Thirty suitors - Komi folk tales. The whole truth about the Bloody Lady: the story of Daria Saltykova, a murderous noblewoman

In the series "Bloody Lady" from the channel "Russia 1" they told about the first of the famous serial killers in Russia, the landowner Daria Saltykova, who brutally killed about a hundred of her peasants. Since in the documents of the 18th century only a sentence remained about this lady (Catherine II ordered to destroy other evidence), the authors of the series were free to think out the image of Saltychikha and her biography. The result was a melodrama with a very dosed element of sadism.

But how was it really? We offer to recall the life of the real Saltychikha - "a freak of the human race." Whom the legendary landowner really loved, hated and killed.

As soon as contemporaries and descendants called Daria Saltykova, who went down in history under the name of Saltychikha: "black widow" and "black villain", "Satan in a skirt", "sadistic noblewoman", "serial killer", "bloody landowner", " Trinity cannibal”, “Marquis de Sade in female form”… Her name was pronounced with a shudder for many decades, and Empress Catherine the Great, in her sentence to the villain, which she personally rewrote several times, even avoided calling this monster woman “she”.

The story told by director Yegor Anashkin in the new series "The Bloody Lady" is close to what happened in real life, but in many ways softer than harsh reality. Because if the director filmed the most terrible atrocities that, as they say, Saltychikha committed, the film would most likely simply be banned.

A pious girl from a good family

On March 11, 1730, a girl was born in the family of the pillar nobleman Nikolai Ivanov, who was named Daria. Daria's grandfather, Avton Ivanov, was a prominent statesman of the era of Peter the Great and left a rich legacy to his descendants.

How the real childhood of Dasha Saltykova went is not known for certain. According to the version shown in the film, it was unhappy. After the death of his wife Anna, Nikolai Ivanov sent his daughter to be raised in a monastery with the wording "possessed by demons."

Francois Hubert Drouet, "Portrait of Countess Darya Chernyshova-Saltykova", 1762. This portrait has long been considered a portrait of Saltychikha

In her youth, a girl from a prominent noble family was known as the first beauty, and besides this, she stood out for her extreme piety. Although the real appearance of Saltychikha is a secret with seven seals. What she looked like is not known for certain, and those portraits that for many years were considered portraits of Saltychikha actually depict other women.

Most often, for the portraits of Darya Nikolaevna Saltykova, they took numerous portraits of her namesake and relative by husband, Darya Petrovna Saltykova, nee Chernysheva, the wife of Field Marshal Ivan Petrovich Saltykov, who was 9 years younger than the landowner.

At the age of 20, Daria married the captain of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment Gleb Alekseevich Saltykov. The Saltykov family was even more noble than the Ivanov family - Gleb Saltykov's nephew Nikolai Saltykov would become the Most Serene Prince, Field Marshal and be a prominent courtier in the era of Catherine the Great, Paul I and Alexander I.

Soon, Daria gave birth to her husband's two sons - Fedor and Nikolai, who, as it was then expected, were enlisted from birth to serve in the guards regiments.

Fyodor Lavrov in the image of Gleb Saltykov in the TV series "Bloody Lady" (real images of Saltychikha's husband have not been preserved)

It was a typical marriage for its time - two noble families united to increase wealth. Special evidence of hatred for her husband, as well as adultery on the part of a young wife, plausibly shown in the film "The Bloody Lady", historians did not come across. In the same way, it remains unknown why the head of the family died after six years of marriage, leaving a 26-year-old widow with two sons in her arms - and a lot of money. Subsequently, versions arose that Saltykova herself got rid of her husband, but they seem to historians to be groundless.

rich widow

After the death of her husband, Daria Saltykova became fabulously rich. The reason was also that her mother (who, unlike the serial version, was not a homicidal maniac at all) and grandmother lived in a monastery and abandoned the family fortune.

So at the age of 26, a young mother of two sons became the sole owner of six hundred peasants in estates near Moscow located on the territory of the current village of Mosrentgen and the metropolitan area of ​​​​Teply Stan. The town house of Saltychikha in Moscow was located on the corner of Bolshaya Lubyanka and Kuznetsky Most. The lady also had remote estates in the Vologda and Kostroma provinces.

The widowed Daria Saltykova, of course, has not lost interest in the opposite sex. There is evidence that she played tricks with her husband's relative Sergei Saltykov. In the TV series "The Bloody Lady" his role was played by Pyotr Rykov. I must say that Sergei subsequently really became one of the favorites of Catherine II. In addition, some historians suggest that he is the biological father of Paul I.

Saltychikha's lover Sergei Saltykov / Pyotr Rykov in the image of Sergei Saltykov in the TV series "The Bloody Lady"

The widow led a secular lifestyle and at the same time was known as very pious - several times a year she made a pilgrimage to shrines, spared no money for church needs. The terrible "fun" of Saltychikha became known only a few years later. In the meantime, returning home after the service, she sat down in a chair in the middle of the courtyard to administer a "righteous judgment" over the serfs.

mysterious passion

According to witnesses, Saltychikha began to show her sadistic inclinations about six months after her husband's death. The film "The Bloody Lady" shows that the first signs of mental illness appeared in the landowner in early childhood - but historians have not found such evidence. However, the director notes that he did not set as his goal to make a historical film, "The Bloody Lady" is rather a scary tale.

Apparently, Daria Saltykova began to “be touched by the mind” precisely after the death of her husband. According to modern psychiatry, she had epileptoid psychopathy - a mental disorder in which a person often experiences bouts of sadism and unmotivated aggression.

Augustine Christian Ritt, "Portrait of Countess Darya Petrovna Saltykova", 1794, another portrait allegedly of Saltychikha

The first complaints about her atrocities, which were far from isolated, date back to 1757. Every year Saltychikha became more and more cruel and sophisticated. According to the stories of the serfs, she whipped them to death - and if she got tired, handed over the whip or whip to assistants - haiduks, pulled out women's hair on their heads or set them on fire, branded the ears of the young with a red-hot iron, scalded them with boiling water, froze to death in the cold or in an icy pond in winter, even buried alive.

"Saltychikha", Pchelin V.N.

In particular, Saltychikha loved to torture and torment the brides who were preparing for the wedding. She put on whole bloody performances, always ending in the death of young girls, cut with a whip. The coachman, the groom and a couple of henchmen, under the strict gaze of the bloody mistress, tried tirelessly. After all, it is well known that your own skin is more expensive. Fear and horror reigned in the noble house: the short night seemed like heaven to the serfs. And each of them with bated breath waited for the morning. And the awakened Saltychikha always gets up on the wrong foot and will definitely find a reason to pull out a tuft of hair from a girl passing by or burn her face with a red-hot iron or red-hot tongs.

Once, in September 1761, as a “prelude” to the next execution of her subjects, a boy, Lukyan Mikheev, was beaten to death with a log. Beautiful girls aroused special hatred in Saltychikha. For example, she strove to beat pregnant women in the stomach, doused them with boiling water and pulled out the ears of her victims with red-hot tongs. Sometimes this seemed not enough to her: once Saltychikha ordered the serf Thekla to be buried alive in the ground. A small but revealing touch to the portrait of the killer: all the victims were necessarily buried by the priest of the landowner. What he felt during this rite is unknown ...

Illustration of Kurdyumov's work for the Great Reform encyclopedia, which depicts the torture of Saltychikha "as softly as possible"

Not only peasants suffered from a psychopath

Once a well-known nobleman almost fell under the hot hand of the landowner. Land surveyor Nikolai Tyutchev - the grandfather of the poet Fyodor Tyutchev - was her lover for a long time, but then decided to marry another. What did you pay for...

Vlad Sokolovsky in the image of Nikolai Tyutchev in the TV series "The Bloody Lady" (real portraits of the land surveyor have not been preserved)

This story took place in early 1762. The landowner had an affair with engineer Nikolai Tyutchev. As a result, the man could not stand the violent temper of Saltychikha and decided to leave. He wooed Pelageya Tyutcheva, she agreed. The young began to think about the wedding, and Saltykova - about the murder.

So, on the night of February 12-13, she bought gunpowder and sulfur and sent the groom Roman Ivanov to set fire to the house of her former lover. She only demanded that the couple be at home and burned alive. The man did not fulfill the order, being afraid to kill the nobleman. For this he was severely beaten. The second time the landowner sent two: Ivanov and a certain Leontiev. However, this time they did not dare, returning to Saltychikha. The men were beaten with batogs, but they did not kill them.

The third time she sent three serfs at once. The Tyutchevs went to the Bryansk district to the estate of the bride Ovstug. Their path lay along the Great Kaluga Road, where an ambush was set up. The serfs had to first shoot at them, and then finish them off with sticks. But someone warned the young people about the ambush, and in the end they escaped at night by a roundabout way.

The Case of the Lost Souls

Complaints rained down on the ferocious landowner, but Saltychikha belonged to a well-known noble family, whose representatives were also governor-generals of Moscow. All cases of cruelty were decided in her favor. Moreover, often the opposite happened - the complainants returned to the estate, where they were beaten with whips and exiled to Siberia.

Only two peasants, Savely Martynov and Yermolai Ilyin, whose wives were brutally killed by Saltychikha, were lucky. In 1762, they managed to convey a complaint to Catherine II, who had just ascended the throne, who decided to use the case of a sadist as a show trial. It marked a new era of legality and demonstrated to the entire Moscow nobility the readiness of the authorities to fight abuses on the ground.

The investigation into the Saltychikha case lasted six years. It turned out that she tortured and killed at least 38 people. The remaining cases of missing more than a hundred peasants could not be attributed to the landowner. But even this was enough for the Empress to personally sign the verdict for Daria Saltykova. The Senate, which was supposed to pass judgment by law, refused to do so.

The most terrible rumor that was spread about the landowner Saltykova was that she drank the blood of young girls and was a cannibal. This, they say, explained the fact that the bodies or burial places of most of the souls who were considered missing without a trace, during the investigation, which lasted more than five years, could not be found. The whole thing was based on the stories of the serfs.

Shot from the series "The Bloody Lady"

There is a version that the high-profile case of Saltychikha was beneficial to Catherine the Great and her supporters - in order to morally weaken the Saltykovs and prevent even the hypothetical possibility of taking the Russian throne by representatives of the German Welf dynasty, to which three tragically dead Russian emperors belonged (Peter II, Peter III and Ivan VI ) and who was related to the Saltykovs. Therefore, it is quite possible that the story of the crimes of the landowners could inflate.


Numerous influential relatives of Daria Saltykova, including the governor of Moscow and the field marshal, did their best to avoid the death penalty. Nevertheless, the decision of the Empress was harsh. By her decree, she decided henceforth "to call this monster a man."

In September 1768, Catherine II rewrote the sentence several times. Four of her handwritten drafts of the document have survived. In the final version, Saltychikha was deprived of her noble rank and sentenced to life imprisonment in an underground prison without light and human communication.

Saltychikha was taken to the square, on the scaffold she was tied with chains to a pillory and the royal paper was read out. And before that, the priest and two helpers of Daria Saltykova were mercilessly flogged by the executioner. After some time, they put her in a black wagon and took her to the St. John the Baptist Convent. Here a “repentant” chamber was waiting for her - almost a pit where even a ray of light did not penetrate. Only in the minutes when food was brought to the prisoner was light allowed - the stub of the candle was placed next to the bowl for the duration of the meal.

Actress Yulia Snigir in the image of Saltychikha in the series "Bloody lady"

After more than a dozen years, Saltychikha was transferred to a stone extension of the cathedral church, where there was a small barred window. There were rumors that Daria Saltykova somehow managed to seduce the soldier guarding the dungeon, and at the age of 50 give birth to a child from him. And, they say, a random lover was subjected to public flogging and sent to a penal company. We note that not once - neither during the investigation, nor at the scaffold - Saltychikha admits his guilt and does not repent. And on her face, frightening even experienced jailers, a calm and triumphant smile will walk.

John the Baptist Convent, where Daria Saltykova was imprisoned

What is surprising - the gas chamber, distinguished by excellent health, lived to be 71 years old. In the last years of her life, the prisoner already behaved like a real crazy woman - she scolded loudly, spat, tried to poke at onlookers with a stick. They buried Daria Saltykova at the cemetery of the Donskoy Monastery, next to her relatives.

The noble Russian nobility shyly turned a blind eye to the deeds of the followers of Saltychikha. For example, in September 1842, the landowner Vera Sokolova beat the courtyard girl Nastasya to death, and in the Tambov province, the peasants were afraid of the wife of the nobleman Koshkarov like fire. This secular lady, shining at balls, simply adored in her estate to personally whip "rude men" and "stupid women" with a whip. And a certain Saltykova, Saltychikha's namesake, kept the yard hairdresser in a cage for three years in a cage near the bed. However, these are just a few documented cases, how many there were in fact - it's scary to imagine.

thirty suitors

Komi folk tale

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had thirty suitors-sons. It was difficult with them - after all, for everyone you need thirty hats, thirty coats, thirty pairs of boots. The brothers grew up, became smart, hard-working. The old man and the old woman did not have time to get enough of them, as the elder Ivan says:
- We decided to marry thirty sisters and go around the world to look for brides.
Well, there's nothing to do. Parents began to equip the guys on the road. Ivan took a ball of thread, threw it on the ground and said: “Find us brides-sisters. Wherever you go, there we will go."
The ball rolled, the brothers followed it, climbed over the mountains, swam across the rivers, passed through the forests and reached the clearing where the hut stands, the old woman sits on the threshold, spinning wool.
She learned what the brothers needed, and she says:
- I have five granddaughters - five sisters, go ahead, to my aunt, she also has girls. I don't know how many of them, I didn't count, I just remember that there are many.
Ivan again threw the ball to the ground. He rolled over the mountains and dales, the brothers followed him.
For a long time they wandered, finally, they reached a forest clearing, where a hut stands under a spruce, an old woman sits on the threshold, spinning wolf hair.

She saw thirty brothers and asked:
- How far have you gone?
The brothers told her everything without concealment. The hostess steamed them in the bathhouse, fed them, gave them to drink, then says:
- You will have to go further to where thirty brides are waiting for you. I only have twenty girls. Nothing, the ball will lead you to the lake where my aunt lives. She has just thirty girls in the house lives.
Again the ball rolled, the brothers followed it and found themselves on the shore of the lake. There, on the shore, a hut stands, an old woman sits on the threshold, spinning wool. She saw the brothers and asked:
- Where are you heading? The brothers told everything.
“Thirty brides live in my house,” the old woman replies.
Girls ran out of the house, one more beautiful than the other.
The brothers of the brides began to choose: this one likes the one, the other - the other.
And Ivan the younger brother said:
- Give me the bride, which will remain. The night has come. Ivan ordered the brothers to lie down under the benches. They did just that. But Ivan did not sleep.
He sensed something unkind, noticed by the old woman's grip that she was Yoma. Ivan does not sleep, the broom is put on the bench. And Yoma is sharpening a knife at this time.

She sharpened, crept up to the girls, cut off her braids and began to conjure. And Yoma turned the girls into horses. They were not her daughters, but captives. She wanted to behead the brothers too, but they lay down under the benches, and on the advice of Ivan they put brooms on the benches.
Ivan woke up the brothers, they crawled out from under the benches, and he showed them the chopped brooms.
“If it weren’t for me, the witch would have cut off our heads.”
As soon as Yoma-Baba began to snore, Ivan went into the yard, cleaned Yomin's horses, fed and watered them. He understood their language. And one horse said to him in a human voice:
- Us, Ivan, Yoma beats. And when she makes you harness, don't hit me, I'll give you a foal for that.
And so it happened. Yoma forced the brothers to harness horses every day for three weeks in a row, carry firewood, not spare horses, whip with a whip, and for this she promised everyone a horse.
But Ivan felt sorry for the mare, he never hit.
The due date has arrived. Yoma allowed the brothers to take a horse each. The brothers took a good horse each, Ivan chose a foal. The brothers ride on horseback, Ivan walks on foot, dragging the foal by the reins.
And the ball rolls forward. He stopped in front of the royal palace.
They came to the king, and the king accepted them into the service, brothers of the same father.
For intelligence and courage, he fell in love with the eldest - Ivan, and made the brothers grooms.
The brothers envied Ivan, began to slander him to the king.
However, the king did not listen to their slander. The brothers heard that there is a flying carpet, you can sit down and fly. They told the king about it.
- Ivan, - they say, - boasted of bringing a flying carpet, taking it away from Yoma-baba.
The tsar summoned Ivan and ordered him to bring a carpet, but if you don’t bring it, he says, I’ll cut off my head!
Ivan went to the stable. The foal saw that he was sad. He began to ask why the owner was not cheerful. He told the foal that he needed to get a flying carpet from Yoma Baba.
- Is this a service, the service will be ahead! - neighed the colt.
Ivan jumped on a foal, and the foal turned into a good horse, flew over the mountains, over the valleys and ended up near the lake of Yomy-baba, where the brothers were wooing brides.
And the horse says:
- Come in, Ema-baba is sleeping.
Ivan tied the horse to the fence. And the carpet under the head of Yoma Baba.
Ivan pulled out the carpet so that Yoma Baba did not even hear. Then Ivan got on his horse and rushed to the palace.
The witch woke up, rushed to catch up, but where is it!
Ivan brought the flying carpet to the old tsar, he rewarded the guy, ordered to give Ivan a cup of wine. And the brothers became even more offended.
They quieted down a little and again they say to the king:
- Oh, tsar-sovereign, beyond the distant seas there is a beautiful princess Marpida. Our Ivan wanted to bring it to the neighboring tsar.
The king's heart broke. He began to ask everyone about the beauty, and then he called Ivan and ordered him to bring Marpida the princess. And you will not bring, they say, off with your head.
Ivan went back to the horse. I told him everything.
And the horse neighed:
- The service is still ahead.
Ivan sat on a horse, the horse rushed off, and ahead the ball rolled. One kingdom after another flickers.
Finally, we arrived in the country where Marpida lives. The horse told Ivan to hide.
- I, - he says, - I will walk here. As soon as the dawn shines, Marpida - the king's daughter - will go out for a walk, she will catch me. I'll lie down on the grass, she'll sit on me, but don't yawn, jump out from under the bush and jump into the saddle... And we'll gallop away!
As soon as the dawn shone, the tsar's daughter went out into the garden and began to catch the horse. The horse lay down, and the princess got into the saddle... Ivan jumped on the horse and, together with Marpida, galloped to the king. She didn't have time to gasp. Well, the tsar rewarded Ivan with gold and furs...
And the brothers are still in the grooms, do not sleep from envy, do not eat.
The old king says to Marpida:
- Let's get married, beauty!
And the princess laughs:
- How can we get married, you are old, I am young, and, besides, I don’t have a wedding dress, a fine fellow in an old sundress brought me to you.
- And what kind of wedding dress do you want? - asks the king.
Marpida in reply:
- My clothes are at home. Whoever brought me, let him get my outfit.

The tsar sent Ivan for a wedding dress. Ivan became sad and told the horse everything. The horse hung its head
- This, - he says, - is a very difficult service, but it is not the last, the service is still ahead. I just don't know how we will do it.
Ivan rushes again for a wedding dress. I rode and rode, finally rode to Marpidin's country and found out that the wedding dress was in the church under the throne, and there the service was going on.
The horse says:
- I will turn into a golden priest, the people will be surprised and will pour out of the church to look at me. And you take the outfit at that time.
The horse turned around like a golden butt and began to walk around the church.
People wonder: "What a miracle." So the priests, the deacons left the church, and the parishioners, and the golden priest is still praying. Ivan seized the moment, grabbed the princess's dress, jumped on his horse and galloped off.
This is where everyone got it:
- Yes, this is the fellow who took away the royal daughter, and now he stole the wedding dress. Don't overtake him.
Ivan returned to the king, brought a wedding dress. The king rejoiced.
“Now,” he says, “let’s get married.” But the crafty beauty Marpida still does not agree:
You are old, I am young. I want you to look younger too. I have a thirty-year-old mare, she milks 30 buckets of milk, if you boil this milk and dip into it, you will become as young as I am.
- Well, well, - the king answers. - Whoever brought you will bring the mare.
The king again calls Ivan:
- We must bring a thirty-year-old mare. I'll boil mare's milk, take a dip and become a young beauty.
Ivan told the horse everything. He yelled:
- Oh, this service is the last one. Yes, I do not know how to catch this mare. Well, go ahead and try your luck.
Ivan sat on his horse, galloped to the meadow, where a mare was grazing by the river. I drove, I drove, I got only in the evening. The sun has set and it's bright. It is the mare's mane that shines. The mare saw them, as she rushed towards, in a human voice she said to the horse:
- My dear son, I heard a lot about you, I looked for you everywhere, because I am your own mother.
Here Ivan was delighted! The mare herself followed them.
Thirty buckets of milk were milked in the palace, boiled and poured into the cauldron. And the mare warned Ivan:
- You also bathe in milk, but do not immediately climb into the cauldron, call me first, as if you want to say goodbye. And I will snort three times into the milk, it will cool down, then you dive in.
Here they brought a cauldron of boiling milk. The king became afraid. He ordered Ivan to take a dip first.
Ivan asks the king:
- Bring the horse and the mare, I want to say goodbye to them.
They brought both a horse and a mare. The mare snorted three times, Ivan threw himself into the cauldron of milk.
He got out, people do not believe their eyes, he became so handsome. Just got out - the milk in the boiler became hot again.
The king quickly rushed to the same place.
Here he ends.
Ivan married the beautiful Marpida and instead of the king began to rule the country. He summoned his father and mother to him, and he did not live and care for the horse and the mare.

The myth of Yirkap

Yirkap and found, they say, Lake Sindor. How else would you find him in the middle of a dark forest. With Yirkap, what happened is true. Former people, old people still told.
Yirkap was engaged in hunting. One day he stumbled, they say, on such a tree - when he goes hunting, the dog constantly barks at him.

What, they say, this happened - all the same tree barks? Yirkap got fed up with this and hit him with an axe. He struck, and blood came out of the tree. The tree said: “Yirkap, cut me down and make yourself one ski. If you don’t cut it down, then put a chip in the old place. Yirkap cut it down. of this tree, he would no longer be able to stop, he would be carried away to the other side of the earth. Wherever he wants, his skis carry him there. He throws his mittens and hat in front of him, the skis stop, and if he doesn’t leave, they won’t stop. on new skis, Yirkap became the first hunter. After that, no animal got rid of him - neither a deer, nor a lynx, whoever he sees, he will catch. And he went to catch fish to Lake Sim (Lake Sim is 300 versts from here). from home, when the stove is heated, and the stove is only heated, he is already returning.

There lived a widow, a witch. She bet with him: there are, they say, thirty deer, you, he says, will quickly catch thirty of these deer, but the thirty-first is blue. If you catch up with him, then no one in the whole world will have more agile legs than you, all the animals and birds will become yours.

Let them come, says Yirkap. I just need to get out. The next morning, mother started baking bread. I saw a blue deer and woke up Yirkap. Yirkap, get up, they say, your blue deer is grazing on the other side. Yirkap got up, took a hot yarushnik from his mother, put it in his bosom, and without eating went out to catch up with the deer. They, brother, waved to the Siberian stone (and where is this Siberian stone - who can know). There, on the stones, the deer's hooves began to move apart and slide. The deer could no longer run.

After that, the blue deer rolled over his head and turned into a beautiful, beautiful girl. "Yirkap, - says, - do not kill me, I will be your faithful servant." But Yirkap did not agree. Once, they say, you took me so far away, I won’t leave you alive. Yirkap killed the girl. He took out her heart, put it in her bosom and returned back. He returned and broke the yarushnik - there is still warm steam coming from the bread. That's how long, it turns out, and went to the Siberian stone, the bread had not yet had time to cool. He brought the girl's heart and put it on the table of that woman. "This is, they say, the heart of a deer." “And once, they say, you caught a blue deer, then no bird, no game will run away from you. Everything will be yours,” that woman says.

Yirkap used to slip through the mud and cross the lake. And there was another yoma (sorceress). Yoma tells his stepmother - what, they say, this is the kind of son you have, he will catch all the animals and birds. We'll all be starved to death. It is, they say, very light, it will not sink, it is necessary to make it heavier. She gave Yirkap to drink with strips of footcloths so that he would become heavy.

Yirkap after that became heavy and began to fail. One night he began to cross the ice across Sindor Lake. He began to cross over the ice, which looked like broken glass, and drowned. Oh, well, this is cheating. He floundered, floundered - he could not do anything. He pulled out a knife and cut off the strings of wonderful skis - he wanted to get rid of them. He began to cut the strings, the skier said again: "Yirkap, Yirkap, you have ruined yourself and you are ruining me too! If you hadn't cut off the strings, I would have pulled you ashore." Yirkap kicked with his foot, and the ski with cut off strings flew, flew through a hefty pine tree, made a hole. Old people still remember this holey stump. This place was indicated near Sindor Lake. Here, they say, was such a hefty and thick stump ...
And Yirkap drowned there. And now this place is also called Jikapow. This is what the man who found Sindor Lake was like.

How Ivan buried the need

Komi folk tale
Once upon a time there were two brothers Vasily and Ivan. Vasily, cunning, greedy, became so rich that he had nowhere to put his money, and the younger Ivan grew poorer every day.
Once, on his name day, the rich man Vasily arranged a feast, called many guests, but did not invite Ivan. The guests sat down at the table, drinking and eating. A rich brother has all sorts of treats on the table: cucumbers and gingerbread, apples and noodles, cottage cheese with an egg and porridge with sour cream, a pot with melted butter and wheat pancakes lie in a mountain.
It was a shame for Ivan. He tells his wife:
- As you wish, I'll go to Vasily!
The hostess dissuades Ivan. Not worth it, they say.
But the owner stands his ground. - I'll go, - he answers. - I really want to drink and eat. The rich man Vasily saw Ivan from the window, ran out into the hallway and said:
- Come tomorrow evening, and now get out.
- Oh, - he says, - brother, I wanted to drink water.
- If you want to drink, then there is a tub of water in the hallway.
Vasily went to his guests, and Ivan went to a tub of water.
Ivan got drunk, and here's a miracle - he got tipsy. He began to descend from the porch and closed the door. And the rich brother swears:
- Here is the villain, he wants to disgrace me!
Suddenly, the poor man heard that someone nearby was repeating all his words and singing softly. He turned around, and in front of him in a thin caftan, a pale, skinny man was standing.
- Who are you? And skinny:
- I am your need.
- Well, if you are my Need, let's go from here, - says Ivan. They went into Ivanov's hut. The poor man said to his wife:
- Mistress, the two of us came, feed us something.
The hostess brought them cabbage soup, porridge - everything that was.
- Well, mistress, bed us something. We will lie down.
The hostess made the bed, put clothes under her head. Ivan went to bed with Need, and the hostess with the children.
The next day the hostess woke up, fired up the stove, cooked porridge, cabbage soup. Need got up with Ivan, got dressed, put on shoes. Ivan says:
- Well, hostess, feed us, we'll eat and go to work with the need.
The hostess fed and watered her husband and guest. Need with Ivan took an ax and a shovel and went to work.
Ivan contracted to dig a hole for the cellar ass,
So they started digging a hole. First one digs, then another.
The deep hole became, in growth of the person. Need climbed into the hole, now it was her turn to dig. Bent over - barely visible:
- Exactly, - he says, - dug smoothly, now I'll get out.
Need leaned even lower, began to level, and the owner took a shovel and instantly fell asleep Need. Then he trimmed it from above, sketched brushwood, an ax, took a shovel and went home.
- Well, - says, - hostess, let's feed something. I buried my need.
The hostess took cabbage soup and porridge out of the oven and fed it.
Ivan woke up the next day, the sun was already high. He lies on the stove and smokes. And they had chicken. She laid a testicle and cackles and cackles loudly. The owner of tears, looks and is surprised: the testicle is not simple, but golden.
Called the hostess.
The hostess got up. Look: the egg is golden. Ivan took the egg and took it to the shop, put it in front of the merchant, his eyes widen.
- How much for him, - he says, - are you asking? Is one hundred rubles enough?
“Enough,” says the poor man.
One hundred rubles is a lot of money for him.
The owner took a hundred rubles, bought food and went home. The holiday came for him and for the family.
The next day the hen laid a golden egg again. And the day after tomorrow too. They sold the second egg for two hundred rubles, the third for three hundred. And all day Ivan and the mistress of the renovation were buying, cereals - in a bag, sugar - in a bag, grain - in sledges, chintz - in bales. They bought, bought, wore, wore, both on themselves and on a horse. And bread, and sugar, and cereals, and they had plenty of everything. They eat and treat their neighbors. The rich brother considered. What happened to Ivan: he carries everything in bags and sacks, where does he get money from? I'm obviously rich. He doesn’t drink, doesn’t eat, even lost weight with envy, and Ivan says to his wife:
- Well, mistress, we lived poorly, because of need we never arranged a feast, we didn’t celebrate name days. Now we have everything. Come on, get ready, bake some food, make some beer. We will arrange a name day with you, we will invite the whole village to visit.
The hostess brewed beer for a week, baked bread - she is preparing for the name day. And the feast began for the whole world. They invited all the relatives and the rich brother Vasily was also called. Everyone come and sit down. Shame on Vasily the rich man. He did not arrange such a feast either. He drank two glasses, but he doesn’t drink anymore, he doesn’t want to get drunk, he wants to find out why his brother got rich.
And Ivan, for joy, with one - a glass, with the other - a glass. Got tipsy.
Vasily began to ask questions.
- Eh, - he says, - brother, how did you get rich? Ivan told everything.
“Here,” he says, “brother, Need has become attached to me. I saw her when I came to your feast. Do you remember when you kicked me out? I took it and buried Need in the cemetery near the priest's cellar. So I got rid of Need.
Vasily decided:
“I’m going to go and dig Need out of there.”
OK. Vasily secretly left. He grabbed a shovel, ran to the cemetery and began to dig. Digging, digging, looking: someone is fumbling at the bottom of the pit.
- Need, - he says, - is it alive? The need has risen and says:
- Barely alive, almost suffocated, let's help out.
The rich brother gave his hand to Need, raised Skinny and said:
- That's because the villain is something that arranged with you. If it wasn't for me, you'd be here to rot. Go quickly to him, he is just having a feast today.
- Thank you, - answers Need. - Thank you, kind person, for dug up. But no, I won't go to your brother's. What will you do with it?
“Wait, I’ll outwit her,” Vasily thinks. “I’ll take her to the feast and leave her there.”
They went to Ivan for a feast. And here on the table are various dishes, noodles and cucumbers, cottage cheese with eggs and porridge with sour cream, a pot of butter and hot pancakes.
Vasily went into the hut, and Need remained at the porch. Can't come in.
- If I fall into Ivan's hands, he will bury it again.
Vasily waited, waited for Need, and went back out. The need is right there, jumped on his shoulders, tied tightly.
From that time on, he became poorer, Vasily went bankrupt. Either the bears killed the cow, then the next day the thieves cleared the barn, and on the third day the hut and the cage burned down.
But Ivan did not see Need in his eyes, he is still afraid of him and bypasses him.

Mr. Ivan Sarapanchikov

Komi folk tale

Once a woman came under the window with five guys and plaintively asked:
- Oh, hostess, have pity on my children, give me some bread...
The hostess took pity on both the mother and the children, and gave away the last loaf.
Woman and says:
- For this, your son will have a happy fate, he will marry the princess.
The hostess laughed.
- What a princess! My son Ivan is the first lazy person, and the shepherd's daughter will not marry him. The guy is sixteen years old, and he lies on the stove day and night.

But the passerby stands her ground;
- Your son will start to plow, he will find his happiness.
The woman left and took the children away ... It was a sultry day, mosquitoes and gadflies flew in clouds, but Ivan suddenly gathered for arable land. The mother began to persuade him:
- Do not go. The gadflies will sting the horse, and she will kill you.
Ivan didn't listen. Harnessed the nag, went to the arable land, And there, indeed, the gadflies began to sting the horse.
He grabbed his hat and began to drive away mosquitoes and gadflies.
He waved his hat, looks - he killed a lot.
He let them count. I counted 75 gadflies, but did not count midges and mosquitoes. Get them. Ivan thought:
“What is it, I can kill so many souls in one fell swoop, but I have to plow. No, I will not plow. I am not a simple person, but a hero.”

Ivan unharnessed the horse, pushed it in the side with his fist and grunted:
- You are not a working mare, you are a heroic horse.
The mare almost falls off her feet, so thin, barely alive, but what is he, stupid! Left the horse in the field, he returned home.
- Well, mother, it turns out that I am strong, powerful
- Shut up, fool! - answers the mother, - what else has it got into your head, how powerful you are, if you can’t chop wood.
- In vain, mother, - says Ivan, - you are talking like that. I killed 75 heroes in one fell swoop, but I didn’t count the small ones. Hurry up your sundress, I'll hit the road today.
- Pip on your tongue! - shouts the mother. - Sundresses were needed! You are not a woman, you should not wear sundresses.
- Come on, let's shoot quickly. I'll make a tent out of it - Ivan stuck.
Still got it. He took the sundress from his mother, found somewhere his father's old scythe, made a sheath and put the scythe there. It turned out like a saber on its side.
“Perhaps you will take a horse, too?” the mother was frightened.
- And how! - says Ivan. - Bogatyrs do not ride without horses. Our mare is not simple, but a heroic horse.
The mother tried to keep her son, but how can you keep him? Ivan is already stronger than his mother. He bridled the mare, sat on horseback and rode aimlessly...

Ivan rode and rode and reached a fork in three roads. There, a pine sways in the wind. Ivan trimmed the side of the pine, scraped and cut out the inscription:
“Mr. Ivan Sarapanchikov passed this road. Mighty hero. In one fell swoop, he killed 75 knights, and laid down small ones without a number. If you want - catch up, if you don't want - stay!
Ivan rested and then galloped along the road further.
Three heroes drove up to the old pine tree - Belunya the hero, Gorynya the hero, and the Sampler himself. The heroes returned home after a long wandering. At the fork in the road, they sat down to rest. Suddenly they see an inscription.

The heroes read and looked at each other. The Sampler himself, as the eldest among them, began to ask:
- You, Belunya-hero, knew such a hero?
- No, - says Belunya-hero.
- No, - says Gorynya the hero.
“Neither do I,” says the Sampler Himself. Then the Sampler Himself asks again:
- And you, Belunya-hero, can you lay down so many knights in one fell swoop?
- No, - Belunya-hero answers.
- No, - replies Gorynya the hero.
- And I'm not - confessed Sam Tribesman. - You better tell us what to do if we meet with this traveler.

No one wants to die, no one likes death. The Sampler himself says:
- We need to get acquainted with the traveler and, if he agrees, take him for an older brother, obey him. We will have to catch up with him, so that there is no harm later.
The heroes jumped on their horses and rushed off in pursuit of Ivan Sarapanchikov.
And Ivan is trudging forward and forward on a mare. An old braid on the side, a sundress hangs on the saddle. The horse is thin, he didn’t go far, of course. Suddenly, a horse's stomp was heard from behind - these are the heroes flying.
“What is it, what is this noise?” Ivan thinks and, turning around, moves his finger.

The heroes then just appeared from behind the forest.
- Here, here, - they say to each other, - here he is, but isn't he threatening us? What was he waving his finger at? How would it approach, so as not to immediately rush?
Ivan did not even stop, everything goes forward. The Sampler himself took courage, caught up with Ivan, and asked in a low voice:
- Will it be you Mr. hero Ivan Sarapanchikov?
- And even if I did! - Ivan answered angrily. - What do you care?
A stupid person has such a conversation.
Are you good or evil?
“Are you Mr. Ivan Sarapanchikov?” the Sampler Himself asks again. “If it’s you, we’ve come to agree with you, be with us for the eldest, and it will be fine for us, and for you, even into the fire, even into the water, we will follow you.
- Okay! - Ivan answers. - Well, you will be my younger brothers. Now follow me. Samoyedennik himself told the heroes everything:
- Phew, he is strong, - he says, - I was sweating from such a conversation. Oh, how angry! It can be seen, and, indeed, he is powerful, if he talks to us like that! After all, if you look, it’s just a simple person, thin, and clothes - ashamed to say, only rags. But his temper is formidable. OK. Though we met, now we'll live! Yes!

Three heroes galloped after Ivan and reached the turn of the Nine Kingdoms. Ivan says:
- Well, heroes, if you called yourself my brothers, I will call you that. We'll set up a parking lot here. I have not rested for a long time, but here I will rest. As soon as I go to bed, I sleep for three days without waking up, and you don’t bother me.
Ivan hung the sarafan on the stakes, arranged for himself a canopy not a canopy, a tent not a tent, and went in there. The heroes just looked at each other. They, too, usually rest for the whole day, but Ivan still guessed to say that he sleeps for three days.
The heroes say to each other: Ivan is a hero, he has a heroic dream. And look like a simple person!
The heroes marvel, but what is Ivan, he is a man with laziness, he still has a little more than three days, he would lie even longer if he didn’t feel like eating.
The heroes also pitched their tents, let the horses feed, and are preparing to go to bed. And they are experienced people, they know where they are staying. They began to interpret.

How so? After all, we came to the Nine Kingdoms, here the evil king, if we lie down unarmed, he will send troops and they will chop us sleepy. How is it that they didn’t ask the elder brother, and without asking him, it’s also impossible to set sentries. Come on, - they say to Samoplemennik, - the eldest among us, go and ask Ivan how to be.
Samplemennik himself did not want to go, he did not want to disturb Ivan. However, he quietly asked him:
- Mr. Sarapanchikov, Mr. Sarapanchikov, after all, we stopped at the Nine Kingdoms and do not dare to lie down without sentries, how and what do you order?
- And I'm not going to stand guard for you, - Ivan shouted from under the sundress. - The three brothers themselves, stand in shifts!
The Sampler himself quickly leaned back and said:
- Wow and angry, he himself ordered to stand in shifts.
A day flew by, the second raced by.
But the border does not remain empty, they guard it. And the king of the Nine Kingdoms learned that the heroes were standing on the line. The king gathered troops without number, sent them to the border.

But Ivan is still sleeping, he has not yet left his tent. Belunya the bogatyr turned out to be sentinel, twice he looked into the tent, but he does not dare to wake Ivan, he goes back. The brothers consulted and they sent the Samoplemennik to Ivan.
The Sampler Himself says to Ivan:
- If such a case, I had to disturb you, wake you up, nothing can be done, you see, after all, how many troops are coming. And you, Mr. Sarapanchikov, are considered our big brother, troops without number are marching against us. What are you supposed to do?
Ivan woke up, shouted:
- I will not go against such an army. There is no need to bother me over trifles. Go and fight yourself. Leave one enemy alive so that he can tell his people how you dealt with his army.

The Sampler himself says to the heroes:
- Oh, you, oh you, well, you are strong, apparently, against such an army, I, he says, will not go out, there was no need, they say, to bother me because of trifles. What about, brothers, can we do it alone?
Well, you can do it here or not, but you have to fight, Ivan ordered. The heroes jumped on their horses, cut down the entire army, mowed it down, as they mow hay. One enemy was left alive. The Sampler himself ordered him to go to the king.
- You tell the king what you saw, but do not forget to tell that our older brother did not go out onto the field. Against him, they say, no force can stand. And let the king not destroy people, do not go against us, and if he wants good, let him meet us with bread and salt.
The Sampler himself released the ambassador, and he ran to the sovereign king.
And the lord of the Nine Kingdoms, as soon as he learned about the death of the army, became furious and angry. He had Polkan-Polubes, bodyguard and support of the entire Nine Kingdoms. Polkan was not simple in appearance - up to half a horse, and the other half like a man. Itself is 30 fathoms long. On earth and in the whole world there has not yet been an opponent equal to Polkan. The king ordered him to drive out the heroes.

Boo, boo! Zim! Zim! - the earth trembles, Polkan steps. He waves his tail, maybe a hundred miles away.
The heroes heard this rumble and noise. They, experienced, literate people, knew that in the Nine Kingdoms there is Polkan-Polubes, an invincible monster. They heard Polkanov's footsteps and were afraid. Samplemennik himself rushed to Ivan.
- Mr. Sarapanchikov, Mr. Sarapanchikov, Polkan-Polubes, apparently, is coming. No one can fight him, the scripture says about him. What are we going to do, won't you come out yourself?
Ivan sighed heavily.
“Yes,” he says, “it seems that I will have to go out.
- And what do you order us, - asks the Sampler Himself, - he is very strong, help will not be superfluous. Would you take us with you, maybe we can come in handy?
- No, no, - says Ivan, - you will only interfere, there is no need to take you, I will go alone.
The Sampler himself came to the heroes, he was surprised:
- But he didn’t take us, you, they say, will only interfere, I can handle it alone.

The heroes also gasp, they are surprised, well, and strength, they say! And Ivan got out from under the sundress.
“Oh, oh, oh, my mother told the truth, I didn’t know how to live, that’s the end. Well, if I were at home now, otherwise I would have to die here. In vain did not listen to my mother. She called me stupid, and I am stupid.”
Ivan does not want to die, but there is nothing to do, the word was given to the heroes, he will have to go against Polkan.
Ivan caught the mare, sat on horseback and galloped towards Polkan-Polubes. Moved away so as not to be ashamed. Let the heroes not see how they will kill him. Ivan goes and feels sorry for himself, mourns his young life.
Here Polkan-Polubes appeared, one head nine fathoms high - a terrible monster.
Ivan saw and almost fell off his horse, he was so scared. I realized: now I won’t have time to run away, and there’s nowhere to run. Already close to Polkan. And so, in order not to see his death, Ivan tied his mother's sundress and tied his eyes and face.
Polkan noticed this.
- Oh, - he says, - for thirty years I did not go to battle, the laws of war have changed, apparently.
He took his tent and blindfolded them.

The day was sunny and light. Ivan can see everything through a holey sundress. Polkan does not see anything, his tent is good, dense. That's where both met. Polkan is like a blind man, but Ivan is sighted. Ivan waved his scythe, and somehow it turned out well, he cut the main vein to Polkan-Polubesu. Polkan fell, and Ivan, don't be a fool, rather to the side, away. Started watching from afar. He sees that the end of Polkan is coming, the Polubes is fighting on the grass, it is scary to look at. He beats himself - he blew up the whole earth, the pines that stood as thick as a tower, pulls out with roots, breaks. It was not in vain that the heroes said that there is no one stronger than Polkan in the world, in the scripture, they say, it is said so.
Polkan smashed and crumbled everything, leaving no chips.
He fought, fought with the last of his strength, then completely froze. Ivan went to the heroes, says to them:
- Well, brothers, go look if you want. There, at the edge of the forest, lies the Polubes, I finished him off. The heroes did not go - they ran.
- Yes, - they say, - not a chip is left. This is a war, this is a battle! Now I'll have to believe Ivan's power, that's who he killed! It is good that we were not mistaken, we obeyed in time. Yes, now there is no one stronger than him in the world.
- Well, - Ivan asks, - have you looked?
- Yes, - say the heroes, - how many years we have been traveling, fighting, but we have not seen such a battle yet. We will remember forever.

Time flies, it's time to move on.
- Well, brothers, come to me, - Ivan calls the heroes, - sit down.
The heroes came, quietly sat down. Respect Ivan.
- I'll give you an order. Go to the Queen of the Nine-Tsar State and tell her what I have in mind. Do you know what I thought?
“We don’t know,” the heroes quietly answer.
- But what I thought, - says Ivan, - you go and tell the queen to prepare to marry me, she will be my wife. If she does not go, I will burn her whole kingdom and let it go to the wind, and I will kill her herself. If she marries me, we will reign together. Now step up.
Well, the brothers have to go, since the elder brother sends.
They came to the city where the queen lives.
And the queen already knew that Polkan had been killed, she received matchmakers-heroes, fed and watered.

The Sampler Himself says:
- Our elder brother, Mr. Ivan Sarapanchikov, not today - tomorrow he will come to woo and asks me to tell you: if, they say, you do not marry him, he will turn the whole kingdom, and if you go, you will reign together. What do you say now - say, and we will wait, we have been given a day's deadline.
The queen became very ill when the heroes added that Ivan, they say, was untidy and ugly. So, they say, he looks thin, like a simple person. The queen does not want to marry Ivan.
I thought, the queen thought, I thought for half a day. Well, then he says to the heroes.
- I'll have to prepare, I didn't want to, but I'll have to: agree so that Ivan does not devastate the kingdom.
- Well, if you agree, - the heroes answer, - you need to prepare clothes for the groom, because he has nothing.
The queen, of course, has everything, they called tailors and they began to sew caftans and shirts.
The heroes rode back, and the city is preparing to meet Ivan. Zyabamen hung out, songs are played. The groom is greeted with a ringing, the bells are ringing. A guard has been set up at the royal palace.

As soon as Ivan Sarapanchikov showed up, "on guard!" shouted. It’s funny to people: Ivan has a thin horse, and he himself is the same, but you can’t laugh, everyone is afraid to laugh at the one who killed Polkan-Polubes. Here judges, governors - all the authorities came out - they dragged clothes.
“If it suits you, Mr. Sarapanchikov, put it on and wear it,” they say.
And ironed, you will not see the folds, only the brocade shines. The man was not offended, he took it. They brought Ivan to the palace. The Queen of the Nine Kingdoms did not treat with salted mushrooms, not like ours, she gave tea to drink. Overseas wines, meads, mash were there. Three days later the wedding was scheduled. From all over the world, from foreign kingdoms-states, guests were invited, all princes, kings.
Ivan got dressed and, like a real person, became, with a gold watch, with royal signs, he hung everything on himself that they gave him. No worse than the prince in appearance. Well, here such a great feast was arranged, the prices of goods were reduced - take what anyone needs.

And they treated the common people according to Ivanov's order - everyone at the feast ate to satiety, and there was still left.
There was a feast for two months. Then, as the feast ended, Ivan summoned the heroes to him.
“Here,” he says, “brothers, if you want to live with me and serve well, I will reward you, I will appoint you commanders in chief, if you don’t want to live here, go wherever you want, I don’t keep you, you have your own will. What do you want - to be governors or to go free?
I asked and gave a day to answer. They thought and thought, then the Sampler Himself says:
- Painfully angry Ivan, I decided to leave here. If you stay here, you will have to be afraid of him all the time and please him. He is not a real hero. The real one is kind and fair.
- I also decided, - says Belunya. - I want to go free.
And the third hero says:
- I'll leave too.
Then they all went to Ivan together.
“Here,” they say, “elder brother, if it doesn’t harm you, let us go, we will go free.”
And no matter how Ivan persuaded the heroes, they left him.

"KOMI FOLK TALES Foma Yag-Mort Three brothers and sister Fedot Sagittarius Thirty suitors Myth about..."

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About the poor Momet and the rich master

Three brothers and a sister

Soldier, stingy man and evil king

Fedot Sagittarius

thirty suitors

The myth of Yirkap

How Ivan buried the need

Mr. Ivan Sarapanchikov

Marpida the Princess

Daughter with a spindle

bear nannies

The Tale of the Three Pots

Hunter and Chuklya

Black fox.

Bread and fire

prickly birch

Tailor and omeli

Feather-bogatyr (2)


Mouse and magpie

Fox and hare

Komi folk tale

Thomas lived. He worked tirelessly all day long. Father and mother were not pleased. One day he was chopping wood in the forest. At this time, Yoma, an evil witch, passed by. Foma worked so hard that he did not notice her, waved his ax, and the twig flew off and hit the witch in the eye. Yoma got angry, blew, spat and said: - You can't swing an ax You're neither up nor down, You were diligent, And now - be lazy. Lie on the stove, Wipe the bricks! And what did you think? And so it happened. Do not recognize Foma. He got lazy and spent whole days lying on the stove. Once an old mother says to Foma: - Rather than lying on the stove to no avail, I would go into the thicket and dig a fox hole. - Okay, I'll go, - Foma answers. - Only tomorrow, when you get up, cook porridge for me. Mother cooked porridge the next day.

Foma ate the porridge, yawned, wandered into the forest and dug a fox hole. The next day he went to the pit, and there the fox sits and says to him in a human voice: - Thomas, let me out, I will do you great good. Thomas took pity on the fox and released it. He returned home and again climbed onto the stove. And the fox went into the dark thicket and lay down on the grass. The wolf saw her and asked: - Little sister, why are you lying on the ground? - I, - says the fox, - stayed with Thomas, I ate so much, I can’t move. - You are lucky, little fox, you are all somewhere to visit. Take me somewhere for once. - I would bring you, but why should I lead you alone? Gather a flock, then I'll bring it down. He gathered a pack of wolves and brought them to the fox. The fox says: - After all, you wolves do not know how to behave at a feast, so it’s better to be silent there. The fox ran ahead, the animals followed. The fox led a flock to the royal palace and spoke under the window in a human voice, which the wolves do not understand: - Tsar Sovereign, Thomas has sent you presents, that's how rich he is! The king was surprised.

What is Thomas? And he ordered the wolves to be locked in a barn. Then the fox brought the king a hundred hares and a hundred stoats. Everything, they say, is the gifts of Thomas. And Thomas is lying on the stove, he doesn’t know anything. Finally, the fox comes to the king and says: - Thomas has a lot of money, and we can’t count it in any way. Give us a pudding. The fox took a pudovka *, found two or three coins on the road and stuck it behind the birch bark. Then she took it back to the king. The king asks: - How much gold did your master have? “I don’t remember, something like a hundred pounds,” the fox answers. The king ordered the servants: - Well, look at the pudovka, maybe they didn't measure the gold. If measured, then there must be something left. The servants examined the pudovka and found coins behind the birch bark. The king is surprised: “What a rich Thomas!” And the fox again appeared in the palace and said to the king: - Tsar-sovereign, Thomas asks to marry your daughter to him. The king replies: - Okay, I'll give it. How not to pass off as such a rich man! - We will sail on a barge **, - the fox promises. - Wait for us on the shore. The fox ran to the shore, tied a raft of logs and said to Foma: - Get up, I have arranged for you a princess, let's go feast.

Thomas was delighted, stood on the raft, although he was too lazy. And the fox stripped him naked, washed him clean, covered him with green branches. They swam to the palace. And they are already waiting for the groom. Blue cloth is spread from the shore to the palace itself. As soon as the bridegroom sailed, the king comes out to meet him. The fox-matchmaker jumped ashore and said: - Oh, tsar-sovereign, we barely made it. Our barge sank. There were seventy servants, all dead to the last. She barely saved her fiancé and put her on a raft. Look - he is completely naked, covered with branches: his clothes and shoes are at the bottom of the river. Now I have to order a new one. The king called tailors and shoemakers, they brought patterned boots, sewed new clothes for the groom. Foma yawned, put on his shoes, dressed: he touches one shoulder with his hand, touches the other - he likes clothes. And the king's daughter asks the fox: - The groom's face is handsome, but isn't he a fool? What's spinning like that? And the fox replies: - He does not like the clothes, they are not sewn for him. The king ordered to bring a caftan better than before. The fox dressed the groom and stuck a needle in his shoulder so that he would not move. The groom turned his head, pricked himself and stopped spinning. - Here, princess, - says the fox, - a beautiful caftan suits the groom. On the same day, the lazy Thomas married the king's daughter. And the fox again: - Tomorrow, the king-sovereign, perhaps to visit us. And she went on her own way. I invited guests, but where should they come? The fox walked, walked, reached the green meadow. At the edge of the horse herd grazes. The fox asks the shepherds: - Whose horses are you guarding? - Eminykh, - the shepherds answer. - This is where the wedding will take place. If they ask whose horses, say - Fomins, but don’t say, I’ll bring a pack of wolves here. The fox also ordered to speak to those who guarded the cows and sheep. And she ran again. She ran, ran, ran to the house of Yoma - the evil witch. Fox entered the house. Yoma is sitting there, spinning wool. The fox screams: - Run, Yoma! The king is coming with his servants, he wants to cut your head off and burn down your house! Run, quickly hide in the straw! Yoma was frightened, climbed into a straw sheaf, and the fox set fire to the straw, and the witch burned down. The fox arranged a feast in Yemin's house, treated the king and his servants. The guests left, and Foma and his wife - the tsar's daughter - began to live and live in Yemin's house. Yoma burned down, and her sentence ended. Again Thomas became industrious. ______________________________________* Pudovka - a measure of weight containing a pood of grain. ** Barka - an old large boat.

About the poor Momet and the rich master

Komi folk tale

There lived a guy in the village. No one knew what his father and mother's names were. Everyone called him Momet. This is if a person is simple-minded and has a mind of his own, with cunning - that's what the people call him Momet, no matter what name he received at birth. He was walking through the woods. And the forest was lordly, and the master was angry and greedy. Here comes Momet, with a gun over his shoulder, and suddenly he sees a hare hiding under a tree. Well, how can a hunter get past! That's why he is a hunter, to shoot any forest animal.

Momet threw up a gun and knocked out a hare with one shot. Picked it up and moved on. “This is lucky! - thinks. “We’ll eat to our heart’s content for more than one day!” He just wasn't that lucky. Just nearby, the master was walking and with him his faithful servants. The master shouts: - How do you, such and such, dare to hunt here? Don't you know that the forest and the animals are mine, lordly ones? Momet asks him, prays: - Forgive me, father-master, the hare is not a bear. Well, what is his price? - Yes, I would put you in prison for a bear for life! - shouts the barin. - Don't you dare think about the bear! - I don't dare, sir, I don't dare! If I see a bear on my cow, I won't touch it. Forgive me the hare! - Will not forgive! - insists the barin. - Hey! he orders the servants. - Take this thief to the city. Let him be judged severely. The lordly servants grabbed Momet and dragged him to the city - for trial, for reprisal. And the punishment came out to him: for having killed a hare in the master's forest, he would be in prison for two years. You see, where there is a master's forest, there is a master's law. Momet served his term and once, once returned home. He lives and rejoices, but the time has come - he took a gun and gathered to hunt. In order to shorten the road, he decided to go through the master's forest. Momet does not even dare to think about hunting in the master's forest. Looking around is afraid. I learned what the bar's court is. And suddenly Momet hears, well, someone is shouting in a voice that is not his own, calling for help. He ran to this cry and saw: the master was lying on the ground, and above him was a bear. Huge, scary. He opened his mouth, crushed the master with one paw, and lifted the other over him. - Save me, Momet, my dear? - asks the barin. - Shoot faster? Is it really lucky for me that you walked by? Lucky, but not very. Momet doesn't want to shoot. - What are you, master, - says Momet. - You yourself threatened that you would put a bear in jail for life. And the forest is yours. And the bear is yours. I dare not shoot here. “Yes, I’ll be grateful to you forever,” the gentleman almost cries. - Shoot faster? Get rid of death! “No, sir, I can’t shoot at all,” Momet says. I can't disobey your orders. I don't dare to lay a finger on your bear, let alone shoot it. He said and went on his way. And the master here and the end has come.

Komi folk legend

In hoary antiquity, when semi-wild Chud tribes lived scattered on the banks of the Pechora and Izhma and, not knowing arable farming, fed on the hunting of animals and fish, when they worshiped stone and wooden gods, an extraordinary man appeared in the dense forest surrounding one of the Chud villages. . He was almost as tall as a good pine tree, and by his voice and appearance he was a wild beast. A face overgrown with a pitch-black beard, eyes bloodshot and wildly sparkling from under thick eyebrows, clothes made of undressed bearskin - these are the signs of this man, whom the Chud called Yag Mort, the Forest Man, and the name was quite suitable for him.

No one knew what kind of tribe Yag Mort was, no one knew where he came from near the Chud dwellings. Yag Mort lived in the depths of a dense forest, in inaccessible thickets scattered along the deserted coast of the Kucha River, and appeared in villages only for robbery and murder. Timid monsters avoided meeting him. One name of Yag Mort inspired fear, women frightened their playful children with it:

Yag Mort ydzhydkydz bur goats, Yag zhort sjd, kydz patch shom. En brd, pi, Yag Mort voas, Kutan brdny-ten syoyas. Yag Mort is tall, like a good spruce. Yag Mort is black, like coal in a furnace. Do not cry, son, Yag Mort will come, If you cry, he will eat you.

This is how the young eccentric sang, trying to calm her crying child. For attacks on the villages, Yag Mort usually chose night time, and then, in the darkness, illuminated by the glow of the fire, his every step was marked by blood and devastation. He led away, slaughtered cattle, kidnapped wives and children. Yag Mort's hatred for all living things extended to the point that he often, without any reason, killed the oncoming and transverse.

Driven out of patience by the villainy of the robber, the monsters tried with all their might to destroy him: they caught him like a wild beast, set up ambushes, but nothing helped. He countered cunning with cunning, and an open battle with a mighty robber was beyond the capacity of timid weirdos. And in all Zapechory there was no young man who would dare to measure his strength with Yag Mort: the swing of the ax was nothing to him, he repelled the blows of spears with his club, and the arrows bounced off his shaggy chest.

In addition, Yag Mort was known among the people as a great sorcerer: he did not drown in water and did not burn in fire, as people usually said about him. Bestiality, lack of rain, calmness, and in general all physical disasters - all the superstitious chud attributed to the gloomy sorceries of Yag Mort. He commanded the elements, darkened the stars, the sun and the moon, and there was no limit to the dark power of the sorcerer-robber, and therefore he reigned with impunity in the gloomy forests of Zapechory. A day passes, two, a week passes - the beautiful Raida is no more! Her mother cried her eyes out, her father and fiancé went to all the surrounding villages and forests, but did not find Raida anywhere.

So a cry was called, the people called together, a sad loss was announced, and everyone, old and young, unanimously affirmed that the spring flower, Raida, cannot fade so early if she disappeared, this was certainly done by Yag Mort: he envied the blooming beauty of Raida, he and kidnapped her and dragged her into the animal lair... "But woe to us," the old people said, "there is no trial against Yag Mort: we can do nothing against the mighty sorcerer! Raida is dead!" As usual, they talked, made some noise, and, with a sad look, thrusting their beards into the collars of their fur coats, returned to their homes. But the daring fiance of Raida was not satisfied with such a decision, and other young guys, applicants for the hand of the beauty, were not satisfied with him either.

They called the cry again, stirred up the entire Zapechory, gathered several dozen inveterate daring men and, at a general council, they put it: "By all means, find the dwelling of Yag Mort, seize him alive or dead, destroy him, burn the accursed sorcerer, at least die yourself!" And so the militia was formed: the warriors armed themselves with bows, spears, axes - whoever could, and set off on a campaign - a hundred against one! But this one was not a simple man, but an extraordinary strong man, a terrible robber, and in addition a sorcerer, a warlock. And the brave hunters, not without secret fear, expected a meeting with Yag Mort.

Several days passed in a vain search, but the monsters did not deviate from their intention and did not return home. Finally, they settled in a dense forest, on the Izhma hill, near the path along which the robber usually passed. It is not known how long the guys lurked in ambush, but one day they see: Yag Mort crosses the Izhma ford, right opposite the place where they hid, and it seemed to go straight for them. Here, more than one miraculous heart began to beat with fear, but it was too late to be afraid, and as soon as the villain stepped on the shore, spears, arrows, stones rained down on him from the thicket of the forest. Amazed by such a sudden attack, stunned by the first blows, the robber stopped for a minute...

And countless blows fell on him, then he roared like a wild beast, waved his heavy club, and rushed into the middle of the attackers. The monsters surrounded him from all sides, and a terrible battle began ... Yag Mort fought off the crowd of embittered opponents for a long time, with furious bitterness, his club burst into death over the heads of the monsters, his huge ax drank their blood. He put many on the spot, and finally he himself was exhausted: fatigue, wounds weakened him, he fell to the ground, stained with the blood of the victors, and the triumphant monsters grabbed Yag Mort, cut off his hands, but left him alive, threatened to cut off his head if he did not open them their homes. And the strongman-wizard had to submit to the will of the winners. He led them to the very thicket of the forest, where a huge cave was dug out on the high bank of the Kucha, which was the refuge of Yag Mort. Near the mouth of this cave, on a large pile of bones, lay the disfigured remains of the once beautiful Raida ... In the depths of the cave, the weirdos found a lot of different prey, piled everything up and burned it. And the terrible lair of Yag Mort was covered with earth, pelted with stones, laid with logs. Then they brought their prisoner back to the place where he was caught for the first time, cut off his head, drove an aspen stake into his back, and buried the corpse in the ground, in the very place where the hill is now, known among the people as the grave of Yag Mort.

Three brothers and a sister

Komi folk tale

There lived a girl in a dense forest. She had three brothers. This girl was beautiful and wise, wise. When their mother and father died, the children buried their mother under the stove, their father under a millstone. And the sister went with her brothers to look for happiness ... They walked, walked, got to the silver birch. The older brother says: - I, dear sister, will climb a birch. I break silver branches. - Do not climb, - the girl answers, - you will get stuck. The brother did not obey, climbed up the birch, began to throw silver leaves to his sister, but was greedy - he put a lot of silver in his pocket. As he started to descend, he got stuck. In vain, the brothers and sister screamed and cried, nothing helped, and then they left their brother. We went further and got to the golden birch. The second brother says: - I will climb, I will break golden branches, I will throw golden leaves on you. Sister says: - Do not climb, you will be lost! “I won’t get lost,” the brother replies. So the second brother climbed a tree, began to break golden branches, stuff his pockets with gold. A flock descend and stuck on a tree. The sister and brother cried again, shouted and left him on the birch. They walked, walked the third brother and sister, reached the pearl birch. The third brother climbed a tree, began to throw pearl leaves to his sister, and filled his pockets with pearls. He began to descend, reached the middle and got stuck. Only one sister remained. She walked and walked and reached the village. There is a big exa's house there. The girl went into the hallway of this house, hid under an overturned vat and sang a sad song about her brothers. The sons of the exes heard the song: - Who sings, whose voice, like a stream, murmurs? Let's find a songbird, brothers. Whichever brother gets caught, he will be his wife. The brothers began to look for the singer, looking, looking, but she is nowhere, only the song rings. The elder brother searched for the longest time, could not find the girl. And she sings louder and louder, tells about her life in a song... Says the middle brother: - If it's true that the girl told about herself, then I like her, I'll marry her. And he began to look for the girl and could not find. The younger one began to look, he thought: is it not under a vat. I looked there, there is a singer. She really liked him. He went with the girl to look at the brothers. So they got to a birch with pearl branches, there the brother sits on a branch, but cannot get off. The girl says to the son of the ex: - You see now that I told the truth. - I see! - answers the son of the ex. The bride says: - And now I want to check your words. When I was sitting under the vat, I heard you promise to rescue my brothers. - I know! - answers the son of the ex. The son of the exy waved his sleeve, and the brother descended to the ground, began to drink water from the stream, to eat raspberries. And the bride showed her brothers to the groom on a silver birch and on a golden one. The son of the exa took them off too, then he galloped to the palace with the bride and her brothers - to celebrate the wedding, walk, feast. __________________________________ * Exy (ancient Komi) - prince (ksy)

male doctor

Komi folk tale

Two brothers lived in the same village. The younger family brother, with children, fought like a fish on ice. And the older brother was childless and rich. The younger one went to the older one. - Give, - he says, - a horse to go for firewood. The older brother grumbled, but gave the horse and the sledge, but he did not give the collar and harness. - Collar-harness, - he says, - new ones, you will tear them, go as you like. The younger brother went out, took the horse, tied the sled to the tail and rode off. The empty sleigh somehow dragged the horse to the forest. The peasant chopped wood, loaded a full sledge, wanted to go home; the horse jerked, the tail came off, the sleigh remained in place. What are you going to do when this happens! The younger one got to the older brother. Here, they say, you gave a sleigh, you gave a horse, but you didn’t give a harness-collar.

So your horse's tail came off. Wow, how angry the older brother was! - Dissolute, - he says, - where you want to put the tailless horse. A year, he says, he will have to work for my horse. For a whole year, the younger brother worked as a farm laborer. The rich brother fed his family: when he gives bread, when he doesn't. Well, the deadline is finally up. The younger brother says: - Thank you. Worked for a year, did nothing wrong. Then he hired himself as a miller's worker, again for a year. The miller asks: - How much will you ask for work? - Feed well, dress, shoe - that's the whole price, - the farm laborer answers. The miller agreed and promised: when the year is over, he will prepare a feast. Eat as much as you like, and what's left - everything will go to the farmhand. The farm laborer worked for a whole year, tried hard - he carries hay, he splits firewood. So the year is over. The worker also speaks: - Come on, the owner, calculation. The owner ordered to prepare a feast. The laborer feasted, and the miller said to him: - What is left is all yours, take it for the family. The laborer wrapped the leftovers in a tablecloth, said goodbye and left. He walks and sings: “Today I myself like it ... for the family I bring dinner, pies and bread, and fish. I won't give anyone a crumb. Let my wife and children eat to satiety.” To meet him is an old man with a stick. - Where did you go, man? - And here, - answers, - for one lunch of a year working. What is left, I bring to the family. - But will you feed me? I won't give anyone a crumb. - Don't you know me? I'm the Lord himself, how can you not give me? - Well, if there was a God, he wouldn't torment me like that. I worked hard for a year and earned one lunch. I won't even give you. And he didn't. Walked further. He passed a little, and death comes to meet him. She asked to be fed. The man was frightened, spread the tablecloth and fed her. Death and says: - Thank you, man. What good can I do for you? How will I pay? That's it, man, let's live together. I will be your assistant, we will heal people. I'll make the richest sick. And you come and see: if I'm sitting at my feet, take care of it, and if I'm sitting at my head, don't take it, he'll die. The man was delighted and agreed. Here is back home. I dined, fed my family, and there was nothing left of the annual income - everyone ate at home. And in the hut of a peasant, a rich merchant spent the night. His daughter got sick. Days, the second and third have passed, she is still ill. The man remembered the words of death. “Wait,” he says to the merchant, “I’ll go look at the sick woman, maybe I’ll cure your daughter.” A man came to the merchant's house. He sees - death is sitting at the feet of the patient. The man says: - No, master, no one can cure her. She is very sick. But I'll try, maybe I'll catch up. The merchant cried. If you can, I won't regret anything. Come on, try, good man, lie down, maybe my daughter will get better! The man ordered to heat the bathhouse and prepare ten buckets of lye. - I, - says the man, - I will make medicines at home and come. And on the way he collected herbs, brewed them like tea and bottled them. He returned to the merchant with medicines. The sick daughter was taken to the bath. The man steamed her, rubbed herbs, gave her medicines to drink. II a miracle happened: the girl was taken by the arm to the bathhouse, and she returned on her own legs, recovered. Death left her. The merchant began to ask how much he needed for the treatment. And the man replies: - Come on, which is not a pity, and that's enough. The merchant gave three sacks of flour, grain, and various brews. A daughter is dearer to him than a bag of flour, he loved his daughter very much. The peasant returned home, brought zhit and boiled meat. The whole family is happy. Soon another merchant's son fell ill. The merchant came to the peasant and called him to look at the patient. The man agreed. He looks, and death is again at his feet. The doctor says: I’ll take it, they say, maybe something will come out. There is still a little medicine that I made from medicinal herbs. Again ordered to flood the bath. Washed, evaporated, gave the patient medication. And the merchant's son recovered - death left him. The merchant generously paid the peasant for the treatment. His fame went everywhere. The man got rich. He had money, he built a house. Well healed. Everyone calls him. Where death is at the head, there he refuses to heal. - This one, - he says, - will die, heat warm water to wash it. He leaves, and the sick one, indeed, dies. And heals others. The older brother became envious: how his brother, a laborer, got rich. He decided to pretend to be sick. He is curious what his brother will say, whether he will be able to distinguish the sick from the healthy. And the rich man said he was sick. They called the male doctor. A man-doctor came and sees: death is sitting at the head of a rich man. The man answers: - I can not cure him. Better, daughter-in-law, warm some warm water to wash your brother. As soon as the doctor came out, the rich man jumped out of bed and burst out laughing: - My brother understands a little about treatment! Deceives good people. He should be judged for this! The rich man uttered these words and suddenly hit his chest against the jamb, slammed to the floor and died. The wife began to cry and called the male doctor. Yes, he couldn't help. And until now, the peasant doctor lives in the world and heals the sick.

Soldier, stingy man and evil king

Komi folk tale

The soldier served the king for twenty-five years and went away. He walked and walked, and in the evening he reached a forest village. The frost is cracking, the month is buried behind the clouds, and in the village all the houses are locked up. Wherever a soldier knocks, they don’t open it anywhere, but the frost creeps through it and sneaks it. Look, in one rich hut the gate opened, the hostess went for water. The soldier quickly darted through the door and made his way into the hut. There, on the stove, the owner is sleeping. And the soldier climbed onto the floor. The hostess returned with full buckets, saw the intruder, woke her husband and ordered the soldier to drive away. And the husband is bored, bored, so he says to the soldier: - If you tell fairy tales, I will leave you to spend the night, and if you don’t, I will drive you out into the cold. The soldier promised to tell. The hostess began to set the table. She didn’t gather anything for dinner: she put meat stew, and hot porridge, and honey, and rich pies. The owner sat down with the hostess. They dine themselves, but the soldier is not invited. The soldier, like a wolf, is hungry; without hesitation, he jumped off the rack and ... at the table. “Why are you climbing if they don’t call you?” the hostess asks. And the soldier answered: - It is impossible without food, masters. I need my fairy tales to gain strength. “Well, let them pick it up!” the rich man allowed and handed the soldier a large spoon. After supper, the hostess spread a feather bed for herself on the floor, and her husband and the soldier lay down on the beds.

Start a fairy tale, says the man. The soldier began to tell: - In the same village there lived a husband and wife ... The soldier told, told, and suddenly a miracle happened. Both the servant and the owner turned into brown bears and fled into a dense forest. They dug a lair for themselves under a green Christmas tree and began to live, live, lie on their side and suck their paws. Spring has come, red, the bears crawled out of the den. Look, look, a cow is grazing in the meadow. They tore it apart and ate it. The next morning, the soldier-bear says to the bear-man: - Today we will go to the pasture where your cows are driven out. Your wife will see us, she will scream, she will call your laborers, they will catch me, and you will run away. My skin will be torn off and hung up to dry, and they will go after the horses. Don't yawn, steal my skin. If you steal and hide, we will again be people, and if you don’t steal, we will always have to remain bears. The bear-man obeyed the bear-soldier and in the morning ran to the steep bank, to the spring pasture, where his cows walked, and his wife sat on a stone, spun yarn and grazed herd. The bears attacked the cows. Three of them were killed right away. The hostess saw this, screamed, called the farm laborers who were plowing nearby. Laborers came running with pitchforks and sticks. The bear-man ran away, the laborers tied the bear-soldier and skinned him, hung him on a birch. They themselves ran to harness the horse to take the bear to the village. Then a man-bear ran up to the birch, and how he pulled the skin. He jerked and flew head over heels down. Look around, what is it? He sits in his hut on the floor. Barely a candle glows, a blizzard howls in the chimney. Wife woke up and asked what happened. - Like what? - the owner answers. - We ate three of our cows with a guest soldier. Laughed wife, says: - Well, where they ate. Both of you slept on the floor and did not go out into the yard. The man did not believe. He ran with a lantern to the barn, and there all the cows were intact. The next morning the soldier woke up, complaining that everything hurts him, he cannot, they say, move from his place. Here he lies for a day, and others lie, and still others. The greedy owner could not stand it, he began to ask the servant to leave. - I will leave when I recover, - the soldier answers, - and before that, I will pay you a silver ruble for every day. Then it was big money. The owner rejoiced. Doesn't know how to please a soldier. The soldier lay with the peasant for a year and three months. For each day the soldier paid with silver rubles. The owner took a whole bucket of silver and locked it in a closet. Here the soldier said goodbye, and the owner went into the yard to clean up the manure. Came home and opened the closet. I wanted to show my wife wealth. The wife looked into the bucket, screamed not in her own voice. There are not silver rubles in the bucket, but pieces of birch bark. The peasant rushed to the sergeant, told him how it had happened, the sergeant and the sotskys caught up with the soldier and brought him to justice. The judges did not know what to do. The matter came to the king. And the king was evil, wicked. He ordered the soldier's head to be cut off. The soldier says to the king: - I gave the peasant money, not birch bark. And I honestly served you for twenty-five years ... Let me say goodbye at least for five minutes with white light. The king allowed. But as soon as the soldier went out onto the porch, water poured out of nowhere. More and more of her, more and more. Here is the first tier under water, the king ran to the second, and the water catches up with him. The king climbed onto the roof, water flooded the roof. The king climbed onto the pipe, the water behind him reached his knees. Suddenly the king sees: a boat is sailing. There is a fisherman there. The king shouted: - I am the local king, save me! - And what's the use of the king, - the fisherman answers. Nothing to do. The king agreed. The fisherman put him in a boat and brought him to his hut, which stood nearby. And the tsar hired himself as a laborer for sixty rubles, for the whole summer. Here the king fished all summer and repaired the nets. Autumn came, he asked for a calculation. And the fisherman gave him sixty rubles and said: - Go to the city, buy white flour and meat, make dumplings and start trading. The king obeyed the fisherman, bought flour and meat, made dumplings, and began to trade. Profitably sold and again went to trade in new dumplings. And more, and more ... He counted the money, looking, he had not sixty rubles, but two hundred and forty. “Well, my trade is going on!” the king thought and decided to knead the remaining flour. He just started to put the dough, lo and behold, a severed hand was in the flour. The king was afraid. I wanted to hide the find, but the owner of the house noticed this and told the quarterly. A quarterman came and put the king on trial: - Who knows, maybe you've been making dumplings from human meat all the time. The judges judged, rowed, and ordered the dumpling tsar to cut off his head. The king does not believe his ears. Yes, what! Already the executioner with an ax appeared. The king began to cry and begged to be spared. Then the soldier who was standing at the window turned to the king. Five minutes have passed. He turned and asked the king: - Do not chop off my head! “They chop at my own place,” the tsar replies. The courtiers were surprised at the royal words. And the king looked around and realized that he was still sitting in the palace, and the executioner had come to execute the soldier. The king forgave the soldier and generously rewarded him. And the soldier went to his native village and, finally, he got home, he lived well there and still lives, lives, makes good.

Fedot Sagittarius

Komi folk tale

There once lived a peasant son, Fedot. His father was a fur trapper. Fedot grew up, began to go hunting with his father. One day, his father gave Fedot a gun. Since then, he began to really hunt. And his gun never missed a beat. It's time to go to serve in the archery army, and Fedot says to his father: - Dad, I'll take this gun with me. Father shook his head: - Eh, son, why do you take a gun from home, isn't there a squeak for you in the service? - And let it be, - says Fedot, - my own is dear to me. Fedot became an archer, but did not part with his hunting rifle. They say to him: - Why did he come with his gun? Maybe he thought that there was no squeak here?

And Fedot replies: - Since childhood, I have become accustomed to my gun and I can’t leave it at all.

Fedot served twenty-five years. That's the end of his term. And Fedot went home, and on the way he thought: “I served for twenty-five years, I myself have been for more than forty, my father and mother must have died, and I’m not at home.” He came across a hut in the forest. He settled there. He began to hunt every day, beat the bird and the beast. And in the house the old woman-cook managed the housework. Then the holiday came, and Fedot began to gather in the forest. The cook says to him: - Do not go hunting today, there will be no luck. - And I don’t have a day in which there would be no luck. I won't mess around today. I'll go hunting, - Fedot answers. He went to the forest, walked all day, but neither the beast nor the bird came across to him. Decided to return home.

“What is this,” he thinks, “every day I managed to shoot the beast, and today I am going empty-handed.” As soon as he thought about it, he sees - a beautiful bird is sitting on a birch. Fedot raised his gun, wanted to shoot her. And the bird suddenly spoke in a human voice: - Don't shoot me, Fedot! The soldier was surprised. Again he took aim, and again he hears: - Do not shoot at me. Fedot lowered his gun. Who is this? He looked: a bird like a bird, only colorful and beautiful, with a golden crest. Aimed for the third time. “Don’t shoot me, I’ll come in handy for you!” the bird said again in a human voice and added: “You archer Fedot, come to me, and I will sit on your hat.” Fedot became curious. He went up to the birch, the bird fluttered on his head. Fedot took it in his hands and brought it home. The next morning the bird says: - Give the calculation to your maid, we can do without her. Fedot released the old woman. He let go and thinks: "In vain he listened to the bird." The maid, of course, is angry and stupid, but still she managed the housework, cooked dinner, washed clothes, and who will do it now? Fedot returned home from the forest and was amazed. He does not recognize his hut. The stove is heated, dinner is cooked, the floor is washed. The benches are covered with kumach, and the walls are covered with colored Chinese. Dinner is ready, the laundry is washed, and the bird flies around the room and sings loudly. So every day went. And Fedot became curious, he wanted to know who was in charge of his house. One day he did not go hunting, hid and looked through a crack - the bird hit the floor and said: - I was a bird, I will become a red maiden.

And rainbow feathers fell to the floor. Wings became hands, instead of a golden tuft, a golden scythe crowned her head. The bird turned into a beautiful girl. Fedot looks through the crack, can't see enough. Could not stand it, entered the hut. The girl was frightened, and then she explained: - I have to wear a bird's dress for another three years. This vow was imposed on me by my mother. If you want to marry me - marry me, if you don't want to - I'll fly free. A soldier married a bird girl. She is a woman by night and a bird by day. As soon as three years had passed, she threw off her bird dress forever and said to Fedot: - Here's a handful of silver for you, you go and buy colorful silk in a shop. Fedot took the money, bought silk and brought it to his wife. The wife wound the silk into a ball. The next morning Fedot woke up, and on the table lies a silk tablecloth, flowers, trees, blue seas and a red dawn are woven on it. “You,” his wife tells him, “take it to the market and sell it. Do not set special prices, whoever gives what, sell it for that. Fedot went to the market and began to wear a tablecloth and praise his goods. “What are you selling?” people ask him. - I'm selling the tablecloth. - And how much does it cost? - And who will give how much. A lot of people gathered around Fedot. One buyer offers a hundred rubles for a tablecloth, the second - two hundred. Others are jacking up the price. The price went up to five thousand... The tsar's treasurer was passing right there. He stopped, examined the tablecloth and said that it cost not five, but six thousand rubles.

He took the tablecloth, gave Fedot money and went to the palace. Showed the tablecloth to the king.

And the king found out that the wife of Fedot the archer knows how to weave beautiful tablecloths. The tablecloth shows everything that is in this side. So the king says: - Go to Fedot and order his wife to weave another such tablecloth. The treasurer came to Fedot, saw his wife and could not say anything, looked at her beauty. He returned to the tsar and told him what a beautiful wife Fedot the archer had. And the king had a nurse-sorceress. And he told her about the archer's wife. - It would be good for me, - he says, - to take her, and Fedot to lime. The sorceress thought and answered: - You send an archer to the White Sea to catch a black deer. If he does not do this, cut off his head, then his wife will be yours. The tsar ordered the treasurer to bring Fedot the archer. Fedot the archer appeared to the king. - Here, archer-Fedot, either equip the ship, or sharpen the skis, just go to the White Sea and catch a black deer there. I give you six days to pack. If you don't go, I'll cut off your head. Fedot returned home, does not drink, does not eat - he is grieving. - Why are you not happy today? - asks the hostess. Fedot told his wife everything. “And you,” says the wife, “do not grieve. A lot can be done in six days. Six days have passed. The tsar equipped a ship for Fedot. And Fedotov's wife ran into the forest and at midnight brought a black deer from the forest. I put it in a big box. In the morning this box was loaded onto the ship. And the wife says to her husband: - This ship cannot hold out for more than three days, its royal nurse has bewitched it. If you don’t return in three days, you will perish. Fedot the archer swam along the rivers to the White Sea. And the tsar gave him shipbuilders - all the bitter drunkards are lying on the deck for selection. As soon as they fell asleep, Fedot the archer turned the ship back and moored at the city pier. Fedot appeared at the palace, and the king began to ask: - Why did you, archer, return so early? - And why should I travel for a long time? - Fedot answers. - I caught a black deer on the White Sea. He is on my ship. And in front of all the people, Fedot led the deer to the pier. They lived, lived Fedot and his wife, maybe about a year passed, and again the tsar went to the nurse-sorceress. - How to get rid of Fedot the Archer? - he asks. - His wife does not go out of my head. - Oh, - says the old woman, - the wife of Fedot-archer Sima is a sorceress and much stronger than me. And let's try this way, send Fedot "I don't know where, I don't know why." And they told him to bring "I don't know who." If it does, we will die. Only he will not bring anyone and will die himself. The tsar left the old woman, ordered to call Fedot the archer. Fedot the archer appeared to the king. The king says to him: - Here, Fedot the archer, you will have to do the second thing. You go - I don’t know where, bring it - I don’t know who. If you don't bring it, I'll cut off your head. Fedot the Sagittarius returned to the hostess, he became more mournful than ever. - Why are you so sad? - asks the hostess. Fedot told his wife everything without concealment. - Well, if the king ordered, you have to go, - says the wife. - If you listen to me, you will return alive, but if you don't listen, you can die. The hostess gave Fedot the archer three balls of thread: white, red and blue, and ordered: wrap the white thread around the little finger, the red thread around the ring finger, the blue one around the index finger. You, they say, when you go, the balls from your fingers will unwind, they will show you the way until the skeins run out, and when they run out, look for the way yourself.

She also gave Fedot a folded clean towel and ordered him not to unroll it until trouble came. And if it comes, they say, unfold and shake the towel. Fedot said goodbye to his wife and left. He walked through the woods, unwound a white ball from his little finger. Here is the end of the thread. Now the archer wrapped a red thread around his ring finger. The red ball led him until it was all unwound. He took the blue ball. And as the blue thread ended, Fedot saw a large stone house in the forest. Fedot the archer went into a stone house, and there was an old, old woman on a bench, and a frog was jumping in the bed. Apparently, not a simple frog, she has a necklace around her neck. The frog croaked and asked Fedot: - Kva-kva, Fedot the archer, where, on what business did he go? And he replies: - I'm going - I don't know where, I don't know why. - Kwa-kva, - the frog croaks, - such a big man, but he came and conducts funny conversations. And the old woman says: - Now, Fedot, I will order you to flood the bathhouse, drown it for three days, then wash yourself, take a steam bath, so that you can eat when my brothers come. Fedot-Sagittarius spent three days drowning the bathhouse. As soon as the bath was heated, the brothers of the evil old woman came - young giants. They began to frighten Fedot. One giant took a box with a fingernail. He opened the lid, bears, wolves, foxes jumped out.

The giant laughed and asked Fedot: - Well, how are you scared? And the archer answered: - Why should I be afraid of animals, since I have my gun with me. Then the giant waved his hand, the animals climbed back into the box. He ordered Fedot to go to the bathhouse to take a steam bath. Fedot the archer obeyed, washed himself, took a steam bath, returned from the bath. He wanted to run, but he couldn't find the way. And the giants order Fedot: - Close your eyes and go into this room! - Now, - answers Fedot, - but first I'll smoke a pipe. “You can’t smoke,” says the giant. “If you smoke, you’ll have to bathe again.” - Well, if you can't smoke, then let him dry himself with a towel. And Fedot took out a folded towel that his wife had given him for the journey. He took out a towel from his bag and shook it. The old woman looked at the towel, noticed large embroidered letters on it. She read the inscription and says: - Yes, it turns out that our son-in-law has come! And the frog croaked: - Fedot's wife is my daughter! Kwa-kva, why didn't you say that before? The new relatives began to treat Fedot. For a whole week he stayed in a stone house. Finally, the mother-in-law frog says to him: - To go who knows where, you need to cross three seas. Through two seas I will transport you, and through the third - I don’t know if I can or not. I will now go out onto the porch, and you grab the thread of my necklace, hold on tight so as not to fall when I jump over the blue sea. Fedot, together with his mother-in-law the frog, went out onto the porch. He grabbed the necklace that hung around the frog's neck, she once and again jumped over the blue sea with him. - Through one, - he says, - the sea jumped, maybe we will jump over the other. The frog rested, sighed again and jumped over the second sea. Look - the third sea lies, the waves go like that. The mother-in-law-frog was frightened, began to ask her son-in-law Fedot, if she jumps over and dies on the shore, then let him, dead, throw some earth with his foot two or three times and go on. “You will get to that meadow where twelve good fellows are walking,” the frog croaked. “Don’t show yourself to them, don’t say anything, but just look and listen. They will say: “Matrazum, we need to have dinner!” And immediately No One Knows Who will answer: "Okay, okay, the food is ready." It is not known Who will bring and serve different cups, spoons and all the dishes to the table, but he himself will not be seen. And you don't eat anything, just look. No more than an hour will pass, and you will say: “Matrazum, I want to eat!” As soon as you are satisfied, thank, it’s good, they say, fed, good. And No One Knows Who will answer: “For how many years I have been feeding guests, and no one has said thank you, but with the one who thanked me today, I will go wherever he wants! "And No One Knows Who will go with you." The frog-mother-in-law told all this to Fedot the archer on the seashore. She gasped, jumped over the sea waves and died. Fedot the Sagittarius with his foot threw earth, falling asleep the frog. Then he went on. He reached a hut on a green meadow. Everything is so, as the mother-in-law-frog predicted, Twelve good fellows walk along the green meadow, they came to the hut, they ask for food. - Matrazum, serve dinner! - All right, all right, dinner is ready, - Dunno Who answered, and food, wine, spoons, bowls appeared on the table. The fellows ate, drank, got up and left. An hour later, Fedot the archer said: - Well, Matrazum, treat me, I'm hungry. - All right, all right! - said Who knows. - Dinner is ready! Invisible hands served food and wine. Fedot-Sagittarius ate his fill and said: - And he fed me deliciously, Matrazum. Thank you very much! - How many years already, - answers Unknown Who, - I fed the guests from my supplies, and no one has yet said thank you. And today you are the first guest who thanked me. Even at birth, I was told that I should feed people here until the guest thanked me. With someone who says thank you, I'll go anywhere. - It's good, - says Fedot the archer, - but how can I get out of here with you back? - And you, - Unknown Who answers, - don't grieve about it, lie down on the floor and sleep. Fedot the archer obeyed, lay down and fell asleep. He slept, slept and woke up. He looks - what is it, moored to the pier. People are walking around. Ships arrived with troops. “Will you take me with you?” Fedot asked. “Why not take it, we’ll take it,” say the shipbuilders. They took Fedot the archer with them and sailed across the sea. Sees Fedot - people have not enough fresh water and bread and promises them: - I will feed you all the way! - How do you want to feed so many civilians and troops? - the shipbuilders ask. - I'll feed you, - Fedot the archer laughed and shouted to Matrazum: - Matrazum, feed all the people on the ship. - All right, all right, dinner is ready, - Dunno Who answered, and all kinds of food appeared on the table. People ate, drank to their fill and began to be surprised at such a diva. For three days he sailed on the ship Fedot, fed and watered everyone to satiety. The shipbuilders began to persuade Fedot to sell them his Matrazum. And Matrazum taught Fedot the Archer what to do. - They, - he says, - will give three magic pipes: large, medium and small. You sell me for a little one. Sell ​​it and get off the ship, and I'll feed them for three days. Then I'll chase you. Fedot did just that, sold Unknown Who for a small pipe, and got off at the first pier. For three more days Matrazum fed the sailors, and then caught up with Fedot the archer. The sailors called for a long time, asking Matrazum to treat them, but in vain. As Matrazum appeared to Fedot the archer, Fedot visited his relatives. Fedot's parents died, and his brother-in-law left him to stay. One brother-in-law gave Fedot a gray wolf cub. “This wolf cub,” says the brother-in-law, “whatever you order, it will do.” Fedot took the wolf cub, said goodbye to the brothers-in-law and went home. Walked, walked Fedot the archer, and finally got to his village. Matrazum ordered Fedot to look through a small spyglass.

Fedot looked and saw a stone palace, songs were heard from there, the tsar was standing on the porch. The tsar also noticed Fedot and said to the nurse-sorceress: - No way, Fedot the archer has returned. Trouble! The sorceress-nanny did not know what to do, she only shook her head out of fear. The king ordered to gather troops and send them to the hut of Fedot the archer. Yes, the wolf cub saw this and barked: - The royal army is coming here, Fedot. You will not rest until you get rid of the king. The wife advised Fedot the archer to take a telescope and blow into it three times. Fedot looked into the pipe, blew into it three times, and a whole army went out into the field, the same one that he fed on the ship. Voevoda asks: - Well, Fedot-Archer, give orders. “We know,” the warriors say, “you have an Unknown Who, and with you we ate our fill. And Fedot answered: - Sweep the tsar and his servants from the earth so that they do not offend ordinary people like me, then we will all be fed. The soldiers listened. The king's servants and the king were killed. And Fedot the Sagittarius healed well with his beautiful wife.

thirty suitors

Komi folk tale

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had thirty suitors-sons. It was difficult with them - after all, for everyone you need thirty hats, thirty coats, thirty pairs of boots. The brothers grew up, became smart, hard-working. The old man and the old woman did not have time to get enough of them, as the elder Ivan says: - We decided to marry thirty sisters and go around the world to look for brides. Well, there's nothing to do. Parents began to equip the guys on the road. Ivan took a ball of thread, threw it on the ground and said: “Find us brides-sisters. Wherever you go, there we will go." The ball rolled, the brothers followed it, climbed over the mountains, swam across the rivers, passed through the forests and reached the clearing where the hut stands, the old woman sits on the threshold, spinning wool. She found out what the brothers needed, and said: - I have five granddaughters - five sisters, go on, to my aunt, she also has girls. I don't know how many of them, I didn't count, I just remember that there are many. Ivan again threw the ball to the ground. He rolled over the mountains and dales, the brothers followed him. For a long time they wandered, finally, they reached a forest clearing, where a hut stands under a spruce, an old woman sits on the threshold, spinning wolf hair.

She saw thirty brothers and asked: - How far have you gone? The brothers told her everything without concealment. The hostess steamed them in the bath, fed them, gave them to drink, then said: - You will have to go further to where thirty brides are waiting for you. I only have twenty girls. Nothing, the ball will lead you to the lake where my aunt lives. She has just thirty girls in the house lives. Again the ball rolled, the brothers followed it and found themselves on the shore of the lake. There, on the shore, a hut stands, an old woman sits on the threshold, spinning wool. She saw the brothers and asked: - Where are you going? The brothers told everything. “Thirty brides live in my house,” the old woman replies. Girls ran out of the house, one more beautiful than the other. The brothers of the brides began to choose: this one likes the one, the other - the other. And Ivan, the younger brother, said: - Give me the bride that remains. The night has come. Ivan ordered the brothers to lie down under the benches. They did just that. But Ivan did not sleep. He sensed something unkind, noticed by the old woman's grip that she was Yoma. Ivan does not sleep, the broom is put on the bench. And Yoma is sharpening a knife at this time.

She sharpened, crept up to the girls, cut off her braids and began to conjure. And Yoma turned the girls into horses. They were not her daughters, but captives. She wanted to behead the brothers too, but they lay down under the benches, and on the advice of Ivan they put brooms on the benches. Ivan woke up the brothers, they crawled out from under the benches, and he showed them the chopped brooms. “If it weren’t for me, the witch would have cut off our heads.” As soon as Yoma-Baba began to snore, Ivan went into the yard, cleaned Yomin's horses, fed and watered them. He understood their language. And one horse said to him in a human voice: - We, Ivan, Yoma beats. And when she makes you harness, don't hit me, I'll give you a foal for that. And so it happened. Yoma forced the brothers to harness horses every day for three weeks in a row, carry firewood, not spare horses, whip with a whip, and for this she promised everyone a horse. But Ivan felt sorry for the mare, he never hit. The due date has arrived. Yoma allowed the brothers to take a horse each. The brothers took a good horse each, Ivan chose a foal. The brothers ride on horseback, Ivan walks on foot, dragging the foal by the reins. And the ball rolls forward. He stopped in front of the royal palace. They came to the king, and the king accepted them into the service, brothers of the same father. For intelligence and courage, he fell in love with the eldest - Ivan, and made the brothers grooms. The brothers envied Ivan, began to slander him to the king. However, the king did not listen to their slander. The brothers heard that there is a flying carpet, you can sit down and fly. They told the king about it. - Ivan, - they say, - boasted of bringing a flying carpet, taking it away from Yoma-baba. The tsar summoned Ivan and ordered him to bring a carpet, but if you don’t bring it, he says, I’ll cut off my head! Ivan went to the stable. The foal saw that he was sad. He began to ask why the owner was not cheerful. He told the foal that he needed to get a flying carpet from Yoma Baba. - Is this a service, the service will be ahead! - neighed the colt. Ivan jumped on a foal, and the foal turned into a good horse, flew over the mountains, over the valleys and ended up near the lake of Yomy-baba, where the brothers were wooing brides. And the horse says: - Come in, Ema-baba is sleeping. Ivan tied the horse to the fence. And the carpet under the head of Yoma Baba. Ivan pulled out the carpet so that Yoma Baba did not even hear. Then Ivan got on his horse and rushed to the palace. The witch woke up, rushed to catch up, but where is it! Ivan brought the flying carpet to the old tsar, he rewarded the guy, ordered to give Ivan a cup of wine. And the brothers became even more offended. They quieted down a little and again they say to the king: - Oh, the king-sovereign, beyond the distant seas there is a beautiful princess Marpida. Our Ivan wanted to bring it to the neighboring tsar. The king's heart broke. He began to ask everyone about the beauty, and then he called Ivan and ordered him to bring Marpida the princess. And you will not bring, they say, off with your head. Ivan went back to the horse. I told him everything. And the horse neighed: - The service is still ahead. Ivan sat on a horse, the horse rushed off, and ahead the ball rolled. One kingdom after another flickers. Finally, we arrived in the country where Marpida lives. The horse told Ivan to hide. - I, - he says, - I will walk here. As soon as the dawn shines, Marpida - the king's daughter - will go out for a walk, she will catch me. I'll lie down on the grass, she'll sit on me, but don't yawn, jump out from under the bush and jump into the saddle... And we'll gallop away! As soon as the dawn shone, the tsar's daughter went out into the garden and began to catch the horse. The horse lay down, and the princess got into the saddle... Ivan jumped on the horse and, together with Marpida, galloped to the king. She didn't have time to gasp. Well, the tsar rewarded Ivan with gold and furs ... And the brothers are still in the grooms, they don’t sleep, they don’t eat from envy. The old king says to Marpida: - Let's get married, beauty! And the princess laughs: “How can we get married, you’re old, I’m young, and, besides, I don’t have a wedding dress, a fine fellow in an old sundress brought me to you.” And what wedding dress do you want? - asks the king. Marpida answered: - My outfit remained at home. Whoever brought me, let him get my outfit.

The tsar sent Ivan for a wedding dress. Ivan became sad and told the horse everything. The horse hung his head: - This, - he says, - is a very difficult service, but it is not the last, the service is still ahead. I just don't know how we will do it. Ivan rushes again for a wedding dress. I rode and rode, finally rode to Marpidin's country and found out that the wedding dress was in the church under the throne, and there the service was going on. The horse says: - I will turn into a golden priest, the people will be surprised and will throw out of the church to look at me. And you take the outfit at that time. The horse turned around like a golden butt and began to walk around the church. People wonder: "What a miracle." So the priests, the deacons left the church, and the parishioners, and the golden priest is still praying. Ivan seized the moment, grabbed the princess's dress, jumped on his horse and galloped off. Then everyone realized it: - Yes, this is the fellow who took away the king's daughter, and now he stole the wedding dress.

Don't overtake him. Ivan returned to the king, brought a wedding dress. The king rejoiced. “Now,” he says, “let’s get married.” But the crafty beauty Marpida still does not agree: - You are old, I am young. I want you to look younger too. I have a thirty-year-old mare, she milks 30 buckets of milk, if you boil this milk and dip into it, you will become as young as I am. - Well, well, - the king answers. - Whoever brought you will bring the mare. The king again calls Ivan: - We must bring a thirty-year-old mare. I'll boil mare's milk, take a dip and become a young beauty. Ivan told the horse everything. He whinnied: - Oh, this service is the last one. Yes, I do not know how to catch this mare. Well, go ahead and try your luck. Ivan sat on his horse, galloped to the meadow, where a mare was grazing by the river. I drove, I drove, I got only in the evening. The sun has set and it's bright. It is the mare's mane that shines. The mare saw them, as she rushed towards, in a human voice she said to the horse: - My dear son, I heard a lot about you, I was looking for you everywhere, because I am your own mother. Here Ivan was delighted! The mare herself followed them. Thirty buckets of milk were milked in the palace, boiled and poured into the cauldron. And the mare warned Ivan: - You also bathe in milk, but do not immediately climb into the cauldron, call me first, as if you want to say goodbye. And I will snort three times into the milk, it will cool down, then you dive in. Here they brought a cauldron of boiling milk. The king became afraid. He ordered Ivan to take a dip first. Ivan asks the king: - Bring the horse and the mare, I want to say goodbye to them. They brought both a horse and a mare. The mare snorted three times, Ivan threw himself into the cauldron of milk. He got out, people do not believe their eyes, he became so handsome. Just got out - the milk in the boiler became hot again. The king quickly rushed to the same place. Here he ends. Ivan married the beautiful Marpida and instead of the king began to rule the country. He summoned his father and mother to him, and he did not live and care for the horse and the mare.

The myth of Yirkap

Yirkap and found, they say, Lake Sindor. How else would you find him in the middle of a dark forest. With Yirkap, what happened is true. The old people, the old people, still told. Yirkap was engaged in hunting. One day he stumbled, they say, on such a tree - when he goes hunting, the dog constantly barks at him.

What, they say, this happened - all the same tree barks? Yirkap got fed up with this and hit him with an axe. He struck, and blood came out of the tree. The tree said: “Yirkap, cut me down and make yourself one ski. If you don’t cut it down, then put a chip in the old place. Yirkap cut it down. of this tree, he would no longer be able to stop, he would be carried away to the other side of the earth. Wherever he wants, his skis carry him there. He throws his mittens and hat in front of him, the skis stop, and if he doesn’t leave, they won’t stop. on new skis, Yirkap became the first hunter. After that, no animal got rid of him - neither a deer, nor a lynx, whoever he sees, he will catch. And he went to catch fish to Lake Sim (Lake Sim is 300 versts from here). from home, when the stove is heated, and the stove is only heated, he is already returning.

right0There lived a widow, a sorceress. She bet with him: there are, they say, thirty deer, you, he says, will quickly catch thirty of these deer, but the thirty-first is blue. If you catch up with him, then no one in the whole world will have more agile legs than you, all the animals and birds will become yours.

Let them come, says Yirkap. I just need to get out. The next morning, mother started baking bread. I saw a blue deer and woke up Yirkap. Yirkap, get up, they say, your blue deer is grazing on the other side. Yirkap got up, took a hot yarushnik from his mother, put it in his bosom, and without eating went out to catch up with the deer. They, brother, waved to the Siberian stone (and where is this Siberian stone - who can know). There, on the stones, the deer's hooves began to move apart and slide. The deer could no longer run.

left0After that, the blue deer flipped over its head and turned into a beautiful, beautiful girl. "Yirkap, - says, - do not kill me, I will be your faithful servant." But Yirkap did not agree. Once, they say, you took me so far away, I won’t leave you alive. Yirkap killed the girl. He took out her heart, put it in her bosom and returned back. He returned and broke the yarushnik - there is still warm steam coming from the bread. That's how long, it turns out, and went to the Siberian stone, the bread had not yet had time to cool. He brought the girl's heart and put it on the table of that woman. "This is, they say, the heart of a deer." “And once, they say, you caught a blue deer, then no bird, no game will run away from you. Everything will be yours,” that woman says.

right0Yirkap used to slip through the mud and cross the lake. And there was another yoma (sorceress). Yoma tells his stepmother - what, they say, this is the kind of son you have, he will catch all the animals and birds. We'll all be starved to death. It is, they say, very light, it will not sink, it is necessary to make it heavier. She gave Yirkap to drink with strips of footcloths so that he would become heavy.

Yirkap after that became heavy and began to fail. One night he began to cross the ice across Sindor Lake. He began to cross over the ice, which looked like broken glass, and drowned. Oh, well, this is cheating. He floundered, floundered - he could not do anything. He pulled out a knife and cut off the strings of wonderful skis - he wanted to get rid of them. He began to cut the strings, and the skier said again: "Yirkap, Yirkap, you have ruined yourself and you are ruining me too! left0 If you hadn't cut off the strings, I would have pulled you ashore." Yirkap kicked with his foot, and the ski with cut off strings flew, flew through a hefty pine tree, made a hole. Old people still remember this holey stump. This place was indicated near Sindor Lake. Here, they say, there was such a hefty and thick stump ... And Yirkap drowned there. And now this place is also called Jikapow. This is what the man who found Sindor Lake was like.

How Ivan buried the need

Komi folk tale Once upon a time there were two brothers Vasily and Ivan. Vasily, cunning, greedy, got rich so that he had nowhere to put his money, and the younger Ivan grew poorer every day. Once, on his name day, the rich man Vasily arranged a feast, called many guests, but did not invite Ivan. The guests sat down at the table, drinking and eating. A rich brother has all sorts of treats on the table: cucumbers and gingerbread, apples and noodles, cottage cheese with eggs and porridge with sour cream, a pot with melted butter and wheat pancakes lie in a heap. Ivan became insulting. He says to his wife: - As you wish, I'll go to Vasily! The hostess dissuades Ivan. He doesn't mind, they say. But the owner stands his ground. - I'll go, - he answers. - I really want to drink and eat. The rich man Vasily saw Ivan from the window, ran out into the hallway and said: “Come tomorrow evening, and now get out.” “Oh,” he says, “brother, I wanted to drink water.” .Vasily went to his guests, and Ivan went to a tub of water. Ivan got drunk, and that's a miracle - he got tipsy. He began to descend from the porch and closed the door. And the rich brother swears: - Here is the villain, he wants to disgrace me! Suddenly, the poor man heard that someone nearby was repeating all his words and singing softly. He turned around, and in front of him in a thin caftan, a pale, skinny man was standing. - Who are you? And the skinny one: - I am your Need. - Well, if you are my Need, let's go from here, - says Ivan. They went into Ivanov's hut. The poor man said to his wife: - Mistress, the two of us came, feed us something. The hostess brought them cabbage soup, porridge - everything that was. We will lie down. The hostess made a bed, put clothes under her head. Ivan went to bed with Need, and the hostess with the children. The next day, the hostess woke up, fired up the stove, cooked porridge, cabbage soup. Need got up with Ivan, got dressed, put on shoes. Ivan says: - Well, hostess, feed us, we will eat and go to work with the need. The hostess fed and watered her husband and guest. Need with Ivan took an ax and a shovel and went to work. Ivan contracted to dig a hole for the cellar, So they began to dig a hole. First one digs, then another. A deep hole has become, the height of a man.

Need climbed into the hole, now it was her turn to dig. She bent - she was barely visible: - Exactly, - she says, - she dug smoothly, I’ll get out now. Need leaned even lower, began to level, and the owner took a shovel and instantly fell asleep Need. Then he trimmed it from above, sketched brushwood, an ax, took a shovel and went home. - Well, - he says, - hostess, let's feed something. I buried my need. The hostess took cabbage soup and porridge out of the oven and fed it. Ivan woke up the next day, the sun was already high. He lies on the stove and smokes. And they had chicken. She laid a testicle and cackles and cackles loudly. The owner of tears, looks and is surprised: the testicle is not simple, but golden. He called the hostess. The hostess got up. Look: the egg is golden. Ivan took the egg and carried it to the shop, put it in front of the merchant, his eyes widen. “Are you asking a lot for him?” Will a hundred rubles be enough? - Enough, - says the poor man. A hundred rubles is a lot of money for him. The owner took a hundred rubles, bought food and went home. The holiday came for him and for the family. The next day, the chicken again laid a golden egg. And the day after tomorrow too. They sold the second egg for two hundred rubles, the third for three hundred. And all day Ivan and the mistress of the renovation were buying, cereals - in a bag, sugar - in a bag, grain - in sledges, chintz - in bales. They bought, bought, wore, wore, both on themselves and on a horse. And bread, and sugar, and cereals, and they had plenty of everything. They eat and treat their neighbors. The rich brother considered. What happened to Ivan: he carries everything in bags and sacks, where does he get money from? I'm obviously rich. He doesn’t drink, he doesn’t eat, he even lost weight with envy, and Ivan says to his wife: “Well, mistress, we lived poorly, because of need we never had a feast, we didn’t celebrate name days. Now we have everything. Come on, get ready, bake some food, make some beer. We will arrange a name day with you, we will invite the whole village to visit. The hostess brewed beer for a week, baked bread - she is preparing for the name day. And the feast began for the whole world. They invited all the relatives and the rich brother Vasily was also called. Everyone come and sit down. Shame on Vasily the rich man. He did not arrange such a feast either. He drank two glasses, but he doesn’t drink anymore, he doesn’t want to get tipsy, he wants to find out why his brother got rich. And Ivan, with joy, with one - a glass, with the other - a glass. Got tipsy. Vasily began to ask. - Oh, - he says, - brother, how did you get rich? Ivan told everything. “Here,” he says, “brother, Need has become attached to me. I saw her when I came to your feast. Do you remember when you kicked me out? I took it and buried Need in the cemetery near the priest's cellar. So I got rid of Need. Vasily decided: - I’ll go and dig out Need from there. OK. Vasily secretly left. He grabbed a shovel, ran to the cemetery and began to dig. Digging, digging, looking: someone is rummaging at the bottom of the pit. - Need, - he says, - is it alive? Need got up and said: - Barely alive, almost suffocated, let's help get out. The rich brother gave a hand to Need, raised Skinny and said: - That's because the villain has done something to you. If it wasn't for me, you'd be here to rot. Go quickly to him, he’s just having a feast today. “Thank you,” Need answers. “Thank you, good man, for dug up. But no, I won't go to your brother's. What will you do with him? “Wait, I'll outwit her,” Vasily thinks. “I'll take her to the feast and leave her there.” They went to Ivan for a feast. And here on the table are various dishes, noodles and cucumbers, cottage cheese with an egg and porridge with sour cream, a pot of butter and hot pancakes. Vasily went into the hut, and Need remained at the porch. He doesn’t dare to go in. “If I fall into Ivan’s hands, he will dig again.” Vasily waited, waited for Need, and went back out. Need is right there, jumped on his shoulders, tied tightly, tightly. Since then, Vasily has become impoverished, ruined. Either the bears killed the cow, then the next day the thieves cleared the barn, and on the third day the hut and the crate burned down.

Mr. Ivan Sarapanchikov

Komi folk tale

Once a woman came under the window with five children and plaintively asked: - Oh, hostess, have pity on my children, give me bread ... The hostess took pity on both the mother and the children, gave the last loaf. The woman says: - For this, your son will have a happy share, he will marry the princess. The hostess laughed: - What a princess! My son Ivan is the first lazy person, and the shepherd's daughter will not marry him. The guy is sixteen years old, and he lies on the stove day and night.

But the passerby stands her ground; - Your son will start to plow, he will find his happiness. The woman left and took the children away ... It was a sultry day, mosquitoes and gadflies flew in clouds, but Ivan suddenly gathered for arable land. Mother began to persuade him: - Don't go. The gadflies will sting the horse, and she will kill you. Ivan didn't listen. Harnessed the nag, went to the arable land, And there, indeed, the gadflies began to sting the horse. He grabbed his hat and began to drive away mosquitoes and gadflies. He waved his hat, looks - he killed a lot. He let them count. I counted 75 gadflies, but did not count midges and mosquitoes. Get them. Ivan thought: “What is it, I can kill so many souls in one fell swoop, but I have to plow. No, I will not plow. I am not a simple person, but a hero.”

Ivan unharnessed the horse, pushed it to the side with his fist and grunted: - You are not a working mare, you are a heroic horse. The mare almost falls off her feet, so thin, barely alive, but what is he, stupid! Left the horse in the field, he returned home. - Well, mother, it turns out that I am a strong, mighty hero. - Shut up, fool! - answers the mother, - what else has it got into your head, how powerful you are, if you can’t chop wood. - In vain, mother, - says Ivan, - you are talking like that. I killed 75 heroes in one fell swoop, but I didn’t count the small ones. Hurry up your sundress, I'll hit the road today. - Pip on your tongue! - shouts the mother. - Sundresses were needed! You are not a woman, you should not wear sundresses. - Come on, let's shoot quickly. I'll make a tent out of it - Ivan stuck. Still got it. He took the sundress from his mother, found somewhere his father's old scythe, made a sheath and put the scythe there. It turned out like a saber on its side. “Perhaps you will take a horse, too?” the mother was frightened. - And how! - says Ivan. - Bogatyrs do not ride without horses. Our mare is not simple, but a heroic horse. The mother tried to keep her son, but how can you keep him? Ivan is already stronger than his mother. He bridled the mare, sat on horseback and rode aimlessly...

Ivan rode and rode and reached a fork in three roads. There, a pine sways in the wind. Ivan trimmed the side of the pine tree, scraped and cut out the inscription: “Mr. Ivan Sarapanchikov passed this road. Mighty hero. In one fell swoop, he killed 75 knights, and laid down small ones without a number. If you want - catch up, if you don't want - stay! Ivan rested and then galloped along the road further. Three heroes drove up to the old pine tree - Belunya the hero, Gorynya the hero, and the Sampler himself. The heroes returned home after a long wandering. At the fork in the road, they sat down to rest. Suddenly they see an inscription.

The heroes read and looked at each other. Samoplemennik himself, as the eldest among them, began to ask: - You, Belunya-hero, knew such a hero? - No, - says Belunya-hero. - No, - says Gorynya the hero. “Neither do I,” says the Sampler Himself. Then the Sampler Himself asks again: - And you, Belunya-hero, can you lay down so many knights in one fell swoop? - No, - Belunya-hero answers. - No, - replies Gorynya the hero. - And I'm not - confessed Sam Tribesman. - You better tell us what to do if we meet with this traveler.

No one wants to die, no one likes death. The Sampler himself says: - We need to get acquainted with the traveler and, if he agrees, take him for an older brother, obey him. We will have to catch up with him, so that there is no harm later. The heroes jumped on their horses and rushed off in pursuit of Ivan Sarapanchikov. And Ivan is trudging forward and forward on a mare. An old braid on the side, a sundress hangs on the saddle. The horse is thin, he didn’t go far, of course. Suddenly, a horse's stomp was heard from behind - these are the heroes flying. “What is it, what is this noise?” Ivan thinks and, turning around, moves his finger.

The heroes then just appeared from behind the forest. - Here, here, - they say to each other, - here he is, but isn't he threatening us? What was he waving his finger at? How would it approach, so as not to immediately rush? Ivan did not even stop, everything goes forward. Samoplemennik himself took courage, caught up with Ivan, asked in a low voice: - Will you be Mr. Bogatyr Ivan Sarapanchikov? - And even if I did! - Ivan answered angrily. - What do you care? A stupid person has such a conversation. Are you good or evil? “Are you Mr. Ivan Sarapanchikov?” the Sampler Himself asks again. “If it’s you, we’ve come to agree with you, be with us for the eldest, and it will be fine for us, and for you, even into the fire, even into the water, we will follow you. - Okay! - Ivan answers. - Well, you will be my younger brothers. Now follow me. Samoyedennik himself told the heroes everything: - Phew, he is strong, - he says, - I was sweating from such a conversation. Oh, how angry! It can be seen, and, indeed, he is powerful, if he talks to us like that! After all, if you look, it’s just a simple person, thin, and clothes - ashamed to say, only rags. But his temper is formidable. OK. Though we met, now we'll live! Yes!

Three heroes galloped after Ivan and reached the turn of the Nine Kingdoms. Ivan says: - Well, heroes, if you called yourself my brothers, I will call you that. We'll set up a parking lot here. I have not rested for a long time, but here I will rest. As soon as I go to bed, I sleep for three days without waking up, and you don’t bother me. Ivan hung the sarafan on the stakes, arranged for himself a canopy not a canopy, a tent not a tent, and went in there. The heroes just looked at each other. They, too, usually rest for the whole day, but Ivan still guessed to say that he sleeps for three days. The heroes say to each other: Ivan is a hero, he has a heroic dream. And look like a simple person! The heroes marvel, but what is Ivan, he is a man with laziness, he still has a little more than three days, he would lie even longer if he didn’t feel like eating. The heroes also pitched their tents, let the horses feed, and are preparing to go to bed. And they are experienced people, they know where they are staying. They began to interpret.

How so? After all, we came to the Nine Kingdoms, here the evil king, if we lie down unarmed, he will send troops and they will chop us sleepy. How is it that they didn’t ask the elder brother, and without asking him, it’s also impossible to set sentries. Come on, - they say to Samoplemennik, - the eldest among us, go and ask Ivan how to be. Samplemennik himself did not want to go, he did not want to disturb Ivan. But nevertheless he quietly asked him: - Mr. Sarapanchikov, Mr. Sarapanchikov, after all, we stopped at the Nine Kingdoms and we don’t dare to lie down without sentries, how and what do you order? - And I'm not going to stand guard for you, - Ivan shouted from under the sundress. - The three brothers themselves, stand in shifts! The Sampler himself quickly leaned back, saying: - Wow, and angry, he himself ordered to stand in shifts. A day flew by, the second raced by. But the border does not remain empty, they guard it. And the king of the Nine Kingdoms learned that the heroes were standing on the line. The king gathered troops without number, sent them to the border.

But Ivan is still sleeping, he has not yet left his tent. Belunya the bogatyr turned out to be sentinel, twice he looked into the tent, but he does not dare to wake Ivan, he goes back. The brothers consulted and they sent the Samoplemennik to Ivan. The Sampler Himself says to Ivan: - If such a case, I had to disturb you, wake you up, nothing can be done, you see, after all, how many troops are coming. And you, Mr. Sarapanchikov, are considered our big brother, troops without number are marching against us. What are you supposed to do? Ivan woke up, shouted: - I will not go against such an army. There is no need to bother me over trifles. Go and fight yourself. Leave one enemy alive so that he can tell his people how you dealt with his army.

The Sampler himself says to the heroes: - Oh, you, oh you, well, you are strong, apparently, against such an army, I, he says, will not go out, there was no need, they say, to bother me because of trifles. What about, brothers, can we do it alone? Well, you can do it here or not, but you have to fight, Ivan ordered. The heroes jumped on their horses, cut down the entire army, mowed it down, as they mow hay. One enemy was left alive. The Sampler himself ordered him to go to the king. - You tell the king what you saw, but do not forget to tell that our older brother did not go out onto the field. Against him, they say, no force can stand. And let the king not destroy people, do not go against us, and if he wants good, let him meet us with bread and salt. The Sampler himself released the ambassador, and he ran to the sovereign king. And the lord of the Nine Kingdoms, as soon as he learned about the death of the army, became furious and angry. He had Polkan-Polubes, bodyguard and support of the entire Nine Kingdoms. Polkan was not simple in appearance - up to half a horse, and the other half like a man. Itself is 30 fathoms long. On earth and in the whole world there has not yet been an opponent equal to Polkan. The king ordered him to drive out the heroes.

Boo, boo! Zim! Zim! - the earth trembles, Polkan steps. He waves his tail, maybe a hundred miles away. The heroes heard this rumble and noise. They, experienced, literate people, knew that in the Nine Kingdoms there is Polkan-Polubes, an invincible monster. They heard Polkanov's footsteps and were afraid. Samplemennik himself rushed to Ivan. - Mr. Sarapanchikov, Mr. Sarapanchikov, Polkan-Polubes, apparently, is coming. No one can fight him, the scripture says about him. What are we going to do, won't you come out yourself? Ivan sighed heavily. “Yes,” he says, “it seems that I will have to go out. - And what do you order us, - asks the Sampler Himself, - he is very strong, help will not be superfluous. Would you take us with you, maybe we can come in handy? - No, no, - says Ivan, - you will only interfere, there is no need to take you, I will go alone. Samoplemennik himself came to the bogatyrs, he was surprised: - But he didn’t take us, you, they say, will only interfere, I can handle it alone.

The heroes also gasp, they are surprised, well, and strength, they say! And Ivan got out from under the sundress. “Oh, oh, oh, my mother told the truth, I didn’t know how to live, that’s the end. Well, if I were at home now, otherwise I would have to die here. In vain did not listen to my mother. She called me stupid, and I am stupid.” Ivan does not want to die, but there is nothing to do, the word was given to the heroes, he will have to go against Polkan. Ivan caught the mare, sat on horseback and galloped towards Polkan-Polubes. Moved away so as not to be ashamed. Let the heroes not see how they will kill him. Ivan goes and feels sorry for himself, mourns his young life. Here Polkan-Polubes appeared, one head nine fathoms high - a terrible monster. Ivan saw and almost fell off his horse, he was so scared. I realized: now I won’t have time to run away, and there’s nowhere to run. Already close to Polkan. And so, in order not to see his death, Ivan tied his mother's sundress and tied his eyes and face. Polkan noticed this. - Oh, - he says, - for thirty years I did not go to battle, the laws of war have changed, apparently. He took his tent and blindfolded them.

The day was sunny and light. Ivan can see everything through a holey sundress. Polkan does not see anything, his tent is good, dense. That's where both met. Polkan is like a blind man, but Ivan is sighted. Ivan waved his scythe, and somehow it turned out well, he cut the main vein to Polkan-Polubesu. Polkan fell, and Ivan, don't be a fool, rather to the side, away. Started watching from afar. He sees that the end of Polkan is coming, the Polubes is fighting on the grass, it is scary to look at. He beats himself - he blew up the whole earth, the pines that stood as thick as a tower, pulls out with roots, breaks. It was not in vain that the heroes said that there is no one stronger than Polkan in the world, in the scripture, they say, it is said so. Polkan smashed and crumbled everything, leaving no chips. He fought, fought with the last of his strength, then completely froze. Ivan went to the heroes, he said to them: - Well, brothers, go and watch if you want. There, at the edge of the forest, lies the Polubes, I finished him off. The heroes did not go - they ran. - Yes, - they say, - not a chip is left. This is a war, this is a battle! Now I'll have to believe Ivan's power, that's who he killed! It is good that we were not mistaken, we obeyed in time. Yes, now there is no one stronger than him in the world. - Well, - Ivan asks, - have you looked? - Yes, - say the heroes, - how many years we have been traveling, fighting, but we have not seen such a battle yet. We will remember forever.

Time flies, it's time to move on. - Well, brothers, come to me, - Ivan calls the heroes, - sit down. The heroes came, quietly sat down. Respect Ivan. - I'll give you an order. Go to the Queen of the Nine-Tsar State and tell her what I have in mind. Do you know what I thought? “We don’t know,” the heroes quietly answer. - But what I thought, - says Ivan, - you go and tell the queen to prepare to marry me, she will be my wife. If she does not go, I will burn her whole kingdom and let it go to the wind, and I will kill her herself. If she marries me, we will reign together. Now step up. Well, the brothers have to go, since the elder brother sends. They came to the city where the queen lives. And the queen already knew that Polkan had been killed, she received matchmakers-heroes, fed and watered.

The Sampler Himself says: “Our elder brother, Mr. Ivan Sarapanchikov, not today, tomorrow he will come to woo and asks me to tell you: if, they say, you don’t marry him, he will turn the whole kingdom upside down, and if you go, you will reign together. What do you say now - say, and we will wait, we have been given a day's deadline. The queen became very ill when the heroes added that Ivan, they say, was untidy and ugly. So, they say, he looks thin, like a simple person. The queen does not want to marry Ivan. I thought, the queen thought, I thought for half a day. Well, then he says to the heroes. - I'll have to prepare, I didn't want to, but I'll have to: agree so that Ivan does not devastate the kingdom. - Well, if you agree, - the heroes answer, - you need to prepare clothes for the groom, because he has nothing. The queen, of course, has everything, they called tailors and they began to sew caftans and shirts. The heroes rode back, and the city is preparing to meet Ivan. Zyabamen hung out, songs are played. The groom is greeted with a ringing, the bells are ringing. A guard has been set up at the royal palace.

As soon as Ivan Sarapanchikov showed up, "on guard!" shouted. It’s funny to people: Ivan has a thin horse, and he himself is the same, but you can’t laugh, everyone is afraid to laugh at the one who killed Polkan-Polubes. Here judges, governors - all the authorities came out - they dragged clothes.

If it suits you, Mr. Sarapanchikov, put it on and wear it, they say. And ironed, you will not see the folds, only the brocade shines. The man was not offended, he took it. They brought Ivan to the palace. The Queen of the Nine Kingdoms did not treat with salted mushrooms, not like ours, she gave tea to drink. Overseas wines, meads, mash were there. Three days later the wedding was scheduled. From all over the world, from foreign kingdoms-states, guests were invited, all princes, kings. Ivan got dressed and, like a real person, became, with a gold watch, with royal signs, he hung everything on himself that they gave him. No worse than the prince in appearance. Well, here such a great feast was arranged, the prices of goods were reduced - take what anyone needs.

And they treated the common people according to Ivanov's order - everyone at the feast ate to satiety, and there was still left. There was a feast for two months. Then, as the feast ended, Ivan summoned the heroes to him. “Here,” he says, “brothers, if you want to live with me and serve well, I will reward you, I will appoint you commanders in chief, if you don’t want to live here, go wherever you want, I don’t keep you, you have your own will. What do you want - to be governors or to go free? I asked and gave a day to answer. They thought and thought, then the Sampler Himself said: - It hurts Ivan angry, I decided to leave here. If you stay here, you will have to be afraid of him all the time and please him. He is not a real hero. The real one is kind and fair. - I also decided, - says Belunya. - I want to go free. And the third hero says: - I will also leave. Then they all went to Ivan together. “Here,” they say, “elder brother, if it doesn’t harm you, let us go, we will go free.” And no matter how Ivan persuaded the heroes, they left him.

Marpida the Princess

Komi folk tale

One day an old man was walking through the forest and saw a beautiful girl under the tree. The girl told that she was Marpida the princess, the bride of Pipilis the falcon. Her stepmother threw her into the thicket to be eaten by animals. The old man took the girl to raise. He was kind to her. And his old wife began to offend the girl. The old woman was evil, wicked, oppressed the princess as best she could. Marpida grew up, began to ask: - Mother, mother, give me some old sundress. The mother answers her in mockery: - Climb on the stove, Marpida, rub the fluff from the hazel grouse, from it weave a sundress. Princess Marpida wept, but said nothing. Once she went to golbets *, and there the Falcon was sitting. He hit the ground, turned into a good fellow. She and Marpida were still children when they were named bride and groom. The Falcon began to call Marpida to the lonely mountain where his house stands. The girl was afraid and refused. Then the Falcon promised to fly to her every day, to fulfill every desire of the bride. “Only,” he says, “don’t tell the old woman about me.” Once the foster mother went to church. Marnida Tsarevia ran into the golbets and called the Falcon. She asked me to bring her an outfit. He flew in, brought the girl a dress. The Falcon said a bird's word, and Marpida the princess passed through the water and the earth. She found herself in the church, stood in the front row. Neither the priest nor the deacon could serve, people could not pray, everyone was surprised: - Where did such a beauty come from? When the service ended, Princess Marpida ran out to the porch, uttered a bird's word, passed through the earth and water and returned to the stove. The old woman, the foster mother, came from the church and said: “You don’t know anything, daughter, but today such a beautiful girl came to church, I don’t know what to call it. Priests couldn't sing, people couldn't pray. Princess Marpida listens and only laughs. The next day, the adoptive parents went to church again. Marpida climbed into the golbets again. Sokol flew in, dressed her in a sundress embroidered with beads. Again the girl passed through the earth and water, found herself in the church, stood in front of everyone. Again, people could not pray, they only looked at her and were surprised: she was in such a rich outfit. When the service ended, Princess Marpida disappeared again. At home, she took off her new outfit and climbed onto the stove. Mother came and said: - You don't know anything... And Princess Marpida told her: - You don't know anything, but I do! It was me! - And where did you get such an outfit? - Falcon dressed me. And she told everything about the Falcon-groom. The greedy old woman decided to catch the Falcon and take all the outfits for herself. The next morning Falcon found out about this, left Marpida a patterned scarf, and he himself disappeared to no one knows where. Princess Marpida wept, then went to look for the Falcon, She walked, she walked, she reached a small hut. You can’t go there in any way: a hut without windows and doors. Marpida saw a hole through which only a mouse could pass, said a bird's word, cringed and climbed into the hut. And Yoma-baba is sitting in the hut, the floor is full of holes with his nose. Yoma-baba says: - Why are you walking, wandering, Marpida-princess? Marpida the princess replies: - I'm looking for the Falcon, didn't he fly here? - I've been here, but I've moved on. Princess Marpida wandered further and again reached the small hut. Marpida went there and saw: Yoma-baba was heating the stove with her nose. She noticed the princess and asked: - Why are you walking around the world, Marpida-princess? - Falcon was not here? - He was here, but disappeared. Go through the forest to the east - you will see a hut under a pine tree. Your darling is there. Princess Marpida wandered off again and finally reached a small hut. I went there, and there Yoma Baba puts bread in the oven with her nose. - Princess Marpida, why are you walking around the world? Has the Falcon ever been here? - Recently I was and flew over the blue sea. Yoma-baba gave Marpida the princess three pairs of cat boots**, three eggs - copper, silver and gold - and said: - Shoe the first pair of cats and go ahead, you will reach the fiery meadow, there you will put on the second pair. They will wear out when you reach the meadow of hot coals. You'll put on a third pair there. When you get to the blue sea, call the raven, he will take you across the sea-ocyan. Princess Marpida threw a copper egg on the ground. The egg rolled, she followed it. She wore out three pairs of boots, went through a fiery meadow and a meadow of hot coals. The princess reached the sea and began to call the raven: - Raven! Crow! And a raven croaked over the head of Marpida the princess. - Carry me to the other side, I'll give you a silver egg. The raven took the egg and croaked: Hold on to me! Carr! Carr! The princess sat down on the crow's back, the crow flew over the waves and lowered the girl on the other side. Princess Marpida threw a golden egg on the ground. It rolled, the girl ran after it and reached the hut. I went in, and there Yoma-baba is sitting. Marpida-princess asks: - Falcon did not fly here? And the Falcon jumped off the stove, threw off his feathers, turned into a fine fellow. Marpida the princess asked: - Why did you hide? "Why did you tell your mother about me?" "Forgive me!" says Marpida. And the Falcon answered: - I now have one road - to the bird kingdom, but I'm afraid you will get bored there. I'd rather take you to the royal palace to your father. Your stepmother has died, and you will live happily and richly in the palace. - No, - answers Marpida. “I didn’t know you before, but now I love you so much that I’ll get bored in the palace without you, but it’s fun with you on a lonely mountain.” Let's fly there! And they flew to celebrate their wedding.

Yoma and two sisters (Yoma and two girls)

Komi folk tale

There lived a husband and a wife. They had a daughter. The wife died, and the husband married a second time, brought his stepmother, angry and grumpy, to the hut. The stepmother had a daughter. The stepmother did not live her own daughter, a loafer and a rude woman, and she forced her stepdaughter to work day and night. One day the stepmother sent her stepdaughter to rinse the yarn. The girl ran to the river, bent down, began to rinse, and the skein sank. She got it with a yoke, and tried so hard to hook it, - the skein drowned. She ran home, told her stepmother about everything, and she screamed: - Jump into the river, get a skein. The girl cried, went to the river, went down to the bottom and found herself in a green meadow. A girl goes and sees a golden-colored mare running around the green meadow, a herd is grazing nearby. The horses' manes flutter in the wind. The girl combed and braided the horse's manes. A golden mare ran up to her, neighed, and said in a human voice: - You, girl, go straight, you will get to Yoma Baba's hut. If you please Yoma Baba in everything, she will give you yarn and bring you a choice of two baskets: red and blue. So you look, choose red. The girl thanked the golden-maned mare and moved on. She saw a herd of cows. Each has a full udder of milk, and there is no one to milk them. She milked the cows, and then one cow moaned, said in a human voice: - Listen, girl, you will go past the honey river, past the sour cream stream, so don’t try honey, don’t touch sour cream. And when you come to the hut to Yoma, then first step on the needle.

The girl went on. I haven't tried sour cream or honey. And she reached the hut that was spinning like a mill. The girl said: - Stop, hut. The hut stopped, stopped spinning. The girl first stepped on the needle, then on the porch and found herself in the hut. And there Yoma sits. - Aunt, aunt, - the girl says, - my skein of threads has sunk. And Yoma replies: - I'll give it back or not, we'll see! First, chop wood so that I don’t hear the knock, and heat the bathhouse so that I don’t see the smoke from the chimney. Thought, thought the girl, wrapped each log with grass. And she started stabbing. Then she went to heat the bathhouse, As the girl heated the bathhouse, Yoma dragged a basket full of frogs, lizards and water beetles. He says to the girl: - Wash my children well, steam them! Nothing to do! The girl washed and evaporated the lizards, frogs and water beetles, Yoma was satisfied. She gave the girl a skein of yarn, and then brought two baskets, one blue, the other red, and said: - Choose any! The girl took a red basket. Yoma did not tell her to open the basket until she came home to the garden. The girl went home again to a green meadow past a river of honey and a stream of sour cream. As she came to her garden, she opened the basket: a large and beautiful hut grew up in front of her. A girl entered it, found a skein of thread and a lot of good things there. The girl rejoiced. On the same day, she played a wedding with a poor guy whom she had loved for a long time. As the stepmother found out about this, she gave her daughter a skein of thread, ordered her to throw it into the river and go down there herself. My daughter also wanted to receive a dowry. Although she was too lazy to climb to the bottom, she dived into the river and found herself at the bottom - in a green meadow ... She walks along a green meadow. I saw horses and scolded them. The horses neighed, advised her to take a blue basket. Then she saw the cows, did not milk them, began to whip them with a twig. The cows mooed, advised the girl to taste honey from the river and sour cream from the stream. The lazy girl went to the bank of the honey river and rushed to eat honey. She ate, she ate, and the scythe hung down into the river, stuck to the honey. It's stuck on so it won't come off. The girl had to cut off her braid and leave it in the honey river. Then she went, on the back of her head the tip of the braid dangles. Here is the sour cream stream. The lazy girl rushed into the stream, began to eat sour cream ... She ate, ate and did not notice how the hem of her sundress hung into the stream. Sticky, won't stick. I had to cut off the edge of the sundress. And when she got to Yoma’s hut, she didn’t know how to stop her, she was beaten all over until she entered the house. Yoma told her to chop wood, so that without knocking, heat the bathhouse, so that without smoke. She started chopping wood. She stabs and scolds, she is too lazy to work, thunder and crackling all around. She began to heat the bathhouse, drowns and swears, the white light curses ... She let in so much smoke that Yoma-baba began to sneeze. Yoma entered the bath. Her head is tied up, burned out from the smoke ... She brought frogs, lizards, water beetles in a basket and ordered: - Evaporate, wash my children! She left the children and went into the hut. The girl became even more angry, not used to working, beat frogs, lizards and water beetles with a broom. Yoma returned, saw this, gave the girl a skein of thread, showed two baskets - red and blue - and said: - Choose any. The girl chose blue. Yoma ordered to open it only when she returned to her mother. The girl took the basket and ran home. The mother was already waiting, she lowered the rope to the bottom, and the daughter went upstairs. She ran into the hut, kicked out her stepfather and opened the basket. Fire broke out of it and burned the hut. And the old father went to live with his daughter and lived with her happily ever after.

Daughter with a spindle

Komi folk tale

An old man lived with an old woman, and they had a daughter - as tall as a spindle. Once a witch came to the old people - Yoma - and said: - You have a daughter as tall as a spindle, and I have a son no more. Give your daughter to my son! And if you don’t give it back, I won’t let you live: I’ll fill up your chimney - I’ll close it, I’ll lock the doors from the outside! The old people were frightened. They say to Yome: - What can you do with you? We will give our daughter for your son ... Yoma took the girl and dragged her to her.

And it turns out that she had no son at all. She just wanted to kill the girl. Yoma dragged the girl into her hut and said: - Go - ka, you, and shear my sheep. I need wool for yarn. The girl went to shear Yemin's sheep, and on the way she went to the familiar old woman. - Where are you going? - the old woman asks. - I'm going to shear Yomin's sheep. - Yoma sends you to certain death! - says the old woman. - She has sheep - then - gray wolves! Well, I'll teach you how to be! As you come to the forest, climb a tree and shout louder: - Sheep, my sheep, Get together as soon as possible, cut yourself off, And leave me the wool! The girl did just that. She came into the forest, climbed onto a tall Christmas tree and sang: - Sheep, my sheep, Get together as soon as possible, Shear yourself, And leave me wool! They kicked a lot of wool, and then they all fled. The girl gathered the wool in a pile and brought it to Yoma. Yoma was surprised: - That's a miracle! How come my sheep didn't eat you? Well, now run to my cows as soon as possible - milk them and bring me some milk. The girl went to look for Yomin's cows, and on the way she again went to the familiar old woman. - Where is Yoma sending you now? - the old woman asks. - To milk the cows. - Do you know that her cows are shaggy bears? As you come to the forest, climb a tall tree and shout: - Cows, cows, Get together as soon as possible, Milk yourself, And leave me some milk! The girl did just that. She came to the forest, climbed a tree and began to call the bears. Yemin's cows came running to her cry - shaggy bears. They milked themselves, poured the milk into birch tubs, left it to the girl, and then dispersed through the forest. The girl brought milk. Yoma does not believe his eyes: - How did my cows not eat you? Well, now run quickly to my sister and ask her for a birch bark basket. And she herself thinks: “I didn’t succeed in killing her, so my elder sister will destroy her!” The girl ran to Yemin’s sister, and ran to the old woman along the way. The old woman gave her butter and cereals, a basket of resin, a wooden comb and a bar, and said: - Yemin's sister is the same Yema. When you come to her, say: “Yoma is an aunt, Yoma is an aunt! Your sister asks for a birch bark basket. When you smell what trouble - run away as soon as possible! Lubricate the hinges at the door with oil - it will open. Yemin's black birds will attack you - you throw them cereals. They will back off. Yemin's sister will catch up with you - first you throw a comb, then a bar, and in the end a basket of resin. A girl came to Yemin's sister. Yemin's sister asks her: - Why did you come to me? - Yoma - aunt, Yoma aunt! Your sister asks for a birch bark basket. - Ah, a basket! Okay, ladies. You sit down, rest, and I'll go into the closet, - and began to sharpen my teeth. The girl heard this, realized that trouble was threatening, but quickly run. She rushed to the door, but the door did not open. She guessed - she greased the hinges with oil, the door opened by itself. A girl ran out into the street, and Emin's black birds pounced on her from all sides, screaming - they are about to peck out their eyes! She threw grains to the birds, and they left her behind. The girl ran as fast as she could. And Yoma-aunt sharpened her teeth, came out of the closet, looks - but the girl is not there! She rushed to the door, began to scold her: - Why did she let her out? And the door answered: - Why should I keep her? I have been serving you for forty years now, and you have never greased my hinges yet. Yoma-aunt ran out into the street, let's scold the birds: - Why did you let her out? Why didn't they peck out her eyes? And the black birds answered: - Why should we peck her eyes? We have been living with you for forty years now - you have never let us peck the rest of the dough from the dough! Yoma sat down - the aunt in the mortar, drives the pusher, makes noise - rattles through the forest, chasing the girl. Here, it will overtake. The girl threw a comb over her shoulder, said: - My wooden comb, Grow in a dense forest Behind me, Yoma is in front! Grew up here behind the girl, in front of Yoma there is a dense - dense forest up to the clouds. She fought - fought Yoma - aunt, searched - searched for a passage - did not find it! Nothing to do, returned home for an ax. She rushed back with an ax, cut a path, but what to do with a heavy ax? She hides the ax in the bushes, and the forest birds shout to her: - You will hide - We will see! We will see - We will tell everyone! They see everything! Yoma decided to throw the ax back. She threw it - an ax fell near her house. Again she chased after the girl, again she began to overtake her. Then the girl threw a bar over her shoulder behind her and shouted: - You bar, bar, Stand up like a stone mountain Behind me, Yoma is ahead! And now behind the girl, in front of Yoma, a large stone mountain has grown. She grabbed an ax, rushed back to the stone mountain - let's punch a passage in it! She broke through, but where to put the ax? The birds are already right there, they sing the same song: - You hide - We'll see! We'll see - We'll tell everyone! Again Yoma threw an ax to her house and chased the girl. Here - here she will catch up with her, here - she will grab her ... Then the girl threw a basket of resin and shouted: - Basket of resin, Spread like a river of resin, In front of me, At Yoma behind! And the words are mixed up. Both - both the girl and Yoma - found themselves in a tar river. And at that time a crow flew over the river. - My little crow, - says the girl, - fly to my father, to my mother, tell them that their daughter is stuck in tar along with the evil Yoma! Let them take a three-pound iron crowbar, let them take fire and run here! .. A crow flew to the old people, sat on the window, conveyed to them the girl’s request, but the old people did not hear the words of the crow. Meanwhile, a large raven flew over her head. - Raven, raven! the girl shouted. “Tell my father and mother that I got stuck in the tar river!” Let them rush to my aid, let them take fire and heavy scrap! Your daughter ran away from Yoma, but fell into the tar river! Yoma was chasing after her and also got bogged down in the tar river! Your daughter asks you to run to her aid, to carry iron scrap and fire! The raven's voice - it was louder - was heard by the old man and the old woman, grabbed a heavy iron crowbar, fire and ran to rescue their daughter to the tar river. I saw the old man and the sly old Yoma, shouted from afar: - My dears, get us out of here! Your daughter and I gathered to visit you, and both of us fell into the tar river! - Don't believe her, don't believe! the daughter screams. - She ran after me, to destroy me, she wanted to eat me! An old man ran up and drove the evil Yoma into the tar river with an iron crowbar. Then he made a fire, melted the resin and pulled out his daughter. The three of them returned home cheerful, joyful and began to live together as they used to live.

bear nannies

Komi folk tale

One bear had three cubs. She had a hard time with the little ones. Either one or the other bear cub will roar, then Mishenka the smallest will cry. So three days have passed, and on the fourth the bear says to the bear: - Oh, forest man, if you don’t get three nannies, I’ll go to the ninth swamp from you I'll run away! The bear was frightened. He called the animals and birds, began to consult with them where to find nannies for the cubs. The animals and birds did not know, only one fox knew where to find nannies. The fox says: - A hunter lives in a forest hut. He has three daughters. The youngest is a cook, she cooks such a sour *, just take a sip - you get drunk. - Well, well, the girl is suitable for nannies! - the bear roared. And the fox continued: - The middle sister sings well. As soon as she starts spinning, she only starts a song, even the blizzard will stop howling. “Well, the middle one suits us,” the bear growled. - the bear roared. The bear went into the thicket. There, under the old fly agaric, lived Yoma Baba. As she found out what was the matter, she gave the bear a basket, a spindle, a silk ball and said: - These things are not simple, but magical, they will help to lure girls into a den. And the three sisters didn’t know anything. At dawn, the youngest gathered in forest for berries. The older one says to her: “Don’t go, sister, today the owls in the forest rejoiced, screamed, the wolves howled, you know, Yoma is preparing some kind of trouble for good people. The younger one didn’t listen, went into the forest. Suddenly she saw: a basket is rolling on the ground. magic basket, but can not catch up. After all, Yoma Baba made it. Suddenly the basket jumped under the roots of a gnarled pine. The girl followed him, and found herself in a bear's lair. She became a bear nurse. The eldest did not sleep all night, she was worried about her younger sister. And the next morning the middle sister gathered in the forest. The eldest says to her: - Stay at home, sister! The youngest got lost, and you can get lost. Today the owls were screaming, the bears were roaring, the wolves were howling, and Yoma was dancing in the meadow. Don’t go, sit in a hut. And the middle one answered: “I really need to sit in a stuffy hut, I’d rather start spinning by a forest stream, sing along with the birds.” And she left. Suddenly she saw a spindle rolling. A girl ran after the spindle, catching up with him, but she couldn’t catch up in any way. It flew under the roots of a gnarled pine. The girl jumped after him and found herself in a den. So she became a bear nanny. The bear gathered to hunt, punishing the girls: - Look after my cubs. You, middle one, lull the guys with a song, don’t sit idle, clean up in the hut, you, the youngest, cook dinner. The mother bear left, and the middle sister began to rock the cubs in the cradles. Meanwhile, the youngest went to the closet, where dried raspberries, edible roots, and wild honey were stored. She began to cook dinner. The cubs fell asleep. The middle one went out to sweep the canopy. She sang a song, and her sister picked it up. The middle sister sweeps the canopy, the youngest prepares dinner, both burst into burning tears and sing a bitter song.

A sheep ran past the lair. He heard a plaintive song, realized that the girls were crying, and bleated at the threshold. The younger sister could not leave the stove, and the middle one ran out of the den and told the ram what had happened to her. The ram listened to the girl and said to her: - Get on top of me, and I will take you home. She sat astride a ram, and he ran through the forest. You can see the edge, and at this time the bear and the she-bear were returning from hunting. They saw a girl riding a ram. Chased after them. The ram rushed to run with all his might. The girl fell on the grass. The bear dragged her into the den. She beat and pounded for two days, and on the third she made her work again. Here again the bears gathered to hunt and tied the middle sister to the cradle with an enchanted rope. Yoma-baba herself forked that rope. And the bear punished her younger sister: - Do not try to run away. I caught up with your sister and I will catch up with you. You will also taste the bear's paw. Here the bear and the she-bear left. The younger sister swept the floor, began to cook dinner, and the middle cubs shake and sing their plaintive song with their sister, sing, shed tears. A lively bull ran past, heard the song and looked into the den. A cook came out to him and told him what a misfortune had happened to her and the singer and how the ram saved her sister but did not save her. on horseback, I’ll take you to your house. The middle sister says: “Really, go, sister, you’ll be free, bring hunters here, and I’ll see happiness.” The youngest jumped up on a bull, and he flew through the forest. Here, in the distance, the native house was envied. And at that time a bear and a she-bear appeared. The bull wanted to gore them with his horns, but he missed, landed in an old birch, got stuck. The bear barked and dragged her younger sister home. She beat and beat her for two days, and on the third day she forced her to work. The bears never left the den again. so that she teaches the cubs the mind-reason. The bear took various baits from Yoma-baba and threw them under the feet of the elder, but sleep did not come across these baits. The elder sister heard the tar barrel goby mooing plaintively, went into the forest, helped him free himself. The bull told her where her sisters were .The girl asks her father: - I'll go, father, to help out the sisters. You don't worry about me. A man will outsmart both the beast and the bird. The father let the girl go. She ran, climbed into the bear's den and said to the bear and the bear: - Hello, masters. I missed my sisters, I came to you of my own free will. I’ll teach you the mind. , and the eldest teaches the cubs forest sciences and whispers to the sisters: - Do not grieve, a man will outwit both the beast and the bird. The bear looks at the three nannies, does not know how to thank them. “We don’t need anything,” the eldest tells her. “But let the bear take three chests with gifts to our father.” The bears agreed. Made a chest. And the elder sister put her younger sister there, locked the chest and said to the bear: “Look, don’t look inside, I have keen eyes, I can see far.” The bear dragged the chest. Oh, and heavy. I just wanted to look inside, and the girl says from the chest: - I see everything with blue eyes, I see everything with vigilant eyes, I see everything with big eyes. The bear got scared, dragged the chest, ran after another. He shouldered the chest. Oh how heavy! The bear was just about to look into the chest, when the middle one shouted: “I see everything blue, I see everything with sharp eyes, I see everything with big eyes.” The bear was frightened, dragged the second chest, threw it on the threshold of the hut, returned home. . The she-bear put on her belt and went to look into the river. The eldest sent cubs for berries. And she herself took three mortars, dressed them in embroidered shirts and scarlet sundresses, raised their eyebrows, rouged her cheeks, painted her eyes. She put the mortars on the bench. And then the eldest climbed into the chest herself. The bear is back. I was tired, I wanted to rest, and the girl from the chest said: - We, bear nannies, look after you with six eyes. Bring the chest, or we won’t nurse your cubs. The bear grunted, heaved the chest, carried it to the hut, and returned to the lair. Then the she-bear came, and the cubs came running: - Hey, nannies, let's eat! And the stupas are silent. The bear got angry and pushed one stupa. She swayed and hit the bear on the nose. He had sparks from his eyes. The bear roared: - Hey, nanny, sing songs! But the nanny is silent. The bear was offended, pushed the mortar, and the mortar swayed, but as soon as it hit the bear on the forehead, that bump jumped up. The cubs rushed to the third mortar: - Hey, nanny, teach us mind, so that we become smarter than you and punish your sisters. But this is not a word either. The cubs got angry, began to push the stupa, and the stupa fell and almost crushed the cubs. ___________________________* Sur - beer.

The Tale of the Three Pots

Lived - there was a couple. Husband died. My wife made three pots and put them on the stove to dry. One pot began to speak like a human: "Mom, I'll go to earn money." Does the mother answer? "Wherever you go, you will be hit and killed." But the pot did not listen and went. He went down to the bank of the stream. A rich, beautiful girl was rinsing clothes there.

She started looking for a place to put her clothes. Looks: there is dirt everywhere. She saw a pot and thought: I'll put it in this pot, it will get less dirty. There she put it. And our pot began to shrink, and completely closed, and rolled home. He came and said to his mother: "Mom, mom, come out, I brought you earnings."

Mom went out and was surprised that the pot brought so many clothes. She brought clothes, the second pot began to ask: “Mom, now I’ll go to earn money,” Mother again began to dissuade him. He did not obey, went to work, rolled into the forest. and gold money was put in. The pot shrank and shrank and rolled home.

The pot rolled and came home: "Mom, come out, I brought you some money." The mother went out and was frightened when she saw how much money the pot had brought her. Tomorrow the third pot began to ask. Mother won't let me go again. The pot did not obey, went. The pot went into the grove. There a man was hunting, but he was very tired, and there was nowhere to sit down - it was damp all around. He saw a pot, and sat on it. The pot pressed, pressed his clothes, but completely pressed. Yes, I rolled home. "Mom, mom, come out, I brought you a man." The mother came out, brought the peasant into the house and began to live and live. Lots of money, lots of clothes. And in pots they boiled and steamed porridge and wort.

Hunter and Chuklya

Komi folk tale

Once upon a time there lived a young hunter in the village. So he once went to the forest lands to beat a fur-bearing animal, to catch game. The hunter settled in the very thicket of the forest, in a forest bathhouse. Put snares on short and long trails.

He began to catch squirrels and hazel grouse, black grouse and capercaillie. Only at first the hunter was unlucky. One morning he was walking along animal paths, suddenly he saw a white-bearded old man sitting under a forest mountain ash. His shirt is red, like a mountain ash in autumn, he himself groans plaintively, his leg is bruised. The hunter brought the old man to his bathhouse. He fed him, watered him, treated his leg with herbs. Three days passed, and the old man recovered, got ready to leave and said goodbye: - You helped me, I'll help you! Now you will always have a successful hunt. However, remember, do not want to get more than you get, and if trouble comes, you call me for help. So he said and left. Indeed, a good fishing went! The hunter gets a lot of black grouse and capercaillie, a lot of hazel grouse and squirrels. He gets a lot, but he wants even more. One day the hunter returned to the bathhouse. He was tired to death, but he had to bring water, chop firewood, cook dinner. The hunter brought water, began to chop wood. He stabs himself, he says: - If I had an assistant - how much we would have got then the beast and game ... The hunter put down the ax and shouted: - Hey, who is in the forest, respond, be my assistant ... Only an echo through the forest rolled out.

If I had an assistant, how many animals and game would we get then! - says the hunter again. The hunter began to chop wood again. He stabs and calls for an assistant. And no one answers. And the guy shouted: - At least Chuklya from Yag * come to me. We both get rich. Again no one answered. The hunter chopped firewood, cooked dinner, sat down at the table. Yes, I did not have time to take a spoon, a passer-by knocked on the window and said: - Hey, master, let me spend the night! I got lost in the forest. The hunter opened the door, seated the guest at the table; began to serve hot stew. He looks, his guest is dressed in a caftan made of green foliage, boots on him are made of fresh moss. A passer-by ate, talked to the hunter about this and that, and began to ask: - Take me as an assistant. I will go hunting with you, catch game and beat fur-bearing animals. The hunter was pleased, he missed the forest without a comrade. Until morning, both slept soundly, at dawn they ate porridge and went fishing along the trails, setting snares. And then they went to check the snares again. A lot of prey turned out to be in the snares of the hunter. But how surprised he was when he saw the assistant's catch: the hunter got a lot, and the assistant twice as much. So the day flew by, the week went by. Every day a hunter and his assistant go fishing. Every day there is a lot of prey in the snares of the hunter, and his assistant has twice as much. What's the matter? The hunter thought and thought and thought: "Let me send my assistant to hunt on the worst paths." And so he did. But the assistant on that path, where the hunter got three hazel grouses, got three hundred.

To have a melody and meaning in it. First of all, I prefer jazz, and its different directions. I love oriental music in techno processing, classical, sometimes rock. @ Wanderer 71 A..."

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"one. What are the crickets singing about? Above the cemetery hung the two-horned face of Lunyonok, The soldiers listened to the murmur of the river And the singing of crickets. What are the crickets singing about? What is the soldier silent about, drinking moonshine? Andryukha was lucky: he returned alive from the war, he sits among the graves, but he could ... "

"Case No. 2-77 / 16 RESOLUTION In the name of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow on June 03, 2016. The court, composed of the presiding justice of the peace of court district No. 348 of the Savelovsky district of Moscow, Kozlova A.S., with secretary ... "

“Regulations for 3D adventure orienteering RED OFF-ROAD GAME 2014 RED OFF-ROAD GAME is a local part of the RED OFF-ROAD PROJECT project (, aimed at developing and popularizing autotourism and travel. Merop...»

"Practice test

How Ivan buried the need

Komi folk tale

Once upon a time there were two brothers Vasily and Ivan. Vasily, cunning, greedy, became so rich that he had nowhere to put his money, and the younger Ivan grew poorer every day.

Once, on his name day, the rich man Vasily arranged a feast, called many guests, but did not invite Ivan. The guests sat down at the table, drinking and eating. A rich brother has all sorts of treats on the table: cucumbers and gingerbread, apples and noodles, cottage cheese with an egg and porridge with sour cream, a pot with melted butter and wheat pancakes lie in a mountain.

It was a shame for Ivan. He tells his wife:
- As you wish, I'll go to Vasily!
The hostess dissuades Ivan. Not worth it, they say.
But the owner stands his ground. “I’ll go,” he answers. “I really want to drink and eat.” The rich man Vasily saw Ivan from the window, ran out into the hallway and said:
"Come back tomorrow night, and now get out."
“Oh,” he says, “brother, I wanted to drink water.
- If you want to drink, then there is a tub of water in the hallway.
Vasily went to his guests, and Ivan went to a tub of water.

Ivan got drunk, and here's a miracle - he got tipsy. He began to descend from the porch and closed the door. And the rich brother swears:
"Here's the villain, he wants to disgrace me!"
Suddenly, the poor man heard that someone nearby was repeating all his words and singing softly. He turned around, and in front of him in a thin caftan, a pale, skinny man was standing.
- Who are you? And skinny:
I am your need.
“Well, if you are my Need, let’s go from here,” Ivan says. They went into Ivanov's hut. The poor man said to his wife:
“Mistress, the two of us have come, feed us something.”
The hostess brought them cabbage soup, porridge - everything that was.

“Well, hostess, put something on for us.” We will lie down.
The hostess made the bed, put clothes under her head. Ivan went to bed with Need, and the hostess with the children.
The next day the hostess woke up, fired up the stove, cooked porridge, cabbage soup. Need got up with Ivan, got dressed, put on shoes. Ivan says:
- Well, hostess, feed us, we will eat and go to work with the need.
The hostess fed and watered her husband and guest. Need with Ivan took an ax and a shovel and went to work.
Ivan contracted to dig a hole for the cellar ass,
So they started digging a hole. First one digs, then another.
The deep hole became, in growth of the person. Need climbed into the hole, now it was her turn to dig. Bent over - barely visible:
- Exactly, - he says, - dug smoothly, now I'll get out.
Need leaned even lower, began to level, and the owner took a shovel and instantly fell asleep Need. Then he trimmed it from above, sketched brushwood, an ax, took a shovel and went home.
“Well,” he says, “mistress, let's feed something.” I buried my need.
The hostess took cabbage soup and porridge out of the oven and fed it.
Ivan woke up the next day, the sun was already high. He lies on the stove and smokes. And they had chicken. She laid a testicle and cackles and cackles loudly. The owner of tears, looks and is surprised: the testicle is not simple, but golden.
Called the hostess.

The hostess got up. Look: the egg is golden. Ivan took the egg and took it to the shop, put it in front of the merchant, his eyes widen.
“How much for him,” he says, “are you asking for it?” Is one hundred rubles enough?
"Enough," says the poor man.
One hundred rubles is a lot of money for him.
The owner took a hundred rubles, bought food and went home. The holiday came for him and for the family.
The next day the hen laid a golden egg again. And the day after tomorrow too. They sold the second egg for two hundred rubles, the third for three hundred. And all day Ivan and the mistress of the renovation were buying, cereals - in a bag, sugar - in a bag, grain - in sledges, chintz - in bales. They bought, bought, wore, wore, both on themselves and on a horse. And bread, and sugar, and cereals, and they had plenty of everything. They eat and treat their neighbors. The rich brother considered. What happened to Ivan: he carries everything in bags and sacks, where does he get money from? I'm obviously rich. He doesn’t drink, doesn’t eat, even lost weight with envy, and Ivan says to his wife:
“Well, mistress, we lived in poverty, because of need we never had a feast, we didn’t celebrate name days. Now we have everything. Come on, get ready, bake some food, make some beer. We will arrange a name day with you, we will invite the whole village to visit.

The hostess brewed beer for a week, baked bread - she is preparing for the name day. And the feast began for the whole world. They invited all the relatives and the rich brother Vasily was also called. Everyone come and sit down. Shame on Vasily the rich man. He did not arrange such a feast either. He drank two glasses, but he doesn’t drink anymore, he doesn’t want to get drunk, he wants to find out why his brother got rich.
And Ivan, with joy, with one - a glass, with the other - a glass. Got tipsy.
Vasily began to ask questions.
“Oh,” he says, “brother, how did you get rich? Ivan told everything.
“Here,” he says, “brother, Need has become attached to me. I saw her when I came to your feast. Do you remember when you kicked me out? I took it and buried Need in the cemetery near the priest's cellar. So I got rid of Need.

Vasily decided:
“I’m going to go and dig Need out of there.”
OK. Vasily secretly left. He grabbed a shovel, ran to the cemetery and began to dig. Digging, digging, looking: someone is fumbling at the bottom of the pit.
“Necessity,” he says, “is it alive? The need has risen and says:
- Barely alive, almost suffocated, let's help out.
The rich brother gave his hand to Need, raised Skinny and said:
- That's because the villain is something that arranged with you. If it wasn't for me, you'd be here to rot. Go quickly to him, he is just having a feast today.
“Thank you,” Need answers. “Thank you, good man, for digging it up.” But no, I won't go to your brother's. What will you do with it?
"Wait, I'll outwit her," Vasily thinks. "I'll take her to the feast and leave her there."

They went to Ivan for a feast. And here on the table are various dishes, noodles and cucumbers, cottage cheese with eggs and porridge with sour cream, a pot of butter and hot pancakes.
Vasily went into the hut, and Need remained at the porch. Can't come in.
- If I fall into Ivan's hands, he will bury it again.
Vasily waited, waited for Need, and went back out. The need is right there, jumped on his shoulders, tied tightly.

From that time on, he became poorer, Vasily went bankrupt. Either the bears killed the cow, then the next day the thieves cleared the barn, and on the third day the hut and the cage burned down.
But Ivan did not see Need in his eyes, he is still afraid of him and bypasses him.

Narrator G.P. Kashin

AND or two brothers; one lived poorly, the other richly, one was called Stepan, and the other Ivan. Rich Ivan had a son; he invited his acquaintances and his poor brother Stepan to the christening. After the baptism, Stepan goes home drunk and sings: “Go, hut, go, bake when we bake pancakes.” Little back sings along in a thin voice. He asks: "Who is there?" - "Your need." He turned around and saw: there was an old woman, a small sprout, all in tatters. He shouted to her: "Why are you stomping around in vain, go into my pocket, I'll take you home." She jumped into his pocket, he grabbed the pocket with his hand, tied it with a thread, came home, began to make a coffin. The wife saw and asked: “Stepan, what are you doing?” - "Shut up, little girl! I caught the need "We will bury the need, we will live richly."
He put Need in a coffin, stab it, ”and buried him in the cemetery near his uncle’s grave. I was walking home from the cemetery, I found a hundred rubles of money. He came home and bought a cow and a horse, began to live, and live, and make money. So money went to him - a penny for a penny, and for two years he began to live richer than his brother Ivan.
His brother Ivan envied him; came to visit Stepan and said: “How long have you been living in poverty? Explain why you have healed better than me? The brother explained in his own way. Ivan envied, went and began to dig out the need. "Go, Need, to the old place." As he released her, she says: "I will not go to Stepan, I will go to Ivan." She jumped on her shoulders, he ran to the hut, she jumped behind the stove.
The next day, Ivan's house burned down, the money burned down. Further more: the horse fell, the cow fell. Far more, everything is in the wire and in the wire. Ivan collected the last money and went to buy a horse for himself. I bought a horse, turned out to be a mare, sits grieving. Brother Stepan comes: “Brother Ivan, why did he live so poorly?” - “What, brother, trouble after trouble, I bought a horse, turned out to be [a mare].” Stepan took pity on Ivan and went home; Ivan clapped at his feet: “Forgive me, a sinner, I dug out Need, I wanted to let you loose, but she came to me.” - “Duck, so she got everywhere from you?” - “Yes, everywhere: in cattle, and in a house, and in money; for the stove - and for that village; what to do?"
Stepan took out a bag of money, poured it out and said: “My money, but your wallet will be empty; though empty, but not with Need. The need jumped out from behind the stove, jumped into the purse and shouted: “I am here too! I'm here too!" Stepan took and pulled the ends of the pussy: “And here there is, duck and hit.”
He tied her up tightly, tied a stone to her pussy, carried her into the water and drowned her, and both of them healed well.

* Pussy - drawstring purse

Recorded by N.E. Onuchkov from G.P. Kashina, 26 years old, village of Nenoksa (Summer coast of the White Sea) of the Arkhangelsk province.