Dow work experience in cognitive research activities, with a photo report.

For ten years, the DOE has been implementing the author's program "White Sea strong men" - a program to optimize the motor activity of preschoolers in an ungraded kindergarten. This is the result of many years of fruitful work of the creative group of practitioners of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 15" Cheryomushka " general developmental type ", Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region under the supervision of the supervisor of the candidate of pedagogical sciences of the Department of Pedagogy SFPGU named after. M.V. Lomonosov Sokolnikova M.N.

The program was created by the teaching staff as a program that realizes the need of children for physical activity and provides a system of health-improving work with children. The program was based on the theoretical foundations of the physical education of preschool children, the activity approach in the development of the child, and the practical experience of the work of preschool institutions in the city of Severodvinsk.

  • health-improving orientation;
  • individualization and accessibility;
  • natural stimulation of motor activity of children;
  • ethnocultural correlation;
  • unity with the family.

Program "White Sea strong men" involves providing a motor regime and improving the health of preschoolers, taking into account the state of health, the level of motor activity and physical fitness of children, as well as seasonal changes in nature. Unfavorable climatic conditions characteristic of the North, lack of solar energy, sudden changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure, humidity, strong winds, unfavorable city conditions create uncomfortable conditions for life. These features require a serious approach to the problem of improving the health of small Pomors and optimizing motor activity, especially in a small kindergarten.

Program goal:

creation of favorable conditions for increasing the motor activity of improving the health of children aged 3-7 years in an ungraded kindergarten.

The basis for the implementation of the program is the solution of the following tasks:

  • strengthening the physical health of children, full physical development;
  • educating preschoolers about the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle;
  • the formation of vital motor skills and skills that contribute to strengthening the health of children;
  • familiarization with the origins of the Pomeranian culture, education of moral and volitional qualities.

Stages of work:

Stage I: analysis of the content of motor activity and

organization of recreational work in MDOU;

Stage II: development of pedagogical conditions that provide

optimal physical activity and recovery

preschoolers in an ungraded kindergarten;

Stage III: study of the effectiveness of the work done.

The program includes the main areas:

  • conscious preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children;
  • formation of interest in physical exercises, satisfaction of the needs of children in movement;
  • introducing children to the origins of the Pomeranian culture in the process of getting acquainted with the folk games and traditions of the North.

The special significance of the program is its focus on the conditions of the Far North and the specifics of a small preschool educational institution.

1 condition is the creation in the preschool educational institution of a subject-developing environment aimed at the physical development and improvement of preschoolers. The role of an adult is to open to children the full range of possibilities of the environment and direct them to increase physical activity.

In the conditions of a small kindergarten, when the music hall is combined with a sports hall, we make the most of group rooms and areas. To do this, we have developed several options for color marking the floor and walls, which contributes to the formation of spatial orientations, as well as the mastery of playing activities with sports equipment. During the day, children have the opportunity to independently practice with a variety of functions, bright and imaginative non-standard equipment for throwing, the formation of coordination of movements, the prevention of posture disorders and the development of different muscle groups.

Arrangement of sports corners of groups satisfies the needs of preschoolers in a variety of motor activities. The sports and gaming subject environment contributes to the solution of specific tasks of the purposeful development of motor skills.

Saturated with multifunctional and easily transformable elements, the environment provides a positive emotional state, contributes to solving the problems of the comprehensive development and formation of the personality of preschoolers.

The second condition is the implementation of a complex of physical therapy in each age group, which is aimed at optimizing the motor activity of children during the day. The core of the Belomorsky strong men program is the model of the motor regime - it is a rational combination of different types and forms of physical culture classes, which represent a whole range of health-improving, educational and educational activities. The content and construction of classes is different, but each has its own health-improving value.

This *morning therapeutic gymnastics allows you to gain a positive emotional state and a good tone for the whole day. Complexes of morning health-improving gymnastics are compiled on the basis of game images, taking into account seasonal changes and the regional component.

(includes: finger and breathing gymnastics. It takes place in the form of senior gr. - rhythmic, overcoming an obstacle course, based on relay races, middle, junior - based on imitation games, outdoor games)

  • daily health-improving running contributes to the training of all functional systems of the body, is necessary for the development of physical endurance and the formation of volitional qualities;
  • carrying out hardening activities;
  • organization of walks We pay great attention to the organization of YES for children on a walk. In the cyclogram of activities of all age groups, there are such forms as outdoor games, motor game tasks, taking into account the nature of children's DA, working out of ATS, dosed running

Hiking in the immediate surroundings. Wellness trips.

Relaxation gymnastics is carried out with the aim of educating and maintaining emotional well-being and preventing psycho-emotional stress.

The formation of vital motor skills and abilities in children is carried out in physical education classes. Two classes are held in the gym, the third lesson in each age group is held outdoors. In the long-term plan for physical education, 5 main types of classes are included: control and verification, training type, thematic, plot-game, game, using simulators. IPC for conducting physical. classes showed a high level of DA of children in the classroom (2000, 2100 locomotions, at a rate of 1800-2400)

Interaction with the society with the elementary school on the optimization of DA can be carried out along the lines of:

activity line (joint events with younger students to form a culture of behavior, health improvement and development of physical qualities).

Interaction with the Youth Sports School is carried out through classes in the section on sports and recreational gymnastics, which are aimed at forming the correct posture, strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominals, self-expression in movement and imaginative reincarnation based on meeting the need for physical activity.

In addition, we introduced into the educational process such a form of work as minutes of health based on the outdoor games of Pomorie. Outdoor games and physical exercises encourage the use of motor experience, skills in various conditions.

Minutes of health is a period of time when the child is at a higher level of physical activity. This form of YES is organized by the teacher in accordance with the plan once a week in the evening.

The implementation of health-forming technologies is one of the conditions that stimulate the development of physical qualities of preschoolers.

Circles work on the basis of the preschool educational institution. Additional services are provided free of charge and are included in the daily routine of the preschool educational institution:

Classes in the circle "Healthy" . The main means of preventing postural disorders in preschool age is physical exercise.

Section "School of the ball" organized with the aim of teaching children to play the elements of sports;

There is a section in the preschool educational institution "Fun skiing" - Teaching children to ski

An integrated approach to the organization of DA of preschoolers contributes to the formation of children's interest in physical education. exercise and meeting the need for movement

An important condition for us is interaction with parents on the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of children, and we consider interaction as a social partnership, which implies equal participation in the upbringing of the child, both kindergarten and family. In working with the family, we use traditional, non-traditional and interactive forms of work.

To achieve good results, it is necessary to comply with these conditions and the system in operation.

Quarterly, analyzing the work carried out to improve the health of preschool children, we came to the conclusion that all approaches are justified. But according to our data, the most effective is the use of a set of measures, including both hardening and long-term motor loads. (mostly cyclic) leading to a stable maintenance of aerobic metabolism. Work on the program continues, and we hope that it will reflect the most effective ways to increase motor activity in an ungraded kindergarten.

Experience on the topic: "Some problems in using the project method in the educational process of preschool educational institutions."

deputy head according to VMR

MDOU No. 000


Global changes in the information, communication, professional and other spheres of modern society require adjustment of the content, methodological, technological aspects of methodological and educational work in MDOU.

The technology of the system of methodical work that has developed over the years was based on the mass transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities. To exaggerate a little, our old method contains such instructions: “Take this and that, measure from this to this, do this and that, put it there and that; do not deviate a single step from what you are commanded, do everything exactly to the last detail, do not add anything from yourself, do not ask unnecessary questions and do not be smart at all ... "

This, of course, is exaggerated, but tell the Methodists, in all honesty, have you really never encountered a similar situation? I am sure that you have learned typical features from your practice here. Still, I will not be in a hurry and completely reject and morally destroy such methods. There are times when they are indispensable, although today they are far from universal and omnipotent.

The ongoing changes in social life require us to develop new ways of education, new pedagogical technologies that deal with individual development of the individual, with creative initiation, require the skill of independent movement in information fields, the formation of a universal ability for teachers and children to set and solve problems to eliminate problems arising in life - in professional activities, in self-development, in everyday life. The emphasis is shifted to the formation in educators and children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions made and clearly plan actions, effectively cooperate in groups that are diverse in composition and profile, and be open to new contacts and cultural ties. This requires a wide introduction into the methodological work and the pedagogical process of alternative forms and methods of conducting educational activities. One of which, in particular, is project activity.

The pedagogical community should realize project activity as an integral part of education, one of the directions of modernization of modern education.

But the question arises, can an ordinary educator, sometimes with a specialized secondary education, introduce project activities into his work? The educator, of course, is capable of it, but only after special training. Training educators of project activities is a necessary condition for introducing the project method into practice.

The question arises, how should this training be built? In order to master the project approach as a means and instrument of education and training, one must first meet it face to face as a subject of study and learn how to design at least a little bit. It happens that another educator believes that it is enough just to know how to apply the project approach, his methodology, and the project is ready. It is very much like someone who wants to quickly master the very profession of a teacher without taking care to acquire basic reading and writing skills or learn how to swim without going into the water. Therefore, not everyone and not everything works out right away. Despite the theoretical training, the participation of educators in the project, with independent organization, there were many problems, misconceptions that needed to be resolved and explained. With many of them, I see, not only we encountered. Let's consider these problems in more detail.

The problem of understanding the concept of "Design Technology"

Educators needed to understand how project activities different from the complex work on the topic? And it differs in that the teacher does not teach ready-made and fully chewed knowledge, which children can only swallow and assimilate. He does not explain or demonstrate to children the correct way of acting, which they could learn by direct imitation. He does not blame children for their mistakes. In project activities, the educator offers the children a certain task that is too difficult to be completed immediately and in one sitting according to some already known scheme. If the child answers: “I don’t know how to cope with this task,” the teacher does not urge him: “well, remember, remember ...”. He calls: "think, imagine, think about how and by what means it could be done."

The problem of understanding the relationship between the educator and the child in the process of project activities.

In a typical educational situation, which, as a rule, determines the nature of the educational process, the standard positional scheme "educator" - "children" or "methodologist" - "educators" is implemented. The first transmits knowledge, the second assimilates them; All this happens within the framework of a well-established scheme. During project activities, these positions collide with realities: there are no ready-made standards of knowledge that are so familiar to our teachers. A joint comprehension of the problem posed is required, a positional pair “colleague-colleague” appears. From a carrier of knowledge and information, an omniscient oracle, the educator turns into an organizer of activities, a consultant and a colleague in solving a problem, obtaining the necessary knowledge and information from various (maybe non-traditional) sources. Working on the project allows you to build a conflict-free pedagogy, relive the inspiration of creativity together with the children, turn the educational process from boring into productive creative creative work.

Problem: "What is the point of introducing project activities into the educational process?"

Literally ten years ago, when information technologies were not yet so developed, there was not so much technology, so many-sided relationships between people, it was possible to live life more or less tolerably, following well-tested rules, relying on the experience and knowledge accumulated by previous generations . Then education to a large extent was reduced to the transfer, assimilation and reproduction, reproduction of this experience with minor amendments and additions, corresponding to the same small and gradual changes in the surrounding life. Slowly changing life posed difficult and difficult, but quite definite problems for people; it also gave time and chances to solve each of them according to accepted norms. It was only necessary to learn well in advance what these decisions and norms are and how to apply them in practice. Today's life does not give us such an opportunity. It brings us face to face every day with vague, ambiguous, ill-defined problems that have no precedents and ready-made solutions. The only way out is to learn the algorithm of independent problem solving, which is facilitated by project activities along with traditional ways of mastering knowledge and skills.

The problem of determining the role of project activities for children.

Educators must understand that the project is an opportunity to maximize creativity. This activity allows you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, benefit, publicly show the result achieved. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem, often formulated by the project participants themselves in the form of a task, when the result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is of a practical nature, is of great practical importance and, which is very important, is interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves.

The problem of determining the role of the project for the educator.

The project is an integrative didactic tool for development, education and upbringing, which allows you to develop and develop specific skills and abilities of design and research, namely to teach:

    problematization (consideration of the problem field and the allocation of sub-problems, the formulation of the leading problem and the setting of tasks arising from this problem); goal-setting and planning of meaningful activities; introspection and reflection (the effectiveness and success of solving the problem of the project); presentation of the results of its activities and the progress of work; presentations in various forms, using a specially prepared design product (album, layout, poster, computer presentation, theatricalization, video, methodological material, exhibition of creative works); search and selection of relevant information and assimilation of the necessary knowledge; practical application of knowledge in various, including atypical, situations; selection, development and use of a suitable manufacturing technology for a design product;

The problem of determining the proportion of new and studied in the project.

Educators must learn that when starting a project, the child must have some starting knowledge, skills and abilities. Finished new knowledge for children during the project, the educator can give, but in a very small amount and only at the time of its demand by children. In other cases, the educator should push the children on the path of self-study of the material (based on encyclopedias, books, answers from parents, specialist educators, etc.)

The problem of ensuring the interest of children in working on a project, i.e. motivation, which will provide an unfailing source of energy for independent creative activity. To do this, at the start, it is necessary to make an immersion in the project in a pedagogically competent way, to interest the problem, the prospect of practical and social benefits. In the course of the work, the motivational mechanisms embedded in the design and research activities are included.

The problem of understanding the end of the project by a significant assessment - public recognition of the viability (success, effectiveness).

Any level of results is worthy of a positive assessment in the project. Therefore, at the end of the project, various forms of public speaking are used: presentations, holidays, a public report to parents, younger comrades, participation in exhibitions, expositions, display of collections, fairs, etc.





Performed by the senior teacher:

Nikolaeva Natalya Alexandrovna

Tuimazy, 2015

Dear colleagues! I present to your attentionwork experience of MADOU kindergarten No. 21 on the topic: "Development of cognitive and research activities through the organization of children's experimentation."

At the first organizational stage we analyzedsubject-developing environment of groups . We came to the conclusion that there is a sufficient amount of equipment for such types of children's activities as: playful, productive, communicative, labor, musical, physical education. Additionally, it was necessary to work on updating the conditions for the cognitive and research activities of preschoolers:

- replenish the centers of experimentation with objects for research in real action and diversify the figurative and symbolic material;

- update materials for sensory development;

- purchase visual aids that show children the world of things and events;

- renew the corners of nature;

- create mini-layouts for cognitive development.

In the annual plan of educational and educational work of the preschool educational institution for 2015-16. the staff of the preschool educational institution set itself the task of creating conditions for the cognitive and research activities of preschoolers.

At the meeting of the creative group discussedcomplex equipment of the educational process in preschool educational institutions for the implementation of the educational area "Cognitive Development": this is the organization of both joint activities of an adult with children, and independent activities of pupils within the framework of organized educational activities. We came to a decision: guidelines for cognitive research activities, including: classes; observations and excursions; experimental activities; productive activity; the equipment of the experimentation corners is detailed and understandable for all ages. It is necessary to create a file of experiments in various areas.

We also determined the need for training teaching staff in organizing educational work in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Decided the followingtasks:

    improve the skills and abilities of teachers to work independently on the legal framework that ensures the organization of the educational process;

    to raise the level of the analyst - the predictive activity of teachers;

    to deepen theoretical knowledge on the organization and conduct of project activities;

    improve the developing environment in groups, in accordance with the GEF DO.

At the second stage, implementation, tested and implemented GEF. Our educational program provides a concrete justification for the choice of purpose, content, applied methods and technologies, forms and organizations of the educational process in kindergarten. The goals and objectives of the content of preschool education, each educational area, should be addressed in the course of the implementation of the educational areas of the Program. So,the goal of our institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, for the implementation of the educational area "Cognitive Development" is - development of cognitive interests and cognitive abilities of children, which can be divided into sensory, intellectual-cognitive and intellectual-creative.

At each age stage of a child - a preschooler, the teacher solves different developmental tasks. In some cases, problems are solved more successfully only with the help of an adult - through direct teaching. In others, the teacher creates a special environment and situations for the cognitive activity of the child, organizes his cognitive research activities. In accordance with the educational program of the preschool educational institution, the educational process is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas, in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils. Planning is based on the complex - thematic principle of building the educational process.

At the heart of scheduling is children's activities , i.e. a motivated set of events with the participation of children, as a result of which we get a visually perceived result in a week - an exhibition of crafts and drawings, a project, a game (role-playing game, a director's game), a performance, a photo album, an observation diary, a weather calendar, etc.

Classes are held using the technology of integrating children's activities, project activities. A long-term plan for the interaction of specialists, drawn up by a creative group, allows us to coordinate the activities of educators working in a group and preschool specialists. Since we live in the Republic of Bashkortostan, we have identified a regional component in the calendar plan of work in order to familiarize preschoolers with the nature of their native land.

As a result of this approach to planning and organizing educational activities, we are implementing the progressive achievements of pedagogical science, fulfilling the Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account the interests of children and a specific group.

Exploring the development of children's experimentation, it was carried out survey among parents older preschoolers. It was found that parents are interested in this problem, as they are happy to fill out questionnaires, actively ask questions about filling out. A qualitative analysis of the responses received showed that parents have a positive attitude towards the desire of children to experiment, create joint projects, and understand that the role of research activities in the development of the child is not the last. They consider assistance and emotional support to be the predominant conditions for joint parent-child experimentation.

In this regard, we have determined goal - increasing the professional competence of teachers and parents, cooperation with society, through the introduction of innovative technology into the pedagogical process - a project that contributes to the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers.

At the beginning of the work, we created conditions for children's experimentation in groups and organized the acquaintance of educators with modern requirements for the organization of this children's activity. In the methodical office, a library of literature on the development of the cognitive interest of preschoolers by means of experimentation was created, a card file of publications in this area was drawn up, and methodological recommendations were developed for equipping experimentation corners in groups. Educators of age groups have equipped cognitive centers in a spatial and subject environment that contribute to the development of research activity of preschoolers.

So how was it doneteacher training to new educational practice:

1. Based on the analysis of the literature, the senior educator introduces teachers to the main areas of work on the implementation of project activities. A pedagogical council was held on the topic: “Development of cognitive research activities through the organization of children's experimentation ”, consultation “Project method as a method of developmental education for preschoolers”.

2. Individual methodological work takes place at mini-seminars - workshops "Identification of cognitive interests in preschool children", "Planning in a preschool educational institution", etc. The leaders of the preschool educational institution were retrained on the topic "Management of a modern preschool educational organization under the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education".

3. Mutual visits to organized educational activities are carried out with teachers in order to comply with the Federal State Educational Standard.

4. At mini-seminars, the role of the family in the development of the cognitive activity of the child was discussed with teachers. Joint collages were planned and organized for the 85th anniversary of the Tuymazinsky district and the 55th anniversary of the city of Tuymazy “Bashkir honey”, “Oil is black gold”, “Bashkir cuisine”, and “Animal world of Bashkiria”, etc. Collages can be viewed at the exhibition.

To inform parents with the directions of pedagogical search in the development of experimental activities and popularization of the research activity of a preschool child, in the locker rooms of the groups, information stands "Cognitive activity of children" were designed. Carried outpractical conference "Cognitive - research activities of preschoolers." The conference was held in two stages for younger preschoolers and seniors. The work of the preschool educational institution in this direction was presented to the attention of parents. Parents demonstrated 16 projects on various cognitive topics:

    Experimenting with water.

    Let's build castles out of sand.

    Garden on the windowsill.


    Don't joke with your health, keep your hands clean.

    Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.

    Where did buckwheat porridge come from.

    Children about time.




    Trees and leaves.

    Computers and books. Preschooler's choice.

    Red-eared turtle.

    Butterflies are fluttering flowers.

    Pets. Where and for what.

Experience in creating projects has shown that today project activities are one of the most effective forms of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and parents and urban society.

News on the DOW website is posted onimplementation of the educational area "Cognitive development" .

At the third stage, effective, built a control system that includes external and internal control. External control included a marketing study of the microdistrict (location of social and cultural facilities, the social status of families, the needs and requests of parents in the types and quality of educational services, etc.). Internal control included thematic control on cognitive research activities. The control included the following parameters:

1 The quality of the design of the experimenting corner: aesthetics, maintenance of order.

2. Compliance of equipment, manuals and materials with hygienic requirements and safety regulations.

3. Compliance with the principles of building a subject-developing environment, pedagogical expediency.

4. Compliance material and allowances for the age characteristics of children and the requirements of the program.

5. Didactic games. Educational books.

6 Collages.

7. Didactic doll (younger groups) Observation diaries (older groups).

8. Collections.

9. Visual information for parents on the problem

10. Weather calendar.

11. Indoor plants.

12. Visit

13. Calendar planning. (Planning experiments in the classroom, walks, in independent activities of the lessondemonstration of experience).

The control showed that a developing subject-spatial environment was created in the groups, contributing to the development of environmental consciousness, the formation of knowledge about objects and natural phenomena, enough children's fiction and educational literature about nature, a variety of indoor plants. The groups have created conditions for cognitive-search and research activities, a variety of equipment for experiments: magnifiers, test tubes, napkins, filters; natural material: cones of pine, spruce, seeds of maple, watermelon, melon, beans, collections, planting in different types of soil; hydroponics, sand, clay, etc. A sand and water play center has been set up for early age groups. A wide variety of didactic games of ecological content. Sufficient and aesthetically designed various albums, demonstration and illustrated material. Children have open access to materials and manuals.

All educators showed classes using the organization of experiments on the following topics: the properties of sand, the properties of water, the properties of air, soap bubbles, volcanoes, familiarity with the measure, what vegetables and fruits are. Experiments were organized with ice, steam, magnets, paper.

Thus, the system we created for the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers, which ensures the coordinated and purposeful activity of the entire team in the application of research and experimental activities, allowed us to reach the followingresults:

    the preschool educational institution has created a scientific, methodological and material and technical base that meets the requirements for the experimental activities of preschoolers;

    the work of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution for the development of experimental activities was systematized;

    a well-organized system of advanced training of workers has made it possible to significantly increase the interest of educators in mastering innovations and increase professional competence in organizing experimental activities for preschool children.

    a monitoring system on the problem was created;

    popularized experimental and research activities among the families of pupils.

Work in this direction seems to us relevant and important in the light of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The development of children's cognitive activity increases the motivation for independent activities of children, increases interest, activates cognitive abilities, is the motivational basis for the ability to make choices, pose problems and find non-standard solutions, to be the subject of one's life.

A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; let me try and I will understand.” Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time,

when the child hears, sees and does himself. This is what research is based on!

We study the properties of sand with the smallest ...

Exploring the properties of water...

The preschool educational institution has created excellent conditions for the experimental activities of children.

Toddlers learn the size and properties of vegetables.

You can measure everything, you just need different measurements.

We study the properties of air

Experiences with salt water and magnets are fascinating!

We want to know everything, and about volcanoes too!

corners of nature

Practical conference with parents

on cognitive research activities with children

The development of children's cognitive activity increases motivation for independent activity, increases interest, activates cognitive abilities, is the motivational basis for the ability to make choices, pose problems and find non-standard solutions, to be the subject of one's life.

experience"Education of patriotic feelings and loveto the hometown of Tula in children of preschool age "

What attractive force lies in what surrounds us from childhood? Why, even after leaving their native places for many years, a person remembers them with warmth, and living in a city, village, he constantly, proudly tells the guest about the beauty and wealth of his native land? It seems that this is an expression of deep affection and love for everything that entered the heart from an early age as the most precious. For the upbringing of moral and patriotic feelings, it is extremely important that adults convey to children their love for their native places, their idea of ​​what they are famous for and unique. And I think we, teachers, should take an active position in this matter.
It is known that preschool age is the most important period of personality formation, when the prerequisites for civic qualities are laid, children's ideas about a person, society and culture develop.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky argued that “childhood is an everyday discovery of the world and therefore it is necessary to do so that it becomes, first of all, the knowledge of man and the Fatherland, their beauty and greatness.”
The basic stage in the formation of love for the Motherland in children is the accumulation by them of the social experience of life in their city, the assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships adopted in it, and familiarization with the world of its culture. Love for the motherland begins with love for one's small homeland - the place where a person was born.
To determine the formation of ideas among preschoolers about the name of the city in which they live, their address, about city facilities, about the professions of citizens, she asked the children questions, during the analysis of which it became possible to determine the degree of ideas about their hometown (Appendix No. 1).
During the survey, it was revealed that 36% of children have rather poor ideas about their hometown, about the kindergarten and its immediate environment, about the rules of behavior on the street. 39% of children had no cognitive interest in the life of the city. And only 25% were able to tell what they like in their hometown, but their relationship was still unconscious.
But the land in which we live is unique. The city of Tula has a rich history that our children should know. In recent years, our city has changed: streets, neighborhoods and squares have become clean and cozy, new monuments and stadiums have appeared, courtyards and playgrounds have begun to be improved, many new green spaces and various beautifully decorated flowering flower beds have appeared. I wanted the children to see the beauty of their native city, the transformations that take place in it every year, and begin to be proud of their small homeland.
Since the development of preschoolers' ideas about their small Motherland, the upbringing of interest in it occurs under the influence of the close environment - not only teachers, but also parents, then in order to identify the interest of parents in raising civic feelings in children in relation to their city, a survey of parents was conducted ( Appendix No. 2).
The results of the survey made it possible to identify the mood, the degree of interest in cooperation and to outline the range of problems in which parents need help in solving.
Thus, I substantiated the need to organize and conduct a system of events that promote the manifestation of interest, the upbringing of love for the native city, the desire to preserve its beauty, to take care of it.
The purpose of my work experience is the education of spiritual and moral personalities, worthy citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:
To form a sense of attachment to your home, kindergarten, friends in kindergarten, your loved ones.
To form in children a sense of love for their native land, their small homeland on the basis of familiarization with their native nature, culture and traditions.
To cultivate a sense of patriotism, respect and gratitude for the feat of compatriots during the Great Patriotic War, for the soldiers of the Russian Army.
Starting the work on cultivating love for my native land, I thought carefully about what would be more expedient to show and tell the children, highlighting in particular the most characteristic of this area. The success of the patriotic education of our children largely depends on what will be instilled in the child's soul, on the atmosphere that prevails at home, in kindergarten.
The leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience is to create
conditions that contribute to the education of patriotic feelings of a preschooler for his native city on the basis of enriching the social ideas of children.
Work on patriotic education through acquaintance with the native city was carried out from September to May 2013-2014 academic year.
Stage 1 - initial (stating) - September 2013 – October 2013 The analysis of the literature was carried out, the collection of information on the problem based on the diagnosis of the education of civic feelings (by means of a survey in order to determine ideas about the native city and attitude towards it).
Stage 2 - main (formative) - November 2013 – March 2014 On the

Stage 3 - final (control) - April 2014 - May 2014. At the final stage, the results of the work to solve the identified problem, a comparative analysis and final diagnostics were summed up.

3. Theoretical base of experience.
The project "National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation" emphasizes that "the education system is designed to ensure ... the education of Russian patriots, citizens of a legal democratic, social state, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance."
A holistic scientific concept of the formation of a citizen, a patriot of Russia in modern conditions has not yet been created. In connection with this, practical teachers have many questions, including: what is included in the content of patriotic education today, by what means should it be carried out.
This problem has not yet been adequately reflected in modern psychological and pedagogical research. Most authors point to the importance and significance of the patriotic education of preschool children, but do not offer a coherent system of work in this direction. A characteristic feature of research related to the education of patriotism in preschool children is the appeal to certain aspects of the problem. So, in the works of T.N. Doronova quite clearly traces the idea of ​​patriotic education, but the concept of "education of patriotism" is not used; in the study by S.N. Nikolaeva patriotic education is considered in line with environmental education; THOSE. Komarova, T.A. Rotanova, V.I. Loginova, T.N. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina, O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva, E.V. Pchelintseva, L.E. Nikonova, E.I. Korneeva and others focus on introducing children to the cultural heritage of the people.
When drawing up a long-term work plan (Appendix No. 3), I used the program of N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova "We live in Russia", the result of the development of which is the upbringing of the future generation with spiritual and moral values, civil and patriotic feelings that respect the cultural and historical past of Russia. Based on the experience of Titova E.M. "Education of patriotic feelings and love for the native city."
Using the teaching aid N.V. Alyoshina "Patriotic education of preschoolers" in the work, as well as Titova E.M. concluded that in order to instill patriotic feelings in preschool children, it is important to systematize the work of instilling a sense of love for their native city, to combine all the tasks of comprehensive education of children into a single whole.
The materials of this manual formed the basis of targeted walks, conversations, and didactic games. The system for organizing excursions was compiled on the basis of the program of Vetokhina A.Ya., Dmitrenko Z.S., Zhignal E.N. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children.
The content and technology of familiarizing children with their native land,
planning activities are taken from the methodological manuals Komratova N.G., Gribova L.F. "Patriotic education of children 4-6, 6-7 years old" and Mosalova L.L. "I and the world" (notes of classes on the social and moral education of preschool children).
To form the foundations of legal consciousness among preschoolers
through the development of a positive attitude towards society, the following concepts were used:
Homeland, Fatherland - the country in which he was born, grew up, where he lives.
A small homeland is a place where a person was born, grew up, where relatives and
close ones.
Landmark - a place or object belonging to a place that deserves special attention.
Coat of arms - the emblem of the state, city, depicted on
flags, coins, seals, state and other official
A flag is a cloth of established sizes and colors attached to a pole or cord, sometimes with a coat of arms or emblem on it.

4. Relevance and prospects of experience.
The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that modern conditions are characterized by the humanization of the educational process, the appeal to the personality of the child, the development of his best qualities. Therefore, the problem of forming a versatile and full-fledged personality in a kindergarten is of particular importance.
There is a lack of morality in society. One of the characteristic manifestations of spiritual emptiness and low culture was a sharp drop in the role and significance of patriotism as one of the values ​​of our people.
Many teachers and psychologists say that the process of instilling patriotism must begin at preschool age. During this period, the formation of the spiritual and moral basis of the child, emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms of social adaptation in society begins, the process of self-awareness in the world around begins.
This segment of the child's life is the most favorable for emotional and psychological impact, since his images of perception are very bright and strong, and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for life.
We live in a very difficult time when deviations are becoming the norm. It is considered normal that one can pick a flower or break a tree branch for the momentary pleasure of an adult or a child; throw used jars, wrappers, etc. on the road or sidewalk, although there is a dustbin not far away; allow children to walk on lawns, etc. And we accept it: someone with pleasure, someone as a norm, someone with indifference. How to preserve our spirituality, how to understand everything and choose the right guidelines for raising children, how to teach them to love the Motherland not invented by us, but the way it is. And you can love and cherish only what you feel, understand and know.
The relevance of the problem is due to the ever-increasing social significance of civic consciousness in society and the lack of sufficiently effective means to improve the effectiveness of the educational process.
I consider the upbringing of love for one's Motherland as a laborious, long-term process that must be carried out unobtrusively and constantly. Like any other feeling, patriotism is acquired independently and experienced individually. It is directly connected with the personal spirituality of a person, its depth. Therefore, without being a patriot, the teacher himself cannot awaken a feeling of love for the small Motherland. It is to awaken, and not to impose, since spiritual self-determination lies at the heart of patriotism.
An analysis of theoretical and diagnostic materials on the problem of moral and patriotic education of a child's personality revealed the following contradictions, which this experiment should resolve:
- between the need of modern society for a person capable of
value their small homeland and insufficient
using the potential of a preschool educational institution in the formation of patriotism of a preschooler;
- between the need to intensify the process of education
patriotism in the system of preschool education and the lack of scientific developments, pedagogical technologies, as well as experience in practical work on this issue;
- between the desire of teachers to educate the basics
citizenship in relation to their city in a preschooler and the pedagogical incompetence of parents in this problem.
5. Novelty experience.
The degree of novelty of pedagogical experience consists in a combination of elements of well-known methods, setting and solving new pedagogical tasks, improving certain aspects of the cognitive activity of preschoolers in the senior and preparatory groups for school, in developing a system of work to educate children's civil-patriotic feelings for their hometown in a preschool educational institution.
The purpose of this pedagogical experience was to develop and substantiate the process of formation of patriotic feelings in preschoolers and the development of spirituality through the upbringing of love for their small homeland. Society's need for a new type of personality - creatively active, spiritually and morally developed - will undoubtedly increase as the socio-economic and cultural conditions of life improve. The implementation of this direction in education and upbringing requires an appeal to systems of an integrated type. In such a system, the main place will be occupied by patriotic education. The system of work that we offer is built on the basis of a favorable educational environment created by us, which contributes to the versatile individual development and spiritual and moral development of the child's personality, as well as creative cooperation and interaction between children and adults. Thematic planning is a single system of interrelated topics that gradually become more complex and at the same time reveal the diverse connections of the subject-practical activity of a person with his history and culture, as well as with the natural world.
6. Targeting experience.
The purpose of my work is to develop modern, effective forms of work to improve moral education, develop the child's personal culture, as the basis of his love for his native land. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined:
1. To educate in the soul of every child curiosity, a sense of beauty, a sense of love and affection for one's family, one's home, one's people, their customs and traditions.
2. To form the interest of each preschooler in the history of their village, region, country, the foundations of ecological culture, a humane attitude towards all living things, the ability to see the history around them (in houses, household items, in street names, etc.)
Education, which ensures the child's constant openness to the new and is expressed in the search for inconsistencies and contradictions, as well as in his own formulation of questions and problems, involves the cooperation of the child with the teacher in creative activity to solve new problems, which contributes to the education of genuine, independent, productive, creative thinking, talent development. Wherein:
The activity of the teacher: to teach to think by creating and resolving problem situations, organizing research, search activities for children aimed at developing the intellect.
The child's activity: acquires a search, research character in the process of discovering new knowledge, also thinks creatively.
For educators, recommendations have been developed for working with children, which are an important link in cognitive activity:
- aim at the development of the child's creative abilities (every child is talented);
– every day work with children search. Not to reveal the truth, but to teach it to find it with the help of reasoning, leading questions;
- teach children to resolve conflicts;
We learn by playing every day.
Accumulation of practical didactic material on various types children's activities, the development of the content of author's notes and active leadership will contribute to the accumulation of children's knowledge about the history of their native city and the formation of patriotic feelings.
We need new forms of work that model the creative process itself and create its own microclimate, where opportunities for the creative side of the intellect are manifested. In solving the tasks set, the following sections of the program were used: Me, my family, my home address. In my work, I wanted to convince parents that love for the Motherland, for one's people begins with small things - from love for a mother, from respect for the people around you, from your home, street, from the ability to find something around you that is worthy of admiration . To solve the tasks, they used specially organized classes, excursions around their native city, the design of family albums, plot-role-playing games, used the richest material of oral folk art, proverbs, sayings, riddles. Through these forms, they sought to convey to their consciousness that parents and children are carriers of folk culture. Working with children and their parents, we tried to form cognitive activity in children, the ability to acquire knowledge and apply it. In the future, this will allow children to take an active life position. We tried to solve the tasks together with the parents. Parent meetings were held in the form of an evening of questions and answers on the history of the native land, questionnaires. They offered parents to take a picture of the most beautiful, in their opinion, place in the city; make crafts from natural materials.
7. Labor input of experience.
Starting to work on this problem, I was well aware that for the purposeful effective implementation of the educational process, a thorough, theoretical and practical background is needed. We need new forms of work that model the creative process itself and create its own microclimate, where opportunities for the creative side of the intellect of each child are manifested.
The formation of patriotic feelings is more effective if the kindergarten establishes a close relationship with the family. The need to involve the family in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with the social environment is explained by the special pedagogical opportunities that the family has and which cannot be replaced by a preschool institution: love and affection for children, emotional and moral richness of relationships, their social, and not selfish orientation, etc. This creates favorable conditions for the education of higher moral feelings. Our kindergarten, in its work with the family, relies on parents not only as kindergarten assistants, but as equal participants in the formation of a child's personality.
In my work, I wanted to convince parents that love for the Motherland, for one's people begins with small things - from love for a mother, from respect for the people around you, from your home, street, from the ability to find something around you that is worthy of admiration . Therefore, involving parents in active participation in events, competitions, exhibitions held at the preschool educational institution, assistance in conducting excursions and targeted walks, increasing interest in the work of the preschool educational institution on this issue are important when working. We offered parents such forms of involving children in public life as walks, excursions, the purpose of which is to get acquainted with historical places, monuments to fallen soldiers; visiting museums of the city, etc.
Further, all work on patriotic education took place in close contact with the family. Parents were active participants in all holidays, helped in the design of photo exhibitions about their native city, about their native land, participated in competitions of drawings, crafts. I introduce parents to independent reading of literature on family education, which helps to solve many negative problems of raising children. The participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten helps them to see the world more closely from the position of the child, allows them to overcome authoritarianism and treat the child as an equal; notice changes in the development of your child and understand that you should not compare him with other children; rejoice in the personal growth of a son or daughter; establish a trusting relationship with the child, show sincere interest in his actions and be ready for emotional support. By building, thus, joint activities with the parents of pupils, I managed to achieve the following results:
- Established partnerships and trusting relationships with parents;
- parents show sincere interest in the life of the child in kindergarten;
- take an active part in the life of the group and kindergarten;
– are active partners in the upbringing and educational process, realizing that this is necessary for their children;
All this contributes to the creation of a single space for the normal development of the child. We are very pleased with the close relationship with the family, the knowledge we give to children in the classroom and in joint activities is consolidated, expanded and enriched in the family. In addition, family ties are strengthened, common family hobbies appear, which favorably affects the moral education of children.
I work with parents in a variety of ways:
- targeted monitoring of children and parents;
- compiling characteristics for children;
– pedagogical conversations with parents (individual, group, general);
– survey methods (questionnaires, tests);
– individual consultations;
- the use of information stands, folders, folders, libraries for parents.
Thus, we once again made sure that we are working in the right direction. The task of my work - to teach children to remember what land we live on, to protect and respect the heritage of their people - is really very important. Solving educational problems, I tried to teach my pupils one of the most difficult things in pedagogy - the labor of love, the ability to work with the soul.
8. Technology experience
The purpose of my work is to develop modern, effective forms of work to improve moral education, develop the child's personal culture, as the basis of his love for his native land. The task of my work is to organize a pedagogical process that contributes to the formation of patriotic education of children through acquaintance with their native city.
In accordance with the task, the following areas of work were selected:
1. Creating conditions for the development of patriotic feelings in a child,
love and affection for one's family, home, hometown;
2. Providing an opportunity for preschoolers to feel
small townspeople, participants in the life of the city;
3. Acquaintance with the city, its history and sights;
4. Interaction with parents to involve children in increasing and preserving the wealth of their native city.
5. Implementation of a system of measures aimed at increasing the level of development of patriotic qualities.
In order to achieve the goals set, the stages of work were determined.
Stage 1: Acquaintance with the immediate environment: the family, its members, the meaning of the names of children.
Stage 2: Kindergarten and its staff.
Stage 3: Hometown, its sights, professions of parents.
Stage 4: Acquaintance with fellow countrymen, honorary workers of the native city, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Work on patriotic education through acquaintance with the native city was carried out for 2 years, from 2012 to 2014.
Stage 1 - initial (stating) - September 2012 – October 2012 The analysis of the literature was carried out, the collection of information on the problem based on the diagnosis of the education of civic feelings (by means of a survey with the aim of
definitions of ideas about the native city and attitude towards it).
Stage 2 - main (formative) - November 2012 – March 2013 On the
At this stage, I developed a long-term plan for working with children on the problem, planned activities to familiarize preschoolers with the history of the city, its sights, and tested the system of work.
Stage 3 - final (control) - April 2013 - May 2014. At the final stage, the results of the work to solve the identified problem, diagnostics were summed up.

When building a system of work on civil-patriotic education of preschoolers, I took into account the following principles:
the principle of historicism. I kept the chronological order of the phenomena described and reduced it to two, more accessible to children, historical concepts: the past (a long time ago) and the present (today).
The principle of humanization, which allowed me to take the position of the child, to take into account his point of view, not to ignore his feelings and emotions, to see the child as a full partner.
The principle of differentiation. I created the conditions for the self-realization of each child, taking into account the experience he had accumulated, the characteristics of the emotional and cognitive spheres.
The principle of integration. This is cooperation with family, library, school; in the natural inclusion of local history material in the basic program; as well as a combination of all types of activities when introducing children to the historical and cultural features of Tula (with its small homeland).
The presence of the tasks set made it possible to undertake consistent, phased work with children of the middle, senior and preparatory groups for school.
At the first stage, the children got acquainted with the immediate environment. To clarify the idea of ​​the names of the children themselves, the album “Me and my name” was made, where the children got acquainted with the meaning of their name, didactic games were held “Name a friend affectionately”, “Tell me about your name”, “What does my name mean”.
Raising love and affection for one's family, one's home, one's loved ones, photographic material was collected for the album "My Family", which was made together with the parents. At this stage, joint holidays were held: “Dad, mom, I am a sports family”, “When the family is together, then the soul is in place”, etc. All this contributed to the fact that children were brought up with a humane attitude towards family members, their occupations, ideas about family values ​​and traditions were formed.
A lot of work has been done to form ideas about their family, their kind. Parents were taught to build a family tree, which contributed to the compilation of stories about their family, their genealogy. The presentation of genealogical trees took place at the family holiday "My Genealogy", which aroused great interest among both children and parents.
The next stage of work was the acquaintance of children with the kindergarten and its employees. There were guided tours of the kindergarten, conversations “Who works in our garden”, “Who needs what for work”, didactic games “Who does what”, “Find out by name and patronymic”.
The result of work in this direction was an exhibition of drawings "My favorite kindergarten", where the kids captured the house that became their home.
Excursions around the territory of the kindergarten were not in vain. Together with the parents, subbotniks were organized to improve the kindergarten site, many parents, who had previously referred to employment and other reasons, found an opportunity to help our garden in their free time. The children were proud of their parents and repeatedly repeated: “My mother came and painted the fence!”, “My father made a shelf”, etc.
And how many emotions, joy and pleasure the guys brought
work in the pharmacy garden located on the territory of the preschool educational institution.
Looking at flowers, plants, the guys got acquainted with nature
native land, learned that many plants are beneficial to humans.
Observation of the work of the janitor and assistant cars - the garbage truck helped to form an idea of ​​how to make the yard cleaner, more comfortable. And conversations on the content helped to educate preschoolers in an active civic position.
At the same stage, there is an acquaintance with the Russian folk tale, proverbs, nursery rhymes, riddles. We pay attention to the items of Russian clothing, everyday life. In the classes on productive activities, children are happy to make rowan beads, decorate a sundress, paint a wooden spoon. At music lessons, they get acquainted with folk music, sing folk songs, play folk games (“Raven”, round dance game “Druzhochek”, “Sun-bell”, “Oh, you canopy”); stage Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes. They use didactic games (cut picture, box of riddles, fold the pattern ...).
The work at the third stage was aimed at familiarizing children with their native city, its sights, and the labor activity of people living in Tula. Children visited museums, a library, got acquainted with the sights of Tula, the streets of their native city.
A walk-excursion to the park located in the area caused a huge positive emotional response in the children. The children rested with pleasure in the pavilions, ran along the paths and, of course, fully enjoyed riding down the hill and on the swings. It was conveyed to the consciousness of the children that people of different professions took part in the creation of this park: artists, architects, builders, thereby the children were brought up with a sense of respect for the work of the creators of modern parks in the city, thrift for beautiful places.
The conversation about the rules of behavior in the park contributed to the solution of the problem of caring for the native nature, the emergence of a desire to preserve and create such beauty. After all, the more beautiful the city, the more people love it. Well-groomed, clean, bright squares, streets and courtyards cheer up and awaken a sense of pride in the city.
When getting acquainted with the history of their small homeland, a search activity was organized: the children were asked to ask their parents, grandparents about the history of the name of the street on which they live, and then the preschoolers exchanged the information received, offered their versions about the history of some street names.
Looking at photographs with views of the streets of the city contributed to
clarifying and supplementing children's knowledge about the place where they were born and live. As a result of this work, a cognitive interest in the history of the city, respect for famous fellow countrymen has grown.
The cycle of classes about the native city contributed to the formation of a sense of pride in their city, its history (Appendix No. 4).
At this stage, much attention was paid to familiarizing children with the work of adults, both parents and residents of the city. Introducing children to professions, excursions were organized to the laundry, to the kitchen of the kindergarten, where the children got acquainted with the work of adults and learned about the significance of their work.
And the exhibition organized jointly with parents "Dad, Mom on
work” helped to consolidate the content of the work of adults in their hometown: a teacher, a doctor, a builder, a policeman, a driver. Preschoolers saw the importance and significance of the work of their parents, and this was a continuation of the laid foundations for a respectful attitude towards the work of adults, aimed at the good of their native city.
Raising in children respect for the feat of countrymen during the Great Patriotic War brought them closer to the next stage.
Excursions were held to the memorial on Kirov Street, the laying of fresh flowers contributed to the education of the spirit of patriotism among preschoolers and a sense of respect for the memory of the military exploits of their great-grandfathers in the battles for the liberation of our Motherland from the invasion of Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War. I tried to convey the idea to the children: after many, many years, people remember the historical events, the terrible war years, honor the memory of the dead, surround with attention and love the people who defended their homeland.
Walking near the memorial on Kirov Street, such important concepts as “duty to the Motherland”, “love for the Fatherland”, “labor feat” were consolidated. She led the children to the understanding that we won the Great Patriotic War because we love our Motherland. The motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, monuments were erected in their honor.
And, of course, the most memorable are the meetings with veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War, held in kindergarten. All this contributed to the fact that the children formed a sense of respect, pride and great gratitude to those who fought.
The formation of patriotic feelings in children is impossible without
establishing a close relationship with the family. Organization of joint creative homework - inventing and depicting the coat of arms of your family, creating a photo album "My city and me", growing indoor flowers for the group, united parents and children, enriched communication between them and brought joy.
Consultations for parents, a parent meeting in the form of an oral journal on the topic “Teaching children to love and take care of their city” (Appendix No. 5) helped parents become an example for their children of attitude to their city, to the place where you live.
The excursion route “Let's have a rest with the whole family”, developed and offered to parents, helped many families spend the weekend together, walking around familiar and favorite places, clarifying and consolidating children's knowledge about their hometown.

9. The effectiveness of the experience
In order to identify the effectiveness of my work on educating patriotic feelings among preschoolers through acquaintance with their native city, questions were re-suggested to the children, during the analysis of which it became possible to determine the degree of ideas about their native city.
100% of children know the name of the city in which they live and can accurately find the coat of arms of the district and tell about it. 91% of children have accurate knowledge about the history of our city, 9% (1 child) allow minor inaccuracies. 82% of children have an idea about the names of the streets of the city, know the address of the houses in which they live, the kindergarten they attend. Children can explain why or after whom the streets of the city are named, 18% make mistakes. About the most common professions of our city, about the main industrial enterprises, their products have a good knowledge of 64%
children, 36% of children cannot answer all questions confidently. 81% of children can get acquainted with the sights of our city, 19% find it a little difficult.
As a result, the general level is as follows: 87% of children have a solid knowledge of their hometown, 13% make small inaccuracies. As a result of studying this topic, children learned a lot about their city, saw its beauty and wealth with their own eyes. In my work, I tried to teach children not only to admire the beauty of the surrounding world, but also to lay the sprouts of love for their native city, I tried to teach them to solve problems that arise in life on their own, I tried to cultivate the feeling of a real city dweller who knows how to use his knowledge in practice.
Questioning parents confirmed the effectiveness of my work. Parents began to note not only the interest and desire of children to learn as much as possible about their native city, but also admitted that they themselves began to pay more attention to the patriotic upbringing of the child. Many parents in their answers indicated that they became interested in the history of the city.
Summing up, we can say that in the course of the work there was a positive trend in the education of patriotic feelings among preschoolers.
Thus, systematic work on education
civic and patriotic feelings of children towards their hometown in a preschool educational institution has its positive results, and a modern preschool institution acts as that sociocultural environment that creates optimal conditions for the formation of a holistic “picture of the world” in children, the education of patriotism, the foundations of citizenship, as well as interest in their "small homeland".
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Appendix 1
Diagnosis of preschool children to identify the level of knowledge about their hometown (author N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova)

child's name
Task 1. "Hometown"
Target: name of your city,
Methods: Conversation, game, recording children's answers.
Proceedings: Conversation with children. The teacher offers to look at the photo.
Evaluation of results.
High level (3 points)
The child easily recognizes and names the city
Intermediate level (2 points)
The child does not confidently name the city
Low level (1 point)
The child does not know the name of the city

Task 2. "Home address"
Goal: knowing the home address (in the older groups, the address of the kindergarten)

Proceedings: Conversation with children. The teacher offers to answer the question "Name your address" (Do you know the address of the kindergarten)
Evaluation of results:
High level (3 points)
The child easily names the home address (and the address of the kindergarten)
Intermediate level (2 points)
The child does not confidently name the address, gets confused.
Low level (1 point)
Child does not know home address (kindergarten address)

Task 3. "Native nature"
Purpose: knowledge of the plant world, animals of the native city, rules of behavior in nature.
Methods: Conversation, looking at photos, drawings, recording children's answers.

Proceedings: Conversation with children. The teacher offers to answer the question "What is the name of this plant, animal", "How to behave in the forest, near the reservoir"
Evaluation of results:
High level (3 points)
The child easily names plants and animals, as well as the rules of behavior in nature.
Intermediate level (2 points)
The child does not confidently name plants and animals. Names not all rules.
Low level (1 point)

Task 4. "Sights"
Purpose: the ability to recognize the sights of the native city
Methods: Conversation, showing photos, recording children's answers.
Progress: Conversation with children, looking at photos.
Evaluation of results:
High level (3 points)
The child recognizes and names the sights associated with children's recreation
Intermediate level (2 points)
The child recognizes, but cannot always name the attraction.
Low level (1 point)
The child does not recognize and does not name the attraction

Task 5. "Professions of parents, residents of the city"
Purpose: knowledge and naming of the professions of parents, residents of the city.
Methods: Conversation, looking at pictures, recording children's answers.
Proceedings: Conversation with children. The teacher offers to answer the question “Where does mom and dad work, what do they work for?”, “What other professions do you know in our city”
Evaluation of results:
High level (3 points)
The child easily names the place of work and the profession of the parents, other professions.
Intermediate level (2 points)
The child does not accurately name the professions of parents and their place of work, he names few other professions.
Low level (1 point)
The child does not name the profession and place of work of the parents, does not know other professions.
Low level (1 point)
The child does not know plants and animals, does not know the rules.

Task 6. "Transport of the city"
Goal: the ability to name urban transport
Methods: Conversation, showing illustrations, recording children's answers.
Proceedings: Conversation with children. Examining the illustrations, recording the answers of the children.
Evaluation of results:
High level (3 points)
The child names the transport of our city
Intermediate level (2 points)
The child does not name all transport
Low level (1 point)
The child does not know the name of the city transport

Task 7. "My family"
Purpose: the ability to call your last name, the names of parents, relatives, knows family ties, hobbies of your family.
Methods: Conversation, recording children's answers.
Proceedings: Conversation with children. Record children's responses.
Evaluation of results:
High level (3 points)
The child calls the last name, the names of all relatives, family ties, hobbies
Intermediate level (2 points)
The child does not name all relatives, gets confused in connections.
Low level (1 point)
The child does not know the surname, relatives.
Appendix 2
Questionnaire for parents
"Patriotic parenting"
This survey is anonymous (you do not give your last name), so please be as honest as possible.
Do you consider yourself competent in matters of patriotic education?
What does the phrase "be a patriot" mean to you? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you consider it important to educate preschool children of moral and patriotic feelings?
Where do you think a child gets the basics of patriotism?
At school.
In family.
In kindergarten.
Does your child have a desire to learn about their hometown?
Do you tell your child about Tula, its history, sights, famous people?
In what places of our city do you like to visit with your child?
What do you personally do to instill love for your hometown in your child?
What kind of help in this direction do you expect from the kindergarten?
Thank you!

Annex 3
A long-term plan for getting to know your hometown with children 5-7 years old
Theme: "My family"

teach children to name
family members;
make children feel
proud of your
family; graft
respectful, for
caring attitude
to the elderly
relatives. Classes, joint
leisure time with parents
holidays, exhibition
Conversations, compilation
stories about their
family, drawing
topic "My family"

Place of work

Instill respect
to the work of parents. Excursions to the place
some parents,
builder games,
"Mail". Conversations, compilation
stories about the future

native hearth

Instill love for
to your home;
support in it
order, help
adult members
families. Excursions to the place
some children
didactic games. Conversation on the topic: "My
the address"; Painting
at home, fantasizing
fairy tale

Interesting in
our house

Teach children
more attentively
refers to
events in the house
be interested in things
mi, traditions
families. Theatrical
games, concerts. Conversations on topics:
"My lovely
toy", "The most
interesting book",
"Animals in the House"
"Home holidays-
ki", etc.
Topic: "My Kindergarten"

Content Tasks Forms of work Methods and techniques
On the way to
Kindergarten Call in children
desire to visit
kindergarten, meeting
chat with friends;
teach children
remember the way to
kindergarten, name
his address. Lessons, plot
role-playing games. Children's drawing
garden, groups, friends,
favorite toys and
people educate in children
respect for
attitude to work
adults, the desire to provide
all-out help. Excursions to the kitchen
to the laundry
medical cabinet
No; didactic
game "To whom, what
needed for work";
role-playing games. Conversations, reading
literature on
found in
Kindergarten yard Introduce children to
garden; bring up
order on them
to equipment
plots, take care
behind the plants. Walks;
paths to
garden, labor
instructions. conversations,
plot modeling
Children's history
Garden Introduce
children with history
kindergarten Evenings of memories Conversations,
viewing photo albums.

Theme: "My city"
Content Tasks Forms of work Methods and techniques
History of the city Introduce children
with history
cities, his
titles; call
interest in your
city, instill
a sense of pride in him Classes, excursions
in the city. conversations, story
educator about
city ​​history,
photo albums.
City streets Give children a concept
about the origin
names of some
ryh streets. Excursions around
city ​​streets. conversations, story
educator about
people, in honor
Enterprises and
institutions of the city Educate in
children feeling
respect for people
labor; interest in
professions. Excursions to
enterprises and
city ​​institutions;
games Conversations with
workers before
acceptances; reading
literature on
working people;
photo albums.
City transport writing
ideas about
transport; learn
children rules
behavior in
transport. Excursions to
bus station;
games. Reading
photo albums,
drawing, conversation.
Tula - coat of arms Introduce children to
relation to the coat of arms
value. Presentation on an interactive whiteboard
coat of arms images,
comparison with
other coats of arms, didactic game
"Find our coat of arms"
creation of a coat of arms
of his family.
Tula - flag Introduce children to
flag, with
its main
appointment. Tour of
city ​​streets
flag, target walk to the administration building,
looking at the flags on the building, comparing the flag of the city and the flag of Russia.

Topic: "Sights of the city"
Content Tasks Forms of work Methods and techniques
Museum To arouse interest and presentation to the main historical landmark of the city.
Excursions to the Conversations Museum,
photo albums.

Victory Square Arouse desire in children
to imitate warriors
just as courageous
ny, bold. Excursions to Victory Square, the eternal flame, monuments to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, an obelisk in memory of our contemporaries who died in Afghanistan, etc.)

monuments, conversations, laying flowers, viewing
flower beds.

Park Continue exploring
hometown. To give
children knowledge of places
recreation of its inhabitants.Introduce
preschoolers with place
children's recreation Excursion to the park Examination
trees. Games on
children's holidays
and entertainment in
summer period
Palace of Culture
Expand Views
children about cultural
leisure facility. Excursion to DC
external and
internal view
Participation in
DC staff

A long-term work plan to familiarize children of the middle group with their hometown for the 2012-2013 academic year.

September My small Motherland - making an album, compiling stories "The house in which I live"
October Birthday of the city - listening to songs about your hometown, reading poetry,
- exhibition of children's drawings "My favorite city"
November History
cities - design of the stand "Tula"
December Acquaintance with the coat of arms of the city - creative activity - "Draw the coat of arms of the family",
– acquaintance with the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia

January City tour - didactic game "Journey through the city"
February They glorified our city - a conversation about the importance of the work of all people
March Dad, mom, me - a sports family (quiz) - didactic game "The land in which we live",
- memorizing poems about Tula.
April Tula - sports - exhibition of children's drawings "We love sports"
May Military glory of the city - the production of holiday cards,
– meeting with veterans,
- a conversation about the exploits of soldiers in the Great Patriotic War
Perspective plan of work on familiarization with the hometown of children of the senior group for the 2013-2014 academic year.
Date Subject Relationship with other activities

Coat of arms. Flag. Russian anthem.

- listening to songs

- familiarity with the streets:

- reading poems, stories,

A long-term work plan to familiarize the children of the preparatory group with their hometown for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Date Subject Relationship with other activities
September Our homeland in Russia is the reading of poems about Tula,
- looking at a map
- a story about the features of climate, nature, wildlife
October My city, which is not more expensive - walks around the city,
- stories about the sights of Tula, about people of different professions who live and work in our city,
- reading poems about your hometown, listening to songs
November Square - the history of the square "Before and now": Coat of arms of the city
December Acquaintance with state symbols.
Coat of arms. Flag. Russian anthem.
Coat of arms of Tula. - reading poems about the Motherland,
- listening to songs
- painting over the image of the coat of arms of Tula
January Friendly family - making a photo album "Family Traditions"
February History
cities - visit to the Museum of Local Lore,
Mart Tula - sports - the history of the competition,
– sports leisure “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”
April Here is my street - a tour of the microdistrict,
- familiarity with the streets:
Mai Tula - the city of masters - a story about the work of Tula,
- reading poems, stories,
– visiting the Museum of Local Lore, exhibitions

Appendix 4

Synopsis of directly educational activities with children of senior preschool age
Theme: "My hometown"
Purpose: The formation of patriotic feelings and the accumulation of knowledge of preschoolers about the history of their native city.
Tasks: to acquaint with the history of the native city and its
sights, consolidate previously acquired knowledge,
to cultivate respect for the small motherland,
to develop the desire to take part in the transformation of their native city.
Material: demonstration materials about the hometown (photo exhibition, booklets, books, children's drawings), samples or photographs of products of the city's enterprises.
Lesson progress:
Educator: Today I invite you to make an exciting journey to the exhibition of our city. Ready? Do you know the rules of conduct in a public place? Let's remember them again (children's answers). Then you can go.
The first hall is the views of our city.
What is the name of the city where we live?
-Do you know how old our city is? (answers - 868 years).
Tula was founded in 1146. and named after the Tulitsa River.
Look at the photos of the city old and new.
- Similar or not? What changed? (answers) Our city is ancient, but
very beautiful.
-What do you like most in our city? (answers)
-What do you see in this photo?
- What kind of place is it? How is it memorable?
That's right, this is Victory Square built in honor of the feat in the Great Patriotic War. There is an eternal flame, to which people bring flowers, remembering their great-grandfathers who died in this war. The people love their heroes and sacredly keep the memory of them. Poems, songs, proverbs and sayings were composed about the glorious defenders of the Motherland, about their courage and courage.
What proverbs and sayings can you tell me?
Cheek brings success.
There is safety in numbers.
The dog barks at the brave, but bites the coward.
The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.
To live and serve the Motherland.
For the edge of your native go fearlessly into battle.
We don't want someone else's land, but we won't give up our own either.
Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.
Dynamic pause.
-Do you want to be like a brave soldier?
-Let's practice:
Like soldiers on parade
We walk side by side
Left - one, right - one,
Look at us all.
We clapped our hands
friendly, more fun
Our feet pounded
Louder and faster!
Let's hit the knees -
Hush, hush, hush!
Handles, handles raise-
Higher, higher, higher.
Our hands are turned
Were down again.
We circled around
And stopped
After many, many years, people remember the historical events, the terrible war years, honor the memory of the dead, surround with attention and love the people who defended their Motherland.
There are many streets in our city. Do you know the names of the streets of our city?
Didactic game "Streets of my city"
Educator: We go to the next room "Products of enterprises
our city."
-Very interesting, what is it? (answers).
- Guys, these are the products of the enterprises of our city and region.
-What companies do you know? (Answers)
Examination of products, clarification of its purpose, importance in the life of our city and its inhabitants.
Educator: I invite you to go to the new “Family Rest” hall.
Look, this is an exhibition of your drawings and photographs, where you showed your favorite vacation spots. This is a city park, square, stadium, sports ground.
- How do you relax, what do you like to play? (answers)
Mobile game "Move quietly, you will continue - stop"
Summary of the lesson:
-What new did you learn about your hometown today?
-What did you like about our exhibition?
- Would you like to get to the exhibition? Why?
Our city is growing green
We love him from the bottom of our hearts.
We want him to live better and better
To the glory of our entire country!
Thank you for your active participation in our exhibition, thanks to your drawings it has become even more interesting and colorful!

Annex 5

Abstract of the parent meeting
Topic: "Teaching children to love and protect their city"
Purpose: to attract parents to active participation in events, competitions, exhibitions; assistance in conducting excursions and targeted walks;
increasing interest in the work of the DOE.
Tasks: - to bring parents to the understanding that children need to be introduced to the sights of their native city, with the names of streets, with enterprises, thereby cultivating love for the city and respect for the residents who have made efforts for its prosperity; - to develop parents' interest in raising patriotic feelings in children.
Preliminary work:
1. Questioning of parents.
2. Tape record children's answers to the following questions:
a) What does the word “homeland” mean to you?
b) What is the name of the city where you live?
c) What do you like most about it?
3. Design of the photo exhibition "Our native city".
4. Selection of poems about the native city and memorization by their children.
5. Preparation of the teacher's speech and questions for a conversation with parents.
6. Design of an exhibition of books, albums, reproductions about the native city, works of fellow countrymen.
Meeting progress:
- Motherland! How much this word means to each person. No wonder the people say: “The motherland is like a beloved mother!” "A man has one mother, one Motherland."
- For many of you and for your children, the homeland is the city of Tula.
– In recent years, our city has noticeably changed: it has become clean, green, and well-maintained. These transformations are taking place in front of the children and all of you. Our task is to teach children to love their city, to protect and increase its beauty. The purpose of our meeting is to help each other become like-minded people, to try together to raise our children as real citizens.
And now let's leaf through the pages of the oral magazine Our City. How well do we know the past and present of our city?
1 page. "Let's look at history."

Ah, Tula. Tula, Tula!
Pearl of the country
You turned life around
Breaking into our dreams.
Russia ancient city
Painfully dear to us -
You will be forever young
With a wizard - Lefty.
There are many different very different cities in the world: metropolitan and
provincial, large and small, famous and completely unknown cities with a rich historical heritage and relatively recently began their active development. There are cities that leave a vivid memory, and those where you definitely want to return again. This is our Tula. The most beloved, closest and native for those who were lucky enough to be born here, grow up and take place.
Tula is located two hundred kilometers south of Moscow, in the central part of Russia, on the banks of the Tulitsa and Upa rivers. The city of Tula was first mentioned in the Nikon Chronicle in 1146. But even earlier there was a small settlement here. It was called Ostrog Ostrog (fortification). Most likely, the Ryazan princes founded the settlement in order to protect the borders of possessions and collect taxes from the surrounding residents. So it turns out that Tula is one of the oldest cities in Russia.
The history of Tula in antiquity: the first mention of Tula
In ancient times, Finno-Ugric tribes lived on Tula land, partly Baltic, and from the 8th century. - Slavic tribes of Vyatichi. The first mention of the cities of the Vyatichi dates back to the 12th century. Tula - an ancient city on the land of the Slavs-Vyatichi - was first mentioned in the Nikon Chronicle under 1146, but even earlier settlements "on the old settlement" were mentioned at the confluence of the Tulitsa river with the river. Upu, whose name became the name of the city. In 1382, Tula was mentioned in a documentary source - a contractual letter of the prince of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy and the prince of Ryazan Oleg Ivanovich.
History of Tula in the Middle Ages and "Time of Troubles"
In the XVI-XVII centuries. Tula was an important fortified point on the southern outskirts of the Muscovite state, on Tula land there was a border line of Zasechnaya ("Tula Zaseki") and there were fortress cities. In 1514 - 1520. A stone Kremlin was built in Tula. Since that time, it has become a fortress city, the center of defense of Russian lands. In 1552, the inhabitants of Tula, who took refuge in the Kremlin, withstood the siege of the 30,000-strong army of the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray, who tried to prevent the march of the troops of Tsar Ivan the Terrible to Kazan. Dmitry the Pretender, who captured Tula in 1605, expected the fall of Moscow in the city. In 1606, in Tula, the petty service nobility raised an uprising against Tsar Vasily Shuisky. In 1607, the insurgent peasants led by I. I. Bolotnikov defended themselves from the tsarist army in the Vtula Kremlin. In 1608, a new False Dmitry (“Tushinsky Thief”) appeared in Tula.
The formation of Tula as an industrial center
Tula is one of the oldest industrial centers in Russia. 1595 can be considered the beginning of the state-owned gun business, when Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, having freed the Tula "self-made" blacksmiths from taxes and zemstvo duties, obliged them to make state-owned weapons. The first ironworks in Russia in 1637 were built by the Dutchman A. Vinius, 15 versts from Tula, in the village of Torkhovo. In 1696, the Tula blacksmith Nikita Demidov built two blast furnaces and hammer workshops at the mouth of the Tulitsa. Blacksmithing began to develop in Tula. From the end of the 16th century became known Tula masters of weapons. In 1712, by decree of Peter I, a state arms factory was founded in Tula.
Tula history of the 19th century
In the Patriotic War of 1812, Tula and the Tula people played a prominent role. Tula gunsmiths made 600,000 guns for the Russian army. In the province, the Tula people's militia was formed, which took part in the hostilities to defend the Fatherland, and then in the foreign campaign. During the Crimean War of 1853-1855. Tulyaks also supplied the Russian army with weapons.
Since the 18th century in Tula, the production of samovars, gingerbread, harmonicas, locks and hardware is being developed. In the 19th century a significant number of plants and factories already operate in the city, Tula is becoming a major industrial center of Russia. In 1868, the lines of the Moscow-Kursk, and later - the Syzran-Vyazemskaya railways passed through Tula and the province. At the beginning of the XX century. new industrial enterprises are created.
Tula history of the XX century
During the Civil War, Tula was the base of weapons of the Red Army.
During the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the Tula region there were fierce battles with the Nazi troops. Of the 40 districts of the Tula region, 33 were occupied by the enemy, 6 were partially occupied, and only one - Zaoksky - was not occupied by the enemy. The heroic defense of Tula in October-December 1941 entered the history of the Great Patriotic War as a bright and significant page. Tula covered the approaches to Moscow from the south, here the tank army of Hitler's General Guderian was stopped and defeated. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, over 250 Tula residents became Heroes of the Soviet Union, and three - I. Vorobyov, B. Safonov and M. Fomichev - were awarded this title twice, 41 soldiers became full holders of the Order of Glory, over 170 thousand were awarded orders and medals. For the courage and steadfastness shown by the defenders of Tula during the heroic defense of the city, which played an important role in the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow during the Great Patriotic War, Tula was awarded the title "Hero City" (1976).

They say the city lives as long as weddings are played and children are born in it. Every year in our city more children are born and families are created. It depends on the family what kind of upbringing young people will receive, what values ​​they will accept, what talents they will find and awaken in themselves, what kind of person they will grow up to be. The family unites generations of future creators with generations of people who gave their work to their native city.
The city has a glorious biography: hard work from the first peg to the present day has been passed with dignity. The city was created by the labor of those who had a difficult happiness - to fulfill the dream of a future beautiful city of those who create its modern history, a new generation of citizens worthily carries the baton of their fathers and grandfathers. The city looks to the future with confidence, implementing priority national projects aimed at improving the quality of life of the population.

2 page. "Orthodox page"
Are there churches in our city?
How many temples are there in our city?
Look at these postcards, recognize a familiar church, name and tell where it is.

3 page. "At leisure"
– Do you know when the “Day of the City” takes place in our country? District Day?
- What part do you and your children take in the holidays?
(Children reading poems about their hometown)

4 page. "School of Life"
Today's children will be in charge of huge material and natural wealth, technology. Our children should grow up not only good people, but also hardworking, honest, economical owners who love their country, their hometown. How to solve these problems? Where to begin? Start with a personal example, with your intolerant attitude towards the selfish, consumerist attitude towards the environment.
They put a baby in dirty boots on a garden bench for vacationers, they are allowed to pour sand on it, “they don’t notice” when he tears greens, flowers, runs around the lawns. Then they are indignant that "someone" painted the walls in the entrances, made an engraving on the gazebo, a tree, tore out a sheet from someone else's book. On the bus, children are allowed to eat ice cream without worrying that it might stain the clothes of other passengers. So, gradually, indifference is born in children to what does not belong to you personally. Many little things testify to whether the child is thrifty, neat, whether the feeling of the owner matures in him, whether he will pass by a toy forgotten on the site or take it to the group; will he notice that it is time to change the water in the aquarium; that the veranda is dirty and needs to be cleaned, etc.
The joint participation of adults and children in the creation, protection and improvement of public property contributes to the education of a caring attitude towards public good.
-And now each of you will try to come up with 1-2 rules for a real city dweller for children.
A real city dweller will not, for example:
- throw rubbish on the streets;
- play with buttons in the elevator, etc .;
You can come up with your own rules with your child at home, but remember, the main thing is not only to know them, but to strictly, constantly follow them.

5 page. "Folk Wisdom"
Please remember what proverbs you know about the Motherland?
Beloved motherland is like a dear mother.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
On the other side, and the spring is not red.
To live is to serve the Motherland.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

6 page. "What is the Motherland?"
What do you understand by the word motherland? (parents' answers)
If they say the word "Motherland",
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
By the river birch - shy
And chamomile. . .
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.
In the puddles the first boats
Where recently there was ice
And a big neighboring factory
A loud joyful horn.
Or the steppe is red from poppies,
Golden virgin. . .
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!

Dear parents! Fill your home libraries with books, photographs, postcards, city maps, buy poems by local poets, reproductions or paintings by our artists. From early childhood, begin to cultivate love for your native city, for your homeland!

Annex 6 Consultation for parents "Education of patriotic feelings and love for the native city in preschool children"
K. Ushinsky wrote: “A child has nothing to deny, he needs positive food, only a person who does not understand the needs of childhood can feed him with hatred, despair and contempt.”

The feeling of patriotism is so multifaceted in its content that it cannot be defined in a few words. This is love for one's native places, and pride in one's people, for its culture, and a sense of one's inseparability with others, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's country.
Patriotism manifests itself not only in difficult difficult life situations, but also in the everyday working and spiritual life of the people.
However, if this feeling is so complicated, then it is legitimate to talk about it in relation to preschool children? Careful observation of children, the study of their age characteristics, interests allows us to conclude that the older preschooler has a lot of knowledge, and his interests are often associated not only with the present, but also with the future. In the conversations of children, their questions, one can hear judgments about good and evil, about injustice. All this suggests that the education of patriotic feelings can and should be started from preschool age. The catchphrase: “Everything starts from childhood” is the best way to relate to this issue. Thinking about the origins of patriotic feelings, we always turn to the impressions of childhood: this is a tree under the window, and native tunes.
From infancy, the child hears his native speech. Mother's songs, fairy tales open his eyes to the world, emotionally color the present, inspire hope and faith in the good that fairy-tale characters bring us: Vasilisa the Beautiful, Ilya Muromets, Ivan Tsarevich. Fairy tales excite, captivate the child, make him cry and laugh, show him what the people consider the most important wealth - diligence, friendship, mutual assistance. Each nation has its own fairy tales, and all of them, in their own way, with the color characteristic of this people, pass on these moral values ​​from generation to generation. Listening to a fairy tale, the child begins to love what his people love and hate what the people hate. “These are the first brilliant attempts at Russian folk pedagogy,” wrote K. D. Ushinsky, “and I don’t think that anyone would be able to compete in this case with the pedagogical geniuses of the people.”
Riddles, proverbs, sayings - these pearls of folk wisdom are perceived by a child easily and naturally. They contain humor, sadness and deep love for a person, for the fatherland. Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings form the beginning of love for one's people, for one's country.
Very early in the world of the child enters the nature of his native land. A river, a forest, a field gradually come to life for him: from the first general perception, the child moves to concretization - he has favorite corners for playing, a favorite tree, paths in the forest, a place for fishing by the river. This makes the forest, the river their own, relatives, remaining in the memory of a preschooler for life.
Thus, the social and natural environment acts as the first teacher, introducing the child to the Motherland. But without the help of an adult, it is difficult for a child to single out the most essential characteristic in the surrounding life. He may not see the main thing, or take the atypical, secondary for the main thing. “Like a small tree, a caring gardener strengthens the root, on the power of which the life of a plant depends for several decades, so an adult should take care of instilling in children a feeling of boundless love for the Motherland.” Without the help of an adult, it is difficult for children to understand that people are working for the good of the whole country, that the city, village, forest, river that a child sees every day is his homeland.
An adult acts as an intermediary between the child and the world around him, he directs, regulates his perception of the environment. Children still have very little life experience, and because of their ability to imitate and out of trust in an adult, children adopt their assessments of events: what parents say at home about the upcoming subbotnik, how they prepare for the holiday, etc. - their attitude is manifested in everything to a life that gradually educates the child's feelings.
When educating patriotic feelings, it is very important to keep children interested in the events and phenomena of public life, to talk with them about what interests them. It is generally accepted that the upbringing of patriotic feelings in children occurs in the following sequence: first, love is brought up for parents, home, kindergarten, then for the city, for the whole country. However, it is wrong to believe that by cultivating love for parents, we are already cultivating love for the Motherland. Unfortunately, there are cases when devotion to one's home, one's family coexists with indifference to the fate of the Motherland and even with betrayal.
We teach a child from the first years of life to love parents, to help them. A noble feeling of devotion to a dear person, the need for spiritual and emotional closeness with him - all this is very important for the development of the child's personality, for a sense of security and well-being. But in order for these feelings to become the beginning of love for the motherland, it is very important that children see the civilian face of their parents as early as possible, realize them as workers contributing to the common cause.
An important means of patriotic education is to familiarize children with the traditions of the people. For example, to celebrate professional holidays, harvest holidays, to honor the memory of fallen wars, to arrange a send-off for recruits to the army, meetings of veterans, participants in the war. The tradition of honoring the memory of fallen soldiers invariably lives on among the people. There are many monuments and obelisks in our land. People cannot forget those who lie at the Piskarevsky cemetery, who were burned in Khatyn, thrown alive into the mines of Krasnodon and Krasnoye Lug, who are buried in thousands of mass graves. Children should also know about these terrible pages of our history. A child in senior preschool age is already capable of experiencing hatred, resentment, not only for himself personally. Let him cry, listening to the story about the boy, whom the Nazis hanged in front of his mother, about the soldier who, with the last grenade, threw himself under the Nazi tank. Children should not be shielded from strong emotions. Such emotions will not upset the nervous system of the child, but are the beginning of patriotic feelings.
One of the facets of patriotism is the attitude towards the working person. The idea that everything is created by labor, by human hands, that labor brings joy, happiness and wealth to the country, should be born in the mind of the child as early as possible. The heroism of labor shown to him educates his moral feelings no less than the heroism of a military feat. The teacher can advise parents to tell children about their work, what they do, and what it is for.
When acquainting children with the work of adults, it is very important to show them the social significance of this work, its necessity not only personally for some person, but for the whole country. This can be done most clearly by talking about the work of a grain grower. Stories about heroic work, dedication, dedication and courage help to bring up pride in a person who is a hard worker. In the patriotic education of children, the role of books about the defenders of the Motherland is great. Heroism excites and attracts the child, gives rise to the desire to imitate.
When reading a story, a poem to children, it is important to convey the climaxes in the work with their intonations, logical stresses, to make them worry and rejoice. Talking after reading should be done with great care so as not to destroy, but to strengthen the emotional impact. For example, the children read the poem “Why they called their mother Grishka” a courageous, dexterous, smart girl is admired, the children worry about her and rejoice when she manages to get away from the enemy. There is no need to ask many questions about the text of this work. But it is important that all of them are not aimed at presenting the content of the plot, but at the emotional moments “When you listened to the story, were you a little scared?”, “And when were you happy?”, “Which place in the story do you remember the most?” . After the answers of the children, you can read the work again.
One of the favorite books of children is Lev Kassil's book "Your Defenders". Every story in it is an example of heroism.
To love the motherland is to know it. What can a child know about his country, what knowledge does he need in order for the first feeling of love for the fatherland to become conscious and lasting? First of all, the child needs to know about the current life of the Motherland. Examples of labor exploits of people in the name of the well-being and glory of the Motherland, the traditions that the teacher introduces to children help them to realize patriotism as a feeling that manifests itself every day.

It is very important for the education of patriotic feelings and historical knowledge. Turning to literature, the art of the past, as well as to history, is an appeal to the past of one's people. Only those who love, appreciate and respect what has been accumulated and preserved by previous generations can become true patriots.
Love for the motherland becomes a real deep feeling when it is expressed not only in the desire to learn more about it, but also in the desire, the need to work for the good of the fatherland, to take good care of its riches. The role of independent labor activity in the upbringing of the future citizen is extremely important. The affairs of a preschool child are small and not complicated, but they are of great importance for the formation of his personality. It is necessary to encourage the independent activity of children, the motive of which is the desire to do something for the team, for the kindergarten. Not always the guys can figure out for themselves what and how to do. This is where the help of an adult is needed, his advice, an example. In the spring, Sunday is organized for cleaning and gardening the yard, the street where the child lives. “Take a shovel, son, let's go to work,” says the father. And by all means, the next day, when he comes to kindergarten, the son will proudly say: “Yesterday, my dad and I planted a tree in our yard.” Participation in common affairs - educates the child in the master of his country. A loving, caring owner. Work with social motivation must be organized both in kindergarten and at home so that it is systematic, and not from case to case. The child must have constant assignments, not only for self-service, but also for the benefit of others, the entire team. It is only important that this work really has a real meaning for others, and is not far-fetched. All of the above is directly related to the education of patriotic feelings in children.
Consultation for parents "Moral and patriotic education of preschool children"

Much has been written about the importance of introducing a child to the culture of his people, since turning to the father's heritage brings up respect, pride in the land on which you live. Therefore, children need to know and study the culture of their ancestors. It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people, their culture that will help in the future to treat the cultural traditions of other peoples with respect and interest.
The moral and patriotic education of a child is a complex pedagogical process. It is based on the development of moral feelings.
The concept of "Motherland" includes all the conditions of life: territory, climate, nature, organization of social life, features of language and life, but it is not limited to them. The historical, spatial, racial connection of people leads to the formation of their spiritual likeness. Similarity in spiritual life promotes communication and interaction, which in turn gives rise to creative efforts and achievements that give a special identity to culture.
The feeling of the Motherland ... It begins in a child with an attitude to the family, to the closest people - to mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment.
The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what causes a response in his soul ... And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, but, passed through the child's perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.
Russia is the motherland for many. But in order to consider yourself its son or daughter, you need to feel the spiritual life of your people and creatively assert yourself in it, accept the Russian language, history and culture of the country as your own. A true patriot learns from the historical mistakes of his people, from the shortcomings of his character and culture. Nationalism leads to mutual hatred, isolation, cultural stagnation.
“The Russian people should not lose their moral authority among other peoples - the authority worthily won by Russian art and literature. We should not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments, literature, language, art... National differences will remain in the 21st century if we are concerned with the education of souls, and not just the transfer of knowledge.”
That is why the native culture, like father and mother, should become an integral part of the soul of the child, the beginning that generates the personality.
In moral and patriotic education, the example of adults, especially close people, is of great importance. Based on specific facts from the life of older family members (grandfathers and grandmothers, participants in the Great Patriotic War, their front-line and labor exploits), it is necessary to instill in children such important concepts as “duty to the Motherland”, “love for the Fatherland”, “hatred of the enemy”, "labor feat", etc. It is important to bring the child to the understanding that we won because we love our Motherland, the Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, monuments were erected in their honor.
Spiritual, creative patriotism must be instilled from early childhood. But like any other feeling, patriotism is acquired independently and experienced individually. It is directly connected with the personal spirituality of a person, its depth.
Now our national memory is gradually returning to us, and we are starting to treat ancient holidays, traditions, folklore, crafts, arts and crafts in a new way, in which the people left us the most valuable of their cultural achievements, sifted through the sieve of centuries.
1. Surrounding objects that awaken the soul of a child for the first time, instill in him a sense of beauty, curiosity, must be national. This will help children understand from an early age that they are part of the great Russian people.
2. It is necessary to widely use all types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, round dances, etc.). In oral folk art, as nowhere else, the special features of the Russian character, its inherent moral values, ideas about goodness, beauty, truth, courage, diligence, and fidelity have been preserved. Introducing children to sayings, riddles, proverbs, fairy tales, we thereby introduce them to universal moral values. In Russian folklore, words, musical rhythm, and melodiousness are combined in a special way. Addressing children with nursery rhymes, jokes, calls sound like an affectionate saying, expressing care, tenderness, faith in a prosperous future. In proverbs and sayings, various life positions are aptly assessed, shortcomings are ridiculed, and the positive qualities of people are praised. A special place in the works of oral folk art is occupied by a respectful attitude to work, admiration for the skill of human hands. Due to this, folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children.
3. Folk holidays and traditions should play an important role in introducing children to folk culture. They focus the finest observations accumulated over the centuries on the characteristic features of the seasons, weather changes, the behavior of birds, insects, and plants. Moreover, these observations are directly related to labor and various aspects of human social life in all their integrity and diversity.
4. It is very important to familiarize children with folk decorative painting. She, captivating the soul with harmony and rhythm, is able to captivate the children with national fine arts.
Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the educational goal of the program is to familiarize children with all types of national art - from architecture to painting, from dance, fairy tales and music to theater. This is precisely the strategy for the development of the child's personal culture as the basis of his love for the Motherland.
Raising a patriot of one's Motherland is a responsible and difficult task, the solution of which is just beginning in preschool childhood. Planned, systematic work, the use of various means of education, the common efforts of the kindergarten and the family, the responsibility of adults for their words and deeds can give positive results and become the basis for further work on patriotic education.
Advice for parents:
"The role of the family in the education of patriotic feelings among preschoolers."

Patriotic education, interest in the spiritual beginning of our life begins in the family. But the conditions for this today, unfortunately, are few. And the point here is not in the lack of time for parents to have pedagogical conversations with their children, but in our desire to protect them from difficult tasks, work, and spiritual efforts. Each family is its own closed world and its own life, its own joys and sorrows, worries and traditions, its own way of life.
Today the country is going through a difficult stage of its development. There was an unusual lightness and irresponsibility in marital relations, and the tragedy of the breakup of the family often began to be perceived as an everyday practice. At the same time, to our deep regret, children who love both mother and father equally suffer.
In a modern family, most of the time the child communicates with his mother. It is with her that a trusting relationship is formed, anxieties, questions, needs are discussed. However, communication with dad is equally important for children. The more often the father communicates with the child, the closer the emotional ties become, and the earlier the father joins the care of the baby, the stronger and deeper his parental feelings.
It has been established that in families in which parents spend a lot of time talking, playing with children, children develop better. However, it has been proven that children deprived of the opportunity to communicate with their parents or with one of them have increased sensitivity and experience difficulties in establishing contacts with peers. A serious danger for the development of the child is the lack of emotions, affection, warmth, even if the full satisfaction of his physiological needs. Only the constant communication of parents with the child contributes to the establishment of deep emotional ties, gives rise to mutual joy.
Love between children and parents is given by nature itself, love and mutual respect between relatives is the result of joint efforts. There are no two worlds in a family - an adult and a child, there is one world - the family.
Any disruption of communication between generations undermines family foundations and negatively affects the moral atmosphere. When representatives of the older and middle generations are inattentive, unfriendly to each other, the child experiences discomfort from such behavior of adults. If, when communicating with each other, all generations of the family show tact, wisdom, do not raise their tone, take into account the desires and opinions of other family members, jointly experience both grief and joy, real family cohesion is born.
Continuing the theme of the importance of a favorable atmosphere in the family, we are trying to convey to adults that children need not only food, diapers and bright toys, but also an affectionate mother and a caring father. Children need a loving family. To do this, it is necessary to help adults understand how to save a family and how to make all family members trust each other and protect each other. In working with children, more attention should be paid to the games of children in the "family", which instill in them a sense of parental responsibility.
The game of "family" is the most favorite children's game. It is appropriate for an ordinary home evening, and for a fun pastime with guests. The "family" can be played in different ways. It all depends on the mood and imagination. In addition, children can choose not only a “real” family, but also a “doll”, “animal” one.
Raising children in love and respect for parents, reverence for ancestors is one of the leading ideas of pedagogy. Another idea is to raise a future family man from an early age by developing positive moral qualities (industriousness, tolerance, compliance, diligence, modesty, honesty).
Special sociological and psychological-pedagogical studies have shown that the family and the kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other and must interact in the name of the full development of the child.
A preschool educational institution today is the only public institution that regularly and informally interacts with the parents of pupils and has the opportunity to exert a certain influence on the family. As practice shows, and pedagogical research confirms, parents recognize the priority of a preschool institution in solving educational problems, but do not consider it necessary to participate in the pedagogical process.
The family is the main institution where patriotic feelings and consciousness of the future citizen are formed. The primary contact of parents with the child, its duration turns the family into the leading body that educates the patriot. It is in the family that interest arises in the culture, language, history of its people, state, its traditions and customs, and a personality begins to form.
Appendix 7
Recommendations for parents
The upbringing of a little patriot begins with the closest thing to him - his home, the street where he lives, a kindergarten.
o Draw the attention of the child to the beauty of the beauty of his native city.
o During the walk, talk about what objects are on your street, talk about the meaning of each object
o Give an idea about the work of public institutions: post office, shop, library, etc. Observe the work of the employees of these institutions, note the value of their work.
o Together with your child, take part in the work of landscaping and gardening your yard.
o Expand your own horizons and that of your child. Read to him books about the motherland, its heroes. About the traditions and culture of their people.
o Teach your child how to evaluate his actions and the actions of other people.
o Encourage your child to maintain order and good behavior in public places.
The family is the first team of the child, in which he must feel like an equal member.

Appendix 8
Weekend itinerary
"Relax with the whole family"
Purpose: to get acquainted with the possibilities of family recreation.
Tasks: - to acquaint children with the location of the sights of Tula in the city; - fix the names of monuments, obelisks, parks, the names of the people after whom they are named; - instill a sense of pride in one's country.
Our city is a small dot on the map of a vast country. In his fate, as in a mirror, all significant events in the history of the region and the country were reflected. The pages of Tula's biography recreate the spirit of the time and the atmosphere of creation.
Today, the city has new opportunities and conditions for organizing leisure activities for children and adults, so that every citizen can feel like a part of his native city.
Dear parents! Our task is to acquaint preschoolers with the main information not only about our Motherland, but also about our small Motherland!
Indeed, patriotic education must be started from an early age, then the baby begins to meaningfully look at the world around him, and this is the only way to teach a person to truly love his homeland. It is necessary to visit museums, concerts, libraries with children, talk about the nature and history of their native city, and when the children grow up, they will become not just residents, but real patriots of their city.
We offer you a weekend itinerary. Traveling with the whole family to familiar places in our city, you can not only expand the ideas and knowledge of children about the place in which they were born and live, but also have a good time!

Appendix 9
Card file of didactic games.
Didactic game "Buildings of Tula".
didactic task. To form observation in children, the ability to find similarities and differences in the buildings shown in the pictures, activate the children's vocabulary, name the historical monuments of the city, cultivate love for their native city.
Game rules. Select only identical buildings in different pictures. The one who doesn't make a mistake wins. Paired pictures are searched for by the one whom the arrow points to.
Game actions. Search for identical pictures. Arrow rotation.
Game progress.
Children sit at a table with pictures on it. There are many of them (10 - 12), they are all different, but among them there are the same. At the direction of the arrow, the child finds a black-and-white photograph taken several years ago with the image of the same building to a color photograph. The children name the buildings.

Didactic game "Collect a picture"
didactic task. To exercise children in compiling a whole picture from separate parts, through the content of the pictures to consolidate children's knowledge about their hometown, to cultivate love for their small homeland.
Game rules. For a certain time, it is correct to assemble a whole picture from parts.
Game actions. Search, folding parts of the picture.
Game progress.
The teacher, together with the children, examines pictures depicting the sights of the city. Explaining the rules of the game, the teacher recalls the already known rule of how to put together a whole picture from separate parts. Having distributed the pictures, according to the number of players, the teacher says: “Begin!”. Children choose the right parts of their picture. Whoever puts the picture together first gets a token. Then you can exchange pictures and repeat the game. You must have 2 sets of pictures: one consists of whole pictures, the other of their parts (at least 9-12).

Didactic game "Journey around the city"
didactic task. To consolidate the knowledge of children about their hometown, street names, sights of the city.
Game rules. The sequence of the move is determined by the rolled dice, the number of moves by the chips is counted. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first.
Game actions. Throwing a dice, moving a chip across the playing field.
Game progress.
Before starting the game, the teacher, together with the children, examines photographs that depict the sights of the city. A short conversation is held about the names of streets and buildings of the city.
The rules of the game are then explained; you can move around the playing field only with the help of a chip, each time count as many circles as they will be indicated on the die, given that the red circle means - skip a move, green - move back, blue - forward.
The winner will be the one who does not make a mistake, correctly counts the chips and gets to the specified place first.

Didactic game "My city"
game task. To consolidate knowledge about the sights of the city. Identify historical monuments, their location, give their description.
Game rules and game actions depend on the game variant. The itinerary on the map may change.
didactic material. The playing field, on which the location of the most interesting memorable places is marked, cards of the same size with images of monuments, etc. The content of the cards depends on the game option: 1 - the image and name of the sights; 2 - description of memorable places; 3 - numbers indicating the location of the monument on the diagram.
Game progress.
4-5 children can take part in the game. A map-scheme of the city is laid out on the table, children receive cards with the image of memorable places. The teacher offers to go on a tour of the city and shuffles the cards with descriptions, putting them upside down. The game can gradually become more difficult.
1 option. The host takes out cards, naming the monument and the number indicating its location on the map. The guys who have a card with the image of the named attraction close the corresponding place on the diagram with it.
Option 2. The facilitator takes out cards with descriptions, reads the text without naming the monument and the number that indicates its location. Children must guess what exactly the teacher is talking about, name a monument or historical place, find it on the map and lay out the desired card.

Synopsis of the walk "To the monument to the fallen soldiers"
"We need the kids to know about this"
Purpose: - to acquaint the life of people during the Great Patriotic War
Tasks: - to form patriotic feelings, interest in the past of Russia, ideas about heroism; - tell the children about the Victory Parade, about the awards of the Second World War.
Preliminary work: an exhibition of children's works, classes in fine arts, reading fiction, looking at illustrations, listening to music of the war years on record.
Dictionary activation: Fatherland, patriotism, veteran, battle, battle, banner, parade of troops.
Walk progress:
The teacher and children stop at the monument.
Educator: Guys, where are we going?
Children: To the monument to fallen soldiers.
Educator: Let's come closer and look at it. Children, to whom is this monument dedicated?
Children: Soldiers
The teacher's story.
Educator. “June 22, 1941 is one of the saddest dates in the history of Russia, a day that should not be forgotten. On that distant summer day, people were doing their usual things. The students were getting ready for graduation. The girls built huts and played "daughters - mothers", restless boys rode on wooden horses, representing themselves as Red Army soldiers. And no one suspected that pleasant chores, fervent games, and many lives would be crossed out by one terrible word - war. June 22 reminds us of all the dead, tortured in the rear from hunger and deprivation.”
Artistic word.
Dark clouds roll in
Lightnings fall from the sky
In a cloud of flying dust
The trumpets sound the alarm.
Fight a gang of fascists
The Motherland calls the brave.
A bold bullet is afraid
Does not take a bold bayonet.
(A. Surkov)
Summer night at dawn
When the children were sleeping peacefully,
Hitler gave the troops an order!
And sent German soldiers
Against all Soviet people -
It means - against us!
(S. Mikhalkov)
Get up people!
Hearing the call of the earth
The soldiers of the Motherland went to the front.
Their sons were with their fathers.
(V. Gubarets)

Educator: Guys, who can be called the defenders of the Fatherland? (children's answers).
- Yes, people remember those who defend their homeland from enemies, remember those who died defending their country.
Educator: How does he remember them?
(Composes songs, poems, erects monuments, stores materials about the defenders of the Fatherland in museums)
Educator: But there are people who went through the whole war. Returned home from the front. What do we call them?
Children: Veterans.
Educator: That's right, these are our veterans. Let's never forget them too.
Children read poems
Wherever you go, wherever you go,
But stop here
Tomb this road
Bow with all your heart.
Whoever you are - a fisherman, a miner,
A scientist or a shepherd, -
Forever remember: here lies
Your very best friend.
For you and for me
He did all he could
He did not spare himself in battle,
And saved the Motherland.
(M. Isakovsky)

Dasha: "The night before the war"
The school windows were open
lilac bloomed,
Cheerful laughter rang over the fat,
Glowing haze.
Already turned pink
And the surface of the river
And joyfully met the dawn
Smiles, bright clothes,
Around the flowers.
Beautiful youth of hope -
Love, dreams.
It seemed that the wave is pouring
graduation ball,
But who could know
That the world will explode
That night of war?
(O. Volkov)

Educator: We know a lot of proverbs about the Motherland.
There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland.
To live is to serve the Motherland.
The motherland is a mother, and do not be sorry for your mother and give your life.
Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Cheek brings success.
Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.
Teacher: Whose words are these?
Children. Alexander Nevsky.
Final part
Educator. Today, guys, we learned about when the war began, at what cost our people won the Victory. Tell your family and friends about our walk. Talk about this topic with adults at home. Children ask questions, lay flowers, share their impressions, take pictures and return to kindergarten.

Generalized experience on the topic "Formation of a dictionary with the help of didactic games and lexical exercises in children of senior preschool age"

Our time is a time of change. Now Russia needs people who are able to make non-standard decisions, who can think creatively.
However, if this person expresses his thoughts not consistently, not competently, inaccessible to others, then his thoughts and decisions become uninteresting, incomprehensible. Therefore, a modern highly educated person must have a well-developed speech.
Speech is the greatest wealth given to man. And it, like any wealth, can either be increased or imperceptibly lost.
Kindergarten- the first link in the system of public education. Modern pedagogy from didactic gradually becomes developing. Teachers begin to realize and see the results of their upbringing, educational work in the development of the personality of each child, his creative potential, abilities, interests. Even K. D. Ushinsky (23; 233) noted that the central role in the formation of a person belongs to the native language. He said: “By mastering the native language, the child learns not only words, their additions, modifications, but also an infinite number of concepts, views on objects, many thoughts, feelings, artistic images, logic and philosophy of the language and learns easily and quickly, in 2 -3 years is so long that even half of that cannot be mastered in 20 years of diligent and methodical teaching. Such is this great folk teacher-native word. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the kindergarten is the formation of coherent speech among preschoolers.
E. I. Tikheeva (21; 17) pointed out that "the native language, its unhindered and comprehensive development should be placed at the basis of education." In accordance with this, our task, the task of teachers, is to develop the child’s speech, to convey to each of them a love for the word, to instill in them the ability and desire to feel its beauty, to lead the child on an interesting journey through the beautiful country of their native language, to help him overcome all obstacles .
To speak means to have a certain vocabulary, to actively use them, to be able to build a statement, to formulate one’s thought, to understand the speech of others. All this the child learns with the help of an adult in the preschool years. A person improves his speech all his life, mastering the riches of the language.
Each age stage brings something new to his speech development. The most important stages in mastering speech fall on children's age - its preschool and school periods.
A. N. Krupskaya (23; 25) in her pedagogical works considered the question of the formation of children's speech. She considered speech the basis of mental education, the dictionary - its wealth, an important aspect of speech. “The vocabulary of preschool children is not expanding, the horizon is not expanding ... Children must be taught to listen, to develop their speech.” The development of a child's speech is not a spontaneous process. It requires constant pedagogical guidance.
V. Sukhomlinsky said: “Consider the moment when the child said his word as the greatest creative find in your pedagogical activity. At that moment, he climbed one step in his intellectual development.
Quite a few importance thinkers - humanists, enlighteners, teachers of the 18th -19th centuries attached to the problem of the formation of correct speech. (J.J. Rousseau, M. Lomonosov, V.G. Belinsky, Ya.A. Kamensky, K.D. Ushinsky). In their works, questions of the role of speech in the development of the child, in educating them in correct speech were considered.
Today, the issue of the development of coherent speech of preschool children is particularly acute. Every second child needs correction of speech development. Reasons there are many occurrences of such a number of speech development disorders:
deterioration of health;
a significant narrowing of the volume of "live" communication between parents and children;
declining level of everyday culture;
global decline in the level of speech culture in society;
the widespread distribution of low-grade tabloid literature;
poor, illiterate "speaking" from TV screens;
aggressively primitive speech, propagated by television advertising, Western (American) action films and cartoons;
insufficient attention of teachers to the speech development of the child;
imbalance of family education in matters of speech development, which is manifested either in his unreasonable desire for early learning of written speech to the detriment of oral speech, or in an indifferent attitude towards him.
All this creates the prerequisites and a direct threat of an impending linguistic catastrophe, no less dangerous than an ecological one.
All of the above allows us to conclude that among the most important tasks of the educational process with preschoolers is the formation of their coherent speech, and the formation of a dictionary is the basis for the formation of coherent speech of children.

The richness of the vocabulary is a sign of the high development of the child's speech. Vocabulary enrichment is a prerequisite for the development of children's communication skills.
The problem of vocabulary formation occupies an important place in modern speech therapy, and the question of the state of the dictionary and the methodology for its development is one of the topical issues.
A rich vocabulary of a child plays a huge role for the full development. Therefore, I was forced to pay serious attention to the formation of the dictionary.
In my work, I often had to deal with a situation where, at the suggestion to talk with children on any topic (vegetables, professions, animals, etc.), there was a pause at first. Then the children talk about one or two characteristic features of the subject under discussion and there is a pause again. Then the children begin to repeat the answers of their comrades, adding minor changes from themselves. There is a feeling that they did not remember anything from the topic covered, they did not understand. All of them must be "pulled out". This is far from true. They learned a lot, remembered a lot, but they cannot correctly express their knowledge, there is not enough vocabulary activity.
My fears and observations confirmed the results of the diagnostics. Of the 12 children surveyed, only three coped well with the proposed tasks, other children had difficulty in choosing the use of adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Children experienced difficulties in examining the subject on their own, choosing and using words correctly, determining their main properties and features, making changes in the formation of words, making coherent statements, and using explanatory speech.
The problem of the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is one of the most urgent problems. And that is why it is so important to take care of the timely formation of the child's vocabulary of its correctness, "purity". The richer and more correct the child's vocabulary, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full the relationship with peers and adults. Thus, I determined the role of the word as the most important unit of language and speech, its significance in the mental development of the child determine the place of vocabulary work in the general system of work on the development of children's speech in kindergarten.
At preschool age, the game is of great importance in the speech development of the child. Its character determines speech functions, content and means of communication. For speech development, all types of game activities are used. Especially didactic, they reinforce and refine the vocabulary, change the formation of words, exercise in making coherent statements. Dictionary didactic games help the development of both specific and generic concepts, the development of words in their generalized meanings. In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use the acquired speech knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions. They are manifested in the words and actions of the players. Didactic games are an effective means of consolidating grammatical skills, since due to the dialectic, emotionality of the conduct and the interest of children, they make it possible to exercise the child many times in repeating the necessary word forms.
Working with children, I noticed that the best result can be achieved when the child is involved in an activity that is interesting for him. It is important to encourage the child to speech activity, to stimulate his speech activity, both in the process of daily communication and in the process of specially organized training. Therefore, in my work aimed at the formation of a dictionary, I decided to use didactic speech games.
These games will help you:
- to ensure the quantitative accumulation of words;
- master the socially fixed content of words;
- mastering the meaning of words;
- development of the generalizing meaning of the word on the basis of highlighting the essential features of objects and phenomena;
- penetration into the figurative structure of speech and the ability to use it;
- activate the dictionary.
So I set a goal for myself:
To form a dictionary of older preschoolers using didactic speech games and lexical exercises.
Based on the goal, I have identified the following tasks for myself:

1. Form the skills of verbal communication;
2. Enrich the dictionary by switching from passive to active (classification of concepts, selection of synonyms, definitions, associative completion of a word in a sentence)
3. Develop children's memory;
4.Develop logical thinking;
5. Raise a positive attitude towards the world and the people living in it.

Currently, there are many didactic games. The tradition of the widespread use of these games for the purpose of educating and educating children, which has developed in folk pedagogy, has been developed in the works of scientists and in the practical activities of many teachers.
Friedrich Fröbel made a special contribution to preschool pedagogy. He developed a system of didactic games, which is the basis of educational work with children in kindergarten. He was convinced that the task of primary education was not teaching in the ordinary sense of the word, but the organization of a didactic game.
By defining the place of play in the educational process of the kindergarten, Maria Montessori is close to the position of Friedrich Fröbel: the game must be educational, otherwise it is an empty game that does not affect the development of the child.
According to E. I. Tikheeva, the effectiveness of didactic games in the upbringing and education of children depends on how interesting they are to the child, give him joy, allow him to show his activity, independence. Teaching tasks in Tikheeva's didactic games include the formation of mental operations (comparison, classification, generalization), improvement of speech (enrichment of the dictionary, description of objects, making riddles). It was she who believed that the didactic game makes it possible to develop the child's speech. E. I. Tikheeva developed many didactic games that are still used in kindergartens.
In domestic pedagogy, the authors of didactic games are well-known teachers and psychologists: L.A. Wenger, A.P. Usova, E.I. Udaltsova, A.I. Sorokina, A.K. Bondarenko and others.
In my experience, I want to show the influence of didactic games and lexical exercises on the formation of the vocabulary of an older preschooler
Technology. Principles.
When planning and carrying out work on the problem that interested me, I was guided by both general didactic principles and special ones. Namely:
- The principle of accessibility, when the proposed material and the explanations of an adult are understandable and well perceived by children; material and games are selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child;
- The principle of consistency, when children are taught regularly from simple to complex, based on the previous learned material;
-The principle of visibility is based on the fact that a preschool child basically thinks based on specific objects and phenomena; each lesson is built with the maximum use of visual aids: paintings, toys, dummies, tables, etc.;
- The principle of complexity, in which the problem of the development of the lexical system in children is solved not only by conducting specially designated classes for this, but also in all other activities, as well as in free time, on a walk, at home;
- The principle of scientific character, when, performing the proposed tasks, children learn serious and necessary in the future categories and concepts;
- The principle of relying on ontogenesis, when the development of speech in children requires mandatory consideration of ontogenetic features: conditions of birth, pregnancy, the state of general and speech development, as well as taking into account the development of speech in children in the norm;
-The principle of differentiation, in which an individual approach to the child must be combined everywhere with his personal skills and abilities;
- The principle of relying on the leading activity of the age. It is known that the leading activity of a child in the period up to seven years is playing activity, so learning becomes more effective if it is carried out in games: didactic, plot-role-playing, desktop-printed, etc.;
- The principle of taking into account the zone of proximal development, when the problem of speech development in children is built taking into account successful education in a general education school, and in particular the prevention of errors in reading and writing (dyslexia, dysgraphia).
She built all further work based on these principles, using various forms of organizing children. These are frontal, complex, classes in subgroups depending on the level of preparation of children, individual work with children, joint activities of a child and an adult outside of classes, and independent activities of children. Under certain conditions, each of these forms gave its result. In all types of classes, she used various methods (verbal, visual, practical) and techniques.
The first thing I did was to break the upcoming work into stages of solving the main tasks with complications, namely:
1) enrichment of the dictionary, i.e., the assimilation of new words previously unknown to the child.
2) specification of the dictionary, i.e., vocabulary and stylistic work, mastering the accuracy and expressiveness of the language (filling with the content of words known to children, mastering polysemy, synonymy, etc.);
3) activation of the dictionary, i.e. transferring as many words as possible from the passive to the active dictionary, including words in sentences, phrases;
4) elimination of non-literary words, their translation into a passive dictionary (colloquial, dialect, jargon).
Let's dwell on this in more detail:
Dictionary enrichment.
To carry out this task means to contribute to the quantitative accumulation of words that the child needs for verbal communication with others.
The main part of the vocabulary is made up of significant words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, numerals, adverbs). These are the most full-fledged words: they serve as names, express concepts and are the basis in a sentence (they act as subjects, predicates, definitions, additions, circumstances). The enrichment of children's speech should go, first of all, at the expense of significant words. For example: How does a child learn about a new subject. To do this, I direct the child’s thinking so that he learns the features of this subject. on certain grounds:
Sign 1 - what is it? (peas, onion, chair)
2 sign - what color? (green, blue, etc.)
3 sign - what form? (oval round, etc.)
4 sign - what value? (big small)
5 sign - what taste? (sweet, sour)
6 sign - what smell? (fragrant, pleasant, etc.)
Sign 7 - what does it feel like? (soft, hard)
8 sign - what's inside? (grains, bones, screws)
9 sign - where do we use it? etc.
Numerals, which are the most abstract part of the vocabulary, are of great difficulty for the child to master; she calls abstract numbers or the order of objects in counting. For this, I used the games “One, many”, “Pick the right word”, “Select items by quantity”, etc. Enrichment of children's speech with numerals mainly occurs in classes for the development of elementary mathematical representations, but the consolidation and activation of these words should be a special subject of vocabulary work in classes for the development of speech.
To work with children, I used tasks that deepen understanding of the subject, for example: the game “Who is this, what is this?” teaches you to name objects correctly, “Correct Dunno”, “Finish my sentence”, “Why”, “What are the objects made of?” (wood, metal, plastic, fabric, glass) what object is in shape, what size, color.
Preschoolers were given assignments to classify domestic and wild animals, group them according to their ancestry: furniture, toys, vegetables, flowers, transport. “Spread the pictures and choose pets”, “Spot the difference” (brown and polar bear), etc.
She often used the didactic game “Say the other way around” when working with children. Work on antonyms taught children to compare objects and phenomena in terms of time and space, size, color, weight.
To enrich the speech of children with adjectives, she conducted the exercise “What is this?” (round, ruddy, sweet - what is it?)”, as well as speech exercises “Sugar is sweet, but lemon ....”
An important role is played by the enrichment of the speech of preschoolers with words denoting the qualities and properties of objects, as well as elementary concepts. For example: “What can be wide? What can be narrow? “Who will remember and name the parts of the object more?”
The transition to generalizations is possible when the child has accumulated a sufficient supply of specific impressions about individual objects and the corresponding verbal designations. To consolidate the generalizing concepts, I conducted the game “The Fourth Superfluous”, “Pick up a beautiful word, by the way, kitty” (fluffy, funny, fast, smart)
She taught children to differentiate the qualities, properties of objects according to their degree of severity (sour, sour, sweet-sour, sour-sour, sour), as well as previously learned concepts (kitchen, tea utensils). She especially paid attention to familiarizing children with a figurative dictionary, synonyms, epithets, comparisons. Game "Explainers" - explain what it is? (Waterfall - water falls from the mountain)
She also introduced me to the vocabulary used in folklore works (pretty, kids, grass, mother, etc.)
The next area of ​​work with children is:
Consolidation and clarification of the dictionary. This task is understood, first of all, as helping the child to master the generalizing meaning of words, as well as to memorize them.
First of all, words that are difficult for children need special reinforcement: collective nouns - shoes, transport, etc., abstract nouns - beauty, silence, cleanliness, etc., numerals, relative adjectives - city, passenger, iron, etc. etc., as well as words that are complex in sound or morphological terms (sidewalk, subway, excavator). For example: the game "What crawls, flies, walks, rides?" the child pays attention to the variety of words.
Along with fixing the dictionary, she also solved another problem: clarifying the meaning of the word, deepening its meaning. For example, a small child perceives the meaning of the word New Year's holiday only emotionally, it simply means a joyful event for him. The older preschooler already understands the full meaning of this holiday.
Over time, the child understands the meaning of the word more widely, learns to single out and generalize the most significant features of objects and designate them with a word. Words denoting color, material, spatial and temporal concepts need numerous repetition and consolidation. For example: "Combine the words into a story." The child selects several characters and objects, various situations are drawn up on the flannelgraph, which the child talks about.
Exercises in inflection and word formation help in the exact selection of the correct words: What is the name of the bean soup? (bean) "Whose head, whose tail?" (cow, cow)
It is necessary to draw the attention of children to the ambiguity of the word. This is an interesting phenomenon, when the same word denotes different objects (pen - writing accessories, pen - accessories), attracts the attention of children, arouses interest.
Dictionary activation. Vocabulary activation is the most important task of vocabulary work. In the process of this work, I encouraged the children to use the most accurate, appropriate words in their speech. Special techniques for activating the dictionary should arouse the child's attention to the choice of a word, form the accuracy and clarity of speech. These are certain words that children should not only understand, but also use freely, the assimilation of which presents a certain difficulty for preschoolers (right, left, triangle, narrow, etc.). Consequently, the activation of the dictionary is an increase in the number of words used in speech, the content of which is precisely understood by the child. For example, “Literary Lotto”, the presenter calls a literary hero, and the second player gives him a description.
K. D. Ushinsky wrote about this task as follows: “... Calling up words and forms of a language from a child’s memory is very useful: children usually have a large stock of words and forms of their native language, but they don’t know how to use this stock, and this one is then the skill of finding quickly and correctly in memory the required word and the required form is one of the most important conditions for the development of the gift of the word.
Working on synonyms (words that sound different, but have the same or similar meaning) helps to understand the shades of the meaning of the word, to choose the most appropriate word from the entire lexical wealth. Antonyms make you remember and compare objects and phenomena according to their temporal and spatial relationships, size, properties, etc. (cold - hot, thick - thin, morning - evening). The next line of work is:
Elimination of non-literary words. A peculiar task of dictionary work is the elimination of vulgarisms, colloquial words (head, heifers, rushing, etc.) from the speech of children.
There is a phenomenon of taboo (prohibition) of certain words in the language. In kindergarten, I often encounter this phenomenon. For example, we teach children to substitute words for natural functions.
The complexity of the content of vocabulary work goes in the following areas:
1) mastery of the dictionary in unity with the perception of objects and phenomena in general;
For example: When the children got acquainted with the pine tree, they could then make up a story about where the book came from. Having the idea that paper is made from wood shavings.
2) the growth of the dictionary due to the understanding of words denoting the qualities, properties, details of objects and phenomena, their relationships. This process requires the ability for dissected perception, possession of such mental operations as analysis, comparison; For example: selection of adjectives to the noun sun; the sun is not only red and clear, but also hot, blazing, warming, etc.
3) introduction into the lexicon of words denoting elementary concepts. This process assumes that children have the ability to generalize objects and phenomena according to essential features. Consequently, in the implementation of vocabulary work, the unity of the speech and mental development of children is necessary. For example: “Find out the object and the action that this object can perform” (a person runs, a stream runs, a road runs, a fox, milk, time), etc.
Tasks for the formation of the dictionary included in classes in mathematics, modeling, applications, drawing, design. The planned work was distributed evenly throughout the year.
September: examination of children. Preparatory work (recognizing an object by its description, guessing riddles about an object, etc.)
October: compiling a short story - a description of the subject according to its main features (color, shape, material, purpose, etc.)
November: comparison of stories on a set of toys (composing a story by analogy - following the example of a teacher).
December: a comparative description of two items (game items; plants; animals; pieces of furniture) on issues; according to plan; modeled on the teacher.
January: compiling a short story about animals (appearance, habitat, nutrition, what benefits people bring, etc.)
February: compiling a retelling of small works on filmstrips.
March: drawing on the theme of the retold work, followed by drawing up a story according to the drawing.
April May: independent compilation of a retelling of a work that is not large in volume.
Working with children, I often asked myself questions; what should you pay attention to? How to involve a child in the acquisition of knowledge? What can be done to make learning accessible and arouse interest in the child? The didactic games and lexical exercises proposed in the book by S.A. Vasilyeva, N.V. Sokolova “Speech therapy games for preschool children” helped me. The options for the distribution of tasks offered by them turned out to be optimal in solving problems of forming a dictionary. If the tasks were unbearable for the child, she turned to lighter material, and then again returned to those that caused difficulties, as she always remembered the statement of L.S. Vygotsky, who wrote that it is unlikely that a reasonable gardener will pull the plant up to make it faster grew. So I patiently, realistically assessing the abilities of children, went to the goal. The recommendations of the specialists of our kindergarten helped me in this: a speech therapist, a psychologist, a music director, a physical education teacher, a senior educator, a medical worker, since all work in the kindergarten is carried out in conjunction with all specialists under the guidance of the head of the kindergarten.
Working with children with speech pathology, I saw that the development of the child's speech lags behind in terms of formation and is extremely uneven. This is due to the difficulty of mastering the correct speech. In habitual tasks, operating with learned material, children with speech underdevelopment act by means of visual correlation, and when faced with a new, unfamiliar task, they immediately proceed to chaotic actions. They do not know how to use search methods of orientation - trials and trying on, while with normal speech and intellectual development, the child masters search methods in the process of acting with objects.
In this regard, starting work on the formation of a dictionary, with the help of didactic games and lexical exercises, she singled out the following areas in it:
- create conditions for the formation of a dictionary, that is, a developing environment;
- pick up didactic games and lexical exercises on lexical topics;
- the use of didactic games and manuals from simple to complex.

A means is a way of doing something to achieve something. In my work with children, I used the following tools:
- direct observation of the surrounding reality (excursions, work of adults ....);
- recognizing observations, used only when getting acquainted with a new object (when using different analyzers);
- showing an unfamiliar picture, the main thing here is the explanation of an adult;
- showing familiar pictures, children's speech prevails here;
- showing filmstrips, films, talking about what they saw;
- reading works of art;
- looking at toys
- cultural language environment, adult speech;
- different types of art.

Methods and techniques.

Analyzing the work done, we can single out such teaching methods that allowed us to solve the tasks:
1. The method of pedagogical diagnostics (see the results in the appendix)
2. The method of developing visualization All game materials are of a developing nature, including diagrams and models.
3. The method of problem - search - the essence of this method is that the child is not always given specific knowledge, but a problem situation is created, the child himself obtains this knowledge, the work of the child's thought is provided.
4. Method of success - constant stimulation is necessary, therefore the educator must anticipate possible difficulties and unobtrusively help the child.
Based on the methods, forms of work with children were determined. I gave the main or first place to the individual form of work with children, which went through a variety of techniques, joint games between adults and children, organizing speech classes and using didactic speech games and lexical exercises.
Reception "riddle" - guess what is shown in the picture, half closed;
The “find” technique is a task that requires non-standard solutions from children;
Reception "what first, what then" - the child is given a picture, he needs to think out what happened before, what then.
1. Use in speech development classes, techniques that create interest from the very first minutes of the lesson and ensure its preservation until the end of the lesson;
2. After listening to the stories of peers, offer other children to choose the best compositions, argue their choice;
3. Create and stimulate activity motivation;
4. Increasing your professionalism - relying on advanced pedagogical experience:
- A.K. Bondarenko "Didactic games and exercises";
- A.N. Gvozdev "Issues of the study of children's speech";
- V.V. Gerbov "Development of children's speech";
- A.I. Sorokin "Didactic games for children";
- F.A. Sokhin "Development of speech of preschool children";
- E.I. Tikheev "Development of children's speech";
- O.S.Ushakova "The development of children's speech."

Defense of term paper at KSU named after Nekrasov "The role of didactic games and lexical exercises in the formation of the vocabulary of older preschoolers", where research work was carried out to identify the formation of the dictionary in children of older preschool age.
5. Close relationship with the teacher - speech therapist M.F. Andreeva;
6. Developing speech environment in the group. The group has a corner for the development of speech, in which didactic games, lexical exercises are selected in accordance with lexical topics; card indexes of proverbs, sayings, riddles, games that develop speech with movements, a folk calendar, schemes, models, fiction is selected.
7. Creation by me of the educational aid "Didactic Chest of Drawers". The purpose of this manual is a systematic approach to the formation of a dictionary. "Didactic dresser" - these are three desktop landscape panels, each of which combines the study of several lexical topics. For example: "House, my street, my city, transport"; "Autumn, garden, garden, forest, mushrooms." With the help of voluminous toys and objects, children gain knowledge about the objective reality around them, activate their vocabulary and accumulate a passive vocabulary. This chest of drawers is good to use in training sessions as part of it, during the morning and evening hours, in individual work. In the evening, in independent activities, children love the game “What grows where”. They arrange vegetables and fruits according to where they grow.
For example: “This is a plum. Plum is a fruit. It grows in the garden on a tree."
“It's a carrot. Carrot is a vegetable. It grows in the garden in the ground"
The didactic manual "Wonderful Casket" is its goal to activate the children's vocabulary. With the help of tactile sensations through two holes for each hand, the child determines what kind of object it is, describes it, the children guess.
8. Cooperation with the family is an important positive factor influencing the developmental environment in the group and at home. Together with their parents, the project "Journalist" was carried out (see Appendix), where the parents of my pupils were active participants and assistants in organizing weekend cultural programs. During the evening game libraries, parents were frequent guests and participants in events. The game library included didactic games, exercises and role-playing games. Everything corresponded to the studied lexical topic with the selected vocabulary material, since the active and passive vocabulary of preschoolers should be formed in accordance with the structural and semantic principle - only on the basis of systematically built classes can a child receive and consolidate the acquired knowledge with the highest quality and apply them with the greatest efficiency. Parents and children were invited individually, who, according to diagnostics, had a poor vocabulary, with a predominance of nouns and verbs, phrasal speech, but with agrammatisms (violation of the agreement of words in a sentence), simple uncommon sentences prevailed in their colloquial speech. Didactic games and exercises contributed to the involvement of intact analyzers (visual and tactile) in the correctional process. Objects, pictures, manuals, questions, conditions of games were clear and understandable to children and parents, attracted externally. For example, on the theme "Autumn": "The fourth extra", "Guess, we will guess", "Correct mistakes" and exercises "I will start, but you will finish", "Say the opposite", role-playing game "Birthday hare." Parents visited the pedagogical lounge on the topic "Developing the vocabulary of older preschool children." They actively played and completed tasks on the development of the grammatical structure of speech, remembered by what means it was possible to enrich the child's vocabulary, develop interest in the word, in speech, expand knowledge and horizons, which will undoubtedly serve as a good basis for successful schooling. Because in parallel with the development of speech, the child trains memory, attention, he learns to think, draw conclusions, analyze and fantasize, and the parents themselves were convinced of this by playing the games “Pick up the word - standing ..., walking ..., lying ..., sitting .." , "Guess who am I?" - where by the named word should guess who it is. For example, slow, bug-eyed, slippery, hardy, etc. “What does it look like?”, “For what and for whom?”. In conversations with parents, she paid special attention to the vocabulary of the lexical topic. At their request, I decided to publish a weekly consultation "Glossary" on each lexical topic. This contributed to the acquisition of practical skills in teaching adults to use pedagogical knowledge in organizing children's games at home. I was convinced that the children with whom they play more have a large amount of vocabulary, and the very participation of parents in the game is necessary for children to show interest in the very process of the game, that is, to give children new situations in which new words will appear and expressions, and it is also necessary to talk with children about the essence of their games, thereby enriching their vocabulary.

The results of the diagnostics showed that the formation of a dictionary requires further systematic work and specially organized training.
Constant individual-correctional work is needed, because children come to the group at the age of five and with various speech disorders, but during the period of the visit, the children achieve certain significant successes, namely:
- enrichment of the dictionary, due to the accumulation of quantitative words: nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, adverbs;
- consolidation and clarification of the dictionary, the appearance in the vocabulary of the concept of polysemantic words, generalizing concepts;
- removing the vocabulary from passive to active, increasing the number of words, the content of which is precisely understood by the child.

Senior group
Beginning of the school year Out of 12 children, 2 people mastered at a high level - nouns

Out of 12 children, 0 people mastered at a high level - adverbs
Senior group
End of the school year Out of 12 children, 2 people mastered at a high level - nouns
Of the 12 children, 2 people mastered at a high level - adjectives
Of the 12 children, 2 people mastered at a high level - verbs
Of the 12 children, 2 people mastered at a high level - adverbs
preschool group
Beginning of the school year Out of 12 children, 4 people mastered at a high level - nouns
Of the 12 children, 4 people mastered at a high level - adjectives
Out of 12 children, 3 people mastered at a high level - verbs
Of the 12 children, 2 people mastered at a high level - adverb

Best results: (according to diagnostic results):
Understanding and using everyday vocabulary (nouns);
Understanding and using generalizing concepts (nouns);
Knowledge of words denoting tools, materials used by a person in the process of labor activity (nouns).
There is a lot of work to be done on learning and using words denoting color, qualities, properties of objects.
Knowledge of words - adverbs denoting a sign of action. For this
a card file of didactic games and lexical exercises was created:
Games: Stop! The ball stopped”, “Complete the sentence”,
“For what and by whom it was made”, “Where was Petya”, “Toy store”, “Who will name more objects”, “Nature and man”, “Who will come let him take”, “Who needs what”, “Do you know? » etc. Lexical exercises: “Finish the sentence”, “What are you doing?”, “Execute the command!”, “Don't make a mistake”, “What? Which? Which? What?”, “Where is my mother?”, “Guess riddles, draw riddles”, “It's the other way around”, etc.
At the end of the school year, children were able to express their thoughts well, build common sentences, compose a coherent story, logically leading the content of some events; were able to notice mistakes, correct them; invent and fantasize on various proposed topics.
The peculiarity of my work is that I work in a compensatory group for children with speech disorders. The experience that I have summarized has a positive trend and, therefore, can be used in the work of other teachers of preschool educational institutions, since it reveals the concept of forming a dictionary of older preschool children through the solution of certain tasks and systems based on an integrated approach.
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