famous prophets. The most famous predictor - who is he? Yuri Longo: magician and illusionist

How will the Earth die - from internal wars or alien invasions? The prophets of the 21st century have revealed in detail the future of the planet.

Each epoch of the existence of mankind got its own predictors, who tried to convey to mankind God's providence and the meaning of His signs. The prophets of the XX-XXI centuries talk about the essential - fears and problems that are known to everyone today.

1. Giorgio Bongiovanni

In the middle of the 20th century, Giorgio Bongiovanni was born, whom even church leaders call the greatest soothsayer. On April 5, 1989, he met the beautiful maiden Mariam, who informed him that he had been chosen for a great purpose - to carry prophecies to the people. Since then, she periodically appears to him to tell about what cataclysms are prepared for humanity. Bongiovanni's last prediction was:

“I was shown that before the Mother of God pleads for God's help for mankind, one of the countries will use nuclear weapons. Millions and millions will perish, then cataclysms and diseases. And don't be surprised when He comes down not in the clouds, but on a ship that we call UFOs."

2. Matrona of Moscow

The seer, who died in 1952, is considered one of the most revered saints among the Orthodox. Born blind, she devoted her life to serving the faith, using her gift to see the future for the benefit of her followers. All her predictions have always concerned only events that will take place in Russia. She warned all people that terrible sorrows awaited them, in which only prayers would be salvation and consolation.

Matrona spoke about the future:

“I feel sorry for the people who will live to the last days. The time will be terrible and terrible. The day will come when a piece of bread and a cross will be placed in front of a person and forced to make a choice. But only people who believe with all their hearts will find a way out and choose their own special and third path.”

3. Nikolai Kondratiev

The prominent economist Nikolai Kondratiev, who fell under repression in 1932, created the “long economic wave theory”, proving that ups and downs in the economy repeat every 48-55 years. With its help, he could calculate the frequency of not only crises, but also wars, revolutions - so his predictions would have a scientific basis. For example, the Great Depression in the United States and the current aggravation of relations between this country and Russia fell under the laws he worked out. Nobody wanted to listen to the scientist: only now his theory has become in demand.

4. Wolf Messing

Messing was not only a talented hypnotist: he knew how to look into the future, naming the details of upcoming events during his sessions. Einstein himself worked on an attempt to explain the phenomenon of his capabilities, but he did not succeed. Wolf's most famous prophecy remains the promise of the success of the Soviet army and the death of Hitler:

"The tyrant will die if he attacks the Soviet Union and after his death, Russian tanks will drive around Berlin."

Before his death, Messing uttered his most mysterious prediction, he said:

"Humanity should not try to know the future, otherwise it will be destroyed."

5. Ray Bradbury

The science fiction classic lived from 1920 to 2012, but he foresaw the emergence of many modern gadgets in the last century. For example, the 1953 book Fahrenheit 451 describes the modern "smart home", a plasma TV, wireless headphones, satellite television, and outdoor security cameras. Ray seemed to know in advance how they would look and function. Another forecast of the writer is waiting for its implementation - the colonization of Mars by people who are already preparing the ship for a trip to the red planet.

6. Wernher von Braun

The legendary "Doctor Evil" of the Third Reich and the creator of NASA was able to build the most daring assumptions about the future based on his own intuition and scientific data. He was neither a shaman nor a psychic, but a few years before World War II he said:

"There will be a war - first against communism, then the fight against terrorism."

Werner was sure that the political system of no major country could exist if there was no "image of an external enemy." When humanity reaches a high level of technology, that will be the fight against other civilizations and the invasion of aliens.

7. Paisius Svyatogorets

The Greek elder monk who died in 1994 predicted a conflict between Turkey and Russia 25 years ago. Paisios said:

“After this conflict, the Turks will carry a funeral kutya in their belt.”

This can only be interpreted as a mortal danger to the Ottoman people. When Russia nevertheless decides to go to war against the enemy, the Orthodox homeland of the Svyatogorets will help her. The outcome of the hostilities will be as follows:

“Greece will not play a leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to her. Not because the Russians will revere the Greeks, but because a better solution cannot be found.”

8. Kotamraju Narayana Rao

The 85-year-old astrologer from India is so popular that people from all over the world come to attend his training or a session of predictions about the future. Kotamraju Narayana Rao was able to see the American invasion of Iraq, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the collapse of the USSR. One of the most shocking predictions was the promise to see the Nepalese monarchy fall. In 2008, Nepal became a republic, and indeed there was no trace of the monarchy.

9. Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov

Archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church Lavrentiy Chernigovsky left predictions “about the last times”, telling what the last days of mankind will be like. Shortly before his death, the elder said:

“The time will come when they will fight and fight and a world war will begin. And in the midst of it they will say: let's elect ourselves one king for the whole universe. And they will choose! Antichrist will be elected as the world king and the main "peacemaker" on earth. We must listen carefully, we must be careful! As soon as they vote for one in the whole world, know that this is already him and that you cannot vote.

10. Samuel Huntington

In 2008, the prophet who predicted US attempts to seize world domination and war in the Donbass died. Samuel said:

“Then there will be serious military conflicts in the Caucasus and Kashmir, which will be the first among the global disagreements of different civilizations.”

Many will agree that Nostardamus is considered to be the most famous and greatest soothsayer in the world. But, despite his popularity, all his predictions are very vague, they do not have exact dates, they are scattered in an incomprehensible order and have a lot of allegory. For many centuries, people have not been able to unravel all of his predictions. All of them are written very vaguely, so they are adjusted to the events that have already happened. His predictions include - the unusual death of King Henry II, the death of King Francis II, he wrote about the change of the Romanov dynasty, the French Revolution, the period of the Stalinist regime, even wrote about his own death. And this is only a small part of the predictions that came true. Since the great soothsayer was repeatedly accused of fraud, he was forced to encrypt his predictions, which have not yet been solved.

Vanga is without a doubt the most popular seer of the 20th century. She was born in 1911 in Macedonia. From the age of 16 she began to predict, but by the age of 30 her predictions began to be called professional. Vanga was very good at identifying diseases in people, and then sent them to the right doctors and healers. The seer was blind and said that she sees a window in her head, in which, like in a film, a picture of the life of a person who came to her is shown, and from above a voice sounds that says what needs to be conveyed to him. Vanga's predictions came true somewhere around 80%, including: the beginning of World War II, the date of Stalin's death, the collapse of the USSR, the sinking of the well-known Kursk submarine, and many other less significant events. This seer of predictions left until 3797.

The legendary Cassandra, the daughter of the majestic king Priam, repeatedly tried to warn her people about the terrible death, but no one believed her. It was hard for the Trojans to believe that their houses could be burned and their families destroyed, so they closed their eyes to everything. She even tried to kill Paris, as she predicted that the Trojan War would begin through his vein, after an unsuccessful assassination attempt, she began to persuade him to leave Helen, but to no avail. People considered her a laughing stock and did not believe a single word of hers. Due to the fact that she had only bad predictions, her father ordered her to be locked in towers, where the poor girl could only watch everything that happened. Only when the inevitable began did people remember her, but it was too late. After the fall of Troy, Cassandra became the slave of King Agamemnon. Her beauty filled him, and he made her his concubine. In Greece, she gave birth to two sons, one of whom predicted death at the hands of his wife. She also predicted her own death. But, during one celebration in Mycenae, Cassandra, Agamemnon and her sons were brutally killed.

Sheikh Sharifu is a unique boy who was first heard about in 1999. He preached to Muslims and also visited many African countries, where he always had loyal followers. The boy was born in a very poor family, they say that at birth, instead of the usual cry, he uttered "Lailahaillallaha!", which in Arabic means "There is no god but Allah!". After hearing this, the boy's mother fainted, and without regaining consciousness, died. Sharifu never attended school, but despite this, he spoke many languages ​​well, including French, Arabic and English. At the age of five, Sharifu lost his father and decided to travel with his uncle. Surprised by the great wisdom of the little boy, people always helped him with money and food. Later he was called a sheikh, which means "honorary". You can talk about his travels for a long time, he visited many presidents of African countries. About a miracle boy heard even in America. His last sermon was on May 20 in Libya in front of a crowd of 15,000 believers. Trying to get closer to the boy, some people began to fall and were seriously injured. Then, putting his hand to the wound, Sharifu healed these people. The next day, at the same place, 60,000 people gathered in the hope of seeing him again, but the boy did not come. This was the last day he was seen, after which Sharifu disappeared without a trace. Some say that he ascended into the sky, even claimed to have seen it. The police put Sharif on the wanted list, his uncle was arrested, but he did not say anything concrete.

This soothsayer of Jewish-Polish origin was born on September 10, 1899 and died on November 8, 1974. In fact, he was a pop artist, but he was remembered more as a predictor. Wolf Messing predicted the fall of the Third Reich, the death of Stalin and much more, including the date of his death.

The well-known soothsayer Rasputin was the doctor of Alexei Romanov, who was the heir to the Russian throne. Rasputin predicted the tragic death of the entire Romanov family, as well as the coming to power of the "Reds".

Already by one name you can guess that Vasily Nemchin is a Russian clairvoyant. Vasily lived in the XIV century and it was he who predicted that a great ruler would come to power, who would make Russia a very powerful power. The great soothsayer was believed by many important historical figures of that time, including Prince Vladimir.

Contemporaries have always been skeptical of soothsayers, fame found them, as a rule, posthumously.

Interest in their prophecies is usually low, but when an event occurs that was at least allegorically described in their prophecies, their names instantly become on everyone's lips. Consider the most successful oracles of the past in this article.

Vasily Nemchin.
Presumably, 1376 - 1452, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Very vague and contradictory information has come down to us about this oracle. He predicted the fate of Russia, the Russian Empire, the USSR and Russia, and limited himself to the 20th century. The amazing accuracy of predictions, the absence of unfalsifiable information about him and the end of the prophecies on the reign of B.N. Yeltsin suggests - is it not a "fake"?

09/21/1493 - 09/24/1541, Switzerland.
The great scientist, physician and philosopher of his time, author of the book "Oracles".

Worthy of special attention because he considered Russia, "Muscovy", "the country of the Hyperboreans" the chosen country, which will illuminate the whole world in the first half of the 21st century.

12/14/1503 - 07/2/1556, France.
It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that Nostradamus is the most eminent prophet on the planet. And at the same time, his predictions are the most uncertain and vague.

Perhaps that is why he "predicted" so many events?

Monk Abel.
03/18/1757 - 11/29/1841, Russian Empire.
A Russian peasant, in the world - Vasily Vasily, who was tonsured a monk.

During his long life (84 years) he managed to accurately predict many important events, such as the dates of the death of Russian monarchs, the great war with Napoleon.

Grigory Rasputin.
01/09/1869 - 12/17/1916, Russian Empire.
Being a doctor of the heir to the throne Alexei, he became known to people as a "royal friend", a seer, a wise old man.

The most famous prophecy is about the tragic death of all members of the Romanov couple.

Edgar Casey.
March 18, 1877 - January 3, 1945, USA.
The so-called "sleeping prophet", a healer who read people their diagnoses and treatment advice while in a trance.

Made some good predictions like the invention of the laser, the Great Depression, regime change in the USSR, but also a lot of bad ones.

Wolf Messing.
09/10/1899 - 11/8/1974, the Russian Empire (then the USSR).
Also a well-known psychic, widely known to the public. Being a variety artist by profession, Wolf was an excellent "reader of the body", but there were also accurate and true prophecies that were fulfilled during his lifetime.

Talented person in every way.

01/31/1911 - 08/11/1996, born in the Ottoman Empire, lived and died in Bulgaria.
This undoubted star of 20th century prophecy, having begun to predict at the age of 16, by the age of 30 was recognized as a professional prophet.

Many of her prophecies came true, but she voiced them quite accurately and unambiguously. She is also famous for the fact that she prophesied fateful events to our world until 3797.

Pavel Globa.
07/16/1953 - today, (USSR), Russia.
Astrologer of our days, hereditary soothsayer. A well-known media personality, hosted several TV shows, makes horoscopes and forecasts for the near and not so future.

He is famous for both his successful predictions and unsuccessful ones.

Sheikh Sharif.
Note. 1991 - went missing on May 22, 2000, Tanzania.
A boy from a peasant family who traveled the world with his uncle and helped people with his wisdom.

At the age of 8 he had audiences with many rulers of Central Africa, in 2000 he was invited to read a sermon in New York. On May 22 of the same year, after his mass in Dakar, he went missing.

In ancient times, at the dawn of civilization, people who are able to foresee the future were equated with divine creatures. And much later they did not lose their power and might. They are always called differently: prophets, soothsayers, seers. They have an ability, unusual for most, to see the future, far or near.

Soothsayers foresee the fate of entire states or individuals. Some consider this a unique gift, others - an excellent ability to compare their knowledge about the past, and on their basis to make predictions about the future. Nevertheless, the most prominent of the prophets enjoyed the respect of their contemporaries, and also became known throughout the world.

Foretellers of antiquity

Epimenides is an ancient Greek soothsayer. According to legend, he was a simple shepherd who accidentally discovered miraculous abilities in himself. Epimenides was able to predict the attack of the Persians on Crete to his compatriots, saved them from the plague. For this, the inhabitants of Athens erected a monument to him.

Jeremiah is a major politician of his era. The soothsayer was considered an outcast in his society. He tried to open the eyes of his fellow tribesmen to the real state of affairs in Jerusalem, to the poverty of the people, and the imminent changes for the worse. But the ruling elite did not hear him, firmly believing in the exclusivity of their nation.

Elijah is the most famous prophet of antiquity. He actively persuaded his people to renounce paganism and accept the true faith.

Daniel is a biblical prophet who predicted doom.

Bukid is an ancient Greek soothsayer who was one of the first to describe his visions in a book. It is worth noting that this name eventually became a household name - in some countries the prophets began to be called Bakids.

Cassandra is the daughter of King Priam of Troy. According to legend, the god Apollo gave her the gift of providence. The girl made her predictions in a state of trance, so many considered her insane.

Edgar Cayce is an American visionary known for prophecies about the Great Depression and the invention of the laser, about two World Wars and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Although many of his predictions did not come true, for example, the unification of European countries by Hitler into a democratic union, the revival of Atlantis in the middle of the 20th century.

Polish psychic. Hitler considered Messing an enemy, as he foresaw the fall of the Reich. Stalin also disliked him. Despite the help during the Great Patriotic War, the “leader of the peoples” could not forgive the seer for knowing the exact date of his death.

Blind peasant woman from Bulgaria. She knew how to diagnose the patient, although she herself did not treat. “I saw” the fate of the person who turned to her. She foresaw the beginning of the Second World War, the death of the submarine "Kursk" and left prophecies until 3797.

Sheikh Sharif is an African boy. His prophecies are mainly related to Muslims. He knew how to heal with the touch of his hand, he knew several languages, although he did not study anywhere, at four months he was quoting the Koran.

Russian seers

Procopius of Ustyug - one of the first canonized by the Orthodox Church. He predicted the death of Ustyug and thereby saved the city, healed the city squad. According to legend, if this holy fool carried three pokers with a bend upwards, then this is to, with the handle up - to crop failure in everything.

Basil the Blessed - Moscow holy fool. He knew how to predict the future of people. He predicted to Elena Glinskaya the birth of a son, Ivan the Terrible, not forgetting to mention his cruelty and despotism. He prophesied the death of Tsarevich Fedor and Ivan Vasilievich himself, and foresaw his own death.

It is believed that he predicted the Revolution of 1917 and the death of the royal family, described in his letter to Nicholas II.

Monk Abel. Russian clairvoyant who predicted the death of Catherine II, Paul I, the attack of Napoleon and the destruction of Moscow.

Vasily Nemchin. Russian predictor who told about the reign of three empresses: Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth and Catherine II, about the bloody reign of Ivan the Terrible, about the French attack. Although some skeptics call Nemchin an invention of Pavel Globa.

He played a significant role in the life of the last imperial family of the Romanovs. He prophesied the blockade of Leningrad, the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan, the flight of Gagarin, the landing of Americans on the moon, the communist regime.

Nina Kulagina. She had the ability to telekinesis. It could light up film, influence magnetic fields, cause burns on the skin with a touch of the palm of your hand. During one of the experiments, Ninel Kulagina was able to stop the frog's heart with an effort of will.

Juna (Eugenia) Davitashvili - a Russian seer, our contemporary, was the personal healer of L.I. Brezhnev. She left behind prophecies about the economic crisis, sanctions.

A person may believe or be skeptical about the forecasts of such people, but every time an event occurs that was mentioned earlier, a slight chill creeps into the heart.
Among the famous soothsayers, whose visions surprised the world, there are many interesting characters. Let's try to choose the ten most famous prophets.


Of course, one cannot help but recall the legendary Cassandra, the daughter of King Priam, who tried her best to warn the Trojans about the death of the legendary city, but it was easier for the latter to consider the girl crazy than to believe what they did not want.

2 Bakid(Bakis)

Bakid is a resident of ancient Greece, the first person to compile a collection of prophecies. Bakid was inspired by nymphs who told him about the future campaign of the Persians against Hellas and other significant events for that time. The name of Bakid is often called all people with the gift of a seer.


Vasily Nemchin is a Russian soothsayer who lived in the XIV century, he predicted the coming to power of Peter I (Titan), who would make Russia a strong power. In the picture, Prince Vladimir, who believed in the super abilities of Vasily Nemchin.


Nostradamus is a French seer, astrologer and physician of the 16th century. Nostradamus compiled 10 centuries containing 942 quatrains with predictions and prophecies. The persecution of the prophet forced him to encrypt records of future events, all the secrets of Nostradamus have not yet been disclosed.


Monk Abel (Vasily Vasiliev) is a Russian peasant who lived in 1757-1841. He gave his contemporaries the date of the death of Catherine II and Paul I, as well as the war between Russia and the French.


Grigory Rasputin - peasant, Russian doctor of the heir to the Russian throne Alexei Romanov (early 20th century). He predicted the overthrow of the tsarist regime, the death of the crowned Romanov family, the coming to power of the "Reds".


Wolf Messing is a Jew of Polish origin who predicted the fall of the Third Reich.


Edgar Cayce is an American soothsayer who lived from 1877 to 1945, who predicted the invention of the laser, the fall of the communist regime in the USSR in the early 90s.


Vanga is a Bulgarian clairvoyant, an outstanding personality of the 20th century. She predicted the defeat of Hitler in World War II, the arrival of the "red" regime in Bulgaria, the death of Stalin, the assassination of Kennedy, the election victory of Richard Nixon, etc. Vanga stated that Yuri Gagarin did not die, but was taken by someone (researchers believe that we are talking about alien creatures).


Sheikh Sharifu is a unique Muslim boy born at the end of the 20th century in Tanzania. He has the ability to predict the future, made the entire Muslim world talk about his gift.