A parable in the work of a psychologist. Need absolute faith

Psychological parables =)

see the sea

In a poor village, a boy was born. He spent his days mindlessly, mechanically and monotonously, just like the rest of the inhabitants of this dying village, having no idea what to do with his own life. And one fine night he dreamed of the sea. None of the villagers had ever seen the sea, so no one could confirm that such boundless water exists somewhere in the world.
And when the young man announced that he was going to go in search of the sea from his dream, everyone twisted his finger at his temple and called him a madman. But he, in spite of everything, set off on his journey and wandered for a long time until he found himself at a fork in the road. Here he chose the road that led straight, and a few days later he reached the village, whose inhabitants led a calm, prosperous life. When the young man told them that he was wandering, dreaming of finding the sea, they began to convince him that he was wasting his time and it would be better for him to stay in this village and live as happily as everyone else.
For several years the young man lived in abundance. But one night he again dreamed of the sea, and he remembered his unfulfilled dream. The young man decided to leave the village and set off again. After saying goodbye to everyone, he returned to the fork and this time went in a different direction. He walked for a long time until he reached a big city. I admired its hubbub and diversity and decided to stay there. He studied, worked, had fun and eventually completely forgot about the purpose of his journey.
However, a few years later he again saw the sea in a dream and thought that if he did not fulfill the dream of his youth, he would waste his life. Therefore, he again returned to the fork and chose the third road, which led him into the forest. In a small clearing, the young man saw a hut, and next to it, not too young, but a beautiful woman, who hung out washed linen. She invited him to stay with her, as her husband went to war and did not return. The young man agreed.

For many years they lived happily, raised children, but one day our hero, who had already grown old, was again visited by a dream about the sea. And he left everything with which he had been associated for many years, returned to the fork and set off on the last path, hitherto unknown to him, very steep and rocky. He walked with difficulty and began to fear that he would soon be completely exhausted.

Once at the foot of a large mountain, the old man decided to climb it in the hope of at least from a distance to see the sea from his dreams. A few hours later, at the end of his strength, he reached the top of the mountain. Boundless expanses stretched before him: the old man saw a fork in the road and a village in which the inhabitants led a prosperous life, and a big city, and the hut of a woman with whom he had spent many happy years. And in the distance, on the horizon, I saw a blue, endless sea.
And before his tormented heart stopped, the moved old man, through tears of regret, also noticed that all the roads along which he walked led to the sea, but he did not go through any of them to the end.

Be positive!

Once upon a time there were little frogs who organized running competitions.
Their goal was to climb to the top of the tower.
There were many spectators who wanted to watch these competitions and laugh at their participants...
The competition has begun...
The truth is that none of the spectators believed that the frogs could climb to the top of the tower.
The following remarks were heard:
"It's too hard!"
"They will never get to the top"
"No chance! The tower is too high!”
The little frogs started to fall. In sequence...
...Except for those who had a second wind, they jumped higher and higher...
The crowd was still yelling “Too hard! No one can do it!"
More frogs got tired and fell down...
...Only one rose higher and higher...
That one did not succumb!
In the end, everyone gave in. Except for that one little frog who made it to the top with all his might!
Then all the frogs wanted to know how he did it?
One participant asked, how did this frog, who made it to the top, manage to find strength in himself?
Turns out the winner was deaf!
Never listen to people who try to convey their pessimism and negative mood to you...
...they rob you of your most cherished dreams and desires. The ones you cherish in your heart!
Don't forget the power of words.
Everything you hear or read affects your behavior.

jar of life

The students had already filled the auditorium and were waiting for the lecture to begin. Here the teacher appeared and put a large glass jar on the table, which surprised many:
-Today I would like to talk to you about life, what can you say about this bank?
"Well, it's empty," someone said.
-Absolutely, - the teacher confirmed, then he took out a bag with large stones from under the table and began to put them in a jar until they filled it to the very top, - And now what can you say about this bank?
Well, now the jar is full! - again said one of the students.
The teacher took out another bag of peas, and began to pour it into a jar. Peas began to fill the space between the stones:
-And now?
-Now the jar is full! - the students began to repeat. Then the teacher took out a bag of sand, and began to fill it in a jar, after some time there was no free space left in the jar.
- Well, now the bank is definitely full - the students began to buzz. Then the teacher, smiling slyly, pulled out two bottles of beer and poured them into a jar:
- And now the jar is full! - he said. “Now I will explain to you what just happened. The bank is our life, stones are the most important things in our life, this is our family, these are our children, our loved ones, everything that is of great importance to us; peas are those things that are not so significant to us, it can be an expensive suit or car, etc.; and sand is all the smallest and most insignificant in our life, all those small problems that accompany us throughout our lives; so, if I first filled the jar with sand, then neither peas nor stones could be placed in it, so never let various little things fill your life, closing your eyes to more important things. That's all for me, the lecture is over.
- Professor, - one of the students asked - what do beer bottles mean???!!! The professor smiled slyly again.
- They mean that, no matter what the problems, there is always time to relax and have a couple of beers!

Not ready yet
Zeus and Hera sat in heaven, surveying the plight of humanity. Hera was very touched by the poor man, who bowed under the weight of his problems, his hunger and the suffering of his family, which had long been no laughing matter.
My lord, - she turned to Zeus, - be merciful. Send help to this man. Look, he's so poor that his sandals are tied together with seaweed.
- My love, - answered Zeus, - I would be glad to help him, but he is not ready yet.
"Shame on you," Hera replied angrily. - After all, nothing is easier for you than to throw a bag of gold on the ground in front of him so that all his problems leave him forever.
“Ah, well, this is a completely different matter,” the creator of the universe replied.
Bright lightning and thunder pierced the cloudless skies. The world seemed to stop for a moment, but then the birds began to chirp their songs again, and the cicadas began to chirp even louder.
A sack full of splendid gold lay in the road in front of the poor man, who carefully lifted his foot and stepped over it so as not to damage his sandals. And went on...

save one star
A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy who was picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him from all sides. It seemed that there were millions of starfish on the sand, the shore was literally dotted with them for many kilometers.
- Why are you throwing those starfish into the water? the man asked, coming closer.
- If they remain on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins, they will die, - the boy answered, without stopping his occupation.
- But it's just stupid! the man shouted. - Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the coast is just dotted with them. Your attempts won't change anything!
The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:
- No, my attempts will change a lot... for this star.

wind and flower

The wind met a beautiful Flower and fell in love with it. While he gently caressed the Flower, it responded to him with even greater love, expressed in color and aroma.
But this was not enough for the Wind, and he decided: "If I give the Flower all my power and strength, then he will give me something even more." And he breathed on the Flower with a powerful breath of his love. But the Flower could not bear the stormy passion and broke down.
The wind tried to lift him up and revive him, but couldn't. Then he calmed down and breathed on the Flower with a gentle breath of love, but he withered before his eyes. Then the wind shouted:
- I gave you all the power of my love, and you broke down! It can be seen that you did not have the power of love for me, which means that you did not love!
But the Flower didn't answer. He died.
The one who loves must remember that love is measured not by force and passion, but by tenderness and reverent attitude. It is better to hold back ten times than to break once.

The most important

Once upon a time there was a leader, and three questions tormented him all his life: what is the most important time, who is the most important person, what is the most important thing?
The leader thought: if I knew the answer to these three questions, I would conquer the whole world, I would do whatever I wanted, and the people would revere me as a great sage.
A multitude of countless people passed before the leader, a whole host of pundits, but no one answered these questions. Rumors once reached the leader that a certain hermit lives in the distance and he is famous for his wisdom. The leader ordered him to saddle his horse and rode off to look for the hermit himself. He rides through the thicket of the forest and sees: there is a shack, and next to it a decrepit old man is hoeing the earth. He hardly falls down from fatigue, but he does not let go of his hoe. The leader jumped down to the ground, approached, bowed to the elder.
- I came to you to get an answer to my three questions. What is the most important time? Who is the most important person? What is the most important thing?
The hermit listened to him, did not say anything in response, know that he is digging the earth.
“You must be tired, let me help you,” the leader suggested. I took a hoe from the hermit and began to work. Then he repeated his three questions again. And this time the hermit did not answer, only said to return the hoe. But the leader does not even want to listen to him, he does not give up the hoe, he himself decided to bring the matter to the end. Suddenly he sees: a man is coming towards him, his face is all wounded, covered in blood. The leader stopped him, comforted him with a kind word, went to the stream, brought water, washed his wounds, bandaged him. He asked the wounded to drink - the leader gave him a drink. Then he took me to a shack, put me to bed. Yes, and he began to get ready for bed - the evening had already fallen.
In the morning he went back to the hermit. He looks - he is planting seeds in the soil that he loosened yesterday.
“Wise hermit,” the leader pleaded, “can you really not answer my questions?”
- Enough for you, - he said, - you have already answered them yourself.
“And I didn’t hear any answers,” the leader was amazed.
- You, seeing my old age and weakness, took pity on me and volunteered to help. If you had not stayed here yesterday, the robbers on the road would have killed you, those who mutilated the traveler's face.
The leader from amazement cannot utter a word, and the hermit further speaks:
- The most important time is when you dug the earth, helped me. The most important person at that time was me, and your help is the most important thing. A wounded man came - and he became the most important thing, and your help to him turned out to be the most important thing.
Little by little the leader understood the meaning of the hermit's words.
- Remember, - said the hermit in parting, - the most important time is today, the most important person is the one who is near at this time. And the most important thing is to do good for those who are nearby, because this is what we were born for.
The hermit fell silent, began to sow seeds, and the leader jumped on his horse and galloped to the palace. For the rest of his life, he remembered the parting words of the hermit, and the glory of the generosity and justice of that leader spread throughout the world.

Parable about Robinson

When one day Robinson made an attempt to sail around the island in a boat he had made, and it suddenly began to be carried away by the current into the open ocean, he clearly understood how easily the most bleak situation can become even more bleak.
“Such is human nature,” he concluded in his diary. “We never see our position in its true light until we experience a situation even worse, and we never appreciate the benefits that we have until we lose them.”

Once again about the value of time

To understand the meaning of the year, talk to a student who failed an exam.
To understand the value of one month, talk to a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To understand the value of one week, talk to the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To understand the value of one hour, talk to lovers who are waiting to meet.
To understand the value of one minute, talk to someone who missed the train.
To understand the value of one second, talk to someone who has just been in a car accident.
To understand the value of one millisecond, talk to an athlete who won a silver medal at the Olympics.
Ask a computer hardware designer about the nanosecond.
Every second of your life is worth its weight in gold.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is not clear at all.
Today is a gift. That is why it is called REAL.

Dad and son once went to the mountains, and the son, hitting a stone, shouted:
And he hears with surprise:
The boy asked:
- Who are you?
And he answered:
- Who are you?
Angry at this answer, the boy shouts:
- Coward!
And he answered:
- Coward!
The boy asks his father: “What is going on?”
The father smiled and said, "Listen to me carefully."
The father cries out:
- I respect you!
To him in reply:
- I respect you!
- You are the best.
They answer him:
- You are the best.
The boy remained in surprise, and then dad explained to him: “This phenomenon is called “echo”, but, in truth, this is called life ... It gives you everything you say and do.”

Parable about how to change the world

A long time ago, this man lived in a certain city. He lived for himself and lived until he realized at one fine moment that our world is imperfect. This is normal, thoughts about the imperfection of the world come sooner or later to the minds of many people. But our hero was a very special person, he decided to change the world. He decided to make the world beautiful, friendly, good and perfect.
And this man said "Give me seven years and I will change the world!". And for seven years this man met with the leaders of states, organized large-scale actions to change the world, attracted hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people to spiritual practices, and worked tirelessly all these years. He became a very famous and respected person, but seven years have passed. And the world: remained the same.
Then he said to himself, “Probably, it is very difficult to change the whole world. Therefore, I will change my country first, and other countries will see how good we have become, and they will also change. It will take longer, but it will definitely change the world. Give me 700 days and I will change the country."
He came to the president of the country, received all the necessary powers, because he was a respected and famous person. All these hundreds of days, the man worked almost around the clock, he met with the heads of large factories, with the leaders of political parties, heads of regions and simply popular actors and famous people. But after seven hundred days, his country remained the same.
"Damn it!" said the man. “If I didn’t succeed in changing my country, then I will at least change my hometown! Give me 7 months and I will change the city! During this time he met with every inhabitant of his native city, he hardly slept during this time, he showed inhuman activity, but: the city remained the same.
Then the person got completely angry - he did so much for this world, for this country, for this city, and they remained the same. Then he decided to change his wife. And he took 7 weeks for this. And you probably already know the result. His wife remained the same.
Then the man sat down for the first time in many years and thought - maybe it is possible to change yourself first? He took seven days for himself. And in seven days he changed, and when he changed, his wife, his city, his country and his world changed.

Interview with God

I once dreamed that I was interviewing God.
So you want to interview me? God asked me...
If you have time, I said...
God smiled.
My time is eternity. What questions would you like to ask me?

What surprises you the most in people?
And God answered...
- They are bored with childhood, they are in a hurry to grow up, and then they dream of becoming children again.
- They lose health while earning money... And then they lose money while restoring health.
- They think so much about the future that they forget the present so much that they live neither in the present nor in the future.
“They live as if they will never die, and they die as if they never lived.”
His hand took mine and we were silent for a while...

And then I asked:
As a parent, what life lessons would you like your children to learn?
- Let them know that it is impossible to force someone to love them. All they can do is allow themselves to be loved.
- Let them know that it is not good to compare yourself with others.
Let them learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness.
“Let them remember that it takes only a few seconds to hurt a loved one, but it can take years to heal those wounds.
Let them understand that it is not the one who has more who is rich, but the one who needs less.
- Let them know that there are people who love them very much, they just have not yet learned how to express their feelings.
-Let them realize that two people can look at the same thing... but see it differently...
“Let them know that it is not enough to forgive each other, they must also forgive themselves.
Thank you for your time,” I said timidly.

Is there anything else you would like to pass on to your children?
God smiled and said, "Let them know that I am here for them... always."

Free choice

Once upon a time there was one teacher. This strange man remained happy all his life, the smile did not leave his face for a second! His whole life was as if filled with the aroma of a holiday ...
And even on his deathbed, he continued to laugh merrily. He seemed to enjoy the coming of death! His students sat around - puzzled, bewildered - and perplexed.
And finally, one of them could not stand it and asked:
- Teacher, why are you laughing? You have been laughing all your life. But we did not dare to ask you how you manage to do it. And now we are completely confused. Dying, you continue to laugh! But what's so funny about that?!
And the old man replied:
- Many years ago I came to my Teacher. I was then young and stupid, as you are now. I was only seventeen years old, and I was already a sufferer - exhausted and embittered at life. My Master was then seventy, and he laughed just like that, without any reason.
I asked him, "How do you do it?"
And he replied: “I am free in my choice. And this is my choice. Every morning, when I open my eyes, I ask myself: "Which will you choose today - bliss or suffering?"
And so it turns out that since then every morning I choose bliss. But it's so natural!
(c) Angel de Coitet, "The Golden Ratio"

master of his word

One day a friend asked the mullah after listening to his youthfully inspired sermon:
- Mulla, most respected, how old are you?
Mulla looked at the young man and replied:
“I am much older than you dried your shirts in the sun. My age is not a secret, I am forty years old.
About twenty years passed, and both friends met again. Mulla was already gray-haired, and his beard seemed to be sprinkled with flour.
- Mulla, venerable one, how long have I not seen you! How old are you now? - asked a friend.
Mulla replied:
- Oh, you're curious, all you want to know. I am fourty years old.
Surprised, my friend exclaimed:
- How it is? When I asked you twenty years ago, you answered me the same. There's something wrong here!
Mulla exploded:
- Why can't it be? What a misfortune that twenty years have passed? Then I said that I was forty years old, and today I say the same thing. I have always been master of my word.


Once the Buddha passed by one village. Several people gathered - his opponents, and they began to insult the Buddha fervently and angrily. He listened in silence very calmly. And because of this calmness, they somehow felt uneasy. An awkward feeling arose: they insult a person, and he listens to their words like music. There's something wrong here.
One of them turned to the Buddha: “What is the matter? Don't you understand what we're saying?" “It is through understanding that such deep silence is possible,” replied the Buddha. “If you had come to me ten years ago, I would have thrown myself at you. Then there was no understanding. I understand now. And because of your stupidity, I can't punish myself. It is up to you to decide whether to insult me ​​or not, but to accept your insults or not is my freedom. You cannot force them on me. I just refuse them; they are not worth it. You can take them for yourself. I refuse to accept them."

©Lavsky V.V., Parables of mankind.

Plays in columns: *** 2. Sirin Cerkost - First breath

The little fox couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned and kept thinking, thinking, thinking. About how big the world is around and how many interesting things are in it. And he, the little fox, is small and does not know much yet.

In the city of N, a Husband Shop was opened, where women could choose and buy a husband for themselves. At the entrance hung rules for visiting the store:

“One girl met a young man. The girl loved this guy very much, but he did not share her love with her. But they were together, he did not leave her ... because of pity.

Three planets Femininity, Arrogance and Rudeness traveled among the starry expanses of the Universe.

Meteorites circled around them, mysterious flashes trying to draw attention to themselves. Having dared, they jokingly blocked their way and, smiling affably, asked:


In the beautiful Garden of Eden, even the air froze with delight, watching the work of the angels, who, on a wave of solemn inspiration, created a woman from the highest quality and pliable clay.

She didn't like New Years. I just didn't love it. However,
like other holidays. But still, the New Year
was a special holiday: on this night it was possible
make wishes that will surely come true.

Husband and wife lived a long happy life in marriage. They shared with each other all their secrets and experiences, but only one thing the wife asked never to do: not to look into the old shoe box that she kept on the top shelf of her closet.

The Student comes to the Teacher and begins to complain about his hard life. He asked for advice on what to do when both things fell on him, and another, and a third, and in general, they just give up!

1. Tactics

I work from morning to evening!
- When do you think?
(Dialogue between a young physicist and the brilliant Rutherford)

You may have seen it on TV, heard about it on the radio or in the newspapers, but this time the annual World Championship was held in British Columbia. The finalists were a Canadian and a Norwegian.

This was their task. Each of them was given a certain area of ​​the forest. The winner was the one who could knock down the most trees from 8 am to 4 pm.

At eight o'clock in the morning the whistle blew and two lumberjacks took up their positions. They cut down tree after tree until the Canadian heard the Norwegian stop. Realizing that this was his chance, the Canadian redoubled his efforts.

At nine o'clock the Canadian heard that the Norwegian had set to work again. And again they worked almost simultaneously, when suddenly at ten minutes to ten the Canadian heard that the Norwegian stopped again. And again, the Canadian set to work, wanting to take advantage of the weakness of the enemy.

At ten o'clock the Norwegian went back to work. Until ten minutes to eleven, he stopped briefly. With an ever-increasing sense of jubilation, the Canadian continued to work in the same rhythm, already smelling victory.

And so it went on all day. Every hour the Norwegian stopped for ten minutes while the Canadian continued to work. When the signal for the end of the competition sounded, at exactly four o'clock in the afternoon, the Canadian was quite sure that the prize was in his pocket.

You can imagine how surprised he was when he found out that he had lost.
- How did it happen? he asked the Norwegian. “Every hour I heard you stop work for ten minutes. How the hell did you manage to cut more wood than me? It's impossible.

“Actually, everything is very simple,” the Norwegian answered bluntly. Every hour I stopped for ten minutes. And while you continued to cut the wood, I sharpened my axe.

2. Parable of two wolves

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson one vital truth.
In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies ... The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ...
The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather's words, thought for a few moments, and then asked: - And which wolf wins at the end?
The old Indian smiled almost imperceptibly and replied:
The wolf you feed always wins.

3. Find out the reason

A traveler walking along the river heard desperate children's cries. Running to the shore, he saw children drowning in the river and rushed to save them. Noticing a passing man, he called him for help. He began to help those who were still afloat. Seeing the third traveler, they called him for help, but he, ignoring the calls, accelerated his steps. "Do you care about the fate of the children?" the rescuers asked.
The third traveler answered them: “I see that you two are coping so far. I will run to the turn, find out why the children fall into the river, and try to prevent it.

4.Two friends

One day they argued and one of them slapped the other. The latter, feeling pain, but saying nothing, wrote in the sand:
Today my best friend slapped me in the face.
They kept walking and found an oasis where they decided to swim. The one who got slapped almost drowned, and his friend saved him. When he came to, he wrote on a stone: "Today my best friend saved my life."
The one who slapped the face and who saved the life of his friend asked him:
“When I offended you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write in stone. Why?
The friend replied:
“When someone offends us, we must write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it. But when someone does something good, we must engrave it in stone so that no wind can erase it.

5. Pig and cow

The pig complained to the cow that she was treated badly:
“People always talk about your kindness and gentle eyes. Of course, you give them milk and butter, but I give them more: sausages, hams and chops, leather and stubble, even my legs are boiled! And still no one loves me. Why so?
The cow thought for a moment and answered:
“Maybe because I give everything while I’m still alive?”

6. Parable of Heaven and Hell

The faithful came to the prophet Elijah with a request to show Heaven and Hell.
They came to a large hall, where a large crowd of people crowded around a large cauldron of boiling soup. In each hand was a huge metal spoon the size of a man, scalding hot, and only the very end of the handle was wooden. Thin, greedy, hungry people greedily put spoons into the cauldron, with difficulty taking out soup from there and trying to reach the cup with their mouths. At the same time, they burned, swore, fought.
The Prophet said: “This is Hell,” and led him to another hall.
It was quiet there, the same cauldron, the same spoons. but almost everyone was full. Because they broke into pairs and alternately fed each other. The Prophet said, "This is Paradise."

7. Five simple rules to be happy.

One day a farmer's donkey fell into a well. He screamed terribly, calling for help. A farmer came running and threw up his hands: “How can I get him out of there?”

Then the owner of the donkey reasoned as follows: “My donkey is old. He doesn't have long left. I was going to get a new young donkey anyway. And the well, anyway, is almost dry. I have been planning to bury it for a long time and dig a new well in another place. So why not do it now? At the same time I will bury the donkey so that the smell of decomposition is not heard.

He invited all his neighbors to help him dig the well. All together took up the shovels and began to throw the earth into the well. The donkey immediately understood what was going on and began to emit a terrible screech. And suddenly, to everyone's surprise, he fell silent. After several throws of earth, the farmer decided to see what was down there.

He was amazed at what he saw there. Every piece of earth that fell on his back was shaken off and crushed by the donkey with his feet. Very soon, to everyone's amazement, the donkey appeared upstairs - and jumped out of the well!

... In life you will meet a lot of all sorts of dirt, and each time life will send you more and more new portions. Whenever a clod of earth falls, shake it off and go upstairs, and only in this way can you get out of the well.

Each of the problems that arise is like a stone for crossing a stream. If you do not stop and do not give up, then you can get out of any of the deepest wells.

Shake it up and go upstairs. To be happy remember five simple rules:

1. Free your heart from hatred - forgive.
2. Free your heart from worries - most of them do not come true.
3. Lead a simple life and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

8. Nothing that isn't true...

Once a blind man was sitting on the steps of a building with a hat at his feet and a sign "I'm blind, please help!"
One person passed by and stopped. He saw an invalid who had only a few coins in his hat. He tossed him a couple of coins and, without his permission, wrote new words on the tablet. He left it to the blind man and left.
In the afternoon he returned and saw that the hat was full of coins and money. The blind man recognized him by his steps and asked if he was the man who had copied the tablet. He also wanted to know what exactly he had written.
He replied: “Nothing that would not be true. I just wrote it a little differently." He smiled and left.
The new inscription on the plate was: "It's spring now, but I can't see it."

9. The choice is yours

"It's impossible!" Reason said.
"This is recklessness!" Experience noted.
"It's useless!" snapped Pride.
“Try…” Dream whispered.

10. jar of life

…The students had already filled the auditorium and were waiting for the lecture to begin. Here the teacher appeared and put a large glass jar on the table, which surprised many:
-Today I would like to talk to you about life, what can you say about this bank?
"Well, it's empty," someone said.
-Absolutely, - the teacher confirmed, then he took out a bag with large stones from under the table and began to put them in a jar until they filled it to the very top, - And now what can you say about this jar?
Well, now the jar is full! one of the students said again.
The teacher took out another bag of peas, and began to pour it into a jar. Peas began to fill the space between the stones:
-And now?
-Now the jar is full! the students began to repeat. Then the teacher took out a bag of sand, and began to fill it in a jar, after some time there was no free space left in the jar.
“Well, now the bank is definitely full,” the students began to bawl. Then the teacher, smiling slyly, pulled out two bottles of beer and poured them into a jar:
- And now the jar is full! - he said. “Now I will explain to you what just happened. The jar is our life, stones are the most important things in our life, this is our family, these are our children, our loved ones, everything that is of great importance to us; peas are those things that are not so significant to us, it can be an expensive suit or a car, etc.; and sand is all the smallest and most insignificant in our life, all those small problems that accompany us throughout our lives; so, if I first filled the jar with sand, then neither peas nor stones could be placed in it, so never let various little things fill your life, closing your eyes to more important things. That's all for me, the lecture is over.
“Professor,” one of the students asked, “what do beer bottles mean???!!!

The professor smiled slyly again.
- They mean that no matter what the problems, there is always time to relax and have a couple of beers!

The little fox couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned and kept thinking, thinking, thinking. About how big the world is around and how many interesting things are in it. And he, the little fox, is small and does not know much yet.

A wise parable about the "Shop of Husbands"

In the city of N, a Husband Shop was opened, where women could choose and buy a husband for themselves. At the entrance hung rules for visiting the store:

Wise parable "Coat of the Beloved"

“One girl met a young man. The girl loved this guy very much, but he did not share her love with her. But they were together, he did not leave her ... because of pity.

Three planets Femininity, Arrogance and Rudeness traveled among the starry expanses of the Universe.

Meteorites circled around them, mysterious flashes trying to draw attention to themselves. Having dared, they jokingly blocked their way and, smiling affably, asked:


In the beautiful Garden of Eden, even the air froze with delight, watching the work of the angels, who, on a wave of solemn inspiration, created a woman from the highest quality and pliable clay.

She didn't like New Years. I just didn't love it. However,
like other holidays. But still, the New Year
was a special holiday: on this night it was possible
make wishes that will surely come true.

Husband and wife lived a long happy life in marriage. They shared with each other all their secrets and experiences, but only one thing the wife asked never to do: not to look into the old shoe box that she kept on the top shelf of her closet.

The Student comes to the Teacher and begins to complain about his hard life. He asked for advice on what to do when both things fell on him, and another, and a third, and in general, they just give up!

There is a special state called "The Call of the Road"

From ancient times, travelers of antiquity knew one remarkable path: not wide and not narrow, not even and not bumpy, not straight and not winding. The road is not easy, it appeared to wandering travelers, at the moment when confidence on the way left. Not all travelers have had the chance to meet this...

What happened when there was nothing? A good fairy tale from Eldar Akhadov.

What happened when there was nothing else?
- How is it "nothing", baby?
- Ah, so here it is. When I was not yet born, you were not yet born, and no one else was born?
- Nobody at all?
- Yeah!
- It is clear, then the earth was empty, mountains on it, seas-oceans, rivers large and small, grass, forests and meadows, animals and birds, oh sorry ... They are not there yet, but they will be soon.
- No no no! It doesn't count! If there is no one, then there is no one: no animals, no birds, no grass, no forest!
- Okay. There are mountains, volcanoes, rivers, seas, deserts...
- Have they always been there? But when they were not, then what was, huh?
- Oh, how meticulous you are! OK. Once there was none of this. And the land too. Only the boundless dark sky and the stars on it, and the sun in a huge gas cloud of dust...

Burovtseva Galina Petrovna

Parable "Dialogue with the Universe". What is the price of happiness?

Inner balance depends on loving attention to your spiritual heart.

Two families live next door in a small town. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all the troubles and finding out which of them is right, while others live together, no quarrels, no scandals.

The obstinate hostess marvels at the neighbor's happiness. Jealous. Says to her husband:

“Go see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.

He came to a neighbor's house, hid under an open window. Watching. Listens. And the hostess just puts things in order in the house. He wipes an expensive vase from dust. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman was distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so much so that it was about to fall.