Who is learning French. How to learn French fast from scratch

French is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world. It is spoken by more than 220 million people - join them too! Learning a language can be difficult, but this article provides a quick overview of the methods by which you will learn French in no time!


Start learning

    Find out your type of perception of information. Are you visual, auditory or kinesthetic? This means how you remember better: by seeing the words, by hearing them, or, respectively, by associating actions and feelings with words.

    • If you've studied languages ​​before, remember how you learned them and see what works for you and what doesn't.
    • In most training courses, you will write a lot and talk little. Speaking the language and immersing yourself in it is extremely important and is an effective way to learn a language faster.
  1. Memorize 30 words and phrases every day. In 90 days you will know about 80% of the language. The most frequently used words make up the largest percentage of usage, so start by memorizing the most common words.

    Learn the structure of the language. Learn how verbs combine with nouns and with each other. What you learn at the beginning will make more sense as you become more proficient with the language. Always pay attention to the correct pronunciation.

    Immersion in the language environment

    1. Read and write in French. To become familiar with a language, you need to read and write in it. This will help you use the words you have already memorized and keep them in your memory.

      Listen to something in French. Play French music or your favorite film dubbed in French. Look for French movies, French TV shows and radio stations. Practice by repeating what you hear.

      Speak French. This is one of the most important aspects in learning French. You should speak the language, even if you feel uncomfortable because you don't know much. Everyone starts out like this, but over time you will improve.

      • Find a pen pal or skype a friend whose native language is French. There are many programs on the internet or at universities and language schools that can put you in touch with people who speak French.
      • Don't be discouraged by criticism of your pronunciation. Instead, thank the critic and work on improvement.
      • Speak out loud in French when you are alone. Tell what you are doing. If you wash dishes or drive a car, talk about it. Pay attention to your intonation and pronunciation.
    2. Practice, practice, practice. Without practicing what you have learned, you will not get very far. Even a quick language learning takes a certain amount of time. If you work hard and practice what you have learned, there is no doubt that you will learn French well!

    Learn useful phrases

    • Some people are naturally good at language, and some are not. Don't use this as an excuse.
    • After expanding your vocabulary, start translating things that you encounter in everyday life. For example, after listening to a song in your native language, try translating it into French. The same can be said for menus, road signs, and even casual conversations. You will probably find it tedious, but the language can only be learned with practice. Sometimes, speaking something in your native language, you will find yourself thinking that you do not know the translation of a particular word into French. In such cases, look into the dictionary so as not to lose skills and not forget the language.
    • Speak French to yourself. Don't forget to laugh at mistakes - it helps.
    • Try to speak French when no one can hear you. If you're not sure about a phrase, double-check it in a dictionary. There are many translation applications on the Internet - look for the right one for yourself. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; mistakes are part of the learning process.

Why learn French? This is a pronunciation trouble, a bunch of exceptions in grammar, absolutely incomprehensible (well, what is it when the usual word “photo”, i.e., photo turns into topho, and then the vowel is removed, and we get toph)? Yes, and with the current political situation, learn better Arabic, it will be more accurate. Not? Want to parler francais? Then I offer you my vision of learning any foreign language:

Immerse yourself in the language environment. Start simple - change the language on your phone to a foreign one. I don’t know how on Android, but on iPhone, pay attention that it is regular French, without any Suisse, Belgique, Canada. At first it will be unusual, but in this way you will gradually find it easy to find everything that was so familiar.

Subscribe to French podcasts and listen for at least 15 minutes daily. If you don't like this format, listen to the radio. I really enjoy doing this. There is a good selection of different radio stations, but some may seem too fast, so I advise you to take a closer look at "france culture" and "fip". But as they say des goûts et des couleurs il ne faut pas disputer, so look for what you personally like.

Type active vocabulary the way you did in childhood. Where are you now? I am writing this answer in a cafe and there is a coffee machine in front of me. I used to have a B2, but I don't remember those things anymore. What am I doing? That's right, I open the dictionary (I recommend and here). I open it and see what it is (f)machine a café. Pay attention to the strange letter in brackets - this is the genus. It is very important to know what kind of word you have found, because in French everything is not as simple as it seems (the table is la table, that is, feminine). Do the same and once a day describe the objects that you see around. Better yet, use what you love. I love to draw, so I sketch new words. There was nothing suitable at hand, but this is how it looks like:

I know guys who come up with rhymes for new words because they write poetry and those who find a song where this word is and memorize the line.

By the way, the option with music is not bad, but here I can not advise anything. The language schools teach Joe Dassin, Edit Piaf and traditional French songs. I personally like them, but you may like something else. You can also watch your favorite films in French. Go to and write the title of your film and regarder en ligne gratuitement. But I will say right away that finding everything you want will not work.

But for all this to be effective, one must not just watch, but write out and learn new words / expressions. Subscribe to thematic groups on VK/FB. There are a lot of them, so I will advise this one with. You can also watch French bloggers. There are a lot of articles on the Internet on the topic "Top 5 YouTube channels for learning French." Of the Russian speakers, I like it. Oh, this part turned out even more than I came to life. Let's move on to the next one.

Determine why you need it. This is necessary in order to consistently move towards the goal and know how to measure the effectiveness of your training. Do you want to go to study in France? You will need at least B2. Before it, you can pass A1, A2 and B1. Apply every six months or once a year. Tasks can be found in special collections, or on the Internet.

If you want to learn French for travel, then after a long (at least 3 months) period of study, go wherever you want and practice. At the end, evaluate how successful you were, what you still need to work on, and whether you need it on a more serious level.

If you need it for work, then you will need professional vocabulary. Find on LinkedIn or Facebooke a person who works in this field and ask him to call for 15 minutes. If he understands everything, then this is success) Okay, this is a strange method. But if you want to work in this country, then you will certainly have people with whom you can practice.

Much more difficult than many other languages. Learning French perfectly requires more than one year of hard work and a lot of time and effort, but in the modern world and with the current rhythm of life, unfortunately, we do not have such an amount of time. In this connection, we will pay attention only to cases in grammar that require closer attention and are necessary when learning a language. In the process of learning a language, motivation is also very important in the modern world, polyglots know several languages ​​and that's all, because they really like it, and they want to know and study them. If you have the same position in relation to the French language, then success is guaranteed, and if not, then you can forget about the desire to learn French as, in general, any other language in the world and not one teacher will be able to teach a foreign language, in if the student is unwilling.

Motivation as an incentive for learning a language

Motivation is an important factor influencing the quality and speed of language acquisition.

Let's compare two situations, imagine a case in which two young people decide to learn French. In the first, a young man needs French for a trip to France in the summer to a young girl, and they met on the Internet, and, unfortunately, they speak different languages, which leads to the need to learn the language. In the second case, the young man must pass an exam at the university. The motivation in these situations is completely different, it is obvious that in the first case, the young man will learn the language, with great zeal devoting several hours a day to learning the language. When will the second young man devote less time to learning the language and will not get much pleasure from the learning process. The most important thing is to motivate yourself well. After all, when we are told “If you finish a quarter well, we will buy you a new laptop,” oddly enough, our grades for a quarter surprisingly get higher and we finish the quarter, almost perfectly.

The verb is the basis of any foreign language

As you know, in any language, the verb is the basis. Accordingly, in French, the verb is no less important at the beginning of the path of mastering the language. When learning French, be sure to have a couple of books on French grammar in stock. Without this, it is impossible to practically understand all the basics of the language on your own. In French, there are four main verbs that are mentioned more often than others: to live, to have, to do, to be. First you need to learn how these verbs are conjugated and bring the conjugation to automatism. Further, to strengthen knowledge, you can make sentences in different tenses and conjugations with these verbs.

Don't expect learning to be easy or quick. They should be given special attention, the variety of forms can terrify you. Unlike English grammar


Of course, any language is easiest and most effective to learn in special courses or with an individual teacher. But often adults do not have the opportunity to attend classes, so you have to study. Fortunately, with high motivation and perseverance, it is quite possible to learn a foreign language perfectly on your own.

For a person who owns a computer, the best option for learning French will be one of the multimedia programs that are currently released quite a lot. A computer disk will allow you to take a language course almost identical to full-time in the classroom. You can buy a multimedia course via the Internet or in a bookstore that sells educational literature and computer programs.

Using a computer application, you will also receive grammar and syntax explanations like under the guidance of a real teacher, listen to the correct pronunciation and complete assignments. The program itself will check them, point out errors and help fix them. However, in addition to computer software, you will in any case need a French textbook, a grammar guide and a French dictionary.

If it is not possible to use a professionally designed multimedia course, you can learn French on your own in another way. Although in this case, the work will be more difficult and progress will become slower. First of all try to acquire a good French language. When choosing it, pay attention to what style the book is written in, how difficult it is for you to understand the material presented. Try to choose the most accessible literature.

Additionally, be sure to purchase a large French-Russian and Russian-French dictionaries, a grammar guide and, preferably, a French phrasebook for tourists. With the help of a phrase book, you will learn the most common phrases and set expressions. You will also need notebooks to take notes. It is better to have separate notebooks for doing exercises and for writing down new words. Working on the tutorial, try to consistently go through each lesson, completing all the exercises and tasks. If something is not clear to you, do not try to skip the topic and move on, be sure to understand the difficult material.

For better vocabulary acquisition, make it a rule to learn 10 new words every day. Words should be studied in this way: make small cards of thick paper about a quarter of an A4 sheet in size. On one side, write 10 new French words, on the back, the same 10 words with language. Learn the words by looking at the French originals, and look into the translation only if you don't remember their meaning at all. Cards are convenient because they can be carried with you everywhere and with every free minute. For example, while traveling in transport or while waiting at a bus stop.

An equally effective way is to record French words and phrases with translation into an MP3 player and listen to them on the go throughout the day. Thus, you will imperceptibly gain the necessary lexical volume. Almost from the very beginning of your studies, try to watch as many films in French as possible and read simple books or newspaper articles. This experience will give you the necessary skill to understand the language and apply it in everyday life.

Helpful advice

Any language without practice is dead, so from the very first months of learning French, try to find the opportunity to communicate in writing or verbally with native speakers on the Internet or in real life.

French language is the second most common after English, in many EU countries it is official. Learning French language and help you communicate better on your trips around Europe, you will be able to make contact with new business partners and make new friends. There are many French tutorials language y, however, there are several basic recommendations for its study.


First of all, pay attention to. French language- one of those language ov, in which pronunciation is of key importance. Read aloud every day, even those texts that you cannot translate. Accustom your speech apparatus to French speech, remember that the more often you pronounce, the more familiar your French speech becomes. language.

Ever since I had my first lesson, I have dreamed of creating the perfect French textbook. And not just a textbook, but a real self-instruction manual, one by which anyone without the help of a teacher could learn the language easily, simply, and accessible. When I bought another book, I constantly ran into the same problem: this textbook lacks exercises, and that one lacks texts; and how wonderful it would be if you could also find funny songs or rhymes, maybe a few educational games or even information about how, for example, life in France differs from our life. So what should it be, a self-instruction manual of the French language?

Now on the shelves of bookstores there are tons of literature offering to learn a foreign language in the shortest possible time and by means of simple dialogue words. Even for 10 years of teaching, I have already accumulated a decent library, and this is not counting a few gigabytes of literature downloaded from the Internet. In my opinion, most books that dazzle with their colorful covers are designed only to extort money from the consumer. It seems that you are counting on the fact that having bought a book, you will not have to go anywhere else, but in the end, you have to spend money again and again, on new textbooks, on lessons with a teacher and on dictionaries.

So, I offer you an overview of several textbooks - self-taught books:

1. "Initial French course"(Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M.) is one of my favorite textbooks. Maybe because I used to do it myself. The main section, in my opinion, is unfinished, but there are very interesting texts. But I really like the introductory course. Grammar rules, ways of pronouncing sounds are described in a form understandable to everyone and in great detail, and simple exercises will help you quickly consolidate the rules. The textbook is accompanied by audio materials in which all texts and phonetic exercises are read by a native speaker. I consider this a huge plus.

2. “French language. Tutorial for beginners»(L. Leblanc, V. Panin) is a good textbook. Not too overloaded with information, lots of voiced exercises. Ideal for those who want to build up their vocabulary at the initial stage of learning, as the introductory section gives a lot of exercises with new words. But, as a full-fledged textbook is not suitable, you will have to buy something else.

3. "Hello French"(E.V. Musnitskaya, M.V. Ozerova) is one of the most popular tutorials among Internet users. And not in vain! Each lesson is built competently, with the development of sounds, rules. In each lesson you will find interesting dialogues, learn how to use verbs in all forms, remember useful phrases. This book has a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice, just for those who do not like to pay much attention to grammar, but immediately prefer to learn to speak. But, in my opinion, one cannot do without a teacher with such a textbook, since the exercises are given without translation into Russian, and they are voiced so quickly that you can’t immediately figure out what’s what. But you immediately get used to living French speech.

4." » (I.N. Popova, Zh.A. Kazakova, G.M. Kovalchuk) is another good tutorial for those who want to learn the language on their own. Detailed grammar explanations, lots of phonetic exercises, phrases and dialogues. Although the voiced material is good, I still prefer native speakers.

5 .I think it is worth paying attention to such tutorials as « French driving»/ « French in 3 months» . I do not name the author, because there are a lot of similar books - disks, and they all look alike. As a rule, the textbook has several topics, each topic has several dialogues, voiced by roles. In principle, you will not learn how to fully maintain a conversation with the help of such books, but it will do for travel. Be sure to learn a few standard phrases for different occasions.

6. A series of tutorials "Alter Ego", "Tout va bien", "Taxi"- I knowingly combined all these textbooks, despite the fact that they have different authors. You can take any of them, and you will never regret not choosing the other two. All textbooks have the same topics, the same new words - “vocabulaire”, and almost the same dialogues. The textbooks themselves are colorful, rather simple, saturated with modern phrases and vocabulary. Audio materials are practically not adapted, so you quickly get used to live conversational speech. An excellent textbook, but one cannot do without a teacher, since all books are completely in French.