Melt water: methods of preparation and useful properties of melted ice. Experiments with ice Scheme of the process of freezing water and melting ice

When pure water at normal atmospheric pressure is cooled under natural or laboratory conditions to 0 ° (in the form of small drops, a thin film, and in somewhat large quantities), there is always a movement of molecules and the release of ice in it.

At a significantly increased atmospheric pressure, the freezing point of water and aqueous solutions decreases, since ice at 0 ° occupies a larger volume than water. As a result of compression, ice turns into water. The amount of heat released is 80 cal for each gram of ice formed when water freezes, and until all this amount of heat, equal to the latent heat of crystallization, has been removed, water does not freeze. The amount of ice formed depends on the amount of heat removed. At atmospheric pressure of ice, both water and ice at 0° remain in equilibrium, but an intensive exchange of molecules occurs at the boundary between these two phases. The exchange of molecules also occurs between ice and water vapor in the atmosphere with which the ice comes into contact. This creates a vapor pressure over the ice that is noticeable even at very low temperatures. If, in equilibrium at 0°, some heat is added to water and ice, some ice will melt, and more ice will form when the heat is removed. When the heat is removed gradually, the temperature of the liquid phase remains at 0° until all the water has turned to ice. After that, the temperature of the entire mass of ice drops sharply. Ice has good thermal conductivity, but with a large volume of ice, the temperature at the surface, where cooling occurs, may be lower than in the center of a block of ice or at a depth where ice comes into contact with water at a temperature of 0 °. Thus, a deep lake high in the mountains of Alaska is covered with ice throughout the year, and its outer surface can be in equilibrium with the surrounding air, the temperature of which in winter reaches -40 °. At the same time, water with a temperature of 0°C, not frozen in depth, will always be in equilibrium with the inner surface of the ice layer covering the lake. This water, flowing through a hole in the mountainside, drives an electric generator that runs all year round in the nearby valley. The same phenomenon, only on a smaller scale, can be reproduced in laboratory conditions, when water poured into test tubes, flasks or other vessels, under the influence of low temperatures, will freeze at the edges, and in the middle until thermal equilibrium is reached, there will be free water.

Particles suspended in water are repelled from the ice front as it advances and are not included in ice crystals, even when surrounded on all sides by advancing ice. Atmospheric gases at a temperature of 0° remain dissolved in water. Under certain conditions, gas bubbles can form between ice crystals, often seen on animals or plants surrounded by ice crystals. The rate of diffusion of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other gases through ice is insignificant, but it must be taken into account.

Ice settles in the form of a thin film on glass and other surfaces as a result of condensation and subsequent freezing of water molecules that were previously in a state of vapor. The growth rate and shape of individual crystals vary with temperature, humidity and the nature of the surface. An example is the various complex patterns of ice crystals that form on frozen windowpanes in winter.

Luyet described a technique for measuring low temperatures and improved optical methods for cinematographic recording of the development of crystals in thin films of pure water cooled slowly or, conversely, at a rate of several hundred degrees per second. When ice forms in pure water at a temperature of 0°C, the corners of the ice plates are rounded, as are the points and edges of needle-like crystals. The higher the cooling rate, the greater the number of crystals formed and the smaller their initial size. Luyet emphasizes that tiny crystals of about 1 micron 3 in size can be observed under a microscope. The closest distance between the central oxygen atoms in individual water molecules is 2.76 A. Thus, the smallest visible ice crystals should contain at least 27·10 9 molecules. It may seem that a film of water, cooled at a rate of several hundred degrees per second, turns into a homogeneous glassy mass. If it were vitrified, it would show a random arrangement of molecules. Recently, using electron microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy, it was possible to detect tiny crystals in a film of water cooled at the maximum available speed, which are elusive for optical methods.

Pride and Jones pointed out the difficulties associated with the transformation of water into a glassy state. A dense glassy mass containing some amount of crystalline ice could be obtained and maintained at temperatures below -130°. But when heated to a temperature above -129 °, the crystallization process was completed. Meriman and Keyfig achieved exceptionally rapid cooling by sublimation and slow condensation of ice in a vacuum on a metal surface at liquid nitrogen temperature (-196°). Replicas of the crystal surface were prepared for examination under an electron microscope. Such films turned out to be fine-grained, with individual grains reaching a diameter of about 150 microns. Perhaps they were very small crystals or aggregates of molecules. The films were heated to a temperature between -70 and -120° for various periods of time (from 30 sec to 5 min), then cooled again to liquid nitrogen temperature and replicas were taken from them. The research results indicate an extremely intensive growth of ice crystals for short periods of time at very low temperatures (from 70 to 96 °). Migratory recrystallization of this kind can occur in thin films of ice at any temperature from 0 to -120°. Ice mobility at low temperatures can be observed both in household refrigerators and in industrial refrigeration units. It goes without saying that water turned into ice is not in a static state. Individual ice crystals migrate, combine with others, and thus increase in volume, whether they come into contact with free water or water vapor in the air.

X-ray studies have shown that unfrozen water appears to have a "broken ice structure". And this means that unfrozen water always contains several molecules that are connected to four neighboring molecules by hydrogen bonds in the same way as ice molecules, forming a tetrahedron. These links are constantly broken and rebuilt. As the temperature rises, the average number of bonds per molecule decreases and at a temperature of about +40° reaches two. It goes without saying, however, that if we consider water as a certain accumulation of molecules, we cannot consider ice as a substance completely alien to it. Each water molecule has a V-shape, and the oxygen atom is located at the top of V. The angle at the top of V between two OH bonds is 103-106°. The length of each OH bond is 0.96 A.

Each oxygen atom is surrounded by four others, with hydrogen ions located on lines connecting the nuclei of oxygen atoms. Thus, the positively charged protons of one water molecule are associated with the negative charges of two neighboring molecules. Each of the four outer water molecules of the original tetrahedron attracts three molecules to itself, which also form a tetrahedron. The number of molecules associated with the center of ice crystallization gradually increases and the original structure (in the form of a tetrahedron) is preserved throughout the entire period of growth of a crystal or ice plate. Since the tetrahedra cannot be very closely adjacent to each other, the density of ice is low, it floats on the surface of the water, and, as already mentioned, compression causes the ice to melt at a temperature of 0 °, since the open "loose" lattice of ice crystals cannot be preserved at high temperatures. atmospheric pressure. In contrast, many other substances solidify more easily with increasing pressure.

Individual water molecules in a growing ice crystal have a significant degree of freedom. However, energy is required to break hydrogen bonds, and a mass of ice can in some respects be viewed as one giant molecule. It must be understood that the binding of water molecules to complex compounds containing hydroxyl groups is essentially no different from the binding of water molecules in ice to each other. Few substances bind water molecules better than water itself, especially at low temperatures. This can be confirmed by the fact that the transformation of ice at 0° into water vapor, in which there are fewer bound molecules, requires 600 cal per 1 g.

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Water is of great importance for the life of all life on earth. Life on our planet owes its origin to water. Melt water is water that has melted after freezing. About its benefits for humans and its healing properties already ...

Water is of great importance for the life of all life on earth. Life on our planet owes its origin to water. Melt water is water that has melted after freezing. Its benefits to humans and its healing properties are already legendary. What is the use of melt water and how to prepare it correctly?

  • Frozen water quality
  • Structure of melted ice
  • Melt water is almost a medicine
    • Other cooking methods
    • Freezing boiled water
  • Tips for those who want to drink melted water

Frozen water quality

Structure of melted ice

Melt water differs in its structure from ordinary water. In texts on alternative medicine, melt water is referred to as “structured water”. This means that the structure of this liquid is changed relative to the equilibrium with the environment. After thawing, the molecules line up in a certain way, thanks to which the water acquires completely different properties. Structured water, according to the proponents of the method, is able to treat diseases that official medicine recognizes as incurable.

Melt water is obtained following the technology of nature itself. And nature knows only one technology - slow freezing, removal of saline solutions, slow thawing of water.

People have known about the healing properties of melt water for a very long time. But before, the process of obtaining melt water was very simple: they brought a full bucket of snow or ice into the house, waited for it to melt. To this day, melt water is extracted in mountainous areas in this way, because the ideal melt water is melted mountain snow. But how to get melt water in a city apartment, and is it so useful?

Melt water is almost a medicine

It has long been noticed that near melting springs the vegetation is always more luxuriant. Even in the Arctic seas, active life is in full swing at the edge of melting ice. And if agricultural crops are watered with melt water, they will germinate faster and give a greater harvest. Have you seen how eagerly animals drink melt water in the spring? And how do birds bathe in puddles of melted snow?

Melt water is also useful for humans. A sip of the purest water tones better than any juice (especially if it is juice from the pack). A charge of energy, vivacity, lightness, improved well-being - that's what you get if you consume 2-3 glasses of melt water daily. You will reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, soothe pain in the heart, increase stress resistance and virus resistance of your body. You will not be bothered by the change in climate and weather, you will notice for yourself how much the quality of your life has improved. Drinking a glass of melt water 30 minutes before meals (3 glasses a day), you will feel significant improvements in a week.

By itself, melt water is not a medicine. It only helps our body to restore self-regulation. Thanks to the use of melt water, the metabolism and vital activity of all cells improves. Melt water cleanses the intercellular fluid, renews it.

Rules for the preparation of melt water

It is useless to look for useful melt water on the shelves in supermarkets. You can only cook it yourself. To do this, you will need plastic containers for freezing. It is best to purchase food containers that are the right size for your freezer. The number of containers is equal to the number of members of your family. If one person needs to drink three glasses of melt water per day, then the recommended amount for freezing is 6 glasses per person. Multiplying this volume by the number of family members, you get the figure of 1.5 liters per person. So, for a family of two, 3 liters of water should be frozen, and for a family of three, 4.5 liters.

Before freezing, tap water should be filtered with a simple carbon filter. At the same time, large impurities are removed - rust from pipes, sand. After pouring water into containers, put it in the freezer (-18 degrees). Containers should be taken out after 8-10 hours. Containers (their bottom) immediately pour boiling water from the tap. Having pierced the crust with a knife, pour out the liquid, which during this time did not have time to freeze. These are harmful impurities dissolved in water. The remaining ice is clean and transparent. If it turned out that the water froze completely, there would be pure ice around the edges, but muddy inside. This dregs must be melted under hot water so that not a single island remains. Only after that you can melt the ice to get melt water. In general, the container in which water needs to be frozen, so that it freezes only at the edges, and remains liquid in the middle, is determined by trial and error. Is all the water frozen? Take a large container or reduce the freezing time. The operation of the freezer depends on many factors, even the temperature of the air in the house. Consider this.

You need to defrost a block of ice as follows. Put the ice in an enamel or ceramic dish and let it thaw at room temperature.

Other cooking methods

Many experts do not recommend freezing water in plastic containers, but believe that this should be done only in glass, since water absorbs negative qualities from plastic. The cleaner the freezing water, the better. Many people prefer to use distilled or almost boiled water for this purpose.

The glass jar is not completely filled with water so that it does not burst. If you freeze pure water (distilled), during the freezing process, a ball is formed in the jar, in which there is heavy water. After piercing a hole with a knife, pour out this water.

Freezing boiled water

Water should not be brought to a boil, but to a “white key” (+94 degrees). After that, it must be quickly cooled (for example, by placing a pot or a jar of boiling water in a bowl of cold water). After that, the water is completely frozen. When defrosting, wait until an icicle the size of about a walnut remains (from one liter of water) - these are the most harmful substances, they are thawed last. Throw away this icicle, and drain the water and drink it.

The resulting healing water should be consumed within 5 hours. This is how much water retains its structure and its bioactive properties.

Don't forget to pay attention to how the water freezes. The lightest and purest water forms around the edges of the dishes. Water freezes longer, heavier, with impurities. This is a sphere that forms in the center of the vessel. Such "bad" ice is easy to distinguish from "good". It is usually whitish-bubbly, but if you are using poor quality tap water, it may even be yellowish. It is very important when defrosting water to separate clean ice from dirty ice. This is done in one of three ways:

  • Melt under running water. This is the lazy way. Its disadvantage is that melt water loses its quality. Indeed, when harmful impurities are washed out under running hot water, harmful impurities from tap water can get into the ice.
  • Wait for the formation of a floating icicle when melting and remove it.
  • Do not freeze liquid completely.

The greatest effect is given by the water in which the ice is still floating. Drink it in small sips throughout the time you spent thawing this water. Usually it is 3-5 hours.

In no case should you heat melted water or defrost in hot water. When heated, it loses its properties.

If you have never used melt water or used it for a very long time, it is recommended to get used to it gradually. The initial dose of melt water is 100 ml per day. Increase it by 100 ml every three days until you reach the desired volume, which is from 700 ml to 1.5 liters.

Fairy tales do not lie, in nature there really is "living" water! Our grandmothers collected it to water seedlings in the spring, to wash their hair and just drink. And the seedlings sprouted wonderfully, the hair was silky. And the body miraculously rejuvenated and improved. What is this miracle of nature - "living" water?

"Living" and "dead" water

"Living" water is melt water obtained from snow. Scientists have proven that it really helps to rejuvenate the body! And all because melted water speeds up metabolism, actively removes old destroyed cells, as a result of which new young cells are formed more efficiently. It is no secret that the only common feature of all long-livers on the planet is that they drink water from mountain rivers, i.e. melt water! That is why the aging process slows down in them.

In the mountain town of Hunzakut, in Pakistan, residents live up to 100-120 years and men at the age of 100 become fathers! There are a lot of such cases of longevity in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and Yakutia.

What is the difference between this wonderful “living” water and ordinary tap water? The molecules of ordinary tap water have different sizes, mostly too large, so they cannot pass through the membranes of our body's cells. As a result, the cells are dehydrated, no matter how much we drink, the body cannot be fully saturated with water.

Melt water molecules are very small, they freely pass through the cells, actively washing and moisturizing them. This speeds up the metabolism. In addition, there is a very unpleasant substance in tap water - deuterium - it is a heavy metal and in large quantities is a poison and suppresses all living things. This is exactly what is called "dead" water. Is it any wonder that we often get sick and live little?

In the process of making melt water, deuterium is removed from it in a special way. But even if it is not removed, it is partially neutralized by the benefits of melt water, since it has a strong internal energy that feeds a person.

A couple of glasses of melt water daily is enough to significantly improve your well-being! It removes toxins, cholesterol, salts from blood vessels and joints, stones from internal organs, normalizes cardiac activity, the work of the brain and spinal cord, improves blood composition and saturates muscles with oxygen.

How to prepare melt water?

Such wonderful "living" water can be easily prepared at home. There are many options for preparing melt water, we will offer several, and you choose the one that suits you best.

Before freezing tap water, it is better to pass it through a filter or stand in order to at least somehow pre-purify it. For freezing, it is best to use plastic containers with a lid.

It is necessary to defrost melted water only at room temperature, it cannot be heated, because at a temperature of 42 degrees it loses its useful properties. Of course, you can cook on it, but at the same time you must understand that the healing properties are gone and you just use clean water, which is undoubtedly better than tap water.

Option 1. Just freeze plain water in the freezer. It can be in a saucepan, or it can be in a plastic bottle. If freezing in a saucepan, put plywood under its bottom so that it does not freeze to the bottom of the chamber. And if you freeze in a bottle, do not fill it under the neck, remember that when freezing, water expands. The water must melt at room temperature. You can drink as it melts. With this method, the deuterium remains, although it is neutralized by the usefulness of water.

Option 2. It is good because it can be used to remove deuterium completely. But you can't freeze it in a bottle. Use a plastic container - it's convenient. As soon as the water starts to freeze, remove the first crust that forms. It just contains the highest concentration of deuterium, which freezes first. After the water almost freezes (you will have to find out the time empirically), rinse the ice block with cold water, it will become transparent. This is the most useful melt water. The purest ice is transparent, your task is to get rid of white ice, which contains harmful impurities. Now you can melt the ice and drink high quality melt water.

Option 3. A liter or two liters of water is heated on fire to a temperature of about 95 degrees, when the water is not yet boiling, but already soaring and small streams of bubbles rise to the surface. This is the moment when the water must be removed from the fire and cooled quickly, and then frozen and thawed. It is believed that such water has even more internal energy, since during the manufacture it goes through a full cycle of the water cycle in nature: it evaporates, cools, freezes, thaws.

Option 4. It is necessary to first defend the tap water in order to get rid of the gases dissolved in it. Then we put it in the freezer and wait for the first ice to appear, which we collect and throw away. Substances of the so-called "solid" phase are concentrated in the first ice. We freeze the rest of the water further, but not completely, when there is some water left, we pour it out. This last water also contains unuseful substances from the so-called “liquid” phase. Caught ice melt at room temperature and drink. Calculate the freezing of water in such a way that it will lose about 15% in volume.

Option 5. His idea is to freeze only half of the water, since there is an opinion that pure water is frozen first (except for the first crust), and harmful impurities remain in half of its volume. For this option, it is necessary to establish empirically the time at which half of the water freezes, after which they take a block, break it or pierce it with a knitting needle and pour out the still unfrozen water from the inside. The remaining ice can be used for its intended purpose. Purified in this double way, the water is considered curative.

How to use melt water?

Melt water has its life-giving power for 5-7 hours, so it does not make sense to freeze a lot of water, you need to do it every day. During the day, you need to drink about a liter of melt water, but start with 1-2 glasses, which you will drink on an empty stomach an hour before meals.

Experts are still arguing how much melt water should be drunk per day. The numbers range from one glass to two liters. The truth most likely lies in the middle. Ideally, you drink as much as your body requires. Starting with one glass a day, you accustom your body to the intake of healing water, as a result, it will ask for more of it. On a physical level, you will feel it as a desire to drink more. Drink to health and with pleasure! But do not drink a lot of water without desire, supposedly for good. This will only harm, because water that was not required by the body will increase the load on the cardiovascular system and can lead to unwanted swelling.

It is better not to freeze at first more than a liter of melt water. Water will just freeze if you put it in at 6 pm and take it out at 7 am. During the day, the ice will melt and you can drink water. Immediately after melting, the water contains the greatest power, so do not wait until all the ice has melted, drink a little as it thaws. It's much more efficient.

To make it more convenient to drink melt water at work, freeze it in plastic bottles of half a liter.

The powerful internal potential of melt water is so strong that you will soon feel an increase in efficiency, a surge of strength, an increase in immunity, and an improvement in brain activity. It will become easier for you to work, to cope with the volume of cases, you will notice that it is easier for you to think. The energy of water contributes to the fact that people who take melt water begin to sleep much less - sometimes only 4 hours!

For clarity, we place a comparison of green tea brewing: in melted water (light yellow transparent drink), water from under the filter (medium dark water with spots) and in tap water - it is the darkest of all with oily spots on the surface.

Be healthy and long life to you!

Ordinary water (tap water, from a source, etc.) consists of: fresh water (the so-called "living"), its freezing point is 0 ° C, "heavy" water (or the so-called "dead" water, in which instead of atoms hydrogen contains atoms of deuterium and tritium), its freezing point is +3.8 ° C and brine (impurities in the form of soluble salts, organic compounds and pesticides), its freezing point varies depending on the concentration of substances from -5 to -10 ° C.

With slow cooling, heavy water freezes first, then fresh water, and lastly brine with all impurities. This makes it possible to separate heavy water and purify fresh water.

Melt water is melted water after freezing. Melt water differs from the usual one in its structure, which is more similar to the structure of the protoplasm of our cells. Melt water can be obtained by slow freezing and thawing. If the first ice (heavy water) is removed during the freezing process, and ice with impurities is removed during defrosting, then we will get pure protium melted water.


Modern scientific research has confirmed the amazing structure of melt water. When water freezes, it acquires a special structured ice-like structure. When ice melts, this structure remains in the melt water for some time, the duration of which directly depends on temperature. If we study melt water under a microscope, we will see that it has the structure of regular crystals.

The molecules that make up melted water are much smaller than the molecules of tap water, respectively, they penetrate the cell membrane much more easily, contributing to the activation of the metabolism in the human body. And this, in turn, leads to the displacement of old, obsolete cells, which will be replaced by new, young cells. Hence the rejuvenation of the whole organism as a whole.

Water during its journey absorbs all information, including negative. To remove all this negative information, so that the water becomes energetically clean again and acquires its natural structure, it must be frozen and thawed, i.e. get THAT WATER. After freezing, the water, as it were, "resets" - it again restores its original structural, informational and energy state. The most important property of melt water is purity. In every sense of the word.

If you add a small amount of "holy water" to melt water, then it will immediately become "holy" all over. It is possible to give melt water the structure of a medicine that a person needs. It is enough to lower a test tube with a tablet into it, tapping on it with a pencil, and it will take on the structure of the original medicine.


Melt water improves the functioning of all human organs. It increases the physical resources of the body, prevents the reduction of water content in the cells and slows down the aging process. The main common feature of all centenarians on our planet is that they consume melt water from glacial rivers.

Useful properties of melt water:

1. Rejuvenates the human body.
2. Cleanses our body of toxins and toxins.
3. Normalizes and accelerates metabolism.
4. Increases the physical activity of the body, efficiency and productivity.
5. Melt water is involved in all processes of hematopoiesis, makes our cells healthy and blood clean. Melt water is pure blood, no cholesterol plaques, healthy blood vessels and a healthy heart.
6. Increases immunity.
7. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
8. Promotes the dissolution of fats. If you just drink enough melt water, you can quickly and painlessly lose weight.
9. Increases the body's resistance to stress and viruses.
10. Accelerates recovery processes, especially after operations, diseases and injuries.
11. Helps to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
12. Increases brain activity, shows the ability to easily solve difficult problems.
13. Helps to eliminate dermatological diseases and allergies.
14. Increases the body's resistance to climate and weather changes.

Melt water has some special internal dynamics and a special "biological effect". The high energy of melt water is especially confirmed by the duration of human sleep, which in some people is sometimes reduced to only 4 hours.

The benefit of melted protium water also lies in the fact that, unlike tap water, it does not contain deuterium, a heavy element that suppresses all living things and causes serious harm to the body. Deuterium in high concentrations is equivalent to the most powerful poisons. It is difficult to digest, which requires additional energy consumption.

Heating fresh melt water above +37°C leads to the loss of its biological activity. Preservation of melt water at a temperature of +20 - 22°C is also accompanied by a gradual decrease in its biological activity: after 16 - 18 hours it is reduced by half.


A sip of melt water tones better than any juice. A charge of energy, vivacity, lightness, improved well-being - that's what you get if you consume 2-3 glasses of melt water daily. It is advisable to drink the first portion on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. The amount of melt water that you need to drink daily can be calculated based on the fact that 5 grams of melt water is needed per 1 kg of weight. Drinking a glass of melt water 30 minutes before meals (3 glasses a day), you will feel significant improvements in a week.

Indications for the use of melt water are: cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, hypertension, vegetative dystonia, thrombophlebitis), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, intestinal atony), functional disorders of the nervous system, metabolic disorders.

Therapeutic effect of melt water:

1. Normalizes the state of the body, because a person needs a certain amount of fluid to maintain his health.
2. The skin is smooth, soft, elastic, after washing there is no feeling of tightness.
3. Mucous membranes are moist, pink.
4. The eyes are clear, shiny.

With prolonged use of melt water, many chronic diseases are cured in the most miraculous way, the body is cleansed of toxins, radionuclides and other harmful substances, as a result of which the functions of all internal organs are normalized, the emotional background is stabilized and many diseases recede. Thus, the regular use of melt water for any person will help maintain youth and health.

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, prepared on the basis of melt water, become a truly life-giving remedy. Melt water greatly enhances the healing effect of plants, reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

The use of melt water and ice in the treatment is divided into the following types: compresses, dousing, washing, drinking water, ice massage. Recipes for the treatment of certain diseases:
Treatment of warts with ice: Pour 3 tablespoons of celandine herb or mistletoe herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, strain. Freeze the resulting infusion. Use ice for applications on the affected area.

Treatment of indigestion and acute gastritis: take 1/2 cup of melt water before meals 2-3 times a day slowly, in small sips.
Treatment of heartburn: after eating, slowly drink 50-100 ml of melt water until the heartburn disappears completely. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
Treatment of diabetes mellitus: take melt water 50-200 ml 3 times a day for 2-3 months.

Hair loss. Ice is used to treat alopecia (baldness). Massage the scalp with a piece of ice for 3-5 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily or every other day, depending on the reaction. Course 20 - 30 procedures. If indicated, the course of treatment is repeated after 2-3 months. For procedures, you can use ice from herbal infusions with burdock root, nettle leaf, celandine grass. The results are often pleasantly surprising - hair begins to grow. Ice procedures in this case play the role of a trigger mechanism for the body's regenerative capabilities, normalize disturbed hormonal status. Blood circulation becomes more intense, as a result of which the nutrition of the hair follicles improves.

Washing with melt water will refresh and smooth the skin, contributing to its healthy appearance and natural rejuvenation.
It is recommended that athletes drink melted water after long breaks in training, caused, for example, by injuries, in order to quickly restore their previous form.


Freezing is carried out in glass or porcelain containers, as well as in enameled pans. Concerning plastic opinions of experts differ. Some believe that it is necessary to prepare melt water only in glass. Do not freeze water in metal or plastic containers. Plastic contains dioxin (a very dangerous carcinogen that is released from plastic when it freezes). Also, in metal and plastic, water loses its positive qualities and absorbs negative ones from them. Others, on the contrary, believe that it is better to freeze in containers made of food-grade plastic, and not made of metal and glass. It is better if it is a special tray with a lid, which can be purchased at any supermarket. The volume of the tray depends on the number of people who will use the melt water. The choice is yours.

Method number 1. We fill the container with ordinary, unstructured water, close it with a lid and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator on a lining, for example, made of cardboard (for thermal insulation of the bottom) and it is better if at this time there are no various products in the freezer, especially animal origin. After about 5 hours (the time is determined empirically), an upper frozen crust of ice appears in the container, under which there will be unfrozen water.

This upper crust of ice (deuterium ice turns out to be about 150 ml per liter) must be thrown away, since it contains heavy water. After that, put the tray back into the freezer. This time our task is to freeze the water by half or in a ratio of 2/3. After a certain time (also determined empirically), we take the container out of the freezer, open the lid and the water that remains unfrozen inside, pour it into the sink - it contains undissolved harmful impurities and heavy metals.

The ice that remains, if it is transparent, is the future melt water that we want to get. If in some places the ice remained opaque, this means that we overexposed the water in the freezer and after the purest water, which freezes first, has frozen, the process of freezing of water with impurities, which freezes last, has begun.

As a rule, the bottom may have some turbidity. If this is so, then the bottom in the form of an ice layer can either be carefully beaten off, or substituted under a stream of hot water and thus thawed. All that is left is to thaw at room temperature. It is necessary to drink melted water immediately after it has become such. In this case, it is "living water". After 5 - 6 hours after thawing, it will also be useful, but not as much as in the first minutes after thawing.

Method No. 2. Quickly bring the water to +94 ... + 96 ° С, i.e. up to the temperature of the so-called "white key", when small bubbles form, but the water does not boil yet. After reaching this temperature, remove the container from the heat, cover with a lid and cool quickly, placing, for example, in a bath, in a pot of cold water or under cold running water. After that, the chilled water is poured into the desired container and frozen in accordance with method No. 1. The melt water obtained in this way will practically repeat the natural cycle: evaporation, cooling, precipitation, freezing and thawing. It is especially useful because has a lot of internal energy.

Method number 3. Pour water into a container and put it in the freezer. After about 5 hours, remove the top crust of ice. We put the container in the freezer and finally freeze the water. When defrosting, you need to separate clean ice from dirty ice. This can be done in two ways. The first - when the ice melts, wait until a floating icicle forms, which will need to be caught and thrown away. Such an icicle will be approximately 2 cm wide and 3-5 cm high, of course, it all depends on the volume of the vessel taken. This icicle contains poisonous and harmful water impurities. The second - before defrosting, rinse the center of the ice with a stream of hot water. The method is fast, but not of high quality, since hot tap water is very polluted.

The container for freezing water must be tightly closed. It should not be filled completely, it will simply "tear". I recommend filling the vessel 2/3 or half.

To improve the healing properties and qualities of melt water, before freezing, you need to positively tune in, smile and say out loud or to yourself a couple of good words to the water so that the water can read this positive information from you. You can say aloud or silently a prayer-appeal. After prayer, the water acquires the properties of holy water.

Ice should be thawed at room temperature, in the same sealed container in which it was frozen. In no case should you heat melted water or defrost in hot water. When heated above 37 degrees, it loses its healing properties.

The greatest effect is given by melt water, in which ice floes are still floating. Drink it in small sips throughout the time you spent thawing this water. Usually it is 3-5 hours.

If you have never used melt water before, or have used it for a very long time, it is recommended to get used to it gradually. The initial dose of melt water is 100 ml per day. Increase it by 100 ml every three days until you reach the desired volume, which is from 500 ml to 1.0 liters.

Make melt water at home, drink at least 2-3 glasses a day and you will significantly improve your health.