How to schedule the right time. Other important nuances of time planning

Hello dear blog readers!

With this article, I begin a series of articles about planning. After all, everyone understands how important planning is in the modern world. No, of course, you can do things at random, out of the blue, so to speak, but you will lose much more time than you spend on planning this business.

Planning plays a significant role in the success of the upcoming event. And no matter what you want to get. You can, for example, pump biceps just like that without a plan, without logic, when to succeed. But you will get a much greater effect when you study the recommendations of experienced trainers, draw up a training plan based on effective methods and follow it. The result will be much higher.

So, let's consider the main types of planning, which in the future I will consider in separate articles.

Let's divide planning into two different categories:

  1. Chronological planning
  2. General planning

Horological planning includes:

Now in more detail about each of their types of chronological planning.

Planning for the day, week, month

It is recommended to plan a day for everyone without exception, yes, in principle, we plan everything, it's just that most people do it in their minds, so to speak, without writing down, without prioritizing. how to plan a day so that your performance grows by leaps and bounds.

It is also necessary to plan personal work for the day in organizations, in this case I also have a really working one.

Having spent ten minutes of the evening time planning the next day, you will have a clear goal in front of your eyes, you will know which tasks are most important to you, and which can be transferred to the next days of the week.

Thus, a smooth transition to the planning of the week is carried out. If you learn how to correctly distribute your time by day of the week, arrange tasks according to the best option, then things will begin to take on perspective.

And when you see the prospect of further development of your dream, and this dream is not so far away, then, undoubtedly, you yourself will want to make a plan for a month, or even several.

Planning things for a month is, on the one hand, a lot of work, but on the other hand, you will spend only one evening a month on the plan, let's say the 20th of each month. And you will be able to see when it is better for you to go on vacation, on what days it is most convenient to meet with friends.

Event planning

Deserves a separate story. I attributed them to chronological planning, since without making a good holiday plan nothing good will come of it, the plan must include everything, food, drinks, music, the order of competitions, toasts, etc.

What happens without a plan? Correctly! - banal booze! Chronology in this type of planning appears in the order of the event.

Now you can go to general content planning, I included here the types of planning in which there is no sequential execution of tasks in a certain time period.

  1. Business Planning
  2. Budget planning

Business Planning

Business Planning, organizing the execution of the case, planning the execution of the task, these are quite difficult tasks. But after spending three hours planning tasks, you will get a clear picture of the overall performance of the case.

See planning this site as an example. Two planning maps were drawn up.

Look at the plan for filling this site, it is made in the form of a mental map

Article planning

Plans for articles I also do in the form of mental maps. Then I structure the sections of the article, and put them in the most digestible order. You can see the map of this article in the first figure.

Budget planning

Budget planning. A very important planning in the life of every person who strives for success. Without the correct distribution of finances, it is simply impossible to capture cash flows.

Family budget planning, enterprise budget planning, investment movement planning, investment and purchase planning - all this can be combined into financial planning.

If you do not know how to control your income and expenses, you cannot distinguish between assets and liabilities, then you do not plan your budget. Planning the distribution and movement of funds is what you need to learn on the path to success and financial freedom.

Shopping planning

- this is a separate story in which you will probably see yourself when you go to the store and buy all kinds of garbage.

Carry it in a bag 20 by 20 centimeters, and all the time you think: Well, how could 700 rubles fit in here? And then you come home and realize that you went to the store for salt and did not buy it.

I almost always plan purchases before going to the store, with the exception of purchases in which there are less than three points, there is nothing to plan, so you remember everything.

In the near future I will write articles about the above types of planning, and about the methods of drawing up plans. I will talk about all types of planning using my own example. In order not to miss the most important, subscribe to updates!

And remember! A properly drawn up plan is a guarantee of the successful implementation and completion of any undertaking!

All the best!!!

PS. Damn really half an hour sat watching! I am delighted! Nostalgia kicks in!

Another week has passed, and the planned cases have not decreased? So, you need to reconsider your ability to properly use time management.

Learning how to manage everything and at the same time not getting very tired is not easy, but quite possible. In fact, the secret lies not only in what things you are planning, but it is also important to consider the day when you would like to perform this or that action. Psychologist Beth Linnel shares the secrets of proper planning throughout the week, and we have already prepared our diaries and are ready to make a to-do list.

Monday is a hard day

This hackneyed expression was not invented in vain, since on Monday the energy level of a person is almost at zero. This happens because the body was in rest mode for two days off and now it is in a state of frustration, it is difficult for it to enter the working channel. Beth Linnel advises against scheduling important meetings and negotiations for this day, if possible, as they will not be effective.

On this day, it is better to prepare the ground for work in the coming week. Try to collect all the necessary information that will be useful to you on other days, prepare presentations and documents. Also try to go to bed early on Monday to give your body a chance to rest and prepare for the upcoming business.

Tuesday - peak energy

Tuesday and Wednesday are considered the most productive days of the week. The psychologist advises on this day to start taking on hard work and large-scale projects.

The body has not yet had time to get tired, it has just entered the operating mode. Fatigue from the working week has not yet had time to accumulate. But still there is an aftertaste of rest on the weekend.

It has been scientifically proven that on Tuesday people experience a peak of creative and intellectual energy, so you can safely start big things and develop new strategies.

Wednesday is the second energy day

Continue building and executing your plans on Wednesday. Although this is the meridian of the working week, your energy is still at its peak, even if Tuesday was not the easiest. This day is suitable for brainstorming, teamwork and social events. This is due to the fact that you have completely entered the working track and you still have enough strength to complete the tasks.

But already on Wednesday evening, the level of energy begins to fall and you will feel a breakdown and emotional exhaustion.

Thursday - the beginning of the decline in energy

On Thursday afternoon, fatigue will be quite noticeable. On this day, it is already difficult to solve some important issues and concentrate on the tasks at hand. For example, Google employees, a company that tries to maximize the productivity of each employee, use Thursday to set tasks for the next week and tasks that do not require an office presence.

So if your job allows you to work remotely, use this opportunity.

Good habits are common to successful people. One of the most useful is effective time planning. Everyone knows the situation when the day passes in hard work, and the result does not live up to expectations. Moreover, there is even more workload and tension.

Proper planning will easily solve this problem. You will not only be able to cope with all the intended goals and affairs, but also save a supply of energy and strength.

The 70/30 Principle

Experts have long proven that every minute planning of your day will not lead to the expected results. It is impossible to calculate everything down to the minute. Life has its own schedule, in which there is always a place for surprises and unforeseen circumstances.

In addition, it is worth noting that if a person still tries to control his day by seconds, he will gradually begin to turn into a robot, where there is no place for proper rest and ordinary joys.

What is the best way out? There is a technique that involves planning 70% of the time. It is worth remembering that the “surprise effect” is present in our lives every day, so keep the remaining 30% in reserve.

Think about tomorrow

If you fit this habit into your daily life, your business will noticeably go up. Accustom yourself every evening to think about the cases that will be resolved tomorrow. At the same time, experts advise visualizing the plans. Get a diary where you can write down what you want to implement.

Divide your notebook into multiple columns. On the left side, mark priority tasks, on the right - less important things that are not very urgent. In exceptional circumstances, they can be postponed, but try not to shelve.

Have you done something? Don't forget to cross it off the list. This is necessary in order to feel the progress. He will replenish your strength and will inspire you to further exploits. An ever-decreasing list of tasks also serves as confirmation that you are successfully completing your plan.

Psychologists give interesting advice. At the end of each day, write down encouraging phrases in your diary that encourage action. They will not only stimulate the next day, but also allow you not to relax ahead of time.

Most of it is in the morning

Important advice: try to resolve most of your affairs before lunch. Why does it work? Once you see that all the important and planned tasks have been successfully completed, you will feel an incredible lightness.

Make the most of your lunch break. At these moments, it is best to make calls to loved ones, answer missed calls or pay utility bills. In the evening, the very minimum remains, especially those things that give pleasure and relaxation.

Rest during work

The rules for planning working time imply not only actions, but also rest, which is a prerequisite. Each person has their own needs for the availability and duration of free time. However, time management experts say that this method has proven itself best: you work 50 minutes, while allocating 10 for rest. At first, you can devote 45 minutes to business, taking a break for 15.

How to make better use of leisure time? The best option would not be naps or social media, but exercise. If your work is related to the computer, a warm-up for the eyes and neck is mandatory. A light snack, cleaning the workplace, self-development, or the necessary phone calls will also be a useful activity.

Real plans

In the pursuit of achieving everyday goals, you should not go to extremes. Don't take on an impossible amount of work. In this case, you still will not have time to do everything that is planned, thus you will feel dissatisfaction at the end of the day. Calculate your strengths and make a rational list.

Here it is worth noting an important point. Do not confuse plans with goals, which can and should be difficult to achieve. Planning your working time is exactly what you need to achieve them in the shortest and scheduled time.

You should not work from morning until late at night. It is better to break your goals into several blocks, solving them systematically and steadily. This productive option is more effective than chaotic actions. Moreover, it will help to save energy at the end of the day.

An excellent addition would be a column in the list indicating how many percent the plan was completed. It will clearly show your growth or, conversely, decline, and correct further actions. Try not only to fulfill the daily plan, but also to exceed it by at least a small percentage. As a result, you will cope not only with the tasks recorded in the diary, but also with additional cases. You will be pleased to notice your productivity in the form of 150%, 170%, etc.

Necessary Silence

Many people do not even notice that they work in inappropriate conditions. The noise of the TV or radio, the voices of relatives and colleagues interfere with concentration, thereby reducing productivity. As a result, you are full of fresh gossip and unnecessary information.

Important and urgent matters require extreme concentration. Therefore, silence should become your faithful companion. Only in this way can you achieve the best result.

Importance of order

Successful people are famous for order both in thoughts and in the workplace. It is difficult to work at a table on which nothing can be found due to the confusion and disorder in the documents. Set aside a few minutes a day for cleaning. The order will make you more organized and save a lot of time.

We recommend throwing out obsolete, useless things that will not bring any benefit. This will help free up your desktop. Remember that every thing should have its place. Stationery stores produce kits and storage cases in huge quantities. As soon as you put things in order, things will immediately go up.

Get rid of unnecessary things

There are some things that are hard to get rid of. We tell ourselves that someday they will be useful, but that moment will never come. Moreover, it has long been proven that old things and household items are full of negative energy, even if they are put away in a closet or on a mezzanine.

Pay attention not only to your desktop, but also to the space in the house or office as a whole. Gather your strength and throw away all the useless things that are stored for better times. Clothes can be donated to orphanages or other people in need. As a result, you will feel lightness, which will serve as an impetus for further development and implementation of the planned cases.


Any sport, whether it be rhythmic gymnastics or swimming, must be included in your daily schedule. Even ordinary exercises will increase your tone, and you will be surprised at the results if you exercise regularly.

Who is Dan Kennedy and why is he worth listening to? He can rightly be called a successful person who, by his own example, proved the importance of time. Now he is a multimillionaire and the author of books that reveal the secrets of his wealth and status. The main tips are:

1. Attention to the phone. Of course, mobile phones and other gadgets are useful in everyday life. But it is worth considering that they act not only as helpers, but also as hidden enemies. If you are busy with important business, train yourself to ignore calls. Is the interlocutor persistent? If the reason for the call is not urgent, call back at lunchtime or after work.

2. Limit business meetings. Some people believe that continuous business meetings will lead to success. This is not entirely true. Millionaires are trying their best to limit them. Try to do the following:

  • Reduce the number of negotiations and meetings to the bare minimum.
  • Remember that many negotiations can be carried out not only in person, but also remotely. In this case, help will be provided by the phone, Skype and other online applications.
  • Be straight to the point and set a limited amount of time for the meeting. Formal conversations about the weather will steal precious minutes.
  • Make active use of delegation of authority, if possible.

3. Punctuality. This trait disciplines you and makes you more authoritative in the eyes of other people. Require subordinates to arrive at work on time. Don't forget to lead by example.

4. Love for lists. Dan Kennedy confirms that keeping a diary and making lists is a must. Every day we are faced with a huge stream of tasks, so memory can miss something.

5. Necessity of directories. You should get into the habit of storing important reports or letters in chronological order, whether it be a folder on your computer or a printed version. If necessary, you can always find the necessary documents.

In my working practice, I have repeatedly encountered managers who have one important ability. This is the ability to do a lot of things during the day, correctly prioritizing and without experiencing stress. Such a person simply cannot be overwhelmed with deeds. No matter how many projects are being implemented in this moment, he will quickly, calmly and correctly prioritize, group tasks and begin to perform them one after another. I thought about it quite a lot, talked with colleagues and realized that in most cases this ability is not innate, but acquired.

When I was in high school, my beloved uncle gave me good advice: “Keep track of what you do during the day and summarize at the end.” Uncle worked for the International Labor Organization and knew what he was talking about. I am still grateful to him for his advice, and to myself for following that advice. When I left school, I had a clear schedule, most of my tasks and tasks for each day were planned in advance and this did not cause me any protest or discomfort.

Later I kept this rule for the rest of my life. Plans and tasks changed, and the habit of doing several different things during the day only grew stronger, and with it the efficiency and effectiveness of my work. After all, if you think about it, high fatigue, apathy, low productivity are for the most part the result of our vision of ourselves, our work, and last but not least, the lack of the habit of planning and prioritization. Probably, for some creative workers and specialists of a narrow profile, this is not a significant drawback, but it will not work to be a good manager without the ability to plan activities, prioritize and group tasks.

So if you have not accustomed yourself to planning things at school or college, it is best to do this as soon as possible. First, find out what you actually do during the day. Just make a note every half an hour of what you have devoted this time to. When you review your weekly notes, you'll be surprised at how much time is wasted on unimportant, overlapping, or simply irrelevant activities and tasks. Accordingly, the next step is to discard all unnecessary. This will also take a long time to follow, some habits or rituals are very difficult to get rid of. The third step is to group the main tasks and types of work and deal with them sequentially, not in an arbitrary order. This will greatly increase your ability to concentrate. At first glance, this is very simple, no more difficult than doing exercises in the morning. But not everyone is engaged in charging.

As for planning my day, even now I devote a lot of time to this (although my assistants do a lot of preparatory and organizational work). Perhaps later I will write a post about the role of a personal assistant in the work of a leader. The basis of proper time management is. For me, this is a strategy, relationships with key clients and partners, the largest deals, a team, appointments and motivation of employees. If a problem occurs in one of these directions, then this is my problem, which I must solve first.

Another fundamental point is the presence in the timeline for unplanned activities. They always happen, and it is important to have some slack, because there is nothing worse than when one meeting creeps into another or you have to do something in a hurry.

Do not forget that all people are different, which means that planning should be individual. I built my optimal schedule a long time ago. Usually at 9 am I finalize the schedule with the team and look through the briefs describing the meetings that I have to do today. Preparing briefs is a separate issue: they clearly describe the goals, objectives, participants. It also saves me time. After about ten meetings, I go home and spend time with my family, go to yoga or fitness regularly. And closer to the night I still work electronically. This routine allows me not to switch once again between types of work and it is easier to enter the desired mode. However, in order to build and stick to it, I needed to start planning my time from school.


PLAN 1. 2.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what "PLAN" is in other dictionaries:

    plan- and plan. In the meaning “draw up a plan of action, the implementation of something; smoothly descend" plan, plan, plan. Plan work for the quarter. Plan to the nearest airfield. In the meaning "arrange, arrange according to ... ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    1. PLAN1, plan, plan (aviation). sovereign to plan 1. Plan for the airfield. 2. PLAN2, plan, plan, and (more often) PLAN, plan, plan. to plan 2. Plan construction... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Make a plan, arrange, outline, plan, arrange, calculate, mark out, design, parachute, descend, plan, design Dictionary of Russian synonyms. plan see plan sl … Synonym dictionary

    See planning 1. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    plan- See Plan... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    1. PLAN, roar, roar; St. what. 1. Draw up a plan, a project for construction, structures, etc. 2. Arrange, arrange, build in accordance with the plan (1 sign). Well planned streets. C. building, taking into account its purpose, functioning ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    I owl. transition 1. Apply to plan 1. 2. Arrange, arrange, build according to plan [plan 1.]. 3. Organize business, work, etc. in accordance with the plan [plan 3.]. 4. open Outline according to the plan [plan 3.], include in the plan; schedule. II... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, planned, planned, planned, planned, ... ... Forms of words

    Verb, St., Use. infrequently Morphology: I plan, you plan, he/she/it will plan, we plan, you plan, they plan, plan, plan, planned, planned, planned, planned, planned, planned ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev


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