Ancient Ukrainians. Ukry - the oldest Slavic tribe, the ancestors of Ukrainians

There are “ancient Ukrainians” in Ukrainian history textbooks

historical reality

It's best to take a textbook. We find out that in the period of "ancient" (when, apparently, "ancient ukry" should have existed) in the textbooks there are only "Vendi, Sclavins and Antes". Which, in fact, are mentioned in historical sources.

We clarify right away that the attitude to the “problem of ancient Ukrainians” is not an indicator of the measure of Ukrainian patriotism. This is another problem: “Do we have a decent true story, or will we distort it because of an inferiority complex?”

We will not provide links to those texts or videos that rave in the direction of the ancient Ukrainians. The latter, as they say, dug out the Black Sea, gave birth to Buddha, Christ, etc. Such stories are on the net, and each reader can find them if they wish. But, the site LIKBES does not suffer from flawed hyperpatriotism. People who come up with "ukrov", judging by where they are quoted, work for the aggressor country, perhaps not because of bribery, but because of ordinary human stupidity. Since there were no “ukrovs” in Ukrainian history, based on historical sources known to historians, they are not only on our website, but also in our textbooks, which for the last ten or fifteen years have been undergoing a good scientific examination and discussion (if, of course, they are not especially spoiled by the pro-Russian former Minister of Education D. Tabachnik). The LIKBEZ project coordinator took away a history textbook from his daughter, who is in grade 6, and simply scanned the pages dedicated to the early Slavs. Apparently, it was then that the “ancient ukry” should have acted. We think that despite the difference in languages, anyone can find out from the scan whether the word “ukry” is there or not. We only see there Wends, Slavins and Antes". (See about real Ukrainians: )

Now we can call ourselves “Ukrainians”, “Ukrainians”, “Ukrops” and “Jewish Bandera”. This is our full right, we do what we want. We live in a free country. But this does not concern ancient history, there was only what was recorded in the sources. And the Ukrainian "historical patriot" is tested by how he is quoted in the Russian media - or not. If they quote as about "ukrov", then ... (...)

A wonderful world awaits those who wish to study the history of the “Great Ukraine”. Already in the fifth grade, children will be told that on the lands of "Ancient Ukraine" there was a great power of the Scythians, whose outlines on the map will coincide with modern Ukraine. Moreover, the presentation of the material will openly incline to the idea that the Scythians are “ancient Ukrainians”.

Further, the children will be told that the “ancient Ukrainians” have lived on the lands of present-day Ukraine since the 4th century. Here "Ukrainian historians" will offer several versions of the origin of modern Ukrainians. According to one of them, the "Ukrainians" are the descendants of the Polyan union of tribes, and the Russians and Belarusians are the Krivichi. According to another, Ukraine is the center of the Eastern Slavs and Russia in general, and the current Russians are the descendants of the "Asiatics" (Finno-Ugric peoples and Mongols). Here the Ukrainian authors continue the theory proposed by the Polish lords. Kievan Rus is called "Prince Rus - Ukraine", the Black Sea, without further ado, was called the "Ukrainian Sea" (although at that time it was called the "Russian Sea", which clearly shows who inhabited the Northern Black Sea region). The word "Rus" was retained, but it was reported that this name is archaic. The word "Ukraine" supposedly means "beloved land".

A distinctive feature of "Ukrainian history" is the fact that all significant successes and achievements remained in antiquity, including in the mythical past. The initial loss of independence by the "Ukrainian lands" is described as a generally peaceful process. At the same time, the great Lithuanian princes allegedly used the Ukrainian language in office work (although in reality they used the Russian language). Even the Polish-Lithuanian union is presented as a necessary measure necessary to fight the German knights and Muscovy.

The flight of fantasy of "Ukrainian historians" created a "powerful state" - the Zaporizhzhya Sich. From the end of the 15th to the end of the 18th century. the period of history, which is called "Cossack", continued. According to Ukrainians, the Sich was a form of Ukrainian statehood, a direct "military democracy". However, the "enemies" ruined the "great Cossack state." Poland and Russia divided its lands among themselves, and the Ottoman Empire captured the southern lands. For eighth grade Ukrainian schools, the liberation war led by Bogdan Khmelnytsky is a kind of "Ukrainian Great Patriotic War." A significant part of the school course is devoted to it. The Pereyaslav Rada is assessed as a forced alliance with Russia, which ended in "Russian betrayal." “Great Ukraine” fell under the Russian protectorate, the Russians began to seize control, impose their own rules and break “great Ukrainian culture, distorting history along the way. During the reign of Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky, who reoriented himself to Poland, it turns out that a “Ukrainian-Moscow” (or “Russian-Ukrainian”) war took place. In Russian historiography, this "war" is one of the fronts (operational areas) of the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667.

The war ended with the complete "occupation" of "Great Ukraine": the state was divided along the Dnieper, the south went to the Ottomans. The entire subsequent history of "Ukraine" is described as a continuous series of "heroic" national liberation struggles. Hetman Mazepa, who betrayed Russia and went over to the side of the enemy - Sweden, became a "national hero". Textbooks for grade 9 mainly talk about the "national revival" and "colonial policy" of the Russian authorities. The Patriotic War of 1812 was even “Ukrainized”. It turns out that the Cossack army "expelled Napoleon" from Russia. I immediately recall the stories of the satirist Zadornov about "stupid American schoolchildren" who believe that it was the United States that defeated Napoleon and Hitler.

In a similar way, information about the “history of Ukraine” is presented in high school. As a result, students find themselves in a special atmosphere of an ancient, heroic, great, but “humiliated and occupied” state. Almost the entire history is a "national liberation struggle" against external enemies, "Muscovites". Ukraine is constantly in the "ring of enemies". And if in the 19th century "imperialist oppression" was carried out by two empires - Russian and Austrian, then in the 20th century there was one main "enemy" - Russia (the Soviet Union). Moreover, the "Russian oppression" reached its climax. A huge number of training hours are devoted to the Holodomor "arranged by Muscovites" alone. And during World War II, Ukrainians allegedly fought heroically against both the “Bolsheviks” and the Germans. Some authors generally agree that Hitler wanted to "recreate the Ukrainian state", freeing it from the "Bolshevik yoke".

The propaganda doesn't stop there. Students and adults get acquainted with "scientific" works. Thus, Doctor of Political Sciences and Professor Viktor Bebik talks (including on TV) about the “Ukrainian origins” of human civilization. Mykola Galicianets in the book "Ukrainian Nation" talks about "the most ancient Ukrainian nation on earth", which arose 40 thousand years ago and in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. created the state "Great Ukraine". It is clear that it is impossible for an educated person to read such opuses. Unless as material for satire or psychiatry. The book tells about the “most ancient period in the history of Ukraine” and is based not on sources falsified by the “enemies of Ukraine”, but on some unique and miraculously preserved “Vedas”. Apparently, they were revealed to the author during a mental contact with the "ancient Ukrainians". The book was published in Ternopil in 2005 and is recommended for study in schools and universities of the country.

Such "works" usually begin with an explanation that the whole past is a deception and falsification. The "enemies" have perverted the ancient and glorious history of the "Ukrainian nation". "Moskals" ("Mongol-Asians") in this list are the first. However, not only the “cursed Muscovites”, but also all the peoples involved in historical science are participating in the “worldwide conspiracy” against “Ukraine” ...

Authors like Galicianets are not at all embarrassed by the fact that until the 1990s, when representatives of a small group of radical nationalist parties in Galicia proclaimed themselves a “Ukrainian nation”, history knows nothing about the existence of such a people as “Ukrainians”. All this is easily explained - the machinations of "enemies". The story will simply be invented: “The nation proudly carried its historical native name “Ukrainians” through the millennia.” It turns out that "ukry" has always existed: from proto-Ukrainians and Aryans-proto-Ukrainians to the present day.

The history of "Great Ukraine" amazes readers with its greatness. "Ukry" smashed the armies of the Persian kings. "Ancient Ukrainians" successfully resisted the army of Alexander the Great, who allegedly tried to capture the peninsula "Ukrainets" (Crimea), capture "Ukrainian" cities and ports. But "Great Ukraine" after a long struggle defeated the invaders. Then the "proud ukry" successfully resisted the Roman legions. "Ukrainians" allegedly were "true Aryans." Their capital in ancient times was "Ariygrad", and they were ruled by "Arijslav". In general, it turns out that Hitler and his ideologists “robbed” the history of “Ancient Ukraine”.

It is clear that while the official Ukrainian historical science and school textbooks reflect a softened version of the "Ukrainian fantasy". However, education continues to degrade and simplify. Teachers (although there are already “conscious Ukrainians” who sincerely believe in such nonsense and propagate it) are forced to work out the program lowered from above. Now, when they are trying to build a “Ukrainian Reich” in the former Ukrainian SSR, these trends will only intensify. Thanks to such programs, millions of people are already in a state of confusion, mental disorder, losing their spiritual, cultural and national roots. There is a formation of a pseudo-people of "Ukrainians-ukrov", who live in the "ring of enemies". Their entire "history" is the struggle against the "Muscovites" and other enemies.

Tens of millions of people have been fed self-destructive information for years. Therefore, if we see “Ruin-2” (“Ruin” - a period in the history of Western Russian lands between 1657 and 1687, when a civil war was going on there), there will be nothing surprising. People are prepared for this. Mass psychosis, as we saw from the events of the Euromaidan, has reached a very high level. In schools, the consciousness of the “offended person” is formed. Like, for centuries everyone offended the “Cossack state”, divided it, colonized it, starved it and oppressed it.

How such propaganda ends, especially given the power of modern media, we all have the misfortune to watch today. At first, the crowds demanded "European integration." Moreover, the “Ukrainians” know everything and believe that everything will be fine for them if they enter the “family of European peoples” and isolate themselves from Russia. No sensible arguments simply reach the consciousness of “Ukrainians”. They literally explain the unity of the economy of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, their interdependence, literally on the fingers, they say that Brussels and Berlin are not going to “feed” Ukraine, modernize the economy, that they only need consumers and, in the future, resources (preferably with a reduction in the number of natives). That this disastrous path has already been passed by the Baltic countries, Bulgaria, Greece and other states that have only lost from joining the European Union. That economic integration with Russia will bring prosperity, etc. However, the crowds of "new barbarians" continued to destroy their own state with gusto. Then they tried to explain to them that the demolition of the Yanukovych regime would not lead to an improvement in life. It will only get worse, to the point of economic collapse. That the nationalists and Nazis, backed by the oligarchs, will come to power. And this will only lead to an increase in theft and the collapse of already weak state structures. There will be a possibility of a split of the country and civil war.

They didn't listen. They continued to break their state. As a preliminary result - the loss of the Crimea and the confrontation between the South-East and the West. The prerequisites for a civil war ("Ruins") are quickly taking shape. Viewed "Yugoslav" and "Libyan-Somali" scenarios. The fresh experience of Libya and Syria has taught people nothing. They still do not understand that a little more, and they will "be in Syria." There is very little left before a full-fledged confrontation. Apparently, even if a new “holodomor” occurs and people have to live from the garden, the “Muscovites” who did not allow the construction of “Great Ukraine” will be to blame for everything.

There comes that terrible stage when already any dialogue will be impossible. The example of Tymoshenko and Tyahnybok demanding to end the "separatists" who only want to keep their language shows that compromise and "negotiations" between Ukrainians and Russians are an unrealizable illusion. "Ukry" has already become a peculiar, extremely aggressive and dangerous sect that hates Russia, Russians and a significant part of its own citizens who still cling to the Russian language.

There is no "fraternal Ukrainian people". There is the core of the "Ukrainian Reich", which is rapidly devouring the Ukrainian SSR, bringing up narcissistic, insulted and aggressive "Cossacks" ("ukrovs") who hate the whole world and especially Russians.

To date, two million people of Crimea have been pulled out of this whirlpool, which turns into inferno before our eyes. And the sooner we manage to save at least the Southeast (at the first stage), the better it will be for them and for us. In fact, Russia must again carry out a liberating and at the same time educational mission, saving 40 million Russ who fell under the power of the enemy and who are being made into offended and evil creatures - "ukrov".

And there is no need to look back at the world community and listen to the malicious slander of the West. The masters of the West are our age-old geopolitical opponents, they will always pursue an anti-Russian policy. We are solving a civilizational and national problem - we are saving part of the Russian world, part of the super-ethnos of the Rus, who fell under the rule of the enemy. Pro-Russian organizers, referendums and reunification - an algorithm for fighting the "Ukrainians" and their Western masters.

No need to look to the West. Russia is a unique civilization capable of following its own path and setting the tone for all of humanity. Iran, Syria, India, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and many other countries of South America, as well as Africa and Asia, will only be happy to return to the world arena of the Russian soldier, who has always been a defender of the universal concepts of goodness and justice.

After the reunification of all areas of Russian civilization, it will be necessary to do a lot of work to destroy "Ukrainianism". A long-term program is needed to restore the "Russianness" of Western Russian lands. All Russians should be proud of their history, they should stop being humiliated and insulted creatures and become the sons of "Great Russia". Reunification should go simultaneously with the cultural and educational mission to recreate the unity of the spiritual, cultural and national space of Russian civilization.

Samsonov Alexander

The digging of the Black Sea and the filling of the Carpathians from the excavated earth have long become boring. Therefore, a head with a forelock, recently found off the coast of Crimea, was immediately declared proof that the Ukrainians are the oldest of all, and Crimea is rightfully theirs. Scythians vs.

I have long been concerned about the question of why Ukraine so actively ascribes to itself other people's merits. Why does he make Ilya Muromets Ukrainian, founds Canada, wants to build a base on the moon and launches American rockets on his engines. Ukrainians also carefully rewrite the data on Wikipedia so that people who want to check the truth of certain statements see that the honest government of the chocolate king is not lying to them. Well, let's try to understand the root causes.

To do this, you will have to go a little deeper into history, and the history of other states that have nothing to do with Ukraine. Just to understand what the matter is and why Bandera suddenly became a hero.

What do we know about Japan? Samurai, ninja, Bushido code, "warriors of the sacred wind", the great Tokugawa shogun. A rich history, the basics of which every schoolchild knows. Someone knows Detachment 731 and Major Ishii, which the Japanese do not brag about at all. For some, the names "Akagi" and "Soryu" are not an empty phrase, like the encrypted message "Torah", which the Japanese, in general, are rightfully proud of.

Let's take Mongolia. The Great Hagan Genghis, the conquest of China, Russia and parts of Europe, the defeat of the Khorezm kingdom. The Golden Horde, which is studied at school.

Armenia. She is Colchis, where the famous Argonauts swam for the Golden Fleece, which was proved by experience by the wonderful researcher Tim Severin. The first country to officially adopt the main world religion - Christianity in 301 AD. e. Mount Ararat (departed by the Treaty of Kars to Turkey), to which, according to legend, the biblical ark of the righteous Noah landed.

Ethiopia is the heir to the great Aksumite kingdom. The second state after Great Armenia, which adopted the Christian religion at the official level. In the III-VIII centuries Aksum was the most powerful kingdom of the African continent. And the Ethiopians still know, even the most illiterate, that the great Russian poet Pushkin was from their lands. Let not himself, let his grandfather, what's the difference?

There is nothing to say about the states of the Near and Middle East. Together they constitute the great heritage of the Sumerian civilization; this is the first writing, astronomy, mathematics, metal smelting, the first legislation on the planet, the biblical Tower of Babel ...

Little Austria is rightfully proud of the great Mozart, Lebanon is proud of the Phoenician historical heritage. The assets of Hungary include King Bela I, who finally made the country Christian, and "the water of the Hungarian queen" - the world's first alcohol-based perfume, which marked the beginning of modern perfumery back in the 14th century. Also, the Hungarians dispute the famous Vlad Tepes from Romania, who for decades saved the region from the dominance of the Ottomans.

As the reader can see, many, even the smallest states, have reason to be proud of their past. And they never refuse it, even the most seemingly shameful and tragic pages.

Every state needs heroes. Bashkiria has its heroes in the form of Salavat Yulaev, an associate of Pugachev, Tatarstan has a rich history, this is the legacy of the Khazar Khaganate and Volga Bulgaria, even in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, archaeologists dig up tools up to 150 thousand years old! What speaks about the real cultural and civilizational antiquity of this region. The Yakut epic Olonkho was included in the UNESCO list of oral and intangible heritage.

The young American state acted very cleverly, the state of colonists, renegades, declassed elements from all over the world. They recognized themselves as the American people, the bearer of a whole heap of different cultures, appropriated in the modern world the right to punish and pardon, but never encroached on other people's historical values. In America, there were no heroes worthy of being sung in verse, except for the founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves (this is a separate topic, not considered in this article) and Colonel Colt. And they chose their own path of cultural development and instilling in the people pride in the country. All these Captains America, Rambo and other Batmans make up the culture of the modern American people. They are not fools to be proud of Field Marshal Amherst, who used biological weapons in the form of smallpox-infected blankets in the fight against the Indians! Therefore, the young American civilization created heroes for itself, invented, drew comics about them and made films. Of course, now there is a cruel propaganda campaign on the theme of the space palm tree (Alan Shepard), but the documents will not let you lie.

Now we are witnessing the birth of a new state, Ukrainian. After all, all 25 years that have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine, like other republics of the USSR, is perceived in the same way: the former Soviets. And you can't get away from it. Therefore, it is necessary to build a new independent state, it is necessary to reformat the consciousness of people, to instill in their minds the idea that they are really great and independent, having the richest history.

But what if Ukraine does not have its own state history? From the word at all. Either they are under the Poles, then under Lithuania, then Khmelnitsky presented them to Muscovy ... There is no heroic past either. Rather, there is a past, and a very heroic one, but with a small correction: exclusively as part of Muscovy / RI / USSR. Ukraine is afraid to challenge the United States for the right to Batman. And there is nothing more to invent, all superheroes have long been created, even the famous Superman. Therefore, it is necessary to grab something from someone, and even make it so that they believe in it.

About two years ago, I became interested in what kind of people such arose, Ancient Ukry. I know history quite well, I have been fond of it since childhood, so I could not miss these echoes of the ancient Aryans among the glades, Drevlyans and other Krivichi, Slavic tribes that settled about 40 thousand years ago from the territory of modern India. And on Wikipedia I found that there really was such a tribe. They lived along the Uker River, appeared there around the 6th century. n. e., the name of the tribe was self-appropriated from the name of the river. So it was customary: in the fields, a clearing, among the trees, the Drevlyans ... I won’t guess about the Krivichi. And on the river Uker, respectively, ukran, they are ukry in a different spelling.

After the scandal with the change in Wikipedia of the place of birth and nationality of Ilya Muromets, I was not at all surprised to see completely new data in the same article about Ukrainians. It is no longer written there that by the 7th century it small tribe completely dissolved, assimilated. On the contrary, it says that the great, ( censored, but everyone understood), Ancient Ukraine in the tenth century. were part of the Lutich military alliance and were even independent! And then, later, in the XII century, they completely assimilated and became German-speaking. That's where the slogan "Ukraine is Europe" comes from. They, according to new Wikipedia data, are Germans.

Believe me, reader, for a person who has looked at wall clocks with Roman numerals from infancy, it is simply impossible to confuse the number X with the numbers V, VI and VII. Yes, and I found an article dated 2010, where this data was preserved. The Internet remembers everything, however, if I knew that such a mess would begin, I would have taken a screenshot. That uncorrected page from the wiki.

Kievan Rus itself was created by the Novgorodians. Oleg was called the Prophet for a reason. He moved the capital from Veliky Novgorod to Kyiv, wisely reasoning that from Novgorod to Byzantium, as to Beijing in reverse, from Kyiv is much closer. And this is trade, economics. From Novgorod, only to all sorts of Livonians and Swedes to swim and walk, but you can’t really bargain with them. Therefore, modern Ukraine simply cannot put Kievan Rus to its credit.

So, we need a great hero from antiquity, whom everyone would know. And there is such a person in Ukraine, and then Little Russia. This is Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. And although he is still revered even by the most fierce Maidanists (which is strange for me personally), not a single monument was demolished to him (which is doubly strange, because they like to fight with monuments), he does not pull on the role of a truly all-Ukrainian hero. Simply because it was he who, following the results of the Pereyaslav Rada, gave all of Little Russia to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich of Muscovy. He gave it to eternal use, and so successfully that it continued until 1917. Therefore, from it, by no means, can you blind someone who can be considered right here as the real batyr of All Ukraine.

There were many outstanding Ukrainians, I do not argue. Writers, military leaders, academics... But all of them are so inextricably linked with Muscovy / the Russian Empire / the USSR that there is simply no one to take. They even denied Shevchenko and Gogol! Like, Ukrainians, but some wrong, too Russian.

So it turns out, reader, that Ukraine is trying to ascribe at least something to itself, because, by and large, there is nothing for it, the modern “High Live - Glory to the Heroes”, to shine from the depths of centuries.

In my opinion, reader, Independent Ukraine (it was independent when it, like Ukraine, was itself) has only one person who can be called a hero in at least something, this is Nestor Makhno. He rode himself on a cart, even tried to create a semblance of a state. Well, you at least choose him as a hero, idiots?! For all the duality of nature, the dad was quite an adequate person.

No, they found Bandera and Shukhevych. They took the ugliest, nastiest thing in their history, when they were, sort of, independent. So after all, it’s not that either, because they were under the German fascist occupation! I am not a psychologist, but even in my unassuming opinion, there is an inferiority complex here. So, reader, Nezalezhnaya is just trying to ascribe at least some merit to herself, because there simply aren’t any of her own, truly Ukrainian.

A wonderful world awaits those who wish to study the history of the “Great Ukraine”. Already in the fifth grade, children will be told that on the lands of "Ancient Ukraine" there was a great power of the Scythians, whose outlines on the map will coincide with modern Ukraine. Moreover, the presentation of the material will openly incline to the idea that the Scythians are “ancient Ukrainians”.

Further, the children will be told that the “ancient Ukrainians” have lived on the lands of present-day Ukraine since the 4th century. Here "Ukrainian historians" will offer several versions of the origin of modern Ukrainians. According to one of them, the "Ukrainians" are the descendants of the Polyan union of tribes, and the Russians and Belarusians are the Krivichi. According to another, Ukraine is the center of the Eastern Slavs and Russia in general, and the current Russians are the descendants of the "Asiatics" (Finno-Ugric peoples and Mongols). Here the Ukrainian authors continue the theory proposed by the Polish lords. Kievan Rus is called "Prince Rus - Ukraine", the Black Sea, without further ado, was called the "Ukrainian Sea" (although at that time it was called the "Russian Sea", which clearly shows who inhabited the Northern Black Sea region). The word "Rus" was retained, but it was reported that this name is archaic. The word "Ukraine" supposedly means "beloved land".

A distinctive feature of "Ukrainian history" is the fact that all significant successes and achievements remained in antiquity, including in the mythical past. The initial loss of independence by the "Ukrainian lands" is described as a generally peaceful process. At the same time, the great Lithuanian princes allegedly used the Ukrainian language in office work (although in reality they used the Russian language). Even the Polish-Lithuanian union is presented as a necessary measure necessary to fight the German knights and Muscovy.

The flight of fantasy of "Ukrainian historians" created a "powerful state" - the Zaporizhzhya Sich. From the end of the 15th to the end of the 18th century. the period of history, which is called "Cossack", continued. According to Ukrainians, the Sich was a form of Ukrainian statehood, a direct "military democracy". However, the "enemies" ruined the "great Cossack state." Poland and Russia divided its lands among themselves, and the Ottoman Empire captured the southern lands. For eighth grade Ukrainian schools, the liberation war led by Bogdan Khmelnytsky is a kind of "Ukrainian Great Patriotic War." A significant part of the school course is devoted to it. The Pereyaslav Rada is assessed as a forced alliance with Russia, which ended in "Russian betrayal." “Great Ukraine” fell under the Russian protectorate, the Russians began to seize control, impose their own rules and break “great Ukrainian culture, distorting history along the way. During the reign of Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky, who reoriented himself to Poland, it turns out that a “Ukrainian-Moscow” (or “Russian-Ukrainian”) war took place. In Russian historiography, this "war" is one of the fronts (operational areas) of the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667.

The war ended with the complete "occupation" of "Great Ukraine": the state was divided along the Dnieper, the south went to the Ottomans. The entire subsequent history of "Ukraine" is described as a continuous series of "heroic" national liberation struggles. Hetman Mazepa, who betrayed Russia and went over to the side of the enemy - Sweden, became a "national hero". Textbooks for grade 9 mainly talk about the "national revival" and "colonial policy" of the Russian authorities. The Patriotic War of 1812 was even “Ukrainized”. It turns out that the Cossack army "expelled Napoleon" from Russia. I immediately recall the stories of the satirist Zadornov about "stupid American schoolchildren" who believe that it was the United States that defeated Napoleon and Hitler.

In a similar way, information about the “history of Ukraine” is presented in high school. As a result, students find themselves in a special atmosphere of an ancient, heroic, great, but “humiliated and occupied” state. Almost the entire history is a "national liberation struggle" against external enemies, "Muscovites". Ukraine is constantly in the "ring of enemies". And if in the 19th century "imperialist oppression" was carried out by two empires - Russian and Austrian, then in the 20th century there was one main "enemy" - Russia (the Soviet Union). Moreover, the "Russian oppression" reached its climax. A huge number of training hours are devoted to the Holodomor "arranged by Muscovites" alone. And during World War II, Ukrainians allegedly fought heroically against both the “Bolsheviks” and the Germans. Some authors generally agree that Hitler wanted to "recreate the Ukrainian state", freeing it from the "Bolshevik yoke".

The propaganda doesn't stop there. Students and adults get acquainted with "scientific" works. Thus, Doctor of Political Sciences and Professor Viktor Bebik talks (including on TV) about the “Ukrainian origins” of human civilization. Mykola Galicianets in the book "Ukrainian Nation" talks about "the most ancient Ukrainian nation on earth", which arose 40 thousand years ago and in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. created the state "Great Ukraine". It is clear that it is impossible for an educated person to read such opuses. Unless as material for satire or psychiatry. The book tells about the “most ancient period in the history of Ukraine” and is based not on sources falsified by the “enemies of Ukraine”, but on some unique and miraculously preserved “Vedas”. Apparently, they were revealed to the author during a mental contact with the "ancient Ukrainians". The book was published in Ternopil in 2005 and is recommended for study in schools and universities of the country.

Such "works" usually begin with an explanation that the whole past is a deception and falsification. The "enemies" have perverted the ancient and glorious history of the "Ukrainian nation". "Moskals" ("Mongol-Asians") in this list are the first. However, not only the “cursed Muscovites”, but also all the peoples involved in historical science are participating in the “worldwide conspiracy” against “Ukraine” ...

Authors like Galicianets are not at all embarrassed by the fact that until the 1990s, when representatives of a small group of radical nationalist parties in Galicia proclaimed themselves a “Ukrainian nation”, history knows nothing about the existence of such a people as “Ukrainians”. All this is easily explained - the machinations of "enemies". The story will simply be invented: “The nation proudly carried its historical native name “Ukrainians” through the millennia.” It turns out that "ukry" has always existed: from proto-Ukrainians and Aryans-proto-Ukrainians to the present day.

The history of "Great Ukraine" amazes readers with its greatness. "Ukry" smashed the armies of the Persian kings. "Ancient Ukrainians" successfully resisted the army of Alexander the Great, who allegedly tried to capture the peninsula "Ukrainets" (Crimea), capture "Ukrainian" cities and ports. But "Great Ukraine" after a long struggle defeated the invaders. Then the "proud ukry" successfully resisted the Roman legions. "Ukrainians" allegedly were "true Aryans." Their capital in ancient times was "Ariygrad", and they were ruled by "Arijslav". In general, it turns out that Hitler and his ideologists “robbed” the history of “Ancient Ukraine”.

It is clear that while the official Ukrainian historical science and school textbooks reflect a softened version of the "Ukrainian fantasy". However, education continues to degrade and simplify. Teachers (although there are already “conscious Ukrainians” who sincerely believe in such nonsense and propagate it) are forced to work out the program lowered from above. Now, when they are trying to build a “Ukrainian Reich” in the former Ukrainian SSR, these trends will only intensify. Thanks to such programs, millions of people are already in a state of confusion, mental disorder, losing their spiritual, cultural and national roots. There is a formation of a pseudo-people of "Ukrainians-ukrov", who live in the "ring of enemies". Their entire "history" is the struggle against the "Muscovites" and other enemies.

Tens of millions of people have been fed self-destructive information for years. Therefore, if we see “Ruin-2” (“Ruin” - a period in the history of Western Russian lands between 1657 and 1687, when a civil war was going on there), there will be nothing surprising. People are prepared for this. Mass psychosis, as we saw from the events of the Euromaidan, has reached a very high level. In schools, the consciousness of the “offended person” is formed. Like, for centuries everyone offended the “Cossack state”, divided it, colonized it, starved it and oppressed it.

How such propaganda ends, especially given the power of modern media, we all have the misfortune to watch today. At first, the crowds demanded "European integration." Moreover, the “Ukrainians” know everything and believe that everything will be fine for them if they enter the “family of European peoples” and isolate themselves from Russia. No sensible arguments simply reach the consciousness of “Ukrainians”. They literally explain the unity of the economy of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, their interdependence, literally on the fingers, they say that Brussels and Berlin are not going to “feed” Ukraine, modernize the economy, that they only need consumers and, in the future, resources (preferably with a reduction in the number of natives). That this disastrous path has already been passed by the Baltic countries, Bulgaria, Greece and other states that have only lost from joining the European Union. That economic integration with Russia will bring prosperity, etc.

However, the crowds of "new barbarians" continued to destroy their own state with rapture. Then they tried to explain to them that the demolition of the Yanukovych regime would not lead to an improvement in life. It will only get worse, to the point of economic collapse. That the nationalists and Nazis, backed by the oligarchs, will come to power. And this will only lead to an increase in theft and the collapse of already weak state structures. There will be a possibility of a split of the country and civil war.

They didn't listen. They continued to break their state. As a preliminary result - the loss of the Crimea and the confrontation between the South-East and the West. The prerequisites for a civil war ("Ruins") are quickly taking shape. Viewed "Yugoslav" and "Libyan-Somali" scenarios. The fresh experience of Libya and Syria has taught people nothing. They still do not understand that a little more, and they will "be in Syria." There is very little left before a full-fledged confrontation. Apparently, even if a new “holodomor” occurs and people have to live from the garden, the “Muscovites” who did not allow the construction of “Great Ukraine” will be to blame for everything.

There comes that terrible stage when already any dialogue will be impossible. The example of Tymoshenko and Tyahnybok demanding to end the "separatists" who only want to keep their language shows that compromise and "negotiations" between Ukrainians and Russians are an unrealizable illusion. "Ukry" has already become a peculiar, extremely aggressive and dangerous sect that hates Russia, Russians and a significant part of its own citizens who still cling to the Russian language.

There is no "fraternal Ukrainian people". There is the core of the "Ukrainian Reich", which is rapidly devouring the Ukrainian SSR, bringing up narcissistic, insulted and aggressive "Cossacks" ("ukrovs") who hate the whole world and especially Russians.

To date, two million people of Crimea have been pulled out of this whirlpool, which turns into inferno before our eyes. And the sooner we manage to save at least the Southeast (at the first stage), the better it will be for them and for us. In fact, Russia must again carry out a liberating and at the same time educational mission, saving 40 million Russ who fell under the power of the enemy and who are being made into offended and evil creatures - "ukrov".

And there is no need to look back at the world community and listen to the malicious slander of the West. The masters of the West are our age-old geopolitical opponents, they will always pursue an anti-Russian policy. We are solving a civilizational and national problem - we are saving part of the Russian world, part of the super-ethnos of the Rus, who fell under the rule of the enemy. Pro-Russian organizers, referendums and reunification - an algorithm for fighting the "Ukrainians" and their Western masters.

No need to look to the West. Russia is a unique civilization capable of following its own path and setting the tone for all of humanity. Iran, Syria, India, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and many other countries of South America, as well as Africa and Asia, will only be happy to return to the world arena of the Russian soldier, who has always been a defender of the universal concepts of goodness and justice.

After the reunification of all areas of Russian civilization, it will be necessary to do a lot of work to destroy "Ukrainianism". A long-term program is needed to restore the "Russianness" of Western Russian lands. All Russians should be proud of their history, they should stop being humiliated and insulted creatures and become the sons of "Great Russia". Reunification should go simultaneously with the cultural and educational mission to recreate the unity of the spiritual, cultural and national space of Russian civilization.