Starfall in July and August. The Perseid meteor shower is the most beautiful meteor shower in August

The Perseid meteor shower in 2017 - from August 9 to 13 It is also one of the big three largest meteor showers. It can be called one of the most beautiful meteor showers. It begins, as a rule, around July 17, and reaches its peak on August 9-13. In 2017, the apogee of the Perseids will be reached on the night of August 12-13. The maximum number of combustible particles can reach more than 200 per hour. To see it, you need to look towards the constellation Perseus. It can only be observed in the northern hemisphere. The Perseid meteor shower is one of the oldest meteor showers. Mentions of him can be found as early as 36 AD. Around the eighth century, the Perseids received the name "tears of St. Lawrence." And all because in Europe it is during the most active period of this meteor shower that the festival of St. Lawrence falls. In order to see the Perseid meteor shower, it is enough to find a place where there will be a good view of the sky and it is desirable to be away from all light sources at this time. And do not forget to make a wish, because according to legend, it is during this period that everything you think comes true. However, you need to remember one important detail - at this time you need to be alone. To achieve greater success, you need to count as many shooting stars as the sum of your date of birth. Only after that make a wish and remember - no negative thoughts. Starfall Draconids in 2017 - from October 8 to 10 This starfall originates in the first days of October, and reaches a peak on the 8th-10th. The maximum number of meteors per hour usually does not exceed 15. Draconids differ from many meteor showers in that they most often have a yellowish or reddish color. You can see it near the constellation Draco in the Northern Hemisphere. We have the name of this constellation thanks to the legend of the golden rejuvenating apples that the dragon Ladon kept in the garden of Gepersides. According to the myth, his parents were sea monsters who were brother and sister. Ladon's parents were named Forix and Keto. He looked intimidating - his tail touched the underworld itself, and his body was deep in the ground. He also had a hundred heads that spoke different languages. In Chinese mythology, the dragon is a symbol of energy, longevity, the element of soil. Therefore, during the period of starfall, each of us will feel unprecedented energy in ourselves, and will show good performance. But at the same time, irritability, excessive emotionality and intolerance can come. Therefore, at this time, try to restrain yourself and not get upset over trifles. Better to focus on what you would like to achieve. The Orionid meteor shower in 2017 - from October 2 to November 7, the Orionids are medium-sized meteor showers, which give about 15 meteors per hour per hour. The meteor shower reaches its peak around October 20-21, and the period of its activity lasts from October 2 to November 7. Starfall will occur near the constellation Orion. This meteor shower will be visible in both the southern and northern hemispheres. Many astrologers advise during this period to try to restrain your emotions, although this will be difficult to do. In any situation, try to show your restraint. Know that all the problems that you will meet on the way you can solve, do not doubt yourself. If you do not get confused, then very soon you will be able to move on to a new stage in life. The Leonid meteor shower in 2017 - from November 14 to 21 The activity of the Leonids meteor shower begins on November 14 and ends on November 21. The meteor shower will reach its peak around the 16th. Leonids give about 10-15 meteors per hour. In the Northern Hemisphere it will be seen somewhat better than in the Southern. In order to see it, special devices are not needed, since it will be visible to the naked eye. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that every 33 years this meteor shower turns into a real stellar storm. However, unfortunately, such a spectacle is not expected this year, we will see such a storm only in 2034. Starfall will occur in the constellation Leo, this suggests that a real artist can wake up in each of us. Of course, it is not necessary that you start painting pictures. Perhaps you want to write poetry or novels, implement new projects at work, in general, your creativity is at its best, do not miss this moment. But at work, do not forget about your colleagues, if you achieve your goals, thinking only about yourself, then there will be no success. But you should not forget about your interests, find a middle ground. Geminid meteor shower 2017 - from 4 to 17 December The Geminid meteor shower is the last meteor shower of the year, it is also one of the “big three” meteor showers. The period of its activity begins around December 4, and ends on December 17, the apogee will reach approximately on the 13-14th. This is one of the richest meteor showers and produces more than 200 meteors per hour. It will only be visible in the Northern Hemisphere. According to astronomers, this meteor shower is over 1000 years old. The radiant of the meteor shower is in the constellation Gemini. This means that during this period, success awaits you in many areas, only for this you need to try. Do not sit still, but act - take the first step, implement new projects, fantasize, make important decisions. Rest assured that all this will only benefit. And if you make wishes, then do not forget about your career. It is believed that it is during this period that the desire regarding work will definitely come true. ***************************************** ALSO SEE THE BEST RECIPES SEE THE LINK

Telescopes and other astronomical instruments are not required to observe the meteor shower, so anyone can enjoy the night starry spectacle of summer. It is better to conduct observation in nature, for example, in a field, in a country house or in a village. However, cloudiness and rain can interfere even there. It is believed that meteor showers have a very positive effect on human energy. It is also customary to make wishes during the meteor shower.

For an observer in central Russia around midnight, the constellation Perseus is located in the northeastern part of the sky. In the evening, it starts its journey from the eastern horizon, rises very high by morning, so that "shooting stars" become visible throughout the sky.

The history of the discovery of the Perseids

The name Perseids comes from the name of the constellation Perseus. The Perseid meteor shower has been known to mankind for about 2 thousand years. The first mention of them is contained in Chinese historical annals dating back to 36 AD. Also, the Perseids were often mentioned in Japanese and Korean chronicles of the 8th-11th centuries. In Europe, the Perseids were called the "Tears of St. Lawrence", since the festival of St. Lawrence, which takes place in Italy, falls on the most active meteor shower period - August 10th.

Small particles of cosmic meteoroids burning in the dense atmosphere of the earth create a trail of light behind them, striking with their fabulousness all observers from the Earth, the portal This phenomenon is usually called meteors in astronomy, but among the people such a spectacle is most often called starfall because of the visual deception that makes one believe that a star breaks down and falls somewhere in the sky. By tradition, the most active periods of starfall are the second half and the end of summer.

2017 was no exception in this regard, and according to publicly available information from astronomical centers that provide current news regarding the situation in space throughout the year, in August 2017 the most active and incredibly beautiful meteor shower will be observed throughout the Northern Hemisphere and in Russia in particular. . According to scientists, for the period of mid-August, or rather, on the night of August 12-13, 2017, it will be possible to observe a whole cluster of burning meteors that are already heading towards the Earth to fulfill the wishes of those who make wishes.

Starfall in August 2017: meteor organization forecast

From August 12 to 13, the most beautiful starfall of the year awaits us. This night is the peak of the Perseid meteor shower. According to IMO (International Meteor Organization) forecasts, up to 100 meteors per hour are expected.

To see it, you need to look towards the constellation Perseus. It can only be observed in the northern hemisphere. The activity of the stream will end on August 24, according to the Moscow Planetarium.

Such phenomena at the end of summer, as mentioned earlier, are an extremely common situation for Russia, since during this period the planet passes through a specific area in space, in which small particles have accumulated that burn in our atmosphere. However, the fact that this is an annual event does not diminish its beauty in any way, because such a simple physical phenomenon as the combustion of something from air friction ultimately creates a fabulous and enchanting spectacle that is perfect for couples in love as an unusual way of leisure.

Starfall in August 2017: Perseid meteor shower

The Perseid meteor shower is one of the oldest meteor showers. Mentions of him can be found as early as 36 AD. Around the eighth century, the Perseids received the name "Tears of St. Lawrence". And all because in Europe it is during the most active period of this meteor shower that the festival of St. Lawrence falls. In order to see the starfall, it is enough to find a place where there will be a good view of the sky and it is desirable to be away from all light sources at this time.

August 2017 is full of such events - this month you can see several beautiful phenomena at once with the naked eye. When, what date and from where to watch the August meteor showers?

Starfalls in August 2017 - when, what, where will be seen.

The Perseid meteor shower - from August 10 to 20, the peak of activity is on the 12-14th. During this period, the August sky will be dotted with meteor showers, the Moscow Planetarium reports. Astronomers promise up to 1 meteor per minute! The Perseids are a meteor shower that passes very close to the Earth, leaving behind a very beautiful "star trail", which surpasses many other stars in brightness.

The meteor shower of the same name, which at this time passes by the Earth, is due to the Perseid meteor shower and the beautiful spectacle. The comet Swift-Tuttle, through which the Earth passes every year, gives a special brightness to the meteor shower. The tail of the comet loses particles of space rocks, pieces of ice, etc., which, as they fall, burn up in the atmosphere, presenting beautiful lines of fire and flashes.

Starfall originates from the constellation Perseus, hence its name. The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most popular and brightest celestial phenomena, valued by both simple observers and professional astronomers.

Another meteor shower that should not be ignored is the Capricornida meteor shower. which you can watch right now. The Capricornida meteor shower can be observed throughout August and half of September, until the 15th.

Capricornida meteor shower leaves a trail of cosmic rocks that burn up in the atmosphere, and originates from the constellation Capricorn. Scientists have assured that, although the Capricornida meteor shower has been little studied, it is very convenient for observation. The path is not as intense as the Perseids, but each meteor burns very brightly. Such phenomena can be seen 5-6 per hour, however, as you move away from the earth, the meteor shower comes to naught. You can watch the Capricornida meteor shower all over Russia, from any point, even from the window of your own house - the flashes are very bright.

Starfalls in the summer, in August 2017: how to look, where to be seen.

Perseids- in order not to miss the stream, you need, first of all, to find the constellation Perseus. The initial landmark is the Big Dipper, from its beginning (the bucket handle), draw a straight line so that it crosses the North Star. You will meet the constellation Cassiopeia (stars in the shape of the letter W). The constellation Perseus is located right here - you can concentrate on observation.

Capricornidae- respectively, we find the constellation Capricorn. Since Capricorn is inconspicuous in the sky, it is better to first find the constellation Eagle, taking as a guide the bright star Altair, which is part of the "triangle" along with Vega and Deneb. Having found this bright triangle, see below - an obscure “smile” is the constellation Capricorn. As you watch, focus on it.

It is best to watch starfalls away from the lights of the city, near water bodies in the bosom of nature. A great idea for romantic summer fun is to set your camera to a slow shutter speed, mount it on a tripod, or simply put the lens up. The resulting photos will surprise you. August is a great time to spend at least one night without sleep and make a wish after a shooting star...

On the night of August 13, the Perseid meteor shower can be observed in the sky over the capital and other cities of Russia. This meteor shower is one of the three most spectacular cosmic phenomena along with the April Lyrids and the December Geminids. For now, the weather forecast is for clear skies. In this case, the Perseids will be visible to the naked eye. how declared leading specialist of the Phobos Weather Center, "the weather situation is developing in a favorable way with a 90% probability."

The peak of the meteor shower is expected from 23:00 to 00:00 Moscow time.

Meteors are created when particles of cosmic dust burn up as they enter the atmosphere. The streams of celestial bodies, as a rule, are associated with the passage of the Earth through dust plumes left over from comets. Fragments of rock that have flown out of the comet's nucleus, falling into the atmosphere of our planet, burn out in it, flashing like stars. When the Earth encounters these particles on its way around the Sun, they penetrate the atmosphere at a speed of more than 150 thousand km / h, drawing either straight solid or broken lines. Most outbreaks are caused by meteoroids the size of a grain of sand. Casual eyewitnesses often take the glare from the meteor shower for the intrigues of UFOs.

“The Perseids look like white luminous streams that seem to “line” the night sky. Meteors usually glow for a few seconds. Up to 100 meteors per hour are expected to be visible in the sky this year.” declared at the Moscow Planetarium, where they also noted that only cloudy weather and the growing moon can prevent the contemplation of starry rain.

The August meteor shower started on July 17 and will end on August 26. After August 20, the intensity of the stream will gradually decrease: from that time on, only one or two meteors per hour can be seen in the night sky.

The Perseids appear in the sky as a result of the passage of the Earth through the meteorite debris surrounding Comet Swift-Tuttle. The stream appears from the direction of the constellation Perseus, after which the Perseids got their name. Visually, at the level of this accumulation is the source of the flow. Meteor showers are best observed in the northern hemisphere.

Comet Swift-Tuttle itself approaches the Earth only once every 135 years, but the Earth passes through its tail every year.

The entire celestial body will again approach our planet in 2126.

A feature of the current meteor shower will be the presence of a bright Moon in the sky, which can interfere with a good “picture”. If at first the epicenter of the Perseids is concentrated in the northeast, then by morning it will gradually rise above the horizon. Experts recommend observing a unique natural phenomenon away from city lights - in the countryside. For example, on the shore of a reservoir, in a field or in a forest clearing. If you can’t get out of the city to watch the starfall, it’s best to take a position on the balcony, and preferably on the roof of a high-rise building on the outskirts.

In addition, experts advise not to focus on individual particles, and also remember that meteors do not appear in the sky all the time. Pauses between streams can be 5-10 minutes.

“After midnight, the intensity of the flow, as a rule, increases, and by 4:30 in the morning it becomes more and more interesting to count the white flourishes in the sky,

reported at the Barnaul Planetarium. - The radiant is located in the constellation Perseus, the reference point is the circumpolar constellation Cassiopeia, bordering Perseus: look into this part of the sky. A favorable period for observations, when the Moon in the phase of the first or last quarter will not “illuminate” the search for meteors.

Humanity has been observing the Perseids for about 2000 years. In former times, they were mistaken for shooting stars, because of which, in fact, the “popular” name of this phenomenon was born. The first mention of the “rain of fire” is found in 36 AD among the Chinese, but it is officially believed that the annual meteor shower was discovered by the Belgian mathematician, astronomer and meteorologist Adolphe Quetelet in August 1835.

Earlier, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration () that an asteroid the size of the pyramid of Cheops will approach Earth on August 28. However, it seems that there is no need to worry: if the calculations of scientists turn out to be correct, the celestial body will fly at a distance of 1 million km from the surface of the planet.