Don't deviate from the goal. How to achieve your goals

People dream of being healthy, successful, happy. Only desires are not able to bring closer to the realization of the desired. If you are really interested in how to achieve a goal, how to turn vague dreams into concrete goals, you have already taken the first right step. Purposefulness, self-control, allowing you to achieve the goal, will greatly contribute to going all the way.

How to Set a Goal and Achieve It: 9 Steps

People manage to realize life goals only partially, as it is difficult to correctly set priorities and correctly formulate tasks. Try focusing on a specific 9-step guide to achieving your life goals.

1. Clearly state the actual goals in writing.

Starting to slide a pen over a sheet of paper, fixing your intentions, you start an inexplicable process of turning a mental image into reality. Sometimes you don’t even have to devote much time to thinking about how to achieve the goal - everything happens by itself.

2. Now reduce the number of targets to five or six.

The human psyche cannot withstand an excess of information, it is able to effectively cope with 5-6 tasks. Dreams are limitless. Goals must be limited. We set a limited number of goals - we achieve results faster.

3. Create a clear image of the future self that has achieved the desired goal.

Ask: “How will I feel when I reach my goal? How will I behave in the changed conditions? Imagine the changes in thoughts and feelings more vividly - the unconscious will soon start working, offering ideas on how to achieve your goal in life.

Analyze what knowledge, practical experience has already been acquired, how it is applied. Perhaps you are wasting energy, so you are at a loss how to achieve the goal?

5. Determine what resources are still needed to achieve the goal.

To obtain the missing resources (time, money), the previous step will help.

6. Think about the real barriers to getting things done.

To really achieve the goal, despite the limits, the main thing is to realize them. Usually in 60% of people it is modesty, possible, etc.

7. How to achieve the desired goal if the goal is ambitious? Break it down into small tasks.

Many people confuse a goal with a dream, and in order to achieve a dream, you need to take steps towards goals. Conducting a social survey, we asked people:

  1. What is his purpose in life?
  2. What did he do to achieve his goal?

Many people answered that they wanted a very expensive car or a big house, but they didn't do anything about it. They work and just dream. When asked “Do you have any car?” 70% of the list answered no. Because they want everything at once. To begin with, you can set a goal, buy an inexpensive car, and already moving on it, people get used to comfort and subconsciously set a goal to improve their vehicle. You need to set the right goals and go to your dream.

8. Specify the deadline for completing the tasks that contribute to the achievement of the goal.

Set adequate deadlines: allocate too little time to achieve the goal - be afraid to start, realizing the unreality of the task. Too much time also does not contribute to the result: all the time you will postpone actions to achieve the goal.

9. So, how to achieve the goal?

Confidently follow the intended path, and you will be able to achieve the goal, despite the limits.

We set goals and achieve: the secrets of formulations

Formulate goals through "I-messages", in the present tense, without negations. A proven fact: the subconscious mind does not perceive the particle “not”. By setting a goal: “I don’t want to be poor,” you involuntarily reinforce the image of a low-income person. If you are really focused on how to achieve the goal, the correct wording is: "I want to be rich."

Now try to concretize the overall goal. You can ask the question: “What should I have in order for me to achieve my goal, to begin to consider myself rich?” Everyone has different needs, for someone the opportunity to go abroad once a year already seems to be the prerogative of a rich person, and for someone weekly shopping in the capitals of the world seems like a routine. Compare two goals. Overall goal: "I want to become rich." Specific goal: "I want to have my own country house, purchased without debt obligations." Feel the difference? How to achieve the goal more realistically, with what wording?

Finally, the goal should answer the question: "When?" Do you want to own a house "someday"? This is desire. Goal: “I want to become the owner of a country house purchased without debt obligations by 2019.”

Remember the main thing: our freedom to desire and aspire ends where the free will of another person begins, so your goals to achieve in life should not negatively affect the lives of other people.

A dozen good books on how to achieve a goal in life.

In fact, the list may consist of hundreds of books on how to achieve the goal. Perhaps the one that “lit up” you the most was not here. That doesn't mean your favorite book on how to achieve your goals doesn't deserve to be on this list. The books below have inspired many people, but a truly successful person will not be limited to this list, but will only take it as a basis and will always develop and continue to search. So, famous people who have achieved their goal share their experiences in the following books.

  1. Dale Carnegie. How to win friends and influence people.
  2. D. Millman. Path of the Peaceful Warrior.
  3. N. Hill. Think and get rich.
  4. R. Kiyosaki. Rich dad, poor dad
  5. Brian Tracy. Reaching the maximum.
  6. S. Covey. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
  7. Clifford Simak. A generation that has reached its goal.
  8. D. Wick. 52 Mondays: how to achieve any goals in a year.
  9. Mandino Og. The greatest success in the world.
  10. M. J. Ryan. This year I…

If a persistent dislike for reading has been entrenched since school days, pay attention to books about how to achieve a goal, in audio format, as well as video recordings on the topic: master classes, seminars of successful people. Not only Western entrepreneurs share their experience with the public. Valentin Kovalev gives excellent video lectures. “The Art of Setting and Achieving Goals” is the title of his most famous performance.

Try to enter into the search: “How to achieve your goal, an example from literature,” and you will understand that almost all classical Russian works answer this question in one way or another. Refer to "The Tale of a Real Man" by B.N. Field. Pilot Alexei Meresyev (prototype of the Hero of the Soviet Union Maresyev), who lost both legs, had the courage and perseverance to continue fighting on prostheses. When you read about such feats, you understand that a strong desire to achieve a goal can overcome any obstacles.

5 professional tips on how to set goals and achieve results.

How to reach the goal? Psychology, unlike marketing, gives not just ready-made instructions, but conducts a deep analysis. What matters is how to set goals correctly and achieve them while maintaining integrity as a person.

Tip 1. Find interest in the process of achieving the goal, not only in the result. The school system turned our minds upside down, forcing us to work “for evaluation” (for results). It is more important to be able to appreciate the present in order to get more in the future. This is the main advice on how to set goals correctly and achieve results.

Example: let's say the goal is set - housing in Moscow, 15 years are required to achieve the goal, a person shrinks to the maximum. We can assure you that you will not be able to feel joy - rather, you will understand how devastated and exhausted you are.

Tip 2. Listen to yourself: are you happy, are you going that way, reaching the goal? Sometimes it turns out that the goal is not yours, it’s just that your parents convinced you that you need it. Or you wanted to be nice to others, and now you have outgrown the desire to please others. How to set goals and achieve them while remaining happy? Go your own way.

Tip 3. Without what you can not achieve the goal? Without visualization!

Until you believe that the subconscious is superior in power to consciousness, you will limit yourself in achieving the goal. The choice of how to achieve the goal is already secondary. Make a dream board on the wall or cards with affirmations on how to achieve the goal on your desktop - it's not so important. Experiment to find what works.

Tip 4. If you are already over 30, and there are no real goals, only a set of desires, “like everyone else”, this is an alarm signal. Find a coach/psychologist to help you understand why you have lost interest in life. Probably not enough support from loved ones? Or maybe your self-esteem has been seriously damaged? Only by returning the joy of life, you can think about how to set goals and achieve them.

Tip 5. Don't stop there. If, after getting what you want, you stop striving for something, it will eventually destroy you. You need to find motivation again and grow higher. Raise the bar, ask the question again: “How to achieve the goal?” (already new) - and again act according to the nine-step instructions.

Video how to reach the goal


Now you know how to learn how to set goals and achieve them. If something doesn't turn out quite the way you intended, don't despair. Remember that every problem has multiple solutions. Perhaps you just chose the wrong path to your goal. Try another one and you'll be fine. To reach your goal, you must first of all go, even if the road is long and difficult. I wish you success!

At everyone has their own goals and dreams, and that's great. But goals can be achieved much faster if you have the right attitude and take the right steps. Here are 7 such correct settings.

1. Be confident and positive

This is the basis for all the other tips given here. The more confident you are in your abilities, the more open you are to success, and the more opportunities open up before you. The Law of Attraction says that what you give out comes back to you. By noticing only the best around you and thinking about yourself in superlatives, you begin to attract people and situations into your life that will lead you to your desired goal.

Happy, successful people surround themselves with other similar people. So be confident and positive and appreciate small positive events as much as larger ones.

When unforeseen obstacles and difficulties come our way, they can easily cause feelings of discouragement and confusion. That is why it is important to focus on the future and visualize your dreams every day. Most likely, your desires will not come true immediately. But if you focus and can mentally imagine your dream before it happens in reality, your subconscious mind will know where to go. Thinking about the future, imagine the wonderful opportunities that will open up before you. Imagine your new sensations. Allow yourself to bask in these sensations. By doing this regularly, you will become more open to all that is good, and your dreams will begin to come true much faster.

It is useful to keep a diary where you write down your dreams and goals in the present tense, as if they have already come true. The meaning of this is that the feelings that you feel in your ideal future, you begin to feel in the present. You tune your vibrations to the vibrations of your desires. You become more confident and positive, and this gives you the necessary determination to make your dreams come true.

3. Make every step easy

It is generally believed that you can achieve something serious only by working hard. But this idea misses something very important: people who actually achieve their goals most often achieve them easily, as if having fun. When you do something nice for you, it makes you happier. And when you are happier, you are more inspired. Find what you enjoy doing and focus on it, because inspiration is the sure key to success. If you let go of the old notion that success is hard to come by, you will find that life becomes happier and easier. You don't have to put in much effort, because inspiration will carry you, and you will feel only joyful excitement in anticipation of each next step that you have to take.

4. Break Your Plans into Small Pieces

Big plans can be intimidating at first. The large amount of work that needs to be done seems insurmountable. But by breaking it down into smaller pieces, you avoid the crash that can happen before you even get started. Take a pen and write down your goal. Then write down what needs to be done. These will be subgoals. After that, break the resulting subgoals into parts, which will be tasks that you can freely complete. Each of these tasks is small, and doing at least one or two points a day will steadily move you in the right direction.

5. Don't listen to ill-wishers

Whenever there are positive people with their dreams, there are others who try to stop them. They may warn you and tell you that you are wasting your time. It's always the same old song. People stop because they don't believe in themselves. You don't need to listen to these people. If a person sincerely believes that his goal is feasible, then he will find the resources to achieve it. Surely there are hundreds and thousands of examples of people who have achieved similar goals, no matter what. These are the people you need to listen to.

6. Find sincere help and support

On the other hand, you want to get advice and support from strong and confident people. Strive to surround yourself with friends and mentors who believe in the power of positivity. You change, becoming the sum of the people you deal with. So choose those who believe in you and are confident in themselves. Such people will listen to your plans and encourage you. They will always give good advice and say that it is possible. Leaving old acquaintances can be difficult, but if you are moving in a different direction, you will naturally begin to surround yourself with new friends who have the same ideals, goals, and self-confidence as you.

7. Take risks if you feel it is justified and necessary.

Take risks when you feel it's worth it. Sometimes we are not sure what to do. Sometimes you have to take a risk to move on. Sometimes you need to leave the old life or move to another city. It is important to take risks that are expedient and that lead you in the right direction. Usually something inside a person tells him that it is worth doing. At this moment, you think about it, and you are encouraged by this thought.

We are far from achieving all of our goals - and often the point is not laziness and weakness, but the inability to correctly formulate tasks and determine priorities. Self-improvement consultant Robert Sipe has published a book by Mann, Ivanov & Ferber on how to use brain science to increase productivity and focus on the practical implementation of your ideas and desires. Theories and Practices publishes a chapter from the book.

Reduce the number of goals

Write down the 5-6 most important goals you want to achieve in the next 90 days. Why exactly so many? The main thing at this stage is to reduce: the term and the number of items on the list. Why? There are five or six goals, because, as we already know, consciousness is not able to effectively cope with an excess of information. It is easy for him to focus on only a few tasks at a time. Of course, there is an appropriate time and place for the so-called creation of a dream, when you get rid of all the limitations of thinking and time and indulge in bold and crazy thoughts. This exercise is useful for expanding the horizons and possibilities of your mind, but now we will do something else. Take a calendar and determine the next milestone in about 90 days. Ideally, this is the end of the quarter, the end of the month is also suitable. If the end point comes in 80 or 100 days, that's fine; the main thing is to be close to 90. Why is this important? Because for about that amount of time, a person can be very focused on one important goal without hitting the "reset button" and still see real progress.

Not for nothing that almost all diets or training programs are designed for about 90 days. A great example is the wildly popular P90X home fitness program. "P" means "strength" (power), and "X" - "limit" (Xtreme). Basically just a marketing gimmick. But behind the number "90" there are serious scientific justifications. The program is not called P10X, because you can’t achieve great success in 10 days, but also not P300X: no one can stick to the program for so long without a break. Why do you think Wall Street attaches such importance to the quarterly financial reports of companies?

Because it is during such a period that significant changes can be introduced without losing focus. In any important undertaking, much shorter than 90 days is too short to see real progress, and much longer is too long to clearly see the finish line. Study the next 90 days and write numbers from 1 to 6 on a piece of paper. You will write down the 5-6 most important goals that you want to achieve in 90 days. Now analyze all areas of your life: work, finances, physical health, mental/emotional state, family, participation in society - so that your list is comprehensive.

As you write down your most important goals for the next 90 days, recap what makes a goal effective. In the previous chapter, we discussed in detail the five essential characteristics of your goals, and here I will list them briefly again.

one . What you write down should be meaningful to you. These goals are yours and no one else's, so be sure to fix what you really want to achieve.

2. What you write down should be specific and measurable. We're talking about a 90-day program with an explicit deadline, so general phrases like "increase income," "lose weight," or "save money" are out of place. Clearly define what exactly you intend to achieve during this period. How much money to earn or save? How many pounds to lose weight? How many kilometers to run? What will be your sales (define specific numbers)? Your numbers or details are not important to me, but specificity is necessary. By neglecting this step, you will miss out on most of the opportunities this process gives you.

3 . Goals must be of the right scale: challenging, yet achievable from your point of view. Remember: you have about three months to do everything, and then you have to blow the lights out. So choose the right scale goals. In this exercise, you will have to choose between the options "a bolder target, so you have to strain" and "a more modest one, to play it safe." The choice depends on your experience and previous successes. If you are used to achieving the main thing easily or you are a little bored, then choose a more ambitious goal. If you are doing this for the first time, then you should choose a more modest goal.

four . Even if it is obvious, I will emphasize: the goals need to be fixed in writing. You are doing yourself and me a disservice if you read all this and do nothing. I didn't say "think about what you want to achieve in the next 90 days", I said "write it down". I assure you that the coordinated work of the eyes, hands and brain raises the choice and design of goals to a qualitatively new level. So, fix your goals in pen and paper, not just in your mind.

5 . You will regularly review what you are currently writing, so be honest with yourself and create goals that you will be interested in achieving. Once you've laid the groundwork, we'll develop a whole plan with the need to be accountable to ourselves and the programming elements, so keep in mind that you will interact with these goals.

Enough descriptions - it's time to work! Grab a pen and paper and write down your top 5-6 goals for the next 90-100 days. Give it as much time as you need, and then go back to reading.

Define a key goal

Now you need to determine which of these goals is key for you. You may ask, “What is a key goal?” And that's great, because you've probably never looked at your goals this way before. Your key goal is one whose serious pursuit supports most of your other goals. Looking at your short list, you will surely notice that there are connections between many goals; you may even realize that some are in competition with each other. But I have found that in almost all cases there is one of the goals, the persistent pursuit of which is likely to achieve the desired results in all areas. I don't want to over complicate things. You may already know which of your goals fits this description.

Often, when a person gets to this stage, one of the goals he has written down catches his eye and seems to scream: “Hey! Make it so that I come true! If you have already found this goal, just mark it in the list and only then continue reading. If the key target isn't immediately visible, that's okay too. I myself often had to figure out which of my goals is the key, where to focus my main efforts. You want the one that is most likely to help you reach the rest.

There are several options. Sometimes the achievement of a key goal indirectly causes the implementation of the others, almost automatically. It happens that a key goal requires the achievement of others as an intermediate step or an auxiliary tool. And sometimes a key goal can affect your life so much that you gain the strength, confidence, and energy to break down any wall you come across. Here is an example. Recently, I began to figure out what I want to achieve in the remaining 100 days of the year, and came up with the following:

one . Personal selling.

2. Personal income.

3 . Pay the debt off.

four . Run 355 km and do 35 strength workouts.

5 . Meditate at least 50 times.

6. Take 14 days of guilt-free vacation by disconnecting from everything.

These were the most important goals. Note that they are all specific and measurable. I knew that I needed to reduce them to one and take it seriously. Strictly speaking, there is no right answer; none of them were better or worse than the others. Deciding where the main effort would bring the most return was entirely up to me. Guess which one I chose? Sales. The figure itself would not tell you anything, but I will describe my line of reasoning. By fulfilling the sales plan, I would thereby receive income and ensure the repayment of the debt. Achieving my goals would also allow me to find time for vacations. And what is the connection with training and meditation? I knew that maintaining physical, mental and spiritual health would give me the energy I needed. So all these goals are interconnected.

If the main efforts are directed to a key goal, the subconscious mind actually takes on all these goals and the likelihood of achieving them increases significantly. Do you understand? Your next step is to do this with your goals: determine which one is the key to the rest. If you haven't selected it yet, then choose slowly. Make sure you are confident in your key goal before moving on.

Confirm the reason

Now that you have one goal to focus on, it's time to answer the most important question: why? Why is it important for you to achieve it? Intuition may provide the answer. Sometimes the stars align in such a way that it dawns on you. You say to yourself: “I don’t need unnecessary reasoning. I have never felt such enthusiasm, I am eager to fight!” If so, great! Just write down your thoughts as a guide. If insight does not occur, try to stimulate your thinking with questions such as:

Why do I want to achieve this?

What will give me the achievement of this goal?

How will I feel when I realize this goal? Self confidence? Delight? Appeasement? Inspiration? Strength?

How will achieving this goal help me become a better or stronger person? What do I need to grow into?

What else can I do with this result?

There are no wrong answers to the “why” question, and the more you have, the better.

Visualize Goals

To focus and "tune" your mind, you need to visualize goals. So far, all your activities have been related to making plans. Most don't even get to this stage when thinking about their goals, so you're already in the lead. But there is still a lot you can do to speed up the process. Your subconscious mind is billions of times more powerful than your conscious mind. It thinks and works in many different ways. As we have said, one important key to the subconscious mind is to understand that it operates with images. The conscious mind manages coherent, linear thoughts that go one after another (which even sound like sentences in your mind), while the subconscious mind, in fact, just sees the pictures and stubbornly strives for them.

Take advantage of this: let your brain have something to look at! Give him images to work with. Sometimes I suggest that clients store images in a notebook or folder. Sometimes - create a dream board and hang it in the workplace to see all the images at once. Many of my clients place images of their goals on cards along with affirmations. There are many ways to visualize your goals. Experiment and choose what suits you best.

Create supporting rituals

You don't have to sing hymns or sacrifice a lamb. To create a ritual, you will consciously build some kind of automatic behavior that will become a binding to your goals. This is not just a trick I made up. Here are three books that have convincingly proved its benefits to me:

The first two books helped me understand the science behind habits, and the third helped me put together a step-by-step program that is now bringing great benefits to me and my clients. Do you know that most of your thoughts have become a habit? Dr. Deepak Chopra states that over 99% of the thoughts we have today are repeats of yesterday, and 99% of tomorrow will be repeats of today. Actions are determined by thoughts, and many of them - at work, in relation to health, finances - are performed by force of habit. They are brought to automatism. Remember what you do in the morning from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to work: how often does one morning look like another? You put your feet on the floor, get up unsteadily, brush your teeth, shower, drink coffee, get dressed, have breakfast (maybe), drink coffee again, check email, drink coffee again, wake up the kids, make them breakfast, drink coffee again and leave. .

Track your morning activities for several days, and you may be surprised how similar one day is to another. So, you already have automatic behaviors; I advise you to perform them consciously for a while, and then replace them with new ones. There are two periods during the day when this will need to be done.

The first is as soon as you wake up in the morning. The first hour - or rather, the first few minutes - is a very good time to program your brain for success. At this time, it passes from sleep to wakefulness, and its waves are configured in such a way that your subconscious mind is exceptionally receptive to the "thought seeds" that you sow. Have you noticed how the first minutes after waking up can set the tone for the whole day? Have you ever gotten up on the wrong foot? Pay attention and you'll begin to see practical connections between an effective start in the morning and your results throughout the day.

Most miss this opportunity: in the morning we are either nervous for various reasons, or we move in a fog, not fully understanding what is happening. And many successful people purposefully use the start of the day to set their minds to focus on their dreams and goals.

The second time you need to program yourself is in the last few minutes of your day. They are important for much the same reasons as the first hour of being awake: it is a transitional phase for the brain. During the last hour before bed, find an opportunity to visualize your goals and some affirmations one more time, and then express your gratitude for all the good things that happened that day.

» How to achieve your goal

Secret technologies for success

How to achieve your goals.
Fundamentals of the psychology of success

In life, it often happens that you need to do something important. You realize the importance of the matter, but you lack the desire and energy to work. As psychologists say, you have low motivation for activity. Motivation is closely related to other psychological processes: perception, thinking, attitude towards oneself. Changing the perception of certain objects, forming a new style of thinking, we develop a new attitude towards our activities. When a person begins to think differently, he begins to act differently. By accustoming yourself to new thinking (perceiving yourself and your activity differently), you thereby change your motivation for activity. There are several technologies that allow you to achieve high motivation with minimal effort.

Relive good memories

A graduate of the university, Sergei decided to find a decent job. To begin with, he chose the easiest way to search - to find suitable job advertisements in the press and call the phone numbers indicated there. In addition, he decided to call all the recruiting agencies found in the telephone directory. Having prepared his resume, yesterday's student set to work. But very soon, after several unsuccessful calls, Sergey completely lost interest in activities (since telephone conversations “did not stick”). There was depression, a feeling of helplessness, fear of new phone calls. He began to look for reasons and excuses not to call the phone number indicated in the ad, every day he postponed calls to recruitment agencies “for tomorrow”, etc.

The following psychological technique can help Sergei. It's called "Reviving Good Memories"

  1. Think back to a time in your life when you did something well. What exactly and why was it so easy for you then? Why are you unable to do something today?
  2. Recall a specific successful episode and try to relive it in detail. Then relive fond memories from other episodes. What were your feelings then? What is stopping you from feeling similar feelings now?
  3. Try to evoke those feelings now and get carried away with something. Transfer these feelings from the past to the activity that you need to do now. Link inspiration from past successes to your goals today.
  4. Write down your impressions, feelings, reasoning. Write a self-hypnosis text that you can reread and keep yourself motivated in the future.

As soon as Sergei remembered his successes in the past (victory at the school olympiad, academic success at the university, a successful deal that recently brought a good income), he felt better. Longing and disappointment decreased, he felt a surge of energy, inspiration, self-confidence. Then he took a piece of paper and wrote down the following sayings:

No one is defeated until he admits he has been defeated.
Faith in success, great desire, perseverance are the components of success.
I believe in myself.
I know exactly what I want to achieve.
I won't give up on the first failure.
I will turn failure into victory.
I will definitely succeed.
Readiness for success is the main secret of its achievement.
I will do everything I have in mind.
Success depends on my efforts and desire to achieve it.
Success comes to those who strive for it.
Nothing will affect my dream.

Change your attitude towards mistakes.

It is very important to be positive (with a positive attitude) about possible mistakes. This maintains motivation at the appropriate level, encourages you to work on your shortcomings and weaknesses. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Despite the banality of this saying, many people are terrified of possible failures. Most often, the reason lies in early childhood - too harsh and authoritarian parents who severely punished the slightest childish prank and suppressed any initiative of the child.

Over the years, children's fear of parents can be transformed into a fear of punishment from higher authorities. Especially if you come across a boss "from childhood", very similar to parents from childhood memories - cruel and authoritarian. Constantly fearing to make a mistake, such a person becomes passive, completely loses creative initiative in his professional activities. At the same time, really active people make more mistakes, but they succeed much more often than passive people. It is no coincidence that many foreign companies financially encourage their employees even for those creative ideas that “failed”. This attitude keeps people highly motivated and eager to constantly experiment and think outside the box.

Mistakes and failures should not be afraid; they need to be worked on, as they are very useful as a material for self-improvement and a stimulus to activity.

  1. Reflect and write down your statements that express a positive attitude towards failures and mistakes and the prospect of overcoming them. You can use these sayings to support your motivation.
  2. Carefully analyze a setback that you experienced recently (or sometime before). Think about ways to overcome them. Determine which skills and abilities you have are underdeveloped and need to be improved. Reflect on the methods you will use as you work to develop certain skills and abilities.
  3. Come up with several mottos that would help you respond positively to your own failures and mistakes. For example: “Mistakes are great! Now I know what to work on."

Working on his mistakes, Sergey wrote:

  1. 1. Failures and mistakes are good science for those who want to improve. Lots of bad phone calls? This is no longer scary, because there is something to work on.
  2. 2. Mistakes are helpful for my development. Now I know how to talk on the phone, how to build a conversation in order to effectively introduce myself to potential employers. I also know what I need to improve.
  3. Let the previous attempt was unsuccessful, but it taught me a lot. I won't allow it in the future. I am sure that having accumulated the experience of previous mistakes, I will definitely achieve success.
  4. I am fully prepared for the fact that out of 30 phone calls there will be only one successful. And the faster I get 30 failures, the sooner I get to my success.

With renewed vigor, Sergei began to look for work. However, he did not have to score 30 failures. Of the 24 phone calls, 6 turned out to be successful - in 6 places they became interested in him and invited for an interview. In the future, out of these six in 2 places, Sergei was offered to sign a contract. Another lucrative offer came from a recruitment agency, where he nevertheless applied. After some thought, he chose the most suitable option. So Sergei managed to overcome himself and won.

Create a situation of success.

Julia (a first-year student) set herself the goal of mastering the English language perfectly. After studying for about a month, she abandoned her studies. Realizing the need for systematic studies, she was no longer able to organize herself for daily work. She attributed the failure to her allegedly poor language skills, as well as insufficient willpower.

To perfectly learn a foreign language, you need to work long and hard, more than one year. And in order to keep track of your achievements today, you need to find criteria by which it would be possible to determine even a slight progress towards the goal, even barely noticeable improvements. When the overall goal is not specified, when specific intermediate tasks are not scheduled, it is very difficult to fix the changes. Imagine a person studying English hard for a whole month. A lot of energy has already been expended. Fatigue has accumulated. And the desired goal (knowledge of the language) is still far away. As a result, he drops his hands. After all, a person has set a goal for himself - to travel 5000 km, and as soon as possible, but so far he has only covered 20. Against the background of the goal set, his current achievements are more than modest. They are practically invisible, no progress is noticeable. As a result, a person experiences nothing but longing and disappointment.

But when he focuses his attention not on the final goal, but on intermediate tasks, then it's a completely different matter. Then life becomes more fun and work is much easier. Suppose a person has set himself an intermediate goal - today you need to walk five kilometers. Five more tomorrow. The day after tomorrow - more. Walked 5 km today - well done, get some candy. The intermediate goal has been reached. The next day I walked another 5 km - already twice well done, the day after tomorrow - already three times, etc. The amount of achievements and successes is gradually accumulated. And along with it, self-esteem and the desire to achieve more grow. And this positive baggage stimulates to work further and not stop halfway.

Not even big success has a significant motivating effect, inspires activity. Therefore, it is very important to create a situation of success for yourself. If you have planned the stages of achieving the goal, then this may be the achievement of the first of them. Anything that you have planned and already accomplished can and should be experienced as a great success.

The “secret technology” for creating a situation of success might be:

  1. A person is able to induce to activity not only others, but also himself. When there is no desire to work (but you are aware of the importance of the matter), communication with yourself, persuasion or a request addressed to yourself, help overcome the difficulties of self-organization. Find the best motivation techniques that suit your personality more than others. Write down some self-motivations. What form they will be - sincere requests, peremptory orders, logical arguments, emotional appeals or rude curses - depends on you. Choose from them the best.
  2. Break down your end goal into a series of specific milestones and recognize the importance of achieving each one. Set as many specific (and realistic) goals as you can and strive to achieve them. List specific steps to achieve the goal.
  3. Plan how to achieve a specific goal (or a specific stage of achieving it). The goal should be chosen of medium difficulty, since the achievement of easy goals will not be experienced as success, and the achievement of too difficult ones will require a lot of time and effort, and often is simply impossible. What goal would you like to achieve?
  4. Determine quantitative or qualitative indicators by which you could record even minor positive changes in your work. For example, in sports, an improvement in performance even by thousandths already stimulates the athlete, because it indicates progress. In the study of languages, such a criterion may be an increase in active vocabulary, etc.
  5. Make every effort to successfully complete the task, achieve at least one of your goals. Have you achieved this specific goal? What difficulties did you have to overcome?
  6. Remember to praise yourself for having achieved even a small success (“What a great fellow I am!”). Positive emotions associated with achieving success are very important. "Reward" yourself with something. What prize have you prepared for yourself?

And what about our Julia?

Later, having taken up the matter seriously, the girl began to convince and ask herself: “Julia, I beg you, stop messing around! Take care of your mind, you are capable and so smart! I beg you, work on your English every day! You know that only systematic studies will bring results. You are a good fellow and you can always find at least an hour for this important matter. You are a real beauty, and others will like you even more when you master English.

She then developed a system of milestones that allowed her to monitor her progress in learning English. Thus, the student was able to overcome her difficulties in self-organization and henceforth daily (and not sporadically, as it was before) worked on improving the foreign language.

Continuing the theme :

© Prepared by: Viktor Bodalev, 2004

Good day to all visitors to the blog site. How often did it happen to you that plans collapse, and the most cherished dreams never come true? To understand how to achieve your goal, you should deal not only with the circumstances that prevent you from doing this. First of all, you need to find out what it is. A goal is a conscious result of our activity, a certain planned model that determines our behavior. This is what we are striving to achieve. It motivates us to action and is the main engine of progress and personal growth. In this article, we will look at the reasons why you cannot realize your plans, as well as the main recommendations that will help you always achieve what you want.

What is stopping us from achieving our goals?

One of the main factors that prevent us from getting what we want is the inability to clearly articulate our goal. Many people ask themselves a dream like "I want to have an expensive car" or "I want to buy an apartment." This is the wrong goal setting, which can become a serious obstacle to implementation. Set clear parameters, for example, “I want to have a gray Audi A9 in such and such a year” or “I want to buy a three-room apartment in a new building in such and such a district.” It is the correct wording that will allow you to achieve your goals quickly and smoothly.

However, there are other important factors preventing us from realizing our aspirations. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Fear of success. Many people successfully take steps towards their goal, but at the very end they give up and necessarily turn off the path. This can all happen completely unconsciously. Any success is usually associated with responsibility and making serious decisions, and insecure people are afraid of this.
  2. Fear of failure. A person who received a lot of criticism and little praise in childhood, in adulthood adheres to the rule "it is better to do nothing than to be condemned." Such people are more likely to observe the success of others than to set goals on their own and do everything possible to achieve them.
  3. Goal conflict or blurring. To achieve what you want, you should set 2-3 specific goals and move in their direction. Too many of them will lead to spraying and inability to concentrate on one thing. In addition, any person may have a conflict of goals (in this case, conscious and unconscious may participate in their setting). A striking example is the common desires "I want a lot of money" and "I want to have a lot of rest." To understand this, it is worth making a list of your plans, identifying contradictions and eliminating them. It is important to be able to correctly prioritize in order to formulate specific goals.
  4. comparison. People who constantly compare themselves with more successful people will never be able to achieve their goals. Thus, a person devalues ​​his own achievements and develops an inferiority complex in himself, which becomes a significant obstacle to achieving the desired.
  5. Loss of motivation. If at some point you notice that you are tired and you no longer have the strength to realize your dream, do some soul-searching. Find out what you are spending most of your life energy. It can be failed relationships, conflicts, etc. Find something that will inspire and motivate you.

All of the above are some kind of psychological barriers that prevent us from moving in the direction of our goal and realizing ourselves. If you become aware of these factors and begin to eradicate them, then you will soon see that it has become much easier to achieve what you want.

How to choose the right target?

In addition to the correct wording, which was mentioned above, it is also important that the goal is yours, and not imposed by society, family, etc. Psychologists and sociologists distinguish the so-called socially imposed goals, which you want to achieve only because it is necessary, so right, it is fashionable or prestigious. But it is also important that this task gives you an irresistible desire to move forward and take action. If you have an inner conviction that this goal is yours, then this is already half the battle.

So, in order to constantly achieve your goals, it is important to follow some rules when setting them:

  • any goal should be as clearly and specifically formulated as possible;
  • time to achieve the desired should be limited to specific deadlines;
  • formulate desires so that the result can be easily assessed; if necessary, break one large goal into several small ones;
  • soberly assess the possible consequences of achieving your dreams and decide if you can bear them (for example, buying an expensive car will be accompanied by constant expenses for its maintenance).

What life principles should be followed?

To achieve the desired result, you should get rid of stereotypical thinking and introduce several important principles into your life, following which you can become a successful and purposeful person. Let's look at these principles in more detail.

Principle 1: Do not be afraid of difficulties.

As soon as you retreat from one obstacle, several others will appear behind it, which will prevent you from realizing your goal. When you overcome one problem with confidence, you will have new strength for other difficulties.

Principle 2 A: Don't be afraid to make decisions.

No one has the right to make a choice for you, so if you think you are doing the right thing, then just do it.

Principle 3: Believe in yourself.

To achieve your goal, it is important to always and under any circumstances believe in yourself and in your strengths. Do not doubt the goal and believe that it is up to you to achieve it.

Principle 4 A: Constantly develop.

Do not forget about self-development and self-improvement. If you have achieved the desired result, do not stop there. Set yourself new challenges and constantly develop.

Principle 5: Visualize your goals.

Don't be afraid to imagine yourself with a dream already realized. If you want to buy a car, imagine in great detail how you are driving this car, feel how your foot presses the gas pedal, etc. Many psychologists advise making a poster of goals for clarity and hanging it in the most visible place.

Develop in yourself the above life principles and you will be surprised how quickly your business will go up, and what you have planned will become easier to implement.

What personal qualities will help you achieve what you want?

In order for any attempts to succeed and make dreams come true, it is worth developing some personal qualities in yourself. These qualities should include:

  1. perseverance. Do not allow any people or circumstances from the outside to somehow influence your aspirations and prevent you from achieving what you want. You will only be able to achieve your goal when your perseverance and zeal forward become decisive, and the judgmental opinions of others will not be taken into account at all.
  2. Confidence. As mentioned above, you must be confident in yourself, in what you are doing, and in the goal that you have set for yourself. Drop all doubts and develop faith in yourself.
  3. Stress tolerance. In order not to “burn out” on the path to your dream and not lose all motivation, it is important to remain patient and resilient to any difficulties and problems that arise.
  4. Continuity. This quality means the ability and willingness to learn from someone else's experience, learn from someone else's mistakes and show interest in the achievements of other successful people.

If you cannot develop the necessary qualities in yourself, then attend various trainings or personal growth courses, communicate with successful people. Identify your weaknesses of character and do your best to turn them into strengths and develop the qualities necessary for success.

Tip 1. State your goal in a positive way. It should not contain the “Not” particles, since our subconscious will not perceive it, thus programming our behavior for erroneous actions and actions. For example, instead of saying "I want to quit smoking," say "I want to quit smoking."

Tip 2. To achieve your goals, always soberly analyze and evaluate your capabilities. Assess whether you have the necessary knowledge, skills, time, financial resources, etc. If something is missing, do everything possible to ensure that you have a full supply of resources on the way to success.

Tip 3. Identify all possible obstacles to achieving what you want and develop ways to eliminate them. Think ahead about what or who can interfere with you and how you can avoid it.

Tip 4. Develop a specific algorithm of actions on the way to your dream. Make it look like a step-by-step instruction, mark each completed step and boldly move on to the next one.

Tip 5. Set deadlines not only for the goal itself, but for each step. To do this, analyze how much time it will take to complete a particular action. Be aware of the potential difficulties that may arise. This will help you act here and now, and not postpone the implementation of your goal until later.

Tip 6. Allocate your time wisely. Don't waste time on boring conversations or idleness. Do something useful that will help you not only achieve what you want, but also realize yourself as a person.

Tip 7. Keep an optimistic attitude. Focus solely on the positive: think not of poverty or unhappiness, but of wealth and prosperity.

Summing up, I would like to say: do not think about how to achieve your goals, but take it and achieve them! Engage in self-development and boldly step forward towards your dreams and realized desires!