Complicated forms of a simple verbal predicate. Complicated verbal predicate

In Russian syntax, it is customary to distinguish three types (or types) of predicates: simple verb, compound verb, compound nominal. In this article, we will talk about the latter.

What does a compound nominal predicate consist of?

A compound nominal predicate is a predicate that includes a nominal part. But this is not its only part, because it is not by chance that it is called composite.

Although we call this predicate nominal, it does not always include those parts of speech that are called names (noun, adjective and numeral).

The nominal part expresses the main meaning of the predicate, but cannot convey important grammatical features: time, attitude to reality. Therefore, the second part is also present in the proposal. This is a linking verb that is in the correct form.

linking verb

Usually, the linking verb “to be” is used, which does not add any additional meaning to the sentence, but only makes a grammatical connection and expresses the grammatical features of the predicate: tense, mood.

In the present tense, the linking verb "to be" is omitted, but this does not mean that it does not exist. You just need to talk about the zero link.

Less often in sentences there are "semi-links": become, become, appear, etc.

Nominal part

The nominal part of the predicate can be expressed by almost anything: any part of speech, except for the gerund and the verb in a personal or impersonal form, as well as a phraseological unit and a syntactically indivisible combination. In this case, it does not convey the verbal meaning (action or state), but characterizes the subject in some very important aspect. In this case, the predicate answers questions "What it is?

”, “What?”, “What is reported about the subject?”

Here are examples of a nominal predicate with different ways of expressing the nominal part:

The cat is a pet.

Life is Beautiful !

Yegor became an agronomist.

The die is cast!

Porridge was licking your fingers.

How to distinguish the linking verb "to be" from the independent predicate "to be"?

The verb "to be" also has its own meaning, which scientists call "existential": it says that something is in reality. for example, "Oli had a scooter". This sentence states that Olya actually had a scooter. Here the verb "to be" is a simple verbal predicate.

It is actually not difficult to distinguish a knitting verb from an independent predicate. The linking verb in the present tense disappears, but the predicate, of course, remains. That is, it is enough to put the proposal at the present time, and everything becomes clear.

Consider our example.

Olya had a scooter. - Olya has a scooter.

Compare with a sentence in which the verb "to be" performs the function of a linking verb.

The scooter was red. - The scooter is red.

The link is zero. Before us is a compound verb predicate.

Which sentences contain a compound nominal predicate?

Compound nominal predicates are found in any two-part sentences, including those complicated by homogeneous or isolated members: The house has been restored. The house has been restored and is up for sale.(complicated by homogeneous predicates). House by the river restored(complicated by a separate definition).

Complicated forms of a simple verbal predicate include a combination of two verbs or a combination of a verb with different particles. This includes:
A combination of two verbs in the same form, of which the first indicates the action, and the second - the purpose of this action: I will go for a walk in the garden; Sit down and write a letter to your mother.
Connection with the help of unions and, yes, yes, and the form of the verb to take and the same form of another verb to denote an arbitrary action, due to the personal whim of the subject: I will take and do the opposite; He took it and left completely.
A combination of two single-root verbs and a particle not between them, with the modal meaning of impossibility: We are waiting for spring; Breathe not inhale the wonderful, mountain air.
The combination of the infinitive with the personal form of the same verb, which is preceded by the particle not, to enhance the negative meaning of the predicate: It does not work itself, and it interferes with others.
The combination of turnover is only doing (doing, doing, etc.), which is followed by a verb in the same form to indicate the intensity of the action: He only does what he draws.
Repetition of the predicate to indicate the duration of the action: Food, food in an open field.
The repetition of the predicate with an intensifying particle is so to indicate an action that has been fully implemented: I really sang so sang.
The connection of the verb with the particle know or know for yourself to denote an action that is performed despite obstacles: And he knows himself chuckles.

Complicated types of compound predicates

In speech, quite often you can find compound predicates, which consist not of two, but of three (and sometimes four) structural parts.

Structural complication of compound verbal predicate

1. Auxiliary parta compound verbal predicate can be expressed not by a verb, but by a compound nominal predicate (link + short adjective / adverb).

Complicated CGS = SIS + subjective infinitive

He must leave.

As in any compound verbal predicate, two parts can be distinguished here: the main part is expressed by the subject infinitive ( leave ). Auxiliary part - short adjective should - has a modal meaning, but unlike modal verbs ( maybe wants ) adjective cannot indicate tense and mood. Therefore, the adjective requires a verb copula (in this case it is a verb be in null form). Therefore, inside the compound verbal predicate, one more thing can be distinguished - a compound nominal micropredicate ( should + zero link).

Modal short adjectives most often act as the nominal part of such micropredicates:; noun with preposition in condition ; adverbs: it is necessary, it is necessary, it is impossible, it is possible, it is a pity, it is a pity and etc.

This predicate is actually not complicated. In Russian, for example, there are no verbs with the modal meaning of obligation, necessity, inevitability, etc. These meanings are always expressed by short adjectives or adverbs. Therefore, compound verbal predicates with such a meaning of the auxiliary part always include in their composition a compound nominal micropredicate.


Adjectives: must, must, ready, compelled, able, glad, adverbs: need, need, can't, can, sorry- very often confused with verbs, because they are similar in function to them.

Check yourself in the above way: put the micropredicate in the past tense - they will not have a suffix -l, but a bunch was, was, was, were(was forced, had to, was sorry, had to).

2. Main body of a compound verbal predicate can be represented by a compound verbal predicate: an infinitive with a phase or modal meaning and an infinitive with a main lexical meaning.

Complicated cgs = auxiliary verb + cgs

He wanted to start working.

Main part (get started ) can act as an independent compound verb predicate (cf.:He started to work).

3. Auxiliary partcompound verbal predicate is expressed by a compound nominal micropredicate with a modal meaning (must, must, must, cannot etc.) and the main part expressed by a compound verbal predicate (two infinitives).

Complicated SGS = SIS + SGS

He was forced to start working.

Auxiliary part ( was forced ) - a compound nominal predicate with a modal meaning and an independent predicate cannot be. Main part ( start working ) is expressed by two infinitives (the first - with a phase meaning, the second - with the main lexical meaning). In another context, these two verbs can become an independent compound verb predicate (cf.:He started to work).

Structural complication of compound nominal predicate

A compound nominal predicate can also be complicated if its copula (in this case it is put in an indefinite form) is complicated by conjugated forms of phase or modal verbs (or compound nominal predicates with a modal meaning).

Complicated SIS \u003d auxiliary verb + copula-infinitive + nominal part

I I want to become a doctor.

In this case, the predicate consists of the union of two predicates: a compound nominal ( To become a doctor ) and compound verb ( I want to be ). Sometimes such a predicate is called complex or mixed.

Complicated SIS \u003d compound nominal micropredicate + copula-infinitive + nominal part of SIS

I should have become a doctor.

In this case, the predicate can be represented as a combination of three predicates: a compound nominal ( had ), compound verb (should have become) and compound nominal ( To become a doctor ).

Plan for parsing a complicated predicate

  1. Indicate the type of predicate according to the part in which the main lexical meaning is expressed (complicated compound verbal predicate, complicated compound nominal predicate).
  2. Disassemble each part of the predicate according to the corresponding plan.

Sample parsing

I must leave today.

Gotta leave - a complicated compound verb predicate. Main part leave expressed by the subjective infinitive. Auxiliary part should has a modal meaning and is expressed by a compound nominal predicate, in which the main part should be expressed by a short adjective; zero connective indicates the present tense of the indicative mood.

I I want to become a doctor.

I want to become a doctor become a doctor ; auxiliary part want has a modal meaning and is expressed by a verb in the present tense of the indicative mood.

I should become a doctor.

Should be a doctor- a complicated compound nominal predicate. nominal part ( doctor ) is expressed by a noun in the instrumental case; semisignificant copula become is part of a compound verbal predicate in which the main part is expressed by the infinitive become ; auxiliary part should has a modal meaning and is expressed by a compound nominal predicate. It has a nominal part should expressed by a short adjective; zero connective indicates the present tense of the indicative mood.

only a conjugated full-valued verb or a lexicalized combination of a verbal component with others contains both the name of the action feature and indicators of the grammatical meanings of the predicate. Such forms of the predicate cannot have a complete paradigm of modal-temporal forms and are unproductive. The forms of a simple predicate represented by verbal phraseological units and descriptive verb-nominal phrases should also be classified as unproductive: Sometimes you look and think: but I’m not a match for him Maxim Gorky ....

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Simple verbal predicate. Complicated forms

A simple predicate can only be a verb, because only a conjugated full-valued verb (or a lexicalized combination of a verbal component with others) contains both the name of the attribute (action) and indicators of the grammatical meanings of the predicate.

A simple verbal predicate is represented in Russian by various forms. The most productive is the predicate, expressed by a conjugated full-valued verb in direct use of the forms of mood, tense, person: It would be better if she hit me, this beauty! (Maxim Gorky) This predicate has a complete paradigm of modal-temporal forms.

The so-called relative use of verb forms of mood or tense (one form in the meaning of the other) introduces additional shades into the predicate. So, in the sentence Akim (Turgenev) fall in love with this Dunyasha and fall in love, the imperative mood is used in the meaning of the indicative. Such forms of the predicate cannot have a complete paradigm of modal-temporal forms and are unproductive.

The forms of a simple predicate, represented by verbal phraseological units and descriptive verbal-nominal phrases, should also be classified as unproductive: Sometimes you look and think: but I tell himI'm not up to the mark(Maksim Gorky). Their use has expressive-stylistic limitations; in addition, some verbal phraseological units (whistling into a fist, remember your name, etc.) may not have certain forms of mood and tense.

The unproductiveness of these forms of the predicate does not mean their low use, as well as their “inferiority”. On the contrary, they may have an advantage over the "free" conjugated forms of the verb in semantic and especially in emotionally expressive terms. The unproductiveness of this kind of predicate lies in the irregularity of the formation of modal-temporal forms or in their limited implementation in certain styles of speech.

A special unproductive group of a simple verbal predicate is represented by inconsistent, unchangeable forms - the infinitive and the "truncated" (interjective) form: Tatyana ah! and he roar (Pushkin). These forms are used mainly in the meaning of the indicative mood. Like the temporal, this meaning is not formally expressed, and there are no formal indicators of the dependence of the predicate on the subject. The predicate is emphasized intonation. Each of the inconsistent forms introduces an additional expressive shade into the meaning of the predicate: truncated - intensity, swiftness of action, infinitive - an energetic start to action (or determination to act immediately).

Forms of a simple verbal predicate can be complicated by particles or repetitions: And he, the hare, has a heart so it will roll ! (Saltykov-Shchedrin); And new friendshugging, kissing(Krylov). The complicating element does not change the real meaning of the predicate, the meanings or shades introduced by it have an abstract modal-expressive character: assessments of the mode of action or the attitude of the speaker to action. The elimination of a particle or a repetition does not destroy the predicate - only the additional meaning is lost (cf .: The hare has a heart will roll; Friends - hug).

The particles complicating the predicate are numerous and varied in meaning. The particle to yourself (know to yourself) expresses a shade of inflexibility of action, indicates its flow despite obstacles: Looks to himself dried vobla, without blinking, on human delusions and know yourself throwing stones (Saltykov-Shchedrin). A similar meaning can be expressed by a particle like this: Doctor Voznesensky never came to tea at four o'clock (Sergeev-Tsensky). But most often this particle indicates the completeness, intensity or duration of action: Both hares so they died (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

Repetition as a formal means of complicating the predicate consists in combining two identical conjugated forms of the same verb or a conjugated form and an infinitive, as well as a conjugated form with a single-root adverb in -om, -my (they shout with a cry, roar with a roar, etc.). Repetition in the form of doubling the conjugated forms of the verb introduces a shade of duration, completeness of the action: Shoemaker fought, fought and finally grabbed his mind (Krylov). The combination of an infinitive with a single-root conjugated form has an additional shade of concession or doubt about the appropriateness of the action: Remember, I remember , what's the point? (from newspapers).

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Complicated forms of a simple verbal predicate include a combination of two verbs or a combination of a verb with different particles. This includes:

1. A combination of two verbs in the same form, of which the first indicates the action, and the second - the purpose of this action: I will go for a walk in the garden; Sit down and write a letter to your mother.

2. Connection with the help of unions and, yes, yes, and the form of the verb to take and the same form of another verb to denote an arbitrary action, due to the personal whim of the subject: I will take it and do the opposite; He took it and left completely.

3. A combination of two single-root verbs and a particle not between them, with the modal meaning of impossibility: We are waiting for spring; Breathe not inhale the wonderful, mountain air.

4. The combination of the infinitive with the personal form of the same verb, which is preceded by the particle not, to enhance the negative meaning of the predicate: It does not work itself, and it interferes with others.

5. The combination of turnover only and do (doing, doing, etc.), which is followed by a verb in the same form to indicate the intensity of the action: He only does what he draws.

6. Repetition of the predicate to indicate the duration of the action: Food, food in an open field.

7. Repetition of a predicate with an intensifying particle so to indicate an action that has been fully implemented: I really sang so sang.

8. The combination of the verb with the particle know or know for yourself to denote an action that is performed despite obstacles: And he knows himself chuckles.