Who is a cynic in simple words examples. What are the characteristics of a cynical person? The meaning of the word "cynic"

from the Greek - the teaching of the cynics (cynics)): the position of demonstrative and total negativism in relation to generally accepted sociocultural norms and values. The origin of the concept of "cynicism" is associated with the activities of the ancient Greek cynic philosophers, known for their negative attitude towards the achievements of civilization and culture. C., as a form of world relations, has a purely destructive orientation.

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originally: from the teachings of the ancient "cynics") - the position of nihilism (denial, rejection) of cultural assets, any establishments, rules, principles, especially common in a given society, social and moral attitudes, official norms. In its extreme manifestations, cynicism can acquire quite shocking (provocative), even hooligan forms: insults, vandalism, mockery, ridicule, protests through openly mocking behavior, desecration of symbols and shrines, etc. Cynicism does not arise from scratch and has a number of sources. In social terms, it can act even at the state level and manifest itself, first of all, in the disrespectful attitude of the authorities towards their people, in non-observance of the rights and dignity of citizens, in the economic policy of "keeping in a black body"; can be carried out as "cynicism of force" - the exercise of power by frankly immoral means: fascism, totalitarianism, terrorism and other forms of tyranny. It can also manifest itself as a response of people in unfavorable social and political realities: disrespect for authority, ignoring the law, rebellious moods, destructive tendencies, ochlocracy, etc. - people take the fundamental positions of anti-culture, seeing no other way out. From an everyday, moral point of view, cynicism is a manifestation of a low moral culture, a primitive level of spiritual development, which takes the form of disrespect for other people, especially those who are different or who are at a lower rung of the social ladder. Cynicism in this case is the result of intolerance, selfishness and other negative qualities of the person himself.

Cynicism is always viewed with negative point of view as a violation of the foundations existing in society.

But this position also has its advantages.

Concept in simple words

Cynicism- frankly disdainful attitude to the moral principles and ideals accepted in society.

Denial of existing and representations.

cynical behavior always defiantly, defiantly.

People to whom it is inherent tend to show their rejection of the norms in force in society. The main incentive for activity for them is the achievement of their own interests, which are the only true ones.

cynical man

Usually disregard for social principles is characteristic of people who trying to prove their superiority, by any means to achieve the set goals, to resist the injustice and hypocrisy of society.

That is, the reasons that prompt a person to behave in such a non-standard way can be different. The result is always the same - misunderstanding, irritation, rejection by other people.

Cynical behavior almost always becomes a source of occurrence, since the life position of its carrier does not correspond to the beliefs of the majority.

A person deliberately reduces the importance of things that are significant to other people, calls into question the generally accepted authorities.

This cannot but cause irritation. Often in his behavior slips irony, mockery, which only exacerbates the situation.

Usually, individuals who neglect moral ideals are distinguished by a tough, secretive character. They are demanding, straightforward, insightful.

The cynic is sure that everything in this world can be bought. He discards any ideas about shame, morality, principles, morality. Everything, in his opinion, rationale and material value.

The surrounding people are considered from the standpoint of usefulness. If someone ceases to meet the requirements for him, then he can always be replaced.


People who make fun of social norms perceived as aggressors. But from a psychological point of view, cynicism is far from always a way of demonstrating dominant behavior.

Often this is a kind of defensive reaction of a person who is trying to hide his own feelings behind a mask of indifference.

In such cases, the cynic turns out to be soft and vulnerable individual, who likewise builds a wall between himself and other people.

This allows him to protect his inner world from rough outside interference and protect yourself from possible suffering.

So, a man who has survived a betrayal may further demonstrate disdain for all the fair sex out of fear of being betrayed again.

If no internal psychological trauma is not behind such a life attitude, then we can talk about the conscious choice of this style of behavior.

Individuals with a rebellious temperament choose it to express a negative attitude towards the existing order of things in society.

How is it manifested?

Men and women have different psychological characteristics, so the manifestation of cynicism has its own nuances.

In men

For men always in the foreground success, career, money. It is important for a man to realize himself in life. Accordingly, cynicism is often characteristic of those representatives of the stronger sex who could not achieve great heights.

Behind the mask of contempt for society lies a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and lack of fulfillment in the professional sphere.

In private life, a man's cynicism can make excuses for the trauma. Resentment against one woman can develop into aggression towards all women, which ultimately manifests itself in a mocking, dismissive attitude.

Women and girls are perceived as things that have a certain price.

Male cynicism may be caused by other reasons.

So, the desire for material prosperity can gradually lead to a complete loss of spirituality and morality.

The habit of thinking rationally look everywhere for profit is transferred to all spheres of life: friendship, love, family.

Among women

Women mostly live by feelings,. For them, usually personal life is more important than career achievements. Accordingly, women become cynical when they fail in relationships, family.

Failures in their personal lives make them tough, distrustful. Counting only on herself, a woman ceases to trust others. All the principles imposed by society irritate her.

Women's cynicism carries a greater danger than men's. He's meaner, tougher.

The fair sex was created by nature for motherhood,. This destiny implies the presence of spiritual qualities: softness, affection, kindness. Accordingly, a cynical woman moves away from his nature and approaches more to the male essence.

Real life examples

A striking example of modern cynicism is indifference and indifference to other people's problems.

So, a healthy and strong man walks past a woman with heavy bags and does not offer help, and a young guy does not give up his seat on the bus to an elderly man with a cane.

These people do not consider themselves obligated to help a weaker person, having every opportunity to do so. They are convinced that everyone solves his own problems. Nobody owes anything to anyone is a popular motto of modern cynics.

Another direction of cynicism - pronounced maximalism, opposing true values ​​to platitudes, often imposed. For example, the denial of Valentine's Day, mockery of lovers kissing on the street, contempt for any romantic public acts.

contemptuous attitude to such tendencies in the sphere of love relationships can be considered as the cynicism of a dry, devoid of feelings of a person.

At the same time, his behavior may indicate the presence of his own understanding of relations, which is contrary to generally accepted ideas.

Cynic does not believe in selflessness people's actions. For example, a friend's sincere desire to help sort out a difficult life situation will be viewed with suspicion by a cynic.

He will be confident that behind the goodwill of a friend is not a simple desire to help, but a search for profit.

Good or bad?

Each person decides for himself whether it is worth being a cynic himself and how he treats such people.

This behavior has its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of being cynical about life:

  • realistic perception of reality;
  • the absence of "pink glasses", which are a source of illusions;
  • no risk of disappointment in people (due to low expectations).

Cons of cynicism:

  • problems with psychological, physical health;
  • relationship problems;
  • communication problems;
  • inability to cooperate with other people;
  • emotional detachment from others;
  • ignoring real experiences;
  • pessimistic outlook on life.

There are more downsides to this behavior than upsides. And it's natural. Constant opposition to the majority cannot make a person happy.

We all live in a society, so success is possible only if the behavior is in accordance with the laws existing in society.

How to communicate with a cynic?

The cynic is constantly engaged devalue what matters to the people around you.

And they do it in a rude way. Rude, tactless remarks can greatly hurt people who associate with such a person.

As a result, the interlocutors have a feeling emptiness, oppression. Values ​​and ideals that are not subject to early doubt begin to seem pitiful and meaningless.

Communication with cynics contraindicated romantic, gentle, personalities. Such people will fall prey to a cynic who will easily break their value system and force them to reconsider existing views.

Best of all, two cynics who understand each other perfectly find a common language. A self-confident person with a strong life position, not without a sense of humor, can also cope with a difficult partner.

All disparaging statements of the opponent such a person can just ignore it and don't take it seriously. He remains true to his ideals and does not give up.

Definition of healthy cynicism

healthy cynicism- is the ability to show the necessary share of selfishness to protect their interests. This position in life is now especially popular.

Without healthy cynicism, a person will become an easy target for strangers, often acting not in his interests.

For example, healthy cynicism can be called ignoring beggars beggars, based on confidence in their hypocrisy.

The same person who did not give alms can help the grandmother carry the bag to the entrance or pick up a kitten on the street.

It is important to be aware of the difference between healthy cynicism and indifference, selfishness and indifference.

How to become one?

To become a cynic, you need to do the following:

Thus, the psychology of cynicism is quite multifaceted. Each person chooses a similar line of behavior for specific reasons. If desired, you can develop healthy cynicism which will help to survive in modern society.

About cynicism in this video:

Cynicism- this is behavior manifested in an openly negative, contemptuous, nihilistic and disdainful attitude towards socially accepted foundations, cultural values, generally accepted norms of morality and ethics, ideas of decency, official dogmas of the reigning ideology. Cynical behavior is expressed in a defiant disregard for certain moral values. Cold cynicism is also a worldview that consists in the perception of ethical norms as unnecessary or redundant for solving practical problems. The cynic denies such behavioral motives as shame, sympathy, pity, compassion, because they do not correspond to his personal interests.

Cynicism word meaning

The word cynicism originally came from the ancient Greek teachings of the "cynics", who sought to free themselves from conventions, naturalness. In addition, they considered contempt for restrictions and conventions, the utmost simplification of existence and life, as a virtue. Along with this, the Cynics sought to extremely limit their own needs, since they tend to follow their own nature. The liberation from conventions and restrictions among the Cynics consisted in alienation from society (family, state), getting rid of religious dogmas and cultural norms, up to the attitude to bad manners, ignorance and illiteracy as benefits. At the same time, the Cynics revered as faithfulness and gratitude. The ethical norms of the Cynics demanded "daring from evil", in other words, a break with established moral standards. Adherents of the philosophy of the Cynics were Crates, Diogenes of Sinope. They preached disregard for generally accepted moral and ethical dogmas and values. Supporters of the described doctrine considered the established moral and cultural norms and values ​​to be inappropriate.

Cynicism, its meaning in our time implies behavior expressed in a contemptuous, dismissive, often arrogant and shameless attitude towards something (for example, the norms of generally accepted morality).

The word cynicism also means a nihilistic attitude towards culture, religious dogmas and ethical standards.

Cynical behavior is expressed by an open demonstration by an individual of a disdainful attitude to the established rules of morality in order to achieve the goals set for himself. A person who engages in such behavior is called cynical or called a "cynic".

For a cynical person, the main thing is to achieve his personal goals. Such a person will stop at almost nothing to get what he wants.

Cynicism in life is considered a destructive form of a behavioral model, at the same time it is a personal position based on a deliberate defiant contempt for moral postulates and norms of behavior established in society.

It is believed that cynicism is either a product of desperation or a consequence of impunity. Manifesting itself through disappointment and dissatisfaction, cynicism is often a defense mechanism that protects a vulnerable and sensitive person from the rudeness of the outside world and the imperfection of society. Once again feeling heartache and experiencing a personal crisis due to lost illusory ideals, having no other foundation under his feet, he decides to completely renounce the feelings that bring pain.

The defiant actions of cynical subjects are directed, for the most part, not against moral dogmas as such, but against stereotypes and conformism. and the outrageousness of the cynics is a kind of protest against the standards imposed on them, the desire to express their own individuality. In some cases, selfishness, excessive pride and permissiveness, which are flaws in education, stand behind hooligan acts.

In some cases, cynicism can be positively defined. For example, when an extremely unpleasant event occurred for a person, which she is not able to influence, also in the absence of the ability to control this event. In order to avoid disorders, as well as to preserve internal integrity in this case, the described method of behavioral response can be applied quite justifiably if such behavior does not affect the interests of other individuals.

In any case, cynicism in life is considered a passive way of solving problem situations, which is not recommended to be taken as a habit due to its ineffectiveness. In order to eradicate cold cynicism in a person, it is necessary to cultivate in this person humanity, humanity, compassion for the environment.

Cynicism is overcome by recognizing spiritual priorities as more significant than the selfish goals of the individual.

Examples of cynicism

The definition of cynicism can be given as follows - this is a disdainful attitude towards the generally accepted culture in a certain territory or a specific community, to the spiritual and moral values ​​of a society or an individual. Simply put, cynicism in life is a demonstrative manifestation of the disrespectful attitude of one subject to another or to the social environment. That is, cynicism can be called moral vandalism.

The following examples of cynicism can be cited in the literature. Everyone knows the saying that money doesn't smell, which implies the assumption that the end justifies the means used to achieve it.

The original expression about the lack of smell of money was used by the emperor Vespasian in reference to his son's dissatisfaction with the taxation of public latrines. The saying “money doesn’t smell” implies the insignificance of the ways in which money is obtained. The main result, and the ways of obtaining them can be any. In other words, when an individual utters the phrase that money does not smell, he recognizes and consciously justifies the immorality and even illegality of the methods used to achieve the final result or goal. This is the manifestation of cynicism.

For a cynical individual, there are no decent personalities a priori. The cynic denies the existence of decent subjects, not because they do not exist, but because she herself is a cynic.

A classic example of cynicism can be considered the inscription on the entrance gate of the concentration camp created by the Nazis, "Auschwitz" - "To each his own", since this camp was intended to exterminate people of a certain nationality.

The most striking examples of cynicism in literature are, first of all, the character Carlson, well-known from childhood, whose entire behavior was saturated with selfishness and cynicism towards the Kid, who sincerely attached to him. The next no less famous literary hero is Ostap Bender, all of whose actions are simply saturated with the desire for personal gain. The tragedy of his life was precisely in exorbitant cynicism. After all, according to the description, Ostap is a rather nice person. He is prudent and perspicacious, energetic, quick-witted, has intuition. If Ostap had had enough life wisdom to direct his virtues in the right direction, he could have made an excellent career. However, due to an exorbitantly cynical attitude towards others, he preferred to wander, surviving with small scams and rare earnings, in anticipation of a big jackpot from fate. His life credo is in one phrase: "More cynicism, because people like it."

Another well-known literary cynic hero was Yevgeny Bazarov, weighed down by sick pride and addiction to nihilism, which sometimes reached outright stupidity. His cynicism had two sides, according to the author: the cynicism of feelings and thoughts and the cynicism of statements and manners. The independence and swagger of this hero sometimes even disgusts. His cynicism is a frank disregard for people, arrogance, behind which lies loneliness and a feeling of uselessness.

The problem of cynicism

Often a person's cynicism is his concept, the theory of life, which protects him from pain, suffering, risk. Often intellectually developed people become cynics, using dismissive-denying behavior as a kind of philosophical doctrine, through which one can survive, get rid of mental anguish. This doctrine can be anything, even frankly stupid, for example, to classify the entire female sex into pejorative categories. The key value of such a fictional theory lies in its ability to explain everything. In other words, the cynic's concept of cynicism is the foundation upon which his defense is based.

There are sociological studies showing that the current youth generation is experiencing a huge shortage of supports, bases, and frameworks. As a result, young people embark on a painful search for such a framework.

So, cynicism, which for most people is high, precisely because of its illusory ability to protect, appears in subjects against the background of torment of the soul, which they would like to avoid. These torments are closely related to the loss of a semantic basis, when individuals begin to feel the meaninglessness or absurdity of everything that happens. People turn into cynics to avoid the worst possible scenario that can happen. They want to avoid the so-called existential, vacuum, crisis. That is, cynics do their best to avoid disappointment. With the help of a cynical model of behavior, a person tries to protect himself from life's disappointments and suffering.

However, cynicism should not be regarded by analogy with other known psychological defense mechanisms. The definition of cynicism is by no means positive. Many researchers compare this behavioral model with, because the individual makes a lot of efforts to overcome the threat. However, in reality, he is not in danger.

The paradox of cynical behavior lies in the devaluation of a number of values ​​that are important to other people, such as love, honesty, loyalty, sincerity. Devaluing the values ​​of the cynic, as if testing their strength.

A cynical person will not actually be cruel, but all the moral qualities, cultural norms that he deprives of value, are a sore spot for him. The individual turns into a cynic situationally, reacting unhealthy to “damage” precisely in the area against which he demonstrates a vivid negative attitude. For example, a man may speak negatively about the weak half of humanity, tell unfair things about young ladies, but in fact he harbors a grudge against one single representative of the female part of the population, who previously offended him. By such behavior, he involuntarily gives himself away, demonstrating that it was in the sphere of gender relations that something went wrong with him.

The problem with cynicism is this. First of all, it turns the human subject into a callous and insensitive being. It becomes the cause of man's loneliness and isolation.

Cynicism exposes human weaknesses rather than hiding them. He cultivates isolation, lack of sociability, limited feelings, one-sided interaction with society and the outside world. A cynical person spiritually descends and morally degrades.

Studies by American scientists have proven that cynicism and callousness are harmful to health, since individuals suffering from prolonged and chronic overexertion are most susceptible to cynicism. In addition, laboratory tests of the blood of the subjects of cynics confirmed their predisposition to ailments of the cardiovascular system.

To overcome cynicism, sociologists recommend, first of all, to find support. After all, a cynic is a subject disillusioned with the world who has stepped over to the “side of evil” due to the lack of values ​​on which he could rely. Therefore, cynics are advised to learn to respond with kindness to all bad, hope for despair, faith for doubts, to maintain humanity and the ability to empathize.

To the official dogmas of the dominant ideology. Behavior expressing a conscious and demonstrative disregard for certain moral values.

Behavior perceived by others as cynical causes condemnation of society and is a factor provoking conflict.

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Cynicism takes its name from the ancient Greek philosophy of cynicism (cynics were called cynics by the Latins), some elements of which, in a simplified and coarsened form, he reproduces. However, compared to cynicism, cynicism is a degenerate form of philosophizing.

Cynicism, as a philosophical school, was founded by Antisthenes in the 4th century BC. e. The Cynics strove for naturalness, for getting rid of conventions, and, moreover, they saw virtue in contempt for conventions, in the ultimate simplification of life, everyday life, along with the extreme limitation of their needs, in a commitment to following their own nature. Getting rid of conventions among the Cynics included detachment from society (state, family), liberation from the dogmas of religion and culture, up to the presentation of ignorance, bad manners and illiteracy as a blessing. At the same time, loyalty and gratitude were revered as a boon. The ethics of the Cynics demanded "weaning from evil", that is, a break with established moral norms.

The ideas of Cynicism have had a major influence on many currents of European thought, from Stoicism to Existentialism.

Modern understanding of cynicism

Modern cynicism, as a product of mass society, is disappointment in social mechanisms and authorities, utopian, idealized expectations of the people. Cynicism can express itself through dissatisfaction, disappointment and distrust of organizations, authorities and other aspects of socialization, and be the result of accumulated negative experience, an expression of negative feelings.

At the same time, cynicism is not a form of criticism, it cannot act as a weapon against the authorities, since in modern societies, democratic or totalitarian, the dominant ideology does not imply a truly literal attitude towards itself; cynical distance, irony are part of the accepted rules of the game.

The spread of mass cynicism appears as a reaction to drastic changes in society, to their negative sides and to disappointment in new ideals, to the gap between ideals, declared as a new value, and reality. Cynicism acts as a mechanism for adapting to social life that makes inconsistent demands. At the same time, negativism is directed not at the current state of affairs and its shortcomings, but at the very possibility of some more perfect social relations, at the denial of the value of former goals. At the same time, the content, the specific focus of public cynicism depends on which particular sphere of society was affected by drastic changes and was loaded with new values. In an ideologized society, cynicism can become a reaction to an obvious lie, a discrepancy between the official doctrine and reality, and in this case, negativism also extends to moral principles, ideals, and values ​​in general.

In Russia, public cynicism can be seen as a reaction to ideological utopias and illusions associated with changes in power relations, with the idea of ​​a legal organization of collective existence supported without violence and abuse. Russian cynicism, as a reaction to the discrepancy between hopes for the state and dissatisfaction with the results of its activities, is characterized by: nihilistic assessments of the actions of the authorities and state institutions, influential groups in society; preemptive hostility to any authority figure; disbelief in the good motives of people in general, a negative attitude towards mass enthusiasm in the public and political sphere. At the same time, cynicism is characteristic of a wide variety of groups in society, including power groups.

Cynicism in legislation

Cynicism can be considered as a qualifying sign of a crime. So, in the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1960, hooliganism (Article 206) could be recognized as malicious and entail a heavier punishment if the actions differed in their content by “exceptional cynicism”. The ambiguous concept of "exceptional cynicism" was not specified in the Criminal Code or other legislative acts. It was not included in the article "hooliganism" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1996, but acts as a sign of hooliganism in the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of Belarus. “Exceptional cynicism” can be recognized, for example, mockery of the sick, the elderly, the manifestation of shamelessness and gross obscenity, desecration of customs and traditions, and other demonstrative disregard for generally accepted moral standards and the basic moral values ​​of society.

Cynics in modern society are called unprincipled and rude people in communication. They ridicule the higher authorities or the society around them. This is due, first of all, to disappointment in people on a global scale.

Cynicism penetrates the masses in times of drastic changes in the social order, when new ideals replace the old ones. These progressive ideas are considered by the cynics to be truly real and correct.

Who is such a cynic in simple words and what distinguishing features of character does he stand out from other people?

The meaning of the word "cynic"

The word "cynic" comes from the Latin language. The original word sounded like "cynicus". Cynics were called followers of the Cynic philosophical movement, the basis of which was considered the desire for liberation from conventions. This was manifested in the neglect of the principles of the family, society and religious dogmas. Cynics did not participate in public life, they closed themselves from elementary communication.

At the same time, the Cynics simplified their life as much as possible, limiting their needs. Their own illiteracy, bad manners and lack of sociability were considered the main advantage.

The basic thoughts and rules of ancient cynicism formed the basis of modern cynicism as a concept.

Modern cynics despise the moral norms established in society, do not recognize morality, do not appreciate the cultural heritage of their country.

Signs of a cynic

A cynic sometimes becomes one not on purpose, the transformation occurs at a subconscious level. Only an adult who has finally formed psychologically can be considered a cynic. Children are not born cynical persons, this is a trait acquired in the process of growing up.

The main signs of a cynic:

  • rejection of social norms and orders;
  • lack of moral values;
  • rudeness, tactlessness and rudeness when communicating with other people;
  • any methods, even immoral ones, are suitable to achieve the set goals;
  • unhealthy sarcasm, irony;
  • cruelty not only to people, but also to animals;
  • lack of shame for the committed actions.

How do people become cynics?

Most often, cynicism begins to manifest itself in the pubertal period of development. At this age, a teenager tries to resist incorrect forms of education. He does not accept humiliation, insults or demagogy from parents or teachers. At the same time, he questions the correctness of moral principles and even doubts their expediency.

If adults use the wrong methods of parenting - demanding too much from the child or rudely making it clear that he is behaving incorrectly, this causes a reaction of resistance. The teenager turns into a cynic.

Sometimes children turn into cynics, whose parents exalt their child over others, consider them to be better or more capable in some way. Among the so-called. "golden youth" are often cynics who behave immorally. Their antics sometimes pose a threat to other members of society.

Cynics feel their own impunity, so they are not afraid to commit illegal immoral acts.

Cynicism arises when citizens do not trust the political beliefs of the authorities. They are skeptical about high ranks, which provokes the emergence of simplified norms of behavior, as well as the transformation of personal motives.

Cynics scoff at everything "high", not considering it as such. This applies both to social concepts and to the personal qualities of individuals.

Communication with cynics

Sometimes, at the first meeting, cynics do not repel with their behavior. A moderate display of cynicism is often perceived as an outstanding intellect. Such a person gives the impression of a self-confident realist who stands firmly on his feet, knows a lot about life and will never let himself be offended.

Male cynics are often popular with women for their ability to play pranks on others and keep up an interesting conversation. And only long and deep communication shows that such a man does not appreciate things that are important for an ordinary person. He is tactless and cannot experience all-consuming strong feelings of love, affection, or respect for other people.

Therefore, most often cynics for a long time are able to communicate only with their own kind. People of a different mindset and character simply lose interest in them over time.

Some vulnerable and sensitive people simply hide behind a mask of cynicism. In this way, they struggle with their own weakness, which disgusts them. Such people, for all their harshness in statements and rudeness in behavior, nevertheless obey social norms of morality. They are able to fall in love and appreciate other people.

A person becomes a cynic not of his own free will. This is just a consequence of improper upbringing and problems in modern human society.