Rules for the safe behavior of children at school. Child safety while at school

Dear parents!
Here are a few rules to teach your child:

  1. Go to school and return from it in the company of school friends or choose a path that will always be in front of people.
  2. Never accept offers from strangers to give you a lift. Do not agree to this, even if the person claims to have been asked to do so by your parents, unless they warned you in advance.
  3. Be always close to your teachers, classmates (friends). Do not go alone to deserted school premises, especially attics, basements, bushes. Do not linger alone on the sports or playground.
  4. Report any troubles that happen to you to a teacher, health worker, social worker or school principal.
  5. Do not befriend anyone who brings weapons (knives, pistols, grenades, smoke bombs, explosives) or drugs to school. In no case do not try drugs, even if they were offered to you just like that and “for free”. Tell your parents about it.
  6. Try not to take sides in ongoing fights.
  7. Keep a close eye on your belongings. Do not leave them unattended, even for a moment. Do not leave money in the pockets of clothes in the locker room, cell phone.

Dear parents!

There is no child who, while studying at school, would not get into an unpleasant story at least once. In such cases, parents have a natural desire to intervene and control everything that children do. Meanwhile, they themselves must cope with the difficulties that arise. Obviously, if you solve all the problems for them, then they will not develop their own skills in resolving difficult life situations.

If the children need your help, ask your children about it. Listen to what they have to say and let them decide for themselves if possible. Often children do not need help at all, but simply want to discuss the current situation with you. Remember that an event that may seem to you a trifle, a minor incident, in the eyes of your child sometimes reaches the scale of trouble.

Meet the teachers, ask them how your children are doing. If there is a conflict between the teacher and the child, do not take sides until you figure it out yourself. If the child and the teacher constantly have the same problem, do not be silent and do not calm down until you find out everything. Perseverance is the only tactic of its kind that gives the greatest effect in solving problem situations. And a conversation in which the teacher and student are present is an effective technique to find out the true state of affairs and build relationships.

As a rule, parents have no reason not to trust the school administration, and it is much more effective for parents and teachers to unite, acting together in resolving any conflict situation.

From early childhood, a child should know that people are different, and you need to communicate only with those you know. By following the safety rules, your child will be able to make the right decision in a difficult situation and avoid meeting a criminal.

To do this, the child needs to forever learn the "Rules of the four" not ":

1. Do not talk to strangers and do not let them into the house;

2. Do not enter the elevator or entrance with them;

3. Don't get into a car with strangers;

4. Don't linger outside after school, especially after dark.

It is very important to explain to the child that a stranger is any person the child does not know.

A stranger may call the child by name, say that he came at the request of his mother, may call to see cartoons or offer candy. But if a person is unfamiliar to a child, then he must refuse all offers and, in case of danger, shout: “I don’t know him!”

Parents need to instill in the child that they will never, under any circumstances, send a stranger to school, home or yard for him. If such a person approaches, whoever he calls himself, you must immediately run to a crowded place, call your parents or contact the police.


- When leaving the house, always warn where you are going, where you will be and what time you will return. If you return home late at night, ask to be met.

- On public transport, sit close to the driver so that he can see you. Do not enter into conversations with unfamiliar passengers, do not tell where you are going and where you live.

- If you need to go at night, try to walk along with people. Cross the street through the underpass in a group of people.

- Do not go to remote and deserted places, do not play on construction sites and in abandoned houses.

- If it seemed that someone was chasing you, you must immediately proceed to a crowded place, turn to an adult.

- If you see a noisy company or a drunk ahead, cross to the other side of the street or change the route, while you should not enter into conflicts.

- Get home only by well-known transport (trolleybus, bus, minibus), never stop someone else's car and don't get in if you are offered a ride.

- In no case do not get into the car to show the way, a store, a pharmacy, do not fulfill any requests of the driver.

- Walking along the road, choose the route so that you go towards the traffic.

- If a stranger asks to go with him and call the apartment, because they don’t open it for him, but they open it for you - don’t go!

- Do not go with a stranger if he offers to treat you to sweets, see animals, play on the computer, do not take drinks and other food from him.


- Approaching the house, pay attention to whether anyone is following. If someone is walking, do not approach the entrance. Walk outside until that person is gone. If you feel danger, go to the store, the post office, the library and tell about the suspicious person.

- If a stranger is already in the entrance, immediately go outside and wait for one of the adult residents of the house to enter the entrance.

- Enter the elevator only after making sure that there is no stranger on the platform who can follow you into the cabin.

- If a stranger does enter the elevator, stand facing him so you can see what he's doing. In case of danger, try to press the button to call the dispatcher, shout, call for help.


- Never let a stranger into your apartment. If someone rings or knocks on the door, don't come up and ask who's here. Parents have keys and they will open the door themselves.

- In no case do not open the door to persons who introduce themselves as a postman, doctor, policeman, plumber, electrician, acquaintance of the parents, even if they begin to persuade.

- Leaving the apartment, look through the peephole. If there are people on the landing, wait until they leave.

- Before opening the front door with the key, make sure that no one is nearby.

HOW TO BEHAVE IN THE CITY: road, surface transport, subway:

- The street must be crossed only on a green traffic light or on a "zebra" - white stripes on the pavement

- Do not enter the roadway until you are completely safe: if the green light is on for you, wait until all the cars stop, and be even more careful on the zebra

- The safest way to cross the street is the underpass.

- Despite the fact that there is a rule - to cross the bus and trolleybus at the back, and the tram - in front, it is better to wait until they leave, and then cross the street at the pedestrian crossing

- Try not to go out on the road because of parked cars - they block the view

- Never try to "overtake" the car, wait until the cars pass or stop at a traffic light or in front of a zebra

- You need to cross the road when both lanes are free. And if you still find yourself on the median - do not twitch forward or backward, wait until the cars pass

- Learn to understand car signals - horn, siren, turn signals. They will tell you how the traffic situation is developing and what maneuvers the cars are going to do.

- Wait for public transport only at special stops, no closer than 1 m from the roadway

- Get into the transport only after waiting for it to come to a complete stop

- Try not to stand at the door, let alone lean on them.

- Prepare for the exit in advance and exit only after a complete stop

- You need to stand on the escalator on the right, pass (but do not run!) On the left, while the hand should lie on the handrail

- You can’t put your fingers under the escalator handrail, check the width of the gap between the steps and the wall with your shoe, sit on the steps

- You can’t go beyond the boundary line - the protruding rear-view mirror of the first car may well hurt a person

- If you have something fallen on the rails, do not try to get the thing yourself - contact the duty officer, and he will get what you have dropped with special long-handled pliers.

If a big trouble happened to you and you ended up on the subway rails:

- do not try to get on the platform on your own or with the help of adults. Not even all adults know that just along the platform there is a contact rail, which is under a deadly voltage of 850 volts.

- if there is no train yet, go along the deep hollow between the rails to the beginning of the platform, where there is a black and white rail, which indicates the stop of the first car. The driver will see you and will not continue moving

- if the train is already entering the platform, lie down in the tray between the rails face down, head to the train, bending it as much as possible. The tray is deep enough and the train will not touch not only the child, but also the adult. Of course, lying under a train is very scary, but it is safe. As soon as the train leaves, go to the beginning of the platform behind the black and white rail, where, with the help of the attendant, you can go to the platform without risking your life.


- By law, children from the age of 14 are allowed to ride a bicycle on city roads and streets and only without passengers

- Those under the age of 14 can ride a bicycle on special cycle paths and areas closed to vehicles

- It is forbidden to ride a bicycle on sidewalks, paths of parks and boulevards

- You need to cross the road only on foot, holding the bike behind the wheel

- In no case should you cling to any vehicle passing by

- It is very important to learn how to ride a bike slowly - keeping your balance on a bike is more difficult the slower you ride, which is especially important for the city

- The bike must have working brakes, inflated tires, reflectors and a bell

- One of the main requirements for roller skating is the ability to brake.

- No rollerblading on the road

- Be sure to use handhelds, knee pads, elbow pads and wear a helmet

- Try not to go into the yards until you learn to ride in closed areas, stadiums, parks

- It is also necessary to learn how to fall "correctly". If you feel that you are losing your balance, lean forward a little and extend your arms, slightly bending them at the elbows. Try to avoid falling onto your back, and if that doesn't work, tuck your chin into your chest so you don't hit the back of your head.


- The main rule is to avoid the crowd

- If you do find yourself in a crowd, stay away from the middle, as well as metal fences, walls, shop windows, dumpsters - anything hard that can be pressed against

- No need to try to get through the crowd or resist it. It is necessary, without stopping, to move along with it.

- If a stampede begins, immediately discard all objects from your hands, get rid of your scarf and bag with a long belt. The arms should not be pressed to the body, but bent at the elbows and pointing upwards with clenched fists - then you can protect the chest. You can also clasp your hands in a lock in front of your chest.

- The main task in the crowd is not to fall. If you do fall, try to get back on your feet as quickly as possible. Do not get on all fours - this way you make your hands vulnerable

- If you fall and you can’t get up, curl up in a ball, cover your head with your forearms, and the back of your head with your palms

- Do not panic, do not give in to provocative cries that you need to run somewhere

- Coming out of the crowd, do not rush about in search of lost companions. Better stand and wait in a quiet place, and if you see police officers, go up to them and tell them that you are lost

- Be sure to memorize your address and phone number.

- If there are no police officers nearby, you do not need to contact strangers, call the apartments of a residential building - it is better to look for a telephone booth. In a call to the police, you will not be denied even in a store or a state institution.


v Never agree to "stand on the corner and whistle, give another sign when someone goes." What others will do at this time, you may not know, but when they are caught, it will be mentioned that you also participated in the crime.

v Never respond to a request to help someone's friend who has lost the keys to the apartment - climb through the window and open the door from the inside

v Never take any items home for safekeeping - they may be stolen

v Be careful with your choice of friends. To be in a bad campaign is to put yourself at constant risk


1. Together with the children, come up with a family password that everyone can use as a signal in case of a dangerous situation.

2. If your child gets home unaccompanied, work with him to come up with a permanent and safest route. Agree with the child that he will constantly walk this way.

Security is a state of security that a person feels. School safety plays a special role in modern society, since it is here that the largest number of young children are concentrated, and it will not be difficult to influence their activities.

Background and events

Safety at school is largely due to the tragic events that often occur in educational institutions. A striking example of this is the capture of students in the city of Beslan. Moreover, in addition, there are phenomena of a natural and man-made nature: fires, mass diseases, poisoning of students, emergency situations of a criminal nature. Any of the above events generates not only numerous destructions, but also entails the death of people, injury, loss of health, as well as severe psychological trauma. That is why safety at school for students is the most important element of activity in an educational institution.

Job Descriptions

First of all, safety in the school depends on the leadership. So, in the official duties of one of the deputy directors there is a clause on the need to ensure the security of each student.

An approximate instruction from the school's leadership to ensure the safety of students is as follows:

  1. Organization of the activities of the educational plan.
  2. Ensuring the implementation of local regulations governing school safety. Instructions, timely development of plans, implementation of preventive measures.
  3. Timely communication of operational information about innovations, changes, invalidation of certain norms that ensure the state of security.
  4. The introduction of positive experience, as well as the search for innovative solutions to the problem of ensuring security on the territory of the educational institution.
  5. Implementation of methodological work both with the staff of the institution and with the trainees.

The list of job descriptions provided is indicative. In addition, each of the powers should subsequently be implemented in the form of practical, more specific measures. Only through coordinated work and the implementation of each item can a high level of protection for children be achieved.

Work to protect against terrorism

The safety of students at school depends not only on the preventive measures organized by the leadership, but also on the theoretical knowledge of the students that the teachers presented to them. And the first topic, which is the basis in the world of security, is the section on countering terrorism and extremism.

This area of ​​activity includes the following activities:

  • Regular and timely holding of meetings and planning meetings regarding the above issues. At these events, teachers can be instructed on safety at school, which is subsequently brought to the attention of students.
  • Ensuring proper control over the implementation of preventive measures, which were originally included in the plan for the month and for the year.
  • School safety also means organizing interaction between law enforcement and rescue services and students' parents.

The legal basis for all the above activities is the order of the director, which is issued in the appropriate form. In addition, the director's job descriptions should always contain a clause that obliges him to develop a plan or entrust this matter to one of the deputies. School safety is based precisely on this document, which provides for the number of fees, class hours, preventive alarms, quizzes, meetings, planning meetings, and so on.

Security of an educational institution

The elementary school is a particularly vulnerable target. Security here must necessarily include enhanced security of the institution. It can be implemented in two of the most popular forms:

  1. Guards at night.
  2. In the daytime, the operational situation at the school is monitored by a janitor, a teacher on duty or another representative of the shift on duty.

The administration is carried out by the school administrator. In addition, a great element of security is the presence of checkpoints. The introduction of new sites on the territory of the school is permissible with the permission of the head of the education department.

Intra-object mode

School safety rules must be implemented in a way that is supervised by the duty shift. A package of documents must always be present on the school watch:

  • List of teaching staff, as well as service personnel on the territory of the institution.
  • List of officials of the management staff of the school who have the right to pass outsiders.
  • Instructions for the protection of school facilities.
  • List of persons officially authorized to carry out the protection of the institution.

It is worth noting that the list does not end there, since the list of documents can be supplemented by the decision of the leadership of the school and district educational institutions.

Fire safety

Safety at school consists not only of preventive measures and plans to counter illegal actions, but also includes the fire condition of the school, as well as the necessary rules of conduct.

The main regulatory document is the Federal Law "On fire safety", which indicates a guideline for the development of this field of activity. The legal document outlines the most important issues of fire safety, concepts, preventive measures, an algorithm of action in case of emergencies, and so on.

An analysis of the repeated practice of fires shows that only one fifth of fires is associated with a malfunction of technical means. 70% of fires occur due to the negligent attitude of persons responsible for the prevention of fires among students and teaching staff.

Fire safety in the school consists of a number of the following activities:

Safety in the electrical field

The most dangerous in terms of ensuring safety at school are electrical and switchboard panels. The following measures must be observed here:

Work safety at school

School safety for students and teachers is ensured by satisfactory working conditions. First of all, when carrying out pedagogical activities, the heads of an educational institution should provide a set of measures necessary for the protection of labor.

Basic requirements include the following:

  • Briefing. School safety cannot be ensured without detailed explanations. There are normatively fixed rules, thanks to which the teacher can both carry out daily activities and know the algorithm of actions in case of an emergency.
  • Existence of legislative regulation. The main legal document is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, followed by the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection" and so on.

This paragraph includes not only job descriptions, but also various programs, agreements between organizations (trade unions) and governing bodies, as well as general local acts.

The initial step in ensuring this is to conduct an initial or introductory briefing. In addition, the second safety briefing at the school is carried out immediately before the start of work activities - bringing duties on the spot. There are also repeated and unscheduled ones, which are aimed at preventing and improving the protection of working conditions.

Sanitary and epidemiological state as an element of safety

The norms of SanPin must be ensured within the educational institution. Such rigidity of requirements and numerous sanitary checks is due to concern for the physical condition of each child.

State institutions - schools, universities, kindergartens - are required to comply with all sanitary standards. Otherwise, even if all the safety elements are in order (fire, electrical safety), the discrepancy between food standards and household supplies is the basis for the liquidation of the educational institution.

Law enforcement

Of no small importance is the interaction of the school and. Moreover, such a merger can be both closely related activities and jointly held events, for example, a safety week at the school, held jointly with employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Constant interaction with authorities can be expressed in regular school visits by inspectors of responsible institutions, as well as other employees of public services. In addition, law enforcement officers can exercise their powers directly on the school premises, namely, to conduct checks in relation to anti-corruption activities. Another area of ​​research may be the detection of narcotic substances, which have recently become widespread among schoolchildren.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, as part of preventive measures, can take part in extracurricular activities, conduct lectures, lessons, and so on. This form of work is able to convey information to schoolchildren in the most complete way:

  • about the presence of sufficiently frequent terrorist acts;
  • on the prevention of violations of public order on the territory of the school;
  • on the detection of explosive devices and other suspicious items;
  • on the identification of persons capable of committing an offense on the territory of the school.

In addition, preventive measures, together with representatives of law enforcement agencies, are the following:

  • Development and implementation of a class hour plan for the prevention of traffic accidents and injuries.
  • Formation of a culture of safe behavior on the streets and roads.
  • Ensuring interaction between the teaching staff and the traffic police.
  • Engaging parents in road traffic injury prevention.
  • Learning the rules of the road.
  • Creation of an orderly educational and material base to ensure the safety of behavior on the roads and streets.
  • Availability of methodological documents on traffic observance.
  • Analysis and formation of conclusions based on the statistics of road accidents.

civil defense

The scale of the technogenic activity of modern society can endanger not only educational institutions, but also entire districts, cities and regions. Despite the increased preservation of environmental potential, safety in schools should be at a higher level. The action of officials is important to designate in job descriptions for civil defense.

About 80% of man-made accidents are associated with human activities and low professional training of workers. However, a systematic study of probable emergency situations can help not only to quickly mobilize, but also to prevent the situation.

Conducting civil defense in the conditions of an educational institution is assigned to the leaders of the school. The most frequent expression of security in civil defense is the design of the "Corner of Civil Defense". It helps to understand the warning signals, as well as to determine the course of action in both peacetime and wartime. There may also be dangerous areas where emergencies can occur.

Any area of ​​activity of junior and secondary educational institutions is regulated by regulatory legal acts. In order to implement a school safety plan, it is necessary to fully comply with the requirement of both federal regulations and

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Today in class

Rules of conduct in the locker room Rules of conduct in the dining room. Rules of conduct in the library. Rules of conduct in the assembly hall and on the sports ground.

Rules of conduct in the locker room 1. When you arrive at school, be sure to change your shoes and take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes in a certain (your) place. 3. Put mittens, gloves in your pocket, headdress in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When undressing, do not talk, undress quickly, do not interfere with others. 6. I saw the fallen clothes, pick it up. 7. Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DO NOT FORGET YOUR ITEMS!

Rules of conduct in the library. 1. Keep order in the library, behave QUIETLY. Don't speak loudly. 2. Upon entering, say hello to the librarian (Nina Anatolyevna), and when you receive the book, be sure to say THANK YOU. 3. Take the book only with clean hands. 4. In the book, do not bend the corners, do not write with a pen, use only a bookmark. 5. If the book is damaged, "TRY IT". Glue. 6. Take special care of library books! KNOW that they are not just for you, but for many other children.

Rules of conduct in the dining room. It is necessary to enter the nightingale in an organized manner. Don't push, don't scream. OBSERVE ORDER. Always wash your hands before eating. Don't talk while eating. At the table, do not indulge in bread, do not spin, do not interfere with your neighbor. TRY TO EAT EVERYTHING! Do not take out of the table buns, sweets, yogurt, fruits. Eat everything at the table. Don't move your dirty plate towards your neighbor. After eating, slide your chair under the table. Clear the table if you're on duty. When leaving, say thank you to those who fed you

Rules of conduct in the assembly hall. 1. Come to the holiday in FESTIVE clothes, smart, combed, in polished shoes. 2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place. 3. In the hall, do not shout, do not run, do not push, do not try to get ahead of your neighbor. 4. In anticipation of the start of a holiday or concert, be PATIENT. 5. As soon as the start of the performance is announced, stop talking, LOOK CAREFULLY and LISTEN. 6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event. 7. Do not laugh if something is not going well on the stage, there is some kind of awkwardness (for example, if the speaker forgot the text, fell during the dance) 8. Do not forget to APPLAUSE! 9 . After the end, do not push, leave the hall QUIETLY!

Rules of conduct in the school yard. 1. See if there are classes in the schoolyard during your walk, if you will interfere with the children with your presence. 2. On the sports ground, be careful: swings, sports equipment (ladders, horizontal bars…) can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. 3. Do not approach dangerous structures (transformer booths ...) 4. Play safe games with friends. DO NOT CLIMB on rooftops, trees, fences. 5. Be FRIENDLY with your friends. It's more fun to play together! 6. Green spaces decorate the school yard. DO NOT PICK FLOWERS, DO NOT BREAK TREES! 7. If you ran to play in another yard, DON'T FORGET TO WARN YOUR PARENTS.

Rules of conduct at school All school things should be in order, neatly packed in a briefcase. We arrive at school ALWAYS ON TIME, WITHOUT LATE. When you enter the school, don't push. Dry your feet thoroughly before entering. When you enter a school, a classroom, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your comrades. If you are late for class and enter the classroom after the bell, you must ask the teacher for permission. If an ADULT (teacher, director, parent ..) enters the class together, but QUIETLY and QUIETLY should stand up, welcoming the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, don't yell, but RAISE YOUR HANDS. You should also raise your hand when you want to ask something from the teacher.

8. When making a request to a teacher or comrades, you need to use "polite" words: please, thank you. 9. Each student must take care of his DESK, do not break, do not write, do not scratch with a sharp object. 10. You can go to CHANGE only after the permission of the teacher. 11. DO NOT RUN and SHOUT in the corridor. 12. All adults you meet at school for the first time in a day should be greeted. 13. If an adult is met at the door, you need to give him a seat. 14. If a girl is walking next to a boy, he should let her go ahead. 16. Papers, bits, all rubbish must be thrown into a special basket.