How to write a letter of recommendation from a university sample. How to write a letter of recommendation to a student? An example of a letter of recommendation: key points, nuances, samples

Imagine the situation: you are a student and you urgently need a letter of recommendation for some occasion ( Letter of Recommendation or Recommendation Letter). How to get started, where to start? Represented? Fine! It is in this article that you will learn how to write a letter of recommendation to a student in English. What is a recommendation letter?

The task is not easy, but not the most difficult either. Having familiarized yourself with the main points of writing a letter of recommendation, with examples of writing it, very soon you will be able to write as many letters of recommendation as you need. Most importantly, be careful and follow our advice.

Let's first understand what a letter of recommendation is and "what it is eaten with." As a rule, a letter of recommendation is a kind of document that is a review about a person from his former manager or employee. If a student needs a letter of recommendation from a place of practice, for admission to a master's program or for another occasion, then, as a rule, it is written by a teacher, dean, group curator, fellow students, etc.

Thus, the recommendation letter is written by the recommender. For a graduate, a person without work experience, a professor, dean of the faculty can act as a recommender. A letter of recommendation may contain a brief description of the educational skills and qualities, achievements of a person, his main successes during his studies, and strengths.

If you decide to help your student and write a letter of recommendation for him, then ask him to provide some data in writing:

  • His interests, extracurricular activities, hobbies and his achievements in this (for example, he is the captain of a sports team);
  • Data on why he wants to enter this or that job, why he is interested in this area, whether he is ready for this;
  • Recipient's address and stamped envelope.

We bring to your attention a number of basic points, following which you can easily cope with a letter of recommendation for a student.

  • Introduction

In this part, we write about who and where exactly we recommend. How well we know this student, how he manifests himself in school and outside of it. If you are a teacher, then it is appropriate to indicate your academic degree, etc. here.

  • Activity characteristics

At this point, it is important to write not only about studying. Perhaps your student showed himself in some other way: he worked as a laboratory assistant, secretary, replaced you in lectures, or other options. More details and specifics. But do not exaggerate to praise the student, the selection committee will not accept this.

  • Personal qualities

It is important to mention what qualities are inherent in this person: attentiveness, diligence, etc. Again, details and specifics are welcome. It is necessary to write the truth, it is not necessary to reward the student with such traits that he does not possess.

Summarize the letter by emphasizing the most important characteristics and make a verdict, draw a conclusion.

So, you already know the basic rules, let's move on to writing the letter itself!
Sample letter of recommendation for a student in English

Mr. Anders!
John Fonteyn was a student of our college since the 2000 semester. He was always an outstanding student.
Mr. Fonteyn demonstrated his full grasp of the subject matter in his class performance as well as in written work. His assignments were always executed with punctuality and talent. Moreover, he was an enthusiastic participant in class discussions and helped to make the courses rewarding experiences for everyone. He is a hard-working, patient and responsible man.
Therefore, I can recommend Mr. Fonteyn, surely and without any hesitation, for the position of assistant in your travel agency.
Yours truly, Mr. Johns, Boston College

Here is an example with translation:

Mr Anders!
John Fontaine has been a student at our college since 2000. He has always been an outstanding student.
Mr. Fontaine demonstrated complete assimilation of the subject material, both in class and in written work. His work has always been distinguished by punctuality and talent. Moreover, he was an active participant in class discussions and helped make the course an experience for everyone. He is a hardworking, patient and responsible person.
Therefore, I can recommend Mr. Fontaine, confidently and without any hesitation, as an assistant in your travel agency.
Sincerely, Mr. Jones, Boston College

Use this example as a tracing paper and try to write your own.

As you can see, writing a letter of recommendation in English is not that difficult. Keep it up, friends, and you will succeed!

Letter #1

Vorontsova Ksenia Aleksandrovna graduated from Moscow State University in 2014 with a degree in International Journalism. Over the years of study, Ksenia Vorontsova has shown herself to be a responsible and purposeful student who seeks not only to accumulate knowledge, but also to put it into practice.

Ksenia studied excellently and at the same time took an active part in the life of the university. From the third year she headed the student trade union of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, organized concerts, did charity work and blogged on the university website.

We also want to note the wide range of interests of Xenia. In addition to the main lectures, the student attended elective courses in Spanish and Polish, and achieved good results in their study.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter #2

Belousov Alexey Sergeevich graduated from the Voronezh National University in 2014 and received a bachelor's degree in Urban Environment and Interior Design.

The teachers who gave lectures and conducted practical classes with Alexei note his determination and great creative potential. Alexey chose the right profession and, undoubtedly, he will achieve good results in it.

Aleksey was responsible for his studies, received good grades and was singled out among his classmates during practical classes.


Alexander Viktorovich

There are several occasions when a student may need a letter of recommendation. First, it is necessary for the internship. Your head or curator of the direction writes it on a special form, which sets out your achievements and personal qualities. Secondly, such letters are provided in universities that are engaged in the distribution of graduates after they graduate. Consider the main features of a student recommendation letter.

What is indicated in the letter?

The representative of the university notes when you entered, what you graduated from, what basic disciplines you studied and what you showed yourself in. It also characterizes your personal qualities and draws a conclusion about your professional compliance. In fact, the recommendation resembles a characteristic, but is written in a more free form. The document itself is printed on official letterhead, with the heading and signature correctly formatted. In terms of volume, the text is usually small, no more than a thousand characters. 1.
Student Ovechkin V.G. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics. During his studies, he has established himself as a diligent student, striving to improve his level of knowledge and qualifications. He had excellent grades in major subjects. Relations with the team developed well, participated in educational and practical events held by the department.
I recommend Ovechkin V.G. as an intern at the regional branch of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg.

Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Economics, Professor Platonov A.V. (date, signature)

Student Vlasova M.N. studied at the Department of Higher Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Moscow State University. During her studies, she actively participated in seminars, conferences and round tables. Prepared three reports and five articles on the topic of the thesis. On a personal level, she showed herself exclusively on the positive side: she is diligent, disciplined, and takes any work performed seriously.
I consider it necessary to credit Vlasov M.N. to the staff of the unit as a junior researcher or engineer.

Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Zhdanov K.G.

for a 11 "a" graduate of the MBOU "Sosnovo-Ozerskaya secondary school No. 1" of the Yeravninsky district, Republic of Buryatia

Dambaev Ardan Valerievich 02/23/1998, birthplace Sosnovo-Ozerskoye village, Eravninsky district, passport data 8111 444331 issued by the TP of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus in the Eravninsky district dated 03/28/2012, residing at the address of the Republic of Belarus, Sosnovo-Ozerskoye village, Domninskaya st. 6a.

The education department of the municipality "Yeravninsky district" and the administration of the MBOU "Sosnovo-Ozerskoysosh No. 1" recommend Ardan Valerievich Dambaev, a graduate of the school, for admission to a military institution.

Dambaev Ardan Valeryevich is a current graduate of MBOU "Sosnovo-Ozerskaya secondary school No. 1", a contender for a gold medal, has a certificate with honors for basic general education.

Ardan's successes speak for themselves; he is one of the brightest and most significant representatives of the 2015 graduates. In 2012, Ardan took courses on the topic “ International communication technologies and oratory skills”, has a certificate of international personnel registration, assistance in obtaining higher education, including abroad, as well as career guidance in the international field of activity in the system of non-governmental organizations under the UN, UNESCO, Yekaterinburg. Based on the results of this study, he received a diploma of a graduate of the Summer Academy of UNESCO International Youth Leaders for successfully completing the course "International communication technologies and oratory" with the right to participate in actions of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations under the UN, UNESCO.

This graduate has a high, positive performance of participation in International, All-Russian and municipal Olympiads and extracurricular activities:

International level:

    2012, certificate of participation in the International Spelling Literacy Competition

All-Russian level:

    2010, certificate of participation in the All-Russian youth subject championship in history (5th place)

Regional level:

    2009, Diploma of the Interregional Research and Production Complex dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Buryat chronicler, Uligershin, local historian R.E. Erdyneev

    2010, diploma, for the 1st place in the NPK artistic word competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the honored cultural worker Sh.N. Nimbuev

    2010 Certificate of honor for III place in the Republican NPC of teachers and students "Beligei tuyaa"

    2010, diploma for III place in the republican competitions in mini-football among teams of secondary schools of the Republic of Belarus

    2010, certificate of the participant of the IV Republican contest of the artistic word "Wonderful Treasure of Buryatia"

    2010, diploma for II place in the Futsal Festival among yard teams for the cup of deputies of the City Council

    2011, a letter of thanks for participating in the III Republican Conference "Nimbuev Readings"

    2011, certificate of honor, for the VI place in the Republican NPC of teachers and students "Beligei tuyaa"

    2011, certificate of participation in the Republican competition "Gulamta" (10th place in the republic)

    2011, the results of participation in the republican inter-subject competition "Polyathlon-monitoring" (achieved level - sufficient)

    2013, certificate of a participant in the Republican Scientific and Practical Complex “Step into the Future”, section “Buryat language”

    2013, diploma for III place in the Republican Olympiad of BSU "Baikal Perspective"

    2013, a letter of thanks for participation in the V Republican SPC "Beligeytuyaa"

    2013, a letter of thanks for participating in the interregional Olympiad in the Buryat language

    2013, certificate of the participant of the Interregional Olympiad in Baikal Studies"

    2013, certificate for II place in the 20th Republican football tournament "Ulhasaa Cup"

    Certificate of participation in the Republican Complex Olympiad "Lingua-2013"

    2014, Diploma of the Republican Research and Production Association "Star of the East", in the nomination "For the study of Buddhist traditions"

    2014, Diploma for participation in the competition of the Buddhist Sandhi of Russia "Ehe helen-nyutagai magtaal"

    2014, certificate of participation in the interregional game competition "British Bulldog" in English (2nd place in the region)

    2014, diploma for III place in the XXI republican mini-football tournament among youths

    2014, diploma for II place in the region in the inter-regional competition in English "British Bulldog"

Dambaev Ardan Valerievich demonstrates a sufficiently high level of basic knowledge necessary for continuing education, possesses general educational and subject skills and abilities, and owns modern computer technologies. A graduate is able to navigate the educational, social situation on the basis of personally mastered subject knowledge, cultural heritage, norms of social behavior and interpersonal communication. Dambaev Ardan is able to systematize the material within the educational topic, is able to reason, knows the ways of rational work, is able to apply his knowledge in practice. Developed self-awareness and adequate self-esteem, the need for self-knowledge.

Dambaev Ardan is a developed personality capable of self-determination with a pronounced civic position and a sense of patriotism. The young man demonstrates social maturity, responsibility for his actions, has a legal culture. He is distinguished by the ability to defend his views and beliefs, the ability to find a non-standard solution in an unexpected life situation.

Dambaev Ardan leads a healthy lifestyle, consciously treats his health. This is an indispensable participant in school, regional sports events. He is engaged in the school military-patriotic circle "Zorig", which taught him to apply the simplest methods of first aid, to act in emergency situations.

At school, he is attentive, disciplined, accurate. The material explained by the teacher is learned quickly and easily. A graduate is able to build further training plans, to identify the meaning of their educational activities. He is always ready for lessons, he uses additional material in preparation. The graduate is able to argue his knowledge and the results obtained. Able to embody the acquired knowledge into spiritual and material activity forms. Dambaev Ardan is a repeated participant in subject Olympiads in the Buryat language and literature. Possesses good written and oral communication skills. He knows how to plan his working and free time. Dambaev Ardan is an interesting interlocutor, as he is an original, non-standard, peculiar person who has his own point of view on most issues.

If necessary, he knows how to defend his views and position, to decide in a situation of choice, while showing firmness and determination.

It has developed a sense of collectivism, mutual support. For his sensitive and sympathetic character among his comrades, he enjoys respect and trust. Responsibly and conscientiously performs duties in the class team. Rejoices in the success of his comrades. Never achieves his goal at the expense of others or to their detriment.

Kindness, modesty, responsiveness are the main features of his character.

Head of the NGO "Yeravninsky District": ___________ / Shagdarova V.I /

Director of secondary school No. 1: ____________________ / Tyshkenova I.Yu. /

This document may be needed in the following cases: for an internship, admission to graduate school, to a foreign university, etc.

It starts with the title of the document.

Then it is indicated for how long and in what capacity the recommender was acquainted with the student.

After that, there is an assessment of the strengths, abilities of the student, his success during his studies. Here you can talk about his participation in olympiads, various competitions, competitions, about the presence of awards, diplomas, places of honor, etc.

MTUSI student Anokhina Inna Vladislavovna

Student Anokhina I. V. in 2013 graduated from the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, department of production organization, audit and accounting of the Faculty of Economics and Management.

During her studies, she proved herself to be a capable student, striving to constantly improve her level of knowledge. He is a laureate of the contest "The Best Student of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics". In the team enjoyed respect and authority. Actively participated in the social and cultural life of the university. It has a non-conflict character, is distinguished by a high level of responsibility and diligence.