Give an interpretation to the one who asks you. Meaning of the word occupy

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

1. OBTAIN1, occupy, occupy, incompetent. (to take 1), as without add. 1. Borrow. There is not enough money: you have to constantly borrow. He borrowed money from many people. 2. to whom what. To give someone a loan (reg., wrong.). “And all because it’s not…… Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

to seize, occupy, seize; to inhabit, to be located, to be placed where, to borrow (take) on credit (on loan), to borrow, to borrow, to be credited. Wed . See take, amuse, amuse, interest .. do not occupy become ... Dictionary ... ... Synonym dictionary

TAKE, Xia, entertaining, etc., see occupy. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

occupy- BORROW / BOOK BOOK / BORROW, borrow / borrow, colloquial, sov. borrow, borrow to borrow/borrow intercept/intercept owe, dec. hire ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

See take 1 2. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (To take up one s station) refers to a ship entering the place indicated to it in the ranks. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

Demand time, last Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

Come to change, make the weather, have weight, matter, play a role, settle down, intercede, weigh, settle in, place, replace, replace, settle down, fit in, replace, mean, change Dictionary of Russian Synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

To be in the first place, to prevail, to have the greatest distribution, to be in the first place, to have a predominant distribution Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary


  • , . Reprint from the publication. Per. from fr. - Moscow, type. Av. Seeds at Med.-surgeon. Acad., 1826. Pushkin apparently studied this book (considering his debts). Dep. 1 - Means, as a person disposes of ...
  • The art of not paying debts, or an addition to the art of borrowing,. Reprint from the publication. Per. from fr. - Moscow, type. Av. Seeds at Med.-surgeon. Acad., 1826. Pushkin apparently studied this book (considering his debts). Dep. 1 - Means, as a person disposes of ...

To whom. Sib. Approval About a smart, quick-witted person. FSS, 79 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

See smart ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. mind chamber app., number of synonyms: 9 ... Synonym dictionary

- [borrow] vb., nsv., use. very often Morphology: I occupy, you occupy, he/she/it takes, we occupy, you occupy, they occupy, occupy, occupy, occupy, occupy, occupy, occupy, occupy, occupy, occupy, ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

Not stupid, cooks a bowler hat, brainy, clever, smart, not a fool, distant mind, with a concept, wise like a snake, not a stupid dozen, with a head, seven spans in his forehead, there is a head on his shoulders, a chamber of mind, efficient, a head cooks, wise, smart, wise, ... ... Synonym dictionary

- (foreigner) enough of his own. Wed Of course, of course (you can handle it yourself) it’s not the gods who burn the pots, but you should not be in your mind to become. Markevich. Career Morning. 1. See Not Gods burn pots. See Occupy Your Mind... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

- (inosk.) its quite cf. Of course, of course (you can handle it yourself) it’s not the gods who burn the pots, but you should not be mad. Markevich. Career Morning. 1. See not the gods burn the pots. See take your sanity... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

not borrow- (to whom what) what l. is located at someone in sufficient quantities Mind him not to occupy ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Reasonable, prudent, understanding, reasonable, intelligent, sensible, wise, thinking, sensible. He is small with a head. Mushroom. What a head (head)! Mind chamber. Minister! Be wise as serpents and simple as doves. Matt. 10, 16. Whether you ... Synonym dictionary

There is a head on his shoulders, a bowler hat is cooking, balls are spinning, a chamber of mind, a sharp mind, smart, not to occupy the mind Dictionary of Russian synonyms. head cooks adj., number of synonyms: 9 there is a head on the shoulders ... Synonym dictionary

Clever, sharp mind, not to occupy the mind, the bowler hat cooks, the balls spin, the head cooks, the mind chamber Dictionary of Russian synonyms. there is a head on the shoulders adj., number of synonyms: 8 head cooks (9) ... Synonym dictionary


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Meaning of the word occupy

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


occupying, occupying, carrying. (to take 1) as without add.

    To borrow. There is not enough money: you have to constantly borrow. He borrowed money from many people.

    to whom; to what. Give to someone on loan (reg., incorrect). And all because I don’t set dinners and don’t borrow money from them. Gogol.


occupying, occupying, carrying. (to take 2) what.

    Fill in some space, place, place. Forests occupied most of the province. Bookshelves take up the entire wall. A gazebo takes up a lot of space in the garden.

    trans. Fill in some. time interval. A new position takes me all day.

    To live, to settle down, to fit on some. space. Occupy an apartment of three rooms. Neuatel occupied the left birches of the river. I usually took my seat in the benoir box.

    Temporarily take into your own use, temporarily use something. for some needs (so that for that time the subject becomes present). Places in the queue for railway tickets have been occupied since yesterday. Borrow a chair for a friend. 4. Replace some. position, place. Still, it is better that this place is occupied by an honest person than a dishonest person. L. Tolstoy. 5. To seize something, to seize something by armed force (some territory, city). Enemy troops occupy city after city. 6. trans. Fill with oneself, completely absorb (about thoughts, feelings, imagination; book). My imagination was occupied by the thought of a trip to Italy.

    someone something. To interest, to attract attention, to excite. I am very interested in this question. I told him the thoughts that occupied me. Turgenev.

    someone something. give to someone some occupation, force sth. do. To employ a new employee of some kind. work. Occupy something. children.

    someone something. Don't get bored, entertain. Engage guests. To occupy a position (prominent, brilliant, etc.) - to enjoy great public influence, weight.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    nesov. transition

      1. Fill in some space.

        Settle on some territory, seizing it by force, mastering it.

        Turn out to be some by score depending on the result (during competitions, competitions).

        Temporarily taking advantage of smth., to deprive others of such an opportunity.

    1. Be placed on any surfaces, areas.

      Fill in some time interval.

      Perform any. job responsibilities.

      Give to someone business, work.

      1. trans. Captivate, captivate, captivate.

        Entertain, don't get bored.

    nesov. transition

    1. To borrow.

      razg.-decrease. Lending.

Examples of the use of the word occupy in the literature.

As for permission to land, no one had yet been denied it, and Aaron saw no reason to complicate relations with the males, who occupied There are two neighboring planets in this system.

Let's make a paragraph for a smoke break and outline some figures, occupying in the wilderness some nursing chairs.

There has always been such a distinction, an Avar rarely occupied leadership position, the ceiling is foreman or teacher.

When an aircraft carrier enters defense mode, fighters occupy three defensive echelons or spheres.

The fact that he received a new, higher military rank, although he continued occupy the position of squadron commander, meant that his candidacy for the post of commander of his own aircraft carrier wing was seriously considered.

We are observing her - she is now perfectly visible - however, by all appearances, her occupy Austrians and occupy very durable.

In a warm, spacious room occupied the battalion of those units, and where lieutenant Andreychik was now strengthening the defense of the country day and night, in addition to Captain Kedri, who was late for a divorce, Private Pepper, cut to zero, was already sitting, the clerk of Captain Sinitsyn's autotractor service.

I confess to you honestly: I'm just a director's chair occupy, but German Stepanovich is in charge of our fleet!

Here is Aglaya in due time occupied the largest office with walnut-paneled walls and many telephones.

Diving aquanauts occupy it places right on board, and the same pressure is established inside the bell as at the depth where they should sink.

It is located approximately one hundred and fifty kilometers south of the Ferghana Valley, from which it is separated by the powerful Alai Range, occupying with its branching spurs all the space between the valleys.

According to Interpol, Kosovo Albanians then controlled two-thirds of the heroin imports into Switzerland and occupied not the last place in the similar sector of the German economy.

These trifles of climbing life have long become so familiar that not occupied us.

And even if within this philosophical current Foucault and takes a particularly original and striking place, it should nevertheless be integrated into what could be called the French school of non-genetic structuralism, including, in particular, the names of Levi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, Althusser, Derrida.

Thanks to the bright original talent of Jorge Amado, Brazilian literature takes top position on the scale of Russian readers' interest in the literature of Latin America.

Who are you, after all? Felicia blurted out, looking at him with wide eyes. - Why is the hotel staff so helpful?!

I lose a lot at the casino.

So you can’t tell, - she was upset, signing under a few short phrases.

I've said everything you need to know.

True, after tonight it is unlikely to matter, - she resigned herself, deciding not to pay attention to his evasiveness. Yes, and I owe you a huge debt.

Is that why you're here? Flynn asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

Do you care?

He studied her magnificent nakedness for a long time, her face burning with anticipation of pleasure.


The corners of her mouth twitched in an answering smile.

But I don't think so.

Are you done? - He nodded at the note, the cynical grimace disappeared somewhere. Claude is coming.

Coming to her senses, Felicia hastily folded the paper, slipped it into an envelope, and handed it to Flynn. He took the letter to the table, sealed it, and taking a gray silk robe from the closet, threw it on and left the bedroom. The door closed softly. There was a knock on the door just at the moment when the duke was counting out the amount that could ensure the complete silence of the servants. If Miss Greenwood lives in Monte Carlo, it's better that no one knows anything about her escapade.

A minute later he explained to Daniel's brother everything that was required of him. A mild threat, along with the money, would be enough to get his order carried out.

Your note will be handed over,” the duke announced a minute later, returning to the bedroom, “and I was assured that no one would say a word about your appearance here.

Felicia, leaning against the pillows, looked at him lazily.

You are either very dangerous or immensely rich.

The duke, following his own rule never to share details of his personal life, replied curtly:

I just gave Claude some of the money I won today.

Probably big.

No, but enough.

For such an attractive spectacle, he would have given more.

Well, now that everything is settled, you no longer need to worry, - he grinned good-naturedly, - and until morning you can focus solely on pleasures.

It seems that obstacles do not exist for you!

I just have the most selfish motive.

She stretched imposingly and took the theatrical pose of an odalisque.

Are you sure I'm worth it?

Definitely, and I'm never wrong.

Felicia laughed, pleased with the praise.

I see you are not modest.

Modesty is a quality that people tend to greatly overestimate, - said Flynn, untying the belt of his dressing gown.

Felicia gazed greedily at his bronzed, muscular body, without an ounce of extra fat, toned and delightfully aroused.

Hardly anyone can call you modest.

And you too.

Flynn climbed onto the bed and settled between her legs with a casual dexterity that spoke of years of practice.

So, we begin the first lesson of achieving orgasm with a man, - he muttered with a smile, introducing his manhood into her red-hot grotto. - Feel free to stop me at any moment.

I won't stop you for all the treasures in the world, she assured.

This woman is for me!

Felicia looked at him questioningly.

An ordinary expression, something like a proverb,” he hastily explained, surprised at his own sincerity. Usually Flynn avoided romantic statements like fire.

Love me,” she purred, wiggling her hips invitingly.

He leaned forward, slowly penetrating her, sliding into the hot depths with deliberate deliberation, wanting to give her pleasure and at the same time eager to feel every inch of this intoxicating invasion. He no longer remembered the last time he had made love to an inexperienced partner, and her enthusiastic desire gave new poignancy to his own arousal.

Tell me if I hurt you.


She clutched at his shoulders, lifted her hips to meet him, the pulsing heat of her desire flowing around his insistent hardened flesh.

Please… more…

Flynn obeyed, but it was so tight that he hesitated, meeting little resistance.

It doesn't hurt me... honestly...

Lowering his eyes, he noticed the pleading in the purple eyes, the glowing flush on his cheeks.

Do not stop! Go all the way,” she breathed. Not even a saint could resist such a temptation, and Flynn never claimed to be a saint.

Do you want this? he asked, though he didn't know how much longer he could hold out.

I'm dying, Felicia whispered desperately.

She had led a chaste life for so long that she could no longer wait. But he also held back his frenzy with the last of his strength. Having received her silent consent, Flynn gave free rein to his beardless impulses, rushed forward and invaded the submissive bosom, like a conqueror in a conquered city, filling it, stretching it to the limit. The pleasure was so intense that tears came to her eyes. He remained motionless for a few moments, then moved cautiously. Felicia groaned. Light pressure seemed to revive every sensitive nerve, every cell, bringing the tension to madness.

With a convulsive sigh, burned with agony, tormented by the need to restrain himself, Flynn forced himself to forget about the crazy pleasure that burned him alive.

But he immediately realized that this would not last long. She spread her hips wide to receive him as deep as possible. As he continued to penetrate her softly, Flynn gave her what she dreamed of, what they both desired: a sophisticated rhythm of advances and retreats. Nothing but naked, burning, mind-blowing sensations. She screamed, and he moaned softly as the whole world focused on the quivering contact of his bloodshot penis and her quivering flesh. And then…both of them held their breath as he pulled away, almost completely out of her. And both waited, in sweet, sophisticated agony, for the next powerful blow.

The smell of love enveloped them, the hot aroma of heated bodies, merged together in a primitive, primitive act of copulation, spread in the atmosphere of defiant luxury of the most expensive room of the Hotel de Paris. At that moment, both existed in their own universe, united in a dance as old as eternity itself, indulging in a violent, self-forgetful sensuality: body to body, dizzy desire to dizzy desire, feverish, feverish, greedy.

She half moaned, half sobbed, and Flynn instantly changed pace, realizing how close she was to breaking point. Pulling back a little, he dug deep into her so that Felicia gasped. And then a low, plaintive cry cut through the night air. Oh blessed deliverance! His long-suppressed orgasm exploded with such unrelenting force that Flynn closed his eyes, shocked by the strength of his own sensations.

For a few stunning moments in this velvet-canopied paradise they had created, they writhed in ecstasy as they huddled together, experiencing perhaps what very few lovers have experienced. The world has narrowed down to blissful experiences and burning contact of bodies.

How was I to know, thought Felicia, subdued, filled with his seed, that sex could be so amazingly good?

“Is her naivety capable of such magic?” he marveled, still not satisfied, despite the crushing detente.

But, true to his principles of renunciation of true feelings, and determined to maintain his comfortable bachelor habits, Flynn put aside his disturbing thoughts and, raising his head from the pillow, kissed Felicia casually on the cheek.


And now I know how it happens,” she confirmed, closing her eyes.

The world is perfect sometimes,” he whispered, propping himself up on his elbows and smiling at her.

When are you with me? she asked, lifting her eyelashes.

But is it better than being alone?