Retrograde Mars: when evil is not enough…. And how does Mars retrograde affect the owners of Mars retrograde? What is the retrograde movement of the planet

Mars retrograde is a relatively rare phenomenon. The rest of the planets wind more often (and, accordingly, more often put us in front of problems characteristic of the phase of their retrograde movement).
Mars goes retrograde every two years or so. As it should be, its proximity to the Earth at this time is maximum, and at the same time it is maximally removed from the Sun, the center of our planetary system.

At a time like this, it becomes difficult to continue to act in the same spirit and style in which we overcame previous barriers. A tactic that has worked successfully for a year or two is starting to fail in places..
During the retrograde period, we fall out of the settled world with its laws. We try to live either in the past or (disillusioned with the past or fearful of its return) in the future. It is much easier to make a mistake in this state than during the direct movement of Mars. Also, Mars is a planet. potentially destructive. Mistakes made under his influence can be quite expensive. True, they are remembered well.

What is the essence of the Mars loop, what does it draw our attention to in the first place? What is its main meaning, if we ignore the eerie surroundings, which (not without reason) it is customary to mention every time in connection with its approach?
Due to the remoteness of retro-Mars from the Sun, we get the opportunity to look at your strategy and tactics from a new angle. For example, to separate your precious and unique "I" from those ways with which it expresses itself. Or - to separate the goal we are pursuing from funds, the use of which we consider justified to achieve it. The product we want to create is from tools that we use to make it. And so on.
This is how one of the typical functions of any retro planet manifests itself - a reassessment of things, phenomena, events, plans, resources and other life phenomena.

Active or passive?

During periods of retro-Mars, it turns out to be difficult, first of all, spontaneous and direct manifestation of our activity.
At other times, being in the loop of Mars is like wandering agonizingly in a labyrinth from which there is no way out. However, the closer the end of the loop, the brighter the flame of hope burns, the clearer it becomes for us both the order of actions and their direction. In any case, it should be so if you lived through the period of the next retrograde of Mars fully, without deviating from the tasks set by him.

It is difficult to agree with those authors who consider passivity, lethargy, and stiffness to be obligatory attributes of the Mars loop. These qualities are definitely there. But they are most necessary during the periods of parking of Mars. It is during these periods that Mars, unfolding, inevitably extinguishes any impulses - after all, it needs extra energy to turn in a new direction, and it temporarily “takes away” this energy from us.

Another explanation for this far from typical retro-Mars phenomenon is individual astrological indicators recorded in the natal chart. What does it mean?
Suppose we are talking about a passive, timid or lazy person, initially not prone to initiative and high mobility. Naturally, the reversals of Mars will only increase its natural inertia.
Transitional, directional and progressive situations of a certain kind can limit our mobility. You know this very well if, for example, in your chart during one of the retro-Mars periods, a Mars-Saturn directional conjunction was activated somewhere in Taurus and in the 12th house, loaded with the relaxing influence of the Venus trine. In such cases, the retrograde of transiting Mars is only an aggravating factor.
Another class of people who perceive the proposals of retrograde Mars negatively are people who are smart, hyperactive. Even a temporary need to stop seems to them a violation of their freedom. They react first of all just to the stops of Mars, at this time they feel driven into a dead end.
People who love blitzkrieg tactics can hardly tolerate retro-Mars. If circumstances forbid them to act in the style of "come, see, conquer", they instantly lose enthusiasm and become discouraged. After all, instead of achieving their goal instantly, they have to stumble at every step for several months! In this description, it is easy to recognize the owners of Mars in Aries (although representatives of other signs, especially cardinal and mutable ones, are often such). Therefore, if you read somewhere a sad saga about retro-Mars, which slows down all things and leads them to collapse, know in advance: its author himself probably has just such a Mars. Unless, of course, he wrote off his creation from ready-made sources.
Finally, people who are very purposeful tend to feel stiffness, discouragement, and even complete disorientation during retro-Mars periods. Any stop their consciousness involuntarily registers as an unfortunate delay on the way to the goal. And this happens even in those cases when the need to slow down and introduce the necessary amendments into the strategy of action is obvious in the name of the shortest possible progress towards the same goal.

It is also possible to refute the assertion that the loop of Mars supposedly always means braking, in a simpler, more visual way. Well-known fact: during this period, accident rate and injuries. For an accident, you need energetic collision two or more multidirectional (heterogeneous) energy flows, for injury it is necessary intense, sharp, destructive impact- where can they come from, if retro-Mars only does what limits the activity of living and non-living objects?

So I suggest you, to begin with, do not confuse the concepts of "retrograde" and "passivity". Especially in the case of Mars, the planet speakers.
It is much more logical to accept that Mars retrograde is temporarily redirects our energy. But for the implementation of this process, it simply needs periods of deceleration, and even a complete stop (relatively short, if we take their ratio with the total period of retromotion). Agree, there is a difference, and significant.

Another thing is that slowing down - if the situation has demanded it - must be done correctly. And you usually have to do this during periods of parking.

What styles of action are most adequate during the period of retro-Mars? We'll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, let's review the likely events and trends that await us at this time.

"Gifts" from retrograde Mars

Suspended - and sometimes they stand up tightly (it seems that forever) - started cases.
In this, the manifestations of retro-Mars are outwardly similar to the manifestations of retro-Mercury.
However, stops under the influence of the Mars loop are longer and often more critical than Mercury ones. This happens for various reasons, which it is not possible to describe in a short article.
I will give just 2 examples:
The forces and means invested in a business project do not bring instant returns. Most often, the reason is outdated management methods, inappropriate technical equipment or inappropriate behavior of leaders (boss or field managers). Unlike an incorrectly executed document (which, under certain circumstances, can also do a lot of trouble), these shortcomings are not corrected so quickly and easily, it is not enough to correct the numbers or re-collect signatures. It usually takes some time until the cause is found. And then for some time they take the necessary practical measures - for example, rethinking the external and internal policies of the enterprise, or replacing obsolete production elements with new ones.
Crashes on retro Mars require more time and effort to troubleshoot, and in addition, longer rehabilitation period. At the same time, the malfunctions themselves, under additional aggravating circumstances, much more often have the status emergency, acute injuries and catastrophes and by no means light Mercurial misunderstandings.

At this time, it is not excluded return to the former field of activity or former tools of work. What you once did may interest you again.

In all areas, one way or another connected with Mars, at this time increases the likelihood of restructuring and the emergence of significant figures in the past. The theme of the collision of the outdated and the new is often raised, and in an acute form.
Sometimes workers in these areas have a lot of additional or atypical work, during which it turns out that they can perform other functions besides the current ones - or vice versa, bottlenecks in the organization of their standard work are revealed.
First of all, these are employees of law enforcement and security structures, stuntmen, pyrotechnicians, athletes, trainers of wild animals, surgeons, psychiatrists, sex therapists, rescuers of all kinds, marginalized individuals, drivers, entrepreneurs, transport and emergency services workers, sometimes also major leaders (politicians, managers).
If you find that your modest activities are somewhat reminiscent of the work of a manager, a security guard or an ambulance service, prepare for a busy period fraught with surprises and read this article more carefully.

During periods of backward Mars is not uncommon critical breakdowns of equipment, interruptions in the functioning of various technical means. Most often under attack are vehicles, equipment items, production lines, weapons, cutting and stabbing tools. Computer scientists are more likely to encounter hardware problems than software problems. It gives the impression that any technology at this time "reacts poorly" to mistreatment with it. Therefore, everything related to urgent repair, replacement, cleaning, and prevention of equipment and mechanisms is relevant.

As is often the case during periods of retrograde planets, your or someone else's old sins come to the surface. In this case, remind yourself imperfections in the sphere of Mars- for example, carelessly performed work is discovered, as a result of which this or that structure regularly refuses to function.
The emphasis in this case is most often precisely on the need to deal with technical details, or with links technological process. Both entire projects and their individual fragments have to be finalized based primarily on their functionality and competitiveness.

During the period of retro-Mars, they can suddenly remind of themselves again consequences of a quarrel, enmity, discussion, rivalry, "showdown", lawsuit. maybe exacerbation of long-standing personal competition. You can start getting claims and even threats.
A number of astrologers have noticed that (c) lawsuits and lawsuits started on retro-Mars tend to turn around against the plaintiff, and in a broader sense, aggression often turns against the aggressor.

The specific role of retrograde Mars is also in exacerbation of pre-existing diseases(for which, of course, additional individual indicators are needed, natal, transit and others). At the same time, sensations such as pain, backache, acute short spasms. Increasing chance bruises, fractures, inflammation. Often there is a general strong discomfort that prevents you from leading your usual life and quickly doing the necessary things.

The "return effect" of Mars retrograde can also affect another, more delicate area of ​​your being - intimate.
It is sometimes said that intimate relationships on backward Mars are dangerous and undesirable in principle. This is not entirely true, but there is some truth in this statement.
For temperamental and unrestrained people, the retro-Mars period is provocative, he often pushes for betrayal of a permanent partner, in search of a new application of his activity. Mars (we repeat) is the planet of destruction, anger and aggression, its energy contradicts the peaceful creative atmosphere of the family and easily becomes destructive for it. (The only consolation is that "the prodigal son or husband"\"prodigal daughter or wife" will most likely return to their usual life upon the exit of Mars from the retromotion. But how and with what will they and their relatives pay for their trip to the country of unsafe sexual adventures, it's impossible to tell in advance.)
At this time, the former sexual partner may appear in your field of vision, bringing former joys into your life or, conversely, anxiety. If you once liked each other mutually or sympathy was one-sided, a short period of sudden erotic obsession on one or both sides is not ruled out.

Psychological nuances of retro-Mars

Mars acts much more sharply than Mercury, it often causes irritation and stressful conditions. Its impact is also longer - after all, its loop is much longer than the Mercury one.
Mercury invites us to comprehend the situation and this most often becomes half the solution to the problem. Backward Mars, on the contrary, prefers action to reflection and does not let us calm down until we do something. Therefore, if on retro-Mercury we are easily distracted by funny and curious little things that help us forget about temporary troubles, then on retro-Mars, annoyance at circumstances grows like a snowball.

Some people (see the beginning of the article) during the period of backward Mars lose the meaning of life, as they lose sight of the course they have taken or do not see a quick adequate return on their efforts. However, they do not suspect that their test - temporary, and perceive the current situation almost as the end of the world. Religious virtue, which consists, among other things, in humbly accepting trials sent from above, is less and less known to modern man, and in this case it plays against him.
People with strong cardinal Mars suffer doubly from this. They need a clear incentive for action and instant results. When they don't get it, everything falls apart. Depending on the characteristics of temperament and the situation, they fall into either depression or aggressive irritability. The fewer movements they manage to make outside, the more actively the cauldron of discontent boils inside them.

Thus, one of the features of the Mars loop is psychological tension.
It easily transforms into bright flashes of emotion, but also in self-blame, anger, aggression and other destructive manifestations. It is in this state that people more often commit irreversible, dangerous, illegal actions, get into accidents, quarrel with loved ones and even with random figures in their lives. The jealousy that takes possession of people at this time is often caused by memories or temporary reasons, but it is strong and quite capable of justifying its reputation as a blind permissive force.

In addition, after stress, we also need a psychological or physical unloading. If the period of relaxation is too short or we deny ourselves for some reason, the unbalanced state is strengthened and aggravated.

Astrologically, Mars signifies not only representatives of certain professions, residents of certain territories and people disposed to certain types of diseases, but also males aged approximately 17 to 37 years. At any location of their natal Mars, they are highly sensitive to the movements of transit Mars. They are distinguished natural desire for leadership, caused by the desire to declare oneself, an active sexual instinct, indifference to aggressive methods of gaining and maintaining one's positions. Therefore, they are able to experience the periods of retrogression of Mars much deeper than other representatives of the human race.

The first sexual intimacy on backward Mars can leave not the most pleasant memories and even lay an inappropriate scenario for intimate relationships, but individual indicators are also important here. It is desirable to know this information, first of all, to parents whose children have entered the age of puberty, and it will not hurt the teenagers themselves to know about these periods.

Social nuances during retro-Mars

As you may have guessed, retroactive Mars heats up the situation not only in our private lives, but in any collective(in society, in the family). Mars is an outer planet that draws much deeper than Mercury or Venus.

Typical collective/social tendencies during the periods of retrogression of Mars:
re-pop up the consequences and details of some long-standing military action
Revision of legislative acts regulating the activities of entrepreneurs, law enforcement agencies, transport facilities, emergency and ambulance services
Implementation tough punitive sanctions(making decisions about suppression, prohibition, punishment)
Aggravation political debates on acute, topical topics
emergence resonant situations of an acute, often destructive nature(for example, accidents, accidents, scandals, causing violent actions, local unrest and unrest, terrorist attacks)
Escalation of confrontations up to the outbreak of war
Personnel changes within enterprises, organizations, corporations, communities
Unclear distribution of roles among the recognized (explicit) leaders of the team

It is worth adding to the last point: it is at this time that it becomes possible temporary change of leader, which is not necessarily expressed in official promotion. If you are the same hero who suddenly escaped from the gray mass, be vigilant: your power may be short-lived.

Mars goes retrograde a little less than once every 2 years, and moves backward for about 2 months. Each time it happens in a new sign of the Zodiac, with new interactions of the planets. This time the period of Mars retrograde is quite difficult, perhaps even one of the most difficult periods of 2018 - from June 27 to August 27:

  • this period completely coincides with the summer season of eclipses, which clearly indicates the fatefulness of the events.
  • difficult aspect of Mars to Uranus at this time exacerbates situations, not allowing serene introspection (which would be very helpful).
  • at the same time as Mars, several more planets will be retrograde, as if prompting us take your time and learn the material better.

It sounds a little intimidating, but if you know how to use this time correctly, you can reap its benefits. Now in order:

Exacerbation - squaring Mars and Uranus

The main theme of this period is the re-squaring of Mars and Uranus - a rather disturbing aspect. I wrote about him when he met for the first time this year. Since the quadrature is repeated, its influence will be felt throughout the entire retro-Mars period.

Now the conflicts that have arisen in May may continue and go “into the chronicle”. And, in principle, the atmosphere of this period resembles a situation with a voltage drop in the mains, after which not all devices survive. We invest too much energy in some project, relationship, situation, go ahead, get irritated, nervous, explode - and as a result, we ourselves break the paths we have built ourselves.

  • Exercise caution while driving, in traumatic sports and when working with machinery and equipment. Increased likelihood of breakdowns and delays due to non-working equipment.
  • In conflict situations, look for compromises, or at least keep the defense, but do not attack.
  • Reconsider the ways and means of solving your problems, try other options, but postpone the final decision until the fall, when a more understandable picture emerges.
  • Take your time. I have been repeating these words lately in almost every note, but the heavenly situation is already taking shape, that over and over again circumstances appear that require more and more patience from us.

These recommendations apply to the entire retro-Mars period and even a little longer - until the end of September, since in the fall Mars will again converge with Uranus (the exact aspect is September 19), but then it will already be possible to bring the overdue conflicts to mind and get out of them with new solutions .

The greatest aggravation of these problems (especially with regard to accidents) can be expected from July 25 to August 12, although the peak of activity for everyone passes in its own time, depending on how this quadrature affects.

Whom does it concern?

  • born on January 20 - 25, April 19 - 24, July 23 - 27 and October 23 - 27
  • those whose important points of the individual horoscope are in 1 - 5 degrees of the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
  • those who have aspects of Mars and Uranus in the natal chart.

Fatefulness - Mars and the season of eclipses

The transit point of Mars retrograde is its opposition to the Sun, when Mars passes the opposition to the Sun and at the same time is located at the point closest to the Earth. By the way, anticipating questions about the “news” about the proximity of Mars to the Earth, which annually pops up on the Internet under the headings “DO NOT MISS: MARS IS THE MOON!”, I recommend reading my note.

So, in itself, the confrontation indicates a high degree of conflict and poor efficiency. And this year it will also coincide with the Lunar Eclipse on July 27th. That is, it is at this time that the most exemplary situations of our inefficiency. By carefully observing the failures and obstacles of these days, you can significantly increase your efficiency in the future. In which particular area (personal, financial, business) the situations themselves will show. But it always makes sense to draw parallels in different areas of life, because the situations of these days are such symbols, signs that can also point to more global problems.

In general, such an active retro sky indicates a slowdown in various processes: communication, public, and everything related to long-term contracts, investments and acquisitions. So again: we are not in a hurry to decide, negotiate, buy - everything has its time.

Towards the end of the period, from August 13, Mars will briefly enter the sign of Capricorn, and this position may push for more decisive and drastic actions. But here it is still important to restrain oneself and start some kind of active actions only after August 27th. Mars will be in Capricorn until September 11, so we still have time to hurry. In the meantime, it makes sense to leave alone the speck in the eye of a neighbor and take care of your own deposits.

Now it's time to observe, notice, draw conclusions. After all, right now hints are coming in the form of significant events, and since it’s impossible not to notice them, it’s better to look into your eyes and learn the lessons as thoroughly as possible. Retrograde is, first of all, an opportunity to look into the past, look into yourself and reach a new level.

So let's not be afraid, but let's learn. Moreover, until the end of the summer there will also be positive, supporting moments (about them - a little later), and in general - after any thunderstorm, the sun appears in the sky.

Have a good astrological weather, love and patience!

Thank you for the illustration "Summer Thunderstorms"

This week, Mars will enter a retrograde phase of its movement. In fact, of course, he will not “enter” anywhere - simply because of the difference in the speeds of movement of different planets in their orbits, it seems to an observer on Earth that the neighboring planet is “retreating” back. However, astrologers are not so dismissive of this optical effect: from their point of view, the retrograde movement of Mars is an important factor influencing the behavior of every person.

What to do during this period for those who check life by the stars, says our astrologer Safira Nizamova.

Safira, recently you told us about the impact of Saturn retrograde on people's lives. Perhaps the retrograde Mars manifests itself in a similar way?

No, that's not entirely true. The influence of Saturn on the fate of an individual is implicit, it is not easy to track it. Events stretched over years, we often do not perceive as events. You need a special arrangement of the planets in the natal chart in order to feel his heavy tread on certain days or even hours.

- Mars is another matter. His influence is obvious, undeniable and felt by everyone.

- And how does the influence of retrograde Mars manifest itself?

First of all, is the action of Mars manifested? Despite the reputation of the "god of war", it can be quite positive. For example, remember such an expression as "sports anger" - this is the most accurate description of an active Mars. The desire for victory, perseverance in achieving the goal, willingness to make sacrifices, endure difficulties for the sake of great achievements, ambition and determination - this is all Mars.

- It is the desire to win that dominates, and not the desire to humiliate or even destroy the opponent.

Retrograde is a distorted mirror in which all the weaknesses of the planet are displayed in an exaggerated form. The desire to win does not disappear, but the determination, activity, desire to act, which are necessary to achieve the goal, disappear. Instead, unproductive aggression appears, directed both at the opponent and at oneself. Often people act out of spite during the retrograde period of Mars.

- The difference between direct and retrograde Mars is about the same as between a street fight and a boxing match.

- And we all inevitably become aggressive?

Not really. Firstly, sometimes the lifestyle itself provokes a surge of negative energy. This is a particularly dangerous period for employees of any law enforcement agencies: military, police, rescuers, as well as employees of those professions who, on duty, stand between life and death, such as surgeons. This is also an unfavorable period for athletes - we sympathize in advance with the participants of the World Cup, extreme travelers, politicians ... The list can be continued, I think everyone can evaluate the influence of Mars on their field of professional activity.

- I would like to draw the attention of motorists that this is also an unfavorable period for them: be careful on the road, do not drive fast, do not break the rules, even when you are completely confident in your abilities. You may think that you have the situation under control, but this is just an illusion created by Mars retrograde.

Secondly, Mars plays a special role in the lives of people born under the signs of Aries and Scorpio, signs where he is the senior and junior ruler. Aries in the period of retrograde Mars amaze loved ones with uncharacteristic apathy, unwillingness to at least do something for themselves, at least do something. At the same time, Aries begin to look for the guilty, they can vent evil on others, provoke meaningless conflicts that are not worth a damn. Sometimes their loved ones even suspect that Aries has depression ... However, it goes away as if by magic, as soon as Mars returns to its previous path.

Scorpios react to retrograde Mars not so brightly, but here the influence of the red planet is undoubted. It is especially noticeable in personal relationships; it is possible that you even suspect that your Scorpio spouse "has someone." But in fact, he “has” only retrograde Mars, which kills love passion, replacing it with coldness and indifference.

Discussing the retrograde of Saturn recently, we paid much attention to the fact that it is now moving backwards in the sign of Capricorn. And Mars?

Mars, too, in 2018 will again visit the sign of Capricorn in its return movement! And, imagine, he, like Saturn, feels great there, because Capricorn is a sign of his exaltation. The concept of the sign of exaltation is often unfamiliar to people who are superficially familiar with astrology, so I’ll explain: if in the sign-abode the planet is “at home” and manifests itself most fully, then in the sign of exaltation it is “a favorite employee in a promising workplace”, manifests itself, perhaps , not so comfortable, but bright.

- Direct Mars in Capricorn is the time of careerists. Decisiveness and ambition, combined with strict structure and orderliness, is just perfect for taking on a new position or starting a new project.

Everything that went with a direct Mars with a plus sign, with a retrograde one comes with a minus sign. Ambition does not match either ability or opportunity. Projects - "hatted". Conflicts with colleagues can arise for the most insignificant reason ...

- A logical question: what to avoid during the period of retrograde Mars, and perhaps something to strive for?

Of course, there are no unambiguously negative situations! Retrograde Mars, as, indeed, most retro periods, is good for "tail pulling" - the completion of some old business. Auto-aggression can be usefully implemented by forcing yourself to return to the gym. Of course, the slogan "you're a fat cow, let's plow!" - not the best motivation, but the main thing is that you returned to the fitness center, and positive motivation will follow ... Finally, Mars retrograde is a good reason to take a break and go on vacation. While you are lying somewhere under the Turkish palm trees (and even at home on the couch), its retrograde will not harm you in any way.

You should not start any long-term projects that involve development: register a company, start construction, conclude a long-term cooperation agreement ... If possible, contact with weapons should be avoided, and definitely not done for fun.

- Handle any equipment and machinery with care in general. A lot of dangerous and ridiculous household injuries like “cutting a salad - cutting off a finger” happen during the period of retrograde Mars!

Finally, you should not get involved in any activities that are perceived as military actions at the associative level. Lawsuits, sports competitions, even heated discussions on the Internet - all this can harm your position, health or reputation.

- So, we declare the period of Mars retrograde a time of peace and friendship?

What a good idea! Tolerance and friendliness, and you yourself will not notice how you will survive these two months without loss!

Interviewed by Ekaterina Ershova

At this time, a person confuses ideas about how and where to apply one's strength, how to use energy. Old conflicts often flare up again, but the side that started the war with Mars retrograde usually loses.

It is not recommended to start a new job, as there is no clear idea of ​​what is needed. On the contrary, the best time to change jobs, to part with what is outdated and outdated, to stop the business that you no longer intend to do.

It is also necessary to observe increased personal security: people become very quick-tempered, irritated, nothing goes as smoothly as before. Anger sometimes becomes out of place and leads to new problems. During a Mars retrograde, many may feel drained of vitality. During this two-month period, it is better not to start anything. The one who initiates, loses.

They say that during the period of retrograde Mars it is impossible to meet your soul mate. Also, former partners may appear: in this case, it is worth following the proverb "do not get up on the same rake twice."

Mars is responsible for any wounds, cuts, operations, weapons, accidents and accidents. Mars retrograde increases the number of accidents. It is not recommended to purchase weapons, protective equipment, cars, any mechanisms. It is extremely unfavorable to do planned operations. People of "dangerous professions" (Ministry of Emergency Situations, military, police) are advised to go on vacation, not to be heroic at work.

During this cycle, it is better not to buy anything mechanical: various equipment breaks down more often, there are more accidents, car breakdowns (brakes) and computers. Purchases must be guaranteed and insured.

  • Accumulate strength, less vigorous activity.
  • Analysis of actions for errors. Think several times before acting.
  • Take full responsibility for your life, do not blame others for your problems.
  • Don't be heroic.
  • Don't start new business.
  • Avoid operations and any interventions in the body.
  • Do not overwork, the risk of wasting a lot of effort in vain.
  • Exercise caution; fast on Tuesdays; eat hot and spicy food.

Mars does not always have a strong effect on individuals, it all depends on its position in the horoscope and its aspects with other planets. Those who have Aries or Scorpio in their horoscope react especially strongly: they prefer to be inactive, become less persistent, passive. Each person during this period may feel differently; it is important to remove excessive excitement and think about your actions. If Mars is afflicted in the natal chart, then all activity at this time will be difficult.

These days are very good for planning. It is also recommended to go back to the past situation in your mind or in reality and redo something anew, correcting the situation.

During Mars retrograde, it's easy to see how we handle anger, self-protection, motivation, and sexual relationships. During this time, people often use passive-aggressive methods such as manipulation.

> mars

Once every two years for only 6 weeks it happens Mars retrograde. In the past rebirth, such a person did not skillfully use his energy enough, spending on empty deeds led to a deterioration in karma as a whole. All that uncertainty that remained in a past life passed with a vengeance into this life, making it difficult to use all the positive aspects. Uncertainty and a certain stiffness is clearly expressed. Indecisive actions give rise to new problems that are difficult to solve on their own and forever. However, there is a positive point in this meaning: such people do not get into difficult situations, and thanks to great care, they are saved from many troubles very simply.

At first glance, such a person evokes a feeling of a timid, not decisive person, but this is not entirely true. Depending on the totality of all signs, certain conclusions can be drawn that they are quite active. There may be some internal struggle with oneself. It cannot be called aggressive or even belligerent, however, a certain outburst of anger can be noticed. Retrograde Mars has an impact on inner harmony, and in cases where the energy does not find the right outlet, one can observe such a negative picture as destruction from the inside. This is a very adverse effect on both health and mental state in general. You can advise such people such an option as sublimation. Sublimation is one of the many ways to realize energy, through the necessary channels, a concentrated flow of negative energy passes without creating discomfort and pain. The main thing is the complete control of all flows, both positive and negative.

A feature of such a person is a certain assertiveness and self-confidence. They can endure for a long time, experiencing discomfort, however, already, if something pissed them off, anger will be explosive. This feature helps to cultivate a certain willpower. Often they achieve great success in sports, especially in heavy sports. They often compete with themselves, which leads them to the front row of winners. If such individuals set a goal, then they go to it for a long time and assertively. Many famous politicians have just such a sign. Very often such people in childhood were subjected to ridicule, aggressive actions. It is this story that helps them in the future, is a kind of incentive to never return to those events. At a young age, they are focused on improving their own physical strength, do not like to be dependent on anyone.

During the retrograde of Mars, you do not need to make special efforts to fulfill your desires. Many efforts will be in vain. Often this combination nullifies all your efforts. This period of time is worth spending on studying your own mistakes, returning to past problems, understanding the essence of their occurrence, and in the future to change their occurrence. Only correct and competent introspection will help you harmoniously create a strong foundation for the future. Use this time for your own moral and mental recovery. As well as possible, relaxation, meditation, awareness of one’s own non-ideality will come to the rescue. Stop, take a break, recharge with positive energies, maintain moral and physical health for future revivals. Only after a full recovery will you be able to start a new, complex and long-term business.

When Mars is retrograde, stay calm, do not make impulsive statements. Any purchase related to electronics should be postponed for a better time. After all, all the equipment purchased during this period can not only quickly fail, but can also bring trouble to your life. You should not start any actions aimed at litigation, alienation of property. There is a high probability that your own lawsuits will turn against you. During such a period, a person cannot prove himself in any way, but do not despair, if fate so desires, such individuals will reach great heights without any effort. But it's not worth taking the initiative.

Retrograde Mars in the 1st house

A very conflicted person. It is worth understanding your shortcomings and drawing conclusions. Often there are bouncers and talkers in fact. Trust and good relations from others should not be expected. It is necessary to deal with such shortcomings, because, in the end, it will result in something not good as a result.

Retrograde Mars in the 2nd house

In a past life, this person was only busy with his enrichment. I did not see joy in simple things. In this life, it is worth paying off your debts through charity, good deeds and good behavior. The karma of materialism burdens this person, not allowing him to enjoy full life energy.

Retrograde Mars in the 3rd house

In past incarnations, he sowed discord and quarrels in the team. He was not a very reliable person. It is now worth atoning for your guilt by studying the wise scriptures. Only hard mental work can educate you as a person in this life.

Retrograde Mars in the 4th house

A very bad sign. Such people in the past were heavy and complex despotic natures. Often among these you can meet tyrants who exhausted everyone around them. That is why, in this life, you may have to atone for guilt by going through difficult trials. Despotic influence of parents is the place to be. Difficult relationship with parents. You need to learn how to build the right relationship.

Retrograde Mars in the 5th house

In the past, a very rough and difficult character. Perhaps child abuse in a past life. In today's incarnation, it is worth being an excellent conversationalist with children, delighting and expiating one's guilt through charity and a good attitude towards children.

Retrograde Mars in the 6th house

In the past, he used up his health due to the abuse of bad habits. He was very cruel to his subordinates and servants. In this life, it is worth reflecting on behavior, how to harmoniously build relationships.

Retrograde Mars in the 7th house

Was a very bad partner in the past. Selfishness and own feelings came to the fore. He brought suffering to the family. Guided only by physical attraction. It is worth reflecting on the correct and harmonious creation of a family.

Retrograde Mars in the 8th house

Very complex and short-tempered in the past. He created problems for everyone, from which he himself suffered. Often squandering inheritance, boorish attitude towards everyone around.

Retrograde Mars in the 9th house

In past lives, he sentenced believers to death torment. Very malicious attitude towards all not like-minded people. It is worth atoning for your guilt by sacrificing and the right attitude towards everyone around you.

Retrograde Mars in the 10th house

In a past life, he was not responsible for his work, a very unreliable partner. If the work was related to treatment, he could take bribes, neglecting all instructions. In addition, he often did not respect both the management and the patients.

Retrograde Mars in the 11th house

He was a very bad family man, an arranged marriage, an egoist and a rapist. He was often prone to alcoholism and violence in a perverted form.

Retrograde Mars in the 12th house

Very negative attitude in the past to their own health. Dependent on drugs and alcohol, it was difficult to re-educate. In this life, you have to take care of the sick.