Outline on the topic: Abstract of a lesson on reading fiction "Reading the work of Y. Tuvim" A letter to all children on one important matter "

Voevodina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Target: To consolidate the formation of culturally hygienic skills in children. Enrich children's vocabulary. Cultivate politeness, the ability to yield to each other.

Dictionary activation: Soap, towel, water, faucet, lather, roll up.

preliminary work: reading a poem by Y. Tuwim ""., looking at illustrations for this work, memorizing nursery rhymes about washing, role-playing game "Family".

Material: Personal hygiene items, children's washbasin, Katya doll, clearing of flowers, riddles.

move lessons: Children sit in a semicircle.


Everyone knows, everyone understands,

What a pleasure to be healthy.

Just need to know

How to become healthy!

caregiver: Guys! We have a guest (shows dirty doll Katya). Say hello to her. See what she is? (children's answers). You and I know such a poem by Y. Tuwim “ Letter to all children on one very important matter».

This poem says, It is necessary to wash without fail In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon - Before every meal, After sleep and before bedtime!

Guys, is it possible to visit someone as dirty as our doll Katya? No. What do you need to do to be clean? Children: - We need to wash. caregiver:

With what? (Children list) . Look, what a beautiful clearing, let's go to it. What do you see? Children: Beautiful flowers. caregiver: And what lies on each flower? Children: Personal hygiene items. caregiver: Now I will give you riddles, and you try to find a clue and show us. Listen carefully!


1. Escapes like a living

But I won't miss it

Foaming with white foam

Don't be lazy to wash your hands. (soap)

2. I go wandering not through the forests

And in the mustache and hair

And my lips are longer

Than wolves and bears. (hairbrush)

3. Lie in your pocket and guard

Roaring, crying, and dirty

They will morning streams of tears,

Don't forget about the nose. (handkerchief)

4. All germs accurately whipped

Will expel (Toothbrush).

5. Soft, fluffy

White, clean

I'll take it to the shower with me

I will be clean and dry. (Towel.)

6. You can wash your face with me.

I can spill

I always live in faucets

Well, of course I am... (Water).

caregiver: Well done, guys, you all found answers. Let's teach Katya how to wash her face right now. Guys, what do we need for this? (Water, soap, towel). Where should you wash? Children: in the washroom.

caregiver: What should be done first before going to the washbasin? Children: roll up sleeves so as not to soak the dress, jacket. Roll up your sleeves Katya, well done. Turn on the faucet with water, not much, so that it flows in a small stream. Like this. So that splashes of water do not fall on the floor, but only in the sink. Now look at how to wash your hands, face. First you need to moisten your hands and lather them with soap, and then in a circular motion, one palm strokes the other. (Children show). caregiver: Got it, Katya? Then wash your face, and we'll see if you're doing the right thing. What is Katya doing now? (washes hands with soap). Remember the nursery rhyme “Water, water…” Now what should she do? Children: Wash off the soap with water. caregiver: see what kind of water flowed? Children: Dirty. caregiver: Here Katya washed off the soap. What should she do next? Children: squeeze out the droplets, turn off the tap, take your towel, straighten it and wipe dry one palm, and then the other palm.

caregiver Q: What should be done with the towel? Children: Hang in place.

Guys, what Katya has become, look? Children: Clean, beautiful. Vanya tell us how to wash. Well done. And now Vika will show you how to wash your face. Well done guys, today we fixed how to properly wash your face. caregiver: Guys, listen to Katya, I want to ask you such questions.

The teacher asks questions, the children answer either "harmful", or "healthy".

1. Brush your teeth in the morning and evening…

2. Eat chips...

3. Wash your hands before eating, after walking ...

4. Walk in the fresh air ...

5. Overeating on sweets, ice cream…

6. Do exercises in the morning, temper ...

7. Staying up late…

8. Eat vegetables and fruits…

caregiver: Well done boys!

Doll Katya: what smart children, they know everything.

Yes guys, that's right. Well done!

Doll Katya: Guys, thank you, now I know how to wash my face and what personal hygiene items I need. I want to treat you with apples, they very good for the health. Doll Katya says goodbye to the children. The teacher summarizes lessons.

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My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
your hands and face.

No matter what water
Boiled, key,
From the river, or from the well,
Or just rain!

Need to wash
Morning, evening and afternoon -
Before every meal
After sleep and before bed!

Rub with a sponge and washcloth!
Be patient - no problem!
And ink and jam
Rinse off soap and water.

My dear children!
Very, very much I ask you:
Wash clean, wash more often -
I can't stand dirty.

I won't shake hands with dirty people
I won't visit them!
I wash myself very often.

Your Tuwim


What happened? What happened?
The alphabet fell off the stove!

Painfully sprained leg
capital letter M,
G hit a little,
Well crumbled completely!

Lost the letter U
Your crossbar!
Feeling on the floor
Broke the tail of W.

F, poor thing, so bloated -
Don't read it!
The letter P turned upside down -
Turned into a soft sign!

The letter C is completely closed -
Turned into an O.
Letter A when I woke up
Didn't recognize anyone!


Sad, sleepy, unhappy
Our hedgehogs came from school
Sat at the table, yawned once
And fell asleep over the books.

There are three words here:
"Orange", "Pine", "Ring".

All three came up
And they said, "What is it?
What have you, Jerzy, done to us?
We'll complain to mom!"

"I," exclaimed "Orange", -
No "Opelsyn"!" -
"I," burst into tears, "Ring", -
No "Cripple"!"

"I," the "Pine" was angry, -
I'm outraged to tears!
Can only be done from sleep
Write that I am "Sasna"!"

"We, the words, are offended
By being so distorted!
Hedgehogs! Hedgehogs! Stop being lazy!
That's not the way to study!

Impossible without attention
To get an education!
It will be late! So know!
Become an ignoramus lazy!

If you ever
You will cripple, boy, us -
We'll do great with you.
Treasure our honor
Jerzy's name in half a minute
Let's turn it into a Hedgehog!

You will be a prickly hedgehog!
That's how we teach you!"

Jerzy shuddered, horrified,
Stretched and woke up.
Suppressed a yawn
Got to work.


The duck to the chicken said:
"You don't lay enough eggs.
All Indians say
That they will eat you for a holiday!

"Clusterfoot! Parasite! -
The mother hen cackled. -
The goose said that you are not a duck,
That you have catarrh of the stomach,
That your drake is a fool -
Only knows: crack yes crack!"

"Crack!" - was heard in the ditch. -
The goose has no right to scold me,
And for this stuffed
He will be apples.
I'll get to the goose!" -
"Wow!" - answered the goose.

"Oh, scandal, scandal, scandal" -
The turkey himself muttered.
Pushed the goslings around
And the goose pecked suddenly.

A rooster came running to the cry,
Fluff flew out of the duck.
And heard in the bushes:
"Ha-ha-ha! Kudah-tah-tah!"

This fight is still
Reminds me of the bird yard.


Like a shiny ribbon
The river is flowing
And the day flows
And the night flows
turn right,
Turn left.
And in the river the water is freezing,
On the coast grumbling,
And lazy in the middle.

And why should she grumble, river water?
No one will say this anywhere.

Perhaps stones and fish
This could be said
But the fish are silent
And the stones are silent
Like fish.


The hostess once came from the market,
The hostess brought home from the market:
Parsley and beets.

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table -
Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:
Parsley or beets?

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife
And with this knife she began to chop:
Parsley and beets.

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water:
Parsley and beets.
And the vegetable soup was not bad!


Janek lived in the world,
He was stupid.
If you want to know -
That's what he did.

The sieve drew water,
Birds taught to fly
He asked the blacksmith
Shoe a cat.

Seeing a mosquito
Grabbed an ax
He carried firewood into the forest,
And in the apartment - rubbish.

He built in the winter
Ice house:
"Something will be a summer residence
I have in the spring!

On a hot summer afternoon
He blew into the sun.
Tired horses
He took out a chair.

Somehow he's a fifty
Gave it away for a penny.
It's easier to explain to you:
Janek was a fool!


Attention! Attention!
Today at five o'clock
Today in our studio
(Attention attention!)
Different birds will fly to the radio meeting!

First, on the subject:
When, at what time
Is it more convenient and profitable to use dew?

The second question is long overdue:
What is an "echo"?
And if there is it in the forest,
Where is it hiding?

On the third question
Drozd reports,
Appointed to supervise the repair of bird

Then the debate begins:
And whistling, and creaking, and singing,
Rumbling, and squealing,
And twitter and chirp.
Performances will begin
Starlings, goldfinches, tits
And everyone without exception
Other famous birds

Attention! Attention!
Today at five o'clock
There will be a station for groves and forests!

Our receiver at five o'clock
Received a hundred votes:
"Fiur-fiur! Fu-fu-foo!
Chick-chirp! Tew-tew-tew-tew!
Pew Pew! Tsvir-tsvir-tsvir!
Chiwi-chiwi! Tyr-tyr-tyr!
Sleep-sleep-sleep! Lu-lu! Tick-tick!
Shadow-shadow-shadow! Chu-ik! Chu-ik!
Ko-ko-ko! Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Gur-gur-gur! Ku-ka-river!
Ka-arr! Ka-arr! Pi-it! Drink!.."

We didn't know what to do!
Obviously at this hour
Transfer is not for us!


- What happened to Aunt Valya?
- Her glasses are gone!

Looking for a poor old woman
Behind the pillow, under the pillow

Climbed with my head
Under the mattress, under the blanket

I looked into the buckets, into the jars,
In boots, boots, boots,

Turned everything upside down
I sat down and rested

Sighed, grumbled
And went to look first.

Fumbles under the pillow again
Again looking for a tub.

Lit a candle in the kitchen
With a candle climbed into the stove,

Searched the pantry -
All in vain! All wasted!

Aunt Valya has no points -
Obviously they were stolen!

The old woman sat on the chest.
There was a mirror next to it.

And the old woman saw
That I was looking for glasses in the wrong place,

What are they really
They sat on her forehead.

So wonderful glass
Aunt Valya helped.

Translation from Polish by Sergei Mikhalkov

My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
your hands and face.

No matter what water
Boiled, key,
From the river, or from the well,
Or just rain!

Need to wash
Morning, evening and afternoon -
Before every meal
After sleep and before bed!

Rub with a sponge and washcloth!
Be patient - no problem!
And ink and jam
Rinse off soap and water.

My dear children!
Very, very much I ask you:
Wash clean, wash more often -
I can't stand dirty.

I won't shake hands with dirty people
I won't visit them!
I wash myself very often.

Your Tuwim


What happened? What happened?
The alphabet fell off the stove!

Painfully sprained leg
capital letter M,
G hit a little,
Well crumbled completely!

Lost the letter U
Your crossbar!
Feeling on the floor
Broke the tail of W.

F, poor thing, so bloated -
Don't read it!
The letter P turned upside down -
Turned into a soft sign!

The letter C is completely closed -
Turned into an O.
Letter A when I woke up
Didn't recognize anyone!


Sad, sleepy, unhappy
Our hedgehogs came from school
Sat at the table, yawned once
And fell asleep over the books.

There are three words here:
"Orange", "Pine", "Ring".

All three came up
And they said, "What is it?
What have you, Jerzy, done to us?
We'll complain to mom!"

"I," exclaimed "Orange", -
No "Opelsyn"!" -
"I," burst into tears, "Ring", -
No "Cripple"!"

"I," the "Pine" was angry, -
I'm outraged to tears!
Can only be done from sleep
Write that I am "Sasna"!"

"We, the words, are offended
By being so distorted!
Hedgehogs! Hedgehogs! Stop being lazy!
That's not the way to study!

Impossible without attention
To get an education!
It will be late! So know!
Become an ignoramus lazy!

If you ever
You will cripple, boy, us -
We'll do great with you.
Treasure our honor
Jerzy's name in half a minute
Let's turn it into a Hedgehog!

You will be a prickly hedgehog!
That's how we teach you!"

Jerzy shuddered, horrified,
Stretched and woke up.
Suppressed a yawn
Got to work.


The duck to the chicken said:
"You don't lay enough eggs.
All Indians say
That they will eat you for a holiday!

"Clusterfoot! Parasite! -
The mother hen cackled. -
The goose said that you are not a duck,
That you have catarrh of the stomach,
That your drake is a fool -
Only knows: crack yes crack!"

"Crack!" - was heard in the ditch. -
The goose has no right to scold me,
And for this stuffed
He will be apples.
I'll get to the goose!" -
"Wow!" - answered the goose.

"Oh, scandal, scandal, scandal" -
The turkey himself muttered.
Pushed the goslings around
And the goose pecked suddenly.

A rooster came running to the cry,
Fluff flew out of the duck.
And heard in the bushes:
"Ha-ha-ha! Kudah-tah-tah!"

This fight is still
Reminds me of the bird yard.


Like a shiny ribbon
The river is flowing
And the day flows
And the night flows
turn right,
Turn left.
And in the river the water is freezing,
On the coast grumbling,
And lazy in the middle.

And why should she grumble, river water?
No one will say this anywhere.

Perhaps stones and fish
This could be said
But the fish are silent
And the stones are silent
Like fish.


The hostess once came from the market,
The hostess brought home from the market:
Parsley and beets.

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table -
Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:
Parsley or beets?

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife
And with this knife she began to chop:
Parsley and beets.

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water:
Parsley and beets.
And the vegetable soup was not bad!


Janek lived in the world,
He was stupid.
If you want to know -
That's what he did.

The sieve drew water,
Birds taught to fly
He asked the blacksmith
Shoe a cat.

Seeing a mosquito
Grabbed an ax
He carried firewood into the forest,
And in the apartment - rubbish.

He built in the winter
Ice house:
"Something will be a summer residence
I have in the spring!

On a hot summer afternoon
He blew into the sun.
Tired horses
He took out a chair.

Somehow he's a fifty
Gave it away for a penny.
It's easier to explain to you:
Janek was a fool!


Attention! Attention!
Today at five o'clock
Today in our studio
(Attention attention!)
Different birds will fly to the radio meeting!

First, on the subject:
When, at what time
Is it more convenient and profitable to use dew?

The second question is long overdue:
What is an "echo"?
And if there is it in the forest,
Where is it hiding?

On the third question
Drozd reports,
Appointed to supervise the repair of bird

Then the debate begins:
And whistling, and creaking, and singing,
Rumbling, and squealing,
And twitter and chirp.
Performances will begin
Starlings, goldfinches, tits
And everyone without exception
Other famous birds

Attention! Attention!
Today at five o'clock
There will be a station for groves and forests!

Our receiver at five o'clock
Received a hundred votes:
"Fiur-fiur! Fu-fu-foo!
Chick-chirp! Tew-tew-tew-tew!
Pew Pew! Tsvir-tsvir-tsvir!
Chiwi-chiwi! Tyr-tyr-tyr!
Sleep-sleep-sleep! Lu-lu! Tick-tick!
Shadow-shadow-shadow! Chu-ik! Chu-ik!
Ko-ko-ko! Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Gur-gur-gur! Ku-ka-river!
Ka-arr! Ka-arr! Pi-it! Drink!.."

We didn't know what to do!
Obviously at this hour
Transfer is not for us!


- What happened to Aunt Valya?
- Her glasses are gone!

Looking for a poor old woman
Behind the pillow, under the pillow

Climbed with my head
Under the mattress, under the blanket

I looked into the buckets, into the jars,
In boots, boots, boots,

Turned everything upside down
I sat down and rested

Sighed, grumbled
And went to look first.

Fumbles under the pillow again
Again looking for a tub.

Lit a candle in the kitchen
With a candle climbed into the stove,

Searched the pantry -
All in vain! All wasted!

Aunt Valya has no points -
Obviously they were stolen!

The old woman sat on the chest.
There was a mirror next to it.

And the old woman saw
That I was looking for glasses in the wrong place,

What are they really
They sat on her forehead.

So wonderful glass
Aunt Valya helped.

Translation from Polish by Sergei Mikhalkov

S. Mikhalkov. "POEMS OF FRIENDS" from a Polish poet Y.Tuvima. A set of postcards.
("Soviet artist", 1978, artist V. Chizhikov)

1. Letter to all children on one very important matter.

My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often.
your hands and face.
No matter what water
Boiled, key,
From the river, or from the well,
Or just rain!

3. About Janek.

The sieve drew water,
Birds taught to fly
He asked the blacksmith
Shoe a cat.

4. About Janek.

On a hot summer afternoon
He blew in the sun...

5. Where are the glasses?

What happened to Aunt Valya?
Her glasses are gone!

Looking for a poor old woman
Behind the pillow, under the pillow

Climbed with my head
Under the mattress, under the duvet...

6. Where are the glasses?

The old woman sat on the chest.
There was a mirror next to it.

And the old woman saw
That I was looking for glasses in the wrong place,

What are they really
They sat on her forehead.

7. ABC.

The letter C is completely closed -
Turned into an O.
Letter A when I woke up
Didn't recognize anyone!

8. Words-cripples.

Sad, sleepy, unhappy
Our hedgehogs came from school
Sat at the table, yawned once
And fell asleep over the books.

9. Words-cripples.

... Hedgehogs shuddered, horrified,
Stretched and woke up.
Suppressed a yawn
Got to work.

11. bird radio.

Our receiver at five o'clock
Received hundreds of votes...

13. Poultry yard.

A rooster came running to the cry,
Fluff flew out of the duck.
And heard in the bushes:
"Ha-ha-ha! Kudah-tah-tah!"

15. Vegetables.

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water:
Parsley and beets.
And the vegetable soup was not bad!

Envelope in high resolution.

Summary of continuous educational activities

for the implementation of the educational area "Speech development"

(reading fiction)

in the senior group №9

The theme of the week is "We want to be healthy"

Reading the work of Y. Tuwim

"Letter to all children on one important matter."

Emelyanova A.V.


1. Educational: Continue to form the ability to retell the texts of familiar works, name the authors of works writing about health.

2. Developing: To develop children's interest in educational literature on a healthy lifestyle.

3.Educational: Through artwork, to educate children in the need for a healthy lifestyle.

4. Speech: Continue to form the ability to grammatically correct complex and simple sentences.

Vocabulary: Julian Tuwim, microbes, microscope.

Individual work:Learn to compose sentences based on visual perception. (Seryozha, Anya)

Methods and techniques: Reading fiction, conversation, a story from the personal experience of children, watching a cartoon on the topic of the lesson.

preliminary work: Conversations about a healthy lifestyle, looking at illustrations about the rules of hygiene, reading fiction.

Equipment: Illustrations, letter, notebook, cartoon“Lessons from Aunt Owl. Lessons in caution. Microbes» Series №6.

Activity progress

Motivation for activity

Educator: Guys, let's stretch our tongue with the patter "My hands are more often and cleaner!"

A letter came to our kindergarten, written by Julian Tuwim. Let's read it.

1 part


What did you like about the poem?

What is the poem about?

Why does Julian Tuwim call the case important?

What does the poet call children who forget to bathe and wash their hands?

Why doesn't Julian Tuwim want to visit such children?

Educator: There are a lot of microbes on all the objects that surround us. Do you know what microbes are? Microbes are very small creatures. Once in our body, microbes multiply rapidly and cause various diseases. Look at your hands. Do you see microbes? Microbes can only be seen through a microscope. (Shows a picture.)

And, if you take a microscope, then here's what you can see: (picture).

What should be done to get rid of germs?

How to wash your hands properly?


“Wash your hands” with pronunciation of the rules for washing hands.

part 2

Viewing the cartoon “Lessons from Aunt Owl. Lessons in caution. Microbes» Series №6.

Reflection (the result of the lesson)

Educator: What is important Aunt Owl talking about? What poet's poem are we listening to? What is it about? Why is hygiene important?