An ideal educational organization using health-saving methods. Health-saving technologies in the educational process

Sections: School psychological service

Three global tasks are set for educational institutions:

  • child's physical health
  • moral health,
  • psychological health.

Therefore, the purpose of the psychological service is the mental and psychological health of the individual. This implies attention to the inner world of a person, his feelings, experiences, interests, inclinations, his attitude towards himself, towards other people, towards the world around him. At the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Moscow), department "Noospheric education", head - Maslova N.V., I took courses where I gained knowledge about health-saving methods. This knowledge correlates well with the purpose of the psychological service. In general, the concept of noospheric education answers many questions of the time. I was interested in the question of how to orient a person in modern society. Mostly the new technology of noospheric education has allowed me to go deeper into working in health-saving mode.

A person with noospheric thinking will correctly understand his place in nature. Noospheric development is aimed at restoring the ecological balance on the planet and the emergence of a new person, the hallmark of which will be a new quality of thinking - a holistic perception of the world. For this, it is necessary to educate holistic thinking, it is based on the idea of ​​the unity of the universe and man, as its particles, that is, man is part of the System of nature. A person must realize his natural conformity or biological adequacy. This is based on energy-saving techniques, which served as the basis for the creation of this program.

I would like to point out the factors on which health depends. According to Yu.P. Lisitsina (1986), human health is only 8-10% dependent on medicine, 20% on heredity, 20% on the external environment, and 50% on a person's lifestyle.

Inadequate psycho-emotional reactions can significantly reduce the level of health. It has been noticed that the same disease in different people proceeds differently. The same drugs have different effects: in some cases they help in recovery, in others they give complications. Under the same conditions, one freezes and dies, and the other is not. This is directly related to the spiritual development of a person, which underlies the difference in organisms, reactions to both illness and treatment. The human body is a laboratory and even a whole factory for the production of drugs, hormones and other useful substances. Thus, a person - the creator of his own health. There are some "powers within us that can protect us from the disease or change its course.

You can strengthen your health only by raising the quality of your consciousness through constant work and eternal movement forward, improving yourself and developing the high qualities of the spirit. It is the development of spiritual and psychological forces that will give a person the path to the happiness of the future. And when a person follows the path of love, joy, he feels stronger, more resilient, able to withstand various kinds of influences.

So, working in the "health-saving methods" mode, I developed a system of primary non-drug prevention of disease reduction and health promotion. This system includes the following activities:

  1. Testing quantitative self-assessment of health (test "Measure your health").
  2. The study of self-esteem of personality.
  3. The study of the level of anxiety on the Spielberger scale.
  4. Conducting trainings for the development of personal growth.
  5. Mastering the methodology of personality harmonization - relaxation.

The introduction of such a program, in my opinion, contributed to an increase in the rating of health among various life values.

How was this work actually carried out?

The experiment included 10 people who were identified after testing "Measure your health". The low results obtained could be due to an exacerbation or onset of the disease, as well as the presence of such risk factors for diseases as overweight, low mobility, inadequate psycho-emotional reactions, sleep disorders, and others.

Experimental and clinical psychologists have irrefutably proven that our nervous system is unable to distinguish between an actual situation and a situation created vividly and in detail by our imagination. And in most cases, this happens on an emotional and subconscious level.

Psychology is a school of self-mastery. It allows a person to know himself and unite his spiritual world with the material one. This must be learned. The image of one's own "I" is changing for the better through the accumulation of knowledge about oneself, practical experience. Having mastered the psychology of the image of one's own "I", a person creates a basis for self-hypnosis.

Worked on the following topics:

  • "A Few Touches to the Portrait of a Happy Man";
  • "The image of "I" or the secrets of self-confidence";
  • "An aggressive person is a war with himself";
  • "I'm O'Kay!" or again about the subconscious.

We came to the conclusion that at the heart of our failures and ailments are emotional traumas, and they cause mental pain. Then the person morally suffers and "leaves" in the opposite direction.

I will give examples of this work on increasing the self-esteem of the individual, regulating the level of anxiety and mastering the method of harmonizing the personality - relaxation.

1. To look into the inner world of a child, it is enough to ask him: "Who do you feel, imagine, imagine?" The pictures loomed different, like the children themselves:

  • bright clearing with multicolor;
  • lonely tree in the field;
  • a cloud in the sky and a gap in the sun's rays;
  • rock by the sea...

According to this picture, there is a reasoning about what kind of person this is, that is, the image of self-image allows a person to make discoveries about himself.

2. Seriously worked on the concept of "compliments". They make a person softer and warmer, more responsible in their choice.

3. Conducted exercises:

a) Autopilot. Write down 10 phrases, attitudes like: "I'm smart, I'm handsome." These attitudes should be directly related to the individual, reflecting his goals and aspirations. This is an optimistic program for the future.
b) Association. Show that each person is an individual. Rethinking his "I", a person acquires the knowledge of an objective assessment of himself.
c) An exercise in awareness of one's character traits. Write on the envelope character traits that appear in individuals and everyone knows about them. Inside the envelope, place the character traits that the person tries to hide from others (work in pairs, reflection).

4. We studied the program for gaining self-confidence (Rogov E.I. "Handbook of a school psychologist in education", M., 1996.).

5. We have mastered relaxation - a powerful way to harmonize the personality. They did it like this:

a) work on an audio recording of a Leningrad psychotherapist;
b) relaxation technique according to Jacobson (10 muscle groups);
c) relaxation according to Maslova N.V.

Relaxation (according to Maslova N.V.)

"Feel a pleasant source of peace and harmony. Feel how it spreads through your body, along the entire spinal column, as if waves of relaxation pass from the middle of the body. The source brings peace, purity, clarity, cleanses your head. Your brain becomes clear, pure. Clarity and purity settle in your forehead, temples.Wrinkles straighten out, the forehead becomes clean, smooth.Your eyelids are soft, hung, relaxed.Feel relaxed eyes.Try to feel gratitude from your eyes, they are grateful to you.Feel how harmony and relaxation settle in your neck and cleanse it. Feel the fresh and cool air. Try to feel the waves envelop your shoulders, spread a sense of harmony. Enjoy the pleasant sensations. Try to feel the rhythm of your breathing, your lungs breathe freely. Waves of relaxation envelop your heart, all organs. Source caresses the thighs, legs and displaces everything that is not purity. and, the ankles become light. Everything comes out through the heels, fingers. Feel how easy it is for you, good. Everything that is not pure comes out of your body, out of your cells, out of your soul. Now take a mental look at yourself from head to toe. Imagine that you are an artist. With a slight movement of your hand, you can freely correct everything in your body that you consider necessary. Admire yourself, enjoy your condition, the state of a healthy mind and body. Wrap yourself in love, and send your love to the world around you."

Reflection on the implementation of the entire program showed that the children became less conflicted, the level of anxiety and aggressiveness decreased, there was a desire to lose weight, they felt brave, strong, confident, their well-being improved. This is the result of my work. It can be concluded that well-being is a reflection of the state of health.

Everyone knows that health is the greatest value, the basis for self-realization and the main condition for people to fulfill their social and biological functions. Health-saving behavior and thinking are laid down at school. But at the same time, the school environment hinders the promotion of health. The early start of education, the intensification of the educational process, the use of pedagogical innovations entail a discrepancy between the load and the capabilities of the child's body and lead to a strain of adaptive mechanisms.

It is gratifying to note that today the educational system is aimed at preserving the health of schoolchildren. The task of teachers is not only to give children knowledge, but also to form successful individuals who are ready to fully live and raise the future generation. And without health it is impossible. That is why health-saving technologies are currently being implemented at school.

The role of the teacher

A teacher can do even more for a student's health than a doctor. He is not required to perform the functions of a medical worker, just teachers must work in such a way that training does not harm schoolchildren. In the life of students, the teacher occupies one of the main places; for them, he personifies everything important and new, including being an example in matters of health conservation.

The teacher must have professional qualities that will allow him to generate fruitful ideas and provide positive pedagogical results. These qualities include the following:

What should a teacher know

The effectiveness of the use of methods and means of health-saving methods in the educational process is influenced by various skills of the teacher, namely:

  • analysis of pedagogical situations in the aspect of recovery;
  • establishing contact with a group of students;
  • mastering the basics of a healthy lifestyle;
  • forecasting the development of schoolchildren;
  • modeling of the system of relationships in the conditions of health-improving pedagogy.

The teacher should show students by personal example how to take care of their own health and the health of others. In the event that a healthy lifestyle is the norm for a teacher, students will properly accept health-saving technologies at school.

Problem solving

In order to effectively introduce healthy lifestyle ideas into the practice of a teacher, three problems must be solved:


Health-saving educational technologies in a modern school (HTE) are all technologies, the use of which in the learning process benefits students. If ZOT is associated with the solution of narrower tasks, then they include pedagogical methods and techniques that provide students with safety during their stay in an educational institution.

All forms of health-saving technologies at school are linked into a single system and are based on the desire of teachers themselves to improve. If during the implementation of pedagogical functions the task of maintaining the health of teachers and students is solved, then we can say that the implementation of the educational process is carried out in accordance with the LOA.

The main task of the school is to prepare the child for an independent life by obtaining the necessary education. But how can a teacher be indifferent to the fact that his pupils have an unfavorable state of health, which is progressively worsening? This question is largely rhetorical, but one of the answers to it was the demand for health-saving technologies by the heads of educational institutions and teachers.

Goals pursued in the process of implementation of the AST

According to GEF, health-saving technologies at school are aimed at achieving the following goals:

Different approaches

The use of health-saving technologies at school began relatively recently; before that, the concept of sanitary and hygienic measures existed in the pedagogical lexicon. Many people still equate these two terms with each other, but this is a primitive view of the content of the work to preserve and improve the health of schoolchildren, which should be carried out in an educational institution.

Pedagogy aimed at improving the health of children cannot be expressed by any one educational technology. These are all areas of activity in the school for health protection, taking into account the living conditions of the child and the most important characteristics of the educational environment.

Children in school should receive knowledge that in later life will be in demand by them. And the achievement of this goal is impossible without health-saving pedagogy, which is a set of methods and techniques for organizing the educational process without harming the health of teachers and students. Possessing pedagogical knowledge and closely interacting with schoolchildren, their parents, medical workers and colleagues, the teacher plans his activities taking into account the priorities of strengthening and maintaining the health of participants in the educational process.


Health-saving technologies in school according to the Federal State Educational Standards imply a set of psychological, medical, pedagogical influences that are aimed at ensuring and protecting health, forming the right attitude towards it. There is no single unique health technology. Health saving acts as one of the tasks of a certain process of education. Such a process can have a medical and hygienic orientation (close contact between a teacher, a health worker and a student), a physical culture and health improvement (physical education is a priority), an environmental one (the formation of harmonious relationships with nature), etc. .

Health-saving technologies and health psychology at school include many psychological and pedagogical methods of work and approaches to solving possible problems that are familiar to most teachers. For example, the educational process, which has a medical and hygienic orientation, involves the use of preventive programs, the implementation of activities to educate students about sanitary standards, the provision of hygienic learning conditions, etc.

Environmental health-saving technologies have slightly different directions. Activities at school with such an orientation of the educational process will be reduced to educating schoolchildren of the need to take care of nature, involving them in research work in the field of ecology.

As for physical culture and health technologies, the main tasks here are to train willpower and endurance, hardening, forming healthy and trained personalities out of physically weak people.

Health-saving technologies at school are classified not only by approaches to health protection, but also depending on the nature of the action. So, there are protective-preventive, stimulating, information-training, compensatory-neutralizing and other technologies.


POTS have a number of functions:

  • Formative. It is implemented on the basis of social and biological patterns of personality formation. Individual mental and physical properties of a person are predetermined by hereditary qualities.
  • Reflective. It consists in rethinking past personal experience, in increasing and maintaining health, which makes it possible to measure the results achieved with the available prospects.
  • Diagnostic. It consists in monitoring the development of schoolchildren on the basis of predictive control, due to which it is possible to measure the direction of the actions and efforts of the teacher in accordance with the child's capabilities given to him by nature. Health-saving technologies at school provide an individual passage of the educational route for each child, an instrumentally verified analysis of the factors and prerequisites for the future development of the educational process.
  • Informative and communicative. ZOT provide a broadcast of the experience of forming a caring attitude to one's own health.
  • Integrative. Health-saving technologies at school combine various education systems and scientific concepts, folk experience, guiding them along the path of increasing the health of the younger generation.

OST in elementary school

Each educational institution has specific obligations both for educational, educational and health protection of children. What health-saving technologies are used in elementary school? In fact, there are a lot of them. After all, already from the first grade, children are taught the habits of a healthy lifestyle. There are many challenges facing the teaching staff.

  • promoting a culture of health,
  • improvement of methods and forms of work to preserve and further strengthen the health of schoolchildren;
  • the formation of students' needs and qualities that contribute to the development of health.

Each primary school class should be assigned a separate classroom equipped with technical teaching aids. In the office, the air-thermal regime must be observed.

Health-saving teaching technologies in primary school involve the use of various forms of work with students and their parents, implemented by class teachers and school medical staff. Here are some of them:

  • health monitoring;
  • prevention and prevention of diseases;
  • design of information stands;
  • timely information about upcoming vaccinations;
  • speeches at parent meetings, etc.

In the primary grades, conversations should be held with students on the topic of personal hygiene, the prevention of colds, the schoolchild's regimen, proper nutrition, etc.

It is recommended to use the “Full Day School” model in the work of an educational institution, in which an individual regimen is drawn up for each student, including the ability to “switch” from one activity to another, the development of independence and individual abilities, and preventive measures aimed at organizing students’ free time.

Health-saving technologies at the beginning. schools are implemented through a complex of recreational activities:

  • class hours "Doctor Aibolit", "If you want to be healthy ...", "Visiting Moidodyr", "Forest Pharmacy", etc.;
  • outdoor games during breaks;
  • gymnastics for the eyes and physical education in the classroom;
  • school sports competitions;
  • conversations with a doctor;
  • in the afternoon - sports watch "Strong, dexterous, courageous", "The fastest", "Merry relay", etc.;
  • newspaper editions.

Particularly sensitive in primary school students is the nervous system, so during the lesson it is important to change activities and work modes through physical education minutes, listening to relaxing songs.

Health-saving technologies in secondary school

Pupils of the middle and senior levels are already more thoroughly and seriously studying everything related to health protection. They get acquainted with the problems of the interdependence of maintaining the body in good physical shape and proper nutrition, learn about how amateur and professional sports affect life expectancy, comprehensively discuss the bad habits of young people (drinking alcohol, smoking, drug addiction) and their impact on mental and physical the state of a fragile organism, childbearing, and so on.

High school students talk about the above problems in groups, at conferences, prepare reports, projects, abstracts on relevant topics, creatively process information of interest, thereby also developing educational competence and creative abilities.


Most of the modern problems that reflect the complexity of the situations that have developed in the system of general education and need to be resolved as soon as possible are somehow related to the health of the younger generation. And this encourages teachers to contribute to the formation and preservation of the health of students through the use of health-improving pedagogy.

Elena Zvyagintseva

Competitive application

on the participation in the regional competition"Kindergarten of the Year-2018"

educator municipal government preschool

educational institution "Kindergarten "Vesnyanka" of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of the cognitive-speech direction of the development of children


Stavropol Territory

Zvyagintseva Elena Nikolaevna


"Best professional educator, working

co health-saving technique»

1. General information

Contest participant

Surname, name, patronymic Zvyagintseva Elena Nikolaevna

Position educator_

Date of birth 09/26/1964

Full address of residence 356030 Stavropol Territory, Krasnogvardeisky district, Krasnogvardeyskoye village, Likhachev street 8, apt. eight

Contact phone numbers, email address 8 962-011-50-01, [email protected]

Education, degree (level, educational institution) Secondary special, Ordzhonikidze Pedagogical School No. 1.

Professional career (general experience work, dates, places work, positions)

35 years old, from August 1983 to August 1985, a primary school teacher in the city of Beslan of the Republic of North Ossetia, from September 1985 to October 1986 - a primary school teacher in the city of Stavropol, from August 19, 1988 to the present - educator MKDOU Kindergarten No. 18 "Vesnyanka" with. Krasnogvardeisky Krasnogvardeisky district Stavropol Territory.

The presence of awards, titles (if available) does not have

Name of preschool educational organization (fully):

municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 18 "Vesnyanka" of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of the cognitive-speech direction of the development of children "

Full address of the institution:

The subject of the Russian Federation: Stavropol region

index: 356030

locality: Krasnogvardeyskoye village

the street: Mira

house: 4/2

federal telephone area code:8-865-41 phone: 2-41-52

fax machine: -- e-mail: [email protected]

Head of a preschool educational organization (Name, contact phone number): Gorbatykh Elena Vladimirovna 8 (86541) 2-41-52

Awards and other achievements of the organization:

1st place in district stage of the competition"Green Flame" in the nomination "The best preschool educational institution for the promotion of traffic rules" (2015, 2016); 2nd place 2017

in the nomination "The best children's propaganda team"- 1st place in 2015, 2nd place in 2016 ; 1st place 2017 -1 place in district stage of the competition"Kindergarten of the Year -2015" in the nomination "Best preschool teacher» , accepted participation in the marginal stage of the named competition;

1st place in district competition professional excellence « Educator of the Year - 2016» , 2nd place « Educator of the Year -2015» , 1 place « Educator of the Year 2012» , 2nd place « Educator of the Year - 2011» ;

2nd place in regional (2015, 2016);

1st place in regional Spartakiad among preschoolers (2017, 2018); -in 2017, the team of MKDOU Kindergarten No. 18 "Vesnyanka" listed on the Board of Honor Krasnogvardeisky district Stavropol Territory;

In 2015, the team was awarded a letter of thanks from the head of the village of Krasnogvardeisky Krasnogvardeisky district Stavropol Territory for a large and fruitful work on education and upbringing of the younger generation, successes and achievements in sports and recreation, educational, cultural activities;

In 2014,2015,2016. 2017, 2018 pupils and teachers became winners and laureates Internet contests, olympiads, creative competitions, quizzes "Know", "You are a genius!", Pedology, "Rassudariki", "Rainbow of Talents", "Time of Knowledge", "Know-It-All", "ABVGDEika", "Lyra",

"Safety Experts", « Competition» , "Ready for school!", "Soon to school!".

2. Description

Why did you choose this profession?

I often think why I became educator? I just couldn't be anyone else.

I love my profession, I love my children. It can only be understood by educator.

This is a calling, a desire to be close to the enthusiastic world of children's eyes.

Be educator means to have compassion, the desire to see children who have already become "by their children". I made the right choice and I am proud of my profession!

What do you consider your highest achievement in working with children?

The highest achievement in my work with children is when I see that children come to the group with interest and look forward to meeting me, their friends and new knowledge. At the end of the year, I notice a significant increase in the development of the creative abilities of children and I consider this the highest achievement in my life. work

The happiness of every teacher is to see the fruits of their hard work, to lay the foundations for future professional education, and I, rejoicing at the success of graduates, am proud of their achievements, and I think that this is also my merit, because a piece of my soul remained with them,

Your Core Principles work with children?

1. The basic principle of my work is equality and cooperation with children.

2. Interactions with the family - joint activities contribute to the establishment of a trusting relationship with parents,

3. Reliance on traditional, national values ​​- upbringing children through regional culture and traditions.

4. "Learning in the game"- the game is a simple and close way of knowing the surrounding reality.

5."Development of the creative abilities of the child"- the interests of the child need to be developed, stimulated to employment.

6."Psychological Comfort"- in the group it is safe, useful, safe.

Key Features educational process, the use of innovative methodologies.

When planning educational process, I take into account the basic principles of preschool education outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard.

During educational educational process using modern methods and innovative technologies for design and research activities, sand therapy. Modern children require a deep presentation of the material they are interested in, and information and communication technologies fully realize this. I use social gaming technologies: work in pairs, subgroups.

My Job focused on the end result - the strengthening of life and children's health, correction of speech, mental and physical development. For this I use health-saving educational technologies "finger gymnastics", "Igrotraining".

I believe that a modern child needs a modern education.

Why did you decide participate in the competition?

I believe that I have the strength, talent, and most importantly, love for children, which helps to make the life of a child in kindergarten bright, interesting, and informative.

And it's very nice when your work positively evaluated not only by children, but also by others.

How do you imagine the ideal educational organization in the future?

An ideal educational organization should be equipped with all the necessary equipment for the implementation health-saving technologies: gym and gym, swimming pool, phytobar, because I worked valeologist and I know how children love to drink healthy and tasty tea. Parking should be provided at the entrance to the kindergarten. The educational organization has its own large and comfortable bus, which takes children on excursions, exhibitions, and museums. In the era of universal computerization, the development of nanotechnology, the kindergarten of the future, in my opinion, - a large number of halls and rooms: experimental and project rooms for children, where each child is given the freedom to choose activities. And most importantly, kindergarten should work only caring people, in groups of 10-15 children, and educator has enough time to work with each individually.

My approach to working with children

Healthy children are a great blessing

The GEF of preschool education sets the initial task of protecting and strengthening the physical and mental pupils' health as well as his emotional well-being. This task for adults (for teachers and parents) we need to start solving systemically and together.

One of the directions in work I highlighted the introduction health-saving technologies in educational activities, in the formation healthy lifestyle.

my goal work - educate in children the need for healthy lifestyle.

To achieve this goal, I set myself the following tasks:

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening children's health.

form health saving skills and habits.

Encourage the desire to be able to sympathize, empathize with someone else's pain.

-Bring up conscious attitude to lead healthy lifestyle.

In his work I use various methods and techniques, health-saving technologies, which help to interest children in knowing their body, in preserving and strengthening their health.

A sports corner created by the group, which includes not only sports equipment, but

and various types of massage ry: walnuts, cones, balls. simulators for the development of breathing (cocktail tubes, snowflakes, feathers, mats for the prevention of flat feet, a track health,

didactic games, card indexes of outdoor games, counting rhymes, album "Kinds of sports", books and illustrations, helps children to relieve aggression, tension, negative emotions. Children show interest in their health.

On the site kindergarten has a sports ground with the necessary equipment, which

allows children to satisfy the need for various kinds of movements.

For the development of coordination of movements and motor activity of children, a playground was made on asphalt. Ecological trail that promotes recoveryand ensure the environmental safety of children: phytoflower, promoting familiarization with medicinal plants and their use for recovery. In the classroom, children will learn what foods are good for the body, what vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables; get acquainted with the structure of the human body and safe behavior

at home and in nature.

spend my days health, leisure and entertainment are a good basis for the development of physical activity and education of children. Skills healthyI fix the way of life in: didactic; mobile; role-playing games; exercise in daily life.

Outdoor games create a positive emotional upsurge, cause good health. Carrying out morning exercises and the inclusion of breathing exercises in it creates a cheerful mood in children, and a need is developed for its daily implementation.

Another form of involving children in healthy lifestyle and wellness regimen is gymnastics after daytime sleep.

Its goal is to improve the mood and muscle tone of children, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot disorders.

AT work with preschoolers, I use various types of massage that affect tactile stimuli, the development of emotions and speech reactions. For improvement healthchildren and increase the resistance of the child's body to adverse environmental influences, I carry out hardening with air and water: morning wash; washing hands before eating; rinsing the mouth; washing feet before going to bed, lightweight clothing; sleep with open windows in the warm season; air - solar baths; ventilation of premises.

The most favorable time for tempering procedures, outdoor games and physical exercises is a walk. An integral part of it is, which has become traditional, health run.

When conducting NOD, I use ICT in joint educational activities:

presentations, eye gymnastics, finger games, musical exercises.

Developed such projects,as: "Vitamins", "Winter sports".

Health technology project "Be healthy, baby!" found a positive response

from the parents, where the forms work became a meeting - a round table with parents,

joint leisure, consultations: "Movement is life", "Tempering a Child",

as well as problem solving: "Why does a person wash?", "To have teeth healthy. Open Days were held "Along the track health» .

Therefore, for a more efficient joint working with parents to raise a healthyand a developed child I spend: questioning; parent meetings; conversations, consultations; contests, sports holidays.

With my experience work on the use of health-saving I shared technologies at the Council of Teachers. In the preschool educational institution she held an open lesson, a joint sports event with children "We vote for healthy lifestyle» . During my time work children have an interest in healthy lifestyle increased parental interest in physical culture and health work with children.

Organization of project activities, use of ICT in the classroom, preparation of presentations, open events - an effective way to interest children. Of course, you have to study and prepare a lot. But, seeing the result, it is not a pity, neither time nor effort. And the interested and enthusiastic looks of the guys are a real reward for their work! My pupils and their families repeatedly participated activities in kindergarten district competitions and won awards.

Every time you release your pupils, no, or rather, my children, it’s hard for me to part with them. But I don't say goodbye to them, I don't lose sight of them, because they keep in touch with me: share their successes, new achievements.

According to statistics, the incidence rate among children and adolescents has been steadily increasing in recent years. And we are talking not only about physical deviations, but also about an increase in the number of inadequate psychological reactions. Such phenomena cannot but disturb. Since children and adolescents spend more than half of their waking time in educational institutions, it becomes clear that the education system must take some of the responsibility for maintaining the health of the younger generation.

However, a school is not a hospital or a sanatorium; a teacher or educator cannot be charged with diagnosing or treating a child's illnesses. Its mission is to:

- to create such learning conditions for the child that will not injure his body and psyche, as well as to give the younger generation knowledge about the value of health and how to preserve it.

It is necessary to emphasize once again that we are talking not only (and not so much) about physical health, but about a comprehensive indicator of well-being, which also includes mental adequacy, social adaptation and the proper level of moral development.

So, health-saving technologies in the educational process are a set of methods, techniques and conditions that maximize the preservation and strengthening of the physical, spiritual and moral health of the subjects of the educational process.

Some ways of classifying health-saving technologies

As can be understood from the definition, the concept of health-saving technology is very broad. They can be classified according to many features, but only a few of them are really important in practice. One of these signs is subjective activity.

There are three types of health-preserving technologies on this basis:

  • non-subjective (the student may not even know that at the moment he is taking care of his health);
  • implying a passive position;
  • implying an active position.

Despite the obvious advantage of an active position, an educator should work out for himself methods for implementing the principles of maintaining health in all three types of student activity. After all, it must be taken into account that the formation of a child’s active position is influenced not only by positive, but also by negative factors (peculiarities of upbringing in the family, false values ​​imposed by the media, or simply human laziness), and he will not necessarily willingly accept the position of a teacher.

Also, in the entire volume of health-preserving technologies, one can single out sanitary and hygienic measures and pedagogical measures proper.

Hygienic component of health preservation technology

It includes:

  • indoor conditions (temperature, light, ventilation, cleaning mode);
  • organization of rational nutrition;
  • compliance with the regimen of classes with sanitary standards and age characteristics of students;
  • proper selection of furniture and other items used during classes;
  • taking into account the state of health of the student in the organization of his workplace.

It can be noted that this component of health-saving technology is being implemented quite successfully in most schools. The state of lighting and temperature conditions are regularly monitored, most schools have canteens and buffets where the sale of products harmful to children's health is prohibited. Recommendations for the rational organization of the working day are taken into account when scheduling lessons. And, of course, teachers won't put a visually impaired child in the back or a tall student at a low table. The activation of the student's position is also widely used in this area: children regularly take part in cleaning and gardening the premises.

It is important to note the fact that, from the point of view of maintaining health, one cannot approve of the too wide use of computers in the educational process. It is known that eyesight suffers much more from staring at a screen than from reading from a paper page.

Pedagogical health-saving technologies in education

They consist in the ability to build a lesson in such a way as to minimize the burden on the body and mind of the child, and at the same time achieve effective assimilation of knowledge.

The simplest and most important of these pedagogical techniques are:

  • frequent change of activities in the lesson (from five or more times);
  • rational distribution of the load over the time of the lesson (the most intense work should be in its middle);
  • the use of game and role-playing forms of work (among other things, this way you can unobtrusively make children move);
  • creating an atmosphere of cooperation (children have the right to questions, to their opinion);
  • creating a favorable emotional atmosphere (a joke or a literary quotation will not make the lesson frivolous).

Pedagogical health-saving technologies are especially important in elementary school, where children do not yet have sufficient attention concentration skills. For younger students, physical education sessions are rightly recommended in the classroom (they can include breathing exercises and gymnastics for vision). Children of this age perceive such events much better and need them more.

And it is also necessary to remember that health-saving technologies also mean taking care of the teacher's health, his comfort and protection from stress. It is this side of the issue in the current system of education that is frankly insufficiently developed.

Application of health-saving technologies - video

Tasks: 1. To test in practice the model of health-saving activities at school; 2. Develop and implement programs to improve the professional level of teachers in the field of health conservation; 3. Organize educational activities with teachers, students and parents on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills; 4. Provide information support for the healthy lifestyle model

Legal and regulatory framework - The Constitution of the Russian Federation - The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" - The National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025 - The Convention on the Rights of the Child - The Law of the Russian Federation on the Rights of the Child - The Law of the Stavropol Territory "On Education" - Federal Law 124-FZ "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child" - Federal Law 120 - Federal Law "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" - Model regulation on an educational institution - Strategy for the development of the education system of the Stavropol Territory until 2020 - "Our new school" (presidential initiative) - Requirements SanPina

Health of students: Physical Mental Social Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards Cooperation with the Suvorov Central District Hospital (medical examinations, professional examinations) Compliance with the rules of SanPiN Work in society Diagnosis and monitoring of the health of schoolchildren Implementation of innovative health-saving technologies Prevention of bad habits

Principles of health-saving activities: 1. The principle of priority of effective care for the health of students 2. The principle of not causing harm 3. The principle of a triune idea of ​​physical, moral, mental health 4. The principle of the priority use of active teaching and upbringing methods 5. The principle of compliance with the content and organization of the learning process and education to the age characteristics of students 6. The principle of delayed results 7. The principle of active feedback

The health-saving system model consists of blocks-directions. 1. Creation of a health-saving infrastructure: Creation of complex conditions for the development of the child and the preservation of his health Catering. Psychological and logopedic service Social and legal service 2. Rational organization of the educational process. - The implementation of this block creates conditions for relieving overload, normal alternation of work and rest, increases the efficiency of the educational process, while preventing excessive functional stress and overwork: - Compliance with hygiene standards and requirements for the organization and volume of educational and extracurricular workload of students a new scale of difficulty of educational subjects, which allows you to build a lesson schedule taking into account each age group - The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process (problem-based learning, differentiated learning, project-based learning, developmental learning, modular learning, game technologies)

3. Medical and hygienic technologies: Control and assistance in ensuring proper hygienic conditions in accordance with the SanPiN regulations. Conducting vaccinations. 4. Physical culture and health technologies: Aimed at the physical development of those involved: hardening, strength training, endurance, speed, flexibility. 5. Ecological health-saving technologies: Creation of nature-friendly, ecologically optimal conditions for people's life and activities. Arrangement of the school territory. Aerophytomodule: green plants in classrooms. 6. Technologies for ensuring life safety The literacy of students on these issues is ensured by studying the course of life safety.

5. Health-saving educational technologies: Health-saving educational technologies can be considered both as a technological basis for health-saving pedagogy, and as a set of techniques, forms and methods for organizing schoolchildren's education without harming their health, and as a qualitative characteristic of any pedagogical technology in terms of its impact on students' health and educators. 6. Compensatory-neutralizing technologies: Conducting physical training sessions and physical training breaks, which allows to some extent neutralize the adverse effects of static lessons. Emotional discharges, "minutes of rest", allowing you to partially neutralize stressful effects.

7. Stimulating technologies: These techniques allow you to activate the body's own forces, use its resources to get out of an undesirable state. Physical exercise. Teaching psychological techniques to deal with despondency, bad mood. 8. Information and learning technologies: They provide students with the necessary level of literacy to effectively care for the health of themselves and their loved ones. Conducting themed classes. Lectures by the medical staff of the school on Health Days. Design of thematic stands on the topic of health.

9. Monitoring. Monitoring is the most important tool for checking the effectiveness of the implemented content of education, the methods used, and serves as the basis for the main ways to eliminate the shortcomings of the educational process at school. Monitoring tasks: Description of health-saving activities. Analysis of the real situation in the field of students' health and factors that positively and negatively affect health. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of health-saving pedagogical technologies. Creation and dissemination of effective models of health. Evaluation of the adaptive capabilities of the child's body and physical condition.

The criteria for assessing the state of health of students are indicators of the physical condition of students, levels of general and acute morbidity. In order to track the impact of the learning process on the quality of education, monitoring should be carried out according to the following indicators: 1. Monitoring the health of students and its impact on academic performance: 1) the state of health of students; 2) absenteeism due to illness; 3) the level of anxiety; 4) hot meals coverage; 5) classes in sports sections; 6) the level of adaptation and motivation of students; 7) learning outcomes. 2. Monitoring the health of teachers and its impact on the results of activities: 1) the state of health of teachers; 2) application of new technologies; 3) diagnosis of difficulties; 4) the level of neuroticism.

Expected results: Creation of an active health-saving infrastructure of the school, contributing to the preservation of health and the formation of motivation for participants in the educational process for a healthy lifestyle. Improving the system of physical education based on the implementation of an individual approach. Motivation of the teaching staff to improve their professional level in mastering and using health-saving technologies. Reducing the incidence rate among children and adolescents. Creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the school, implementation of the principles of pedagogy of cooperation. improving student nutrition; increasing the level of material and technical equipment of an educational institution.

Predictive student model. This is a person: relating to health as an important personal and social value; knowing the mechanisms and ways of maintaining health; physically developed; striving for physical perfection; without bad habbits; who knows and owns the techniques and methods of healing his body.

The use of health-saving technologies plays a big role in the life of every student, makes it easier and more successful to acquire the necessary knowledge in the classroom, overcome difficulties in achieving the goals and objectives of education, teaches children to live without stress, as well as to preserve their own and value other people's health.