Topics class hours on tolerance. Class hour on the topic: "To be modern - to be tolerant!"

Class hour on the topic "What is tolerance?"

Target: to cultivate respect for others, the desire for mutual assistance, cooperation.



    • to acquaint pupils with the concept of "tolerance";

      identify the main features of tolerance;

      form the correct idea of ​​tolerant behavior.


    • to cultivate a sense of respect for each other, for the customs, traditions and culture of different peoples;

      to cultivate internationalism, a communicative culture of communication and mutual understanding.


    • formation of a tolerant attitude of classmates among themselves;

      to promote the development of self-awareness in pupils, which helps children see themselves and others as they really are;

      to develop in pupils tolerance for differences between people.

Equipment: personal computer, projector, screen.

Materials for the classroom: presentation, methodological development of the event, memo.

Class hour progress

Teacher: (slide 1) Hello guys! We welcome guests of our event! Our meeting is dedicated to learning to live together, accepting each other as we are, learning to understand each other. In the beginning, I would like to tell you one legend:

(slide 2)

Once a white man and a black man met. White said:

“How ugly you are, Negro!” As if all soot smeared!

Black contemptuously narrowed his eyes and said:

- How ugly you are, white! It's like you're all wrapped up in paper!

They argued, argued, could not come to an agreement. And they decided to go to the sage. The wise man listened to them and said to the white man:

- Look how handsome your black brother is. He is as black as the southern night, and in it, like stars, his eyes shine ...

Then the sage addressed the black man:

- And you, friend, look how handsome your white brother is! He is beautiful, like the sparkling white snow that lies on the tops of our mountains, and his hair is the color of the sun ...

The negro and the white were ashamed of their dispute and reconciled.

And the wise man thought about the future. And he imagined such a picture ... White, black, yellow people are spinning in a cheerful round dance, dancing and singing songs. They look lovingly at each other. And covers the sounds of music and songs of someone's young voice:(slide 3)

- it's good that we are all different here! And then life would be so boring!

Teacher: Did you like this legend? And what is it about? What does it teach? All these concepts can be combined in one word. It is these words that refer to the concept - tolerance.(Slide 4)

Of course, you may not know this word, but in the modern world where you have to live, you will hear it more than once. In life, a person communicates with representatives of different nationalities, cultures, social strata, so it is important to learn to respect the cultural values ​​of both your own people and representatives of another culture, religion.
And you will surely feel embarrassed if you do not know the meaning of this word. What does the word tolerance mean? How is this word defined in different languages?

(Slide 5)

    tolerance (English) - willingness to be tolerant, indulgent; to be tolerant, to allow the existence of different opinions without discrimination;

    tolerenz (German) - tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior;

    tolerance (French) - the belief that others can think and act in a manner different from our own;

    tasamul? (arab.) - indulgence, mercy, forgiveness, the ability to accept others as they are, and forgive;

    tolerance, tolerance (Russian) - the ability to endure (withstand, endure, put up with something), accept / recognize the existence of someone, reconcile, bring into line with oneself in relation to someone / something, be indulgent towards something/someone.

    tolerencia (Spanish) - the ability to accept ideas or opinions that are different from one's own;

    kuan rong (Chinese) - accept others as they are and be generous to others;

We are all different: fat and thin, blondes and brunettes, excellent students and losers. Why do we sometimes laugh at each other? We don't have to love everyone. However, all people have the right to live with dignity on the planet and not suffer from contempt and insults. Each of us is unique and significant. For a person, there is no more terrible punishment than being in society and being unnoticed by other people. Ridicule, condemnation, rejection - all these forms of social punishment are painful, unbearable. They are destructive to the individual. But today we will try not to destroy, but to build. Build relationships with those who are not like us.

(Slide 6)

Exercise "Outcast"

The teacher tells each child "in the ear" the name of one animal (cat, dog, cow, frog). It is important to divide the children into 4 approximately identical groups. One, usually the most mischievous, is given the word of a crow.

Task for children: Without saying the word that I told you, but uttering only the sounds that these animals make, find “your own”.

Issues for discussion:

    How did you find out where your group is?

    Was it easy to find yours?

Speaking to the crow:

    Why didn't anyone pay attention to you?

    How did you feel?

Addressing the guys:

    Guys, why didn't you pay attention to him?

    Do you know the expression white crow?

    What does it mean?

    Is it easy to be a black sheep, a person unlike others?

    Would you like to be in the place of the crow?

    How will you react to such a person next time?

Exercise “Magic Shop”

The facilitator gives the participants the opportunity to find out what qualities they lack in order to be considered truly tolerant people.

The facilitator asks the group to imagine that there is a store that has very unusual “things”: patience, forbearance, disposition towards others, a sense of humor, sensitivity, trust, altruism, self-control, goodwill, humanism, listening, curiosity, ability to to empathy.

The leader acts as a seller who exchanges one quality for another. Everyone who wants to take part. The participant is called. He can choose one or more "things" that he doesn't have. (These are the qualities that are weakly expressed in this participant). For example, the buyer asks the seller for patience. The seller finds out how much and why he needs and in what cases he wants to be patient. As a payment, the seller asks for something in return, for example, he can pay with a sense of humor, which he has in abundance.

Exercise "How are we alike?"

Instruction: students, turning to a neighbor on the desk, say, for example: “Sveta, we are not like you, because we have different hair colors, and we are similar in that we sit at the same desk”, etc. in turn until the last student.

(Slide 7)

Teacher: Every year on November 16, residents of many countries around the world celebrate the International Day for Tolerance or Tolerance Day.

Teacher: This holiday was established in 1996 by the decision of the UN General Assembly. Tolerance Day is dedicated to the observance of the Declaration of Tolerance adopted in 1995.

(Slide 8)

Teacher: The concept of tolerance is very broad, in one lesson we will not be able to talk about all types, but let's at least see what types of tolerance there are.

(Slide 9)

Teacher: What features should a tolerant person have, and what personality traits prevent one from being one?

An exercise. “The main features of a tolerant and intolerant personality”

Teams are given envelopes with the task.

Before you two trees one is a tree of tolerance, the second - intolerance. From these envelopes, one team needs to choose the traits corresponding to a tolerant personality, and the other - intolerant, that is, the opposite of tolerant.

Envelope 1: condescension, gloating, selfishness, conflict, kindness, respect, understanding, peacefulness, heartlessness, compassion, generosity, tactlessness, cordiality, boasting, equality, rudeness, mercy, arrogance, favor, respect.

Envelope 2: peacefulness, heartlessness, forgiveness, equality, respect, mercy, irascibility, dialogue, irritation, cordiality, conflict, generosity, support, peacefulness, cooperation, equality, compassion, stinginess, lies, consent, envy, mercy, kindness.

(Slide 10)

Teacher: Your class is like a small family. And I would like our family to always have respect, mutual understanding and there would be no quarrels. And what is needed for this?

Now I will give everyone a palm. Write your 5 good qualities on your fingers, and on your palm - what, in your opinion, needs to be done so that our class becomes a space of tolerance, that is, so that relations in it become as tolerant as possible. (Students stick their palms on a piece of paper and it is hung out in the classroom.) You can read what is written on the fingers a little later, but now I want to read what you consider important.

(Slide 11)

Teacher: So, how did you understand what it means to be tolerant - it means to respect others, regardless of differences. It means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together. We are all different, we are all equal!

(Slide 14)

Tolerance is the recognition, respect and observance of the rights and freedoms of all people without distinction of social, religious, ethnic and other characteristics.

Teacher: German artist Helmut Langer created the emblem of Tolerance: (slide 13)

    Tolerance is forgiveness.

    Tolerance is compassion.

    Tolerance is respect for the rights of others.

    Tolerance is cooperation.

    Tolerance is respect for human dignity.

    Tolerance is friendship.

    Tolerance is harmony in diversity.

    Tolerance is peace and harmony.

    Tolerance is kindness.

And so that you do not forget what it means to be tolerant, I want to give you a flower of tolerance.

Reflection: (slide 14) Now I’ll ask everyone to stand in an even circle very close to each other, put your hands on each other’s shoulders, raise your right leg and stretch it to the center of the circle, and at my command everyone takes a step inward, and in unison we cheerfully say: tolerate then together we will make our world tolerant!(3 p.)

Thank you for your participation, bye! (slide 16).




Head Chastinsky branch of GBPOU

"Stroganov College"

I.N. Goldobin

Methodical development of a class hour on the topic:

Let's talk about tolerance

Teacher: ________ O.P. Terekhin

(signature) (I.O. Surname)

With. Frequent, 2016

Speciality: Commerce (by industry)

Group: № 21

Well: 1

The date of the: 05.04. 16

Class topic: Let's talk about tolerance


Lesson progress

1 Organizational moment

2 Motivational start. Introduction to classroom topic

3 Disclosure of the theme of the class hour

4 Test "How tolerant are you?"

5 Final stage

6 Reflection: "Tree of Tolerance"



Tolerance is the most important component of education, which provides for familiarization with national spiritual values, universal knowledge, the unity of cultures, which forms the worldview of students.

Recently, more and more often there are talks about a tolerant world, i.e. a world without violence and cruelty, a world in which the most important value is the unique and inviolable human personality. And everyone knows that parents and society itself should educate children in the spirit of tolerance first of all, and constantly. But this is how the situation develops, that teachers, class teachers are most involved in the education of tolerance. In order to turn a group into a single whole, to share joys and sorrows together, to overcome difficulties together and celebrate victories, it is necessary, first of all, to cultivate a culture of tolerance among students.

Today, one can often hear that evil is stronger than good, that everyone lives on their own, without delving into the problems of others, people have become callous, rude and tougher. Tolerance is something without which our country, and indeed the whole world, risks plunging into chaos. We sometimes hear in passing, at recess, passing along the corridor, where our students speak with disdain about their peers of a different nationality. We pass by, making only a short remark, because we are in a hurry, because there is a curriculum, classes ... But the meaning of the word “tolerance” is that we, adults, do not pass by these seemingly so fearless children words. Indeed, after many years, every word we miss can become an explosion, a shot ... Almost every day TV shows terrible shots ... How we want to protect children from grief, from fear, from the horrors of war and terrorist attacks ... Tolerance is necessary for all of us in our tough time filled with contradictions. This is our reality

In Russia, the problem of intolerance has become very serious in recent years, and not only of national tolerance. It is also important to say that the main thing is the human personality, human rights, self-respect of a person. It is not enough to educate a student only in a technical school. After all, he is also brought up by the whole environment, the society in which he is: family, friends, adults, the relationship between parents. Sometimes he is faced with the ideal of human rights that we are trying to instill in him at the technical school, but our reality destroys this ideal.

After all, tolerance is not just a quality that we develop in our students, but also a certain style of their life in the future. Thus, raising the topic of tolerance, the class teacher directly touches on different aspects in the upbringing of the student's personality.

This methodological development has been compiled for class teachers and can be used as an introductory class cycle lesson aimed at fostering tolerance among students: fostering a sense of respect for each other, for the customs, traditions and culture of different peoples, for developing self-awareness, which helps students to see themselves and others as they really are.

The lesson contributes to the formation of general competencies:

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standardmethods and ways of performing tasks, evaluatetheir efficiency and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standardsituations and take responsibility for them.

OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectivelywith colleagues, management, customers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members(subordinates), for the result of the tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of a professionaland personal development, engage in self-education, consciouslyplan for professional development.

OK 9. Navigate in an environment of frequent technology changein professional activities.

The class hour is accompanied by a presentation rich in illustrations and informational material, which is its concise multimedia accompaniment.


Topic: Let's talk about tolerance

Target: increasing the level of students' communicative culture to overcome and prevent social and emotional problems during adaptation in society.


Educational :

    improving the psychological climate in the group,

    contribute to the formation of a worldview based on the dialogue of cultures, awareness of one's place in a multicultural world; the formation of a civic position as an active and responsible member of Russian society, with a sense of dignity, consciously accepting traditional national and universal humanistic and democratic values ​​(GC 3, OK 8, OK 9);

    With contribute to the development of an active rejection of any form of discrimination, the education of tolerant consciousness and behavior in a multicultural world, the readiness and ability to engage in dialogue with other people, achieve mutual understanding in it, find common goals and cooperate to achieve them (GC 6, GC 7);

Educational :

    development of social behavior skills, the ability to independently evaluate and make decisions that determine the strategy of behavior, taking into account civic and moral values ​​(GC 2, OK 3, OK 9);

    development of communicative and reflective skills, attention, memory, creative thinking of students (OK 2, OK 3, OK 6, OK 9);

    creation of conditions for the manifestation of the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination (OK 3, OK 8, OK 9);

Educational : introduce the concept of tolerance, identify the main features of tolerance, form a correct idea of ​​tolerant behavior, contribute to the development of principles of tolerant behavior, increase students' activity in public affairs, provide an opportunity to assess the degree of their tolerance.

Direction: moral education

Conduct form: "round table" with role-playing games, problematic issues.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation "Tolerance"

Cabinet decoration : tolerance tree layout, posters with sayings about politeness, patience, friendship:

In every man nature sprouts either as grains or as weeds; let him water the first and destroy the second in good time. (F. Bacon);

A person who hates other people does not love his own. (N. Dobrolyubov);

We can achieve more with our patience than with force. (E. Burke);

Materials and tools : felt-tip pens, glue sticks, paper in the form of leaves (for example, birch), whatman paper, which depicts a tree without leaves, note paper

Note . In the text of the script, the text in bold is highlighted, which is also reflected on the slides of the presentation.

Preliminary preparation:

    selection of materials for creating a presentation, a script for a classroom lesson, creating a presentation and designing an office, creating an application for a classroom hour;

    8 students are involved in the preparation and holding of the event (staging dramatizations “Two Roads…Choose”, Tale of Happiness);


1. Organizational moment

2. Motivational start. Introduction to classroom topic

A conversation about tolerance. The history of the concept


3. Disclosure of the theme of the class hour

    The concept of tolerance

    General concept of tolerance

    Tolerance in different languages

    Tolerance in different religions

    Two ways of personality development: tolerance and intolerance


4. Test "How tolerant are you"

5. Summing up the class hour. Reflection.

Lesson progress

    Organizing time

slide 1

Before starting work, students draw tokens: red, yellow, green, white. Thus, 4 groups are formed.

slide 2

    Motivational start. Introduction to classroom topic

Today our conversation is dedicated totolerance . On November 16, residents of many countries around the world celebrate the International Day for Tolerance. This day is dedicated to the observance of the Declaration of Tolerance adopted in 1995. Its goal is to reduce the recent spread of violence and extremism around the planet.

Not everyone, perhaps, is familiar with this, and, at first glance, it sounds completely incomprehensible. But the meaning that it carries is very important for the existence and development of human society. A modern cultured person is not only an educated person, but a person who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others.Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of an individual, group, society as a whole.

But before we start, let's say hello.

Group 1 - red tokens - you greet like the Japanese (bow)

Group 2 - yellow tokens - you greet like Europeans (shake hands)

Group 3 - white tokens - you greet like Eskimos (rub their noses)

Group 4 - green tokens - you greet, like the Chinese ask, "Have you eaten rice today?" in response, the person should bow.

In such an unusual form of greeting, we expressed respect for each other, which is an integral part of tolerance.It is extremely important for every person to be able to establish contacts withother people, be able to communicate, i.e. be able to listen and “hear” others, understand thoughts, feelings expressed in words, expressed in gestures, facial expressions; be able to accuratelycommunicate your thoughts to your audience.

How often many misunderstandings, misunderstandings, sometimes tragedies are played out only because people could not understand each other, could not clearly communicateexpress your ideas, opinions, understanding about the subject of conversation (communication).

learning to live among people, being able to communicate is just as important as studying mathematics or physics,climb mountain peaks or explore the depths of the sea. And if you want to livea normal, full life, without the ability to live in harmony with other people,you need to learn how to communicate.

What qualities help people communicate?

Those qualities that help people communicate have one common name. This definition has its own concept of TOLERANCE, which has its own history.

From the history

slide 3

At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, a certain Talleyrand Perigord, Prince of Benevent, lived in France. He was distinguished by the fact that under all governments (both under Napoleon and under King Louis XVII) he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a talented person in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect, seek solutions to problems in a way that least infringes on the interests of other people. And at the same time keep their own principles.

How many of you have heard the word "tolerance"? Today we often hear from TV screens, from leading politicians, the word "tolerance", unknown to us until recently.

And what does it mean, you know? (hear opinion)

For the Russian language, the word "tolerance" is relatively new; This term does not have a clear, unambiguous interpretation. How does each of you understand this word?

(listen to answers)

Today, a modern person should not only be educated, but also have a sense of self-respect and be respected by others. People who do not have this quality are unable to make the changes that our lives require.

And what would happen if all people were similar to each other and did not differ in anything? Is it interesting to live in such a world of clones? (listen to answers)

Is it good or bad that we are all different? (listen to answers)

slide 4

People complement each other with their distinctive features.

Tell me please, how do you understand the word WORLD?

So the world is the universe. The world is our Earth. This is our country. Our town. Our college. The world is me. How diverse is the world around us. We are all so different: adults and children, blondes and brunettes, good and evil, plump and thin, bald and with pigtails, smart and not so smart. And we all need to live and understand each other.

The term tolerance is explained as tolerance, desire and ability to establish and maintain communication with people.

    Topic disclosure class hour

Let's define the word tolerance

slide 5

Tolerance is respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality.

Show tolerance - it means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in the world, while maintaining their individuality.

Tolerance is a global problem, and the most effective way of shaping the younger generation is education.

Word definitiontolerance in different languages ​​of the globe it sounds differently:

slide 6

    in Spanish it means the ability to recognize ideas or opinions other than one's own;

    in French, an attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently from oneself;

    in English - willingness to be tolerant, condescending;

    in Chinese - allow, accept, be generous towards others;

    in Arabic - forgiveness, condescension, gentleness, mercy, compassion, favor, patience, disposition towards others;

    in Russian - the ability to endure something or someone (to be self-possessed, enduring, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone).

Slide 7


Which of the definitions appeals to you the most? (Answers ).

Why do you think there are different definitions in different countries? (Answers ).

But what unites these definitions? (Answers ).

Different religions describe it in the same language

Slide 8

Slide 9

“None of you will become a believer until he loves his brother as himself”

“A person can express his attitude towards relatives and friends in five ways: generosity, courtesy, goodwill, treating them as if they were oneself, and being true to one’s word.”


In everything you want people to do to you, do the same to them.”

Why is tolerance so relevant today? (Answers ).

(Next, the host and participants summarize everything that has been said, conclude thattolerance - not passive, unnatural subjugation to the opinions, views and actions of others, not submissive patience, but an active moral position and psychological readiness for tolerance in the name of positive interaction between ethnic groups, social groups, in the name of positive interaction with people of a different cultural, national, religious or social environment.).

Every person does different things in life. In some situations, he does the right thing and shows his good qualities, but sometimes it happens the other way around...

Scene “There are two roads in front of you. Choose...”

The young man and his girlfriend were walking around the city. An ill-dressed elderly man was sitting on the curb. A bag lay beside him. He groaned softly, and there were tears in his eyes.

Wait, I'll go to him, - said the girl.

Do not even think about it. It is dirty, you will catch the infection, - the young man answered, squeezing her hand.

Let go. You see, his leg is broken. Look, look, he's got blood on his pants.

What about us? He himself is to blame.

Let go of my hand, you're hurting me. He needs help.

I'm telling you, it's all his own fault. You have to work, but he begs, steals, drinks. Why help him?

I'll still come by. The girl pulled out her hand.

I won't let you. You are my girlfriend and do not dare to communicate with "anyone". Let's get out of here, - he tried to take her away.

You know what, I... How can you? He's in pain, you know? No, you don't understand!

The girl pushed the boy away and approached the man. The boy tried again to hold her back. She shook her hand decisively.

What's wrong with you? she asked the man. - What's wrong with your leg.

I broke it... I'm bleeding. I don't know what to do and where is the hospital in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

Now. Let me take a look. Be patient. You need to call an ambulance.

Thank you lady, thank you...

Listen, - the girl turned to the young man who approached them, - do you have a “mobile phone”?

The guy was silent. The girl looked at him inquiringly and suddenly felt the disgust that emanated from his whole posture, look ... She got up and approached the guy.

Get out! Never call me again and don't come! I don't want to know you anymore.

Can you really do this because of some homeless, alcoholic? Silly! You'll regret it.

The girl shrugged and dropped to her knees again. The guy walked away.

You have an open fracture,” she said. - I'm going to call the doctor. Be patient, - she quickly went to the telephone booth.

Young woman! - the man called out to her - Thank you! The girl turned around and smiled. You will definitely find happiness for yourself.

Questions for groups:

· Why did the young man refuse to help?

· What would you do in this case?

· What do you usually do when you see that a person needs help?

· How should we act with people who beg for alms?

Listening to participants' responses

Conclusion . Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, whether it be a random fellow traveler, a vagabond or a friend, this will be an act of kindness. What would you do in this case?

We see that there are two ways of personality development - tolerant and intolerant.

Exercise “Tolerant and intolerant personality”

The intolerant path is characterized by a person's idea of ​​his own exclusivity, a low level of upbringing, a feeling of discomfort of existence in the reality surrounding him, a desire for power, rejection of opposing views, traditions and customs. Intolerant individuals divide the world into two parts: black and white. There are no halftones for them. There are only two kinds of people - bad and good. They emphasize the differences between “us” and “them”.

And now you need to distribute the words in columns II, where in column I - features inherent in a tolerant personality, in II - features inherent in an intolerant personality:

Slide 10

Patience, sense of humor, misunderstanding, respect for the opinions of others, ignoring, selfishness, goodwill, self-control, intolerance, expression of disdain, irritability, ability to listen to an interlocutor, indifference, cynicism, understanding and acceptance, sensitivity, curiosity, humanism, unmotivated aggressiveness.

Let's look at the table.

slide 11

(discussion of information about the main personality traits)

Tolerance means tolerance for a different way of life, behavior, customs, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs.

Tolerance for someone else's opinion, religion, behavior, culture, political views, nationality, that is, this manifestation of tolerance, understanding and respect for the personality of another person is independent of any differences.

The tolerant path is the path of a person who knows himself well, feels comfortable in the environment, understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a benevolent attitude towards other cultures, views, and traditions. A tolerant person sees the world in all its diversity.

To be tolerant means to respect others regardless of differences. It means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together.

We are all different, we are all equal!

"Similarities and differences".

Participants in the group are divided into pairs and name 2 similar features and 2 features that distinguish them.

How do the similarities and differences of people affect the life of society?

Does nationality affect people's relationships?

How do older and younger people communicate with each other?

· How does the presence of physical disabilities in a person affect communication with other people?

You did the work in your microgroup. And now, in 30 seconds, you are invited to join groups according to various criteria: gender, hair color, horoscope, height, eye color, etc.


In each person you can find not only excellent, but also similar features. A person is judged by his appearance, profession, faith, how he builds relationships in the family and with others. Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner and brighter. This is a tolerant way of personal development. By this we are talking about Cooperation and acceptance of a person as he is. - open the words on the board.

Airplane game.

4 couples: from each group, a couple of participants - the rest support. Pairs of participants take each other by the hand and make a paper airplane with their free hands.


You tried to agree with each other, distribute who will do what and complete the task together.

The game "Magic Hand" (reception of the search for a tolerant position).

Participants circle their hand on the sheet. It is proposed to write on your fingers your good qualities, and on your palm - what you would like to change in yourself.

Pictures can be hung on the wall.

We will work with you on the palms in the future.

Alienation and hostility in the perception of another culture is a very common phenomenon in our lives. It arises from the fear of the unknown, the expectation of hostility from the other group. Feelings of discomfort from the invasion of "strangers" in the usual life. If you get to know each other better, accept others as they are, be more tolerant, such problems will not arise. It often happens that you are faced with misunderstanding, both from adults and from peers. This is because different people perceive us differently. Life is theater. Everyone has their own life roles - student, son or daughter, grandson, friend, neighbor, classmate, passenger, pedestrian, etc.

The ability to understand and know other people is a feature of tolerant behavior.

    Test "How tolerant are you?"

Slides 12 - 25

Do you listen to other people's opinions? Relativedo you treat him with respect, are you tolerant? Before you testwhich, we hope, at least approximately will help to determine the degree of your tolerance. But one condition: answer quickly, do not thinking.

1. You think you have an interesting idea, but it doesn'tsupported. Get upset?

a) yes; b) no.

2. You meet up with friends and someone offers to start a game. What would you prefer?

a) that only those who play well participate;

b) so that those who do not yet know the rules can play.

3. Do you take the bad news with ease?

a) yes; b) no.

4. Do people in public places annoy you?show up drunk?

a) if they do not overstep the allowed limits, Inot interested at all;

b) I've always hated people who don't know how toto control.

5. Can you find contact with representatives other thanyou, professions, with a different position, customs?

a) it would be difficult for me to do it;

b) I don't pay attention to such things.

6. How do you react to a joke that you become the object of?

a) I don't like the jokes themselves, or the jokers;

b) even if the joke is unpleasant to me, I will try answer in the same manner

7. Do you agree with the opinion that many people are “sitting in the wrong place”, “doing their own thing”?

a) yes; b) no.

8. You bring a friend (girlfriend) to the company, who becameturns into the object of general attention. How do you react to this?

a) frankly speaking, it is unpleasant for me that in this waythe mania is abstracted from me;

b) I'm just happy for him (her).

9. At a party, you meet an elderly man who is a kritiforges the modern young generation, extols the old days. Your reaction:

a) leave early under a plausible pretext;

b) get into an argument.

Record two pointsfor answers: 16, 26, For, 4a, 56, 66, 76, 86, 9a.

Analysis of results

0 to 4 points: you are adamant, sorry, selfish, oryams. It seems that you are trying to impose your opinion on others at all costs. Raise your voice frequently. FROMyour character makes it difficult to maintain normal relationshipswith people who disagree with what you say and do.

6 to 12 points: you are able to firmly defend your beliefs. You can certainly have a dialogue, change your mind,if necessary. Capable sometimes of excessive sharpness,disrespect for the interlocutor. And at that moment you reallyyou can win an argument with a person who has a weaker characterter. But is it worth it to "take it by the throat" when you can defeat more dos toyno?

14 to 18 points: the firmness of your convictions is perfectly combinedlurks with great subtlety, flexibility of your mind. You can accept any idea, you will be sympathetic to enough steamdoxal act at first glance, even if you do not approve of ityou are quite critical of your opinion and are capable of respecting and tact in relation to the interlocutor fromto seem from views which, as it turned out, are erroneous.

    The final stage

The final stage

In the end, I would like to say that the study group is a small family. And I want kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in this family, there would be no abuse, no quarrels.

And I really want that at the end of our meeting you will not look like the king from the skit.

A story about happiness.

There was only one king in the world

Rich and powerful.

He was always sad. And sometimes

It was darker than clouds.

He walked, slept, dined,

And he did not know happiness!

But always whine and grieve

The poor thing is tired.

The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!”

And jumped off the throne boldly.

Yes, instantly destroy your inheritance

Not in royalty?

And now the king got into the carriage

And drove for happiness.

The king looks out the window

The carriage rolls briskly.

Wait a minute, who's in the way?

A girl in a tattered dress.

O almighty my king,

Give me at least a penny if you please.

Hey beggar, skip

Hurry my carriage.

Get out of the way immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off.

And in the blue sky the moon was cold ...

The carriage rushes at random

God knows which way.

Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,

Wounded, torn.

O my king, cried the soldier,

I am very glad to see you!

I humbly ask: arrange

You are at my service

I stood up for you

I really fought like a hero

I won the battle.

Well, soldier, skip

Hurry my carriage.

Get out of the way immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness!

The king said and drove away

And in the blue sky the moon was cold ...

The carriage rushes at full speed,

The horse gallops, that there is a spirit.

Suddenly came out on the road from the mountains

A stooping old woman.

Forgive me my dear king

The old woman is lonely.

My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,

I went far in the morning.

I carry firewood from the forest -

Hard work.

I look around, barely alive:

Maybe someone will help...

Well, old woman, skip

Hurry my carriage.

Get out of the way immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness!

The king said and drove away

And in the blue sky the moon was cold ...

Here the summer is over. Heat

Is replaced by bad weather.

The king hurries: -

It's time to go

A little more - and hurray!

I'll get my happiness!

And everything would end in disaster

There are no doubts about it.

Yes, an old man with a white beard

Stopped the carriage.

Crossing over, slowly

Solemn and strict

Said, "Lost soul,

King, fear God!

You are looking for happiness for yourself

You are traveling the world.

But, only loving your neighbor,

You will find happiness.

Quickly listen to me:

Turn the horse back

Warm and feed the children

Hire a soldier as a watchman

Do it all, but first

Can you help the old lady?

Bring firewood to your house

Cut and lay…”

There was a full moon here.

And she lit the way.

Hard way, way back.

The path to happiness is not going anywhere.

The king is still in the palace

Helps all people.

Andhappiness on his face

Like a clear day, shining!

    Do such changes always occur in life?

    What does this story teach us?

Conclusion: A person should strive to change himself for the better, to live in peace with himself. The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes

6 Reflection: "Tree of tolerance" (creative task)

Our team is like a small family. And I would like that kindness, respect, mutual understanding always reigned in our family, there would be no quarrels or swearing.

Let's grow our own tolerance tree. Let our tree turn green, and leaves will blossom on it. Write on a piece of paper your wishes, advice on what needs to be done so that our group, our technical school, our city, our country become a space of tolerance, that is, so that relations become as tolerant as possible. Now let's glue them to the tree.

Possible options:

Help each other, be friendly, protect the weak.

Do not quarrel, try to understand each other

Do not pay attention to nationality, religion, appearance, habits

· Communicate more, get to know each other

Respect each other, try to become better yourself

Meeting Prayer:

I came into this world

Not to justify your hopes

Not to serve your interests

Not to live up to your expectations.

And you came into this world

Not to live up to my expectations

Not to suit my interests

Not to meet my expectations.

Because I am me and you are you.

But if we met and understood each other, then that's great!

And if not, well, that's sad.

I thank everyone for their active participation. I see that I liked the class hour, and I hope that it left a deep mark on the soul of everyone, helped us all to understand that only respect for each other, mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect for equality will actually save the world. We will not be able to suddenly make either our own behavior or the behavior of other people tolerant, and we should not reproach ourselves for this. However, even the smallest step in this direction is important.

Educational hour for students in grades 5-6 on the topic: "Tolerance"

Description: This material will be useful for teachers of grades 5-6, as well as primary school teachers, for extracurricular activities. This work will be interesting for children, because it uses various types of student activities: play, work in pairs, conversation, testing, creative work.
Target: help students to understand the essence of the concept of "tolerance".
1.Educational: teach to establish relationships on a benevolent, tolerant basis and show that the ability to communicate is important in relations between people.
2.Developing: to develop a sense of collectivism, solidarity, the ability to listen.
3.Educational: convince students of the need to be tolerant of others.
Equipment: posters with quotes: “Before a great mind I bow my head, before a great heart I kneel” (Goethe), “My freedom to wave my arms ends where my neighbor’s nose begins” (Emerson); handout (the text “we are tolerant”, printed cards with discussion material, printed sheets on which the “Tolerance” flower is drawn).
Comment: At the beginning of the class, the teacher puts up posters with quotes on the blackboard.

Lesson progress

Game "Touch me gently"

The teacher blindfolds three willing students and asks them, without speaking, to touch the face, hands, hair of three other students. You need to guess your partner or partner, give his (her) name, surname. (After such an introduction, when the students are interested, the teacher announces the topic of the lesson.)
teacher's word

The theme of our today's lesson is "Tolerance".

What does this concept mean? Are we always tolerant of other people in life? What qualities does a tolerant person have and how to cultivate them in oneself? We have to answer these and many other questions today.
Each person is unique. The world is interesting because we are all different. In class, you probably have a friend or girlfriend. Sit down and make a table “Me and my friend (my girlfriend)”, or “Me and my classmate (classmate)” (the teacher draws a table heading on the board):
How are we similar? Why are we different?
Work in pairs
Students make a table, after which they answer the following questions of the teacher:
Do distinctive personality traits interfere with your communication? If so, which ones? If not, why not?
teacher's word
Sometimes the character traits of a friend or girlfriend make you nervous, sometimes, on the contrary, they help you make a certain decision. And despite the differences in characters, you are friends, you are interested in being together. The same tolerance must be shown to everyone.
Tolerance- this is a recognition of respect for other people, the ability to live together with other people.
Let's check whether we are tolerant, whether we need to cultivate this quality in ourselves.

Testing "are we tolerant?"

Choose statements that match your behavior.
1. You disagree with a friend...
a) You still listen to him.
b) You don't let him talk.
2. In class, you already answered...

A) You give the opportunity to respond to others.
b) You want to answer more.
3. Comrade betrayed you...
a) You are trying to find a common language with him.
b) You will take revenge on him.
If in all three cases you chose statement "a", you are a tolerant person.
teacher's word
The heroes of our favorite fairy tales teach us the best human qualities. Remember Andersen's tale "The Ugly Duckling".
Question for students
Did all the characters in the story treat each other like brothers?
Which of the inhabitants of the poultry yard enjoys the greatest authority and why?
Should the heroes of a fairy tale have equal rights, regardless of their origin?
Why did the inhabitants of the poultry yard offend the ugly duckling?
Could the children in your class do what the inhabitants of the poultry yard did?
teacher's word
Handicapped people have the right to be treated in the same way as others. Listen to one story.
"Far, far away in outer space, there is a planet just like Earth. The people who live on this planet are just like us, except that they only have one eye. But it is special. They can see in the dark, look into the infinite distance and see through the walls.Women on this planet are the same as on Earth.And once a strange child was born to a woman: it had two eyes.His parents were very upset.
However, the boy grew up happy. His parents loved him, admired him. But they were worried that he was so unusual. They showed it to many doctors, but they just shook their heads and said, "Nothing can be done."
As the boy grew older, he had more and more problems. Since he could not see in the dark, he had to carry some kind of light source with him. When he went to school, he could not read as well as other children. Teachers were supposed to give him special help. The boy did not see at a great distance, so he needed a special one to see other planets. Sometimes when he came home from school, he felt very lonely. "Other children see things that I cannot see," he thought. "I must learn to see what they cannot see."
And one day he noticed that he really could see what others could not. Unlike them, he saw the whole world in color. Immediately after this discovery, he took his parents outside and told about what he saw. His friends were also surprised. He told them wonderful stories, using words they had never heard before, like red, yellow, orange... He talked about green trees and purple flowers. Everyone wanted to know how he sees things. The boy told strange stories. The children loved stories about strange dragons, especially when he described their shiny skin, eyes, hot breath.
One day he met a girl. They fell in love with each other. She didn't mind that he wasn't like the others. And then he felt that he, too, did not care. The guy became very famous. People from all over the planet came to listen to him. The young couple had a son. The child was the same as everyone on the planet, and had only one eye.
Question for students.
How do you think a person felt having two eyes, while others had one?
What difficulties did the guy with two eyes have? Why?
What special care do you think children with disabilities need?
What if there was a child with a physical disability in your class, how would you treat him?
The teacher distributes to the students printed cards on which the material for discussion is written, and invites them to read it carefully, then formulates the topic of discussion in the form of a question: “What struck you the most?”.
Material for discussion
Olga Skorokhodova (1911 - 1982). Born in the Kherson region. Orphan. At the age of 5, she fell ill with meningitis, lost her sight, then her hearing. Kharkov professor Sokolyansky took her away from the boarding school for the blind. He reproduced her language; she was able to finish high school in Kharkov, subsequently received a higher education. In 1961 she became a candidate of pedagogical sciences. She has written three books: "How I perceive the world around me", "How I imagine the world around me", "How I understand the world around me".
Microphone exercise.
In a civilized society, people should be tolerant. Do you agree with the opinion that each of you has the right to respect and tolerance from others?
Creative work "Formula of tolerance".
The teacher draws scales on the blackboard, writes the thesis “I have the right to respect and tolerance from others” over one shawl, and asks students to write such a thesis over the other shawl so that there is balance.
(Above another shawl it is necessary to write the thesis “The people around me have the right to respect and tolerance on my part.”)
teacher's word
We are all different. But you need to be tolerant (tolerant) to each other.
But does tolerance mean tolerance for everything? Is it possible to endure if someone starts a fight, insults others?
This is where the limit exists. We have many rights, but we have no right to violate the rights of others. The American philosopher F. Emerson said: "My freedom to wave my arms ends where my neighbor's nose begins." (The teacher draws the attention of the students to a poster with this statement that hangs on the blackboard.)

Creative work "Flower "Tolerance""

The teacher distributes printed sheets on which a flower is drawn, and asks students to write synonyms for the word “tolerance” on its petals. (Wisdom, responsiveness, responsibility, mutual understanding, tolerance, humanity, objectivity, respect, goodwill.)
teacher's word
Today we thought about what tolerance is, how we can make our life better. And we realized that the freedom of each of us is based on the solidarity of all.
We live among people and should be friendly to each other. You must learn to reckon with the opinions and actions of others, be able to understand a person and forgive her, be friendly, not do to others what you would not want for yourself. And for this it is necessary to eradicate arrogance, indifference, bias from your hearts. And then you - sincere, kind, cordial - will be loved and respected by everyone, and the world will become a better place!

Creative work "How to learn tolerance"

The teacher invites the students to accept the rules "How to learn tolerance."
1. Do not forget that all people are different, but they are all equal.
2. Do not rush to be angry with people or condemn them: you must try to understand the person, to understand the specific case.
3. Respect people's feelings, do not offend them. Interact with other people without pushing them to your ideas.

The theme of the class hour is "We are very different, but we are together ..."

Target: Formation of the idea of ​​a tolerant attitude .


1.Introduce and consolidate the definition of the term "tolerance";

2. Deepen understanding of its meaning;

3. Work out the ability to see interindividual differences.

4. Show what a tolerant attitude towards others, peers is.

In schools, classes, the problem of interpersonal relations is very common, which are often based on the phenomena of intolerance.

Living in peace and harmony presupposes that everyone has such human qualities as mutual understanding, mutual respect, responsibility, benevolence, restraint, compliance, sociability, tolerance….

Separately, I would like to emphasize the importance of developing in a person from childhood such a quality as tolerance.

This word has its own concept of TOLERANCE.

You can use this presentation for class time.



class on tolerance

“We are very different, but we are together…”

Target : Formation of the idea of ​​a tolerant attitude.

Tasks :

1.Introduce and consolidate the definition of the term "tolerance";

2. Deepen understanding of its meaning;

3. Work out the ability to see interindividual differences.

4. Show what a tolerant attitude towards others, peers is.

1. Introduction

Hello children. I am glad to welcome you, guests, at the class hour within the walls of our school.

Emotional mood. Children stand in a circle holding hands.

Listening to the song "I, you, he, she ..."

“I, you, he, she are a friendly country together, a friendly family together, in the word “we” there are a hundred thousand “I”! - the once very popular song in our country begins so optimistically and life-affirmingly.

But this is how it is sung in the song, but in life everything is much more complicated. It is not so easy to be united by one "ensemble" of relations, entering into such social formations as "country", "family", "city", "school", "class".

Unfortunately, the spirit of intolerance, hostility to another culture, way of life, beliefs, habits has always existed and continues to exist in our time both in society as a whole and in its individual institutions. The school is no exception.

It should be noted that the subject of intolerance at school can be both the national, social, gender identity of a person, as well as the features of his appearance, interests, hobbies, habits.

In schools, classes, the problem of interpersonal relations is very common, which are often based on the phenomena of intolerance.

Living in peace and harmony presupposes that everyone has such human qualities as mutual understanding, mutual respect, responsibility, benevolence, restraint, compliance, sociability, tolerance….

Separately, I would like to emphasize the importance of developing in a person from childhood such a quality as tolerance.

This word has its own concept of TOLERANCE.

2.Messaging the topic and purpose.

The theme of the class hour is “Tolerance”.

In this lesson, you will be introduced to the concept of tolerance; learn to see and appreciate the interindividual differences of peers; you will be able to make sure that, despite the fact that you are all different, there can be a friendly, tolerant atmosphere in the classroom.

3. History of the concept of tolerance.

Not everyone, perhaps, is familiar with the word tolerance, and at first glance, it sounds completely incomprehensible. But the meaning that it carries is very important for the existence and development of human society. The concept of tolerance has its own history.

At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, someone lived in FranceTalleyrand Perigord. He is distinguished by the fact that under different governments he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a talented person in many areas, but, most of all, in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect and at the same time maintain his own principles, strive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey the circumstances.

The concept of “tolerance” is associated with the name of this person.

4. Etymology of the concept “tolerance.

Let us turn to the etymology of the concept of “tolerance”.

AT English languagethe concept of “tolerance” has three meanings: stability, endurance; tolerance;

In French"tolerance" - "respect for the freedom of another, his way of thinking, behavior, political and religious views."

In Chinese “to be tolerant” – “to allow, allow, show generosity towards others”.

in Arabic “tolerance” is defined as “condescension, gentleness, compassion, patience, disposition towards others”.

In russian language "tolerance" means "the ability, ability to endure, put up with other people's opinions, be condescending to the actions of other people, be gentle with their mistakes, mistakes."

Which of the definitions appeals to you the most?

But what unites these definitions?

The term "tolerance" is explained as tolerance.

Show toleranceIt means recognizing that people differ in appearance, positions, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in the world while maintaining their individuality.

5. Exercise "Learning to appreciate individuality."

After all, we are so different...

And what are we ourselves?

How are we different from each other?

We often want to be just like everyone else and suffer when we feel we are different. Sometimes it's really good that we are like everyone else, but our individuality is no less important. It can and should be appreciated. Let's do the exercise"Learning to appreciate individuality."

Each of you was asked to write at home about some three features that distinguish you from others. This may be a recognition of their merits or talents, life principles. (Information must be positive.)

I warn you that I will read the notes aloud, and you must guess who the author of the statements is.

People are not the same:This is why they are interested in each other. We can find a non-standard solution to the problem, we learn from each other.

It is normal to feel like you belong to a group, to want to be like someone, to be accepted by your peers, to imitate someone who is more successful than you in some way - this is normal. But at the same time, it is important to remain yourself: with your desires, goals, rules, values. Each of us is unique in our own way. This is what distinguishes a person from a machine. Uniqueness is the most important human virtue. It is uniqueness that makes a person attractive. Probably, people are needed and interesting to each other precisely because they are different from each other. It is not interesting to communicate with an exact copy of yourself.

If we valued our own individuality, it would be easier for us to accept the characteristics of a partner.

6. Now let's dream up. Exercise "Let's dream ..."

Imagine that there will come a time when all people on Earth will become exactly the same (height, hair and eye color, clothing, amount of knowledge, etc.)

  1. What will this world be like? How will people live in it?
  2. Is it good or bad that we are all different?
  3. How to live in a world where there are so many different people?

Differences complement and enrich society. To live in peace, people need to learn how to live by solving problems and tasks on the basis of cooperation.

7. We need to treat each other kindly, friendly, patient, respectful..

Let's look at the caption:DON'T RATE PEOPLE BUT APPRECIATE! Word - Appreciate”, closed. We are trying to determine which word is closed. You and I are very different. Let's not judge people, but...

All options are pronounced and projected on the computer.

It is impossible to please everyone, it is impossible to love everyone, it is impossible for all the guys in the class to be devoted friends, because we have different upbringing, education, intelligence, desire to learn, needs, character, tastes, temperament, etc. But we can live in harmony with each other, appreciate each other, accept him as he is, i.e. be tolerant.

8. Situation

Each of us from time to time gets into conflict situations: quarrels with someone, receives undeserved accusations. Everyone gets out of such situations in their own way, someone gets offended, someone tries to find a constructive solution. Is it possible to get out of a conflict situation with the help of tolerant behavior, preserving one's own dignity and not humiliating another?

You made an appointment with a friend. Waited half an hour and he didn't come.

Play the role of the one who offended .... As an offender...

9. Tolerant way- this is the path of a person who knows himself well, feels comfortable in the environment, understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a benevolent attitude towards other cultures, views, traditions.

The term "tolerance" is explained as tolerance, desire and ability to establish and maintain communication with people.

Let's try to draw up the rules of tolerant communication.

10 . Rules of tolerant communication:

  • Respect the interlocutor.
  • Try to understand what others are saying
  • Defend your opinion tactfully.
  • Look for better arguments.
  • Be fair, ready to admit the rightness of the other.
  • Strive to consider the interests of others.
  • Goodbye
  • Respect the rights of others
  • Respect human dignity
  • Accept others for who they are
  • have compassion
  • Show tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior.

I hope that you will continue to use the rules of tolerant communication.

We cannot overnight make tolerant either our own behavior or the behavior of other people. However, even the very first step in this direction is important.

11. "The first step in the education of tolerance"

Try to name the quality of a tolerant personality that you would like to cultivate in yourself in the first place. This will be the first step in cultivating tolerance in each of you.

12. Conclusion.

At the end of the class hour, listen to the poem "Kindness and tolerance will save the world"

Kindness and tolerance will save the world.

Good and evil. Where does it come from in man?
When does he become good or evil?
Maybe he was born like that?
And does good exist in the 20th century?
After all, they say that we have become angrier and callous.
But I'm sure most people
In the soul, love and faith have been preserved,
Although the war and famine survived.
Good still lives in the world,
No, it will never die!
Because always and at all times
People believed in the power of good!

Kindness is the world, it is the truth, the truth..
Each of us should be kind
To give a piece of it sometime
Deprived in life at least once.
At least once to do good to people,
Instill hope and faith in them,
That evil dies with sight
But the good will continue to live!
Yes, there are many good people in the world,
And they live among us
And with its selfless kindness
Helps us every now!

Let the sky be blue
And the sun is clear!
Let the man not be evil,
And the world will be beautiful.
Get out of your apartments!
Are my words audible?
“People, kindness and tolerance will save the world!”
And you must believe me!

Everything that we heard and saw probably helped to understand our attitude towards people, peers and the concept of tolerance.

- I thank everyone for their active participation. I think that the event left a deep imprint in the soul of each of you, helped everyone understand that respect for each other, mutual understanding, tolerance is a necessary condition for a happy life in peace and harmony both in the school community and in society.

We are very different, but we are together ...


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Slides captions:

MKSKOU Varnavinskaya boarding school of the VIII type Class hour in grade 9 Class teacher: Shishkina I.V. 2015 The biggest lesson in the world about tolerance, kindness, mutual understanding

Class hour on the topic:

We are all people We live on the same planet We live in the same city, republic We study in the same school, in the same class We live on the same streets We wear the same clothes, glasses We do the same thing Eyes and hair look alike

Height Hair and eye color Clothing Knowledge Nationality Figure Age (old and young) Character Culture

Differences complement and enrich society. To live in peace, people need to learn how to live by solving problems and tasks on the basis of cooperation

We are different, but we must live in peace. It is not tolerant to prove one's right to a difference in this way

mutual understanding, mutual respect, responsibility, goodwill, restraint, compliance, tolerance…

A light spot is good, a dark spot is evil Each of us has a light and a dark side One plants flowers, the other tears them

“In order to believe in good, one must begin to do it.” L. Tolstoy

Attention to elders is a manifestation of kindness

We are different, but we help each other

You are healthy and strong, and there are sick, disabled people nearby ... They don’t need your pity, they need your friendship, help

Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we communicate, this will be an act of kindness.

A person should strive to change himself for the better, to live in peace with himself and the world

Don't Judge People, Appreciate Them

Friendship Kindness Tolerance Love Tenderness Mercy Sincerity Sincerity Let your heart be filled

sympathy - sympathy - sympathy sympathy - action sympathy - knowledge - union May you always be accompanied

We are very different, but we are together

What is tolerance?

In Russian, “tolerance” means “the ability, ability to endure, put up with other people's opinions, be condescending to the actions of other people, be gentle with their mistakes, mistakes”

Tolerance Forgiveness Mercy Compassion Tolerance Sympathy Respect Assistance Mutual understanding Tolerance is

Respect the interlocutor Try to understand what others are saying Defend your opinion tactfully Find the best arguments Be fair, ready to admit the correctness of the other Strive to take into account the interests of others

Our school, each class is a small family. And I want kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in our family.