How to achieve self-respect. How can one develop self-esteem and strengthen weakened respect? Signs of a woman with self-esteem

Let's be clear right away: self-respect doesn't make you narcissistic or conceited or self-absorbed... in fact, it does quite the opposite. Self-respect is a deep sense of self-worth and a feeling of self-love that shows you are worthy of receiving and giving love.

The problem for most of us - myself included - is that we're on the wrong track. We try to feel a sense of self-worth by accumulating "likes" on Facebook or by getting a new gadget, when the truth is that external factors will never give us the self-respect that each of us craves.

12 ways to show yourself respect:

  1. Find out what makes you respect yourself.

One of the concepts that allows me to respect myself is to keep my word given to other people. If I say that I will do something or be somewhere, if there are no unforeseen situations, I feel better when I do what I said. I develop self-esteem by exercising regularly, starting my day with green herbal juice, and crawling under the covers at 10 pm to get a good night's sleep and gain energy for tomorrow!

  1. Be honest about who you are and who you are not.

Once you've figured out what makes you feel good (see Step #1), continue to be honest not only with yourself, but with those around you. Honesty leads not only to a reduction in labor costs in work, but also makes it more enjoyable.

If you know your calling is to work outdoors on some farm, then you won't shine if you work 9 to 5 in the office of a local marketing company for the next ten years. You will be disrespectful of your talents and interests, and you will be disrespectful of a company that can hire someone who would actually excel in the position.

I know I disrespect myself when I plan nights with friends three times in a row after work because I feel exhausted after that. I do my best to admit it to myself and be honest with my friends.

  1. Respect yourself by acting in an area that inspires you.

Yes, actions in an unknown area terrify us. We cannot know for sure that we will succeed, and the fear of failure can make us back away from great success. But the most successful people I know aren't afraid to try new things. Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard and made history. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started making Apple in a garage. Alisha Keys used her talent and fame to create a brand new non-profit organization, Keep A Child Alive. Through clinics, education and medicine, the global pop star is treating and preventing the spread of HIV in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

  1. Stop trying to be “normal!”

The only way to stand out is to be original, real, unusual in your own way. This is easier said than done, but think about this: all the people you would like to look up to have identified what makes them different from others and turned it into their advantage. Also, if you are not who you are, you mix with others and lose your individuality. And what's so interesting about it?

  1. Don't let other people limit you.

Many people have good intentions, but their advice is often clouded by their emotional baggage. So when someone tells you “you'll never be able to do this” or “you shouldn't” or “you can't”, ignore them until you figure out for yourself if this is true or not.

  1. Learn to say no.

Expressing your disagreement with others does not make you a bad person, it makes you a strong and respected person. When you stop saying yes to things you don't want to do, you will create more time and energy to engage in activities and people that make you happy.

  1. Date people who REALLY want to date you.

Do you know where all of us tend to lose self-respect in the first place? Yeah, you guessed it: in acquaintances and meetings (I mean between a man and a woman). I'm sure when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex, there should be a firm rule: if it's not a 100% yes, then it's a 100% no!

Countless people have so much to offer the right partner, but they are paralyzed waiting for their current partner to talk to them about the critical aspects of their relationship. I understand that it takes some time for a couple to grow and develop a relationship, but I'm talking about people who have gone beyond compromise and live in a frozen state.

Gain self-respect to start over! Although scary, starting over is less painful than being with a partner who is unwilling or unable to give you what you need.

  1. Allow yourself to pause for today.

Self-respect means not engaging in excessive self-criticism, self-flagellation, or self-restraint. It's very easy to bind yourself to a to-do list and evaluate yourself by completing the items on it. How about a purposeful transition to self-mercy? What if, when you finish one task and while considering the next one, you say to yourself, “I may or may not do this. If I choose to stop now, I will allow myself to be content with what I have already done today and will not reproach myself for it. How about respect for your ability to work?

  1. Know that you are not only your genes.

We could spend our entire lives untying the knots of your past, but at some point, you must realize that those knots are no longer yours. They belong to our parents, grandparents and their parents. The line of succession is very complex and long, heredity is easily transmitted from only one generation. We have a choice, and any time we consider how our heredity affects us, we can declare: “This is not my story. I am not my bloodline.”

  1. Apologize with SELF respect.

Saying “sorry” is rarely pleasant and easy, keep this in mind when you want to apologize! In apologizing, it is important to learn not to make excuses. (Because it is simply disrespectful to the other person and your integrity.)

So the next time you feel like asking someone for forgiveness, put your hand on your heart and check with your inner truth. If you feel like an apology is definitely needed, apologize once (no excuses).

  1. Get ready to accept reality.

You must be willing to see things and people as they are. It can be painful to admit that there is a problem in us, in our loved ones, or in the situation. But if you do not study with curiosity and courtesy, your situation will worsen, the problem will drag on. And that's not very respectful of your time and energy.

  1. Compliment your body.

Our health, like everything else in our life, depends on our attitude towards it. The more we pay attention to it, the better our body will feel. Often, when we think about taking care of our health, we usually stand in front of a mirror, look at our body and imagine that we need to “fix” ourselves.

Instead of making self-judgment your morning ritual, stand in front of a mirror and list three things you love about yourself. Later, write them down, preferably on sticky notes. Then choose one or two that make you feel the way you want to feel every day and stick these love notes on your bedroom mirror, wallet, TV remote and read them even on the days when you feel completely differently.

Finally, remember to treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. By focusing only on our (self-imagined) faults and shortcomings, we give permission to the rest of the world to focus on them as well.

Self-esteem is a very important part of every person's life. For a woman, it is a paramount feeling that can help her find a way to herself and understand that she deserves all the best.

Do not confuse selfishness with this feeling. Self-esteem is an inner confidence in ourselves and in the fact that the Universe will give us all the best, and we deserve it.

Why does a woman lack self-esteem?

From childhood, we are taught that we need to work hard so that someone gives us what we want. And with such confidence we work on ourselves in order to achieve perfection and finally become worthy for something good. We forgot that with birth we have already been given everything we need and that it is the best for us. But we cannot take advantage of this, because we consider ourselves "not good enough" to accept it.

Usually this is due to the fact that most often from childhood we are deprived of the guardianship, security and care that our parents could be surrounded by. After all, they work for the benefit of us, earning money for the necessary needs, forgetting about the inner world of their daughter.

Now is the time when all these understandings are remembered and there are people who think about it and put it into their lives and the lives of their children.

Dignity in a woman wakes up when she begins to understand and appreciate her desires. Contrary to what we are told, we need to forget about ourselves, and above all, we need to look good in the eyes of others and work for the good of society.

In fact, one cannot do much for others without taking care of oneself, and without being filled with love and harmony.

How to develop self-esteem?

Therefore, I propose, first of all, to look at ourselves and remember that we are women, we came here initially pure and divine, and worthy of the best in the world. And you don't have to prove it to anyone. All these are games of our Ego, which constantly compares us with others. We are what God created us, and this is at least perfect.

We are inspired from childhood that we should study well, obey and take care of everyone. And we grow up and do it, forgetting about ourselves.

It is necessary to stop and look inside yourself, listen to your desires and allow yourself to have all these desires, and, most importantly, we have the right to fulfill them all, to please ourselves with little things and allow ourselves to do what we love. After all, it fills us and makes us happy.

For some reason, many women think that if they take care of themselves, the world around them will collapse. That there will be no one to take care of the family and children.

In fact, nothing will collapse if you devote a couple of hours to your beloved and fulfill your desires. If you think that someone else should do it for you, then you are very much mistaken. It all starts with your inner attitude towards yourself, and then all the people around you reflect it to you.

Therefore, if you want something, take it and do it. If you want a chocolate bar - buy it, if you want flowers - please yourself, or maybe you want to go to a beauty salon - then this must be done. Please yourself as often as possible, and do it out of pleasure, and do not torment yourself later with remorse that you could buy something for your children or your husband. First of all, they need a calm and happy mother and wife, and not another pair of sneakers.

Signs of a woman with self-esteem

A woman with self-respect knows that she will always be taken care of. That if she got into a difficult situation at this moment there will always be someone who will help her. She will take advantage of the feminine principle and ask for help, and worthy men will definitely help her.

A self-confident woman will think that she can do everything herself and will resist doing it, while losing her femininity and energy. She is sure that she does not need support, that everything is already planned for her and she will achieve everything on her own. That is why she is deprived of this support.

The principle of independence is a purely masculine principle. A woman was born to fulfill her desires, through inner filling with love and harmony.

A woman with self-esteem always looks great, because she lovingly takes care of her soul and body, delighting herself with different and amazing. She does it with joy and love, and not because it is necessary. Such a woman does nothing through force, because everything we do in spite of ourselves takes energy from us and devastates us.

Our female task is to do everything with joy, and this is sometimes not very easy.

Also self-esteem a does not allow women to run after men and beg for love. A woman may or may not allow herself to be loved. She deserves to choose the best from her admirers, and does not allow herself to be mistreated. Such a relationship ends immediately.

When such a woman chooses a worthy man for herself, she devotes her life to him. But this in no way deprives her of self-esteem. She knows that he is the best, she helps him and, most importantly, believes in him, not forgetting about herself and does not sacrifice herself. Such a woman is filled with love herself, and thus fills her man with strength and energy.

As soon as a woman loses self-esteem in a relationship, her partner mirrors this to her with his disrespect and unworthy behavior. Therefore, carefully monitor your mirrors so that you can return to yourself in time.

I hope I convinced you that self-esteem is simply necessary, like air, for a woman.

I wish you to appreciate and love yourself. Remember that you are already the Goddess, who has already prepared the best. You just need to accept it.

With love for you Marina Danilova.

Yes, we all need self-respect at some point. It can be called an additional feeling that helps a person to ennoble his life. After all, if you are not satisfied with yourself, then you most likely see some flaws in others.

Such people are constantly overwhelmed with feelings of inferiority, that is, they think everything, no matter what they undertake, will still work out, not as it should.

Why is there a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself?

During adolescence, growth processes are still active, and young people can have moments when you feel clumsy, constantly drop something or bump into something, each time getting into an awkward position and sometimes it seems that everything is not right, how to. But above all, a teenager can be frustrated by his limitations.

And all failures are felt twice as sharply, and all because there is still a certain life experience, and therefore it is difficult for him to put up with them. Not a small role in the formation of self-esteem in a teenager is played by parents when they set very high standards for achievement (study, sports, music, and so on). Adults do not think when they say something like this to their schoolchild: “that’s all, it was possible and excellent, but why not the first”, and calling them losers.

Naturally, parents want their children to achieve high results, but do not think at what cost. Of course, parents need to be obeyed and remember that any criticism is good, this is just a way to become better in the eyes of not others, but your own.

You need to stop being offended and find the strength to resist this feeling, try not to get better, but to become yourself. That is, you need to find yourself. And what is needed for this: to try different options without fear of falling, because you can always rise and go further with a highly understood head. And if the parents of the parents have a bad habit of comparing their child with others or even with relatives, then it is better to get rid of this habit once and for all.

Because self-esteem can be lowered in this way and then it is very difficult to raise it, because then the teenager will independently compare himself with others and, for sure, successful and self-sufficient.

And, as it turns out, again a person who is not self-confident, tries once again to cope with his complexes. Or he doesn’t even try anymore, everything falls lower and lower in his own self-affirmation and self-respect. And what a strong, strong-willed person in the end we can talk about. This is how mother's sons and father's daughters grow up.

How can one develop self-esteem and strengthen weakened respect?

  1. First of all, honestly look and evaluate your capabilities, and you will surely understand that it is not so bad, that many of the so-called weak points are, in fact, not significant at all. Well, if there are serious shortcomings, such as selfishness, irascibility, then this must be fought and eradicated. But when you defeat them, then the feeling of respect will certainly increase for yourself.
  2. Never underestimate the virtues you have. Perhaps the fact that he can lift something very heavy, or bake pies deliciously, or dance better than his peers when attending dances, or he is simply above all, may not seem significant to a young growing up person. But you need to believe that there are people who will admire this talent. Find in yourself just those human qualities that you can brag about, and if there are no such, then you must certainly educate them in yourself. I mean - sensitivity to others, generosity, sense of humor, tolerance, kindness, neatness. They will overshadow all existing shortcomings.
  3. Don't fly in the clouds. Cultivate a realist in yourself and set realistic goals to overcome, so it is important that all goals are achievable. With each goal achieved, self-esteem will increase. And you need to remember that only a well-executed robot can bring results.
  4. No need to hide and be ashamed of what you have. By sharing and helping others, you can earn great respect from others, and then from yourself. You should always remember that true friends will always lend their helping hand, carefully choose your comrades or people with whom you communicate most often.

Sometimes teenagers can put on "masks" in order to highlight their individuality. Some become "tough guys", party people, etc. But in fact, this is far from being the case, and it does not bring pleasure and does not raise self-esteem.

Therefore, cultivate modesty in yourself and do not forget about your true virtues, but you need to fight and overcome your shortcomings. Never doubt yourself and you will succeed!

How you take care of yourself is critical to the quality of your life. Self-esteem is about how you view yourself. And showing self-respect keeps your positive feelings about growing up.

respect yourself and displaying self-respect is a chicken-and-egg situation: it's hard to know which comes first. Do positive emotions and thoughts about yourself lead to self-esteem or vice versa? The truth is that they both influence each other. When you practice self-respect, you feel more positive thoughts about yourself. Also, when you experience more positive emotions and thoughts about yourself, self-esteem will come naturally.

It may seem a little confusing, but the good news is that there are so many things you can do to increase your self-esteem. And once you try them, you will be able to appreciate each one of them and you will not be able to fail with any of them.

There is a lot of negativity in the world today and it is very easy lose self-esteem and develop a negative view of yourself. While none of us are perfect, we all have characteristics and accomplishments that we should respect in ourselves. Self-respect promotes self-confidence, and it is necessary if you want to make the most of your life and. The following tips will help you develop a healthy level of self-esteem.
  1. Show a sense of self-respect

  2. As with any change, the first and most important step is to make a commitment to change. Developing self-esteem is no different. Before you go any further, take over commitment to self-respect every day.

  3. Consider your own feelings

  4. Your emotions are just as important as any other. So, if you are uncomfortable, act according to this information. Consider your own feelings in your Everyday life and the decisions you make. This will help you on your path to self-respect.

    Unfortunately, many people require the approval of other people. When you require other people's approval You don't respect yourself by putting other people's wants, needs, and opinions ahead of your own, meaning you tell yourself that these people are more worthy than you.

  5. Avoid self-judgment

  6. Such remarks are often used as humor that can build rapport between people. However, if you are not sure that you are treating yourself with the full respect you deserve, avoid self-judgment until you do. Otherwise, your self-respect and self-confidence will suffer greatly.

    What you say about yourself over and over again becomes what you believe only if it is clear to you the line between self-judgmental humor and genuine self-condemnation. If you're struggling with a lack of self-respect, it's safe to assume that you don't understand where that line is. For this reason, you should avoid any self-deprecating comments until you reach the point where your sense of self-respect is unshakable.

  7. Keep a diary

  8. The diary is a simple yet powerful tool for creating personal change. There are many different things you can use a diary for, but in this case, you need it to control the frequency with which you lack self-esteem. Record every time when they felt that they did not show themselves enough respect. Notice what was going on in your mind and how you felt. Over time, you will find a way out for this behavior, and you will be able to cope with it.
  9. Take care of your emotional needs

  10. What you do makes you feel self-respecting, comfortable, satisfied, and happy. If a relationship constantly makes you feel emotionally upset or out of balance, it might be time to do something about it.

    We all have emotional needs that are as kind and generous as most people, you can't depend on others to make sure your emotional needs are met. These people have their own lives. You must pay attention to your own emotional needs and ensure their implementation. Journaling can be very helpful in this way of learning self-respect.

  11. Recognize that you deserve respectful treatment

  12. We allow people to treat us the way we expect to be treated. We teach other people how to treat us. If you find that people are not treating you with respect, you need to ask yourself if you really expect to be treated with respect. This is the very essence of perseverance.

    You are human and you deserve to be with you treated with all human courtesy including respect. Recognize your own value. When you expect to be treated with respect, you will find that this is exactly what happens. Then your self-esteem will begin to rise. In relationships where this doesn't happen, you'll find yourself becoming more confident in speaking up and refusing to be treated disrespectfully. This will show your self-respect.

  13. Don't let people disrespect you

  14. It is understandable that you expect to be treated with kindness and care, whether or not you interact with colleague, partner or your child.

    Sometimes you can give a person a break without insisting that they treat you well. However, when you allow people to treat you badly, you give your own self-respect a breather and allow them to practice negative interpersonal habits. When you allow people to disrespect you, no one benefits from it.

  15. Take care of yourself

  16. The way you carry yourself sends a powerful message to the world. Taking care of your body, observing the form of communication you use, and refraining from engaging in socially unacceptable behavior shows that you show self-respect.

    Think about who you admire and respect. Who is this person who deserves your respect? Strive to imitate this person. You will be amazed at how your self-esteem will begin to grow.

  17. Treat people with respect

  18. To treat people with respect, you need to have a clear understanding of how to act respectfully. Then you can manifest the same idea on yourself. Show respect for their lifestyle.

    We mentioned earlier that you are teaching other people how to treat you. It is just as important to demonstrate the respectful behavior you expect from yourself when dealing with people. When you treat people with respect, they are more likely to follow your direction and act in a similar way that will boost your own self esteem.

    One of Gandhi's quotes: "Be the change you want to see" i.e. if you want to see more respect, then you yourself must show more respect.

Self-respect skill- the cornerstone of self-confidence. Life is built from within. Before you can create your outer world, you must create it internally, such as having a clear purpose in life, setting and visualizing . The same goes for relationships. If you want to be based on respect, then the most important relationship of all in your life should be based on self-respect, that is, your relationship with.

Self-esteem affects every area of ​​your life. Try some of these self-esteem tips today. If you make these self-respect tips a habit, you will automatically begin to treat yourself and others with respect. You will be amazed at how your quality of life will improve!

Self-respect is one of the most important qualities of a person, allowing him to fight for his place in society. It gives him the opportunity to feel the power of his own dignity, which gives him the strength to confidently move towards any goals in his life.

Components of self-esteem

Self-respect is a necessary condition for the sustainable existence of a person in the modern world. Consists of several components:

  • Emotional - obliges the individual to respect himself as a person.
  • Competence - the level of knowledge in certain areas in which he feels confident.
  • Communication - communicating with others, a person finds an opportunity for self-realization. At the same time, it is very important when he feels the approval of one or more individuals, which increases his self-esteem and self-esteem.

Signs of Lack of Self-Esteem

Even the strongest personality can be haunted by a lack of self-respect, which can be expressed in the following manifestations:

  • distrust of others;
  • doubt about the importance and necessity of the business in which the individual is engaged;
  • it seems to a person that others do not like him;
  • constant suspicions of deception in relation to oneself;
  • feeling of loneliness in society.

If you want to develop self-confidence, psychology recommends loving yourself, finding positive qualities in yourself and demonstrating them in every possible way. Think, if you do not like yourself, then what should others see in you? Only adequate self-esteem will help you get out of the shadows. But do not exaggerate your merits. It has nothing to do with self-affirmation. Usually such behavior is aimed at masking one's self-doubt, rather than overcoming it.


Psychology associates self-confidence with the ability to love yourself. Many people are afraid of this feeling, because it is commonly believed that this is a sign of narcissism and even selfishness. But it is not so. Self-love means the ability not to forget about your desires and needs, dreams and self-realization. At the same time, you can still help others without fear of being accused of selfishness.

In order to learn to love and respect yourself, you need to remember the following points:

  • A person should become a good friend to himself. This means that you need to treat yourself with the same love and tolerance, care and generosity, as you would treat a close friend or relative.
  • Don't give too much importance to what others think of you. The statement that it is more visible from the outside is not always correct. Only by following your own can you come to self-respect.
  • Do not get addicted to people, habits, objects. This makes you an inferior person who cannot fully use all the opportunities that are provided to him.

Self-analysis is a way to increase self-esteem

Pride, self-respect must be on solid ground. To develop these feelings in yourself, you need to regularly conduct introspection and self-improvement in accordance with its findings. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • Life experience. What specific situations contributed to personal development?
  • Capabilities. A person must find in himself at least 5 talents or skills.
  • Strengths and weaknesses. The former must be considered from the point of view of their development, and the latter - overcoming.
  • Plans and dreams. What would you like to achieve in life and why haven't you done it yet?
  • Health status. Are there health problems? If yes, how to eliminate them?
  • Feeling of self fulfillment. Is it present? What helps to achieve it?

Psychological portrait of a person with high self-esteem

Of course, advice helps to increase self-esteem and come to self-esteem. But it is much easier to navigate if there is a specific example. Thus, the psychological portrait of a person with high self-esteem can be described as follows:

  • He always does things his own way. Even if it goes against public opinion and accepted notions of decency.
  • He does not need someone else's approval and worship. A person works to realize his own ambitions, which certainly leads to respect from others.
  • He always treats others with respect. Even with people occupying a lower social position, such a person behaves respectfully, does not allow neglect and rudeness.
  • In any situation, he holds himself with dignity. Even if the situation is losing or disadvantageous, the person does not lose his composure.
  • It has a zone of inviolability (or inviolability). This means that a person has a number of beliefs and principles that he does not change even in critical situations.

Seek mentors, not critics

The main mistake of most people with a low score is focusing on the opinions of others. Trying to listen to other people's advice and the generally accepted point of view, a person chooses a place of study, work, life partner, hobbies, and so on. At the same time, a person considers it shameful to defend his own opinion. Based on this, two points should be taken into account:

  • Beware of advisors. If the person who is trying to criticize or teach you about life is not satisfied with his own position, you can hardly draw any valuable experience from him. Most likely, he is embittered and is trying to push you onto the same wrong path.
  • Try to learn from people who are happy with their lives and have achieved a lot. They are usually reluctant to give advice and do not reveal their secrets. But such people can be good mentors if you can win their trust.


The need for self-respect is even more pronounced than the need for social recognition. Moreover, the first, as a rule, is a powerful basis for the second. A person who strives for success must learn to perceive himself positively, daily proving his own importance to himself and others. For those who have not yet understood the importance of self-respect and high self-esteem, it is worth considering the statement of Eleanor Roosevelt. She said that no one will make you feel worthless or inferior unless you yourself allow it.