Figures of heroes of Russian folk tales. Cartoon toys and figurines from fairy tales

From 12 to 16 April, Veliky Novgorod will host the 15th International Theater Festival "Tsar-Skazka"/Kingfestival. Modern drama and poetry, fairy tales and folk stories... It's time to talk about Russian performances, each of which has already won various awards and festivals - and received its own distinctions.

"I am BASHO"

Upsala Circus, St. Petersburg

Age – 6+

Thin as a stroke of a hieroglyph on rice paper and graceful as a poem - this particular performance will be the opening of the festival. Director's performance Yana Tumina is a unique phenomenon that combines modern circus, visual theater and social theater. Three Lines of a Japanese Poet Matsuo Basho served as inspiration for the images and the plot - about the harmony of the world, the joy of simple things, the beauty of nature. The audience seems to be traveling through the pages of poetic works. A bamboo forest grows on the stage, the hero rises to the very dome or, on the contrary, wanders along a tangled path at dusk. Fog petals follow the Japanese umbrella, and a flock of mosquitoes chasing a wanderer can turn into children. The performance involves children and adolescents with and without developmental disabilities - each of them talks about the beauty that he sees around and inside himself, discovering in himself the future poet - a student of Matsuo Basho. It is not known what the magic is here - in the music that touches the heart, in the simplicity of the expressive body language or the general idea that everyone is equal in the end and the poetic soul lives in each of us.

Upsala Circus, the world's only circus for hooligans, as they call themselves, has existed in St. Petersburg since 2000. More than 90 children and adolescents from social risk groups, as well as children with special needs, attend here every year. All of them get the opportunity to realize their talents and find a unique path through creativity. Uppsala Circus is a modern circus where acrobatics, juggling, contemporary, elements of street culture, parkour and breakdancing are combined. This is a world that is attractive to everyone and accessible to every child, regardless of his abilities, physical abilities and social status.

The performance won the highest award of the Russian National Prize and the Harlequin Theater Arts Festival for Children in St. Petersburg and became a laureate of the National Prize and the Golden Mask Festival.


St. Petersburg Academic Theatre. Lensoviet

Age – 6+

Director Maria Romanova combined in three fairy-tale short stories in the performance everything connected with wings and flight of fancy. In the performance of the theater. The plot of the Lensoviet is subject to the theme of birds: the heroes of fairy tales are both the enchanted princess Swan and geese-swans, ready to carry away their unconcerned brother. On the stage is the wooden world of the Russian north with swings as a symbol of flight to heaven. And right there - wooden masks and figurines of heroes, who seem to have come out of museum non-existence and become real symbols of a lively folk game. The musical themes include bird whistles, melodious crane melodies, lullabies and cries similar to bird voices.

The voice of the Narrator guides the world of fairy-tale folklore stories - this voice is not scary to follow through magical places and understand that fairy tales not only entertain, but also teach, fascinate, frighten and inspire.

The Enchanted Swan turns into a white canvas, which becomes her wings - to tell the flying birds that Ivan Tsarevich and her beloved child already exist in her life. And the laughing, rude Malashechka, loudly strumming ditties on the balalaika, sets off to save her younger brother from captivity of the swan geese. Here, the Russian spirit of the fairy tale is not softened, but rather presented in all authentic performance, with live music and excellent song performance.

The performance won the awards of the Russian National Prize and the festival of theatrical art for children "Harlequin" in St. Petersburg - for scenography and costumes ( Maria Lucca), for musical arrangement ( Elizabeth Borodulina), for a plastic solution ( Rimma Sargsyan) and for Best Actress ( Sofia Nikiforova)


National Theater of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk

Age – 6+

The play "Son-Bear" based on Karelian fairy tales is a fairy-tale and musical spectacle. Director Vyacheslav Polyakov composed a performance in which music is an integral element of the great culture, and here it also sounds on folk instruments, setting the tone for a fairy tale story. The bear becomes a son for a childless couple and miracles immediately begin to happen, giving impetus to a magical story, where there will be a marriage to the royal daughter, and a spell of dark forces, and a journey to distant lands, and love that conquers any trouble.

Created with great talent, irony, care for the details of fairy tales, this performance is a real gift for a family trip to the theater. The fairy-tale plot in the performance is generously supplemented with folk sayings, songs and rituals. Elements and motifs of national costumes, patterns, jewelry are woven into the costumes of the characters, and the musical arrangement of the performance is based on the live sound of Karelian folk instruments: you can, for example, hear the sound of kantele.

The performance won the highest award of the Russian National Prize and the festival of theatrical art for children "Harlequin" in St. Petersburg.


Theater Center named after Vs. Meyerhold, Moscow

Age – 6+

Is it possible to accumulate a sufficient number of tears - and are they happiness or resentment? Those same tears appear in the hands of the actresses ... And where does the grandmother disappear in the end? What does it mean to be small when everyone around you is older than you? Two actresses put on a subtle performance of undertones and emotions that can only be felt in childhood. The performance is dedicated to the Dutch director Ray Nusselein, who once discovered that the world of children's performance can speak to children in the most honest language - to talk not only about the joys of life, but also about what makes you sad, be honest and speak frankly about your own experience of loss, but do not forget about the bright moments that make you laugh.

This is modern dramaturgy for children from the author Mikhail Bartenev (by the way, the playwright himself will be in Veliky Novgorod at the performance) - when in a performance you can not only laugh or entertain, but give a great lesson in theater and humanity, talk about family and your experiences. And do not be surprised if the children after the performance want to talk with you about very serious things - because everything really starts from childhood.

The performance received a special prize of the children's jury and a special prize of criticism for the director at the children's theater festival "I'm small!" (Novy Urengoy, 2018).

We also bring to your attention:

We live in the real world and world of fairy tales and fantasy- another world, fictional. It's like two sides of the same coin. And children love to visit the other side)) After all, it is full of adventures, and magic, heroes and extraordinary creatures live there - as far as your imagination will suffice. What is the difference between fairy tales and fantasy?

The difference between fairy tales and fantasy

  1. Primarily fairy tales part of the folklore fantasy- the fictional world of the author, and each science fiction author has his own.
  2. Fairy tales reflect real events, embellished, with the addition of magic in small quantities. events that take place in fantasy, never really existed, and they are completely the author's fiction.
  3. The magic of fantasy and fairy tales is different: fantasy tied to mystical events, the magic of objects and the incredible abilities of the characters, and in a fairy tale magic is not the main thing, it only emphasizes the peculiarity of the hero (usually these are transformations into a bird, a wolf, etc.)
  4. Remember, right? "There is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it ..." In fairy tale meaning is always laid down and there is morality, and the task fantasy- to entertain the reader with adventures and an exciting plot.
  5. Fairy tales small in size and fantasy long, with a detailed narrative and disclosure of the world in which events take place - nature, animals and inhabitants. Moreover, fantasy heroes- completely fiction: magicians, elves, trolls, dragons, orcs, unicorns. In fairy tales The main thing is not the characters themselves, but their actions.

Why is it useful to play a fairy tale?

Children simply need to read and watch fairy tale adventures, but playing a fairy tale is even more interesting. Children fall in love with their heroes, worry about them, get angry at the enemies of their pet. They perceive fantastic images, as if alive. Therefore, toys with fabulous and cartoon characters are so wildly popular.

In the game with fairy-tale figurines, children get used to the world of their heroes. Now they rule the magical world and can change the story however they want! Playing a fairy tale or fantasy is a powerful tool for developing children's imagination and solving emotional clamps. Children play, completely immerse themselves in their fairy tale, in the face of the hero they cope with personal fears and insults.

Figures from fairy tales, myths and fantasy

We have long been in love with realistic action figures Rapo,Schleich,SAFARI. Children's play figures should be just like that! Even figurines of evil mythical monsters do not want to let go. I would have looked at it)) No wonder the toys of these brands are in the collections of adult fantasy lovers. For very young children, these figurines are not suitable for play. But after the age of 3, children are already able to appreciate the beauty and authenticity of the details of their fairy-tale figurines. Girls they will gladly settle graceful fairies and elves in a magical castle, and unicorns and pegasi will faithfully serve them. boys attention to detail, so they will not be disappointed with detailed figures of knights with war horses, dragons and mythical mutant warriors.

Toys cartoon characters - a welcome gift for kids. On this page you will find representatives of Soviet masterpieces (“Well, wait a minute!”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Mowgli”, “Dunno”, “Umka”, “Kitten Woof”, “About a lion cub and a turtle”, “Monkey and elephant”, "Prostokvashino", "Parrot Kesha") and modern ("Masha and the Bear", "Luntik", "Smeshariki", "Maya the Bee", "Ice Age", "Fixies"). Nolik and Simka pupae have various interactive effects: they make sounds, their heads glow and sway, their limbs move.

In order for a growing person to become a full-fledged harmonious personality, cartoons alone are not enough, he must be familiar with folklore. Therefore, we have a wide range of figurines from fairy tales.

Here you will buy a complete set to create a puppet theater that boys and girls love so much. There are miniature toys for the little ones. For example, a tiny Kolobok, which fits perfectly in the palms of a toddler and will serve as an excellent initial toy, and toy characters of the most instructive works, such as: "Teremok", "Turnip", "Cat's House", "Zayushkina hut", "Emelya", " Little Red Riding Hood", "About the fisherman and the fish".

Attention: some of the products are made at Russian enterprises from high-quality raw materials, painted with non-toxic paints, and can be recommended for use by children from zero to six years old. The quality of each product strictly meets all the requirements for items for babies. To the touch, the rubber sets of the Voronezh PFC are softer (easily crumpled) than the plastisol samples of the Ogonyok plant, and the most "hard" ones are from the Vesna factory. Products of trade marks "Entertainers" and "Play Together" are produced in China by order of Russian developers. They have been successfully sold for a long time, there were no complaints or scandals about them, but we recommend that parents of tiny children and allergy sufferers first of all turn their attention to domestic products!

Models perfectly contribute to the socialization of the child in that their positive properties are projected onto themselves, and good deeds and deeds are imitated. These pets play an important role in the intellectual (as illustrative material when reading books, in games with repetition of plots) and emotional development of the baby, helping to overcome crises and moments of loneliness. Often they become talismans and "friends in the pocket" and you can always take them with you:

+ in the crib under the pillow:

+ for a walk;

+ to kindergarten;

+ on the sea (or just in the bath);

+ to a medical institution.

They are actively used as aids in methodological classes and for the formation of oral speech in preschool institutions.