Development of creative abilities: tips for everyone. Regulations on the creative council

What does it take to get inspired? On the one hand, someone (or something) is needed to guide us on the path of self-expression. It could be a person you admire or are in love with, a gripping book, or a scenic landscape. On the other hand, inspiration stimulates activity and is therefore valuable.

Texas Commerce University psychologists Daniel Chadbourne and Steven Reisen found that we are inspired by the experiences of successful people. At the same time, we should feel similar to this person (in terms of age, appearance, general facts of the biography, profession), but his status should far exceed ours. For example, if we dream of learning how to cook, a housewife who became the host of a cooking show will inspire more than a neighbor who works as a cook in a restaurant.

And where do the celebrities themselves draw inspiration from, because many of them do not recognize authorities? Representatives of creative professions share know-how.

1. Turn off the TV. Shostakovich would not have been able to write music with the "box" turned on.

2. Let light into the room. It is impossible to work indoors without windows.

3. Try to get up every day at the same time. When I wrote the last opera, I got up at 5-6 in the morning. The day is the worst time for creativity.

1. Be a "magpie": hunt for the brilliant and unusual. I try to be attentive: I watch people on the streets, their gestures and clothes, watch movies, read, remember what I discussed with friends. Capture images and ideas.

2. Change the environment. A great option is to leave the city for the countryside and meditate, or, conversely, after living in nature, plunge into the rhythm of the metropolis.

3. Communicate with people who are far from your area of ​​interest. For example, while working on a recent project, I became friends with digital specialists.

1. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Allow yourself to take risks, do things that scare you. People may remember the color of your dress, but no one will remember if you forgot or misquoted the words.

2. Don't focus on your mission. I have always believed that I should dedicate every second of my life to music. But in fact, when I take a break from the opera and try to enjoy the joys of life, I am more satisfied with the performances.

3. Do not think that inspiration will visit you in someone's presence. It usually comes when you are alone.

1. Make sure the question you are interested in resonates with the world and what you have inside. This is the only way to continue working if you are in doubt.

2. Set an alarm for an earlier time than what you are used to waking up. Light sleep has become the source of my best ideas.

3. Check ideas for uniqueness. If no one thought of it before, with a probability of 99% we can say that it was not worth it. But for the sake of this 1% we are engaged in creativity.

1. Listen to music, it helps me personally.

2. Draw. I am fussy and work better when my hands are full. During rehearsals, I often sketch out various symbols associated with the play, and then they revive the dialogues in my memory.

3. Walk. Every day I start with a walk in the park, and sometimes I look there in the middle of the day to reflect on the character or situation. At the same time, I almost always listen to music: while one part of the brain is busy, the other can devote itself to creativity.

These 100 creativity ideas can be helpful if you:

  • Want to find an idea
  • Do you want to overcome creative block?
  • Want to stimulate your creativity

100 ideas for developing creativity:

  1. Go in for sports. Sport is very useful for creativity, because it enhances your energy.
  2. Once a month, buy a magazine or newspaper that you have never read. Read something you've never read to stimulate creativity.
  3. Meet your inner artist. Do what you've never done before. Go to the museum, gallery, to the embankment.
  4. Sing. The chakra of creativity is located in the throat area, so it is useful to sing.
  5. Make a list of goals.
  6. Always carry a notebook or notepad with you for ideas. When you want to create, you will already have a whole list of ideas.
  7. Once a week do not turn on the computer for 24 hours. Let your brain generate ideas for creativity.
  8. Find what inspires you.
  9. Write about how you would like to change the world. How would you change it if you had superpowers.
  10. Diversify everything you do. Creativity in everything you do.
  11. Look for creative solutions, approaches. Let there be creativity always and everywhere.
  12. Be practical. Enough theories, apply knowledge in practice and you will not lack ideas. It is difficult to create something if you are a theorist. But if you are a practitioner, then you will have a lot of thoughts to mess up).
  13. Be helpful, create value, do something for people. Helpfulness and gratitude very well develops creativity.
  14. Be unique, be yourself.
  15. Stand out, don't be afraid to stand out. Often, to get attention, you need to stand out. creative people are always different.
  16. Believe in the magic of life, there is something above us, there is something that does not depend on us. Creativity is in the air, you have to catch it, as if someone from above sends you brilliant ideas.
  17. Uncertainty. Only change is permanent, sometimes do something spontaneously, without any plan.
  18. Do not chase after objects and material values, people are the most important thing.
  19. Get some fresh air and clear your head.
  20. Find your tribe, the place where people from your sphere live and communicate. This way you will multiply your creativity and talk to people of your level who are similar and different from you.
  21. Learn to think big. I recommend the book by D. Schwartz "The Art of Thinking Big".
  22. Create a backup plan or backup strategy for life. "What if..." Something like Plan B helps a lot when things go wrong.
  23. Stay with family and friends - this is the most important thing in your life.
  24. Implement a new good habit. Actions beget actions. Creative people are talented in many ways.
  25. Be grateful. Nothing boosts creativity like gratitude. Be grateful for what you want to receive and you will receive.
  26. Support other people. Praise or give approval to the newcomer.
  27. Throw out the junk. Nature does not tolerate emptiness. In place of the old junk will come a lot of ideas for creativity.
  28. Stop complaining and do something really useful.
  29. Use the “A Little Bit Every Day” Principle. One thing at a time.
  30. Learn from your mistakes, learn from your mistakes. Write an article or book about your mistakes.
  31. Spread only good news. Be positive.
  32. Create your perfect day.
  33. Put all the problems on pause, and sit in silence.
  34. Write 100 wishes.
  35. Create a list of 50 ways to make money, it's very inspiring.
  36. Set your priorities. Do you really need millions of dollars or 50 thousand visitors a day?
  37. Be creative always and in everything.
  38. Get energized by Mother Nature.
  39. Make mistakes, allow yourself to make mistakes.
  40. Invest in yourself. Invest in your development, invest in yourself. If you want to create something, then invest in yourself, buy books and trainings.
  41. Allow yourself creative luxury. These are some items for your work that you denied yourself, considering it an unnecessary luxury. Brushes, canvases, easel, expensive pen, album.
  42. Think about what you want to devote your whole life to. Are you ready to devote your whole life to art? It will be something you understand.
  43. Remember that there are 3 paths to knowledge. The path of reflection - ask yourself questions and look for answers in the outside world
  44. The path of imitation is the study of someone else's positive experience.
  45. The path of personal experience. Trial and error method. Use all 3 ways. All three of these paths are good for developing creativity, none of them should be ignored.
  46. Overcome mediocrity. Do what most people don't. It develops you and your creations very well. Run in the winter, exercise, throw away the TV.
  47. Show me your heart. Remember the quotes from the movie "Jerry McVier" "Show me the money", "Show me the heart."
  48. Act at the limit of your ability.
  49. Remember that quarrels and scandals suck energy out of you. In addition to alcohol, negativity also kills creativity.
  50. Meditate.
  51. Engage in other creative activities.
  52. Watch the sunset - it's a beautiful and inspiring sight. People in Goa and Thailand go out every day to watch the sunset.
  53. Refresh your wardrobe, wear different things, wear different things and in the new style we feel different.
  54. Full immersion. Try setting yourself a mega-task and staying up until you've done it. It must be a creative challenge. Write a book, write a mega post, do 10 things, sell 10 links.
  55. Relax and let ideas mature.
  56. Switching - try alternating jobs. Read books on different topics, alternate household chores and work.
  57. Review your sketches, notes, and drafts. You can see something in them that will inspire you.
  58. Do other things instead of being creative. Engage in promotion, marketing or organization
  59. Entertain yourself. Go to the movies, meet friends, go to nature.
  60. Eliminate all distractions. If you decide to work, then completely immerse yourself in the work. Turn off everything that interferes: TV, torrents, the Internet, even a computer if it is not needed for work.
  61. Outsource routine work. You don't have to do everything yourself.
  62. Copy someone else's positive experience. Steal like an artist. There is nothing new under the sun.
  63. If you are missing something, then you can do it yourself. As some writer said, if you want to read a book, then write it yourself. If you need something, then create it yourself. Just like that, to broaden your horizons.
  64. Work with your hands. Do something manually, it activates certain areas of the brain. It can be any creative activity that is not related to your main activity. Remember young children, in order to learn to write and speak, they had to sculpt and draw.
  65. Take up an outside hobby. Something not significant, something for oneself, not for any purpose, but just for the soul and to distract.
  66. Promote your creation. Post it where other people can see and appreciate it. Yes, it's a little scary. But that way you will never become famous. Opinions from the outside are very motivating to create further. It doesn't matter if it's negative criticism or positive praise.
  67. Be tenacious. Be consistent. I understand that it is boring, but this is the only way to get to the result.
  68. Get in the flow. This phenomenon is little studied. It is information and inspiration that is in the air. There is a theory that we ourselves do not invent or create anything, but simply catch the flow and transmit it.
  69. The infobusiness is very popular right now. To catch an idea and want to implement it, courses and trainings can help you. I had a real creative breakthrough after the Parabellum trainings. Everything that is done now on this site, a lot thanks to them.
  70. Dive into another realm. I've talked about this before, but it's worth mentioning again. Connect the unconnected. Combine your knowledge and experience from another field. It might be something completely new.
  71. Start teaching. Or just explain something to a newbie. When you teach, you yourself learn.
  72. Morning pages or stream writing. You just sit down and write whatever comes to your mind on paper. All thoughts and ideas are from your stream of consciousness. It clears the head a lot.
  73. Quota of ideas. Start today setting the standard for ideas on how you can create better. For example 5 ideas per day. You attract what you focus on. At first it seems to you that nothing new can be invented, but then you see that the flow of ideas for creativity is inexhaustible.
  74. Question Why. In the book of Larry King, there was a case when he talked all night because a friend decided to poke fun at him and during the night he pretended to listen, and all the time asked “Why, why?”. To develop creativity, often ask yourself Why?
  75. Take the first step, start small. Starting with small steps, you will gradually swing. I use for this. I started writing for 20 minutes a day. For 20 minutes a day I accustomed myself to sports.
  76. If you don't feel like doing anything, then try to improve what you already have. We are used to the need to destroy and destroy the old in order to build the new. But as history shows, this is not the best choice. What you thought was a terrible picture or book, you can improve with just a few changes.
  77. Reward yourself. Whatever, whatever you want. Often we still follow our desires, but this can be motivated. It's like "do your homework, and then you go to play." I reward myself for this article with fruit, ice cream))). Reward yourself for what you do or try to do. Although they say creativity in itself is a reward).
  78. Break the rules. Try doing the opposite, they say it helps to think creatively. Talk in gibberish, walk backwards for a while. Try to work in unexpected places.
  79. Do something "forbidden". Sometimes this is helpful. This advice is similar to the previous one. Try to break your principles. For me, it can be bad habits, something that you forbid yourself. Remember how in the movie "Peaceful Warrior" they went to drink cognac and smoke cigars in a bar, because you need to be aware of your attachments so that this does not turn into a habit.
  80. Be active. I recommend sometimes to stop and listen to yourself, but mostly you need to be active. Now it is fashionable to speak proactively. The nature of life is activity. The nature of relationships is activity. The nature of creativity is activity.
  81. Dive into an item to launch yourself. This technique is used. The more you learn about the subject, the more interesting you will be. When you do not know anything about the country and its culture, and great personalities, then you will not be interested in traveling in it, everything will quickly get bored.
  82. Use fatigue. When you are dead tired, then try to create. It's not easy, but it's productive. At such moments, we tear off the roof, demolishes all barriers. we are not able to criticize and slow down ourselves, and the subconscious begins to work to the fullest. It's like a second wind.
  83. Collect ideas. Maybe among them you will find those whose time has already come.
  84. Win today. This phrase is taken from American baseball. It doesn't matter what happens tomorrow, even the end of the world, but today you must win! Don't put off your victory until tomorrow or Monday or next year.
  85. Get back to basics. Remember how it all began. How did your desire to create begin and when. They say that to know what will happen in the future, you need to look into the past. Write your story.
  86. Go on an informational diet. Get rid of . Too much information sometimes makes it difficult to turn on the head.
  87. Go to a spontaneous drawing class. If this is not in your city, then arrange it yourself.
  88. Get up early. Practice getting up early - this is the best time to be creative. Wake up at 5-6 am at least once a week.
  89. Spend 1 day without a watch. You can do it on the weekend. Give up hours to buy time for yourself.
  90. Spend 1 day in silence. Try to take a vow of silence for a day.
  91. Say Yes. It's good to get out of your usual comfort zone. 1 day completely agree on everything. If you don't want to, then watch the movie Always Say YES.
  92. Say no. It doesn't matter to whom. Also within 1 day. This exercise teaches you to be persistent and adamant. It teaches you to choose what is important, and set personal boundaries. There is nothing more important than your family and your favorite business.
  93. Read aloud. It's like when you are giving a lecture or teaching someone. But sometimes it's good to just read aloud. Information is acquired from three sides. You see it, hear your voice and speak.
  94. Collect quotes of great people and just aphorisms. Reread them.
  95. Give yourself a brainstorm.
  96. Travel abroad.
  97. Read biographies of great people. If you are very lazy, then at least watch films based on biographies. Learn as much as you can about the life of creative people, how they motivated themselves to create, how inspiration came to them.
  98. Make your list of 100 tips. This is a list of useful tips in your field, or useful for you. It can be a list, or just 100 of your wishes.
  99. Study articles and books, techniques for developing creativity.
  100. Re-read this list of 100 creative ideas and make the ones you like best.

I like the song, I like the melody and the video is also like nothing! Enjoy Mad World - Gary Jules)


Austin Kleon's 10 Rules for Effective Creativity

Austin Kleon - is an artist and poet, author of the collection Newspaper Blackout Poems. In March 2011, on his blog, he formulated the rules for effective creativity, which instantly made him famous. T&P translated this manifesto about life, work, internet, communication and creativity.

1. Steal like an artist

Every artist has to answer the question where he gets his ideas from. An honest artist will answer: "I steal them." That's about all there is to say about it. Every artist understands this.

There are 3 words that give me hope every time I read them.

There is nothing original. This was said in the Bible: “What was, is what will be; and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecc 1:9). Any new project mixes elements of old ideas or simply changes one of them.

Art schools always show one trick. Draw two parallel lines on a piece of paper:

How many lines are in the picture? The first line is visible, the second, but there is also a dark line between them. See?

1 + 1 = 3.

There is another good example of what I'm talking about.- in genetics. You inherit the genes of your father and mother, but you are not just a set of parental traits. You- something more, a new version of both parents and all of their many ancestors.

You can't choose your parents, but you can choose teachers, friends, music, books, and movies.

Jay-Z talks about this in his book Decoded:

“We grew up without fathers, so we found them on the streets, in history, and to some extent this was a gift for us. We had to choose our ancestors to populate the world we were going to build for ourselves… Usually our fathers left because they were rejected, but we took their old records and used them to create something new.”

In fact, you- it's what you let into your life. You- the sum of what affects you. As Goethe said, "we are created and shaped by what we love."

Painter - it's a collector. Not a miser who collects everything indiscriminately, namely a collector- who purposefully collects only those things that he really loves.

There is one economic theory- if you add up the income of your five closest friends and find the arithmetic mean, the result will be very close to your own income.

I think the same applies to idea income. We are only as cool as our environment is cool.

My mother used to repeat to me: "Garbage at the entrance- trash out." It drove me crazy. But now I understand what she meant. Your task- collect ideas. The best way for this- read. Read, read, read, read, read. Newspapers, weather, road signs, faces of strangers. The more you read, the wider the choice of what will affect you.

Pick a writer you really like. Find all of his works. Find out what he has read. And read it all. Climb up your family tree of writers.

Steal ideas and save them for the future. Carry a notebook everywhere. Write in books. Rip pages out of magazines and use them to create collages in your scrapbook. Steal like an artist.

2. You don't have to wait to get started

Last year, a video was circulating on the internet of Rainn Wilson, who played Dwight on the television series The Office. Speaking about creativity, he said exactly what allows so many people to put off their projects: “If you don’t know who you are and what you live for or what you believe in, it’s almost impossible to be creative.”

If I had waited to understand “who I am” and “what I live for” before I began to “do art”, I would still be sitting around trying to find myself, instead of just starting to do something . I know from my own experience- It is in the process of work that we understand who we are.

You are already ready. Start doing. Perhaps you are scared. It `s naturally. There is one feature that is characteristic primarily of educated people. It's called "Imposter Syndrome". According to the medical description, this is "a psychological phenomenon in which a person is not able to adequately accept his own successes." He feels like a deceiver who does everything at random, but in fact he does not even understand what he is doing.

And you know what? Nobody understands. When I started scribbling words out of newspaper columns, I had no idea what I was doing. I only knew it was great. It didn't feel like work, it felt like play. Ask any good artist and he'll tell the truth- he does not know where masterpieces come from. He just does his thing. Every day.

Fake it until it works. I like this phrase. It can be understood in two ways: pretend until you succeed, until everyone sees you the way you want. Or- pretend until you actually learn how to do something. I really like this idea.

I also love Patti Smith's book Just Kids.- a story about how two friends came to New York to learn how to be artists. Do you know how they did it? They acted like artists. My favorite, key, plot of the book- Patti Smith and her friend Robert Mapplethorpe, dressed as tramps, went to Washington Square, which is always crowded. One old lady stared at them and said to her husband, “Take a picture of them. I think they are artists." "Not,- he shook his head- they're just kids."

The whole world - this is the scene. For creativity, you also need a stage, a costume and a script. Scene- this is your workspace. It could be a studio, a desk, or a sketchbook. Costume- this is your work clothes- special pants that you draw in, slippers you write in, or that funny hat that inspires you. A script- this time. An hour is here, an hour is there. Script in a play- it's just the time allotted for different episodes.

Fake it until it works.

3. Write a book you yourself would like to read

I'll tell you a short story. Jurassic Park came out when I was 10 years old. I raved about this movie- like any 10 year old. At that moment, when I left the cinema of my provincial town, I was already waiting for the continuation.

The next day, I sat down at my old computer with a green monitor and wrote the sequel myself. In it, the son of a forester, eaten in the first film by velociraptors, returns to the island along with the granddaughter of the creator of the park. He wants to destroy the park completely, she- save it. They have different adventures, and as a result, they, of course, fall in love with each other.

I didn't know then that I wrote what is now called fanfiction.- fictional stories with existing characters. I then saved my history on the computer. A few years later, Jurassic Park 2 came out. And his plot was sucked from the finger. A movie sequel can never match the sequel we've already created in our heads.

An aspiring writer always wonders what he should write about. Usually they say to him: "Write about what you know well." The result is often horror stories in which nothing interesting happens. So the best advice- Do not write about what you know, but write about what you want. Write a story that you like. We are creative because we like it. All fiction- it's basically fanfiction. The best way to decide what to do- is to think about what you would like to achieve but haven't done yet, and then do it. Create pictures that you yourself would like to look at, music that you would like to listen to, write books that you would like to read.

4. Use your hands

My favorite cartoonist Linda Barry once said, "Your hands- it's the very first digital device." When I studied writing in college, like everyone else, I had to turn in my essays in double-spaced Times New Roman. And everything turned out horribly for me. As soon as I started writing by hand, the work went more fun, and its quality improved markedly.

The further I stay away from the computer, the better my ideas get. Microsoft Word- this is my enemy. I use it all the time at work, so the rest of the time I try not to mess with it.

I think the more writing becomes a physical process, the better the writing gets. You can feel the ink on the paper. You can spread the sheets around the table and sort through them. You can put the text wherever it will be convenient to look at it.

I am often asked why I don't make Newspaper Blackout apps for iPhone or iPad. I answer that there is some magic in holding a printed sheet in your hand. Many of the senses are involved in the creative process- even smells can give a very special experience.

Art that comes only from the head cannot be anything good. Look at any talented musician and you will understand what I mean. When I compose poetry, I don't feel like it's work. It's like a game. My advice: find a way to get your body to work. Draw on the walls. Stand while you work. Lay things out on the table. Use your hands.

5. Side projects and hobbies are important

The main thing that I learned in that short time that I was an artist: it is side projects that "shoot". By them, I mean those things that at first seemed insignificant. Just a game. However, these are the things that really matter.- that's where the magic lies. My blackout poems were such a side project. If I had only been writing short stories, if I had not allowed myself to experiment freely, I would never have become who I am today.

Equally important is having a hobby. Something just for yourself. my hobby- it `s music. My work is addressed to everyone, and music- just me and my friends. We get together every Sunday and make a fuss for an hour or two. And that's great. So the advice is this: make time for yourself to do nothing. Find a hobby. It will do you good, and you never know where your passion will take you.

6. Secret: Do something good and post it where people will see it

I get a lot of emails from young artists asking how they can find their audience. "How do I get someone to open me"? I understand them very well. After graduating from college, I was also somewhat confused. Class- this is a beautiful, albeit artificially created place for creativity- the professor gets paid to look into your ideas, and your fellow students get paid to take an interest in them.

Never again in your life will you have such attentive viewers. However, you will soon find out that the world as a whole does not care about your ideas. It sounds tough, but it's true. As Stephen Pressfield said, "It doesn't mean that people are uneducated or cruel, they're just busy." If there was some secret formula for winning an audience, I would tell you it. But I only know one not so original formula: "Make a good project, and put it where people can see it."

Step 2: "Get your project seen"- was difficult only 10 years ago. Now everything is very simple- put the project on the internet.

You should be surprised at things that nobody but you is surprised at. If someone finds apples amazing, be surprised by oranges. One of the things I learned as an artist- the more openly you share your feelings, the more people like your art. Painters- not magicians. There will be no punishment for revealing your secrets.

Believe it or not, people like Bob Ross and Martha Stewart really inspire me. Bob teaches people how to draw, and Martha tells how to transform your house and your whole life. They both share their secrets.

People love it when you reveal secrets, and sometimes, if you're good at it, they buy what you sell.

When you open up and involve people in the creative process, you yourself learn. I learned a lot from the guys who submitted their essays to Newspaper Blackout. I borrow a lot from them. We mutually enrich each other.

So my advice is: learn online programs. Learn how to make a website, how to work in blogs, Twitter and other similar services. Find people on the Internet who love the same things as you and connect with them. Share ideas with them.

Berlinskaya Ludmila Valentinovna- pianist, actress

She graduated from the secondary special music school. Gnesins in the piano class of Anna Kantor, Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Laureate of international competitions for chamber ensembles in Paris and Florence. She performs both as a soloist and in chamber ensembles with outstanding musicians.

Founder and organizer of several music festivals, artistic director of the Russian-French festival "La Clé des Portes" ("Keys to the Castle"). Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Buturlina Anna Vladimirovna

Buturlina Anna Vladimirovna - jazz singer.

Was born in Moscow. She graduated from the music school. S. Prokofiev, piano class, conductor-choir department of the school. Gnesins and the pop-jazz department of the Russian Academy of Music.

The singer performs both solo and together with the Russian State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography conducted by Sergei Skripka, with big bands from different cities of Russia, collaborates with the Disney company, and participates in the creative projects of the composer Gennady Gladkov. He also records vocal parts for films.

Kelle Valida Mahmudovna

Kelle Valida Mahmudovna - teacher, musicologist.

Graduated from the GMPI (now - RAM) named after. Gnesins, postgraduate student of the GMPI named after A.I. Gnesins, trained at the Sorbonne and the Paris National Conservatory.

Now Associate Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Gnesins. Member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, founder and director of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Creative Heritage of Boris Tchaikovsky. He conducts a large educational activity in Moscow and other cities of Russia: he performs on radio and television, organizes concert cycles and anniversary evenings. Has over 200 publications.

Kott Vladimir Konstantinovich

Kott Vladimir Konstantinovich - theater and film director.

In 1996, Vladimir Konstantinovich graduated from GITIS, and in 2003 - the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors. His thesis work - the short film "The Door" (2004) - won awards at several Russian and foreign film festivals and was purchased for screening in Europe.

Mechetina Ekaterina Vasilievna

Mechetina Ekaterina Vasilievna - pianist, teacher, soloist of the Moscow State Philharmonic Society, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Born into a family of musicians. She started playing the piano at the age of 4 and performed on stage for the first time at the age of 5. She graduated from the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, then the Moscow Conservatory. In 2004 she completed her postgraduate studies.

She gives solo concerts and also as a soloist with the Moscow Virtuosos, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, and the Russian National Orchestra. For all the time of her concert activity she performed in at least 40 countries of the world. Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation.

Muratov Alexander Alexandrovich

Muratov Alexander Alexandrovich - film director and screenwriter, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation.

After graduating from the directing department of VGIK in 1978, Alexander Alexandrovich worked as a stage director, first at the Lenfilm film studio, and then at Mosfilm. He is the author of over 20 films and television series. Since 1998, Alexander Alexandrovich has been teaching at the director's department of the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors.

Inin Arkady Yakovlevich- Graduate of the screenwriting department of VGIK

Inin Arkady Yakovlevich - screenwriter, satirist, Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR, professor at VGIK. Arkady Yakovlevich is a graduate of the screenwriting department of VGIK.

He has more than 40 comedies and more than 200 TV and radio programs in his creative baggage. It was he who created the popular TV programs "Around Laughter" and "With all my heart!". Also, Arkady Yakovlevich is the author of a number of books, newspaper articles and magazine feuilletons.

The playwright's work has won numerous prestigious awards. Arkady Yakovlevich regularly takes part in the jury of major film festivals.

Rumyantsev Anton Alexandrovich

Rumyantsev Anton Alexandrovich - saxophonist, jazzman, leader of the Anton Rumyantsev Quartet.

Graduated from RAM them. Gnesins, saxophone class of Honored Artist of Russia A.V. Oseychuk.

One of the brightest soloists-improvisers in Moscow, brilliantly mastering the traditional and modern means of playing. Behind the musician's shoulders are collaborations with famous jazz performers, prizes from numerous competitions and festivals, including the Lionol Hampton International Festival (USA) and the Golden Saxophone International Competition (Latvia).

Skorik Nikolai Lavrentievich

Skorik Nikolai Lavrentievich - director of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 1976 he graduated from the course of O. Efremov at the Moscow Art Theater School and immediately began working at the Art Theater. Since 1987, as a stage director, he has staged performances: The Days of the Turbins, Equus, Dodo, Ghosts, The Last Day of Summer, Ondine and many others.

Nikolai Skorik - Head of the Department of Directing and Acting at the Moscow State Institute of Culture, artistic director of the "Workshop N.L. Skorika. Laureate of the Prize. A.P. Chekhov and awards of the city of Moscow.

Ursulyak Sergey Vladimirovich

Ursulyak Sergey Vladimirovich - director, screenwriter, producer, actor.

After graduating from the acting department of the Theater School named after B.V. Schukina Sergey Vladimirovich played on the stage of the theater "Satyricon". In 1993, he also graduated from the Higher Courses for Directors and Screenwriters. Among his directorial works is the TV program “Dog Show. Me and my dog” and a documentary cycle of television programs “Recent history” (together with Evgeny Kiselev) on NTV. From 2002 to 2005, Sergei Vladimirovich was the author and host of the TV program about the actors "Motley Ribbon" (since 2003, the program was broadcast on Channel One).

Chavchavadze Elena Nikolaevna

Chavchavadze Elena Nikolaevna - journalist, director, screenwriter, public figure, vice-president of the Russian Cultural Foundation.

After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University with a degree in Television Journalism, Elena Nikolaevna worked as a senior editor at Central Television, and then as a leading editor of the Main Script and Editorial Board at the USSR State Film Agency. In 1998, she headed the Directorate of Presidential Programs of the Russian Cultural Foundation.

Elena Anatolyevna is the author and producer of a number of television films and series: Ivan Shmelev's Ways of Heaven, Russians Without Russia, Who Paid Lenin? Secret of the century" and others. She is the founder of the Return Foundation, whose activities are aimed at reviving the historical traditions and moral values ​​of pre-revolutionary Russia.

There is a certain semantic dissonance in the very sound of the words "creative worker". At the word “creativity”, an image of a winged and wayward muse arises in my head, and when you say “worker”, for some reason a tired man with a shovel appears.

However, if you want to make a living from creativity, then you will have to somehow get along with these two images. And even in those moments when you are dead tired and there are no “no words, no music, no strength”, there are still ways to lure the muse of creativity to you. In this article, you will learn about some proven ways to do this.

1. Surround yourself with creative people

Even just being in the midst of writers, musicians, poets and artists can inspire you and refresh your mind. After all, it’s not for nothing that all these creative unions and art cafes exist?

2. Start something

If you can't seem to get your first word or first stroke on a blank canvas, start with drafts. Do not bother with perfection, make simple sketches and sketches. Your brain, freed from the burden of responsibility for mistakes, may well throw you a couple of new ideas.

3. Look for something new

Inspiration ends when the brain begins to move in circles. To break this cycle, constantly look for new experiences and sensations. If you are a rock musician, then try going to the opera, if you write detective stories, then start reading science fiction, and so on. New things are very often born at the intersection of the arts.

4. Create a morning ritual

Perhaps you have a specific sequence of actions that pushes your creativity? Maybe it's a cup of coffee, a morning walk or work in a cafe?

5. Keep learning

Do not give anyone a single chance to call you a "representative of a bygone era" and a "dinosaur." Don't be lazy to absorb everything new and innovative that appears in your field.

6. Don't isolate yourself from the outside world

Modern technologies allow you to work without leaving your home at all. However, such creative solitude, sooner or later, leads to burnout and devastation. Do not be afraid to come out of your shell, do not be lazy to communicate, and the outside world will give you plots that you never dreamed of.

7. Drink coffee

Yes, just coffee. Sometimes a cup of hot, strong coffee can give you such a creative boost that your hands can't keep up with your caffeinated thoughts. The main thing here is not to overdo it and know the measure, otherwise this technique will stop working.

8. Don't be a perfectionist

Someone who wants to create something great without fail often does not create anything at all. Someone who just does a good job every day has a chance to create something great one day.

9. Get some privacy

This advice contradicts one of the previous ones, but for some it may be useful. If you feel overwhelmed by the information surrounding you, confused and lack of concentration, then it may be worth pausing and stepping back from everything around you. Go to the countryside, go to the mountains, turn off your phone, lock yourself in a room - this will help clear your head and hear the timid voice of a new idea.

10. Creativity can be trained

Yes, these are not muscles, but the ability to be creative can be increased in much the same way as the number of push-ups. This will require daily training, diligence and perseverance. Who said creating is easy?

11. Keep a notebook

Ideas do not go according to the schedule during working hours from 9 to 18 hours. They can break into you at the most inopportune moment - when you are in the shower, on a date, or just having lunch. They come without asking your consent, and they leave the same way. The only way to record their existence is to have a notepad, voice recorder, smartphone, or other tool convenient for you to create quick notes with you always and everywhere.

12. Create your idea repository

Not a cemetery, no, just a vault. Creativity is sometimes like fishing: some days the fish are in a school, and then the nets remain empty for a week. Build yourself an idea fish cooler so you don't starve while waiting for the next creative surge.

13. Don't be a workaholic

Despite the value of diligence, perseverance and determination, do not forget about the rest. No matter how passionate you are about your work, it is worth taking breaks, sometimes even by force. Just break away and rest - in the end, such a rest will benefit, and not harm the work begun.

14. Exercise

It's not only good for health. Physical exercises give such a surge of adrenaline, confidence, energy that they can easily replace a cup of coffee, which I wrote about above.

15. Believe in yourself

There is nothing more important for creativity than self-confidence. You should forever get rid of the thoughts “I'm not a creative person”, “I can't” and “nobody needs this”. In the end, at least you need it, and any result, positive or negative, is better than doing nothing. Is not it?