What is willpower definition briefly. Development of willpower

Many of you have probably wondered why it is so difficult for us to get rid of bad habits and instill good ones. We want, for example, to start doing morning exercises, we say to ourselves: “In the morning I will get up half an hour earlier and will do morning exercises,” and we even set an alarm clock so as not to oversleep. However, as soon as the morning comes and the alarm clock makes us get out of bed, we suddenly start looking for excuses, give in to them and postpone our decision to do morning exercises until tomorrow, deciding to spend the remaining half an hour sleeping. And so it happens again and again until we give up our idea or fulfill our plan. Of course, someone may not experience such difficulties with morning exercises, but no one will deny that starting to do it regularly is very difficult.

Or, another example: a person wants to lose a few extra pounds. And in order to achieve this goal, he decides to reduce the number of calories consumed by giving up sweets. A day passes, the second, and everything seems to be working out. But then, one fine day, he passes the counter with a cake and his eyes turn to all the variety of delicious sweets. An insidious thought immediately comes to mind: "I tried so hard that I deserved a small reward!" And so, he buys a cake, eats it with true pleasure, and then assures himself that nothing terrible will happen because of one more ice cream. He eats his second brownie and can't stop now, because now the thought has settled in his head of postponing his goal of becoming slimmer to the next week or the beginning of the month.

Perhaps you are familiar with similar situations? But what makes us turn off the intended path? Usually in such cases we say that we lack willpower, the very inner quality that millions of people on Earth dream of developing. After all, we all know that willpower is one of the most important components of achieving goals. Whether you want to stop smoking, get rid of alcohol addiction or start doing morning exercises, you need willpower. Almost any goal requires you to use willpower to achieve it. Any new action that causes fear or resistance in you, you perform using willpower. But what is this will power? Can we feel it? Is it measurable? And is it possible to develop it? You can learn about this and much more, with regard to willpower, from the articles on our site in the "" section. Well, for now, a brief summary.

What is willpower?

Before giving a definition of willpower, it is necessary to understand such a concept as will. From the definitions found on the Internet, I was able to find out that the will is our ability to make conscious choices and perform actions contrary to the instinctive aspirations of the body. The will allows us to respond to external and internal stimuli in the way we want it or in the way we previously intended. Based on the definition of will, we conclude that willpower is the degree of development of our ability to think and act consciously. So, the stronger our will, the easier it is for us to resist instincts and the more successfully we control our emotions. On the other hand, if our will is poorly developed, we become slaves to our emotions, habits, and instincts, and often do unconscious things that may go against our conscious desires.

Can willpower be measured?

In general, the task of measuring willpower seems quite feasible if conditional values ​​are used for the magnitude of willpower. After all, we use such terms as strong and weak will, in the same way we can say about the average level of development of the will and about the development of the will slightly above or slightly below the average level. And with the same, and perhaps even greater success, we can offer a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 is the absence of will, and 100 is absolute self-control. On this scale, you can mark the value of your willpower, based on your own life experience and how you evaluate your volitional qualities. However, it is simply not possible to create a unit of measurement for the magnitude of willpower, at least not yet.

Is it possible to develop willpower?

Certainly, willpower can be developed, whether it is strong now or very weak, although in the latter case you will have to spend more time and make more efforts to make it stronger. However, just like how we develop our muscles - through regular and systematic training, we can develop our will to almost any level. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the older a person is, the worse it lends itself to training, so you should think about developing your volitional qualities in your youth. True, since the child, due to his age, is not yet sufficiently disciplined, parents should take care of the development of his willpower, who for this will need to introduce methods that develop the will into their educational practice. However, even if you have long crossed the threshold of maturity, your will can still be trained, only this will be a more difficult task.

So, from the article we learned that willpower is the level of development of our volitional qualities that allow us to think and act consciously, as well as to resist the habitual and instinctively conditioned reaction to certain external and internal stimuli. This is our ability to resist temptation and overcome the resistance of the body, in particular laziness, in order to achieve the desired goal. This is the main foundation on which self-discipline is built, and without it, as you know, achieving goals is an extremely difficult, if not impossible task. But, willpower can be developed, and although you cannot accurately measure how strong your will becomes, you will definitely feel it. Read more about willpower in metodof.ru articles and become stronger, good luck to you!

Very often we hear statements such as: “He lacks willpower” or “What willpower this person has!” So what is willpower?

To better understand this concept, you must first turn to the meaning of words. Or rather, to understand what the meaning of the word will is. This is a conscious desire for something, freedom of action, the ability to express oneself in limited conditions, overcome life's obstacles and solve difficult tasks, even if they require considerable sacrifice.

The human will is one of the most complex concepts in psychology. It manifests itself both as a process that does not depend on external factors, and as a result of certain psychological phenomena, and as a unique ability of a person to control his desires.


Will is one of the most important components of a person's character, according to psychology. In psychology, it is divided into varieties. Below we will consider the types of will and give each a definition:

  • Motivating, or, in other words, initiating, is a conscious activity that helps a person to go towards the goal.
  • Stabilizing - this type is associated with the efforts that a person makes to maintain his vigorous activity.
  • Inhibitory - consists in limiting the strongest desires that impede the achievement of the intended goal.

These are very important functions of the will, which determine how ready a person is for difficulties. How strong a person's will can be judged by how he goes to achieve his goals. They say about such people that they have very developed willpower.

Willpower, what is it? Willpower is an important part of character that determines a person's ability to overcome obstacles. The way a person subdues his desires determines how strong-willed he is. From this we can conclude that in one case, willpower pushes to action, and in the other, on the contrary, it slows down a person, protecting him from mistakes that he can make under the influence of his desires.

There are basic traits that form a strong-willed character.

  • Patience. It keeps a person on the right path to the goal, not allowing him to retreat.
  • Wish. Oddly enough, but this is a very important factor. Desires point us to our aspirations. And as soon as we fully realize what we want, cutting off everything superfluous and secondary, a clear goal immediately appears before us.
  • Faith. Here one should consider faith in oneself, in one's own strengths. It is she who helps us transform our desires into an intended goal.
  • Courage. Here everyone will agree that if a person does not have courage, then he will not be able not only to achieve the goal, but even to begin the path to it. For courage just gives impetus to the realization of our desires.

These are very important qualities that characterize willpower. It often happens that a very successful person, despite his talents, lost at some points in his life. All because he simply lacked patience and he could no longer overcome difficulties. Often people confuse strong-willed qualities with stubbornness. It is very important to distinguish between these concepts.

Some people don't even know how to cultivate the will. They mistakenly believe that this quality is given from birth. However, its presence depends on the acquired experience, and the formation of volitional qualities occurs throughout a person's life. So, these qualities can be developed and formed at any time and at any age. So how do you acquire determination and how do you develop willpower?

On the way to success

Many people ask the question - how to develop willpower? There is no single answer, each person is individual, and how to develop willpower depends on many factors. However, there are some methods that are useful for everyone.

First of all, you need to be decisive. This quality will greatly help to train the character. You must immediately set yourself up for the fact that this process cannot be interrupted. Excuses like holidays and weekends will only push you back to where you started. The strong-willed character is trained only by regularity and constancy.

According to experts, it is easiest to develop these qualities in sports. In sports, it is easier to set a goal and go step by step towards it. This approach will help develop and train perseverance, as well as improve health. The final effect may even exceed all expectations. However, not everyone goes in for sports.

Specialists were able to develop a universal list in order to cultivate strong-willed qualities in themselves.

  • Recognize and accept your shortcomings, which contributed to the growth of problems.
  • Imagine all the successful steps and heights that you could achieve with a strong will.
  • Imagine that you are a trained person with strong, strong-willed qualities of character.

After reading this list, consider whether you liked the end result in your imagination. Most likely - yes, I liked it. Then you just have to gain determination and begin to put into practice the planned plan, which brings up willpower.

How to develop willpower in everyday conditions? As observation has shown, the most difficult education of willpower occurs in everyday life. But at the same time, the possibilities are endless. Waking up in the morning at a certain time, doing exercises, drinking coffee, not being late for work / school and many other things. All these things make us want to either not do them or do them - for example, smoke in the morning with a cup of coffee.

We do not try to get rid of bad habits that we like, while we can postpone the necessary for success to another time. It is in such a cycle of simple duties that the question arises - how to develop willpower in such conditions? However, these are the best circumstances - the place and time - for the beginning of the development of your stamina and willpower.

Having made a decision, there is no need to immediately grab onto everything at the same time and outline a complex plan. It is worth paying attention to only a couple of aspects of everyday life, develop an action plan and proceed without delay to its implementation. After a certain time, during which you will follow the outlined rules, you yourself will understand how to train willpower in your case, what to add to the plan being worked out and how to complicate it.

After all, any person wants all moments of life to please, to be diverse in their beauty and success, for this willpower is simply necessary. In order to expand one's horizons, to have broad interests, to have a considerable number of acquaintances and friends, to be able to show patience, responsiveness, and always be cheerful - all this requires one to follow the path of improvement.

And how to improve, except by strengthening willpower? Examples of willpower surround us everywhere, you just need to pay attention to the success of others. You can take any successful person and analyze his actions, but in order to acquire strong willed qualities yourself, you need to have an unlimited desire and show a desire for self-development. It is also worth developing in yourself such qualities as:

  • Determination.
  • Persistence.
  • Self-control.
  • Excerpt.
  • Courage.
  • Independence.

There are many more qualities that help build willpower, but many of them will be developed in the process of character training. Moving towards the goal is the meaning of our life. This is a movement that can be controlled, and the more clearly you see where you are going, the faster you will achieve what you want. But one has only to doubt, to lose willpower - and the movement will stop.

You learned the definition of the concept of "will". You figured out what willpower is, how to develop and strengthen it. And now everything is exclusively in your hands. Remember that each of us has a choice. Prepare for yourself a future that will delight, will later allow you to remember good deeds and undertakings. And this future will not make you want to change the past.

It all depends on the choice of a person: to cultivate willpower in oneself and go through all the difficulties of life with one's head held high, or to lower one's hands and let everything take its course. Remember: everything that surrounds you at the moment, everything that has already been achieved, all this is the result achieved thanks to work on yourself, aspiration and great desire. Author: Lyudmila Mukhacheva

Many learned about what willpower is from the Yeralash series of the same name. Remember how the boy sat over a Snickers candy bar for two hours? True, during this time he had already managed to eat a few pieces, but this is the whole humor. It is believed that a person with willpower will be more successful in career growth, because he knows how to be guided by his head, and not be led by emotions. But all this is so vague that many still cannot accurately understand the meaning of this phrase. And how to strengthen willpower if there is a feeling that it is not sufficiently developed?

Multiple definitions

There are a lot of synonyms for the expression. This is determination, and perseverance, and perseverance, and much more. But before you develop willpower in yourself, you need to understand what it is. We single out three definitions that most accurately express willpower:

  1. The ability to suppress emotions that interfere with sober thinking at the moment;
  2. The art of resisting temptation in the name of more important things.
  3. The ability to postpone pleasant events for later in order to get more vivid impressions.

What does all of this mean? Let's take a look at specific examples.

The employee urgently needs to finish the project, although the neighboring office has long been celebrating a corporate holiday. If he does not have enough willpower, then he will break away from business now and go to his colleagues. But then he would have to take work home. And also there will be no award, because the project will not be delivered on time. A person who decides to finish the job, despite the cheerful and carefree screams behind the wall, has an iron willpower. And for it, he will be rewarded beyond measure, because in a couple of hours he will be able to join the holiday without the unpleasant feeling that a sleepless working night lies ahead.

This example fits all three definitions, which are also practically inseparable from each other. A strong-willed person always keeps his emotions and desires under control, but this does not interfere with him. There is no depression and digging in oneself, and each such case helps to develop willpower even more.


Studying willpower, psychologists have identified 4 integral components of this important character trait.

  1. Faith. First of all, faith in yourself and your strengths. When a person is sure that he will succeed, then it becomes much easier to achieve what he wants.
  2. Wish. The end you strive for must justify the means. The end result must be desirable, i.e. you have to really want something, and then everything will work out.
  3. Courage. Here, it means the ability to take a decisive step in the name of the goal, the ability to say “no” to oneself and even take a risk somewhere.
  4. Patience. Building willpower requires a lot of patience.

In the same example with an employee, you can consider all these components. The man believed that he would be able to finish the job quickly. He had a desire to go to the holiday with a sense of accomplishment. The courage lay in the fact that he refused colleagues, who probably came into the office more than once and called him. Well, with patience, everything is clear.

Willpower is an acquired quality. It can be developed throughout life. But for some, it manifests itself in childhood. A very interesting experiment was described by the British psychologist Walter Mischel. It consisted of the following: a four-year-old child entered the room and sat down at a table on which lay a marshmallow and a bell. The kid was explained that you can ring the bell and eat the treat right now. But if he endures 15 minutes, he will get two whole marshmallows. After that, the child was left alone with himself and his desires.

Most of the children could not stand even 5 minutes. And their "failure" is quite understandable. The kids chose the wrong strategy: they looked at the marshmallows with burning eyes, imagined how the tender delicacy would melt in their mouths, and, of course, in the end they could not resist. But the behavior of some children surprised and pleasantly pleased the psychologist. One girl figured out how to train her willpower: she covered her face with hair so as not to see the marshmallows, because she knew that this would allow her to hold out longer and achieve her goal of double the treat. Another boy chose a different tactic: he moved the bell to the farthest edge of the table so as not to accidentally ring it (after all, this would mean that he had given up).

Such an experiment is a great tip for parents on how to cultivate willpower in a child. Although some moms and dads found the experience too cruel and even offended. In particular, these were the parents of children who, without hesitation, ate marshmallows almost immediately. But the lack of willpower does not mean that the child has developmental disabilities. It was just a signal that you need to develop character. Because later it turned out that the kids who managed to wait for the second marshmallow began to do well in school. They dealt with stress more easily and were more patient.

If you conducted a similar experiment at home, and the baby did not cope, do not despair. It is possible to increase the willpower of the baby, but for this you will need to train him regularly with the help of special classes. But, in the case of children, it is still better to contact a psychologist, because too frequent or incorrectly conducted trainings can cause the baby to become isolated.

Development Exercises

To begin with, let's answer the logical question: why do we need willpower? Why develop and raise it in yourself? After all, many people probably live without it. But if a person knows how to make an effort on himself, to force himself to sacrifice temporary pleasure in order to acquire long-term pleasure, then he will go far. . Strong-willed, strong in spirit, self-confident - all these are the qualities of a leader. And if you don’t even plan to become one, willpower will never become an extra character trait.

Now we will tell you how to cultivate willpower in yourself. Oddly enough, the complex of psychological developmental exercises does not include those that involve prolonged sitting over your favorite treat. These are more general tips that suggest how to develop willpower at any age.

  1. Positive thinking. If you see everything in gray, it will be difficult to find what you want to strive for. Those. it will be hard to see and feel the desired goal, which will require willpower to achieve.
  2. Overcoming fears. This refers to social fears: fear of misunderstanding, fear of being rejected or looking ridiculous. Willpower training just means thinking and reasoning that fears can become an obstacle to your inner development.
  3. Ability to take responsibility. A strong personality will never try to make himself a victim..
  4. Self-discipline. This means doing something for yourself, arranging mini-checks for yourself: do not be late, start the morning with exercises, be sure to wash the dishes at night. Yes, it is such banalities that help to gain willpower and temper character.
  5. Speech control. Foul language, harsh words thrown at someone - all this speaks of weak self-control. Strengthening it will help to temper the character and learn to restrain yourself at different moments.

By the way, the development of willpower in some people occurs in the course of life. Those. many don't have to do it on purpose. Everything happens on a whim. A person does not think about how to cultivate will and character, but in different situations he acts in such a way that hardening is carried out by itself. What is needed for this? Perhaps the right upbringing from childhood. Therefore, every young person has a chance to grow strong and strong-willed people out of their children.

Specific trainings

Now let's look at how to develop willpower and self-discipline using real examples. To begin with, come up with a simple task for yourself that will require some time and effort from you. For example, set a goal to learn how to juggle three balls in a month, while training for 20 minutes a day. And be sure to spend those 20 minutes exercising. Missed a day - punish yourself . By the way, another way to develop willpower in yourself is a system of punishments.. Don't buy yourself a treat or replace a hot bath with a cold shower. Yes, no one can check and judge you. But this is the point of training your own willpower.

How else can you develop and strengthen willpower? With non-dominant hand. Are you right handed? Then for one hour a day, make the left hand active. At the same time, do not tie your right hand behind your back, but simply try to control yourself and do everything with your left. Yes, it won't work at first, and it can be annoying. But you can handle yourself, right?

When we train willpower, we are primarily engaged in self-development. And this is very important, because except from yourself you will not be able to receive such valuable lessons. All the qualities developed during the trainings will come in handy in life more than once, so do not forget to pay attention to yourself and try to regularly train willpower.

Many people think about the question of what really is willpower. So, willpower is one of the main character traits. Sometimes they say about a strong-willed person that he has a strong character, this is because the very meaning of character is sometimes replaced by the concept of willpower. It is probably difficult to imagine this, but today there is no definite view on the mechanism of will.
In our article we will look at:

  • What is willpower?

    As experts explain, will is the ability of a person to achieve his goals in the face of overcoming obstacles. The will can also be described as a power part of the personality, which has been valued in a person since ancient times and has always been valued.

    The presence of will helps us along the entire path of life. But another question emerges from here, what kind of will contributes to the provision of assistance, any, or only having force.

    Initially, the concept of will was introduced to interpret what actually induces a person to certain actions, which in turn correspond to his decisions, but contradict his desires. What pushes a person to actions that need to be done, and not those that you want to do, or vice versa, to do what you want, if it is not beneficial. The fact that a person is able to control his behavior and desires, subordinating it directly to his conscious decisions, is the explanation that a person has willpower. Therefore, we can note the fact that, on the one hand, willpower helps, pushes forward, and on the other hand, on the contrary, it slows down, helps to abandon unjustified decisions and desires.

    Psychologists point to such features of the components of willpower as:

    1. Faith. It is our belief in our own strengths that belongs to this component. Through internal transformation, our desires are transformed into goals. It is true faith in oneself in one's own strength that can move mountains and achieve the goal.
    2. Wish. It just so happened that our desires show us the way, to what and where to strive. Each person has his own desires, and at the same time it is individual and personal. After we determine our priorities, cut off everything that is not essential, we become ready to make a decision.
    3. Courage. Agree, because if a person is not brave, then he is unlikely to be able to make any important decision. When we define priority desires for ourselves and remove everything that is not essential, we become internally ready to make one or another decision.
    4. Patience. Through patience, we remain true to our goals and do not back down from anything.
    Different things happen in life, and there are many examples where talented and quite capable people fell out of the race and lost, because they simply did not have the patience and could cope with difficulties more.

    It should not be thought that willpower is an innate quality. No, it is acquired and consciously formed throughout life. Therefore, willpower can be developed and nurtured.

    Sometimes it happens that willpower is confused with stubbornness. Stubbornness as such is not a virtue of human qualities, so it is worth learning to distinguish between stubbornness and willpower.

    At the first stage, the will is formed and developed through the influence of control over human behavior by others (adults over children), and after that, self-control of the individual. The decision on volitional regulation already comes directly from the personality itself, through the direct development of its motives, experiencing or foreseeing the consequences of certain actions or inactions. As for the development of willpower, it is associated with the formation of motives and goals, a person’s beliefs, his worldview, everything that we mean by the concept of personality.

    Will power training

    Many are wondering how all the same you need to work on developing willpower. It should be noted right away that there is no one universal lesson. But there are methods that work for everyone. It is necessary to pay attention and remember the main thing, that is, there are no trifles in the development and education of willpower, this is the process that cannot be interrupted and arrange holidays and weekends for yourself. The will is tempered by regularity and consistency, and not by the occasional and not by the influence of breakthroughs. The manifestation of concessions and can destroy in an instant what you have been building for so long. According to many experts, it is best to train the will in sports when you step by step, do not stop moving forward. For those who do not play sports, there is also a way out.

    First of all, you need:

    1. Think and list all your problems and failures that appeared and were aggravated due to shortcomings.
    2. Think and list the benefits that a strong will would help you bring.
    3. Imagine yourself as a person who already has a strong will. Do you like this ideal model? In this case, it is necessary to act according to this image, directly correlating all your actions and efforts with it.
    It turns out that the most difficult, and at the same time, giving inexhaustible opportunities for the development of willpower, is everyday life. Get up in the morning on an alarm clock, do exercises, eat something healthy for breakfast and come to school or work on time, talk less, do your duties, etc. Throughout the day, there are also a lot of things that need to be done, but you don’t feel like it, and those that, in turn, you want to do, but they are useless and can even be harmful.

    Having decided to start developing and educating your willpower, you should not grab everything at once. It is necessary to choose one or two areas in which you want to develop, make a schedule or plan for this for each day and, without delay, proceed. This, in turn, should be daily activities, exercises, deeds, rules, the main thing is that they be regular. The person who does not strive for anything and does not fight becomes uninteresting, and the person who gives up and stops fighting causes contempt and pity.

    If you want your life to be rich and colorful, successful and varied, willpower is a must. Since we have to achieve a lot precisely on our own, in order to do well, we need to work hard, we need to want it, we need to develop ourselves and perform many small accompanying actions. To have a lot of acquaintances, you need to be interesting to others, be able to reason, keep up a conversation, have patience and desire, for this you also need to improve yourself, and in order to improve, you need willpower. You can give many examples of why we need willpower, but in order to cultivate willpower in ourselves, desire and aspiration are still needed.

    Do not forget that each of us has the opportunity to choose, so that the future of each of us becomes more interesting and saturated with good deeds and knowledge, so that there is something pleasant to remember, so that we never want to change our past. Everything is exclusively in our hands, to cultivate willpower in ourselves and go forward with our heads held high, proud of our actions and achievements, or give up, do nothing, take the position of a weak, weak-willed person and wait for the weather from the sea until something is given by itself, but this does not happen. Everything that a person achieves in life is given through overwork, desire and aspiration.

  • Willpower: the ability to quit smoking. Inhuman willpower: the ability not to tell anyone and everyone that you quit smoking. Ruthlessness in getting rid of doubts or the ability to ignore them is called willpower. Karol Izhikovsky Be at ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

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    Will (will power)- - the ability of a person to act consciously to achieve the goal, overcoming internal obstacles. A strong will causes a reaction of respect, affects a communication partner either in terms of coercion to action, or in terms of ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

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    • Strength of will. How to develop and strengthen, Kelly McGonigal. Willpower is taught at Stanford! This course is insanely popular among students - everyone wants to strengthen their willpower. But until now there was no teacher who would undertake to make a scientifically based course ... audiobook
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