: SGPU, 2005. P3

5) Shafrin Yu.A. Methodological review for a teacher on the topic "Multi-User Information Systems". - M: Informatics, No. 38, 2004.


Program features

Possible number of questions in the test

Not limited

Support for different types of questions

- (there is no question type matching, the area in the figure

Grouping test questions by topic

Using Pictures and Other OLE Objects in Questions

Supports drag&drop technology

Entering additional information before the test itself

Test Preview

Test print

Password protection of the test

Ability to limit time

Number of options in a question

No more than 10

Not limited

Using hotkeys

Working with the Windows Clipboard

Ability to quickly jump to a question with a given number

Ability to check questions for repetition

Opportunity to answer a few questions later

Each question has its own level of difficulty.

Selecting the display of questions during testing

opportunity to follow. question if the answer is not correct

* - present

- - missing

main destination
control programs - in a short time to identify the levels of knowledge of all students in any volume. educational material sections, paragraphs, topics, terminology, chronology, etc. The interaction between trainees and the teacher is shown in Fig.1.

The children need to be taught how to work correctly with various types of tests, and the already created controlling testing programs, for example, "Tutor in History", are indispensable for this. This program can be used both at the development stage
material (you can refer to the link if the material is forgotten or unfamiliar), and at the final control.

For example, the CD-ROM "History Tutor" (Cyril and Methodius) involves the development, correction and control of students' knowledge in various courses of Russian history from ancient times to the 20th century.

The test program offers several hundred tests and the teacher can make "bookmarks" on a specific topic, i.e., select the number of tests in accordance with the control objectives (see Fig. 2). Students can go into links and get advice on an incomprehensible issue, and then continue testing (i.e. students independently carry out self-testing).

In a multimedia history textbook for grade 9 “History of Russia. XX century ”testing is provided after each paragraph. The tests check knowledge of dates, the sequence of historical events, the names of historical figures and events associated with them, the essence of historical phenomena and their characteristics, important statistical data, the meanings of terms and definitions of concepts, etc. At the same time, the program contains several types of tasks to check the assimilation of educational material. Each time the student is offered a set of tasks of different types:

@ single or multiple choice test

@ from the proposed set (the simplest option);

@ alignment of statistical, chronological and other tables (the cells of the right column (or two right columns if the table consists of three columns) in the table must be aligned with the cells in the left one);

@ choice of term corresponding to the definition, description;

@ crossword (since the student is faced with a large amount of historical information when completing the crossword, solving one crossword is equivalent to three other types of tests when giving a final grade).

An important point in the testing process is the additional button "Answer is ready". Before clicking it, the student has the opportunity to check the answer again and, if necessary, change it. This protects the student from accidentally pressing the wrong button. In addition, the time allotted for testing is unlimited, which does not create stressful situations for slow-working children.

Indispensable are testing programs created by the teacher himself, based on the goals of control. The disadvantage of already created testing programs is that the tests are presented in one version, they do not provide an opportunity to control the necessary material. This problem can be solved by the teacher himself, because at the present time shells for tests have been developed that involve filling in the material up to several options, while performing automatic scoring.

Students can use certain demonstration test options for individual blocks of history and social studies courses in self-control, mutual control, and homework preparation. For example, in the methodological manual for a teacher in the course "Recent history of foreign countries" (author), there are demonstration options for tasks for all blocks. The tests were scanned, placed in the shell provided in the "History" CD-ROM, and then written to disk (see Figure 3). The same tests for convenience are presented in the collection in printed form. In this shell, the teacher can compile author's collections of tests for all courses in history and social science.

Thus, the identification and evaluation of knowledge using control programs has undeniable advantages.

Firstly, huge time savings. In one lesson, all students can be tested. Moreover, while 12-13 students work with the test for 20 minutes, another group can work with other types of tasks (“diagonal” lesson scheme).

Secondly, the student shows complete independence in work: he himself highlights the question on the monitor screen, he thinks it over, answers.

Thirdly, special psychological state of students. The pace of work for students is different and everyone has the opportunity to individually plan the time for each answer.

% correct



Bateneva Tatiana

Belousov Konstantin.

Klimukhin Andrey

Number of wrong

% correct

Average score