How to make the right hemisphere of the brain work. Right Brain Development: My Best Tips and Tricks

The first thing to note is that we are all born right-brained. All children have right-sided thinking, and this practice helps to return to the “childish” state of thinking again, i.e. into figurative-intuitive-abstract-creative. In other words, become children.
Having a dominant left-sided consciousness, we will never be able to understand what God, Infinity and Eternity are. This is the same as trying to measure the brightness of a light bulb with a ruler or trying to see the Milky Way with a microscope.
It doesn't matter how you acquired left-sided thinking, who is to blame or what. It absolutely doesn't matter now. Only one thing is important - what can be done by us so that everything returns to its natural, harmonious state.

1. Balance

  • This exercise balances the right and left hemispheres. But its significance is not only in balancing - it also "shifts" the consciousness from some stable platform, as if "shaking" it, making it mobile, fluid and plastic.

2. Activation of the right hemisphere

  • Here the emphasis is on the right hemisphere and its activity. Just be relaxed and calmly look at the approximate center of the screen.

3. Passive activity

  • Relax and calmly look approximately at the center of the screen.

4. Right-sided rhythm

  • In this exercise, you will see an animation in which the left part blinks rhythmically. You need to look calmly and a little distractedly at the spinning circle in the center of the screen.

5. Abstract sphere

6. Right-sided consciousness

  • Look at the approximate center of the screen with a distracted look, as if into the distance.

Questions and answers to ourselves

Each person always has a lot of different questions, so you can easily find a few to use for this exercise, the point of which is to answer your questions from different levels of consciousness. Simply answer any of your questions by substituting an action for "do this" in the diagram below:

  1. What might happen if I "do it"?
  2. What might not happen if I "do it"?
  3. What might happen if I don't "do it"?
  4. What might not happen if I don't "do it"?

For example: "1. What can happen if I am kind today?.." etc.

Offset right

  1. Stand at a distance of a meter (approximately) near the wall (wall on the right).
  2. Lean to the right and touch your head to the camp (you can put something soft between the wall and the head to make it comfortable).
  3. Stand like this (tilted to the right) for several minutes (the farther the distance from the wall, the greater the effect). Keep as even as possible (straight body condition).
  4. After that, sharply push off the wall and stand straight. You will immediately feel as if something will pull you to the right and something in you will strive to the right side. Concentrate on this sensation and also think of the space to your right.

Plane of thinking

  1. Draw an imaginary plane dividing your body in the center into two halves (right and left).
  2. The plane is infinite, i.e. it goes to infinity forward, backward, up and down from you.
  3. Fill all the space to your right with red and concentrate on that red space.


  1. Also use the Right Brain Game.
  2. As well as a technique from the practice of Opening the Third Eye - the Right Hemisphere of the Brain.
  3. The development of the right hemisphere does not imply a formal change in the scheme of thinking and limiting oneself to what modern man has already developed in himself. On the contrary - by developing the right hemisphere - you thereby repeatedly develop your intellectual capabilities, because. the left hemisphere will "grow" to the heights of the right.
  4. This practice will also be very useful for those who practice Astral Projection.

First of all, it must be said that it has been scientifically proven that when a person, for one reason or another (for example, during a stroke in the left hemisphere of the brain), turns off the work of the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere begins to take on the leading role, then the person begins to feel and experience those states that, for example, in esotericism and Yoga are called nirvana, samadhi - merging with something Higher, boundless. This is a complete exit from the world of logic and egocentrism, beyond the small "I", beyond the line of limitation.

Surprising is also the fact that such a role reversal (ie turning off the left hemisphere and turning on the right) is one of the key in any spiritual, esoteric, religious, magical climax states. If we consider some shamanic practices, then the use of psychotropic drugs, the so-called entheogens, leads to the transfer of consciousness to other, more subtle, dimensions, and this is due to the fact that these drugs turn off the left hemisphere and consciousness passes to the right, where these amazing experiences. Everything is the same, for example, in any religious practice, for example, in prayers for many hours - a person brings himself to a state where consciousness shifts to the right hemisphere and he begins to feel ecstasy, reverence, the presence of something unearthly, divine. The same is true in Yoga - various mantras, exercises, etc. - all this gradually leads to the awakening of the right-sided consciousness, and as a result of this - an altered state of consciousness, where a person enters other areas of perception of the world, his consciousness is not limited by anything and he sees another Reality. I will not list all spiritual disciplines, teachings, religions - you just have to understand that there are many names, but the essence is the same - in one way or another, shift consciousness to the right hemisphere, turn off the left hemisphere of the brain and turn on the right. In shamanic practices this is done somewhat extreme, in yogic and religious practices it is done gradually and in a controlled manner. But it all comes down to just one thing - learn to switch to the right hemisphere when necessary and not allow the left hemisphere to dominate in ordinary life.

Therefore, it makes no sense to take drugs, any entheogens, psychotropic substances for what can be achieved with the help of simple, non-destructive practices.

Arabic readings

Of course, I called the practice this way only because of the similarity of reading. But I also want to say that this is a very successful method of reading, which is accepted in the East. It definitely comes from very wise Sources. Therefore, this practice pays tribute to such wisdom.

As you know, Arabic is written and read from right to left. Those. quite the opposite of how it is done in the Western (left-handed, logical) world. This way of writing perfectly develops the right-handed consciousness, i.e. that consciousness, by which alone it is possible to cognize the Creator.

The practice is pretty simple. You just need to follow the link below. You will see how some random text is automatically written. It will be written from right to left. And you just need to read this text.

In the beginning, for those strongly rooted in the left-sided mind, this exercise may seem difficult. But you need to practice daily, for example 10 minutes a day, and then gradually the right hemisphere will wake up and everything will work out well for you.

Dominance of the right hemisphere

Here I made a little program for you that works in such a way that using it you force the right hemisphere to dominate over the left, otherwise you simply cannot do what it requires. You need to do the following: for example, the word "red" will be written, but this word will not be red, but, for example, blue. You need to say to yourself or out loud not what is written, but the color of the word. Those. the left hemisphere will see the information - red, and the right (artistic) - will see exactly the color. You (who are predominantly heavily addicted to left-handed thinking) will initially feel a strong conflict between the hemispheres. The left hemisphere will resist quite strongly. But you will persistently need to say exactly the color of the words, and not their meaning (information).

Just download the program and double click on the file, it will launch the program. Look calmly at the words that appear, do not strain. The right hemisphere does not like any tension. When you relax, then it can work effectively. Therefore, in all esoteric practices, everything always begins with relaxation.

Strengthening of the channel of the right hemisphere

In India, a very long time ago, knowledge appeared that is associated with the worship of Ganesha (God of wisdom and powerful intellect) on how to develop the brain in a very simple way. Many have already seen the video about this method. If someone has not seen it, then look at it: "". But in the context of strengthening the right hemisphere, it will look a little different.

  1. The exercise is as follows: you do everything as in the main exercise, but only with your right hand you do not pinch the lobe of your left ear. Those. with your left hand you pinch the lobe of your right ear, and you keep your left hand straight, palm down. And so you do squats. Do squats preferably full, not very fast, legs about shoulder-width apart. Down - inhale, up - exhale. The eyes look to the left. Those. the head looks straight, you do not turn it, only the eyes look to the left. This is pretty important. Because the eyes are not really an organ - they are literally part of the brain. Therefore, through the eyes, the effect is very strong.
  2. In order to slightly strengthen the exercise, you can slightly move the index and thumb relative to each other while squatting - doing something similar to massaging the right earlobe.
  3. It is enough to do the exercise once a day, for example, 25 squats.

Right-sided breathing

  1. Inhale slowly through your nose. Imagine that the nose and the right hemisphere are a single connection, as for example: the nose is the lungs. Only instead of the lungs - the right hemisphere. Those. imagine that when you inhale, the air goes into the right hemisphere. As you inhale, imagine the right hemisphere filling with air, like lungs.
  2. When exhaling, it is not necessary to imagine that the air from the right hemisphere leaves through the nose. It is necessary to imagine that the air is as if rammed in the right hemisphere, i.e. create a pumping effect.
  3. Continue pumping air (but really prana) into the right hemisphere in this way.
  4. Try to think of the whole area of ​​the right hemisphere of the brain.

On the animation above you can visually see how it should be.

Psychological Charts for Stopping the Left Hemisphere

This is a special kind of graphic drawings that were developed by psychologists on the basis of modern knowledge about the work of the brain. This knowledge has actually been used for a long time in the form of mandalas or yantras. This is ancient knowledge, the use of which introduces the brain into a certain mode of operation, which allows you to enter altered states of consciousness.

This program presents the most powerful of the charts. You need to download the program from the link below and double click on the file to run the program. Use all three types of diagrams sequentially (in order, as they are presented in the program).

You need to look calmly at the center of the diagrams, taking about 3-5 minutes per diagram. No need to strain your eyes, look calmly, as if contemplating a beautiful landscape, sitting on the seashore.

The program can be expanded to full screen, use the corresponding buttons at the bottom left or top right.

A little more is written about these diagrams in the book "Development of the right hemisphere of the brain", if you have time, you can read it.

Electrical sensations in the right hemisphere

I think that many people have experience from childhood, when, in search of a practical study of the world, we were dissatisfied with information from parents, most often sounding "no-no", but we ourselves tried and touched everything - we tasted electricity, sticking our tongue between two contacts batteries. Perhaps someone has some other experience. But anyway, imagine an electrical tingle in the right hemisphere of the brain. As if it is between two electrodes. Feel strong electromagnetic activity in this hemisphere. Perhaps after a while you will actually begin to feel electrical tingling in this area, or sort of running electrical manifestations.

This is a very powerful exercise. It works in reverse. Those. You all know that there is electromagnetic activity in our brain. For example, when some function is active in the body, the electromagnetic activity of the corresponding area in one or another hemisphere begins to increase. Scientists can place sensors on the head and thus judge what is active in this case. But you can also act vice versa - influence the necessary areas in the brain and thus influence certain functions in the body.

In this practice, you increase the electromagnetic activity of the entire right hemisphere with your intention and visualization.

Music and the right brain

Listen to beautiful harmonious music every day. This is a very good way to develop the right hemisphere. All great musicians are right-brained and all of them were extraordinary personalities. Music is a great tool for expanding consciousness. Use it. Plus, it's such a pleasure.

Further on the link below you can go to the piano playing program. The program is designed in such a way that even a person far from music can create something exciting that will involve him in the creative process. It doesn't matter that someone will turn out differently than professional musicians, the goal is not in this, but in starting to play like a child in childhood, to feel the wave of creativity.

You need to play only with your left hand. Everything in the program is made in such a way that you can press any keys on the keyboard (letter) and thus play like playing the piano.

Solar-lunar consciousness

You need to start the practice with the fact that the Moon closes the Sun (solar eclipse). And then they diverge - the Sun to the right, the Moon - to the left. And then hold the Sun in the right hemisphere, the Moon in the left.

Transition to the right hemisphere

All of the above practices are aimed at weakening the dominance of the left hemisphere and gaining the ability to move your consciousness to the right hemisphere. The flexibility of movement develops, the rigidity, the old-fashioned left-sided perception of the world "breaks". The center of perception sways, it, like a ball, begins to roll easily with you from one hemisphere to another. In the end, in the process of practicing, you reach the golden mean, when this ball is always in the center, at the point of harmony, and you can easily move it and move it from the center to the right hemisphere.

After you have practiced the above practices well, you can proceed directly to the transition to the right hemisphere. Of course, you can do this whenever you want and not always. Because the effect is the same as from entheogens, drugs or samadhi - i.e. in these states, a person is lost to this world; for example, he cannot do something not only for his family, but also for himself.

  1. Take a comfortable body position. It is better if it is a reclining position. For example, on a bed with pillows behind your back and head. Throw a blanket over so that it is not cool, it is better to let it be warm, like in summer. It is better to darken the room with curtains, the room should be twilight or completely dark (which is better). You can wear opaque goggles. You can also wear headphones with meditative music, very well suited for this.
  2. Relax. Release the muscles of the face and behind them the muscles of the whole body. Feel warm and comfortable. You are safe, nothing threatens you, the benevolent Universe is full of miracles and mysteries around you.
  3. After that, begin to do right-sided breathing, the technique of which I have given you above. As you practice this breathing, your right hemisphere will become more and more dominant over your left, and you will gradually move completely into the right hemisphere.
  4. Once again, I want to draw attention to the main mistakes that many will still make, despite the fact that I focus on this. Don't stress. Do not strain your eyes, do not strain the muscles of your face, do not strain yourself internally. Everything must be completely relaxed and let go.
  5. When you are in the right hemisphere, right-sided breathing can no longer be done (as a rule, it will simply stop by itself). Then just concentrate on the right hemisphere and on the new attitude that will come to you.
  6. At the beginning of this practice, only small experiments with consciousness are possible. But gradually you will achieve very powerful experiences, where experiences with, for example, LSD are left far behind.

Why switch to the right hemisphere at all?

There can be many reasons. Everyone will have their own. I would say that this is more of a philosophical question than a practical one. He is related to the questions “why do we live?”, “why do we need to know how the planets rotate in the Galaxy, what will it change?”, “why should I love someone, should I live well anyway?” etc. Of course, billions of people have lived without a right-brain transition, lived, perhaps successfully, grown old and died. And you can follow their example. And no one will twist a finger at the temple, saying that you are not normal. But still, if you have something inside that calls you to something new, for which the Soul yearns greatly, that does not leave you, or leaves, but returns again and again, that says "listen, it must be something else, because there must be something else!" - then you certainly do not miss this chance.


  1. After practice or in time, you may begin to feel the right hemisphere of the brain, i.e. in the literal sense, you will feel it as heavier, or, for example, warmer, pulsating, bursting, etc. This is fine.
  2. It should also be borne in mind that when you move to the right hemisphere, your consciousness will change very strongly. Up to the point that you can stop understanding what they say to you, i.e. what information the words carry, you will hear just a meaningless set of sounds. You will look at something, and see not something, but some points, lines, spots, colors that do not mean anything, etc. Many yogis, sadhus, prophets who experienced certain types of samadhi write about all this - they stopped seeing the world like ordinary people.
  3. At the top, I wrote that the ideal option is to find the center of consciousness between the two hemispheres, i.e. in the golden mean. But this variant is perfect for this world; for the human world. This practice allows you to go further, i.e. always be in the right hemisphere. it is not necessary to go deep into this area, so much so that you do not understand at all what is happening around you in the material (earthly) world. For example, you can shift to the right hemisphere by 10%, 20% or more. Yes, you will no longer look like "normal" in society. But if your goal is higher than what someone thinks of you, then you can get much more benefit from this practice by practicing it constantly, i.e. being in the right hemisphere most of the time.
  4. You already know that many shamans go into a trance (and now you already know that a strong right-handed consciousness) in order to get very important answers to questions. Therefore, you can use this practice for the same. The answers will come to you on their own. It will be as if you already knew them, and just remembered.

Quite a long time ago, scientists proved that the right and left hemispheres of the brain are separated and perform their own specific tasks. The left hemisphere is responsible for conscious actions, such as the ability of a person to analyze, classify received information and sort it according to certain characteristics. It is here that the task is formed and its solution is evaluated. The right hemisphere of our brain functions very differently - it is full of various disordered information, there is always a creative mess. It is it that is responsible for the perception of musical and artistic images, as well as for visual-figurative thinking.

Spatial thinking is one of the main functions of the right hemisphere. Since fine art allows not only to express a vision of the world, but also to develop the skills of perceiving an object entirely - painting is one of the best ways to develop it. As a workout, listening to classical music is perfect. If you have enough free time, learn to play some musical instrument. Scientists have proven that people who periodically listen to classical music have a better memory, an expanded vocabulary and a higher level of IQ. In science, this extraordinary phenomenon is called " Mozart effect". Nutrition plays a significant role in the development and stimulation of the activity of the right hemisphere. Systematic Eating foods enriched with flavonoids stimulates our capacity for logical reasoning and prevents brain degeneration. This element is found in high concentration in blueberries and blueberries. In addition , green tea and red wine are enriched with it . Continuous being in a brightly lit room significantly increases the activity of human brain activity. The best effect is achieved when using natural sunlight or ultraviolet lanterns. In addition to the usual, there are many scientific methods for the development of brain activity. All of them are based on the ability of a person to control his imagination. Their implementation should be carried out in a secluded place, accompanied by a calm environment and a relaxing melody. One such example is the mandala. Under this strange name lies a sacred pattern, the long examination of which stimulates brain activity. to them - systematic holding . By adhering to these rules, you can easily improve your worldview and further develop the work of the brain.

Mirrored, but it's not. If you study the question more closely, you can notice their asymmetry. When measuring the size of the brain, it turns out that the left hemisphere is always slightly larger than the right. But that's not the only difference. The right hemisphere contains long, connecting distant regions of the brain, while the left has short fibers that form connections in a limited area.

Medical observations

While examining the brain of a patient who suffered from loss of speech, Paul Broca, a French physician, in 1861 drew attention to the fact that the area of ​​the frontal lobe, which is responsible for generating speech, was damaged in the left hemisphere.

And only quite recently, scientists were able to determine what else each hemisphere individually is responsible for. The fact is that during normal functioning, our brain works as a single harmonious system, and information is instantly transmitted from hemisphere to hemisphere along a wide bundle of nerve fibers connecting them. These fibers are called

In epilepsy, this bridge can cause problems and damage the brain. In an effort to prevent such an outcome, neurosurgeons in some cases dissect the corpus callosum.

Such patients live normal lives, and scientists can carefully examine the work of the hemispheres separately. And that's what was determined.

Able to express himself with speech, perform complex calculations and logical operations. The right hemisphere responds only to simple, light speech.

But the right hemisphere is great at understanding space and structure, so it is better than the left at creating geometric and perspective drawings. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere controls the left.

When the right hemisphere is damaged, a person experiences impairments in face recognition or perception of information, depth and space. Scientists obtained additional information about the relative specialization of the right hemisphere by observing patients whose speech is impaired, but the ability to sing is retained. It follows from this that the right hemisphere is responsible for musical abilities.

Hemispheric differences

Asymmetry is mental, sensory and motor interhemispheric.

When studying psychophysiological functions, it was found that the control over the verbal information channel in speech is exercised by the left hemisphere, and the non-verbal channel, i.e. voice and intonation, follows the right. in the left hemisphere is produced analytically, sequentially, according to the principle of induction. The right hemisphere processes the incoming information simultaneously, synthesizing it, according to the principle of deduction.

The left hemisphere represents most often positive emotions and suppresses the manifestation of weak emotions. The right hemisphere is more "emotional" and represents mostly negative emotions, controlling manifestations of strong ones.

In the sensory realm, the right and left hemispheres differ in the ability to visual perception. The right hemisphere of the brain perceives a holistic visual image and more easily copes with the task of distinguishing objects and visualizing. The left hemisphere approaches the evaluation of the visual image in a divided, analytical way. Consciousness and associated primarily with it.

Motor asymmetry of the hemispheres is expressed in the right-left-handedness, which is controlled by the motor cortex of the brain of the opposite hemisphere.

Development of the right hemisphere

To develop intuition, one must learn to activate the right hemisphere. How to achieve this? The simplest and most natural way is to engage in those activities in which the right side of the brain “turns on”. These are all kinds of creativity: drawing, singing, dancing, as well as listening to music, smelling, operating with symbols, images.

Hello dear friends!

The brain is the heart of our nervous system. This is a kind of computer capable of processing many incoming signals.

It is thanks to his precise work that we can perform actions that are closely related to the thought process, the correct assessment of what is happening and, of course, self-awareness.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres. Their symbiosis must be harmonious, coordinated and synchronous. Only in this way will a person be able to carry out important activities in a healthy and adequate way. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

The brain is a mysterious organ and scientists are still trying to solve the puzzle of the work of the hemispheres. So the world is dominated by the theory of interhemispheric asymmetry. What does this mean in simple terms?

The theory is based on the assertion that the left side of the gray matter is responsible for, and the right side for the flight of creativity and feelings. The truth is that, thanks to numerous experiments, the fate of two parts of the brain at the same time has been proven.

That is, both the left and right sides are responsible for both components of the thought process. It is worth noting that the theory has existed for a long time and at the same time, it is a leader.

Logical thinking is the area of ​​responsibility of the left hemisphere. So the personality has a tendency to analysis and mathematical miscalculations.

The left hemisphere is responsible for the sequence of processing processes, our speech, writing and. It also helps to remember and, which is not unimportant, to perceive numbers and numbers.

The aforementioned hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body. For example, if an individual is right-handed, then, accordingly, the development of the left hemisphere is more noticeable.

The development of logic, as a type of thinking, helps to more effectively find ways out of life situations. It develops the flexibility of the mind and makes it possible to think about the incoming information more consciously and clearly.

That is why people strive to develop the work of the left hemisphere to super speed. The brain is a muscle that certainly needs to be developed and pumped. Only in this way can a person take what is rightfully his.

What features have gone unnoticed?

The left hemisphere of the brain takes control over the following areas of the body:

  • musculoskeletal function of the right side of the body and, accordingly, coordination;
  • memorization of mathematical symbols, dates of birthdays and names of people;
  • comparison of logical facts and arguments that could be analyzed from the outside;
  • literal perception. There is no place for feelings or emotions in the left hemisphere;
  • a sense of temporary space and oneself;
  • awareness of the concept of "I" and the ability to distinguish it among a crowd of individuals;
  • introvertism in the nature of humanity is also the merit of the left side of the brain.

How to understand which of the hemispheres is better developed in you?

I propose to use the following detection methods, which allow you to recognize the dominant part of the brain in both a child and an adult:

  • interlace the fingers of both hands together. If you observe from above the thumb of the left hand, then the left side of the brain dominates and vice versa;
  • start clapping your hands. Notice the hand that is in control of the clap. Often, it is on top and obeys the instructions of the opposite hemisphere;
  • with a more developed left hemisphere and in the case of crossing the arms at the level of the solar plexus, then the right hand is always on top.

Basic exercises for every day

Of course, when children develop and grow, parents must necessarily note the activity and synchronism of the work of the two sides of the gray matter. In educational institutions, the child will be able to acquire sequence skills, as well as learn the basics of the figurative and logical thought process. But how can you help if you still notice malfunctions?

Exercises for the development of the left hemisphere

1. "Ear-nose"

You need to grab the edge of your nose with your left hand. Use your right to find the opposite ear and grab it as well. Then quickly release your hands and clap your hands. The main task is to change hands in places so as not to get confused.

This exercise should be performed as often as possible for maximum results.

2. "Mirror writing"

For this study, you will need a pair of pencils or pens with a blank sheet of paper. Now equip both hands with stationery for writing at once and start drawing mirror-symmetrical letters.

I will tell you right away that a masterpiece will not come out. It will take time for the brain to understand the technique and adapt. But such a "training" is very useful for the gray matter in general, and especially for the left hemisphere.

3. "Rings"

Relax the fingers of both hands and shake them. Then begin to touch them so that the thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers take the form of a ring when connected.

Such a procedure perfectly stimulates the work of nerve endings in the bundles of fingers and makes the brain work actively.

Definitely, the implementation of such tasks is useful. And at the same time, reinforcing them with other methods, reading, analysis and your own habit of thinking, you will achieve.

4. And finally, a good video

The more developed the personal "computer" of a person, the greater the heights he can achieve. Are we striving for success, friends?

Well, that's where I'll end my thought.

Subscribe to blog updates and recommend it for reading to friends on social networks. In the comments, tell us about what exercises you practice and have you ever met an ambidexter - a person who is equally good with both hands?

See you on the blog, bye bye!

Good day, dear reader! Today we will discuss a unique creation of nature - the human brain, or rather its right hemisphere, and the exercises that you will find in this article will help develop and activate its functions. Now I will explain why I wanted to focus on this topic. Firstly, it is responsible for creativity, and its development will help to reveal the potential inherent in us. Secondly, for a long time the system of education and upbringing is aimed only at the left hemisphere, which has led to an imbalance in our thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to harmonize the work of the whole brain.

If you are an analyst and a pure logician (which means that you have a leading left hemisphere) and feel that you lack creativity and creativity, do not rush to get upset. There are methods and exercises that will help turn on the sleeping right hemisphere. I will describe these methods in detail at the end of the article, but for now we will consider the role that the right hemisphere performs.

Right Hemisphere Functions

  1. Intuition
  2. Imagination
  3. Orientation in space
  4. Processing non-verbal information
  5. Holistic perception
  6. Understanding metaphors and humor
  7. Musicality
  8. Painting
  9. Emotions
  10. dreams

Thanks to the right hemisphere, we can holistically perceive people's faces, emotions, and distinguish between voice intonations. Metaphors and anecdotes are not perceived literally, but their hidden meaning becomes clear, associations and imagination are used. In addition, the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body.

Agree, these are important functions that are developed to a greater or lesser extent in all people. Now imagine what opportunities can open up if you make your brain work even more productively. Intuition will become sharper, empathy and sensitivity will develop, hidden abilities and talents will be revealed.

Who has right sided thinking

Usually, the right hemisphere works better in women than in men. This is one of the reasons why misunderstandings so often arise between the weaker and the stronger sex. Thanks to such thinking, in women such properties as intuition, imagination, daydreaming prevail, and in men - logic, analyticity.

It used to be that right-handers were more left-handed, while left-handers were more right-handed. Now experts in neuropsychology come to the conclusion that this is not entirely true. The studies were carried out using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). When the right-hander wrote, the activity of waves from the left hemisphere increased, when the left-hander wrote, on the contrary. This test only proved once again that each side of the brain is responsible for the opposite side of the body.

Many well-known artists, sculptors, composers have a more active right side of the brain, but the left hemisphere works no lower than the average. Therefore, it is necessary to improve your brain in order to achieve balance in its work.

How to activate the right hemisphere

In order to improve brain activity, training is necessary. For the left hemisphere, solving mathematical problems, solving crossword puzzles will help, and for the right hemisphere, engaging in creativity. Here it is logical to be indignant: “How can we be creative if our right hemisphere does not work ?!”. I will dispel your fears, you can start with small steps available to everyone.

Listen to music. Of course, we are not talking about any kind of music here. Modern musical culture (pop, rock, hip-hop) can only litter the brain. It is better to add a few compositions of meditative music to your playlist, or, as modern psychologists advise, something from the classics (Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart, Wagner and others). Close your eyes and visualize the images and pictures associated with the melody.

Behold. The most successful choice for contemplation is a mandala. This is a schematic pattern that symbolizes the model of the universe. Choose the image of the mandala to your taste, relax and look at the center for a few minutes. After a while, you may notice a kaleidoscope effect, don't be alarmed, this is how it should be. Buddhist monks use the mandala in spiritual practices. For several days they lay it out from colored grains, and after meditation they erase the beautiful fruit of their long labor.

Draw. Even if you do not have artistic ability, you can draw pictures not for exhibition or sale, but in order to activate the right hemisphere. For example, draw a mandala or any other pattern that does not require technical skills. It is best to use paints or colored crayons.

Meditate. Meditation techniques are limitless. It is not at all necessary to look for one that is aimed at developing right-handed thinking. Any meditation improves the activity of the entire brain. Read Meditation for Beginners at Home to learn more about meditation. The most important thing is to learn to observe and direct your thoughts in the right direction, at least for a short time. Meditating people have good intuition, imagination, natural talents are revealed, these are signs of right-sided thinking.

Development exercises

Arabic letter. As you probably know, Arabic is written and read from right to left. This style of writing develops right-handed thinking. I suggest that you try this kind of writing. You don't need to learn Arabic for this. Just write from right to left in your native language, but the main thing is that this does not become a habit for you!

Mirror painting. Prepare a sheet of paper and two pencils, take one in your left hand, the other in your right. Start drawing with both hands at the same time the same, unpretentious geometric shapes. This exercise helps to balance the work of the two hemispheres.

Drawing in the air. This method also aims to harmonize the work of the two sides of the brain, only it is a little more complicated than the previous one. Draw a triangle in the air with one hand and a circle with the other. When you start to succeed, you can change the shapes.

Stroking and patting. Probably everyone in childhood tried this technique. With one hand, a circular motion is made on the stomach, and with the other, a light pat on the head, then you need to change hands. It would seem, what is so difficult? But for people with an imbalance in the work of the two hemispheres, this exercise is not easy.

Here, in fact, are such simple exercises that will help you unlock the potential hidden in you. If you liked the article, please share it with your friends by clicking one of the social network buttons. And also I will be very glad to your comments and additions.

Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun