Alexander Vasilyevich Belyakov: biography. Navigator, teacher at the Air Force Academy named after n

Born in the Guslitsky village of Bezzubovo in the family of a teacher Vasily Grigorievich Belyakov. Russian.

In the army since 1916. In 1917 he graduated from the Alexander Infantry School in Moscow. Member of the civil war in the 25th Infantry Division (Eastern France...

short biography

Born in the Guslitsky village of Bezzubovo in the family of a teacher Vasily Grigorievich Belyakov. Russian.
He spent his childhood and youth in his father's homeland, in Ryazan. Graduated from high school. In 1915-1916 he studied at the Petrograd Forestry Institute.
In the army since 1916. In 1917 he graduated from the Alexander Infantry School in Moscow. Member of the Civil War in the 25th Infantry Division (Eastern Front). Subsequently, because of this, he received the nickname "Chapai" from V.P. Chkalov.
In 1921 he graduated from the Moscow aerial photogrammetric school and worked there as a teacher. In 1930-1935 - teacher, head of the air navigation department of the N. Ye. Zhukovsky Air Force Academy. In 1936 he graduated from the Kachin Military Aviation Pilot School as an external student.
On July 20-22, 1936, on an ANT-25 aircraft, as a navigator (commander - V.P. Chkalov, co-pilot - G.F. Baidukov) made a non-stop flight from Moscow across the Arctic Ocean, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Udd Island (now - Chkalov Island) with a length of 9374 km.
On June 18-20, 1937, on an ANT-25 aircraft, as a navigator in the same crew, he made the world's first non-stop flight Moscow-North Pole-Vancouver (USA) with a length of 8504 km.
In 1936-1939 - the flag-navigator of the Special Purpose Aviation (AON), in 1939-1940 - the flag-navigator of the Red Army Air Force. Since 1940 - Deputy Head of the Air Force Academy (Monino), then - Head of the Ryazan Higher School of Air Force Navigators.

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In the army since 1916. In 1917 he graduated from the Alexander Infantry School in Moscow. Member of the Civil War in the 25th Infantry Division (Eastern Front). In 1921 he graduated from the Moscow aerial photogrammetric school and worked there as a teacher. In 1930-1935 - teacher, head of the air navigation department of the Air Force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky. In 1936 he graduated from the Kachin VASHL as an external student.

July 20-22, 1936 on the ANT-25 aircraft as a navigator (commander - V.P. Chkalov, co-pilot - G.F. Baidukov) made a non-stop flight from Moscow across the Arctic Ocean, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Udd Island (now - Chkalov Island) with a length of 9374 km.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Alexander Vasilyevich Belyakov on July 24, 1936 for performing this flight and showing courage and heroism.

In 1937, on an ANT-25 aircraft, as a navigator in the same crew, he made the world's first non-stop flight Moscow-North Pole-Vancouver (USA) with a length of 8504 km.

In 1936-1939 - the flag-navigator of the Special Purpose Aviation (AON), in 1939-1940 - the flag-navigator of the Red Army Air Force. Since 1940 - Deputy Head of the Military Military Aviation Administration (now - the Military Military Aviation Administration named after Yu.A. Gagarin), then - Head of the Ryazan Higher School of Air Force Navigators.

During the Great Patriotic War, Major General Belyakov A.V. Head of the Ryazan Higher School of Air Force Navigators. In 1945, Lieutenant General of Aviation Belyakov A.V. He took part in the Berlin operation as the chief navigator of the 16th Air Army.

In 1945-1960 he was the head of the navigation department of the Air Force Academy. Since 1960 - Lieutenant General of Aviation Belyakov A.V. retired.

Since 1960 - professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, headed the military department. Author of many scientific papers on air navigation. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st convocation.

Best of the day

Russian Empire (now Moscow Oblast)

Date of death Affiliation

Russian empire22x20px Russian Empire →
the USSR 22x20px the USSR

Type of army Years of service Rankaviation lieutenant general

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Part commanded

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Battles/wars Awards and prizes
The order of Lenin The order of Lenin Order of the Red Banner Order of the Red Banner
Order of the Red Banner Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class Order of the Red Banner of Labor
Order of the Red Star Order of the Red Star Order of the Red Star 40px
Jubilee medal "For Valiant Labor (For Military Valor). In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" Medal "For the Defense of Moscow" Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" 40px
40px 40px 40px 40px
40px 40px 40px 40px

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Alexander Vasilievich Belyakov(-) - navigator, teacher at the N. E. Zhukovsky Air Force Academy and head of the military department of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (), lieutenant general of aviation.


He spent his childhood and youth in his father's homeland, in Ryazan. Graduated from high school. In 1915-1916 he studied at.

An excerpt characterizing Belyakov, Alexander Vasilievich (pilot)

- I've thought of something! - Stella whispered joyfully in the old fashioned way. - We can make him happy! .. We just need to look for someone here! ..
You mean his wife, right? I must admit I had the same thought. Do you think it's not too early? .. Maybe we'll let him at least get used to it here first?
“Wouldn’t you like to see them alive if you were in his place?” Stella was immediately indignant.
“You are right, as always,” I smiled at my friend.
We slowly “floated” along the silvery path, trying not to disturb someone else’s sadness and let everyone enjoy peace after everything experienced on this nightmarish day. The children slowly came to life, enthusiastically watching the marvelous landscapes floating past them. And only Arno was obviously very far from all of us, wandering in his, perhaps, very happy memory, which caused on his refined, and such a beautiful face, an amazingly warm and tender smile...
You see, he must have loved them very much! And you say - early! .. Well, let's look! - Stella did not want to calm down.
“Okay, let it be your way,” I agreed easily, because now it seemed right to me too.
- Tell me, Arno, what did your wife look like? I started cautiously. “If it doesn’t hurt you too much to talk about it, of course.
He looked into my eyes very surprised, as if asking, how do I know that he had a wife? ..
- It just so happened that we saw, but only the very end ... It was so scary! Stella immediately added.
I was afraid that the transition from his marvelous dreams to a terrible reality turned out to be too cruel, but “the word is not a bird, you won’t catch it,” it was too late to change something, and we just had to wait if he wanted to answer. To my great surprise, his face lit up even more with happiness, and he answered very affectionately:
- Oh, she was a real angel! .. She had such wonderful blond hair! .. And her eyes ... Blue and clear, like dew ... Oh, what a pity that you did not see her, my dear Michelle!. .
- Did you have another daughter? Stella asked cautiously.
- Daughter? Arno asked in surprise and, realizing what we saw, immediately added. - Oh no! It was her sister. She was only sixteen...
Such a frightening, such a terrible pain suddenly flashed in his eyes, that only now I suddenly realized how much this unfortunate person suffered! bright past and "erase" from his memory all the horror of that last terrible day, as far as his wounded and weakened soul allowed him to do this ...
We tried to find Michelle - for some reason it didn’t work ... Stella stared at me in surprise and asked quietly:
“Why can’t I find her, did she die here too?”
It seemed to me that something simply prevented us from finding her on this “floor” and I suggested Stella to look “higher”. We slipped mentally onto the Mental... and saw her at once... She really was amazingly beautiful - bright and clean, like a stream. And long golden hair scattered over her shoulders like a golden cloak... I have never seen such long and such beautiful hair! The girl was deeply thoughtful and sad, like many on the "floors" who lost their love, their relatives, or simply because they were alone ...
- Hello, Michel! - Without wasting time, Stella immediately said. - And we have prepared a gift for you!
The woman smiled in surprise and kindly asked:
- Who are you girls?
But without answering her, Stella mentally called Arno...
I won't be able to tell what this meeting brought them... And it's not necessary. Such happiness cannot be put into words - they will fade ... It’s just that at that moment there were probably no happier people in the whole world, and on all “floors”! .. And we sincerely rejoiced with them, not forgetting those who they owed their happiness... I think that both little Maria and our kind Luminary would be very happy seeing them now, and knowing that they did not give their lives for them in vain...
Stella suddenly became alarmed and disappeared somewhere. I followed her, as there was nothing more for us to do here ...
"And where did you all disappear to?" - Surprised, but very calmly, Maya greeted us with a question. “We already thought you left us for good. And where is our new friend? .. Has he really disappeared too? .. We thought he would take us with him ...
There was a problem... Where to put these unfortunate kids now - I had not the slightest idea. Stella looked at me, thinking the same thing, and desperately trying to find some way out.
- I figured it out! - already just like the "old" Stella, she happily clapped her hands. “We will make a joyful world for them in which they will exist. And there, look, they will meet someone ... Or someone good will pick them up.
“Don’t you think we should introduce them to someone here?” - trying to “more securely” attach lonely kids, I asked.
“No, I don’t think so,” the friend answered very seriously. – Think for yourself, because not all dead babies get this... And not everyone here, probably, has time to take care of. So it will be fair to the others if we just create a very nice home for them here until they find someone. After all, the three of them, it is easier for them. And others are alone ... I was also alone, I remember ...
And suddenly, apparently remembering that terrible time, she became confused and sad ... and somehow unprotected. Wanting to immediately bring her back, I mentally brought down a waterfall of incredible fantastic flowers on her ...
- Ouch! Stella laughed like a bell. - Well, what are you! .. Stop it!
- Stop being sad! I didn't give up. - We won, how much more needs to be done, and you are limp. Well, let's go arrange the children! ..
And then, quite unexpectedly, Arno appeared again. We stared at him in surprise... afraid to ask. I even had time to think - did something terrible happen again? .. But he looked "incredibly" happy, so I immediately discarded the stupid thought.
– And what are you doing here?!.. – Stella was sincerely surprised.
- Have you forgotten - I have to pick up the kids, I promised them.
- Where is Michelle? Are you not together?
- Well, why not together? Together, of course! I just promised ... Yes, and she always loved children. So we decided to stay together until a new life takes them.
- So it's wonderful! Stella rejoiced. And then she jumped to another one. - You're very happy, aren't you? Well, tell me, are you happy? She is so beautiful!!!..
Arno looked into our eyes for a long time and attentively, as if wanting, but not daring to say something. Then I finally decided...
– I cannot accept this happiness from you... It is not mine... This is wrong... I am not yet worthy of it.

general information

“I am happy that I was born at such an amazing time. Fate brought me together with wonderful people - fearless, infinitely devoted to heaven. And my heart is forever given to them. These are lines from Alexander Vasilyevich Belyakov's book "In flight through the years", written by him in 1981.

Behind the years of selfless work, difficult trials and feats in the name of the motherland. Alexander Vasilyevich was born on the eve of grandiose historical events in 1897 in the village of Bezzubovo, now the Noginsk district of the Moscow region. The desire to learn new things, to explore the unknown was formed in the character of the boy under the influence of his father, who worked as a teacher. The family income was low, Alexander was accustomed to work from childhood, helped adults. “We also learned how to break beveled shafts, rake grass with a wooden rake into shocks, determine when the hay has dried up and is ready to be sent to the barn ... So in early childhood I knew all the burden and charm of the great peasant labor” A.V. Belyakov.

In 1915, Alexander Belyakov graduated from the gymnasium in Ryazan with a silver medal and entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. During the years of World War II, the young man did not want to remain aloof from ongoing events, and already in 1916 Alexander Vasilyevich entered the Alexander Infantry School in Moscow, which he graduated in January 1917. “It cannot be said that the crash course at the Alexander School went without a trace for me. I tried to comprehend the basics of military wisdom: commanding skills, the organization of military affairs, I managed to get acquainted with biographies and read the works of prominent Russian military leaders at the school, I firmly learned some of the truths of Suvorov's science of winning. A.V. Belyakov.

During the February and October revolutions, Alexander Vasilyevich was a member of the soldiers' committee, led the forestry department of the county council. “In those days, the workers of the national economy, more than ever, needed determination, enthusiasm, courage, that energetic courageous policy that does not shy under threats and shouts, no matter where they come from, knows how to break all obstacles, curbs the resistance of those whose interests it hurt. It is no coincidence that in the county soviet we were offered to organize a "commune". I was chosen senior, and there were more worries. ” A.V. Belyakov.

Chapaev and Furmanov after the capture of Ufa among the commanders of the Red Army

In January 1919, Alexander Belyakov was drafted into the Red Army. He served in the 25th army under the command of Chapaev. “The civil war ended for me with a secondment to military aviation, and in August 1920 I again arrived in Moscow ...” A.V. Belyakov.

In Moscow, Alexander Vasilyevich studied at the aviation school at the aeronautical department. Here is what Alexander Vasilyevich recalls in his memoirs about the first flight:

“The airplane made smooth circles, steeply went up, there, suddenly, as if alive, it was thrown over to one side or the other. The marvelous machine flew for fifteen minutes. Then she rushed nose down, no longer crackling, but, sneezing, flew, fluttered just above the ground, and then ran on her paws - her tail was still in the air. And only then she stopped, snorted and stopped winding the propeller.

The joy of flying knew no bounds. What can I say, an airplane is not a cart! .. "

After graduating from the aviation school, Alexander Vasilievich continued his studies at the military academy. “And now, with a skinny duffel bag on my back, I rush to lectures, to laboratory classes in inorganic chemistry. The buildings of the academy at that difficult time were not heated, the students, together with the teachers, were sitting in the classrooms in winter clothes. Lunch consisted mainly of bread and tea, which we heated in thin flasks on gas burners. I returned home late in the evening, tired and cold. But what satisfaction was from the day lived, saturated to the limit, filled with classes, communication with interesting people. A.V. Belyakov

In the summer of 1925, Alexander Vasilyevich made training flights on the R-1:

“It was a new two-seat biplane - a reconnaissance aircraft of domestic production, almost all of wood, covered with percale. The rigidity of its design was created by numerous metal stretch marks. The flight performance of the R-1 was considered quite satisfactory: speed up to 185 kilometers per hour, ceiling - 5000 meters. The plane took up to 750 kilograms of load, including a supply of gasoline for a four-hour flight. But it had a lot of archaic devices: gasoline, for example, was supplied to the engine by gas pumps, which were set in motion with the help of windmills that stood on the sides of the fuselage. The open cockpit was protected only by small celluloid canopies. The plane performed basic aerobatics, but easily fell into a tailspin, and there were many accidents in military units because of this. In the same way, the P-1 was strict on landing: it easily “goated”, and the pilot’s mistakes often ended in breakdowns and accidents.

Remembering flights, comparing our first routes with today's ones, I see all their difficulties more clearly. After all, in those days there was still no radio communication, no such case-based means of aircraft navigation as driving radio stations and radio compasses, not to mention radar. A.V. Belyakov

In 1931, Alexander Vasilievich headed the laboratory of the Air Force Academy. N. E. Zhukovsky. “Belyakov has the happy ability of a business person - to foresee absolutely everything that he may need in his work. He prepared his classes with the audience in such a way that the time was calculated literally by the minute. It was foreseen in advance how much time it would take to solve the problem, how much to present the subject, how much time it would take to answer questions. Everything that he needed during the lecture - visual aids, instruments, drawings, forms, logbooks, tables - everything was prepared in advance and had a certain place. He did not take a single extra minute from the audience ... Belyakov can always find traces of his work. They are stored in neat folders in the form of records, drawings, calculations, calculations. All this he writes down in a very clear, small handwriting. Everything with which he enriched his mind was stored in folders in our laboratory, and he made it possible for everyone to get acquainted with his materials. Belyakov was an ardent patriot of his laboratory,” said Marina Mikhailovna Raskova about the work of Alexander Vasilyevich.

Alexander Vasilyevich helped in developing the route for the flight under the leadership of M. Raskova, performed the work of a reserve navigator in preparing the flight of the Levanevsky crew. But all this was just preparation for the implementation of a super-difficult task - a non-stop long-distance flight. “After nine hours of flight, we reached the northern coast of the Kola Peninsula. Further before us is the boundless Barents Sea. We are flying in the same spur of high atmospheric pressure, which, according to meteorologists, will provide a calm entry into the Arctic. We fly above the clouds. They are so brightly lit by the sun that you have to wear glasses with light filters.

Not a single plane has yet crossed the Barents Sea from the Murmansk coast to Franz Josef Land.” A.V. Belyakov

On Odd Island

On June 18, 1937, a non-stop flight began on the route Moscow - the North Pole - North America. “At 5:15 p.m., the plane again plunges into cloudy milk, and blind flight begins.

The outside temperature is minus 24 degrees. It got cold in the cab. In theory, icing is unlikely. Georgy increases the speed of the aircraft due to a slight decrease. After all, we are almost on the ceiling. The steering wheels start to work sluggishly.

The theory turned out to be untenable. First, the glass, and then the edge of the stabilizer and wing, the braces and the frame of the radio compass begin to be covered with an uneven layer of opaque white ice. Valery does not sleep and again works as a de-icer on the propeller. The icing of the aircraft, which at first seemed light, began to increase rapidly. Again shaking in the motor and a shudder of the tail.

Minutes feel like hours. Hurry to slip through the dangerous layers! Motor - full throttle! Ahead begins to brighten, 22 endlessly long minutes of blind flight ...

Here is the land! Fatigue takes over me. We were in the air for 63 hours and 16 minutes. During this time, the aircraft covered 11,430 kilometers by air. The earthly path is 9130 kilometers. However, a feeling of immense satisfaction overcomes her, causing a surge of new strength. I don't even want to get out of the plane - I want to prolong the pleasant moment of consciousness of the fulfilled duty to my country and people. » A.V.Belyakov

In 1936‒40s. Alexander Vasilievich served as a flag navigator in the Red Army troops. During the Great Patriotic War, A.V. Belyakov headed the Ryazan Higher Aviation Navigator School. During the war years, 2600 aviation specialists for bomber aviation were trained here, 20 of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. As the chief navigator of the air army, Alexander Vasilyevich participated in the Berlin operation of 1945.

In 1945‒60s. A.V. Belyakov headed the faculty of the Air Force Academy. Author and editor of many scientific papers on air navigation, Alexander Vasilyevich was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin, 3 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star and medals.

BELYAKOV Alexander Vasilievich

Belyakov Alexander Vasilyevich - navigator, teacher of the Air Force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky.
He was born on December 9 (21), 1897 in the village of Bezzubovo, now the Noginsk district of the Moscow region, in the family of a teacher. Russian. He spent his childhood and youth in Ryazan. Graduated from high school. In 1915-1916 he studied at the Petrograd Forestry Institute.
In the army since 1916. In 1917 he graduated from the Alexander Infantry School in Moscow. Member of the Civil War in the 25th Infantry Division (Eastern Front).
In 1921 he graduated from the Moscow aerial photogrammetric school and worked there as a teacher. In 1930-1935 - teacher, head of the air navigation department of the Air Force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky. In 1936 he graduated from the Kachin Military Aviation Pilot School as an external student.
July 20-22, 1936 on the ANT-25 aircraft as a navigator (commander - V.P. Chkalov, co-pilot - G.F. Baidukov) made a non-stop flight from Moscow across the Arctic Ocean, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Udd Island (now - Chkalov Island) with a length of 9374 km.

For the performance of this flight and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, Belyakov Alexander Vasilyevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on July 24, 1936 with the award of the Order of Lenin.
On June 18-20, 1937, on an ANT-25 aircraft, as a navigator in the same crew, he made the world's first non-stop flight Moscow-North Pole-Vancouver (USA) with a length of 8504 km.

In 1936-1939 - the flag navigator of the Special Purpose Aviation (GA), in 1939-1940 - the flag navigator of the Red Army Air Force. Since 1940 - Deputy Head of the Air Force Academy (Monino, now - VVA named after Yu.A. Gagarin), then - Head of the Ryazan Higher School of Air Force Navigators.
During the Great Patriotic War, he continued to lead the Ryazan Higher School of Air Force Navigators. In the spring of 1945, he took part in the Berlin operation as the chief navigator of the 16th Air Army.
In 1945-1960 he was the head of the navigation department of the Air Force Academy (Monino). Since 1960, Lieutenant General of Aviation A.V. Belyakov has been retired.
Since 1960 he was a professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, in 1961-1969 he headed the military department of the institute. Author of many scientific papers on air navigation. Author of memoirs "In flight through the years" (1981).
Lived in Moscow. Died November 28, 1982. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Lieutenant General of Aviation (1943), Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1938). He was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin, 3 Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, 2 Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, 3 Orders of the Red Star, and medals. Member of the Supreme Soviet of the SSR in 1937-1946.

An island in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, streets in Moscow, Mogilev, Ryazan, Mariupol and other cities are named after him.

September 17, 2010 in the military town of Dyagilevo, Ryazan, a monument was unveiled to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General of Aviation Alexander Vasilyevich Belyakov.