What does a noun mean in its initial form? A selection of rules: noun

Russian language . 2nd grade

Developmental education system L.V. Zankova.

Lesson topic: The initial form of a noun. Consolidation.

Target: To consolidate the students’ acquired knowledge on the topic: “Initial form of nouns.”


1- To develop the ability to determine the initial form of nouns in the process of performing practical tasks, construct monologue statements, participate in dialogue, and simply justify the expressed judgment.

2 - Develop mental operations (classification, analysis, synthesis), attention, memory, speech, creativity, self-esteem and self-control skills.

3 - To develop environmental awareness by paying special attention to human interaction with the environment.

Planned results:


adequately perceive the assessment of your work by teachers and comrades;

take a role in educational collaboration;

mobilize strength to overcome obstacles;

control and evaluate your actions in collaboration with the teacher and classmates


The student will have the opportunity to learn:

choose adequate speech means in dialogue with the teacher and classmates;

accept other opinions and positions;

formulate your own opinion and position;

construct statements that are understandable to your partner;


Answer simple and complex questions from the teacher, ask questions yourself, find the necessary information in the textbook.


The student will have the opportunity to form:

interest in subject-research activities proposed in the textbook and teaching aids;

a positive attitude towards Russian language classes and school;

orientation towards understanding the suggestions and assessments of teachers and peers;

understanding the reasons for academic success;

assessments of classmates based on specified criteria for the success of educational activities;

Equipment: Nechaeva N.V. Russian language: textbook for 2nd grade. Samara: Publishing House "Educational Literature": Publishing House "Fedorov", 2012; handouts, letter.

During the classes

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

1.Organizational moment (1 min)

We stood up and straightened up.

Our vacation ends
The work begins.
We will work hard
To learn something.

Sit down.

Greetings from the teachers.

2.Update (3min)

3. Consolidation (17 min)

Guys, we received a letter from the fabulous country of Rech, the city of Part of Rech. But who sent this letter is unknown. Maybe the answer is hidden inside the letter?

I read the letter to you, and you listen carefully.

“I am the most representative part of speech. Almost every second word in our language is me. I give names to all objects, phenomena, events, abstract concepts, human states and answer the questions who? What?

Guys, guess my name."

What else do you know about a noun?

Write down the number and great job.

The noun has prepared several tasks for us.

1. Calligraphy.

Look at the words written on the board: suit, blizzard, joy, holiday.

Write down the words in your notebook, maintaining the same height of lowercase letters, correct slant, and correct connections.

2. Vocabulary and spelling work.

What part of speech do these words belong to?

What does each noun mean?

Find vocabulary words.

What do all these words have in common?

What is the form of a noun called if it is in singular? number and answers the question who? or what?

Draw conclusions about the written nouns.

They are listening.


A noun has a gender, can be animate, inanimate, proper, popular, and varies by number and case.

Write down the words.

All these words are nouns.

person's clothing.
A complete set of men's or women's clothing. Blizzard - snow storm.Joy is a feeling of pleasure, inner satisfaction. A holiday is a day of celebration established in honor or in memory of someone or something.

TOO suit, prazd Nick.

Names Nouns, inanimate, in singular. number, common nouns.

Initial form.

All these nouns are in the initial form.

4. Physical exercise (1 min)

If we’ve worked hard, let’s rest, Let’s get up and take a deep breath.

Hands to the sides, forward, left, right turn. Three bends, stand up straight.

Raise your arms up and down.

Hands slowly lowered,

They brought smiles to everyone.

Walking in place


Hands to the side

Left, right turn


Raising your arms up

Lowering hands.

5. Consolidation (17 min)

Read the text. Tell me, what is it about? Title it. Rewrite. Label the nouns in their initial form.

(Wolf's hole)

Dawn has arrived. The wolf approached the aspen tree. Each tree stood out clearly. Now the sun has risen. The snow sparkled and shimmered all around. During a strong storm, a tall pine tree was uprooted. A deep hole has formed. At the bottom there were old leaves and moss. There lived a she-wolf with her cubs.

Wolf's hole.

Dawn, wolf, to the aspen tree - aspen tree, tree, sun, snow, storms - storm, pine-pine, hole, leaves, moss, wolf.

6. Lesson summary.

Reflection (5min)

What lesson topic did we work on?

- What caused the difficulty?

- What did you find interesting?

We worked well in class today.

Lesson grades:

Ruslana - 4

Polina S. - 5

Rodion - 5

Margarita - 4

Angelina P. - 5

Ivan - 5

The initial form of a noun. It was difficult to title the text. The noun tasks were interesting.

7. Homework (1 min)

At home, complete the task on the cards. Form the initial form of the noun:

In the woods -

with books -

about spring -
gardens –
without a doubt -
in boots -
without scissors -
several days -

Accept the learning task.

Russian language lesson notes. 3rd grade.

Teacher: Fedotova N.K.

Lesson topic: Initial form of a noun.

The purpose of the lesson : introduce the concept - the initial form of nouns.

Planned student achievements:1. Consolidation of knowledge about nouns.

2. Show that noun. in units number that answers the question

Who? What? - this is a noun. in its initial form.

3. Development of spelling vigilance, formation

Good writing skills.

4. Development of calligraphy skills.

5. Consolidating the ability to work with proposals.

6. Development of speech, attention, memory, skills

Analyze, draw conclusions.

Equipment : an envelope with a letter from the country of Speech, the textbook “Russian Language. 3rd grade" (author Polyakova A.V.), notebook, computer, interactive board.

During the classes.

  1. Motivation for learning activities.


  1. Involving students in educational activities at a personally significant level.
  2. Determining the content framework of the lesson.
  3. Updating the requirements for the student from educational activities.

The lesson motto appears on the interactive board:

Get to work in a good mood!


Read the wish for today's lesson.

How do you understand it? (Student: when you get to work in a good mood, everything works out)

What do you learn in any lesson? (Student: learning to learn)

Remind me what this means? (Student: learning is understanding what I don’t know and constructing a way to find out myself.)

What did we study in previous lessons?)

Today we continue to work on the topic "Word composition. Ending." Get ready for work.

Shake hands and wish each other good luck.

2. Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in a trial action.


1) update the idea of ​​calligraphy skills;

2) update the ability to distinguish parts of speech;

3) updating the ability to classify nouns according to their meaning;

4) organize recording of the educational goal and topic of the lesson;

5) organize the implementation of a trial action and fixation of the difficulty;

6) organize an analysis of the responses received.

Organization of educational activities at stage 1.

Teacher : Guys, we received a letter from the fabulous country of Rech, the city of Part of Rech. But who sent this letter is unknown. Maybe the answer is hidden inside the letter?

The teacher opens the letter and one of the students reads the letter:

“I am the most representative part of speech. Almost every second word in our language is me. I give names to all objects, phenomena, events, abstract concepts, human states and answer the questions who? What?

Guys, guess my name."

Students guess the name. (Noun)

Teacher: What else do you know about a noun?

(Student: a noun has a gender, can be animate, inanimate, proper, adjective, changes according to numbers, according to questions.)

Teacher : The noun has prepared several tasks for us.

1. Calligraphy.

(The teacher opens the words written in advance on the board: sparrow, blizzard, fun, wind.)

Teacher : Read the words, what common theme are they united by?

Write down the letters and words in your notebook, maintaining the same height of lowercase letters, the correct slope, and the correct connections.

(Students write down the words.)

2. Vocabulary and spelling work.

  • What part of speech do these words belong to? (Student: nouns)
  • What does each noun mean? Match the word with its meaning.

(Students match words with cards: object, phenomenon, human condition.)

  • Find vocabulary words (Students: sparrow, wind).
  • Find words with the same spelling (Students: blizzard, fun).
  • What do all these words have in common? (Students: singular nouns, common nouns.)
  • Draw conclusions about the written nouns. (Students: all these nouns answer the questions who? what?)

Read the lines from T. Zumakulova’s poem. How do you understand them? Having forgotten my native language, I will become numb. Having lost Russian, I will become deaf. .(Each student who gives the correct answer receives a card with a question.)

Organization of educational activities at stage 2.


Where will we start our lesson? (Students: from repetition)

Why are we going to repeat this? (Students: we need this to discover new things).

  • Now, guys, to whom I distributed the cards, read the tasks in the order they appear.
  1. What is the main part of the word? (Student: root.)
  2. What do we call a suffix? (Student: a variable part of a word that serves to form new related words.)
  3. What do we call a prefix? (Student: the variable part of the word that comes before the root and serves to form new related words.)
  4. Why is it necessary to distinguish between prefixes and prepositions? (Student: for correct spelling)
  5. What do we call ending?

3. Identifying the location and causes of the difficulty.


1) identify and record the location and cause of the difficulty. Organization of educational activities at stage 3.

Standard check. Game "Grammar Lotto".

  • The Noun invites us to play grammar lotto in order to repeat the change of nouns by questions. (Working with the textbook: p. 70, exercise 121).
  • Compose and write down sentences with the word pine so that it answers the questions what? what? about what?

What do we know about pine? (Student: pine is an evergreen coniferous tree. The pine has a straight, cone-shaped trunk, reaching a height of forty meters.)

Physical education minute.

4. Construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty.

Target: 1) agree and record the purpose and topic of the lesson.Organization of educational activities at stage 4.

Work on the text (Ex. 123).

The student reads the assignment for the exercise.

Children write in notebooks, and the teacher writes on the board:

For mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, about mushrooms.

  • What are these words?(Student: nouns)
  • What do they have in common? (Student: root)
  • What is the difference? (Student: word composition)
  • Sort out the words according to their composition.
  • Name a noun that answers the question what?

5. Implementation of the constructed project. Target:1) organize commutative interaction in order to implement the constructed project aimed at acquiring the missing knowledge.Organization of educational activities at stage 5.

The teacher names the topic of the lesson -Initial form.

Read the rule on page 71.

If words differ from each other only in their endings, then they cannot be called the same root. This is just a change in the form of the same word.

7. Self-monitoring with self-testing.


1) be able to use rules to determine the forms of words, work on the meaning of phraseological units.

Organization of educational activities at stage 7.

Teacher: M You've worked well together, now do exercise 124 on your own.

Assignment for the exercise.

  1. Write down the forms of wordstraveler, steppe, night, prey.
  2. Select endings.

3.Select phraseological units by meaning: Great fatigue. - Fall off your feet.


  • Traveler, travelers, travelers. Steppe. steppe.Night, at night. Extraction, extraction, extraction.

8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition. Target:1) train the ability to identify nouns in the initial form.

Organization of educational activities at stage 8.

Put the nouns in the initial form: lions, fox, elephants,

dogs, cats.

9. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson.


1) organize self-assessment by students of their own learning activities in the classroom;

2) correlate the goal and result of one’s educational activities and record the degree of their compliance;

3) determine and agree on your homework.

Organization of educational activities at stage 9.


What was the purpose of our lesson? (Student: show that singular nouns that answer the question who? and what? are nouns in the initial form.).

Have you achieved your goal? Prove it.

Morphology deals with the form of a word. Variable words have forms. One of the forms is usually called initial. The initial form is the form in which the word is given in dictionaries.

For nouns the initial form is the singular form, I.p., for example: school, class, night .

For adjectives- singular, m.r., for example: blue, winter, fox .

For numerals the initial form is:
for quantitative - I.p., for example: ten, one hundred ,
for ordinal - singular, m.r., I.p., for example: second, hundredth .


For verbs* the initial form is the infinitive form of the verb (=infinitive), for example: smile, think, play .


For participles, the initial form of the verb is determined differently.

This depends on the interpretation of the nature of the participle.

If participles are defined as a special form of the verb, then the initial form will be the indefinite form of the verb, for example: smile, build.
If participles are defined as an independent part of speech, then the initial form is considered to be singular, m.r., I.p., for example: smiling, built. For more information on the nature of the sacrament, see

In the Russian language, the initial form of a word is of great importance. Many of its grammatical forms depend on this. The noun is no exception.

What is the initial form of the noun?

To find out the initial form of a noun, you need to put it in the singular. Let's look at the rule using words from a sentence as an example:

In the series of symbols, Blok does not avoid purely allegorical images, long-frozen symbols, already linguistic metaphors.

This determines the initial form of the noun. It will help us in spelling case endings.

Endings -e and -i in 1st declension

The spelling named in the subtitle is associated with the need to determine the initial form. The fact is that it depends on this in which cases the ending -e is written on nouns, and when the ending -i is written.

The initial form of first declension nouns ends in -а, -я. Remember to ask the question: “What?” Here are some examples:

  • wife;
  • Earth;
  • foliage;
  • Apple tree;
  • purity;
  • white;
  • running around.

The endings -e and -i are written in these words. The choice is determined according to the following scheme:

R. p. (who? what?) - I.

D. p. (to what? to whom?) - E.

Etc. p. (about whom? about what?) - E.

Here are some examples:

Practical task No. 1

What letters would you use instead of dots?

Answers: 1) -e, 2) -e, 3) -e, 4) -e, 5) -e, 6) -e, 7) -i.

Endings -e in nouns of the 2nd declension

The initial second declension in the neuter gender ends in -o/-e, and in the masculine gender it ends in a consonant. For example:

  • window;
  • village;
  • field;
  • Sun;
  • case;
  • table;
  • pillar;
  • comrade;
  • pencil.

If you have this initial form of a noun in front of you, then the word never has an ending -i:

  • R. p. (who? what?) - A.
  • D. p. (to what? to whom?) - U.
  • Etc. p. (about whom? about what?) - E.

As you can see, this spelling applies only to the prepositional case form:

  • I told everyone about my friend, who had not left the house for a whole year.
  • And there are spots in the sun.

Practical task No. 2

What endings are written in words with spaces?

  • The agreement... set out in detail the procedure for using public places.
  • In the unfamiliar officer... the old woman recognized her son.
  • Suddenly they remembered the paramedic who lived nearby and sent for him.
  • Selivanov told the boss about this engineer... and his project..., and he agreed to meet with him.
  • Everyone worked and didn’t even think about the director... and he still didn’t come.
  • On vacation... everyone had a good rest, now it’s time to get to work with renewed vigor.
  • On the pass... there was someone else's photograph.

Answer: all words end in -e.

Case endings of nouns of the 3rd declension

If the noun is feminine in the initial form, that is, in the I. p. singular. h. ends with this means that it is of the third declension. Examples of such words:

  • notebook;
  • bed;
  • mother;
  • daughter;
  • bake;
  • lie;
  • whim;
  • square.

If the initial form of the noun is exactly this, then these words never have the ending -e:

  • R. p. (who? what?) - I.
  • D. p. (to what? to whom?) - I.
  • Etc. p. (about whom? about what?) - I.

Here are some examples:

  • The geranium flowers were bright red on the windows.
  • In the distance towered the towers of an impregnable citadel.
  • Everyone on the ship was already dreaming of the earth's firmament.
  • She mixed regular thread into the wool for strength.

Practical task No. 3

Let’s take a task that every third grader should be able to cope with, since the 3rd grade is introduced to the topic “Initial form of a noun” as part of the school curriculum.

Indicate sentences that contain words ending in -i:

  1. In class we read Chukovsky's poem about cockroaches...
  2. Yesterday our whole family went to visit our grandparents...
  3. I read in books... about space...
  4. My uncle... has a model of the ship.
  5. Under the tree grew a large mushroom under a layer of pine needles...
  6. The bright image of the teacher remained in the memory of his students for a long time.
  7. In June, seed pods form on the poplar, which then burst, and the seeds, along with the fluff, scatter throughout the area... .
  8. In 1914, when the war began, Nastasya Vasilievna bequeathed to her daughter... all her untold wealth and went to the front as a nurse.
  9. The girl in a light dress... made of chintz fit surprisingly harmoniously into this picture of light, warmth and greenery.
  10. The huge puddle reflected the starry sky and the curly crowns of trees, their tops turned down.

Words starting with -iy, -iya, -ie

There are also words whose initial form ends in -iy, -iya, -ie:

  • sanatorium;
  • moratorium;
  • dispensary;
  • lecture;
  • army;
  • section;
  • work;
  • mixing;
  • ugliness.

Such words in the genitive, dative, and prepositional cases have the ending -i. For example:

  • Polaris is the brightest star in its constellation.
  • The father of the family once studied at the seminary a long time ago.
  • Maria Ivanovna had two sons and four daughters.
  • Vitalia was wearing an old coarse knitted sweater.
  • Mother often thought about Artemy and waited for him.
  • The mother's heart was only in harmony with the world when all her children gathered in the house.
  • My brother serves in the army.

As can be seen from the examples, in such cases we see a combination of letters -ii at the end of words. Only the last one is the end.


Write down the text from dictation, put the nouns in the initial form.

How beautiful the autumn forest is! The trees are dressed up like in a fairy tale... Only the spruce in its needles... frowns and throws cones from its top... . The leaves of birch trees are yellow, transparent, and jagged. Aspen trees have orange laces, very beautiful. The most beautiful outfit for maple...: red, patterned, unusual. Because of it, you won’t immediately see clusters of mountain ash... .

In the clearings... on the paths... there are hare gatherings. The hares also have new clothes: white streaks of gray have appeared on their gray fur coat. And the protein... there’s no time for updates, it’s all in work... How many more cones on the branch! And mushrooms on the ground...! And the berries on the bush...! No, she will rest in the winter in the warmth... yes, well-fed... .

The whole forest stands in a special fascination in autumn... .

So, you have learned which form is the initial form of nouns, and have learned to use this knowledge when choosing the spelling “E and I in the endings of nouns.” You see how easy and simple it is. But the ability to determine the original grammatical form is important not only when studying the topic “Noun”: for example, it is also important for studying grammar, but this is a topic for another conversation.

The initial form of a noun is... and got the best answer

Answer from Marina Petrova[guru]
1) for nouns used in singular units. and many more number, initial form - Im. p.un. h, house
2) for nouns that have ONLY units. h., initial form-Im. p.un. h, kindness
3) for nouns that have ONLY plural. h., initial form-Im. p.m. h, sleigh. (taken from the Internet)

Answer from Elena Tkach[guru]
nominative case, singular.

Answer from Vsevolod Legotkin[guru]
In the nominative case.

Answer from Marina[newbie]
Changing a noun by cases and numbers is called

Answer from JOFIA ***[active]
Morphological analysis of “vineyard”:
The meaning of the word "vineyard"
(3 synonyms)
Phonetic analysis of “vineyard”
Initial form: VINEYARD
Part of speech: Noun
Grammar: Nominative, singular, masculine, inanimate
Word formsGrammar analysis (grammar)
vineyards noun, nominative case, singular, masculine, inanimate
noun, accusative case, singular, masculine, inanimate
vineyard noun, genitive, singular, masculine, inanimate
vineyard noun, dative, singular, masculine, inanimate
vineyard noun, instrumental case, singular, masculine, inanimate
vineyard noun, prepositional case, singular, masculine, inanimate
vineyards noun, nominative case, plural, masculine, inanimate
noun, accusative, plural, masculine, inanimate
vineyard noun, genitive, plural, masculine, inanimate
vineyards noun, dative, plural, masculine, inanimate
vineyards noun, instrumental case, plural, masculine, inanimate
vineyardname noun, prepositional case, plural, masculine, inanimate
Parsing parts of speech
Next, let's look at the morphological characteristics of each part of speech in the Russian language using examples. According to the linguistics of the Russian language, there are three groups of 10 parts of speech, based on common characteristics:
1. Independent parts of speech:
nouns (see morphological norms of nouns);
2. Functional parts of speech:
3. Interjections.
The following do not fall into any of the classifications (according to the morphological system) of the Russian language:
the words yes and no, if they act as an independent sentence.
introductory words: so, by the way, total, as a separate sentence, as well as a number of other words.
Morphological analysis of a noun
initial form in the nominative case, singular (with the exception of nouns used only in the plural: scissors, etc.);
proper or common noun;
animate or inanimate;
gender (m, f, avg.);
number (singular, plural);
syntactic role in a sentence.
Complete morphological analysis of the noun. Definition of grammatical categories, online.
Plan for morphological analysis of a noun
"The baby drinks milk."
Baby (answers the question who?) – noun;
initial form - baby;
constant morphological features: animate, common noun, concrete, masculine, 1st declension;
inconsistent morphological features: nominative case, singular;
when parsing a sentence, it plays the role of subject.
Morphological analysis of the word “milk” (answers the question of whom? What?).
initial form – milk;
constant morphological characteristics of the word: neuter, inanimate, real, common noun, II declension;
variable morphological features: accusative case, singular;
direct object in the sentence.
Here is another example of how to make a morphological analysis of a noun, based on a literary source:
"Two ladies ran up to Luzhin and helped him get up. He began to knock the dust off his coat with his palm. (Example from: “Luzhin’s Defense”, Vladimir Nabokov)."
Ladies (who?) - noun;
initial form - queen;
constant morphologically