Causes and symptoms of peripheral (lateral) vision disorders. How to develop peripheral vision for a motorcyclist and why

It is also useful to practice the same exercise in non-letters, especially if the eye is already accustomed to numbers. You can read more about this exercise in a separate article Search for letters.

Schulte tables

Game "Visual Geometry"

"Visual geometry" - the exercise will help speed up the course of your thoughts, increase memorability and memory. With each level the game becomes more difficult. beautiful brain development game. How many levels can you pass?

Game "Mathematical Comparisons"

I present a wonderful game "Math Comparisons" with which you can relax your body and tense your brain. The screenshot shows an example of this game, in which there will be a question related to the picture, and you will have to answer. Time is limited. How many times can you answer?

Game "Find a Pair"

In this game, you will need such skills as the ability to search for the right objects among others, speed of thought, reaction, comparison skill, search skill. And the game, in turn, will help develop these skills to a higher level. Excellent brain development game, like all the other exercises from this site. Register and grow with us!

Game "Guess the operation"

This is one of the best brain training exercises, because you will need to insert the correct math symbols to get the correct result. The presented exercise will help you develop mental counting, logic and speed of thought. With almost every correct answer, the difficulty increases.

Piggy bank game

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In this article, I talked about peripheral vision, how to train it, analyzed exercises for training peripheral vision and told how to train it most effectively. I wish you good luck in mastering the skill of speed reading and development of peripheral vision!

Most of our knowledge comes from the eyes. For example, when reading, watching TV and observing the world around. Some of the pictures that fall into the field of view are our peripheral vision. Let's try to figure out what this term hides and why we need to know about it.

This term refers to lateral vision, carried out by the peripheral zones of the retina of the eye. Rays from objects falling on them make it possible to detect an object and determine its properties. Peripheral vision is characterized by lower visual acuity compared to central vision: the farther the object is from the center of focus, the more blurry it looks and the worse the color discrimination.

The highest level of discrimination is characteristic of white, the rest differ to a lesser extent. Another peripheral visual field is necessary for the orientation of a person in space and the ability to see in the dark. With its help, weak light and the movement of objects in space are distinguished, but their colors and shapes are not distinguished.

The lateral view is characterized by greater sensitivity to flickering objects, a high criticality of the flicker fusion frequency at the periphery of the retina compared to the center. The boundaries of peripheral fields are measured by a special device called the perimeter.

A wide field of peripheral vision ensures the speed of reading and searching for informative parts of the text.

By the way, in most animals and birds, the side view is much wider than the human one. Scientists have found that animals that detect the approach of danger or prey through visual abilities have evolved panoramic vision. Therefore, their optical axes of the eyes are directed in different directions and their lateral view is quite extensive. They see well objects located on the sides and even behind their body, and the visual fields of their eyes, when summed, can make a viewing angle of up to 360 °!

How to find out the width of your visual field?

This is quite simple - we fix our eyes on some object, for example, standing on a table. It will be visible clearly and distinctly. Without looking away from him, we mark objects located on the right and left sides of him, below and above. They will no longer be visible as clearly as the main subject. In this case, everything that is located around the object should enter the field of normal peripheral vision. The viewing angle of space with both eyes will be approximately 180 ° horizontally.

Another way to check peripheral vision: we take a small flashlight or a white pencil in each hand. We spread our arms in different directions and, without moving our heads, we fix our gaze straight ahead. If both objects are visible, then this indicates a developed lateral vision. True, more often this is inherent in athletes - football players, basketball players and others. If the objects are not visible, then slightly move the hands forward. Within the normal range, a displacement of no more than 15 ° is considered. If after displacement they are not visible, then you need to see a doctor.

Violation of peripheral vision may indicate a lack of vitamins, diseases of the retina, lesions of the tissues of the optic nerve and the central nervous system.

Medical eye perimetry

Peripheral vision is explored by determining the visual field - the space visible to the eye in its stationary state. For this, a perimeter is usually used. It is a black graduated arc, the size of which is equal to half a circle rotating around its axis.

The study itself goes like this: a bandage is applied to one eye of a person, the chin is placed on a stand. With the other eye, he should fix his gaze on the white circle located in the center of the arc. A dark stick with a white tip 1-10 mm in size moves along it from the periphery to the central part. A person, looking at a white circle, must say when the white tip becomes visible to him.

The meridian, in which this will be fixed, means the border of the visual field. Further, the data is plotted on a diagram, where the distance from the center to the position of the arc in which vision was examined is determined. In the same way, the boundaries of the visibility of other colors are determined. After that, the presence of a loss of visual fields is determined, indicating an eye disease.

There is also computer diagnostics that allows automatic perimetry. A person fixes his gaze on stationary objects located on the monitor. Their brightness and size are changed by the program chosen by the specialist. These studies are recorded by sensors, then the information received is processed and issued in the form of a printout with the designation of visual boundaries and areas that fall out of them.

An ophthalmologist can prescribe the above studies based on an initial check. This is not a very accurate method, similar in principle to self-checking. The only difference is that the doctor's peripheral vision will be considered normal. He is located opposite the patient and, alternately closing his and his eyes, introduces a well-visible object into the periphery of the visual field. The moment when it will be visible to the doctor and the patient is compared and, based on the differences, the narrowing of the visual fields in the person being examined is judged.

The focus of attention can be expanded with the help of exercises - videos.

The results of perimetry are of great importance for the timely detection of eye diseases such as glaucoma, optic neuropathy, tumors of various etiologies. Therefore, it is necessary to check your peripheral vision from time to time and, if necessary, seek help from a medical institution.

Have you done this simple experiment? What are your results? We are waiting for your answer in the comments to the article and we hope that everything is in order! If the article was interesting and useful to you, do not forget to write about it!

Not many people know what peripheral vision is. The periphery is the outskirts, the outer part of something, opposed to the center. That is, in simple words, peripheral vision can still be called lateral. Thanks to peripheral vision, people can perceive the outlines of objects, their shape, colors and brightness.

In some cases, visual impairment occurs. Moreover, even if a person has excellent central vision. Therefore, from childhood it is very important to pay attention to exercises that help develop a side gaze.

Interesting! The peripheral view has a low resolution, picking up only black and white shades. In the fair sex, this ability to see is much more developed than in men. This means that women observe objects on the sides better.

Peripheral vision is visual perception, for which a certain area of ​​​​the retina is responsible. It helps a person to coordinate in the world around him, to see in the twilight and dark hours of the day. Lateral vision is the ability to perceive objects that are on the sides of a direct view.

Features of lateral visual acuity:

  • Lateral visual acuity is less than central visual acuity.
  • Side view does not always have a certain level, which is given to a person from birth. This perception can be trained and developed through some exercises.
  • Peripheral vision is very important for some professions.

Violation of the lateral view indicates the development and presence of some ophthalmic pathologies. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor for an eye examination. Examine the periphery of the retina using a special device - the perimeter. The examination helps to identify diseases of the eyes, brain and determine the treatment regimen.

If the peripheral view disappears for some reason, even with normal central vision, the person will not be able to move independently. Simply, he will stumble on objects, will not be able to see large objects.

Scientists have proven that the representatives of the stronger sex have a more developed central view, while women have a peripheral one. This directly depends on the nature of the activities of women and men in antiquity.

Men hunted in ancient times. This lesson required a clear focus on a specific object. Women had a different task - they followed the dwelling. In ancient times there were no doors or windows. Snakes, insects could get into housing without problems. Women noticed even the most inconspicuous changes. Over the centuries, the ability of men to see objects better with central vision, and women - with the periphery, has developed at the genetic level.

According to statistics, women are much less likely to get into accidents associated with a side impact of a car. And they knock down women on the roads much less often precisely because of the developed peripheral vision. But unfortunately, there are also disadvantages for women. It is very difficult for ladies to park in parallel parking because of the central gaze that is not developed like that of men.

visual impairment

The main task of the peripheral view is the orientation of a person in space.

If retinal injuries, brain diseases, and other factors occur, the peripheral view is significantly reduced. Moreover, such a pathology can affect both one eye and both at once. A person sees objects as in a tunnel ().

Reasons why peripheral vision may decrease:

  1. Glaucoma. With this pathology, intraocular pressure increases significantly. As a result, the optic nerves are damaged, the field of view narrows. At the initial stage, small loss of the periphery is observed. With untimely treatment, an irreversible narrowing of the boundaries of the review occurs. Running stages lead to an absolute narrowing of the field of view. This condition entails loss of vision without the possibility of recovery.
  2. Retinal damage. It occurs against the background of stressful situations, a jump in blood pressure, sudden physical exertion, injuries and head injuries, and some diseases. In such conditions, damage to the optic nerve is observed with all the ensuing consequences. Peripheral vision is impaired.
  3. Impaired blood circulation of the optic nerves, brain.
  4. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  5. Traumatic brain injury.
  6. Strokes.
  7. Detachment, stratification, dystrophy, retinal degeneration.
  8. A significant decrease in lateral vision occurs after 60 years.

Is it possible to develop a side view

It should be noted that the review on the sides is not only possible, but also needs to be developed. What is the training for? First of all, it will help increase the efficiency of the brain.

And of course, a person will be better oriented in space. Another positive point from the developed peripheral vision is the skill of speed reading. A developed side view is also important for motorists, people involved in professional sports, police, military, and even teachers and educators. After all, children always need an “eye for an eye”. With some exercises, you can develop the ability to see on the sides. Training does not take much time, it should be done regularly.

  • Fix the gaze on a specific object, which should be opposite the eyes. Try to see objects without moving the pupils on either side of the main object.
  • Pick up a felt-tip pen and select an object on the wall. It must be at least three meters away from the person. Then gradually spread the felt-tip pens in different directions. Image splitting occurs. You need to move the felt-tip pens, continue to fix your eyes on the subject.
  • You will need images with large characters, these can be numbers, letters. Sit on a chair, place the images side by side, alternately raise them so that they are in the field of the periphery. At the same time, you need to try to distinguish what is depicted on them. Gradually increase the viewing angle. When a person can distinguish between images, you can move on to the next stage of training - draw symbols smaller in size, and conduct classes.
  • Fix an object in front of your eyes. Looking at it, select another object, fix it with a side view. Then another object. Training should continue until a person can fix 7-9 objects. This exercise helps to improve the side view very quickly.
  • Walking in the fresh air, try to focus on the flaws of the earth, while looking forward.
  • Stand near the window and fix your eyes on the object that is on the street, without moving the pupils, name the objects that are near the chosen point.
  • Open a book, choose a certain word and focus on it. Try to read the words that are nearby.
  • In a newspaper narrow column, draw a bright vertical line in the central part of the article. You need to look at the bright line. Try to read the words that are in the field of the periphery.

Diagnosis and treatment

Changes in peripheral vision are determined using specialized equipment. The person is invited to sit on a chair, which is located at a distance of one meter from the ophthalmologist. One by one, the person closes his eyes. The doctor moves an object until the subject sees it.

Also, the study is carried out using the perimeter (specialized equipment):

  • During the examination on this equipment, a person is asked to fix with his eyes a small pendulum in the central part of the equipment.
  • The side view will be determined by the luminous pendulums, which are located in different areas of the review. This takes into account the number of points, brightness.
  • After computer processing, the doctor receives the results, which determine the severity and quality of peripheral vision.

There is no such thing as "treatment of lateral vision", because the violation is not an independent pathology and occurs only against the background of any secondary diseases.

Moreover, very often violations are detected at the appointment of a neurologist. The main thing is to identify the cause of the changes in time and prescribe adequate treatment. If therapy is performed in a timely manner, then the lateral view will be restored. The exercises will help with this.

Thanks to the eyes, these amazing organs, we have a unique opportunity - to see everything around us, to look at things far and near, to navigate in the dark, to navigate in space, to move in it quickly and easily.

Our vision makes our life richer, more informative, more active. Therefore, it is so important for a person to solve all the problems that arise with the eyes in a timely manner, because even the slightest chance to stop seeing this beautiful world is frightening.

The eyes are a window to the world, it is a reflection of the state of our soul, it is a repository of mysteries and secrets.

In this article, we will pay special attention to central and peripheral vision.

What are their differences? How is their quality determined? What are the differences between peripheral and central vision in humans and animals, and how do animals see in general? And how to improve peripheral vision...

This and much more will be discussed in this article.

Central and peripheral vision. Interesting information.

First, about central vision.

It is the most important element of human visual function.

It received such a name, because. provided by the central portion of the retina and the fovea. It gives a person the opportunity to distinguish the shapes and small details of objects, therefore its second name is shaped vision.

Even if it slightly decreases, a person will immediately feel it.

The main characteristic of central vision is visual acuity.

Her research is of great importance in assessing the entire human visual apparatus, in order to track a variety of pathological processes in the organs of vision.

Visual acuity is understood as the ability of the human eye to distinguish two points in space located close to each other, at a certain distance from the person.

We also pay attention to such a concept as the angle of view, which is the angle formed between the two extreme points of the object under consideration and the nodal point of the eye.

It turns out that the larger the angle of view, the lower its sharpness.

Now about peripheral vision.

It provides a person's orientation in space, makes it possible to see in the dark and twilight.

How to understand what is central and what is peripheral vision?

Turn your head to the right, catch an object with your eyes, for example, a picture on the wall, and fix your eyes on any of its individual elements. You see him well, clearly, don't you?

This is due to central vision. But besides this object, which you see so well, a large number of different things also come into view. This is, for example, a door to another room, a closet that stands next to the picture you have chosen, a dog sitting on the floor a little further away. You see all these objects indistinctly, but, nevertheless, you see, you have the ability to catch their movement and react to it.

This is what peripheral vision is.

Both eyes of a person, without moving, are able to cover 180 degrees along the horizontal meridian and a little less - somewhere around 130 degrees along the vertical.

As we have already noticed, the acuity of peripheral vision is less in comparison with the central one. This is because the number of cones, from the center to the peripheral parts of the retina, is significantly reduced.

Peripheral vision is characterized by the so-called field of view.

This is the space that is perceived by a fixed gaze.

Peripheral vision is invaluable to humans.

It is thanks to him that free habitual movement in the space surrounding a person, orientation in the environment around us is possible.

If peripheral vision is lost for some reason, then even with full preservation of central vision, the individual cannot move independently, he will stumble upon every object in his path, and the ability to look at large objects will be lost.

What is good vision?

Now consider the following questions: how the quality of central and peripheral vision is measured, as well as what indicators are considered normal.

First, about central vision.

We are used to the fact that if a person sees well, they say about him "one in both eyes."

What does it mean? That each eye separately can distinguish in space two closely spaced points that give an image on the retina at an angle of one minute. So it turns out a unit for both eyes.

By the way, this is just the bottom line. There are people who have vision 1,2, 2 or more.

We most often use the Golovin-Sivtsev table to determine visual acuity, the same one where the well-known letters Sh B flaunt in the upper part. A person sits down in front of the table at a distance of 5 meters and alternately closes the right, then the left eye. The doctor points to the letters in the table, and the patient says them aloud.

The vision of a person who sees the tenth line with one eye is considered normal.

Peripheral vision.

It is characterized by the field of view. Its change is an early, and sometimes the only sign of some eye ailments.

The dynamics of changes in the visual field allows you to assess the course of the disease, as well as the effectiveness of its treatment. In addition, due to the study of this parameter, atypical processes in the brain are revealed.

The study of the visual field is the definition of its boundaries, the identification of defects in visual function within them.

Various methods are used to achieve these goals.

The simplest of them is the control one.

Allows you to quickly, literally in a few minutes, without the use of any devices, determine the field of view of a person.

The essence of this method is the comparison of the physician's peripheral vision (which should be normal) with the patient's peripheral vision.

It looks like this. The doctor and the patient sit opposite each other at a distance of one meter, each of them closes one eye (opposite eyes are closed), and the open eyes act as a fixation point. Then the doctor begins to slowly move his hand, which is on the side, outside the field of view, and gradually bring it closer to the center of the field of view. The patient must indicate the moment when he sees her. The study is repeated from all sides.

This method only roughly assesses a person's peripheral vision.

There are more complex methods that give deep results, such as campimetry and perimetry.

The boundaries of the field of view may vary from person to person, depending, among other things, on the level of intelligence, structural features of the patient's face.

Normal indicators for white are as follows: up - 50o, outward - 90o, up outward - 70o, up inwards - 60o, down outward - 90o, down - 60o, down inward - 50o, inwards - 50o.

Color perception in central and peripheral vision.

It has been experimentally established that human eyes can distinguish up to 150,000 shades and color tones.

This ability has an impact on various aspects of human life.

Color vision enriches the picture of the world, gives the individual more useful information, and influences his psychophysical state.

Colors are actively used everywhere - in painting, industry, in scientific research ...

The so-called cones, light-sensitive cells that are in the human eye, are responsible for color vision. But the rods are already responsible for night vision. There are three types of cones in the retina of the eye, each of which is most sensitive to the blue, green and red parts of the spectrum.

Of course, the picture that we get through the central vision is better saturated with colors compared to the result of peripheral vision. Peripheral vision is better at picking up brighter colors, red, for example, or black.

Women and men, it turns out, see differently!

Interestingly, women and men see things a little differently.

Due to certain differences in the structure of the eyes, the fair sex is able to distinguish more colors and shades than the strong part of humanity.

In addition, scientists have proven that men have better developed central vision, while women have better peripheral vision.

This is explained by the nature of the activities of people of different sexes in ancient times.

Men went hunting, where it was important to clearly concentrate on one object, to see nothing but it. And women followed the housing, they had to quickly notice the slightest changes, violations of the usual course of everyday life (for example, quickly notice a snake crawling into a cave).

There is statistical evidence for this assertion. For example, in 1997, in the UK, 4132 children were injured in road accidents, of which 60% were boys and 40% were girls.

In addition, insurance companies note that women are much less likely than men to get into car accidents that involve side impacts at intersections. But parallel parking is more difficult for beautiful ladies.

Also, women see better in the dark, in a close wide field they notice more fine details when compared with men.

At the same time, the eyes of the latter are well adapted to tracking an object at a long distance.

If we take into account other physiological characteristics of women and men, the following advice will be formed - during a long trip it is best to alternate as follows - give a woman a day, and a man a night.

And some more interesting facts.

In beautiful ladies, the eyes get tired more slowly than in men.

In addition, women's eyes are better suited for observing objects at close range, so they, for example, can thread the eye of a needle much faster and more dexterously than men.

People, animals and their vision.

Since childhood, people have been occupied with the question - how do animals see, our beloved cats and dogs, birds soaring in the heights, creatures swimming in the sea?

Scientists have been studying the structure of the eyes of birds, animals and fish for a long time so that we can finally find out the answers that interest us.

Let's start with our favorite pets - dogs and cats.

The way they see the world is significantly different from how a person sees the world. This happens for several reasons.


Visual acuity in these animals is much lower than in humans. A dog, for example, has a vision of about 0.3, and cats generally 0.1. At the same time, these animals have an incredibly wide field of view, much wider than that of humans.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: the eyes of animals are maximally adapted for panoramic vision.

This is due to both the structure of the retina and the anatomical location of the organs.


Animals see much better than humans in the dark.

It is also interesting that dogs and cats see even better at night than during the day. All thanks to the special structure of the retina, the presence of a special reflective layer.


Our pets, unlike humans, are better at distinguishing moving than static objects.

At the same time, animals have a unique ability to determine the distance at which this or that object is located.


There are differences in the perception of colors. And this despite the fact that the structure of the cornea and lens in animals and humans is practically the same.

Humans can see more colors than dogs and cats.

And this is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the eyes. For example, in the eyes of a dog there are fewer "cones" responsible for color perception than in humans. Therefore, they distinguish colors less.

Previously, there was generally a theory that the vision of animals, cats and dogs, is black and white.

This is if we talk about the differences in the human vision of pets.

Now about other animals and birds.

Monkeys, for example, see three times better than humans.

Eagles, vultures, falcons have extraordinary visual acuity. The latter can well consider a target up to 10 cm in size, at a distance of about 1.5 km. And the vulture is able to distinguish between small rodents that are 5 km away from it.

The record holder in panoramic vision is the woodcock. It's almost circular!

But for all of us, the familiar dove has a viewing angle of approximately 340 degrees.

Deep-sea fish can see well in absolute darkness, seahorses and chameleons in general can look in different directions at the same time, and all because their eyes move independently of each other.

Here are some interesting facts.

How does our vision change in the course of life?

And how does our vision, both central and peripheral, change in the course of life? With what kind of vision are we born, and with what kind of vision do we come to old age? Let's pay attention to these issues.

In different periods of life, people have different visual acuity.

A person is born into the world, and it will be low for him. At the age of four months, the visual acuity of a child is approximately 0.06, by the year it grows to 0.1-0.3, and only by the age of five (in some cases up to 15 years is required) does vision become normal.

Over time, the situation is changing. This is due to the fact that the eyes, like any other organs, undergo certain age-related changes, their activity gradually decreases.

It is believed that the deterioration of visual acuity is an inevitable or almost inevitable phenomenon in old age.

We highlight the following points.

* With age, the size of the pupils decreases due to the weakening of the muscles that are responsible for their regulation. As a result, the reaction of the pupils to the light flux worsens.

This means that the older a person gets, the more light they need for reading and other activities.

In addition, in old age, changes in the brightness of lighting are very painfully perceived.

* Also, with age, the eyes recognize colors worse, the contrast and brightness of the image decrease. This is a consequence of a decrease in the number of retinal cells that are responsible for the perception of colors, shades, contrast and brightness.

The surrounding world of an elderly person seems to fade, becomes dull.

What happens to peripheral vision?

It also gets worse with age - the side view worsens, the field of view narrows.

This is very important to know and take into account, especially for people who continue to lead an active lifestyle, drive a car, etc.

A significant deterioration in peripheral vision occurs after 65 years.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows.

A decrease in central and peripheral vision with age is normal, because the eyes, like any other organ of the human body, are subject to aging.

With poor eyesight, I can’t be ...

Many of us have known since childhood what we want to be in adulthood.

Someone dreamed of becoming a pilot, someone - a car mechanic, someone - a photographer.

Everyone would like to do exactly what they like in life - no more, no less. And what is the surprise and disappointment when, upon receiving a medical certificate for admission to a particular educational institution, it turns out that your long-awaited profession will not be yours, and all because of poor eyesight.

Some do not even think that it can become a real obstacle to the implementation of plans for the future.

So, let's see what professions require good vision.

It turns out they are not so few.

For example, it is visual acuity that is necessary for jewelers, watchmakers, people employed in precision small instrumentation in the electrical and radio engineering industries, in optical and mechanical production, as well as those with a typographical profession (this can be a compositor, spotter, etc.).

Undoubtedly, the vision of a photographer, a seamstress, a shoemaker should be sharp.

In all of the above cases, the quality of central vision is more important, but there are professions where peripheral vision also plays a role.

For example, an aircraft pilot. No one will argue that his peripheral vision should be on top, as well as central.

The driver profession is similar. Well-developed peripheral vision will allow you to avoid many dangerous and unpleasant situations, including emergency situations on the road.

In addition, auto mechanics must have excellent vision (both central and peripheral). This is one of the important requirements for candidates when applying for a job for this position.

Don't forget the athletes too. For example, in football players, hockey players, handball players, peripheral vision approaches the ideal.

There are also professions where it is very important to correctly distinguish colors (safety of color vision).

These are, for example, designers, seamstresses, shoemakers, workers in the radio engineering industry.

We train peripheral vision. A couple of exercises.

Surely you have heard about speed reading courses.

The organizers undertake to teach you to swallow books one by one in a couple of months and not for such a large amount of money, and remembering their content perfectly. So, the lion's share of the time in the courses is devoted to the development of peripheral vision. Subsequently, a person will not need to move his eyes along the lines in the book, he will immediately be able to see the entire page.

Therefore, if you set yourself the task of developing excellent peripheral vision in a short time, you can sign up for speed reading courses, and in the near future you will notice significant changes and improvements.

But not everyone wants to spend time on such events.

For those who want to improve their peripheral vision at home, in a calm environment, here are a few exercises.

Exercise number 1.

Stand near the window and fix your eyes on any object on the street. It could be a satellite dish on a neighbor's house, someone's balcony, or a playground slide.

Fixed? Now, without moving your eyes and head, name the objects that are near your chosen object.

Exercise number 2.

Open the book you are reading in this moment.

Choose a word on one of the pages and fix your eyes on it. Now, without moving your pupils, try to read the words around the one you fixed your eyes on.

Exercise number 3.

For it you will need a newspaper.

It is necessary to find the narrowest column in it, and then take a red pen and draw a straight thin line in the center of the column, from top to bottom. Now, glancing only at the red line, without turning the pupils to the right and left, try to read the contents of the column.

Don't worry if you can't do it the first time.

When you succeed with a narrow column, choose a wider one, and so on.

Soon you will be able to look at entire pages of books and magazines.

This page is made on Flash technologies.
The new version of the speed reading trainings is here:

The exercise reveals the reserves of vision for entering the state of speed reading (fast reading). It is easy to see that you can, without any training, distinguish between objects that are 100 pixels from the center of gaze concentration. Let yourself here and read or soon-read in groups of words. You already have all the possibilities for this. The only thing left is to start exercising and acquiring new habits.

This training develops peripheral vision, which is necessary when reading in a zigzag way and when reading diagonally. Also, well-developed peripheral vision helps to increase reading speed due to the fact that the reader grasps several words at once and finds information that requires careful reading, and skips garbage information.

Reading good books is like having a conversation with
the most respected people of past centuries -
their authors, and moreover, scientific conversation,
in which they reveal to us only
the best of your thoughts.

Description of the training for the development of speed reading skills

Click on the arrow in the lower right corner. Concentrate your eyes on the dot in the center of the screen and at the same time try to see all the numbers on the field. This can be achieved with a distracted look. See through the screen.

In the center of the screen you see a number. Count the number of digits of the same denomination on the circle and click on the corresponding number in the panel on the right. If you guessed correctly, the radius of the circle will increase, and a green circle will appear in the center of the circle. If you answered incorrectly, a red circle will appear, and the radius of the circle along which the numbers are floating will decrease.

How does training work on the perception of the number of digits.

Focus on the center of the screen. With peripheral vision, count how many numbers are spinning of the same value as in the center. Type a number on the keyboard. If everything is correct, the green circle will light up. If not correct, then red. Gradually, the circle narrows or expands depending on your progress.


Your field of view is much wider than you think. You can already now, without any training, read groups of words in one glance, or you can read the most important word in a line of text and thereby increase your reading speed.

Break the psychological barrier. Give yourself permission to read several words in one glance.

Online flash training for mastering the skill of speed reading

Schulte tables- randomly located numbers (or other objects) for training their speed finding objects in accordance with the rules. Tables are used for training, development of research, the rate of perception of information, the speed of visual search movements. Search movements are the basis of speed reading. Schulte tables allow you to increase the field of view. A wide field of view significantly reduces the detection time of informative text fragments.

How to make a Schulte table yourself

The Schulte table is a piece of paper on which a square with sides of 20 cm is depicted. The field of the square is divided into 25 cells, into which numbers fit in disorder.

A bit of physiology

    A wide field of view reduces the search for informative pieces of information.

    The maximum human vision zone is 35 degrees. The zone of clear vision is 14 degrees. The 100% vision area is 1.4 degrees.

    When the eye moves, the greatest visual acuity occurs in the central zone of the retina. Everything that lies outside the zone, on the periphery, is not clearly seen by a person. The field from which information is retrieved can be significantly expanded, for example, using .

With regular use of the Tables, peripheral vision is improved and this allows you to increase the speed of reading by covering a larger area of ​​the readable text, and by using the single-stage analysis mode of printed characters.

Rules for working with Schulte tables.

  • It is necessary to list the numbers in silent counting in ascending order. As a result of such training, the reading time of one table should be about 20 seconds.
  • The time and frequency of classes should be chosen so as not to get tired.
  • Before starting work with the table, the gaze is fixed in its center of the Schulte table in order to see the entire table.
  • When searching for successive numbers, it is allowed to fix the eyes in the center of the table. Horizontal eye movements are not allowed. The distance from the table to the eyes as usual.
  • When working with tables, remember that training is not an end in itself. The main thing is to expand the field of view.

How to choose the right reading material?

Be guided by the following principles when choosing literature:

  • Before reading, review the text and note how clear the author's language is.
  • Write down unfamiliar words. The more incomprehensible words there are, the slower the reading speed will be.
  • Pay attention to the examples given by the author.

If the choice of books is not large, then stick to the following reading algorithm:

  1. Look through the book from fifth to tenth.
  2. Postpone the text for a few days.
  3. Read the text in depth.
  4. Take notes in a notebook.

Read books with incomprehensible terminology in two passes. For the first time, you get acquainted with incomprehensible words. By reading a second time, you clean up and assimilate the material, while assimilating the structure of knowledge more fully.

But what if it is psychologically difficult to convince yourself to read the book a second time?

Choose 3-5 books in the area you need and quickly read them sequentially. Such a reading algorithm will overcome the psychological barrier of "re-reading".

How do outside stimuli affect brain function?

If you are an "audilist" - then you perceive information through sound channels, extraneous noise will be a serious problem for you while reading.

Here are some tips for those who are annoyed by side conversations:

  1. Study in the library or where the noise level is minimal.
  2. Use headphones while exercising. Turn on calm music or the noises of nature (the cry of seagulls, or the rustle of leaves).
  3. Practice late in the evening when everyone has gone to bed or early in the morning.

How to turn off intrusive thoughts

In addition to auditory stimuli, there are stimuli that have settled in the mind and require attention. Obsessive thoughts spin in a circle and do not allow you to focus on an important matter.