Taras Bulba as the main character. Strong figure - Taras Bulba

Prepared by the 7th grade student of NMAOU Lyceum No. 1 Egorov Sergey

The main characters of the story "Taras Bulba" by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Main characters Turn around, son! How funny you are! What are these priestly cassocks on you? And that's how everyone goes to the academy? - with these words old Bulba met his two sons, who studied in the Kyiv bursa and came home to their father. This is how the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" begins. The main characters of this story are the old Cossack Taras Bulba and his sons Ostap and Andriy

Taras Bulba ♦ He was stern to other motives, except for war and reckless revelry; at least never thought of anything else. ♦ He was straightforward with equals.
Taras Bulba ♦ He had kindness in the form in which it could only exist with such a character and at that time. ♦ He faithfully stood for the independence of the Motherland, appreciating military brotherhood, honor and valor above all else.
- And what, sirs? Taras called to the rest of the kurens. - Is there still gunpowder in the flasks? Have the sabers gone? Isn't the Cossack force tired? Didn't the Cossacks bend? - Will get more, father, gunpowder! Sabers are still good; the Cossack force did not tire; the Cossacks have not bent yet!
Taras Bulba
♦ Taras Bulba did not spare his life for the sake of his comrades.
His body breathed strength, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of a lion. “Oh, yes, this one will be a good colonel in time!” - said old Taras, - she, she, there will be a good colonel, and even such that he will shut up the father by the belt!
- Father! where are you! Do you hear? - I hear! resounded in the midst of the general silence, and all of a million people shuddered at the same time.
His younger brother, Andrii, had a somewhat livelier and somehow more developed feeling. He studied more willingly and without the tension with which a heavy and strong character usually takes on. He was more resourceful than his brother; more often he was the leader of a rather dangerous enterprise and sometimes, with the help of his inventive mind, he knew how to evade punishment, while his brother Ostap, putting aside all care, threw off his scroll and lay down on the floor, not thinking at all to ask for mercy. He also seethed with a thirst for achievement, but along with it, his soul was accessible to other feelings.
Who said that my homeland is Ukraine? who gave it to me in the fatherland? The fatherland is what our soul seeks, which is sweeter for it than anything. My motherland is you! Here is my homeland! And I will bear this fatherland in my heart...
- Well, what are we going to do now? - said Taras, looking directly into his eyes. But Andrii knew nothing to say, and stood with his eyes fixed on the ground. - What, son, did your Poles help you? Andriy was unresponsive. - So sell? sell faith? sell yours? Stop, get off your horse! Dutifully, like a child, he dismounted from his horse and stood dead or alive in front of Taras. - Stop and don't move! I gave birth to you, I will kill you! - said Taras and, stepping back a step, took the gun from his shoulder.

The story and its characters

I think that this story will be of interest to any reader. I learned a lot about the Cossacks from this book. By themselves, historical events are interesting. As for the heroes, I like Taras Bulba the most, the “ideal Cossack”, but overly cruel. The author compares the very image of Taras Bulba with the fate of Ukraine.
Used resourcesGogol N.V. "Taras Bulba".2. https://www.google.ru/search?q=illustrations
Thank you for your attention!

Nikolai Gogol throughout his entire career created interesting and colorful characters. In the story "Taras Bulba" the characters are so textured that they are remembered from the first time. Of course, these images are collective and hyperbolic, but no less interesting and vivid.

Characteristics of the heroes of "Taras Bulba"

One of the main characters of the story of the same name is Cossack Taras Bulba. The author describes him as a brave, determined and brave man. He was a real Zaporozhian Cossack: camaraderie and Christian faith were very important for Bulba all his life. He is no longer young, he occupies a certain position in the Sich. In the episodes of the feast on the return of the sons from the Bursa, in the scenes of the battle with the Poles, it is clear that Taras Bulba is respected, his advice is heeded. Even those who have only recently come to the Sich see Bulba as a wise and just warrior. From the first chapters it becomes clear that he is not a family man - his wife rarely sees him, because the Cossack often goes on military campaigns with the Zaporozhye army, and Bulba did not like to stay at home, he believed that this had a bad effect on character. For Taras Bulba, the Sich and the fate of his Motherland were in the first place.

Ostap Bulbenko - eldest son Bulba, together with his brother, graduated from the seminary and after graduation returned home. The reader will learn about how Ostap showed himself in the seminary from several episodes: Ostap at first did not want to study and tried to escape, but eventually took up his mind. This character is truly revealed in the campaign against the Poles. Ostap appears before us as a worthy son of his father: a brave, strong Cossack, who is endowed with analytical abilities.

Despite the fact that Ostap is captured by the Poles, the Cossack does not lose his composure and the firmness inherent in his character. After the execution scene, the reader has no doubt that Ostap is rightfully worthy of being called a real Cossack. The hero goes to the place of execution without fear, meeting death with dignity.

Listing the main characters of the story "Taras Bulba" one cannot fail to mention Andriy, younger son old Zaporozhian. He is different from his brother and from his father. We can say that from his mother he took the lyrical warehouse of the soul, and from his father - determination and the will to win. We can say that it was this combination that became fatal for the young man.

In military affairs, Andriy did not lag behind his brother, and sometimes did things that could not even occur to a single Cossack. The young guy is fascinated by battles, parties, swords, swords, raids - everything that Cossack life consists of. The image of Andriy was created by Gogol in a romantic way. The reader understands that two opposing principles are fighting in Andrii: the desire to love and act according to the dictates of the heart and the desire to serve the native land, to stand guard over freedom and independence.

The characters in Taras Bulba are colorful and expressive. Each image is spelled out incredibly subtly, so that the reader has a very realistic picture before his eyes. For example, the scene of a trip to the Sich evokes associations with the painting by V. Vasnetsov “heroes”.

Just like on the canvas, three people appear before us: a father and his two sons. The same fearless, courageous and brave warriors.

The characteristics of the images of the main characters, which are given in this publication, will be useful to grades 6-7 when collecting material for an essay on the topic "The main characters of the story" Taras Bulba "".

Artwork test

The story "Taras Bulba" is one of the most perfect creations of N.V. Gogol. It cost the writer a lot of work. In the story, Gogol tells about the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for their national liberation. Major events take place in

Zaporozhian Sich, in the realm of freedom and equality. This is a free republic in which people of wide scope live, absolutely free and equal, where strong and courageous characters are brought up. For people of this nature, there is nothing higher in the world than the interests of the people, than the freedom and independence of the Fatherland. The story perfectly reveals the atmosphere of a mighty popular movement. The image of the main character of the story, Taras Bulba, is remarkable.

Severe and adamant Taras Bulba leads a full life. adversity and danger. It was not created for the family hearth. His "tenderness" -! a clean field and a good horse. Seeing his sons after a long separation, the next day he hurries with them to the Sich, to the Cossacks. Here is his true element. Gogol writes about him: "He was all created for abusive anxiety and was distinguished by the rude directness of his temper."

A man of great will and remarkable natural mind, touchingly tender to his comrades and merciless to the enemy. He punishes the Polish magnates and defends the oppressed and the dispossessed. This is a powerful image, fanned by a poetic legend, in the words of Gogol: "as if an extraordinary manifestation of Russian strength."

Taras Bulba is a wise and experienced leader of the Cossack army. He was "distinguished" by "the ability to move troops and a strong hatred of enemies." However, Taras is not opposed to the environment. He loved the simple life of the Cossacks and did not stand out among them.

The image of Taras embodies the prowess and scope of folk life. This is a man of great intensity of feelings, passions, thoughts. There is nothing selfish, petty, selfish in it. His soul is imbued with only one desire - for the freedom and independence of his people. That is why he speaks with such hatred about the worthless souls of traitors: "I know, it's mean now on our land: they adopt the devil knows what Busurman customs; they abhor their tongue; they sell their people ...".

Taras's whole life was inextricably linked with the Sich. Serving the comradeship, the Fatherland, he gave himself undividedly. Appreciating in a person, first of all, his courage and devotion to the ideals of the Sich, he is merciless to traitors and cowards.

How much courage in the behavior of Taras, sneaking into enemy territory in the hope of seeing Ostap! The famous scene of the meeting between the father and the eldest son is striking in its drama. “Lost in a crowd of strangers, Taras watches as his son is taken to the place of execution. How did old Taras feel when he saw his Ostap? “What was in his heart then?” exclaims Gogol. But Taras did not betray his terrible tension. to his son, selflessly enduring severe torment, he quietly said: "Good, son, good!"

The character of Taras in the tragic conflict with Andrey is revealed in the same large and expressive way. Love did not bring happiness to Andrei, it fenced him off from his comrades, from his father, from the Fatherland. This will not be forgiven even the bravest of the Cossacks, and the seal of the curse fell on the traitor's forehead: "Disappeared, disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog ...". Treason

No one can redeem or justify the homeland.

The writer draws a huge moral superiority of Taras and his associates over

Andrey. What a vile person who betrayed his homeland! And his life is inglorious, and his death is shameful. Taras, a man of a harsh and at the same time gentle soul, does not feel any pity for his son-traitor. Without hesitation, he makes his sentence: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you!". These words of Taras are imbued with the consciousness of the greatest truth of the cause in whose name he is executing his son.

Creating the heroic image of Taras Bulba, N.V. Gogol does not try to idealize him. It mixes tenderness and rudeness, serious and funny, great and small. Gogol dreamed of a strong, heroic character. This is exactly the image of Taras. It poetically captures the features of the Russian national character. No wonder Gogol's immortal story is one of the favorite books of modern people.

Nikolai Gogol throughout his entire career created interesting and colorful characters. In the story "Taras Bulba" the characters are so textured that they are remembered from the first time. Of course, these images are collective and hyperbolic, but no less interesting and vivid.

Characteristics of the heroes of "Taras Bulba"

One of the main characters of the story of the same name is Cossack Taras Bulba. The author describes him as a brave, determined and brave man. He was a real Zaporozhian Cossack: camaraderie and Christian faith were very important for Bulba all his life. He is no longer young, he occupies a certain position in the Sich. In the episodes of the feast on the return of the sons from the Bursa, in the scenes of the battle with the Poles, it is clear that Taras Bulba is respected, his advice is heeded. Even those who have only recently come to the Sich see Bulba as a wise and just warrior. From the first chapters it becomes clear that he is not a family man - his wife rarely sees him, because the Cossack often goes on military campaigns with the Zaporozhye army, and Bulba did not like to stay at home, he believed that this had a bad effect on character. For Taras Bulba, the Sich and the fate of his Motherland were in the first place.

Ostap Bulbenko - eldest son Bulba, together with his brother, graduated from the seminary and after graduation returned home. The reader will learn about how Ostap showed himself in the seminary from several episodes: Ostap at first did not want to study and tried to escape, but eventually took up his mind. This character is truly revealed in the campaign against the Poles. Ostap appears before us as a worthy son of his father: a brave, strong Cossack, who is endowed with analytical abilities.

Despite the fact that Ostap is captured by the Poles, the Cossack does not lose his composure and the firmness inherent in his character. After the execution scene, the reader has no doubt that Ostap is rightfully worthy of being called a real Cossack. The hero goes to the place of execution without fear, meeting death with dignity.

Listing the main characters of the story "Taras Bulba" one cannot fail to mention Andriy, younger son old Zaporozhian. He is different from his brother and from his father. We can say that from his mother he took the lyrical warehouse of the soul, and from his father - determination and the will to win. We can say that it was this combination that became fatal for the young man.

In military affairs, Andriy did not lag behind his brother, and sometimes did things that could not even occur to a single Cossack. The young guy is fascinated by battles, parties, swords, swords, raids - everything that Cossack life consists of. The image of Andriy was created by Gogol in a romantic way. The reader understands that two opposing principles are fighting in Andrii: the desire to love and act according to the dictates of the heart and the desire to serve the native land, to stand guard over freedom and independence.

The characters in Taras Bulba are colorful and expressive. Each image is spelled out incredibly subtly, so that the reader has a very realistic picture before his eyes. For example, the scene of a trip to the Sich evokes associations with the painting by V. Vasnetsov “heroes”.

Just like on the canvas, three people appear before us: a father and his two sons. The same fearless, courageous and brave warriors.

The characteristics of the images of the main characters, which are given in this publication, will be useful to grades 6-7 when collecting material for an essay on the topic "The main characters of the story" Taras Bulba "".

Artwork test

The story "Taras Bulba" is included in the cycle "Mirgorod", which was published in 1835, and in 1842 was published supplemented and revised by Gogol. The main theme that the author laid down is the struggle of the Ukrainian people for national independence. Work on the work took Gogol almost 9 years.

Meeting with sons

Even the summary of "Taras Bulba" (story) is a short and melodic essay on the history of Ukraine. Two boys have returned from school. Their father meets them in the yard. The man laughs at the strange clothes the seminarians are wearing. The eldest son, Ostap, cannot stand ridicule and challenges his father to a fight.

A thin mother runs out into the yard. Hugs sons. The father summons his comrades to share his joy. During the feast, Taras says that his brave sons have nothing to do at home. Therefore, in the morning Taras Bulba, Ostap and Andriy set off for the Zaporozhian Sich. The frightened mother hopes that the old one will forget about his intention, but he is already giving the appropriate orders for preparation.

They spend the night under the sky. Everyone was overwhelmed by sleep. Only the poor and aged mother did not close her eyes. Her heart is torn by an unknown grief. She quietly brushes her sleeping sons' hair.

With the first rays of the sun, Taras wakes up his sons, and they set off. The mother feels a terrible misfortune, throws herself at their feet and hugs them for the last time. Thus ends the first part (summary). Taras Bulba takes the children to the Sich.

Bright moment - Cossack Sich

Dear, both sons and Taras are tormented by the image of a drooping mother. Their path was calm, and in a week they get to the glorious Zaporizhzhya Sich. They greet the guys as well-known, old friends. Young Cossacks are surprised at this attitude. They settle in a kuren and experience a free life.

Nikolai Gogol clearly reflected the life of the Cossacks. "Taras Bulba" - a story about the then courts. So, the laws that the inhabitants of Zaporozhye adhere to amaze the guys. For petty theft, a Cossack is tied to a post, and passers-by beat him to death with a stick. Debtors are loaded into a cannon and not removed from there until someone pays the debt. The Last Judgment awaits the one who killed a brother in faith. Traitors are thrown into a pit next to the coffin of the deceased and buried alive. Terrible customs of the Cossack troops. The characterization of "Taras Bulba" shows what rules the society of the 16th - 17th centuries was guided by.

First war and blood treason

Not long trained young Cossacks. Not without the petition of the father, the army is going to repay the Poles for all the misfortune that they brought to the Ukrainian lands. The squad goes on a campaign and burns villages and cities behind them. Their cruelty is a reflection of hatred. So, the army stands in front of the city of Dubno. Its walls have become impregnable for the Cossacks, so the leadership decides to starve the inhabitants to death. Gogol reproduces events as accurately as possible. The work "Taras Bulba" can be taken as a basis for studying the military maneuvers of the Cossacks.

The wait is long, and the warriors yearn for battle. The daily routine of idleness tires them more than fights. Ataman allows you to drink more.

One night, Andriy, the younger Bulba, looks for a long time into the sky, where the Milky Way shines. Suddenly, a terrible, thin figure appears before his eyes. He takes her for a ghost. But this is a woman, a servant of his old acquaintance.

She said that the lady saw him from the wall and asked him to spare and bring bread to her family. The boy agreed without hesitation. On the way to the cart with food, he stepped over his brother and disobeyed his sleepy father, who said that a woman would not bring him to good.

Through a secret passage he entered the city. ON THE STREETS he was horrified by the sight of the hungry and the dead lying in the middle of the street. His meeting with the lady ignited the heart. Now he saw her as a woman, not a girl. For the salvation, she thanked him with kisses, which Andriy passionately accepts. From their conversation, we learn that the city does not surrender, because it is waiting for reinforcements. In a fit of feelings, Andriy renounces his homeland and faith because of his love for a young lady. Such was the meeting and its summary. Taras Bulba has no idea about his son's betrayal.

The pain of battle and the biggest loss

Help arrived that same night. A foreign army killed part of the sleeping Cossacks. The chieftain blames the booze for everything, but one of the Cossacks cheers up the army. He says that it is a sin to drink during a battle, and it is not shameful to have fun when they were not expecting a fight. It consoles the sad soldiers.

One Jew informs Taras that Andriy has gone over to the other, enemy side. He praises his new outfit, speaks of the respect he has earned among his enemies. It also makes a reservation about the man's love for a beautiful lady. So the father learns about the events behind the wall, the treachery of his son and the reason for such actions, or rather their summary. Taras Bulba noticeably loses heart.

The Gide also conveys the words of Andrii. He said that father and Ostap, like brothers in faith, were now his enemies.

The enemy who remained a son

The battle begins after the Poles find out that part of the army went to help in the Sich, which the Turks are attacking, they learned about the campaign. Many Cossacks fall. Taras sees a traitor son and asks his friends to lure him into the forest. Andriy, who so mercilessly cuts down yesterday's brothers, is led to the bait. In the forest, he finds himself in front of his father. But she dare not raise her eyes to him. He humbly accepts death from the most dear hands. The characteristic of Taras Bulba, as a person, can be traced very subtly here.

Death of the brave heroes of the Fatherland

Having recovered, Taras goes to his son. Ostap should be executed, but his spirit is alive and free. The only thing that worries him before death is the absence of a native face. In desperation, he asks if his father hears, Taras says he does. A patriot accepts death with ease. They are looking for the Cossack father in the crowd, but he has gone missing.

Further, the story "Taras Bulba" tells how the father and his brothers avenge the death of their son cruelly and callously. He is hunted down and subsequently tracked down. In pursuit, he loses the pipe and says that the enemy's foot is not worthy to stomp on it. So he was caught. The forces are no longer so powerful, this partly explains the broken spirit. Taras is tied to a tree and set on fire. From the top it has a view of the valley. He sees the river, and on its bank there are boats. Bulba screams about possible salvation, and the wind carries the words to the brothers. The tree is engulfed in flames, but what is death for a Cossack? And on his deathbed, he did not forget about what guided him all his life.

Boats are floating on the river. Bullets do not reach the Cossacks. They think of their brother named Taras Bulba. The heroes who met us at the beginning of the story ended their lives on the pages.

The fate of Ukraine in the form of a mother

With amazing tenderness, the writer describes the mother of two sons. In the story, he talks about her difficult fate - to live and wait for news about children. In her face are all the mothers of the earth. She did not see much mercy from her husband and did not have time to enjoy the presence of her sons. Hard fate made an old woman out of her early. Before the departure of her sons, she clearly feels the approach of grief, but is unable to change anything. The last thing she does is rush to say goodbye to her children forever. Taras Bulba, Ostap and Andriy overshadow her figure, but still she is constantly present in the book.

The author says that the soul of a mother whose son is at war will not find peace. She, like other women, will run around the squares and ask passers-by if they have seen her closest ones: son, husband, brother, father. The mother in the story is the land weary of shed blood.

Young chieftain

One of the main characters is Ostap. He is the embodiment of all the bright and honest feelings of a real Cossack. He is characterized by courage, strength, sincerity, and most importantly, faith in the work he is doing. Even his father said more than once that it was Ostap who was his pride. Nevertheless, he spoke no worse of Andriy.

Even in the seminary, the guy showed character. He began to study diligently only after his father said that in case of disobedience he would not let him go to the Sich, which he dreamed of. And by that time, Ostap had buried books in the garden more than once. In the story "Taras Bulba" the characters are described very vividly.

He showed the greatest courage in battle, for which he was elected chieftain. It was necessary to have no less faith in order to accept death with pride.

Ostap Bulba is a hero, a patriot and a Cossack, whose spirit was not subdued even by the death penalty.

Andriy - a traitor or a hero?

Even during his studies, Andriy stood out for his dreaminess. He studied well and, unlike his brother, always managed to avoid punishment. Ostap, on the contrary, took them without pain in his eyes.

The smaller Bulba dreamed of love. Once he was walking around Kyiv, and he was hooked by a cart that was passing by. The guy already grabbed the stirrups, but the driver abruptly raised them, and Andriy fell face down into the swamp. Then he heard laughter. A beautiful lady was looking at him. Pale and with thick black curls. The guy wanted to talk to her, but in this form he was not allowed out of the gate. Then he saw her in the church, where she met her as a good friend. Then for the first time love touched the young man's heart. The young lady went, and Andriy did not remember her until that night, when the shadow of the maid hung over him. So the enamored Andriy betrayed his people. Taras Bulba renounced his son.

Strong figure - Taras Bulba

Taras in the story reflects the Zaporozhian Sich. He is just, kind, and believes in the sanctity of struggle. Father was proud of his "falcons". This can be seen after a dispute in the yard, when Taras declares that his son is an excellent fighter. In the war, children do not fail expectations and show their Cossack strength to the fullest. Nikolai Gogol often plays with the mind of the reader. Taras Bulba on a subconscious level felt that he would ruin his son. The words about the woman became prophetic.

He, as a symbol, became a consolation in trouble for Ostap, who was executed. Threatening his own life, Taras was next to his son at the time of death. And when it's time for him to leave, he thinks about the comrades who are left in trouble. Taras Bulba is a true patriot.