Basic school for specialized technical training.

State educational institution Lyceum №1550 was founded in 1990. Today, the lyceum is a team of almost 250 lyceum students and 40 teachers who, together with the staff and with the constant participation of patrons, sponsors and parents, strive to make the learning and education process effective and exciting. Thanks to strong relationships with the Aircraft Builders Club, the Lyceum actively cooperates with leading aircraft building enterprises, and the aircraft building industry is opening up to students today in a new light. The lyceum is taught by teachers of the highest qualification category, doctors and candidates of sciences, excellent students of public education, winners of the Teacher of the Year competition, winners of the Soros Grant, Moscow Mayor Grants, and the Prize of the President of Russia. And it is no coincidence that the Lyceum in 2008 became the winner of the "Best Schools of Moscow" contest and the winner of the "Best School of Russia" contest, and in 2010, by order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, the Lyceum was given the status of "Basic School of Moscow for Vocational Guidance and Pre-Profile Training in aviation and aircraft industry. This is a continuation of the long-term joint work of the Lyceum and the Aircraft Builders Club. Each academic year at the lyceum begins with the Rally camp, in which new children join the team much faster than in the usual educational process. After the camp, a single friendly team returns to the lyceum, which is ready for the process of sharing knowledge, caring for each other, and new victories in new competitions. The lyceum is well equipped: modern means of audiovisualization of the educational process in the classrooms, the Internet available for children, three computer classes, specialized laboratories in general subjects and specially created laboratories for modeling and robotics, with the participation of industrial enterprises, a magnificent sports complex. All this provides ample opportunities for creativity and creation. The curriculum of the lyceum not only takes into account all the requirements of state standards for general education, but also conducts pre-profile training, guiding graduates to build their own professional career related to engineering and technical activities, primarily in the aircraft industry. For many years, the Lyceum has not only been a regular participant in the MAKS and Engines International Salons, but also became the organizer of the annual song contest Svoya Zvezda. Education at the lyceum is fully funded by the state. Lyceum students are recruited for grades 8, 9 and 10 based on the results of an interview in mathematics, physics and the Russian language.

Biryukov Maxim Evgenievich

Moscow city

16:09 05.10.2016

Positive impression

Dear Lyceum! Our beloved teachers! Happy holiday! From September 2005 to June 2016, my children, passing the baton to each other, studied at lyceum 1550, graduating from the named lyceum, respectively, in 2008, 2012 and 2016. From the very first day, from the first September "Rally" they fell into a large, friendly family, where there are no strangers, where there are no indifferent people, where it never happened that at the right moment you were not extended a helping hand. Lyceum 1550 is not only the highest level of education, thanks to which, without much difficulty, my children entered universities (MADI, Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, RGAU-MSHA named after Timiryazev) where they wanted, and not "where it happened", but also an interesting , fascinating life. Trips, excursions, travel. Here they teach how to work like an adult, achieve the goals set, respect the interests of the child and support his steps towards mastering his future profession in every possible way. The most valuable thing is that each of my children, studying at the lyceum, was able, with the kind and intelligent support of teachers, to pay attention to the business that they chose as their future profession. Thank you, Lyceum, thank you dear Teachers: Kosmakova Lyubov Nikolaevna, Samokhina Lyudmila Vasilyevna, Zhilyakova Viktor Mikhailovich, Bidyak Irina Ivanovna, Polyakova Lyudmila Alekseevna, Golovkina Lyudmila Anatolyevna, Zelenina Svetlana Ivanovna, Donskaya Valentina Grigoryevna, Lebedeva Nadezhda Georgievna, Loseva Nikita Valerievich, Zotova Tatyana Sergeevna, Zhilyakova Anna Viktorovna and many, many others! Be healthy, full of creativity! Good students and understanding parents! With deep respect and love, Maxim Biryukov, a member of the parent committee with 11 years of experience (I could not write "former".) My wife, Ekaterina, also sends congratulations and best wishes.)))

Lyceum student

Moscow city

18:45 03.10.2016

Negative impression

I studied at the Lyceum from 10th to 11th grade, I have a real idea of ​​what is happening there. There are good and bad reviews, but unfortunately, there are more bad ones. So:
Bad reviews:
1) The vaunted rally camp, where the lyceum makes money, turned out to be boring and terrible. The food in the dining room is scorched, the schedule of events: fun starts and basketball (at best), nothing special. Sometimes creative competitions for several people from the class and that's it. I do not recommend sending your children there and wasting time and money on it.
2) Additional preparation for the exam, for which you have to pay a decent amount of money, does not justify itself. Teachers in regular lessons often do not prepare for the exam, and in extra classes they do not provide the necessary information. Regular fundraiser.
3) The administration is ALWAYS for the teachers! One of my classmates really wanted to attend a physical education class, but there was a health certificate, although everything was in order with health. In the end, he decided to play truant and not sit there during the lessons. The school administration did not stand up for him.
4) No building renovation! Just the facts: constant leaking pipes in the toilets, a break in the sewer in the building for physical education, fastening desks and chairs.
5) The most important thing: the lyceum said a lot that: "they are the elite", "they are in the top 100 schools in the country", "elite teachers" - all these are just words. In fact: although the program of school disciplines is of a high level, this program is taught quite poorly. Basically, they try to just follow the program, and to the questions: “sorry, we don’t understand this,” they answer something like: “yes, everything is so easy there.”
Although in reality the lyceum is not as good as the lyceum administration says (as if they will tell the truth), you can write good reviews about the lyceum:
1) If you want to take exams in chemistry, history or social studies (SUBJECTS NOT PROFILE FOR THE LYCEUM!), Then you are here. One of the few really good teachers who are "not an elite", but TEACH, is Svetlana Ivanovna (a teacher of chemistry) and Anna Viktorovna (a teacher of history, social studies).
2) Those who really want to study study at the lyceum. If your child is one of those, then you are here.

Moscow city

20:02 15.09.2016

Positive impression

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the entire teaching staff for the trip to the "Rally" camp. The children were very happy, everything was cool! I wish you and all your colleagues prosperity and great creative success! Sincerely, Drozdova Elena.

Moscow city

13:31 02.09.2016

Negative impression

My son has been studying at the lyceum for the fourth year, now he has moved to the eleventh grade. At first they were very pleased and liked everything. Unfortunately, we are forced to admit that with the advent of the young principal Losev N.V. and in connection with the accession of another school to the lyceum, the situation in the lyceum began to change for the worse.
The director reacts painfully to wishes and comments, and is not respected by children.
In pursuit of numbers, in the profile classes of the lyceum, they really take everyone in a row, the selection is just for show. If you didn’t pass with the first wave, there are still the second, third and fourth. As a result, half the class does not pull a strong program, they chew on the usual general education, half of the class has triples in both mathematics and physics (core subjects of the lyceum). OK. According to the results of the 9th grade OGE, Losev promised to choose a strong class to teach a complex program - this did not happen for unknown reasons, the director pretended that he did not promise this at all. By adding a weak school to the lyceum, the situation with teaching subjects at a high level, as you understand, becomes even more problematic. I understand that in other schools, the situation is probably even worse, but this is not the level of the physics and mathematics lyceum, honestly! In textbooks it is written in black and white - for a comprehensive school.
Acting, we thought that by studying at the physics and mathematics lyceum, we would save on tutors - where there, you can’t do without tutors.
What is cooperation with universities, we also did not understand. The children had a week-long internship at the base of Baumanka, MADI, we were clearly told - this is for show, no one needs you there.

Moscow city

00:04 31.08.2016

Negative impression

I will have an unusual review about this school (the school has long lost the title of lyceum at MSTU). I will list both the pros and cons of studying at this lyceum. I studied at this lyceum for only a year (grade 9) and now I have a complete picture of this educational institution. Let's start with the pros:
1) The presence of the title of a lyceum
2) Able-bodied guys
3) Good natural science profile
4) Good gym
5) Many interested teachers (Galina Avadyaevna; Elena Nikolaevna; Svetlana Ivanovna; Olga Pavlovna; Anna Viktorovna: Tatyana Nikolaevna.)
That's all with pluses. Now I have moved to Lyceum 1580 at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. This school is better in all respects, but it is very difficult to get into it. It's time to move on to the minuses of 1550:
1) The lyceum did not keep all the promises (where are our couples and 4 hours of physics?).
2) Biology teacher asked more than she gave
3) Too few physics and mathematics lessons
4) Very weak computer science
5) Very weak Russian
6) The physics teacher stopped teaching at the end of the year
7) Extremely low scores in the OGE and the Unified State Examination in some subjects (weak OGE score in physics and in the Russian language).
Thanks to my tutor, I was able to pass the OGE in physics by 98% and in computer science by 100%. But, unfortunately, this is not the merit of teachers. That's all.


Moscow city

18:44 10.06.2016

Negative impression

The reviews for May 2016 are very embarrassing, it seems that the parents abruptly in May, everyone decided to write positive reviews. My review will be different. After the merger of school 698 with lyceum 1550, and the new leader of this association, the atmosphere that reigned in school 698 changed a lot. It used to be a very warm, homely environment. Now it seems that everything is being done in order to put another tick, or a plus for the leadership. I know this school, now a lyceum, for 11 years, the second child is studying there. The older one went with pleasure, the younger one also went with pleasure before the merger, the problems started this year. Academic performance fell, not only for my child, but for the class as a whole. The interest of the child still rests on the "old" teachers of school 698. I think to transfer the child.

Grafova Elena

Moscow city

13:25 31.05.2016

Positive impression

My daughter studied at Lyceum No. 1550 for two years. I heard only good things from her about her studies and class. It’s even a little pity that we moved and had to move to another lyceum. I would like to express my gratitude to the teacher Dunets O. A. Olga Alexandrovna is a strong teacher, an expert in her field, takes pride in her work and loves children. I also want to thank Diana Arutyurovna - a pleasant person and a wonderful teacher. Well, the most favorite subject of my daughter was English. the language taught by Avtonomova E. A. Thank you for these wonderful two years!

Zhanna Galeeva

Moscow city

14:01 19.05.2016

Positive impression

My children study at Lyceum No. 1550, one is in the 10th grade, the other is in the 6th grade. I, as a mother, want to express my gratitude to the teaching staff of the lyceum, and the organizers of the events. Life in the lyceum for children is full of bright and positive moments. (quests, fort-boyards, quizzes and holidays dedicated to different dates. Children like it. Special thanks to the class teacher A. V. Ageeva (10-3), and N. V. Guseva (6-1) and the mathematics teacher at 6 -1 class Anpilogova Olga Valentinovna.

Olga Nikolaevna

Moscow city

14:22 18.05.2016

Positive impression

I would like to express my gratitude to the class teacher Zakharova N.N. for her professionalism and organization of interesting leisure activities for children after school! Thanks to the director and his assistants for the exciting life in the lyceum, organizing events, competitions and olympiads! Keep it up!

Moscow city

10:43 18.05.2016

Positive impression

Great high school! Our teachers are the best. The daughter entered the lyceum in the 8th grade, and this academic year is ending, which means that conclusions can be drawn. Algebra and Geometry, in our case, geometry is taught by Losev N.V., in my opinion, a good and demanding teacher. Yes, you have to study extra, but the 8th grade program, in which each lesson is a new topic, requires it. Algebra - L. A. Golovkina leads her, an excellent teacher, demanding and fair. We went to the physics and mathematics lyceum, and here, in addition to excellent physics and mathematics, there are strong teachers in the humanities! Kolesnikova O. V. is an excellent scientific adviser, already this year the children (optional) wrote project works on Russian and literature. Great experience in my opinion. After reading the work of my daughter, I came to the conclusion that it is no worse than coursework at the institute, in our time))) Thank you! Our class teacher, T. I. Elshina, is also admired - an excellent teacher of History and Social Studies, an excellent organizer. English is on top, Zakharova N.N., thanks for the lessons and excellent additional English! I can already say for sure that the youngest will go only to this lyceum, already in 2017-2018. And, the most amazing thing, which was not in the previous school, is that we do not have a single teacher who would not like the children, which is very valuable! I recommend to everyone.


Moscow city

20:54 17.05.2016

Positive impression

I want to thank all the primary school teachers of Lyceum 1550, and especially Olga Alexandrovna Dunets. I am very glad that my daughter studies in this lyceum. Interest in learning in a child for 2 years has not passed, but on the contrary, it is growing every day. Thank you for the opportunity to combine study and sports! Thank you for organizing joint participation in the action "Immortal Regiment"! Thank you for your kind and caring attitude towards children!


Moscow city

20:09 17.05.2016

Positive impression

My son is finishing second grade. Having studied at the lyceum for 2 years, I can’t say anything negative about the lyceum. In the lyceum, there are many educational circles for children. Concerts are held for each holiday and between them. Children participate in olympiads, sports and cultural holidays. Many thanks to the class teacher, Dunets Olga Alexandrovna, for her patience, understanding, training, education of our children! Also many thanks to Zakharova Natalya Nikolaevna for creating a sincere atmosphere in the Lyceum and for teaching English! In English lessons, children are very interesting and informative in presenting the material. I will give my second son only to this lyceum!

Irina Popova

Moscow city

11:16 16.05.2016

Positive impression

I do not regret that I chose this Lyceum 1550 for my son.
I am very glad that the administration of the lyceum (Director Losev Nikita Valeryevich, Head teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Zakharova) keeps the entire staff of the Lyceum in trend, taking part in olympiads, city events, holidays, involving all children from 1 to 11 grades.
It is becoming more and more prestigious to study at the Lyceum, my son is proud that he studies at the Lyceum 1550 and adores his class teacher Olga Aleksandrovna Dunets.

Rogova Elena

Moscow city

21:09 15.05.2016

Positive impression

I want to express my gratitude to the teaching staff of the elementary school division of Lyceum 1550. Especially to the teacher Sinodova Oksana Aleksandrovna. This is a teacher with a great work experience, who truly cares about the knowledge of children and loves them. Demanding, but always ready to help those who missed the lessons, did not understand the material, etc. Oksana Alexandrovna always draws the attention of parents to the systematic mistakes of the child, together looking for the causes of gaps in knowledge.

Mom of Lyceum students

Moscow city

22:05 13.05.2016

Positive impression

Many thanks to all the staff of GBOU Lyceum 1550!
My children enjoy visiting this institution. The younger son, a little lyceum student, happily goes to kindergarten and is simply in love with his teachers, and the eldest, already a high school student, goes to school with the same positive emotions. Studying at the Lyceum, according to his son, "is not easy and therefore interesting."
I am very grateful to all the teachers of the Lyceum!

Andreeva Tatiana

Moscow city

18:24 13.05.2016

Positive impression

I want to express my deep gratitude to the administration, the teaching staff of Lyceum No. 1550. I would like to say special thanks to our class. Head Zakharova Natalya Nikolaevna - for the care and attention to our children!
Good luck and prosperity to the Lyceum!

Moscow city

17:19 13.05.2016

Positive impression

My son is finishing the 8th grade, and every year we admire how teachers are involved in their work, what variety they offer in this lyceum, in addition to the usual school curriculum, teachers recently took children to the "Immortal Regiment", I have not seen other schools instill so children love and respect for such dates. Also, the child is delighted with Kolesnikova Olga Vladimirovna, a teacher of the Russian language and literature, they themselves visited an open lesson and were delighted with the teaching methods and knowledge of their business!

Moscow city

16:17 13.05.2016

Positive impression

Graduation is coming soon, which means it is already possible to sum up the results of my studies at Lyceum No. 1550 on my part: these were wonderful academic years that I will remember with warmth all my life. Good teachers, friendly relations between students, interesting activities in addition to the educational process!

Moscow city

13:36 13.12.2015

Positive impression

I studied at the lyceum for only two years, but even during this time I managed to feel the spirit of the lyceum. All teachers at the school are professionals in their field, and the curriculum is designed in such a way that the workload is comprehensive and affects not only technical subjects. Perhaps the knowledge assessment system is indeed more strict than in ordinary schools, but on the contrary, this gives an extra incentive to fight for a good grade and be proud of it.
A special place here is given to physical education, so that the lyceum students are not only smart, but also athletic.
I must also say about the wonderful director of the lyceum - Nikita Valerievich Losev. This is the youngest director I have seen, but at the same time he is already doing his job first-class, and his age allows him to follow educational innovations and apply the latest teaching methods, as well as easily find a common language with students.
Summing up, I will say that this is a worthy place for gaining knowledge in the upper classes, and a kind team and interesting events will never let you get bored.


Moscow city

02:52 05.08.2015

Positive impression

I heartily thank Zhilyakov Viktor Mikhailovich, Lidakova Olga Pavlovna, Moskvitin Mikhail Lvovich, Gvozdev Sergey Valentinovich, Mareychenko Galina Ivanovna, Polyakova Lyudmila Alekseevna, Bidyak Irina Ivanovna, Kosmakova Lyubov Nikolaevna, Krasnikov Gennady Vasilyevich and many other teachers for their high professionalism.

Moscow city

17:54 25.06.2015

Positive impression

1. Cohesion. It was a great idea and excellent execution. This event will help you get to know your future classmates and have a lot of fun.
2. The learning style is as close as possible to studying at the university.
3. Quality of education.
4. Atmosphere of the Lyceum.
5. And separately I would like to say thanks to the director of the Lyceum 1550 Losev N.V.

Moscow city

00:29 24.06.2015

Positive impression

Having studied for 4 years at the Lyceum, she did not regret her decision for a second.
Pluses I think that the atmosphere is as close as possible to the university. That is, the student himself adapts to running after teachers, he understands that he needs knowledge, and not teachers or parents.
High-level teaching of such subjects as mathematics, physics, history, chemistry.
I consider informatics, Russian and literature as weak subjects (not for all teachers).
Also, various olympiads are often held, to which children themselves come, which is not often found in our time.
In the lyceum, in addition to the student atmosphere, there is a family and close-knit atmosphere. There is no such thing as "Every man for himself". If you have a problem, then you can easily approach either your class, or a teacher or any lyceum student, they will always help you deal with it.
The food in the dining room is decent, you can eat. For special gourmets there is a buffet, where a large assortment of food for normal money.
The lyceum hosts many recreational activities that help the student to open up creatively, but at the same time can have a bad effect on academic performance.
I can’t remember any obvious cons, but there are always pitfalls.
I hope you choose Lyceum 1550, as it is a worthy institution that can properly prepare your child for admission to a technical university.

Moscow city

15:31 27.12.2014

Positive impression

I study at the Lyceum for the third year. So far, everything is very pleasant, but not without exceptions. Most of the teachers are very strong and interesting. For example, Lyudmila Vasilievna Samokhina is a wonderful teacher of mathematics, who in the lesson can combine an explanation of the topic, stories about her life and jokes, and all this will merge into an excellent relationship with students, she can scold, but for this you need to try. I would also like to highlight the approach to teaching Anna Viktorovna Zhilyakova, she gives only the material that children are able to learn, there is nothing superfluous in her lectures - everything is smooth and coherent, but it contains a huge amount of information, each of her lessons is accompanied by a presentation that carries the maximum information and practicality of perception, she can make children think, but it will not be difficult for them, it is a pleasure to teach her lectures on history or social studies. I also wanted to single out the English teacher, Olga Pavlovna Lidakova, she explains topics very clearly, pays a lot of attention to speaking and pronunciation, she demands a lot, but also gives just as much, which is important. These are my favorite teachers, they teach my core subjects, and this is very important for me. But I would also like to write about teachers who teach other subjects, for example, physics teachers (their subject is not a core subject for me, because I study in social economics): Moskvitin Mikhail Lvovich is a very good teacher, but if you didn’t have time love and understand physics in grades 7-9, then you should not say that some physics teacher is bad, so I can say that Mikhail Lvovich really likes people who love physics, but he does not let the rest get bored: he dilutes a lesson in jokes that everyone laughs at, he is a very good person, despite everything he is looking for an approach to everyone. Lyubov Nikolaevna Kosmakova is an ordinary teacher of physics, she explains everything in an accessible way and gives very understandable lectures, after reading the notes in a notebook once, you can understand the whole topic, she is just the person who interests students, and Mikhail Lvovich already continues and deepens all those knowledge that Lyubov Nikolaevna gave. If we talk about non-core subjects, then there are some problems, some teachers are unpleasant: they give little, but ask a lot, or, as a biology teacher, gives a lot, but asks even more, and very often what she gives, and then, What he is asking doesn't match at all. Computer science teachers are very peculiar: Vorobyova is a good teacher, but only if the child has some kind of programming background. She doesn’t explain new topics very well, but if somewhere the child managed to get high-quality initial knowledge in her subject, then she will help you deepen them and direct them in the right direction, and Druzherukova is just the teacher who gives the base, but does not deepen knowledge. I can say about the MHC that this is my least favorite subject, and I don’t know the reason: is it really such a terrible program, or is the teacher obsessed with Orthodoxy. Throughout the 10th grade, we go through various Orthodox churches and icons, while studying their architectural features and artistic techniques, but in my opinion this is not very interesting, I fall asleep during the lessons, but against the teacher I can say that I do not like her approach to the lesson, if she said at the beginning of the lesson that there would be a "creative task", then this means that 10-15 minutes before the end of the lesson she will give work that is usually done for several days, but she will be sure that everyone will have time to do it in these 10- 15 minutes.
You can talk forever about the well-known lyceum atmosphere, but it only concerns you if you participate in the social life of the lyceum, that is, you organize various events, of which there are a lot, play in all sorts of fairy tales and performances, cheer for your class at Rally, strive to win. In our lyceum there are a lot of interesting things that are very rare in ordinary schools, for example, the Lyceum Cinema Club or the Rallying camp, many activists go to the Team camp, where they defend the honor of the lyceum, scientific conferences are also held in the lyceum - every spring there is a Science Festival , where each of the students can show their intelligence and resourcefulness by preparing a project for one of the disciplines, teachers help in organizing project activities in their subject.
In conclusion, I will say that for 2.5 years of studying here, I have never regretted that I went to the lyceum. There are some downsides, of course, but there are many more upsides. If your child himself does not want to study, then there is no place for him in the lyceum, but if he himself is interested in a good education, then Welcome!

Moscow city

15:34 15.12.2014

Positive impression

We moved to the lyceum this year from the "gymnasium" in quotation marks from the SAO of Moscow. So far my son and I love it. There is a load, and a decent one, and this is good, because in the previous school he generally suffered from nonsense. Grades have worsened, which is also good, for example, in chemistry at the previous school there was a clean five, here our knowledge turned out to be at the level of a triple, it’s good that we learned about it now, and not at the exam. It is interesting that even English, the son said, is stronger here, although the school is physics and mathematics. We were also lucky with the class, the guys have good relations, no squabbles and wars. There are some cons, but there are clearly more pluses. Of course, this is not a school at Baumanka or a lyceum at MEPhI, but for guys with above-average requirements for themselves, but not for geeks, I think it’s a good option. Let's just see what will happen in connection with the addition of a general education school to the lyceum this year. It's kind of worrisome.


Moscow city

10:41 02.11.2014

Negative impression

I am writing only about admission to grades 8 and 9, because with 10 specialized classes the situation is a little different. We moved here, running away from the courtyard school, where grades were given for nothing, where children were not checked, where children did not want to study. In the lyceum d / s and is set and checked, deuces for non-compliance are regularly put. But. The child unexpectedly admitted that the explanation of the material itself in the yard school was much clearer, that it was very boring in many lessons, that, just like in the yard school, the teachers yell at the lessons, the head teacher screeches during the breaks. That is, the lyceum, having recruited smart children, counts on the fact that it is not necessary to teach them - they will learn on their own. I want to warn parents of applicants - if a child is lazy (and most of them are in their teens) and after 7 lessons he is not able to study topics that are not understood in class on his own at home, if basic subjects are poorly taught at your school and you hope that everything will be fine here to chew, if you think that a lot of deuces will not let the child relax, then this is not about Lyceum 1550. The main ped. the composition is women of pre-retirement age - tired and exhausted. Charismatic teachers whose eyes are burning - UNIT. And they are not put on the eighth, ninth grades.
The lyceum is in a period of stagnation, it is simply necessary to dilute the ped composition with young interesting teachers. And I would like the children to be taught at school in the lesson, and at home so that after the teacher’s talented explanation, they can do homework, and not sit on the second shift, analyzing a new topic that they could not explain in the lesson. There are, no doubt, excellent teachers in the Lyceum. Will you be able to get to them? But none of this would have happened if not for one important (and perhaps the most important): I myself wanted to develop, become better. I know a huge number of infants who tried to get through by all means, but it was simply unnecessary for them. They cursed the lyceum with their last words, while their parents stroked their heads and echoed their children in unison. So, I strongly advise you not to believe the rumors. Yes, there are tough teachers in the lyceum, but there are no cruel teachers and never have been.
Finally, among the teachers, I especially want to single out, first of all, Nikita Valerievich Losev and Lyudmila Anatolyevna Samokhina - very strong teachers of algebra and geometry, those who get to Moskvitin are also lucky - it is impossible not to fall in love with physics with him. Separately, among the humanities teachers, I can name Lyudmila Alekseevna Polyakova - she gives herself to her work with all her heart and very often does not get any return at all (after all, techies, according to many parents, should not be literate), and Anna Viktorovna Zhilyakova - those knowledge of history, which she gives go far beyond the scope of the school curriculum.
I can say one thing about a weak humanitarian education - after the lyceum I entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University - one of the strongest humanitarian faculties in the country, about the "deflated" technical one: I suggest looking at how many people entered Baumanka last year - I don’t remember the exact numbers, but more ten from parallel exactly. Another student at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, one at the Faculty of Physics and Technology, and one at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. And this is only a part.
So, if a person, even somewhere very deep in his soul, is ready to learn and develop comprehensively, the lyceum is ideal for him. I don't know about the rest. Education is not a thing that brings immediate benefits. 2) Teachers. You can hardly find better teachers. Each of them knows his subject well, can present the material to the students. Most importantly, they are always ready to help students (once again explain the material, answer questions, even try to help solve personal problems).

Status: State
Founded: 1990
License: Series 77 No. 000842, No. 027884 dated December 30, 2010
Accreditation: Series 77A01 No. 0000670, No. 000670 from October 31, 2012 to October 31, 2024

The lyceum is pre-profile and specialized training technical focus.

Pre-profile training courses work in grades 8-9:

Grade 8: "Information technology", "laboratory workshop in physics".

Grade 9: "Probability theory and mathematical statistics", "Information technology", "Laboratory workshop in physics".

Profile training is carried out in grades 10-11 of the lyceum in the following areas: "engineering and technical" (T), "information technology" (IT), "physical and mathematical" (FM). Each class has its own curriculum for students. You can find the curriculum in the Curriculum section.

In accordance with the profile of the lyceum, a number of circles of the system of additional education work, a number of which are taught by the teachers of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman and MAI. (go to the section of additional education)

There are translation exams in the Lyceum. One of the types of educational activities is project and research activities, which are mandatory for students in grade 10.

Lyceum teachers are all without exception creative and interesting personalities. The system of teaching and communication is primarily based on friendly relations and mutual respect with lyceum students. For our teachers, the Lyceum is not just a job, not just an educational institution - it is the meaning of life.

Teachers constantly monitor innovations in the education system, both modern forms of teaching and technical means that are constantly used during classes, which makes it possible to diversify the educational process, making it more attractive and accessible to students. In their free time, teachers also follow modern trends in culture, art, interests and forms of leisure, while remaining true to Russian traditions, which, of course, reduces the age gap with students and brings them even closer to lyceum students.

Some teachers are developers and leaders of educational sectors of the Distance Education Lyceum, created with the participation of Lyceum No. 1550.

The Lyceum employs 42 teaching staff, including 7 part-time teachers, among whom are teachers of special disciplines - "Economics", "Theory of Aircraft Structures", "Modern Engineering Technologies", "Descriptive Geometry" and "Computer Graphics", "Special course in mathematics", "special course in information technology".

Among the teachers of the lyceum are teachers of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, MADI, MAI.

Teachers and other pedagogical workers have, in general, the First and Highest qualification category, but it is with the Highest category that prevails.

Two teachers have the academic title "Doctor of Science" (Baurova N.I., Pugachev O.V.), two - "PhD" (Vladzievsky L.A., Moskvitin M.L.). One of the teachers of the Lyceum is the Laureate of the Prize of the President of Russia (Moskvitin M.L.), four are laureates of the Soros Grant in the field of exact sciences (Vladzievsky L.A., Golovkina L.A., Kurbakova E.N., Moskvitin M.L. ) and four winners of the Mayor's Grant in the field of humanities (Vorobeva I.S., Zhilyakova A.V., Lebedeva N.G., Piterskaya V.A.). Two teachers of the lyceum are winners of the district and finalists of the city competition "Teacher of the Year" (Kosmakova L.N., Losev N.V.). Six pedagogical workers of the Lyceum bear the honorary title of "Excellence in Public Education", one title of "Honored Teacher of Russia (Zhilyakov V.M.).

Basic school for specialized technical education

Invites you to afternoon classes! We hope that you will be able to express yourself in the field of technology and get the opportunity to get to know the amazing and fascinating world of technical sciences.

The schedule of circles and sections conducted by teachers of the lyceum download>> Timetable of classes
In-depth study of subjects and preparation for the Olympiads (organizer: Center for Pedagogical Excellence and Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education)

Day of the week subject Class time cabinet
Monday chemistry 10-11 15.00-16.30 4.7
maths 10-11 15.00-16.30 4.6
Wednesday maths 8-9 15.00-16.30 2.7
physics 10-11 15.00-16.30 1.6
chemistry 8-9 15.00-16.30 4.7
Thursday physics 8-9 15.00-16.30 1.6

Circle "robotics" (organized by MAI, classes are taught by MAI teachers)
Class schedule: Tuesday, Thursday 15.00-17.00

Circle "Avimodeling" (organized by MAI)
Class schedule: Wednesday 15.00-17.00

Training courses.

Starting this year, the preparatory courses offer two training options:

"Base": physics, mathematics, Russian "Advanced": physics, mathematics, Russian + English or computer science (optional).
The cost of the basic course: 4500 rubles / month. for all courses. The cost of the extended course: 5000 rubles / month. for all courses.
Enrollment for courses is open until October 31st.
Duration of preparatory courses: from November to April. First session November 12th.

Admission to study at the Lyceum is carried out on the basis of selection. The selection criteria are:

  • the desire to acquire knowledge at an advanced level in accordance with the profile of the lyceum;
  • a sufficient level of basic general education knowledge and skills in core subjects for the lyceum;
  • psychological readiness of the student to change the team and learning conditions and the motivation for professional choice.