What are the first Russian princes known and famous for. Princes of ancient Russia

Prince Rurik. (dates of reign 862-879). The chronicle founder of the statehood of Russia, the Varangian, the Novgorod prince and the ancestor of the princely, which later became royal, Rurik dynasty.

Rurik is sometimes identified with King Rorik from Jutland Hedeby (Denmark). According to another version, Rurik is a representative of the princely family of obodrites, and his name is a Slavic generic nickname associated with a falcon, which in Slavic languages ​​was also called a rarog. There are also attempts to prove the legendary Rurik.

It was under this prince that the entry of tribal formations into the composition of Ancient Russia took place. The Slovenes of Ilmen, the Krivichi of Pskov, the Chud and the whole preserved relations under an agreement with Rurik. Smolensk Krivichi and Merya were annexed by Rurik, who approved his "husbands" - governors - in their lands. The chronicle reports the annexation of the Severyan tribes who previously paid tribute to the Khazars in 884, the Radimichi in 885 and the subjugation of the Drevlyans in 883. In the campaign against Byzantium in 906, Croats, Dulebs (Buzhans) and Tivertsy participated, probably as allies.

At the same time - in 862 (the date is approximate, according to the early chronology of the Chronicle), the Varangians, Rurik's warriors Askold and Dir, sailing to Constantinople, trying to establish full control over the most important trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks", establish their power over Kyiv. In the future, the center of the future Kievan Rus was formed.

Rurik died in 879 in Novgorod. The reign was transferred to Oleg, the regent under the young son of Rurik Igor.

Oleg (Prophetic Oleg) (reigned: 879-912) - Prince of Novgorod (from 879) and Grand Duke of Kyiv (from 882). Often regarded as the founder of the Old Russian state. The annals give his nickname Prophetic, that is, he who knows the future, foresaw the future.

In 882, according to chronicle chronology, Prince Oleg, a relative of Rurik, set off on a campaign from Novgorod to the south. Actually, the beginning of the formation of a single state for all the Eastern Slavs was the unification by Prince Oleg in 882 of two centers of nascent statehood - northern and southern, with a common center of state power in Kyiv, the capture of Smolensk and Lyubech. It was not in vain that the Old Russian chronicler described Prince Oleg as “prophetic”. He united in his hands the priestly functions of the most revered pagan cults of the Ilmen Slovenes and the Dnieper Rus. The names of Perun and Veles were sworn by the ambassadors of Oleg at the conclusion of an agreement with the Greeks in 911. Having seized power in Kyiv, Oleg declared himself a prince from the Russian family, thereby confirming his succession from the previous government and affirming the legitimacy of his reign as a Russian, and not a foreign prince .

Another important political step of Oleg is a campaign against Constantinople. According to an annalistic source, in 907, having equipped 2000 boats of 40 soldiers each, Oleg set out on a campaign against Constantinople. The Byzantine emperor Leo VI the Philosopher ordered the gates of the city to be closed and the harbor to be blocked with chains, thus giving the Varangians the opportunity to plunder and ravage the suburbs of Constantinople. However, Oleg went on an unusual assault: “And Oleg ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a favorable wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city. The frightened Greeks offered Oleg peace and tribute. According to the agreement, Oleg received 12 hryvnias for each oarlock, and Byzantium promised to pay tribute to Russian cities. As a sign of victory, Oleg nailed his shield to the gates of Constantinople. The main result of the campaign was a trade agreement on duty-free trade of Russia in Byzantium.

In 911, Oleg sent an embassy to Constantinople, which confirmed the "long-term" peace and concluded a new treaty. Compared with the "treaty" of 907, the mention of duty-free trade disappears from it. Oleg is referred to in the contract as the "Grand Duke of Russia".

As a result of the victorious campaign against Byzantium, the first written agreements were concluded in 907 and 911, which provided for preferential terms of trade for Russian merchants (trade duties were canceled, repairs of ships were provided, accommodation for the night), the solution of legal and military issues. The tribes of Radimichi, Severyans, Drevlyans, Krivichi were taxed. According to the chronicle version, Oleg, who bore the title of Grand Duke, ruled for more than 30 years. Rurik's own son Igor took the throne after the death of Oleg (according to legend, Oleg died from a snakebite) around 912 and ruled until 945.

The period of formation of the Old Russian state begins with the reign of the Norman prince Rurik. His descendants sought to annex new territories to their principalities, to establish trade and allied relations with Byzantium and other countries.

Donorman princes

Polyudye was not introduced, but developed historically

The first mention of Russia

References to Russia are contained in contemporary Western European, Byzantine and Eastern sources.

Rurik (862-879)

The Varangians, who invaded the East Slavic lands, took thrones in the cities: Novgorod, Beloozero, Izborsk

Oleg (879-912)

According to the chronicle, in 882 two East Slavic centers united: Novgorod and Kiev. The troops of Prince Oleg took Constantinople

Igor (912-945)

  • peace was concluded between Prince Igor and the emperor of Byzantium
  • the assassination of Prince Igor

Olga (945 - 964)

"Lessons" and "graveyards" were established in Kievan Rus:

  • began to appoint persons to collect tribute (tributors)
  • set the amount of tribute (lessons)
  • indicated places for princely strongholds (graveyards)

During the reign of Princess Olga, most of the population of Kievan Rus professed paganism.

The collection of tribute from the tribes subject to the Kyiv ruler acquired a regular and orderly character during the reign of Olga.

Svyatoslav (962-972)

Vladimir Svyatoslavich (980-1015)

Consequences of Baptism:

1) the culture of Russia has become "axial"

2) strengthened statehood

Russia entered the circle of Christian countries, focusing not on Asia, but on Europe.

Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054)

The conclusion of dynastic marriages became the main means of foreign policy of Kievan Rus during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise

Triumvirate of the Yaroslavichs. (1060)

  • Izyaslav (1054-1073; 1076-1078)
  • Vsevolod (1078-1093)
  • Svyatoslav (1073-1076)

Articles on blood feuds were excluded from the Russkaya Pravda of the Yaroslavichs.

Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125)

The congress of ancient Russian princes in 1097, where the question “why are we destroying the Russian land, causing strife among ourselves” was raised, took place in Lyubech 1093-1096.

All-Russian campaign against the Polovtsians, organized by Vladimir Monomakh.

Domestic and foreign policy of the ancient Kyiv princes


  • Successful campaign against Byzantium, conclusion of an agreement in September 911. with the Byzantine emperor
  • Leo VI. He managed to unite the northern and southern lands as part of a single state.
  • He subjugated the tribes of the streets to his power.
  • In 941 - a large campaign against Byzantium, which ended in the defeat of the Russian army. The conclusion of the treaty of 944. with the Byzantine emperor Roman I Lekapen.
  • The uprising of the Drevlyans, as a result of which he was killed.

By the beginning of the 10th century, the power of the Kyiv prince had spread to most of the East Slavic lands. This is how the Old Russian state was formed.

  • Having avenged the murder of her husband three times, she made a campaign against the Drevlyans. Their capital - Iskorosten was taken and destroyed, and the inhabitants were killed or enslaved.
  • Olga and her retinue traveled around the land of the Drevlyans, “setting charters and lessons” - the amount of tribute and other duties. “Stanovishcha” were established - places where tribute should have been brought, and “traps” - hunting grounds were allocated.
  • She visited Byzantium on a "friendly visit" and was baptized.


  • The expansion of the borders of the Old Russian state to the east led to the war between Svyatoslav and the Khazars in the mid-60s. 10th century The campaign against Khazaria in the late 60s was successful, the Khazar army was defeated.
  • After the victories of Svyatoslav, the Vyatichi living in the Oka valley also submitted to the power of the Kyiv prince.
  • In 968 Svyatoslav appeared on the Danube - the Bulgarians were defeated.
  • A war broke out between the Kyiv prince and Byzantium. In July 971 Svyatoslav was defeated near Dorostol. According to the concluded peace, the Byzantines released Svyatoslav with his soldiers. At the Dnieper rapids, Svyatoslav died in battle with the Pechenegs.

Svyatoslav, being away from home for a long time, appointed his eldest son Yaropolk as governor in Kyiv, planted his second son, Oleg, in the land of the Drevlyans, and the Novgorodians took the youngest, Vladimir. It was Vladimir who was destined to win the bloody civil strife that flared up after the death of Svyatoslav. Yaropolk started a war with Oleg, in which the latter died. However, Vladimir, who came from Novgorod, defeated Yaropolk and after his death began to reign in Kyiv.

Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko

  • He is trying to strengthen the rather loose super union of tribes. In 981 and 982. he made successful campaigns against the Vyatichi, and in 984. - on radimichi. In 981 conquered the Cherven cities in South-Western Russia from the Poles.
  • The Russian lands continued to suffer from the Pechenegs. On the southern borders of Russia, Vladimir built four defensive lines.
  • Baptism of Russia.

Yaroslav the Wise

  • On the initiative of Yaroslav, the first written collection of laws, Russkaya Pravda, was created.
  • He did a lot for the spread of Christianity, building new churches, cathedrals, schools, and the first monasteries were founded by him.
  • At the end of his reign, he issued a "Charter", in which significant monetary fines were established in favor of the bishop for violation of church canons.
  • Yaroslav also acted as a successor to his father's efforts to organize the country's defense against attacks by nomads.
  • During the reign of Yaroslav, Russia finally took an honorable place in the community of states of Christian Europe.
  • Triumvirate of Yaroslavichs: Izyaslav, Vsevolod, Svyatoslav

Vladimir Monomakh

  • A serious attempt was made to restore the former significance of the power of the Kyiv prince. Having the support of the people, Vladimir forced almost all Russian princes to submit to him.
  • In Kyiv, during the reign of Monomakh, a new collection of laws, The Long Truth, was prepared.
  • In general, it was a prince close to the ideal in the view of an ancient Russian person. He himself created a portrait of such a prince in his famous Teaching.
  • The "Charter on cuts" protected the city's lower classes.

Management system of ancient Russian lands

The territory of Kievan Rus has undergone repeated changes over the more than 3-century history of the existence of the state. According to Nestor, the Eastern Slavs numbered 10-15 tribes (Polyans, Drevlyans, Ilmen Slovenes, etc.), settled over a large area. However, it is unlikely that the land of the Vyatichi, with whom the princes of Kyiv regularly fought until the end of the 11th century, can be attributed to Kievan Rus. And in the XII-XIII centuries, feudal fragmentation led to the fact that part of the Russian principalities were captured by Lithuanians and Poles (Polotsk, Minsk, etc.).

During the 3 centuries, not only the territory changed, but also the regional administration, as they would say now. Initially, the tribes ruled themselves. In the 9th century, Oleg, regent under the prince of Novgorod, conquered Kyiv, thus establishing a centralized power. Subsequently, he and his followers on the Kiev princely throne imposed tribute on several neighboring tribes. The management of the territories in the 9th-10th centuries consisted in the collection of tribute and was carried out in the form of polyudya - the prince with his retinue traveled around the cities and towns and collected tribute. In addition, the prince led the defense of the land from common external enemies, and could also organize a military campaign (most often in the direction of Byzantium).

Since there was enough land in Kievan Rus, and it would be difficult for one prince to lead such a vast territory, the grand dukes practiced distributing appanages to their combatants. First with a return as payment for military affairs, and then in hereditary possession. In addition, the grand dukes had many children. As a result, in the XI-XII centuries, the Kyiv dynasty ousted the tribal princes from their ancestral principalities.

At the same time, the land in the principalities began to belong to the prince himself, the boyars, and monasteries. The exception was the Pskov-Novgorod land, in which at that time there was still a feudal republic.
To manage their allotments, the princes and boyars - large landowners divided the territory into hundreds, fifths, rows, counties. However, there was no unambiguous definition of these territorial units.

Often there were no unambiguously defined boundaries of these units. City management was carried out by posadniks and thousandths, at a lower level they were centurions, tenths, governors, elders, depending on the traditions of a particular land. At the same time, if candidates for higher positions were more often appointed, then for lower positions they were elected. Even to collect tribute, the peasants chose "good people."

The people's assembly among the Eastern Slavs was called veche.

  1. Olesya

    Very detailed and historically correct table. This period of ancient Russian history is usually best remembered by both schoolchildren and students. The thing is that the reign of the ancient Russian princes is certainly associated with various myths, chronicle fables and unusual stories. My favorite stage in the development of the ancient Russian state remains the period of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. If there were more such rulers in Russia, the country would not have to regularly experience dynastic crises and popular riots.

  2. Irina

    Olesya, I completely agree with you about Yaroslav the Wise. By the way, it is interesting that, after all, initially he had no desire to become the head of state: circumstances prompted him to do so. However, the period of his personal reign became for Russia a time of stability and prosperity. So you say after that that a person does not make history: he does, and how! If it were not for Yaroslav, Russia would not have received rest from strife and would not have had in the XI century. "Russian Truth". He managed to improve the international situation. Talented statesman! There would be more of these in our time.

  3. Lana

    The table shows only individual Russian princes, therefore it cannot be considered complete, if we consider everything in detail, then we can count more than 20 princes who were in family ties and ruled their own destinies.

  4. Irina

    The table is useful but incomplete. In my opinion, it would be better to highlight the features of the foreign and domestic policies of the princes. Attention is paid more to changes and innovations, and not to the characteristic features of the period of government.

  5. Angelina

    There is very little information about the domestic and foreign policy of the rulers! It would be much more informative to present the main achievements of the princes in the form of a single table - the information is a little scattered - you can get confused. Sense in the first table I do not see at all. For some rulers, there is little information at all. For example, Vladimir the Great carried out a number of important reforms that are not mentioned at all in the tables.

  6. Igor

    Vladimir Monomakh managed for a short time of his reign to unite more than half of the lands of Russia, which fell apart after the triumvirate of the Yaroslavichs. Vladimir Monomakh improved the legislative system. For a short time, his son Mstislav managed to maintain the unity of the country.

  7. Olga

    Nothing is said about the important reforms of Volodymyr the Great. In addition to the baptism of Russia, he carried out administrative and military reforms - this helped strengthen the borders and strengthen the unity of the state's territories.

  8. Anna

    It is worth noting the features of the rulers of the period of formation and the heyday of Russia. If at the formation stage they were strong warriors, an example of courage, then at the heyday stage they were politicians and diplomats who practically did not even participate in campaigns. This concerns, first of all, Yaroslav the Wise.

  9. Vyacheslav

    In the comments, many approve and admire the personality of Yaroslav the Wise and argue that Yaroslav saved Russia from strife and strife. I completely disagree with such a position of commentators in relation to the personality of Yaroslav the Wise. There is a Scandinavian saga about Edmund. This saga tells that the squad of Scandinavians was hired by Yaroslav for the war with his brother Boris. By order of Yaroslav, the Scandinavians send assassins to his brother Boris and kill him (Prince Boris, who was later recognized as a saint with his brother Gleb). Also, according to the Tale of Bygone Years, in 1014 Yaroslav raised an uprising against his father Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko (the baptist of Russia) and hired the Varangians to fight him, wanting to rule in Veliky Novgorod on his own. The Varangians, while in Novgorod, robbed the population and committed violence against the inhabitants, which led to an uprising against Yaroslav. After the death of his brothers Boris, Gleb and Svyatopolk, Yaroslav took the throne of Kyiv and fought with his brother Mstislav Tmutorokan, nicknamed the Brave. Until 1036 (the year of Mstislav's death), the Russian state was divided between Yaroslav and Mstislav into two independent political associations. Until the death of Mstislav, Yaroslav preferred to live in Novgorod, and not in the capital Kyiv. Yaroslav also began to pay tribute to the Varangians in the amount of 300 hryvnias. Introduced a rather heavy fine in favor of the bishop for non-compliance with Christian rules. This despite the fact that 90% of the population were pagans or dual faith. He sent his son Vladimir, together with the Varangian Harold, on a predatory campaign against Orthodox Byzantium. The army was defeated and most of the soldiers died in battles from the use of Greek fire. During his reign, nomadic tribes cut off the Tmutarakan principality from Kyiv, and as a result, it fell under the influence of neighboring states. The relatives of the Swedish king Olaf Shetkonung handed over the native Russian lands around Ladoga to hereditary possession. Then these lands became known as Ingria. The code of laws Russian Truth reflects the enslavement of the population, which actively took place during the reign of Yaroslav, as well as the uprisings and resistance to his power. In the course of recent studies of the Russian chronicles in the description of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, there are a large number of changes and insertions in the original text of the chronicle made, most likely at his direction. Yaroslav distorted the annals, killed the brothers, started a civil strife with the brothers and declared war on his father, being essentially a separatist, and he is praised in the annals and the church recognized him as a faithful. Maybe that's why Yaroslav was nicknamed the Wise?

Characteristic: the leader of the Varangians, came with a squad to Russia. He became the very first prince in Russia.

Years of government: circa 860s - 879

Politics, activities: ruled Novgorod and founded it. Expanded the boundaries of his possessions (after the death of the brothers, he annexed Rostov the Great, Polotsk and Murom)

Military campaigns: unknown. In general, little is known about Rurik at all.

Name: Askold and Dir

Characteristic: Vikings, associates of Rurik. They accepted Christianity.

Years of government: from 860s to 882 (killed by Oleg, who seized power)

Politics, activities: ruled Kyiv, were in conflict with Rurik. They spread Christianity, strengthened Kievan Rus as a state.

Military campaigns: the first ever campaign of the Rus against Byzantium, a campaign against the Pechenegs.

Name: Oleg

Characteristic: Varangian, king (companion of Rurik). He ruled as the guardian of Rurik's son Igor.

Years of government: from 879 Novgorod after Rurik, from 882 - also Kyiv (he killed the princes of Dir and Askold). Dates are not exactly known

Politics, activities: Expanded the territory of the principality, collected tribute from the tribes

Military campaigns: to Byzantium (907) - “nailed the shield to the gates of Tsaregrad”, to the tribes of the Drevlyans, Northerners, Radimichi

Name: Igor (Inger)

Characteristic: son of Rurik

Years of government: 912 - 945 (dates are very doubtful)

Politics, activities: strengthened power over Kyiv, Novgorod and the Slavic tribes. The first Kyiv prince, officially recognized by the Byzantine emperor.

Military campaigns: to Byzantium (941-44), to the Pechenegs, conquered the principality of the Drevlyans. He died trying to collect tribute from the Drevlyans twice

Name: Olga

Characteristic: Igor's widow

Years of government: 945 - 960

Politics, activities: adopted and spread Christianity in Russia. Streamlined the collection and size of taxes, because of which Igor died. For the first time she started stone houses in Russia.

Military campaigns: cruelly avenged the Drevlyans on the death of her husband, burned the center of the Drevlyan land - the city of Iskorosten. In the absence of her son Svyatoslav, she led the defense of Kyiv from the Pechenegs.

Name: Svyatoslav

Characteristic: son of Igor and Olga. The first prince in Russia, who had not a Varangian, but a Slavic name.

Years of government: 960-972

Politics, activities: Expanding the borders of the state. Warrior Prince

Military campaigns: defeated the Khazar Khaganate - the main rival of Russia in the international arena. He took the capital of the Khazars - Itil. He fought with the Pechenegs, and very successfully - with Bulgaria and Byzantium. After another campaign against Byzantium, which this time ended in failure, he was killed by the Pechenegs on his way back to Kyiv.

Name: Vladimir

Characteristic: third son of Svyatoslav

Years of government: from 970 - Novgorod, from 978 - Kyiv (he killed his older brother Yaropolk, the former prince of Kyiv after the death of his father, Prince Svyatoslav). Died in 1015.

Politics, activities: baptized Russia in 988, thereby uniting the tribes scattered by various pagan cults. Conducted diplomatic relations with neighboring powers.

Military campaigns: to Kyiv - against Yaropolk (however, it was Yaropolk who started the internecine war between the brothers), provided military assistance to the emperor of Byzantium. Campaigns against Croats, Bulgarians, Poles, tribes of Radimichi, Yatvingians and Vyatichi. Created a powerful system of border defense against the Pechenegs.

Name: Yaroslav the Wise

Characteristic: son of Vladimir

Years of government: Prince of Rostov from 987, Novgorod - from 1010, Grand Duke of Kyiv - from 1016.

Politics, activities: Laid the Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Under Yaroslav, Kyiv strengthened and grew, the first monasteries in Russia appeared as the only centers for spreading literacy and publishing books at that time. Founded the city of Yaroslavl (modern Russia)

He strengthened the diplomatic ties of Kievan Rus, including political marriages. For example, Yaroslav married one of his daughters, Anna, to the king of France, another, Anastasia, to the Hungarian king, and the third, Elizabeth, to the king of Norway. Yaroslav himself married a Swedish princess.

Military campaigns: He killed his brother Svyatopolk in the struggle for the throne of Kyiv. He helped the Polish king with military actions, conquered the Chud, Yam, Yatving tribes. Trip to Lithuania.

The princely family is traditionally considered to be in a direct male line, so for the first Russian princes the family tree will look like this:

The activities of the first Russian princes: domestic and foreign policy.


The first of the Russian princes, who laid the foundation for the dynasty. He came to Russia at the call of the Novgorod elders together with his brothers, Truvor and Sineus, and after their death he ruled all the lands around Novgorod. Unfortunately, almost nothing is known about the accomplishments of Rurik - the annals of that time have not been preserved.


After the death of Rurik in 879, the reign passed to one of his commanders, Oleg, since Rurik's son was still too young. Prince Oleg made a great contribution to the creation of the Russian state: under him in 882 Kyiv was annexed, then Smolensk, the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks” was opened, the Drevlyansk and some other tribes were annexed.

Oleg was also engaged in the development of economic relations - his campaign against Constantinople, or Constantinople, ended with the signing of a peace trade agreement. For wisdom and insight, Prince Oleg was nicknamed "prophetic".


The son of Rurik, who entered the reign in 912 after the death of Oleg. The most famous story of his death - trying to collect tribute from the Drevlyans for the second time, Igor paid for his greed and was killed. However, the years of the reign of this prince also include new campaigns against Byzantium - in 941 and 944 - another peace treaty with this power, the annexation of the Uglich tribes, and the successful defense of the borders from Pecheneg raids.


The widow of Prince Igor became the first female princess in Russia. Having cruelly avenged the Drevlyans for the death of her husband, she nevertheless established a clear amount of tribute and places for its collection. She was the first to try to bring Christianity to Russia, but Svyatoslav and his squad opposed the new faith. Christianity was adopted only under Prince Vladimir, Olga's grandson.


The son of Igor and Olga, Prince Svyatoslav, went down in history as a ruler-warrior, ruler-soldier. All his reign consisted of continuous military campaigns - against the Vyatichi, the Khazars, Byzantium, the Pechenegs. The military power of Russia grew stronger under him, and then Byzantium, united with the Pechenegs, attacked the army of the prince on the Dnieper when Svyatoslav returned home from the next campaign. The prince was killed, and the leader of the Pechenegs made a bowl out of his skull.

The results of the reign of the first princes.

All the first rulers of Russia have one thing in common - one way or another they were engaged in the expansion and strengthening of the young state. Borders changed, economic unions were concluded, the princes tried to restore order within the country, establishing the first laws.

The question of who was the first prince of Varangian origin remains relevant today. The Tale of Bygone Years, written by a famous chronicler, can serve as an answer.

According to the data of the historical monument, a military leader named Rurik, together with his younger brothers, volunteered to rule the numerous eastern tribes of the Slavs around 862.

Varangians in historiography were credited with Danish, Swedish and even Scandinavian roots. The chronicler, classifying Rurik among the Varangians, had in mind the territories south of the Baltic Sea, bordering on the regions of Angeln and Holstein.

Today it is a region in northern Germany, Mecklenburg, whose peoples in ancient times were not German in origin. To whom they were related can be judged by the following names - Russov, Varin, etc.

The version about Rurik's belonging to Swedish roots, which is especially popular among European researchers, is polemical. However, such a hypothesis is political in nature and has no scientific justification.

This concept received a new round of development during the Livonian War between Russia and Sweden. According to Ivan IV, Johan III did not belong to blue blood. In response, the foreign ruler appealed to the aforementioned version of the origin of the ancient Russian princely dynasty from Swedish roots.

This concept received its final approval at the beginning of the seventeenth century with another attempt by the Swedes to claim their rights to the lands of Novgorod, then they again relied on the data of the historical monument, indicating the Varangian origin of Rurik.

The idea was expressed that supposedly the peoples inhabiting these territories should send messengers to Sweden, as was the case many centuries ago. The term "Varangians" in those days meant everyone who crossed the Baltic Sea. These lands were associated in most cases with the state of Johan III.

"Norman Theory"

In the first half of the 18th century, this scientific research was transformed into the "Norman theory".

Academics from St. Petersburg of German blood, trying to ratify the semblance of certain stereotypes, recognized the Varangians, who led the East Slavic tribes, to be of German origin.

Originally from Sweden, they, of course, were positioned as "foreigners", that is, according to the ideas of that historical period - like Germans. Thus, a well-known theory was entrenched in science.

Origins of anti-Norman theory

Naturally, such a scientific justification caused controversy in Russian science. In particular, Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov did not find any historical realities corresponding to the "Norman theory".

In his opinion, representatives of the Swedish nationalities were not able to organize any signs of statehood in Russia, since they themselves had no idea about this form of public education. Also, no Scandinavian reflections were observed in the history of the Russian language and culture.

After repeatedly reading the Tale, it becomes obvious that the chronicler clearly differentiated such ethnic definitions as the Varangians, Swedes, Normans, Angles and other Goths.

As a result, when concluding various kinds of agreements with the future Constantinople, the squad of ancient Russian princes, whose Varangian origin, according to the Normans, goes back to Swedish, glorified and honored Perun and Veles, and not the Scandinavian Odin and Thor at all.

Varangian origin of Rurik in folk legends

There are a number of other versions and concepts, in most cases untested and existing at the level of legends and tales.

So, a traveler from France, K. Marmier, connected the Varangian roots of Rurik and his bloodline Sineus and Truvor with King Godlav.

Three brothers who crossed the Baltic Sea were called to the east and laid the foundation for a well-known state with the cities of Pskov and Novgorod. Undoubtedly, this legend is not much different from the generally accepted "Norman theory".

Old Russian chronicles and German sources about the first prince

This historical concept is not recognized as reliable by the Germans themselves, but it is impossible to completely deny the continuity between the brief information about the first prince in the historical work of Nestor and the records in German sources.

A lawyer from Mecklenburg, Johann von Chemnitz, appealed to a historical legend, according to which the first Russian prince was a descendant of the aforementioned ruler Godlav, who died in the war with the Danes in 808. It is logical to think that Rurik was born no later than 806, because. He had two more junior bloodlines.

According to German historical materials, the Varangians were called up from the South Baltic lands in 840. From this we can conclude that in ancient Russia already experienced, experienced princes appeared.

The same facts are evidenced by the discovery of Rurik's settlement, which was located in close proximity to modern Novgorod, and was the historical center of the state, and also took place already before 862.

Allowing themselves some chronological inaccuracies, the authors of the German sources more accurately determine the place of arrival than the Russians. Most likely, it was not Novgorod (as assumed in the above-mentioned historical documents), but Ladoga, founded by the Varangians in the middle of the 8th century, that was meant.

As such, Novgorod, that is, Rurik’s settlement, the ancient Russian prince united later, including the territories that belonged to the dead brothers. This demonstrates the naming of the city.

Genealogical tree of the ancestor of the Russian princely dynasty

Mecklenburg researchers attributed to the family tree of the Varangian prince kinship with King Witslav, the main military ally of the leader of the Franks, Charlemagne in the fight against the Saxons.

Rurik's family ties also go back to the legendary elder of the Ilmenian Slavs, Gostomysl, as evidenced by North German genealogies and historical documents, in which the latter is mentioned as an enemy of Louis the German.

Reasons for the migration of the Varangians to the east

The following logical question arises: what are the reasons behind the migration of the prince of the Varangian with his brothers to the east? In fact, the whole problem lay in the traditional system of inheritance, which was later adopted by ancient Russia.

All rights to the throne passed only to the eldest representative of the glorious family. At the same time, all the younger offspring were left with nothing. As a result of such a priority queue for the elders, Rurik and his brothers had no choice but to leave the South Baltic coast and follow east.

Thus, it is very difficult to imagine the first Varangian prince as a foreign ruler, whom everyone who positions the history of Russia under foreign domination wants to see.

To date, there are many medieval myths about the German roots of the Grand Duke, supported by European pseudo-researchers and analysts.

But there are even more historical facts about the real ruler Rurik, who was born in the famous and influential dynasty in the Russian Baltic states 1200 years ago.