A term that refers to the inner world of a person. Inner world - what is it, what does it consist of? How limitless is your world? How to define it

The sages of ancient times said: "What is inside, then outside." Psychologists are still guided by this rule, as the world becomes the way it is perceived by the eyes of the beholder. And a person often looks through the prism of his own fears, beliefs and other mental attitudes that make up his inner world.

Psychologists note that the inner worlds of different people are different. The inner world should be called the activity of the human mental sphere, which is most understandable because everyone has their own set of beliefs, attitudes, worldviews, attitudes towards themselves and the world, people, emotions, ideas about themselves and about the world in which they live. Simply put, the inner world is emotions, sensations, perceptions, ideas about oneself and the world, as well as desires, beliefs and principles, values.

Each person has his own inner world, which is unique and unlike the inner worlds of other people. This is due to many factors:

  1. genetic features.
  2. Inclinations.
  3. Features of development.
  4. acquired interests.
  5. Features of education.
  6. Influence of public values.
  7. Life experience.
  8. Features of the work of the higher nervous system.
  9. Ideals.

Also, the development of the inner world, which will be very diverse and quite complex, is influenced by how a person personally perceives the surrounding reality. Through the senses, all people perceive the surrounding information. It is only noted that each person analyzes and draws conclusions in his own way in a situation in which another person perceives everything differently. In the same situation, people perceive the world around them differently, that is, through the prism of their own feelings, attitudes, assessments of “bad” and “good”.

The inner world affects how a person perceives the surrounding circumstances and people, while the environment affects what kind of inner world will form and become as a person lives.

"Why is the world so cruel?" - you can often hear from people who have just suffered some kind of defeat in their lives. The loss of something valuable and important, the inability of a person to achieve what he wants, makes you think that the world is cruel. “This is somehow wrong,” says a man who does not understand why the world does not help him live happily, the way he wants it. And really: is the world so cruel or does a person do something wrong, because of which his life is not as colorful as he would like it to be?

The world seems cruel to a person, because in it he cannot realize those desires that he has learned from fairy tales. A person wants to live like in a fairy tale. He studied well the fairy-tale world, which is invented, fictional, because of which he cannot understand why the real world does not adapt to it, does not lend itself. In a fairy tale, everything is not like in the real world. But since parents and society increasingly educate modern man in the spirit of "fairytale" and "childhood", he is increasingly protected from the real world, which does not look like a fairy tale.

Please note that earlier people were hanged, burned at the stake, beaten in public. And this was normal for any child of those times. Why? Because that's how the people of those times lived. The parents of each child did not protect them from knowing the real world. If there were murders, then the children watched these murders. And growing up, they considered it normal.

Modern man is nurtured on fairy tales, lies and romantic stories. He is shielded from the real world. He is instilled with an illusory world. Therefore, for such an adult, the world seems cruel and unfair, since it does not exist according to the laws that operate in a fairy-tale world. The collision of the fabulous and the real makes a person horrified and realize that the real world is cruel, because it is.

Why is the world cruel? He's not cruel, he's just not like the fairy-tale world. And so that this does not become the cause of your unhappy and unsuccessful existence, you just need to study the real world, and not the fabulous one. After all, it has always existed, and fairy tales are invented by people. And the world is normal, it's just not the same as in fictional stories. Therefore, it is necessary not to believe in fairy tales, but to study the real world in order to make realistic desires.

The world is created by people. Nature itself is harmonious and calm. Therefore, the world in which you live is created by people just like you. What kind of world will you create? Will it be cruel to your children?

What is the inner world of man?

The inner world of a person is called his thoughts, ideas, desires, emotions, attitude, idea of ​​himself, other people and the world as a whole. The inner world begins to emerge from the first day of life, when a person is born. First of all, its formation is influenced by genetic characteristics and the activity of the higher nervous system.

Gradually, a person begins to perceive the world around him at the level of emotions. Something he likes, something he doesn't like. Then the person is faced with the beliefs, fears, complexes and attitudes of the parents. He begins to assimilate them in the same way as the principles and moral values ​​of society. In the course of his life, a person enriches his inner world by constantly confronting different views, attitudes, understanding of what is good and bad.

Often a person changes his inner world. Of course, this does not happen in a cardinal way, but only in certain aspects, when he constantly encounters failures and wants to eliminate them from his life by changing himself. However, there are individuals who, on the contrary, under the onslaught of failures, are increasingly immersed in their well-established inner world, perceiving the environment as evil and merciless.

The inner world is how a person feels, sees and perceives the world around him. It is impossible to say that the inner world is a copy of the outer one, because often a person perceives the surrounding circumstances in a distorted way, and even often invents for himself something that has never happened and never happened.

The inner world is first formed on the basis of physiological characteristics, then under the influence of the environment (including society), and then as a result of actions, conclusions and conclusions of the person himself.

The inner world directly affects how a person lives in principle. How successful is a person's life? How proud is he of himself? How satisfied is he with the way he lives? Contentment and happiness are the results of what a person has come to after all his thoughts and actions. And a person always takes and makes actions and decisions depending on his inner world (what does he push a person to, what allows him to see, what he pays attention to and what generally allows him to have?).

What does a rich inner world mean?

People often use such a thing as "rich inner world." What does it mean? A rich inner world can be called a person’s ability not only to talk about the world and its individual aspects, but also to draw valuable conclusions and be useful to others. The wealth of the inner world is formed due to the fact that a person is constantly in contact with the outside world. We can say that the wealth of the inner world is:

  1. An abundance of knowledge.
  2. Development of multiple skills.
  3. Flexibility in approach to any situation.
  4. Diverse perception of the same situation (a person knows how to react differently to the same circumstances).
  5. The ability to see the essence of problems and solve them.

The wealth of the inner world is often understood as the wisdom of a person who has seen a lot, gone through a lot, already knows life in all its diversity and knows the answers to all questions.

All people live on planet Earth. But only a small part really lives on the whole planet, and not on that small world that she created for herself. Don't go to the other extreme, which is that only the traveling person knows the world. In order to live a limitless life, it is not necessary to be everywhere and see everything. Not the territorial location speaks of how limitless your world is, but how you feel this world with your gut.

How limitless is your world? How to define it?

  • Your fears are the first factor that narrows your perception of the world. What you are afraid of, you stubbornly do not want to notice. You see your fear and try to avoid it. And this already deprives the fullness of life, because you seek to protect yourself from what you are afraid of.
  • Your feelings and emotions are the second factor that limits the scope of your world. You experience negative feelings and emotions and try to get away from where these feelings arise. But sometimes feelings arise not because something is unpleasant for you, but sometimes because other people set you up in a negative way. You have been told, for example, that it is better not to associate with a particular person, and you try to avoid him, although you do not really know whether you like this person or not.
  • Your prejudices and delusions are the third factor. “Don’t do this, otherwise ...”, “Don’t do this anymore, because ...”, “After this, I don’t communicate with you” and other phrases from adults are learned by little children. Naturally, as each person grows up, he gradually forms various rules and prohibitions that operate on the principle “If you do this, you will get it.” And often people are taught negative programs. A person does not know what to do in order to achieve the desired goal, but he knows that if he is himself, he will be liked by a limited circle of people. Such beliefs and misconceptions significantly limit the world of any person, since he "slows down" himself in the manifestation of his feelings, desires and actions that can harm.
  • Your desire to be like everyone else, to obey and please everyone is the fourth factor that limits your attitude. Do you want to live like people? Then look how poor and miserable many live. Do you think that other people's opinions and assessments are more correct than your own about yourself? Then why don't these "smart people" live happily and harmoniously? Do you think it's important to be attractive to others and not to yourself? Look around and you'll see that you're trying to attract people who don't take care of themselves. The thought “I want to do something for the sake of others” makes you forget about what you yourself think about yourself and about life: do you like yourself, how do you personally want to live your own life?

You limit your own world to the desires and opinions of other people that contradict each other. It is not surprising that schizophrenia develops from such a variety of thoughts. And what do you think about any issue, especially if it concerns you?

Obviously, a person does everything in order to limit himself in his attitude. Your world eventually shrinks to a point (at home and circle of acquaintances) that can fit into one three-room apartment. But after all, the planet is much larger than a three-room apartment, and there are much more opportunities in it than you can imagine. So, why limit yourself to your own fears, negative emotions and delusions?

How to develop your inner world?

The inner world is present in every person. And this does not depend on how much a person is engaged in the development of his inner world. You can not deal with it at all, it will form on its own and influence the behavior, reactions and thoughts of the individual. And you can develop it.

The development of the inner world means that a person will enrich his life experience and control the thoughts and emotions that arise inside him. You should also engage in flexibility of thinking in dealing with various situations. Do not react to them unambiguously and with lightning speed, but allow yourself to think and then come to a conclusion how to respond to them.

This will help:

  1. - a way to calm your thoughts and emotions.
  2. Leading a healthy lifestyle, because the state of the body affects the state of the psyche.
  3. Encounter with the real world, not escape from it. Traveling, meeting a lot of people, reading books, etc. will be useful here.
  4. and striving to achieve goals. When a person strives for something, he inevitably becomes obliged to change and supplement his experience with new knowledge and skills.


The inner world is the mental activity of a person, which is expressed in thoughts, ideas, emotions, desires, fantasies, ideas about oneself and the world around. The inner world affects how a person evaluates the environment, what decisions he makes and actions he performs. At the same time, everything that happens in the external environment of a person directly affects how his inner world will become.

The inner world of a person, or subjective reality, is all that inner content of psychological activity, which is characteristic only for this particular person. Therefore, the inner world is always individual and always unique. Each person, through the knowledge of the external world, is trying to penetrate into his inner world, to understand it, in order to use such understanding to build his life, his unique life path. It is very difficult to explore the inner world with objective methods; we can only see its “reflections” that appear in the outer world. Nevertheless, attempts to objectively penetrate into the inner world will probably never stop - its nature is so interesting and attractive. In psychology, there are quite interesting experiments in describing and analyzing the inner world, its structure, its "work". It has been established, for example, that the inner world does not arise by itself, it is a reflection in a specific form of the outer world and has its own spatial and temporal characteristics, its own content.

The inner world as a reflection in a specific form of the outer world. According to some religious and philosophical concepts, the inner world is given to man from the very beginning, and in the course of life he only discovers and cognizes it. According to other ideas, which have a more materialistic basis, the inner world arises and develops to the extent that it is active in reflecting and mastering the surrounding reality.

A person can become a person only thanks to the human brain, which is ready for a special reflection of the external world and in which consciousness arose and developed. In psychology, experiments are known when a chimpanzee cub was brought up in the same way as a child, but the chimpanzee never became a person due to the fact that his brain was not originally adapted for mastering speech, consciousness in general. Thus, the presence of a human brain is the most important prerequisite for appropriate development. But suppose for a moment a situation where a born child, having a human brain, from birth does not see, does not hear, does not touch, does not feel. For some time, he may live as an organism, but he will never become a person, a person, especially a person with an inner world. In another case, when a person was born with all functioning sense organs, but was not brought up among people (and such cases are known), he also will not become a person with his own unique inner world.

From this it becomes clear that the inner world of a person is not set initially, it arises as a result of the reflection of the outer world. As a result of such a reflection, the Image of the World arises (as the well-known Russian psychologist A.N. wrote). But such an image is not a simple cast of the external world, it is initially individual and subjective, since each person constructs the reflected reality in his own way, creates his own unique system of images, he has his own unique experiences, his own vision of reality and himself. All this is carried out thanks to one's own activity in reflecting the external world, adapting to it and transforming it, asserting one's existence as a person.

Thus, the outer world and the inner world are interconnected, have points of intersection, depend on each other.

Spatial-temporal structure of the inner world. If the inner world exists, then it is logical to assume that, like the outer world, it has its own. inner space and its inner subjective time. Special studies conducted by psychologists fully prove this fact. For example, let us turn to the results obtained by the domestic psychologist T. N. Berezina, who conducted a series of curious experiments to study the inner world of a person.

In her opinion, internal space in a broad sense is a form of psychological existence in general, and in a narrower sense it is a form of existence of internal images. It does not exist outside of these images, just as the images themselves cannot exist outside of space. Images are subjective forms of objects and are generated by the inner world, acquiring a unique uniqueness as a result of the influence of attitudes on them. They themselves perform an informational, emotional, regulatory role in the human psyche. As a result of experiments, it was shown that these images can be located in the internal space and localized differently in different people: on the left, on the right, behind, above, below, panoramic, they can be taken out, as it were, outside the person, they can be close, distant, differ in form, color, located on the time axis: in the past, present and future.

Example. Do a little experiment on yourself: imagine yourself going to school for the first time. What image emerged? What is its shape, color? Where was it located: above, below, left, right, etc.? Where are you, inside the image or outside it? If you have done all this and answered the questions posed, then it will be clear to you what an image is and where it is located in the inner space.

No less interesting data were obtained regarding subjective time. First, it has been proven that such time does exist. Secondly, the facts of acceleration or deceleration of internal time, its reversibility, the possibility of obtaining information from the future or the past, the existence of parallel time, etc.

Example. Let's consider the facts of acceleration-deceleration of subjective time (each of us knows about it from personal experience). If we are busy with something interesting and exciting, then time passes very quickly and imperceptibly, but for us subjectively it seems to stop. On the contrary, if we are inactive for a long time, do nothing, wait, for example, for a train for several hours, then time flows very slowly - it also seems to stop, but the nature of such a stop is different than when we do not notice it. After a few weeks or months, the period that passed very quickly seems to us longer, since it was full of interesting events, and the period where we did nothing is perceived as one moment.

Age-related changes in the flow of subjective time are also known. One person internally lives faster, because of this he feels older than he really is, the other is slower, so even in adulthood it seems to him that everything is still ahead, that he is just starting to live and will have time to do a lot.

We can also encounter some paradoxes of time, when, for example, when we get to a certain place or meet certain people, it seems to us that it has already happened, or, conversely, when we get to a well-known place, it seems to us that we see it for the first time and with interest we begin to study it.

content of the inner world. So, the inner world has its own inner space, subjective inner time. Who "lives" in this space and time? And each of us lives there, our personality, our Self, which, thanks to reflection, has unity and plurality at the same time. Thus, the content of our world is the psyche as a whole, consciousness and the unconscious. Structuring this content is extremely difficult, each of us learns it independently: consciously and intuitively. At the same time, attempts are being made in psychology to single out some of the leading structural elements in this content. Let us refer again to the theoretical and experimental studies of T.N. Berezina. The author notes: on the one hand, the inner world is subjective and includes our thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams, dreams and much more; on the other hand, it is social, since it includes images of other people, their actions and deeds. The inner world of a person, that is, his reflections, fantasies, dreams, exists either in a sensual-figurative form, or in the form of a thought clothed in the form of inner speech, or, most often, in a combination of both. The mode of existence is a monologue or dialogue: with oneself, with others, telling another about the events happening to you, a complex dialogue - one's own Self is presented through the eyes of another.

With the help of a special study, seven of the most common states of ours were identified, characterizing our inner life.
1. "Self-expressions I" - a person's thoughts about himself, related to the present time; features of the state - monologue thinking (monologue) and the predominance of the pronoun I in inner speech.
2. "Thinking about something else" - characterized by dialogue, the predominance of the pronoun "You". This state is characterized by self-approval, but mental self-criticism is possible.
3. "Non-objectivization of mental images" - the other or Others are imagined in an abstract form and exist, as it were, in the head. The subject is focused on himself, his merits, shortcomings are rejected.
4. "Planning the future" - a state in which a person comprehends his prospects, plans the future, sets certain goals, reflects on the problems of their implementation.
5. “Fixation on an obstacle” - is characterized by the fact that a person, fixing on obstacles, difficulties, feels (“no one needs anyone”), rejects the possibility of interaction in resolution.
6. "Sensual perception of the world" - all images are presented very brightly, in contrast, thoughts are voiced (thoughts in the form of voices).
7. "Fantasy" - the most creative state, where any goals seem achievable, while obstacles are considered insignificant ("There is no such hopeless situation from which it is impossible to find a way out"). A person presents himself as strong and active, capable of reaching any heights.

So, we tried to show that the inner world of a person, or subjective reality, is closely connected with the outside world and is its reflection in a specific individualized form with the introduction of its “vision” and its “partiality” through its own activity. It has a spatio-temporal structure and exists in a sensory-figurative and mental form, enlivened by a monologue and dialogue that a person leads with himself, with real or imaginary people, plans his future, praises or scolds himself and others, fantasizes and much more.

Hello dear readers! How rich do you consider yourself spiritually? What does it depend on and how to develop in this direction? Today I would like to answer the question: is the inner world of a person? To tell what we are filled with, how to grow and improve, and what is the inner strength of each person.

If you want to plunge deeper into the concept of the inner world of a person, then you cannot do without Sergei Belozerov’s book “ Organization of the inner world of man and society". In it you can find both theoretical material and illustrative examples, exercises and various techniques.

magic box

The inner world of a person can be described as a unique magic box. Everything that we see, feel, experience, adopt as an experience, all this constitutes our inner content. This is an individual experience for each individual.

Philosophers, psychologists and sociologists do not have a common opinion on this matter. Some believe that we are filled right from birth. Others believe that a person is filled throughout his life and acquires uniqueness only with experience.

I will stop somewhere in the middle. Of course, one cannot argue with the fact that much is given to us at birth. For example, the external environment. Agree that the Arab sheikh will be very different in his inner world from the Indonesian boy.
Therefore, we can say that from birth we simply come across different conditions in which we grow, live and develop. But with what a person further fills his world - this is his purely personal matter.

Someone has a brighter and richer inner world. The other, on the contrary, has a narrow, gray and monotonous content. Only your own choice is the foundation of your content. What you want to fill yourself with, how hard you will be, how much new you will learn, it depends only on this whether you become a person with a rich and amazing inner world.

If now it seems to you that your inner world is not so rich

This matter is fixable. The main thing is your desire to change, develop, become more experienced.
Every life situation offers you an experience that you can put into your magic box. Save up, build up, absorb everything like a sponge. After all, it is difficult to predict what kind of experience you will need in.

And when you realize that you are ready, then start giving. Feel free to share information, ideas, stories. Then and only then your strength will increase many times over and you will see what a person is capable of.

I want to offer you a plan of action. Of course, it is not universal, you can, at your discretion, throw out something or add something, act in a different order.

Start by doing some introspection. Dig into yourself. Find out your attitudes, realize your motivation. Next, try to arrange your life. Maybe now you are doing something superfluous or unnecessary for you to achieve your ultimate goal?

After that, think about bad programs that can drag on from childhood itself. Be free to choose. Do as you please, not according to other people's beliefs.

As soon as you get rid of everything superfluous, you can build a new model of behavior. This item can be called a search. And in the end, start moving in the direction you have chosen.

What is the inner world for you? How can it be studied? How can it be filled? Give an example of a person with a rich inner world. What is its feature?

I wish you good luck and every success.
Good luck!

It is difficult to define such a complex structure as the inner world of a person. In the past, "soul" was used instead of these words, although this word is not at all easy to define. However, the soul and the inner world are not the same thing. The soul remains unchanged, but the inner world of a person can change very much.

It can be said that the inner world is a kind of psychic space in which the whole spiritual life of a person is located, all its energy is concentrated in it. In the inner world, the formation and preservation of human cultural values, and then their transformation takes place. This is a kind of virtual reality that serves as an intermediary between the neural networks of the brain and the surrounding immediate reality of a person.

The structure of the human inner world

If the inner world can be complexly organized, this means that this organization has signs of a system, and it can be decomposed into components. Psychologists and philosophers believe that the inner world has the following components.

Emotions are one of the brightest components of a person's inner world. Many experiences leave a mark in the soul precisely because of the experienced emotions. Events that are not charged with emotions are quickly forgotten.

Feelings are also emotions, but they are more permanent. They last quite a long time and are much less dependent on external “recharging”. Usually feelings are directed, that is, they are caused by a specific person, phenomenon or object. Feelings can be signed by emotions. They, like gravity, change the state of things in the inner world of a person.

Worldview is one of the main laws of the formation of the inner world. Views on life, moral guidelines and principles - all this is included in the worldview. If a person did not form his worldview, his inner world would develop chaotically, in the end it could turn out that development did not occur at all. The more holistic and logically clear worldview a person has, the more significant and faster is the development and enrichment of his inner world.

Despite the fact that the worldview largely depends on the past experience of a person, it is quite possible to form it on your own, focusing on your own ideals and aspirations. Often invaluable help in shaping the worldview is provided by various positive examples and impressive people who meet on the path of life.

What is the inner world of man?

We give three sample examples of writing essays on a given topic in the OGE in the Russian language. The essays are written in accordance with the rules of the Federal State Educational Standard, arguments from the text are given, and one's own position is explained. Everything is for you!

The first version of the essay (according to the text of Ostromir “As a child, I had a favorite soft toy ...”)

Concept definition

The inner world of a person is the life experience that he managed to get from childhood to a certain age. For each it is individual, for each it is formed, like a puzzle, from objects, things, events, especially dear to the human heart.

So, for example, the hero of the proposed text Ostromir remembered for the rest of his life a children's toy - a teddy bear, with which he was practically inseparable in the nursery period. Having become an adult, changing his interests to more serious ones, the young man made the bear cub his talisman, a keeper, helping to achieve the most desired goals. The toy became an integral part of his inner world, which he carefully protected from ridicule and placed high hopes on it.

Argument from personal experience

In life, almost each of us had to deal with examples of the value of things, but the value is not so much material as spiritual. For example, the child most of all in life will appreciate a watch donated by his father before his death, or a cross handed by his mother before leaving a foreign country. Roads, they will be a memory, that innermost feeling that he will experience every time he looks at his watch or clutches a cross in his hand. It is from such things that the inner world of a person is formed.


The inner world of a person is something that is hidden from others and sometimes manifests itself in the most unexpected little things: for someone in love with a soft toy, and for someone - in memory of their parents.

The second version of the essay (according to the text by Yu.V. Dragunsky “When I was six years old, probably, or six and a half ...”)

Concept definition

In my opinion, the inner world of a person is a broad concept, including many nuances and aspects. These are the songs that we listen to in our free time, films that burn into our memory, books that we want to re-read again and again, toys that have surrounded us since childhood. All our feelings and thoughts, and therefore our actions, are determined by what is inside.

Argument from the read text

For example, in the text of Yu.V. The Dragoon hero, being a six-year-old boy, makes a rather difficult choice, based on the wells of his own inner world. Between the desire to train punching power and pity for his beloved childhood friend - a teddy bear, he chose the latter. Feelings, internal attitudes and rules did not allow him to hit the one whom he once considered a younger brother, with whom he shared his most secret secrets and desires.

Argument from personal experience

I think that each of us had a favorite toy in childhood, with which we spent days and nights and which, having forgotten in a whirlwind of adult problems, we forgot. In fact, it was she who filled our inner world with special unique qualities.


Children's toys teach love, mercy, sensitivity, the ability to sympathize. They help to lay the foundations for understanding and perceiving the world, educate our special character.

The third version of the essay (on the example of the text of Aleksin A.G. “I did not love this doll. Her height and external virtues were compared ...”)

Concept definition

The inner world of a person is a reaction of consciousness to what surrounds us. If a person grows and is brought up in love, then his soul should give birth to love and mercy. But it doesn't always happen that way.

Argument from the read text

For example, in the text of A.G. Aleksina, the girl, compensated for her inner complexes with her attitude towards toys. She treated them as subordinates, over whom she had unlimited power and whom, without a twinge of conscience, she could easily punish. Everything changed with the advent of a huge doll, and the growth and appearance are similar to the hostess. Now it seemed to the girl that it was not she who was unique for toys, but this doll. At six years old, the child did not understand why her mother was unhappy with her interaction with toys. Perhaps, with age, she will understand that not everything in life is decided by force and power.

Argument from personal experience

If we recall life stories, then surely each of us has heard stories of how children from the most prosperous families, raised in love and abundance, become asocial, one way or another trying to make up for some external or internal shortcomings.


In conclusion, I would like to say that it is very important to educate a child from childhood, pay attention to his toys, his attitude towards them and, if possible, correct the formation of his inner world, while it is still possible. Unfortunately, over time it becomes more and more difficult to change a person, and after 16 years it is almost impossible. The inner world of a person is the basis, a kind of foundation on which the whole life of a person is built.