Report “Modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school. Modern Russian language lesson in elementary school

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    Glumova S.N.

    Municipal educational institution "Veydelevskaya secondary school" village of Veydelevka, Belgorod region

    In the most general form, without going into the problems of linguistics, psychology and methodology, I would answer this way: the modern lesson of the Russian language is, firstly, not one lesson, but a system of lessons. Even the most beautiful, spectacular open lesson demonstrated by the teacher still does not allow assessing the place of this lesson in the system of work on the study of a particular subject in a particular class, I emphasize - in a particular class. And if this is a system of lessons, then their sequence should be determined by clear scientific logic, so that not at the request of the teacher, head teacher or methodologist, this or that topic is studied, certain methods or forms of organizing the lesson are selected, and these topics, methods and forms are provided the logic of the course itself, the author's logic in the first place.

    Secondly, a modern lesson in the Russian language can by no means be imagined as a lesson in which students work only frontally: with one hundred percent frontal work, we get (we form ourselves) an average, non-initiative, passive student who works only on the commands of the teacher: “Open , read, write down, check, etc. To achieve the stated goals, achieve the planned results of mastering the educational program in the Russian language, individual, pair, group work is required. It is these forms of organizing a lesson that should prevail over frontal work (although I note that frontal work is certainly necessary, but not more than forty percent of training sessions during the school year).

    Thirdly, an obligatory component of the modern lesson of the Russian language is attention to the individual characteristics of the student - the level of his development, the pace of work, the characteristics of memory, etc. offer a form of their implementation (individual, pair, group), which will be psychologically comfortable for a particular student.

    Fourthly, the modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school is also a mandatory acquaintance with topics that do not involve working out, that is, topics that expand the student's horizons, form his motivation to study the subject, aimed at the zone of his proximal development, predicting the continuation of the study of Russian language in the middle school.

    Fifth, it is the formation of interest in learning the language spoken by the student. Moreover, for different children, this interest can be formed on different grounds: one is interested in what part of speech this or that word is, another - why we write this way and not otherwise, the third - what is the history of the origin of the word, the fourth - how to compose a text so that be understood as accurately as possible, etc. Consequently, the program, the textbook, according to which the teacher works, must take into account all of the above aspects.

    However, let me rise to an even higher level of generalization, more precisely, to the supposed motivation for learning the Russian language, which ideally should be formed in an elementary school student when learning the Russian language: “I study Russian because it is the language of my country, the language , which is spoken not only by my parents and friends, but also by everyone who lives in Russia. I am interested to know how this language works, what units are distinguished in it, how these units interact with each other. I would like to learn this by talking with classmates in class, offering my arguments and taking into account the position of my friends. I would like to learn how to write correctly, without mistakes, because literacy is an indicator of my culture. I would like to learn how to express my thoughts orally or in writing so that my interlocutor unambiguously understands me, so that my speech, oral or written, testifies that I am an educated, cultured person. And all this I want to achieve in cooperation with the teacher and my classmates.”

    I think that if at least some part of such motivation (and ideally all) in the process of learning the Russian language is formed among elementary school students, it can be argued that the goals formulated by the second generation standard have been realized.


    Topic: A capital letter in the names of patronymics, surnames of people, nicknames of animals and geographical names.

    Target: to develop the ability to write words with a capital letter patronymic names last names of people nicknames of animals geographical names speech memory of students. To cultivate attention, accuracy, love for one's country.

    Equipment: slides, words, petals of different colors

    During the classes

    1. Organizing time

    Work on cards, punched cards

    1. A minute of calligraphy: O s L m A i d

    Name the letters. What two groups can we divide them into?

    1. vocabulary work

    Listen to the riddles and write the answers

    Straight across the field

    Rides white collar

    There is a mop in the middle of the yard

    front fork rear broom

    He sleeps in a den in winter

    Under the big pine

    And when spring comes

    Wakes up from sleep

    Checking, exchanging notebooks

    4 Preparing for the perception of a new

    (Slide) - Vladimir, Vera, Victor

    Read. What unites them?

    Lesson topic message (slide)

    Make up words from scattered letters (slide)

    Today we are going to the country of capital letters

    5 Reading a poem

    The letter ordinary suddenly grew

    Has grown above all letters - girlfriends.

    The letter did not want to grow by itself

    The letter is entrusted with an important task.

    A letter is placed at the beginning of the line,

    To start everyone noticed.

    Name, surname are written with her,

    To be more noticeable and visible to them.

    To sound loud and proud

    Your name, the name of the street, the city.

    The big letter is not a trifle!

    In the letter is a big respect sign!

    Listen to the poem and remember what rules you know about writing a capital letter in words.

    Reading output (slide)

    6 Read the words in the columns (slide)

    What can you say about the words of column 1, column 2?

    From what names are patronymics of people formed?

    Name pairs of words.

    Reading output (slide)

    Patronymics are formed from male names and are written with a capital letter.

    7 (Slide) cat, dog

    Give nicknames to a cat, a dog.

    Let's remember and write down in the notebook the names and nicknames of the main characters from the work of E. Uspensky "Vacations in Prostokvashino"

    Remember! Animal names are capitalized. (slide)

    8 Read the poem and find the names of the animals

    Mariska the cat

    kitten Tishka,

    puppy friend,

    chick Fluff,

    cow Burenka,

    Goat Naidenka.

    All their nicknames to one are written with a capital letter.

    9 Fizminutka: I name the words, if the word is a proper name, you raise your hands up, if it is not a proper name, squat.

    10 (Slides) coat of arms of our district, map of the district, coat of arms of the Belgorod region, coat of arms of the country.

    11 Work according to the textbook (in groups)

    12 Reflection (choose a petal that matches their mood)

    13 Summary of the lesson

    What words did we learn to write?


    In the most general form, without going into the problems of linguistics, psychology and methodology, I would answer this way: the modern lesson of the Russian language is, firstly, not one lesson, but a system of lessons. Even the most beautiful, spectacular open lesson demonstrated by the teacher still does not allow assessing the place of this lesson in the system of work on the study of a particular subject in a particular class, I emphasize - in a particular class. And if this is a system of lessons, then their sequence should be determined by clear scientific logic, so that not at the request of the teacher, head teacher or methodologist, this or that topic is studied, certain methods or forms of organizing the lesson are selected, and these topics, methods and forms are provided the logic of the course itself, the author's logic in the first place.

    Secondly, a modern lesson in the Russian language can by no means be imagined as a lesson in which students work only frontally: with one hundred percent frontal work, we get (we form ourselves) an average, non-initiative, passive student who works only on the commands of the teacher: “Open , read, write down, check, etc. To achieve the stated goals, achieve the planned results of mastering the educational program in the Russian language, individual, pair, group work is required. It is these forms of organizing a lesson that should prevail over frontal work (although I note that frontal work is certainly necessary, but not more than forty percent of training sessions during the school year).

    Thirdly, an obligatory component of the modern lesson of the Russian language is attention to the individual characteristics of the student - the level of his development, the pace of work, the characteristics of memory, etc. offer a form of their implementation (individual, pair, group), which will be psychologically comfortable for a particular student.

    Fourthly, the modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school is also a mandatory acquaintance with topics that do not involve working out, that is, topics that expand the student's horizons, form his motivation to study the subject, aimed at the zone of his proximal development, predicting the continuation of the study of Russian language in the middle school.

    Fifth, it is the formation of interest in learning the language spoken by the student. Moreover, for different children, this interest can be formed on different grounds: one is interested in what part of speech this or that word is, another - why we write this way and not otherwise, the third - what is the history of the origin of the word, the fourth - how to compose a text so that be understood as accurately as possible, etc. Consequently, the program, the textbook, according to which the teacher works, must take into account all of the above aspects.

    However, let me rise to an even higher level of generalization, more precisely, to the supposed motivation for learning the Russian language, which ideally should be formed in an elementary school student when learning the Russian language: “I study Russian because it is the language of my country, the language , which is spoken not only by my parents and friends, but also by everyone who lives in Russia. I am interested to know how this language works, what units are distinguished in it, how these units interact with each other. I would like to learn this by talking with classmates in class, offering my arguments and taking into account the position of my friends. I would like to learn how to write correctly, without mistakes, because literacy is an indicator of my culture. I would like to learn how to express my thoughts orally or in writing so that my interlocutor unambiguously understands me, so that my speech, oral or written, testifies that I am an educated, cultured person. And all this I want to achieve in cooperation with the teacher and my classmates.”

    I think that if at least some part of such motivation (and ideally all) in the process of learning the Russian language is formed among elementary school students, it can be argued that the goals formulated by the second generation standard have been realized.


    Topic: A capital letter in the names of patronymics, surnames of people, nicknames of animals and geographical names.

    Target: to develop the ability to write words with a capital letter patronymic names last names of people nicknames of animals geographical names speech memory of students. To cultivate attention, accuracy, love for one's country.

    Equipment: slides, words, petals of different colors

    During the classes

      Organizing time

    Work on cards, punched cards

      A minute of calligraphy: O s L m A i d

    Name the letters. What two groups can we divide them into?

      vocabulary work

    Listen to the riddles and write the answers

    Straight across the field

    Rides white collar

    There is a mop in the middle of the yard

    front fork rear broom

    He sleeps in a den in winter

    Under the big pine

    And when spring comes

    Wakes up from sleep

    Checking, exchanging notebooks

    4 Preparing for the perception of a new

    (Slide) - Vladimir, Vera, Victor

    Read. What unites them?

    Lesson topic message (slide)

    Make up words from scattered letters (slide)

    Today we are going to the country of capital letters

    5 Reading a poem

    The letter ordinary suddenly grew

    Has grown above all letters - girlfriends.

    The letter did not want to grow by itself

    The letter is entrusted with an important task.

    A letter is placed at the beginning of the line,

    To start everyone noticed.

    Name, surname are written with her,

    To be more noticeable and visible to them.

    To sound loud and proud

    Your name, the name of the street, the city.

    The big letter is not a trifle!

    In the letter is a big respect sign!

    Listen to the poem and remember what rules you know about writing a capital letter in words.

    Reading output (slide)

    6 Read the words in the columns (slide)

    What can you say about the words of column 1, column 2?

    From what names are patronymics of people formed?

    Name pairs of words.

    Reading output (slide)

    Patronymics are formed from male names and are written with a capital letter.

    7 (Slide) cat, dog

    Give nicknames to a cat, a dog.

    Let's remember and write down in the notebook the names and nicknames of the main characters from the work of E. Uspensky "Vacations in Prostokvashino"

    Remember! Animal names are capitalized. (slide)

    8 Read the poem and find the names of the animals

    Mariska the cat

    kitten Tishka,

    puppy friend,

    chick Fluff,

    cow Burenka,

    Goat Naidenka.

    All their nicknames to one are written with a capital letter.

    9 Fizminutka: I name the words, if the word is a proper name, you raise your hands up, if it is not a proper name, squat.

    10 (Slides) coat of arms of our district, map of the district, coat of arms of the Belgorod region, coat of arms of the country.

    11 Work according to the textbook (in groups)

    12 Reflection (choose a petal that matches their mood)

    13 Summary of the lesson

    What words did we learn to write?


    Glumova S.N.

    Municipal educational institution "Veydelevskaya secondary school" village of Veydelevka, Belgorod region

    In the most general form, without going into the problems of linguistics, psychology and methodology, I would answer this way: the modern lesson of the Russian language is, firstly, not one lesson, but a system of lessons. Even the most beautiful, spectacular open lesson demonstrated by the teacher still does not allow assessing the place of this lesson in the system of work on the study of a particular subject in a particular class, I emphasize - in a particular class. And if this is a system of lessons, then their sequence should be determined by clear scientific logic, so that not at the request of the teacher, head teacher or methodologist, this or that topic is studied, certain methods or forms of organizing the lesson are selected, and these topics, methods and forms are provided the logic of the course itself, the author's logic in the first place.

    Secondly, a modern lesson in the Russian language can by no means be imagined as a lesson in which students work only frontally: with one hundred percent frontal work, we get (we form ourselves) an average, non-initiative, passive student who works only on the commands of the teacher: “Open , read, write down, check, etc. To achieve the stated goals, achieve the planned results of mastering the educational program in the Russian language, individual, pair, group work is required. It is these forms of organizing a lesson that should prevail over frontal work (although I note that frontal work is certainly necessary, but not more than forty percent of training sessions during the school year).

    Thirdly, an obligatory component of the modern lesson of the Russian language is attention to the individual characteristics of the student - the level of his development, the pace of work, the characteristics of memory, etc. offer a form of their implementation (individual, pair, group), which will be psychologically comfortable for a particular student.

    Fourthly, the modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school is also a mandatory acquaintance with topics that do not involve working out, that is, topics that expand the student's horizons, form his motivation to study the subject, aimed at the zone of his proximal development, predicting the continuation of the study of Russian language in the middle school.

    Fifth, it is the formation of interest in learning the language spoken by the student. Moreover, for different children, this interest can be formed on different grounds: one is interested in what part of speech this or that word is, another - why we write this way and not otherwise, the third - what is the history of the origin of the word, the fourth - how to compose a text so that be understood as accurately as possible, etc. Consequently, the program, the textbook, according to which the teacher works, must take into account all of the above aspects.

    However, let me rise to an even higher level of generalization, more precisely, to the supposed motivation for learning the Russian language, which ideally should be formed in an elementary school student when learning the Russian language: “I study Russian because it is the language of my country, the language , which is spoken not only by my parents and friends, but also by everyone who lives in Russia. I am interested to know how this language works, what units are distinguished in it, how these units interact with each other. I would like to learn this by talking with classmates in class, offering my arguments and taking into account the position of my friends. I would like to learn how to write correctly, without mistakes, because literacy is an indicator of my culture. I would like to learn how to express my thoughts orally or in writing so that my interlocutor unambiguously understands me, so that my speech, oral or written, testifies that I am an educated, cultured person. And all this I want to achieve in cooperation with the teacher and my classmates.”

    I think that if at least some part of such motivation (and ideally all) in the process of learning the Russian language is formed among elementary school students, it can be argued that the goals formulated by the second generation standard have been realized.


    Topic: Capital letters in names, patronymics, surnames of people, nicknames of animals and geographical names.

    Purpose: to develop the ability to write capitalized words patronymic names last names of people nicknames of animals geographical names speech memory of students. To cultivate attention, accuracy, love for one's country.

    Equipment: slides, words, petals of different colors

    ^ Lesson progress

    Organizing time

    Work on cards, punched cards

    A minute of calligraphy: O s L m A i d

    Name the letters. What two groups can we divide them into?

    vocabulary work

    Listen to the riddles and write the answers

    Straight across the field

    Rides white collar

    There is a mop in the middle of the yard

    front fork rear broom

    He sleeps in a den in winter

    Under the big pine

    And when spring comes

    Wakes up from sleep

    Checking, exchanging notebooks

    4 Preparing for the perception of a new

    (Slide) - Vladimir, Vera, Victor

    Read. What unites them?

    Lesson topic message (slide)

    Make up words from scattered letters (slide)

    Today we are going to the country of capital letters

    5 Reading a poem

    The letter ordinary suddenly grew

    Has grown above all letters - girlfriends.

    The letter did not want to grow by itself

    The letter is entrusted with an important task.

    A letter is placed at the beginning of the line,

    To start everyone noticed.

    Name, surname are written with her,

    To be more noticeable and visible to them.

    To sound loud and proud

    Your name, the name of the street, the city.

    The big letter is not a trifle!

    In the letter is a big respect sign!

    Listen to the poem and remember what rules you know about writing a capital letter in words.

    Reading output (slide)

    6 Read the words in the columns (slide)

    What can you say about the words of column 1, column 2?

    From what names are patronymics of people formed?

    Name pairs of words.

    Reading output (slide)

    Patronymics are formed from male names and are written with a capital letter.

    7 (Slide) cat, dog

    Give nicknames to a cat, a dog.

    Let's remember and write down in the notebook the names and nicknames of the main characters from the work of E. Uspensky "Vacations in Prostokvashino"

    Remember! Animal names are capitalized. (slide)

    8 Read the poem and find the names of the animals

    Mariska the cat

    kitten Tishka,

    puppy friend,

    chick Fluff,

    cow Burenka,

    Goat Naidenka.

    All their nicknames to one are written with a capital letter.

    9 Fizminutka: I name the words, if the word is a proper name, you raise your hands up, if it is not a proper name, squat.

    10 (Slides) coat of arms of our district, map of the district, coat of arms of the Belgorod region, coat of arms of the country.

    11 Work according to the textbook (in groups)

    12 Reflection (choose a petal that matches their mood)

    13 Summary of the lesson

    What words did we learn to write?

    Home > Lesson

    Municipal educational institution

    "Batkat secondary school"

    "Modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school"

    Completed by the teacher

    primary classes:

    Bondaryuk V. F.

    "Modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school" At present, the problems of increasing the creative activity of schoolchildren in the educational process, finding ways to stimulate the general intellectual development of students and improving the quality of their knowledge in specific academic disciplines, including the Russian language, are relevant in the education system. The methodology of teaching by means of subjectivization, aimed at solving these issues, is intended for use in the traditional system of education and strengthening its developmental focus. Subjectivization is understood as a qualitatively new level of organization of the educational process, which provides for the direct and direct participation of the student in planning and conducting all or most of the structural stages of the Russian language lesson. The main means of subjectivization are (slide No. 2): 1. The systematic use of anticipation at all structural stages of the lesson. 2. The use of a system of specially designed logical exercises that involve the active intellectual activity of schoolchildren. 3. Intensive use of students' oral speech. The implementation of these methodological tools is provided by innovations in the content of schoolchildren's educational activities. Changes in content can be called the enrichment of the educational material provided for in the curriculum used. Changes in the content of training relate to several areas (slide No. 3). First direction- work with terms, with lexical meanings of dictionary words as with concepts. The element of novelty in comparison with the traditional system lies in the fact that students master the content of the relevant terms and words more deeply and meaningfully due to the practically independent (under the general guidance of the teacher) going through the path of forming a particular concept, including formulating its definition. Second direction- introduction into the learning process of lexical and spelling exercises of a new type, which are characterized by a specific selection, an unusual arrangement of language material and non-traditional setting of tasks that provide a versatile impact on the intellect of students. With the help of each of these exercises, attention, memory, thinking, and oral speech of schoolchildren are simultaneously developed. third direction- a new approach to the implementation of text exercises. In accordance with the principles of this technique, in the course of working with text exercises, a number of conditions are required: a) all texts must have an educational and cognitive character; b) the text is presented to students in an unfinished form without a task formulated for it; c) work with the text is completed by the students completing additional search tasks related to different sections of the Russian language. More significant changes are envisaged in the organization of the process of teaching the Russian language. They are associated with the introduction of a new stage of the lesson - mobilizing a significant change in the methodology for conducting each structural stage of the lesson, the implementation of new principles for conducting Russian language lessons, used along with generally accepted ones. These include (slide number 4):
      The principle of anticipatory reflection in the mind of the student of the content and types of educational activities ahead of him, which consists in the gradually increasing role of schoolchildren in planning, organizing and conducting a Russian language lesson. Schoolchildren predict and verbally formulate the topic and didactic purpose of the lesson, the content of the work in a minute of calligraphy, determine the topic of vocabulary work, make assignments for the exercises performed in the lesson, etc., i.e. become active and conscious participants in learning activities. The principle of a complex impact on the child's intellect, which assumes that the teacher uses in teaching and educational work such methods and techniques, exercises selected and compiled by him, in the process of which the students form linguistic knowledge, skills, skills and at the same time develop and improve intellectual qualities. Their set can be different, but includes at least four qualities at the same time (for example, the development of speech abilities, verbal-logical thinking, stability and distribution of attention, long-term memory). The principle of a reasonable, reasoned, evidence-based response of a student, implementation
    which involves the installation in working with students from the first days of their schooling for complete, consistent, evidence-based coverage of their opinions, mainly in the form of a text (text-description, text-inference, text-reasoning, etc.) in the process of completing all or most tasks and exercises in the Russian language.
      The principle of cooperation, business partnership between teacher and students. It provides for a combination of reasonable rigor and exactingness towards students with deep patience and respect for the personality of each child, his opinion, point of view; the possibility of free expression of the student in the lesson on the topic being studied; ensuring proper attention on the part of the student to the words and actions of the teacher, the answers of classmates, respectful attitude towards other students.
    To organize the learning process, traditional types of lessons are used with the preservation of all their main structural stages. However, the methodology for conducting each stage of the lesson changes significantly and a new one is introduced - mobilizing. The mobilizing stage takes place immediately after the organizational moment. It allows you to solve the following tasks (slide No. 5): 1. At the very beginning of the lesson, a high level of student involvement in educational activities is set and the development of his most important intellectual qualities (oral speech, attention, memory, thinking) is ensured, which, in turn, provide direct influence on the effective formation of linguistic knowledge, skills. 2. The studied language material is repeated. 3. Based on the linguistic material used at this stage, students with varying degrees of independence predetermine and formulate the topic and didactic goal of the lesson. The content of the mobilizing stage of the lesson is made up of four groups of specially designed exercises that provide for various operations with toys, graphic representation of letters, images and studied language material. Exercises of this type take two to four minutes. The exercises in each group gradually become more difficult, ensuring the intellectual development of schoolchildren. A minute of calligraphy(slide No. 6), carried out by means of subjectivization, consists of two stages: preparatory and performing. In turn, in the preparatory stage, there are two parts:
      definition and formulation by students of the theme of a minute of calligraphy; children drawing up a plan for upcoming actions to write a letter and its elements.
    In the first part of the preparatory stage, special exercises are used, with the help of which students determine the letter intended for prescribing in this lesson and report this to the class (usually in the form of text). To obtain a high effect, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements for all groups of exercises of the preparatory stage. 1. From lesson to lesson, the degree of difficulty in each group of exercises gradually increases. 2. The content of the exercises is somehow connected with the topics of the Russian language course being studied, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of their assimilation. 3. Each task provides for the active speech-thinking activity of schoolchildren, during which they create a story-reasoning, story-inference, giving an idea of ​​the actions taken by the student to find the letter intended for writing. I will give an example of an exercise for the preparatory stage of a minute of calligraphy in grade 4 on the topic “Changing verbs by tenses” (slide No. 7). The teacher pronounces the words fled, swoop in, win and offers schoolchildren the task: “Name the letter with which we will work for a minute of calligraphy. It is in the prefix of the present tense verb and denotes a consonant, voiced, unpaired, solid sound. ”An exemplary student answer: “Today, for a minute of calligraphy, we will work with the letter n . She is in the attachment on the verbs of the present tense swoop and denote a consonant, voiced, unpaired, hard sound n. In the second part of the preparatory stage, students establish the order of writing letters proposed by the teacher. They define and formulate aloud the pattern of recording, which changes at each lesson, providing a gradually increasing level of difficulty of intellectual activity. For example (slide number 8): 1. n a nn a nnn a ... (regularity: lowercase letters n, the number of which increases by one with each repetition, alternate with the letter a); 2. ra rb rv rg ... (regularity: the lowercase letter p alternates with the letters of the alphabet going in order); 3. ma me mb mu… (regularity: the lowercase letter m alternates with the letters of the alphabet going in the forward and reverse order), etc. At the performing stage of a minute of calligraphy, students write down chains of letters either in the pattern proposed by the teacher, or focusing on the pattern they compiled. Previously, the teacher pays attention to the specifics of writing letters, their most complex elements, letter combinations. Carrying out vocabulary and spelling work(slide No. 9) is associated with a further increase in the active and conscious activity of schoolchildren in the educational process. The most significant innovations here are: 1. independent definition and formulation by students of the topic of vocabulary and spelling work; 2. work with the lexical meaning of the new word as with a concept. The formulation of the topic of vocabulary and orthographic work is carried out with the help of a new type of exercise aimed at the simultaneous development of the most important intellectual qualities of the student, the intensification of the speech-thinking process and a significant increase in the role of the student in the presentation of a new "difficult" word. Just like in a minute of calligraphy, the exercises are compiled taking into account the increasing degree of their complexity. The content of the exercises is necessarily associated with the topic of the lesson. The answer is mostly in the form of text. For example (slide number 10): the teacher writes the words on the board building, timid, funny, rare and offers students the task: “Find the spelling in each written word. Think about what action to take with the letters that are orthograms. Name a new dictionary word. An exemplary student answer: “In the word construction, the spelling is the letter o in the prefix. There is no prefix pa. In the word timid double consonant b. The check word is timid. In the word funny, the unstressed vowel e at the root is checked. The key word is laughter. The word has a rare double consonant e. The test word is rare. If you connect these letters together in order, you get the word dinner. So, today we will get acquainted with the word dinner . The lexical meaning of a new dictionary word in the method under consideration is mastered as a concept. I will give an example of familiarization with the word hare (slide number 11). Teacher. Choose a more general word or phrase for the word hare. Student. The hare is an animal. Teacher. Right. But cow, goat, sheep are also animals. What's the Difference? Student. The hare is a wild animal, and the cow, goat, sheep are domestic. Teacher. Look at the picture of the rabbit. What is the difference between a hare and other wild animals? Student. The hare has long ears; the hind legs are longer than the front legs. He has a short tail. Teacher. Now give a complete description of the hare. Student. A hare is a wild animal with long ears, a short tail, and its hind legs are longer than its front legs. In the process of such reasoning, students form a conceptual apparatus. Schoolchildren master the most complex mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, and generalization. They form a clear, evidence-based, well-constructed oral speech. Conscious and active activity of students during learning new material is provided by the introduction of a partial search method in all classes of the initial link. For these purposes, each operation performed by students under the guidance of a teacher during the formation of a linguistic concept is transferred to the speech plan. The teacher provides a sequence of mental operations, directs the course of educational actions, introducing the necessary speech turns and language terms. Let's consider the study of the topic in grade 2 "Types of sentences" (slide No. 12). The following is written on the board: it’s good in the cold it’s snowing outside, you love winter Teacher. Read what you have written on the board so that the three sentences stand out clearly. Student. Good in the cold outside! There is light snow. Do you love winter? Teacher. Read a sentence in which something is calmly reported, that is, it is narrated. Student. There is light snow. Teacher. How can you call a sentence in which something is reported or narrated? Student. A sentence in which something is reported, narrated, can be called narrative. Teacher. What sign should be put at the end of a declarative sentence, given that it is pronounced calmly? Choose one of the three characters ( . ! ? ) Student. A period must be placed at the end of a declarative sentence. (Then students get acquainted with other types of sentences and summarize their observations.) At the stage of consolidation of the studied a system of exercises of a new type is used, which in their content and functional purpose are complex intellectual and linguistic. With their help, the intellectual and linguistic development of students is simultaneously stimulated. Linguistic knowledge, skills, and abilities are acquired by students in the process of active speech and thinking activity. At the same time, in the course of completing the task for the exercise, the student performs several mental operations (for example, comparison, grouping, generalization) and mobilizes various types of speech: internal and external, oral and written. In the next year, the complexes of exercises of the previous year of study are repeated, but at a higher level of difficulty, at the same time, new ones appear. For most of the exercises performed, students formulate tasks on their own. This work is carried out by schoolchildren on the basis of the analysis of the source material, additional records. Here is an example of such an exercise (slide No. 13). An entry has been prepared on the board: 1. steppe, sea, ... 2. rare, well-aimed, ... 3.local, flattering,… Teacher's tasks: “Look carefully at the record. Formulate the task for the exercise. Approximate student answer: “It is necessary to continue the rows of words according to two criteria - grammatical and spelling: in the first row include feminine adjectives with a checked unstressed vowel in the root, in the second row - masculine adjectives with a double consonant in the root, in the third row - adjectives neuter gender with an unpronounceable consonant at the root. The necessary words must be taken from the indicated exercise. The novelty of this technique lies in the fact that: within the framework of the traditional system of education, a qualitatively new level of involvement of schoolchildren in creative learning activities is ensured by transferring some of the teacher's functions to them; the complex intellectual development of students is carried out through a systemic and simultaneous impact on their most important mental functions: attention, memory, thinking, speech; - the speech activity of schoolchildren is organized mainly in text form, which, in combination with the first two factors, contributes to a significant increase in the language literacy of students. The experience of teachers using this method shows that its systematic and correct application ensures a sufficiently high level of intellectual development of students, forms their steady interest in the Russian language, and has a serious impact on improving the quality of teaching this academic subject.

    Purpose: to form the ability to justify the spelling of words, to recognize spelling; develop attention and memory; enrich the speech of students; develop a love for animals.

    Equipment: an envelope with a letter; drawing of a bear with questions; forest notebooks; mushrooms; grains with words; a basket of apples with homework; projector.

    Work plan.

    1. Organizational moment.

    Check it out buddy
    Are you ready to start the lesson?
    Everything is in place, everything is in order:
    Books, pens and notebooks?

    2. Communication of the purpose of the lesson.

    Guys, today the postman brought a letter. I will read it.

    (teacher reads)

    " Hello guys!

    I accept you to the forest school.

    Help me repeat the topic of the lesson with the animals.

    Sincerely …"

    3. Repetition of the material covered.

    1. What group do these letters belong to?


    2. What do you know about vowel sounds?

    (They form a syllable. They can be stressed and unstressed).

    III. In what part of the word do we study the spelling of an unstressed vowel?

    IV. What you need to remember about the spelling of an unstressed vowel in the root?

    (In the unstressed syllable of the root, you need to write the same vowel that is written in the stressed syllable).

    As the questions are answered, the teacher adds a drawing of a bear on a magnetic board.

    Who is in the picture?


    Picture 1.

    bear clumsy
    He came to our school
    Repeat the topic with the guys
    He asks.

    Guys, what do you think, what theme are we going to repeat?

    (Spelling of unstressed vowels)

    Correctly. The topic of our lesson is “Spelling unstressed vowels”. Let's go to Forest School

    (The recording of Shainsky's song "Blue Wagon" sounds

    Figure 2.

    - This is the miracle of miracles:
    We got into the forest with you.
    The animals are having a lesson.
    Bear - the teacher is very strict.

    Guys, students of this school also write in notebooks, but not ordinary ones, but in “forest” ones. They lie on your desks (the students on the desk are notebooks made in the form of autumn leaves).

    Open up. Where a green leaf is drawn on the line, write a number, on the next line the words “Classwork”

    4. A minute of calligraphy.

    Guys, what unstressed vowels should be checked at the root? (a, o, e, i, i)

    We will tie these letters with one rope.

    Let's remember again how to check an unstressed vowel in the root?

    (Needs to be emphasized)

    V. Theme of the lesson.

    There is a teacher. Where are the students?

    You must guess yourself. I read riddles, and you name the answer - the name of the animal - a student of the “forest school”

    In summer, a gray coat
    And white in winter
    Wears a bouncer -
    Fearful bunny ... (bunny)

    Figure 3

    (A bunny on the projector)

    Bunny needs help to complete the task. Insert the missing letters in the text, choose a test word.

    “The page is wide ... at m ... I r ... dna,

    There are a lot of l ... owls, p ... lei and rivers in it!

    Write off the text in your “forest” notebooks, emphasize unstressed vowels.

    VI. Fizkultminutka.

    VII. Working with a deformed proposal.

    The animal ran and scattered grains. We will collect them, make proposals and find out who else is studying at the forest school.

    Live, in the roots, mice, trees

    (Mice live in tree roots)

    A mouse, mushrooms, and, forest, fruits, eats,

    (The wood mouse eats seeds, fruits and mushrooms)

    What is the first sentence talking about?

    What is the second sentence talking about?

    Figure 4

    The projector has a mouse.

    Mice are also students of our school. What did you put at the end of the sentence?

    According to the purpose of the statement, these sentences?

    In words, put stress, emphasize unstressed vowels?


    Guess another riddle about a student of the “forest school”

    He himself is round, not a ball,
    The mouth is not visible, but the biter.
    You can't take it with bare hands
    And this is called ... (hedgehog).

    Figure 5

    (On the hedgehog projector)

    The forest apprentice has brought you some mushrooms. Special Mushrooms! Each mushroom has a word with a missing letter written on it. Name a word, an unstressed vowel, a test word.

    H ... layer st ... on the r ... ka m .... chi gr .... would be next ... dy with .... va p ... cash

    IX. Vocabulary work.

    Guys, what are the names of words with an unchecked unstressed vowel?


    We have finished studying the vocabulary block “Birds”. Therefore, now there will be a picture dictation.

    Figure 6 Figure 7
    Figure 8 Figure 9

    A crow, a sparrow, a magpie, a rooster appear on the projector.


    X. Checking homework.

    We have finished studying the vocabulary block “Birds” And today each of you should show your creative work according to these vocabulary words. You have been doing this work for a week.

    (Each student shows their work).

    XI. Summary of the lesson.

    Guys, did you like the “forest school?”

    What topic are we talking about today?

    How to believe an unstressed vowel in the root of a word?

    Bear - the teacher thanks you for your help.

    We will meet at the “forest school” with him and his students in the winter.

    See you!

    Figure 10

    XII. Homework.

    The hedgehog left you a surprise with a task. Each apple has a note with homework. Eat an apple and complete the task.

    Insert omitted letters and add punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

    - Squirrel, where is your warehouse gr ... bov

    - In the pockets of oaks

    - Where is your d ... bear

    - In a dream

    - A bed

    - bed on me