Tyumen State Academy of Arts Culture. Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies (tgaki and st)

Although in the early 1990s the country was going through a period of radical socio-economic and political transformation, the leadership of the Tyumen region supported the initiative of the administration of the Tyumen branch of the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture to establish in Tyumen a higher educational institution for training personnel in the field of culture and art and provided the necessary support in its development.

The Tyumen State Institute of Arts and Culture (TGIIK) was formed by order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on January 18, 1991 on the basis of the Tyumen branch of the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture and Art. M.A. Kapeko became the institute's first rector, a post he held for fifteen years.

As a higher educational institution, the Tyumen State Institute of Arts and Culture was formed on the basis of the principles of functioning and development of higher education with mandatory requirements for educational, methodological, educational and research work.

February 11, 1991 By order of the rector, the faculties of organizing leisure and artistic creativity, music and pedagogy, and library were created. The first deans were, respectively, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences V.V. Popov, V.V. Petrova, candidate of pedagogical sciences E.N. Berezhkov. At the same time, general institute departments were created: philosophy, history and political science, world literature, pedagogy and psychology, foreign languages, physical education. The departments of leisure studies, piano, history and theory of music appeared at the faculties.

The first head of the Department of World Literature and at the same time vice-rector for scientific work was V.N. Sushkov. On her initiative and with her active participation, scientific conferences became a tradition at the institute, and postgraduate studies were opened.

This line was continued by V.Yu. Larin, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, who replaced V.N. The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology was headed by Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor E.N. Vasilyeva. A great contribution to the formation and development of the department was made by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.I. Smirnova, who for several years was the head of the department of general scientific disciplines. Her teaching experience and professional skills were extremely important in the formation of a young university and served as a model for young teachers.

As of September 1, 1992, there were 15 departments in the structure of the institute, where 73 teachers worked. Highly qualified specialists came to work at the institute: V.A. and G.V. Artsery, V.V. Bagrova, E.N. Berezhkova, I.N. Bibeeva, L.A. Volkov, E.N. Golovinskaya, S.E. Demidova, M.V. Zhabrovets, T A. Zhdanova, L. N. Zakharova, S. A. Litserova, G. D. Lutoshkin, V. V. Petrova, V. I. Petukhov, V. V. Popov, K. G. Rozhko, I. A. .Romanova, T.B.Sabinina, F.A.Selivanov, N.I.Smirnova, V.N.Sushkova, N.V.Shestakova and others.

The expert commission, which conducted an attestation examination of the university in April 1995, concluded that although TGIIK was a young university, nevertheless, the teaching staff managed to turn it into a center for training highly qualified personnel in the field of culture and art of the Tyumen region. At the time of certification, 1140 students were studying at the university in ten specialties. The teaching staff consisted of 84 people, 24 of which had academic titles and degrees, three had the title of Honored Workers of Culture. The concert-performing and creative activities of teachers and students, being a continuation of the educational process, began to have a noticeable impact on the cultural life of Tyumen and the region. Every year, teachers and students of TGIIK held about 700 concerts and creative shows. Since 1993, the educational theater has given 160 performances in the Tyumen region. In 1995, the student theater became a diploma winner of the educational theater festival in Barnaul, the choreographic ensemble, led by teachers and students of the institute, toured the United States, the ensemble of folk instruments - in Switzerland, the academic student choir participated in the international festival of choral music in Germany.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the institute had three faculties. There were two departments at the faculty of library and information activities: library technologies (head of the department until August 2006 - Professor S.E. Demidova) and documentary communications and management (head of the department, associate professor T.B. Sabinina). The general faculty topic of scientific research was the problem of "Improving the quality and efficiency of library and information activities." For several years, the scientific research laboratory (RRL) "Virtual" (headed by S.E. Demidova), which had its charter, anthem, and emblem, worked at the faculty. The main task of "Virtual" is to instill in students a taste for scientific work, to develop the skills of scientific thinking.

The largest was the Faculty of Cultural Studies and Artistic Creativity. The first dean was Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation I.V. Zhukov. For more than ten years, the faculty was headed by Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor LN Zakharova. At this faculty, students were trained in six specialties: social and cultural activities, organization management, folk art (specializations: sports and variety dance, folk dance, arts and crafts, directing an amateur theater group), arts and crafts, directing mass holidays and representations, museum work and protection of monuments, cultural studies.

Over the years of its existence, the Faculty of Music and Education has produced more than 1200 specialists. The Departments of Choral Conducting, Orchestral Conducting and Folk Instruments, Piano, Music Theory and History trained students in full-time and part-time departments in the following educational programs: instrumental performance (piano), musical art (piano), academic choir conducting, folk art (with qualification: artistic director of a musical and instrumental group), musical education (music teacher) with specializations in “Solo singing”, “Organization of musical and aesthetic activities”. The dean of the faculty for 15 years was Professor, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation V.V. Petrova. Specialists with notable achievements in various types of creative, scientific and educational work worked at the faculty. The faculty conducted an active concert-performing activity. An academic choir of students of the department of choral conducting was organized (leader - professor, honored worker of arts of the Russian Federation V.V. Petrova, choirmaster - professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of international competitions of opera singers I.N. Bibeeva). The student choir took part in a number of international youth forums of contemporary choral music in Germany (1995, 1998, 2002) and France (2004). The Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Day Department of the Department of Orchestral Conducting was headed by I.A. Romanova for a long time.

Correspondence education at the institute was conducted at ten departments of three faculties. It was organized by methodologists of distance learning: O.V. Rybak, N.G. Ivanova, G.R. Krasilnikova, E.S. Sirin. In order to improve the professional composition of cultural personnel and increase the contingent of students in the correspondence department by bringing the educational process closer to their place of work and residence, representative offices of the institute were opened in 2000 in the cities of Yalutorovsk and Ishim, the working settlement of Golyshmanovo, in 2003 - a representative office in city ​​of Tobolsk. However, already in 2005, due to inexpediency, all representative offices, except for Tobolsk, were closed. The activities of the representative offices were managed by O.A. Konovalova, O.A. Sherer, L.A. Molodykh and G.S. Berenfeld.

In December 2001, the Academic Council of the university developed and approved the "TGIIK Informatization Program for 2001-2005". This program determined the strategy for the introduction of new information technologies at the institute for the next five years and included such areas of informatization as a long-term plan for providing an educational institution with computer equipment and telecommunications, the creation of information and educational resources of the university, training and retraining of personnel in the field of new information technologies. As a result of the implementation of the program activities, as well as the participation of the university in the project of creating a unified information and educational environment in the Tyumen region, a fiber-optic communication line was laid with Tyumen universities. As a result of the implementation of the informatization program, the institute reached a new level of using new information technologies in the educational process.

Significant for the university was 2006, the fifteenth year of its development. The staff of the university elected Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Evgeny Borisovich Zabolotny as rector (04/13/1955, Tyumen).

In December 2006, the university passed a comprehensive assessment of its activities. By the time of attestation on October 1, 2006, the total number of students in all forms of education was 1942 people, including 832 people in full-time education, 1110 people in part-time education. The educational process at the institute was carried out at three faculties, which included 18 departments. The university has developed a system for managing educational, scientific, educational and creative work, which provides for the use of administrative (rector's office, educational department, deans) and public forms of management. This system made it possible to form programs for improving the quality of training and control at all levels of the implementation of educational programs, ensured the interaction of structural units and their management by the administration. In the 2005/06 academic year, state attestation commissions worked at the institute in ten specialties, one area of ​​training and one qualification additional to higher professional education (“Translator in the field of professional communication”).

Based on the results of a comprehensive audit in February 2007, the Accreditation Board awarded the university the status of an academy. The Tyumen State Institute of Arts and Culture was transformed into the Tyumen State Academy of Culture and Arts (TGAKI). To improve the effectiveness of educational, methodological and research work, as well as creative activities at the university under the guidance of rector E.B. Zabolotny, serious constructive transformations were carried out. On the basis of the Library and Information Faculty, the Faculty of Informatics and Social Communications was formed. On the basis of part of the departments of the Faculty of Cultural Studies and Artistic Creativity, the Faculty of Management and Service was created. The Faculty of Arts and Folk Art was formed as a result of the reorganization of the Faculty of Music and Education and part of the departments of the Faculty of Cultural Studies and Artistic Creativity. Later, on the basis of these three faculties, as well as the Center for Additional Education, four institutes were organized as part of the Academy, performing educational, scientific and administrative functions.

There were 6 departments at the Institute of Service and Social Information Communications, headed by Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor E. M. Akulich. At the Department of Library and Information Activities, managers, referents-analysts, technologists of automated information resources, librarians-bibliographers, and teachers were trained. The Department of Informatics and Information Technologies trained specialists in applied informatics. There were departments of cultural studies, as well as economics and law. The largest number of students graduated from the Department of Social and Cultural Activities and the Department of Tourism and Hotel Business. Teachers of the Institute of Service and Social Information Communications closely cooperated with the Department of Strategic Development of the Government of the Tyumen Region on the development of the tourism sector in the Tyumen Region.

The Institute of Art and Folk Art was headed by Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor L.V. Demin. The Institute of Art and Folk Artistic Creativity conducted training in the specialties “Folk Artistic Creativity” (specializations: sports and variety dance, folk dance, directing an amateur theater group), “Directoring mass holidays and performances”. Departments of Choral Conducting, Orchestral Conducting and Folk Instruments, Piano, Pedagogy and Methods of Art Education trained students in educational programs: instrumental performance (piano); conducting an academic choir; folk art (with the qualification: artistic director of a musical and instrumental group); musical education (music teacher) with specializations "Solo singing", "Organization of musical and aesthetic activities". A bright concert activity at that time was conducted by the teacher I. N. Bibeeva - the choirmaster of the academic choir of the university, the singer (dramatic soprano). Each performance of I. N. Bibeeva on the concert stage is an event for music lovers. Since 1994, concerts by Irina Bibeeva have been held in Tyumen and the Tyumen region, Kalmykia, France, Italy; tour performances in Yugoslavia, Germany, America, Spain. V. V. Bagrova - a concert performer (piano), distinguished by high skill, an outstanding interpreter of works by J. S. Bach, G. Handel, J. Haydn, L. Beethoven, R. Schumann, S. Rachmaninov, S. Prokofiev and others composers. Associate Professor of the Department of ODNI S. V. Trifonov, a diploma winner of the All-Russian competition of performers on folk instruments (domra, mandolin), includes the most complex compositions for domra and mandolin in the concert programs.

At the Institute of Fine Arts and Design (founded in 2008), which was headed by Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor V.I. Semenov, training was carried out at 3 departments. The Department of History, Art History and Museum Affairs trained specialists in the educational program "Museum Affairs and Protection of Monuments", as well as in art history. The department of design and the department of painting and arts and crafts worked successfully.

In 2008, the university received a license to conduct educational programs of secondary vocational education, and the formation of a multi-level educational complex in the field of culture and art began. The Academy included the Tyumen College of Arts, which has a 50-year history and experience in training highly qualified personnel for cultural and art institutions of the Tyumen region. The structural subdivision was headed by Viktor Leonidovich Novakauskas, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. The college of the Tyumen State Academy of Culture and Arts provided training in the following specialties: "Instrumental Performance", "Vocal Art", "Choral Conducting", "Musical Variety Art", "Music Theory", "Choreographic Art", "Design", "Acting art". The pedagogical process was carried out by more than 100 qualified specialists, including 15 PhDs, Honored Workers of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation.

In July 2007, the Center for Continuing Professional Education was renamed the Institute for Continuing Professional Education (Director — O.A. Pokotilo, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor). In 2008, the institute was headed by D.L. Maysakov, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor. The main areas of work were: professional retraining of managers and specialists in the profile of the university; advanced training of managers and specialists in the profile of the university; preparation for entering the university (preparatory courses); implementation of training programs for all comers - individuals and legal entities. Highly qualified teachers (associate professors, professors, leading practitioners, trainers-consultants, honored cultural workers and artists of the Russian Federation) from Yekaterinburg, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Kamensk-Uralsk, Yalutorovsk, Omsk, Perm, Moscow, took part in the preparation of students, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg. Along with the educational, the Institute carried out scientific and methodological work in order to improve the quality of education, build it on the basis of the achievements of domestic and world pedagogical practice, produce and distribute educational and methodological literature. One of the tasks is the organization and conduct of scientific research and experimental work, consulting activities, scientific examination of programs, projects, recommendations, other documents and materials on the profile of the university. The Institute has actively cooperated with the Government of the Tyumen region, by order of which the advanced training courses "Personnel management in public authorities", "Office management and documentation support of public authorities", "Office management and documentation support of municipal authorities", "Management of cultural institutions" are being implemented. In 2008, together with the Department of Investment Policy of the Tyumen Region, a project was implemented by the Investment Academy of the Tyumen Region to improve the skills of managers of business structures. A wide range of seminars and trainings were implemented: "Public Speaking", "Business Etiquette", "Russian Language for Civil Servants".

The university intensively developed areas of training in the field of library and information activities, informatization, creation of intellectual and information resources, social management and management. In September 2009, the Academy signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of personnel training, transfer of the library fund to electronic media, joint research on the information preferences of the population of the region with the Tyumen Regional Branch Center of the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin and the Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after D.I. Mendeleev. In this regard, a new educational institute was created in the structure of the university - the Institute of Intellectual Resources and Information Technologies. The Institute began to train personnel for modern libraries - information centers, who are fluent in computer technologies in the specialties: "Library and Information Activities", and "Applied Informatics (in the socio-cultural sphere)". The institute is headed by Dmitry Leonidovich Maysakov.

December 7, 2009 Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation A.A. Avdeev signed Order No. 837 on the approval of the new name of the federal state educational institution of higher professional education "Tyumen State Academy of Culture and Arts". New name of the university: Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies".

The idea of ​​renaming the university, initiated by the staff and supported by the Government of the Tyumen region, was a natural result of the positive changes that have taken place in the academy in recent years. Based on the results of certification in 2007, the educational institution received the status of an academy. In 2008, on the basis of the Academy, a multi-level educational complex in the field of culture and arts was created, which is unique and has no analogues in the Russian Federation. The structure has undergone changes, which currently includes four institutes, a college of arts, a children's art school, a postgraduate training center, and a research institute for regional society. The list of implemented educational programs has significantly expanded. New specialties that are in demand on the regional labor market are actively being opened, related to the training of specialists in the field of art: painting, design, art criticism, instrumental performance, and musical art. The areas of training of personnel of a social and humanitarian profile are intensively developing: “Applied Informatics (in the socio-cultural sphere)”, “Organization Management”, “Social and Cultural Activities”. In the near future, the opening of specialties and areas of training "Intellectual systems in the humanities", "Pedagogical education", "Museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage", "History of arts", "Arts and humanities", "Hospitality", " Service", "Tourism".

The new name of the university creates favorable conditions for the further advanced development of the Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies as a multi-level educational institution that implements educational programs in the field of culture and art, as well as programs that allow to fully take into account and satisfy the needs of the Ural and West Siberian regions in a wide range of specialists who own the management strategy and methods for solving social problems of society.

The history of the Tyumen Institute of Culture began with the educational and advisory center of the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture. In Tyumen, there were not enough specialists with higher education, so in 1983 it was decided to create a branch on the basis of the UKP ChGIK with a recruitment of 200 people annually.

Since 1986, the institute has been actively developing and becoming an independent educational institution. Three departments were formed: cultural and educational work (with departments of directing, orchestral and choral conducting), library science and bibliography and social sciences. Training was conducted in 7 specialties.

In 1990, for the first time, a full-time department was recruited in the specialty "Library Science and Bibliography". The branch received a new building - a 4-storey building on the street. Republic, 19 - the house of the merchant A.F. Averkiev, built in 1899 at the corner of Tsarskaya (Republic) and Voinovskaya (Kirov) streets.

In 1991, on the basis of the Tyumen branch of the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture and Art, the Tyumen State Institute of Arts and Culture (TGIIK) was formed. Faculties of organization of leisure and artistic creativity, musical and pedagogical, library were created. There are also general institute departments: philosophy, history and political science, world literature, pedagogy and psychology, foreign languages, physical education. The departments of leisure studies, piano, history and theory of music appeared at the faculties.

By 1992, there were 15 departments in the structure of the institute, where 73 teachers worked. An academic choir of students of the Department of Choral Conducting was organized. Creativity of teachers and students of TGIIK occupied important positions in the cultural life of the city. About 700 concerts and creative shows were held annually. The educational theater in 1993-1995 gave 160 performances in the Tyumen region.

By the beginning of the 2000s, the institute had 3 faculties: library and information activities, cultural studies and artistic creativity, and the music and pedagogical faculty.

Tyumen region / I trust

By the fifteenth anniversary in 2006, about 2000 students studied at the university in three faculties. A year later, the accreditation board awarded the university the status of an academy. A period of great change has begun.

In 2008, the university received a license to conduct educational programs of secondary vocational education, and the formation of a multi-level educational complex in the field of culture and art began. The Academy included the Tyumen College of Arts.

In 2009, the university received a new name - the Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies. On the basis of the academy, a unique multi-level educational complex has been created, which has no analogues in the Russian Federation, in the field of culture and arts. The structure has undergone changes, which currently includes four institutes, a college of arts, a children's art school, a postgraduate training center, and a research institute for regional society. The list of implemented educational programs has significantly expanded. Actively open new, demanded in the regional labor market, specialties related to the training of specialists in the field of art.

About the university

The Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies is a unique institution of higher education that combines science and art, creative activity and applied technologies for the development of cultural space.

The history of the academy is closely connected with the development of the Tyumen region and the rich cultural heritage of the peoples inhabiting its territory. Having gone a long way from the branch of the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Arts and Culture, at the origins of which stood Professor M.A. Kapeko, to a multi-level educational complex, today the university occupies a leading position among educational institutions of culture and arts in Russia. Putting into practice the concepts laid down in the Concept for the Development of Education in the Sphere of Culture and Art in the Russian Federation for 2008-2015, the Academy conducts training in programs of additional education for children, 12 specialties of secondary vocational education, 9 areas, 14 specialties and 23 specializations of higher professional education.

To organize the educational process, the university has a developed material and technical base. Classes are held in 6 educational buildings. Two of them are architectural monuments of the 19th century. Restored with the help of the Government of the Tyumen region, they are in themselves a specific educational environment that promotes immersion in the world of culture and creativity.

Specialized orchestral, choreographic, choir, theatrical, computer classes, sound recording, music, directing rooms make it possible to train highly professional specialists.

The structure of the academy includes:
- Institute of service and social and cultural communications;
- Institute of Music, Theater and Choreography;
- Institute of Fine Arts and Museum Technologies;
- Institute of Architecture, Design and Visual Arts;
- Institute of intellectual resources and information technologies;
- research institute of regional society;
- college of arts;
- children's art school.

Many teachers who are Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, laureates of International and All-Russian competitions, combine teaching with an active creative search, which makes it possible to train future specialists in the atmosphere of the art world.

The Academy is proud of its graduates, who today determine the strategy for the development of folk art and art, the preservation of traditional ethnic cultures, regional tourism, and show business. In Western Siberia, there are no cultural institutions, educational institutions, wherever pupils of the Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies work.

A significant role in the educational process is played by professional creative teams: the Academic Choir, the Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments, the Impromptu Folk Instrument Ensemble, the Vatalinka Ensemble, the Bayan-Capriccio Ensemble, the Harmonika Children's Orchestra, the Gloria Vocal Ensemble, the Educational theatre. The pride of the Tyumen region is the Formation Ensemble "VERA", the State Dance Ensemble "Dawns of Tyumen", the choreographic ensemble "Young Tyumen", the vocal and instrumental jazz ensemble "Krooning Jazz". They are formed from students and graduates of the academy.

The university is characterized by an atmosphere of creativity. Every year, students and teachers participate in the organization and holding of more than 150 cultural events of various levels. With the support of the Government of the Tyumen Region, large-scale creative projects are being implemented. The most important are:
- Tyumen open forum of arts and cultural innovations "To success through creativity". The Autumn Art Forums, launched in 2006, are a significant cultural and educational event;
- All-Russian competition of young artists "Tyumen starfall";
- Regional competition of folk song performers "Siberian springs";
- Regional open competition of young talents "Debut". The competition is a traditional review of the achievements of students of the art education system of the entire West Siberian region and promotes an increase in interest in culture and art, the formation of a favorable image of the Tyumen region;
- Festival of young masters of art "We sing the praises of the Tyumen region." The Festival venues for three years make it possible to involve residents of small towns and rural settlements of the Tyumen region in creative activities.