Tsesarevna Romanovs. The last prince

The only son of Emperor Nicholas II, given by God in response to a long, zealous parental prayer, probably, without exaggeration, can be called the most attractive and most unsolved child figure in Russian history. “During the baptism, a wonderful incident occurred with the baby, which attracted the attention of all those present,” wrote Abbot Seraphim (Kuznetsov). “When the newborn crown prince was anointed with holy myrrh, he raised his hand and extended his fingers, as if blessing those present.” What could this boy be if he lived to adulthood? One can only assume that a great tsar was implored for Russia. But history does not know the turn “if only”. And although we understand that the figure of the young Tsarevich Alexei is too bright and unusual, we nevertheless turn to his bright image, wanting to find an example for teaching and imitation in the relationship of this boy with the outside world.

Attitude towards women is the best way to test the nobility of a man. He must treat every woman with respect, regardless of whether she is rich or poor, high or low in social position, and show her all kinds of signs of respect,” Empress Alexandra Feodorovna wrote in her diary. She could write such words with confidence: an example of masculine nobility, a chivalrous attitude towards a woman was always before her eyes - her husband, Emperor Nicholas II.

It is very important that the little Tsarevich Alexei from childhood could see a respectful attitude towards women on the part of a man whose authority was indisputable for him. The sovereign did not disregard even the smallest things, thanks to which it was possible to teach his son a lesson.

Klavdia Mikhailovna Bitner, who gave lessons to the heir in Tobolsk, recalled him: he combined the features of his father and mother. From his father he inherited his simplicity. There was no self-satisfaction, arrogance, arrogance in him at all. He was simple. But he had a great will and would never submit to outside influence. Here is the sovereign, if he again took power, I am sure he would forget and forgive the actions of those soldiers who were known in this regard. Alexei Nikolaevich, if he had received power, he would never have forgotten or forgiven them, and would have drawn the appropriate conclusions.

He understood a lot and understood people. But he was reserved and reserved. He was terribly patient, very careful, disciplined and demanding of himself and others. He was kind, like his father, in the sense that he did not have the ability in his heart to do evil in vain. At the same time, he was frugal. One day he was sick, he was served a dish that he shared with the whole family, which he did not eat because he did not like this dish. I was outraged. How can they not cook a separate meal for a child when he is sick. I said something. He answered me: "Well, here's another one. You don't have to spend money because of me alone."

Anna Taneeva: “The life of Alexei Nikolaevich was one of the most tragic in the history of the royal children. He was a charming, affectionate boy, the most beautiful of all children. Parents and his nanny Maria Vishnyakova spoiled him very much in early childhood. And this is understandable, since it was very difficult to see the constant suffering of the little one; whether he hit his head or hand on the furniture, a huge blue swelling immediately appeared, indicating an internal hemorrhage, which caused him severe suffering. When he began to grow up, his parents explained his illness to him, asking him to be careful. But the heir was very lively, loved the games and amusements of the boys, and it was often impossible to keep him. “Give me a bicycle,” he asked his mother. “Alexei, you know that you can’t!” - "I want to learn to play tennis like sisters!" "You know you don't dare to play." Sometimes Alexey Nikolaevich cried, repeating: “Why am I not like all the boys?”.

He needed to be surrounded by special care and concern. That is why, on the orders of doctors, two sailors from the imperial yacht were assigned to him as bodyguards: boatswain Derevenko and his assistant Nagorny. His teacher and mentor Pierre Gilliard recalls: “Aleksei Nikolaevich had a great vivacity of mind and judgment and a lot of thoughtfulness. He sometimes struck me with questions above his age, which testified to a delicate and sensitive soul. In the little capricious being, as he seemed at first, I discovered a child with a heart naturally loving and sensitive to suffering, because he himself had already suffered a lot.
The upbringing of any boy as the future head of the family should consist in the upbringing of responsibility, independence, the ability to make a decision in the right situation, without looking back at anyone. At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate compassion and sensitivity and an important property - the ability to listen to the opinions of Other people. The boy needs to be prepared for the role of husband, father and master of the house. For Tsarevich Alexei, the whole of Russia was such a home.

“The queen inspired her son that everyone is equal before God and should not be proud of their position, but they must be able to behave nobly without humiliating their position” (Hegumen Seraphim (Kuznetsov). “Orthodox Martyr Tsar”). If the mother had not put any effort into this, then the position of the educator of the heir, which was already difficult, would become even more difficult.

“I understood more clearly than ever how much the conditions of the environment interfered with the success of my efforts. I had to contend with the subservience of the servants and the ridiculous admiration of some of those around me. And I was even very surprised, seeing how the natural simplicity of Alexei Nikolayevich withstood these immoderate praises.

I remember how a deputation of peasants from one of the central provinces of Russia once came to bring gifts to the heir to the Tsarevich. The three men of which she consisted, by order given in a whisper by the boatswain Derevenko, knelt down in front of Alexei Nikolaevich to hand him their offerings. I noticed the embarrassment of the child, who blushed crimson. As soon as we were alone, I asked him if he was pleased to see these people in front of him on their knees. "Ah, no! But Derevenko says that's how it's supposed to be!"

I then spoke with the boatswain, and the child was delighted that he was freed from what was a real nuisance for him.

I. Stepanov recalls: “In the last days of January 1917, I was in the Tsar's Alexander Palace with the tutor of the heir Gilliard, and together with him we went to the Tsarevich. Aleksey Nikolaevich and some cadet were playing a lively game near a large toy fortress. They deployed soldiers, fired cannons, and all their lively conversation was full of modern military terms: a machine gun, an airplane, heavy artillery, trenches, and so on. However, the game soon ended, and the heir and the cadet began to examine some books. Then the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna entered ... All this furnishings in the children's two rooms of the heir was simple and did not at all give an idea that the future Russian Tsar lives and receives his initial upbringing and education. Maps hung on the walls, there were bookcases, there were several tables and chairs, but all this was simple, modest to the extreme.

Alexey Nikolaevich, speaking to me, recalled our conversation with him when he was on a train with the sovereign in the fall of 1915 in southern Russia: “Remember, you told me that in Novorossia Catherine the Great, Potemkin and Suvorov tied Russian influence and Turkish the sultan lost his importance forever in the Crimea and the southern steppes. I liked this expression, and at the same time I told my dad about it. I always tell him what I like. "

It was especially pronounced that the boy cared a lot about Russia, but little about himself, in the episode told by Gilliard. However, the modesty of the little prince did not at all interfere with his awareness of himself as the heir to the throne. The episode, about which S. Ya. Ofrosimova told, is quite well known: “The Tsarevich was not a proud child, although the thought that he was the future king filled his whole being with the consciousness of his highest destiny. When he was in the company of noble people and persons close to the sovereign, he had a consciousness of his royalty.

Once the crown prince entered the office of the sovereign, who at that time was talking with the minister. At the entrance of the heir, the interlocutor of the sovereign did not find it necessary to get up, but only, rising from his chair, gave the prince a hand. The heir, offended, stopped in front of him and silently put his hands behind his back; this gesture did not give him an arrogant look, but only a regal, expectant pose. The Minister involuntarily stood up and drew himself up to his full height in front of the Tsarevich. To this the Tsarevich responded with a polite shake of the hand. Having told the sovereign something about his walk, he slowly left the office, the sovereign looked after him for a long time and finally said with sadness and pride: “Yes. It will not be so easy for you to deal with him as with me.”

According to the memoirs of Yulia Den, Alexei, while still a very young boy, was already aware that he was the heir: “Her Majesty insisted that the Tsarevich, like his sisters, be brought up quite naturally. In the daily life of the heir, everything happened casually, without any ceremony, he was the son of his parents and the brother of his sisters, although it was sometimes funny to watch him pretend to be an adult. Once, when he was playing with the Grand Duchesses, he was informed that the officers of his sponsored regiment had come to the palace and were asking for permission to see the Tsarevich. A six-year-old child, immediately leaving the fuss with his sisters, with an important look said: “Girls, go away, the heir will have a reception.”

Claudia Mikhailovna Bitner said: “I don’t know if he thought about power. I had a conversation with him about this. I said to him: "And if you reign?" He answered me: "No, it's over forever." I said to him: "Well, what if it happens again, if you reign?" He answered me: "Then it is necessary to arrange so that I know more about what is happening around." I once asked him what he would do with me then. He said that he would build a large hospital, appoint me to manage it, but he himself would come and "interrogate" about everything, whether everything is in order. I'm sure he'd be in order."

Yes, it can be assumed that under the sovereign Alexei Nikolaevich there would have been order. This tsar could be very popular among the people, since the will, discipline and awareness of his own high position were combined in the nature of the son of Nicholas II with kindness and love for people.

A. A. Taneeva: “The heir took an ardent part if some grief struck the servants. His Majesty was also compassionate, but did not actively express it, while Alexei Nikolaevich did not calm down until he immediately helped. I remember a case with a cook who for some reason was denied a position. Aleksey Nikolaevich somehow found out about this and pestered his parents all day until they ordered the cook to be taken back. He defended and stood up like a mountain for all his people.

Y. Ofrosimova: “The heir to the Tsarevich had a very soft and kind heart. He was passionately attached not only to those close to him, but also to the simple employees around him. None of them saw from him arrogance and harsh treatment. He especially quickly and ardently became attached to ordinary people. His love for Uncle Derevenko was tender, hot and touching. One of his greatest pleasures was to play with the uncle's children and be among ordinary soldiers. With interest and deep attention, he peered into the lives of ordinary people, and often an exclamation escaped from him: "When I am king, there will be no poor and unfortunate people, I want everyone to be happy."

The Tsarevich's favorite food was "shchi and porridge and black bread, which all my soldiers eat," as he always said. Every day they brought him samples of cabbage soup and porridge from the soldiers' kitchen of the Consolidated Regiment; the crown prince ate everything and licked the spoon. Beaming with pleasure, he said: "This is delicious - not like our dinner." Sometimes, eating almost nothing at the royal table, he quietly made his way with his dog to the buildings of the royal kitchen and, knocking on the glass of the windows, asked the cooks for a slice of black bread and secretly shared it with his curly favorite.

P. Gilliard: “We left immediately after breakfast, often stopping at the exit of oncoming villages to watch how the peasants work. Alexei Nikolayevich liked to question them; they answered him with the good nature and simplicity characteristic of a Russian peasant, completely unaware of who they were talking to.

Sovereign Emperor Nicholas himself did a lot to educate in his son attention and compassion for people. Gilliard recalled the time when the Tsarevich was with the sovereign at Headquarters: “On the way back, having learned from General Ivanov that there was an advanced dressing station nearby, the sovereign decided to go straight there.

We drove into a dense forest and soon noticed a small building, dimly lit by the red light of torches. The sovereign, accompanied by Alexei Nikolaevich, entered the house, approached all the wounded and talked with them with great kindness. His sudden visit at such a late hour and so close to the front line caused astonishment to be expressed on all faces. One of the soldiers, who had just been put back to bed after bandaging, looked intently at the sovereign, and when the latter bent over him, he raised his only healthy hand to touch his clothes and make sure that he really was the king, and not vision. Alexei Nikolayevich stood a little behind his father. He was deeply shocked by the groans that he heard and the suffering that he guessed around him.

The heir adored his father, and the sovereign in his “happy days” dreamed of raising his son himself. But for a number of reasons this was impossible, and Mr. Gibbs and Monsieur Gilliard became the first mentors of Alexei Nikolayevich. Subsequently, when circumstances changed, the sovereign managed to fulfill his desire.

He gave lessons to the Tsarevich in a gloomy house in Tobolsk. The lessons continued in the poverty and squalor of Yekaterinburg imprisonment. But perhaps the most important lesson that the heir and the rest of the family learned was the lesson of faith. It was faith in God that supported them and gave them strength at the time when they lost their treasures, when their friends left them, when they turned out to be betrayed by that very country, nothing more important to them in the world.

Emperor Nicholas II with his son, 1904

Nicholas II on the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Left - Tsesarevich Alexei, right - Grand Duchess Anastasia, photo 1907

Stacking logs, photo 1908

Alexey is sweeping the path in the park. (Tsarskoye Selo), photo, 1908

Alexei in naval uniform. Petersburg, photo 1909

On a bench in Alexander Park (Tsarskoye Selo), photo 1909

The royal family spent the summer of 1904 at their summer residence at the lower dacha in Peterhof. On the calendar it was July 30 (August 12, according to a new style), the weather, as befits a St. Petersburg midsummer, turned out to be sunny and hot. However, this day promised to be different from others from the very morning: the court doctors noted signs of an early birth in Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. The future baby was not long in coming - during breakfast, the empress began to have contractions and she barely made it to the bedroom. It was there that one of the greatest events in the history of the 20th century took place - the birth of the heir to the throne.

The ruins of the Lower Dacha in Alexandria Park, Peterhof - the birthplace of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich

Alexei became the fifth child in the family of Emperor Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna.

Almost ten years have passed since the marriage of the king and queen. Olga was born in 1895, Tatiana in 1897, Maria in 1899 and Anastasia in 1901. However, according to Russian laws, all the great princesses could not become the head of the empire, only a boy could be the heir. Therefore, the birth of the Tsarevich was expected for many years, and not only by the royal family, but by the whole world. With his very appearance, he began to play important role in big politics.

Tsar of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland.
and other, and other, and other.

We declare to all OUR faithful subjects:

On the 30th day of this July, OUR Most Beloved Spouse, THE EMPRESS ALEXANDRA FYODOROVNA, was successfully relieved of her burden by the birth of our Son, named Alexei.

Accepting this joyful event as a sign of the grace of God pouring out on US and OUR Empire, together with OUR faithful subjects, we offer fervent prayers to the Almighty for the prosperous growth and prosperity of OUR Firstborn Son, who is called to be the Heir of the God-given State and OUR great service.
By the Manifesto of June 28, 1899, WE called upon OUR Most Beloved Brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich to inherit US until the birth of our Son. From now on, by virtue of the basic State Laws of the Empire, OUR Son Alexei holds the high rank and title of the Heir of the Tsarevich, with all the rights associated with it.
It was given at Peterhof on the 30th day of July in the year nineteen hundred and four from the Nativity of Christ, but in the tenth of OUR reign.

On the original Own of HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY it is written by hand:


Published in St. Petersburg, under the Senate
July 30th day 1904

The news of the birth instantly spread to all corners of the world. Fireworks thundered in the Peter and Paul Fortress of St. Petersburg and the military harbor of Peterhof, bells rang all over the country, St. Petersburg and Peterhof were festively illuminated, festivities began in the streets, they sang the royal anthem and prayed for the prince. Congratulatory telegrams poured into Peterhof.

"His Majesty
Tears of joy respond to your touching suggestion. I can't express my feelings in words. God bless you and dear little Alexei. I tenderly embrace you and my future godson.

“I am infinitely happy to have the opportunity to convey to Your Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Highness my loyal congratulations on the greatest joy of the birth of His Imperial Highness the Sovereign Heir to the Throne Tsesarevich.

Prince Chakrabon of Siam"

“May the great master not reject my sincere expression of joy and the most heartfelt congratulations on a happy day when providence sent you a son. May God bless Him, sending happiness and long years to the joy of Your Majesty and the mighty Russian Empire. Devoted to Your Imperial Majesty, the heir to the throne of Persia

Prince Mohammed Ali Mirza

Alexey was born at 1.15 in the afternoon. Weight 4660 g, height 58 cm, head circumference - 38 cm, chest 39 cm. Immediately after birth, he received a number of titles and ranks: commander of the Finnish Guards Regiment, 51st Lithuanian Infantry Regiment, 12th East Siberian Rifle Regiment . In addition, he was included in the lists of all the guards regiments and military units under the command of the king, as well as the regiments of the horse guards, the guards of Her Majesty the Queen Mother's cuirassiers, the lancers of the guards regiments of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra Feodorovna and the 13th Yerevan infantry regiment of the king. Alexey also became the chieftain of the entire Cossack army.

In honor of the significant event, an amnesty and benefits were announced. All Russian soldiers who fought in distant Manchuria became honorary godfathers of the boy. Nicholas II sent a telegram to General Kuropatkin, commander of the army: “Today the Lord granted Her Majesty and me a son, Alexei. I hasten to inform you about this mercy of God to Russia and Us ... May He have a special spiritual connection for the rest of his life with all those dear to Us and to all of Russia, from the highest commanders to the soldier and sailor, who expressed their ardent love for the Motherland and the Sovereign selfless feat, full of deprivation, suffering and mortal dangers.

The first steps of the Tsarevich, photo 1905

But soon the most terrible fears were confirmed: the prince was ill with incurable hemophilia - a disease that is expressed in a tendency to bleed as a result of blood clotting.

Hemophilia constantly caused hemorrhages in the joints - they caused unbearable pain, turning Alexei into an invalid. During the celebrations dedicated to the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, the Heir was only carried in his arms through the front halls. He returned to his room in a state of complete exhaustion. His parents considered his presence at the celebrations necessary. But even brief appearances of the prince at the ceremonies were harmful to his health.

Tsesarevich Alexei aboard the Imperial yacht Shtandart. Photo 1907

Alexei in naval uniform. Petersburg, photo 1909

Tsesarevich Alexei, photo 1909 Tsarskoye Selo

Photo 1910

One of the strongest attacks of the disease occurred in the autumn of 1912 in Spala. Severe bleeding began, which the doctors could not stop. On October 19, the temperature rose to 39°, two days later it reached 40°. This case seemed hopeless to doctors. Alexei was unctioned, and a bulletin was sent to Petersburg, drawn up in such a way as to prepare everyone for the announcement of the death of the prince. Alexandra Feodorovna sent a telegram to Rasputin and asked him to pray for the boy. The next day the bleeding stopped and the pain subsided...

During an attack of illness in Spala, photo 1912

The aggravation in Spala did not only damage his body. The disease broke his spirit. Alexey became thoughtful, withdrew into himself. In the summer of 1911, Pierre Gilliard became Alexei's French teacher and mentor. This is how Gilliard spoke about his pupil: “Aleksy Nikolayevich was then nine and a half years old, for his age he was quite tall. He had an oblong face with regular, soft features, brown hair with a reddish tinge, and large gray-blue eyes, like his mother. He sincerely enjoyed life - when she allowed it - and was cheerful and playful ... He was very resourceful, and he had a penetrating, sharp mind. Sometimes I was simply amazed at his age-old serious questions - they testified to subtle intuition. It was not difficult for me to understand that everyone around, those who did not need to force him to change his habits and teach him discipline, constantly experienced his charm and were simply fascinated by him .... I found a child with a character that was naturally kind, sympathetic the suffering of others precisely because he himself experienced terrible suffering ... "

The boy's character was complaisant, he adored his parents and sisters, and they, in turn, doted on the young crown prince, especially the Grand Duchess Maria. Aleksey was capable in studies, like the sisters, he made progress in learning languages.

The heir Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich was a boy of 14 years old, intelligent, observant, receptive, affectionate, cheerful. He was lazy and did not particularly like books. He combined the features of his father and mother: he inherited the simplicity of his father, was alien to arrogance, arrogance, but had his own will and obeyed only his father. His mother wanted to, but could not be strict with him. His teacher Bitner says of him: "He had a great will and would never submit to any woman." He was very disciplined, withdrawn and very patient. Undoubtedly, the disease left its mark on him and developed these traits in him. He did not like court etiquette, he liked to be with the soldiers and learned their language, using in his diary purely folk expressions he had overheard. His stinginess reminded him of his mother: he did not like to spend his money and collected various abandoned things: nails, lead paper, ropes, etc.

ON THE. Sokolov. The murder of the royal family

At the end of October, the tsar, Alexei and his retinue departed for Headquarters in Mogilev. Alexandra Feodorovna, like Nicholas II, believed: if the soldiers could personally see the Heir, this would raise their morale. The sovereign hoped that such a trip would broaden the horizons of the Tsesarevich, and in the future he would understand what this war had cost Russia.

At the review of the troops in Rezhitsa, Gilliard watched Alexei, who did not leave his father and listened attentively to the stories of the soldiers... - this made him equal to any young man who was in military service, ”Gilliard writes in his diary.

I. Stepanov recalls: “The Heir visited the infirmary several times. Here I cannot write calmly. There is no emotion to convey all the charm of this appearance, all the unearthlyness of this charm. Not of this world. They said about him: “Not a tenant!” I believed in it even then. Such children do not live. Radiant eyes, clean, sad and at the same time glowing at times with some amazing joy.

The prince was given the new rank of sergeant major, and he was awarded the St. George Cross for visiting hospitals near the front line ...

Visit to a military hospital

photo 1915

photo 1916

On March 2, 1917, Emperor Nicholas II signed a manifesto on abdication. The family was told they were under house arrest. At the end of August, the royal family was transferred to Tobolsk.

Alexey and Olga Romanovs.
Tobolsk, photo 1917

Alexei's illness worsened again - never after the nightmarish days in Spala had he been so ill. “Mom, I want to die. I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of what they can do to us here. If they kill, then just don’t torture ... ”- said Alexei.

By May 20, 1918, it was decided that Alexey was strong enough, and the prisoners were taken under escort to a new place of detention - to Yekaterinburg. Here the royal family first encountered such open hostility.

In vain were attempts to influence the British consul and take measures to save the imperial family. The only hope was the Russian White Army of Admiral Kolchak, who was rapidly advancing in the direction of Yekaterinburg.

On July 13, the Ural Council decided to shoot the imperial family and their entourage. The execution of the order was entrusted to the new commandant of the Ipatiev House - Yakov Yurovsky.

Tsesarevich Alexei. Life and death of an heir

A documentary film about the son of Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarevich Alexei. It consists mainly of newsreels from the beginning of the 20th century. In one of the episodes of the film, we have a unique opportunity to see a live participant in the Battle of Borodino. The authors made an attempt to reconstruct the last minutes of the life of the heir Alexei, his parents and sisters - the execution of the royal family in the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg.

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July 17th, 2016 admin

Tsarevich Alexei was a long-awaited child in the family. After the birth of four daughters, Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia, the difference between them was two years, the emperor and the empress really wanted a son who would become the heir to the throne.

Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra were deeply religious people. They fervently prayed for the birth of an heir to the elder Seraphim of Sarov, who had long been revered in the royal family.

Count Witte wrote: They say that they were sure that the Sarov saint would give Russia an heir after the four Grand Duchesses. This came true and finally and unconditionally strengthened the faith of Their Majesties in the holiness of the truly pure Elder Seraphim. A large portrait appeared in His Majesty's study - the image of St. Seraphim.

Heir to the throne Tsarevich Alexei was born on July 30 (August 12), 1904, in Peterhof. According to one version, the crown prince was named after the Moscow Metropolitan Alexy, according to another - in honor of the second Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676). It is known that Nicholas II considered Alexei Mikhailovich one of the best Russian sovereigns. Although Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was called "Quiet" he firmly and steadily pursued a tough policy, annexed the Left-Bank Ukraine and purposefully expanded the borders of Russia to the Pacific Ocean. At a costume ball in 1903, a year before the birth of his son, Nicholas II was dressed in royal clothes of the 17th century and represented the image of Alexei Mikhailovich.

Aleksey's hemophilia is inherited from great-grandmother Victoria.

However, the birth of his son Alexei did not bring peace to the imperial family. Two months after the birth of Tsarevich Alexei, heavy bleeding began, which could not be stopped for a long time. Doctors told the crowned parents a terrible diagnosis: hemophilia. Hemophilia is a hereditary disease in which the mechanism of blood clotting is impaired. The patient suffers from bleeding even with minor injuries and sudden hemorrhages in the internal organs and joints, which leads to their inflammation and destruction. Patients with hemophilia no longer suffer from external, but from internal bleeding. In this disease, the lining of the arteries is so thin that even a minor injury can cause rupture of the vessels and profuse bleeding. Earlier, Alexandra Feodorovna's three-year-old brother died of hemophilia, because hemophilia is inherited.

The first carrier of the disease hemophilia was the English Queen Victoria (1819 -1901) reigning for more than 63 years - the last representative of the unfortunate Hanoverian dynasty and the ancestor of the ruling House of Windsor in Britain to this day. Uncle Leopold married his nephew Albert and niece Victoria- this closely related relationship led to the appearance of a disease in the genus - hemophilia. The last years of Victoria's life were overshadowed by the death of her son Alfred, the serious illness of her daughter Victoria and the death of two grandchildren.

Queen Victoria of England was a carrier of hemophilia. Victoria's son Leopold died of hemophilia at the age of 30, and two of her five daughters, Alice and Beatrice, were carriers of this ill-fated gene, passing it on to their children. And with each generation, the number of these victims of hemophilia has increased.

heir to the Russian throne and granddaughter of Queen Victoria - Princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt, carrier of hemophilia, entered into a dynastic marriage on January 17, 1895

Grigory Rasputin

The hemophilia of the heir to the throne was also associated with the proximity to the court of Grigory Rasputin, who managed to quickly stop the bleeding.

The maid of honor of the Empress, Anna Vyrubova, wrote about one of the most severe cases of bleeding of Tsarevich Alexei, who was bleeding from his nose: “Professor Fedorov and Dr. Derevenko fussed around him, but the blood did not subside. Fedorov told me that he wanted to try the last resort - to get some kind of iron from guinea pigs. The Empress knelt beside the bed, puzzling over what to do next. Returning home, I received a note from her with an order to call Grigory Efimovich. He arrived at the palace and went with his parents to Alexei Nikolaevich. According to their stories, he went up to the bed, crossed the Heir, telling his parents that there was nothing serious and they had nothing to worry about, turned and left. The bleeding has stopped."

Rasputin did not even touch the heir, but began to earnestly pray, after which the bleeding stopped. However, sometimes Rasputin also used natural remedies. Anna Vyrubova recalled that during one of the bleedings, the “old man” took out a lump of tree bark from his pocket, boiled it in boiling water and covered the entire face of the boy with this mass. The bleeding has stopped. In this case, obviously, Rasputin used the tannic properties of oak bark, which helps stop bleeding.

"The prince is alive while I am alive" - said Grigory Rasputin, and he was right. Tsarevich Alexei survived the elder by only a year and a half.

Seven nannies...

Due to the terrible illness of Alexei, bodyguards were assigned to him from an early age: two sailors from the imperial yacht, boatswain Derevenko and his assistant Klimenty Nagorny.

At the age of seven, Tsarevich Alexei began to study. The empress herself supervised his studies, she also chose teachers for her beloved son. The confessor of the imperial family, Archpriest Alexander Vasiliev, became the teacher of the law, Alexei, the Russian language was taught by Privy Councilor P.V. Petrov, arithmetic - State Councilor E.P. Tsytovich, tutor and teacher of French was Pierre Gilliard, teacher of French and tutor, English was taught to the heir to the throne by Ch. Gibbs, as well as Alexandra Fedorovna herself.

In the classroom where the training took place, Tsarevich Alexei liked to take his pets - a dog named Joy and a cat Kotik.

The character of Tsarevich Alexei.

The playful and active Alexei, however, knew etiquette well and knew how to conduct a secular conversation with high-ranking people, but with no less tact he could communicate with peasants and city officials.

Tsarevich Alexei loved to play pranks. Georgy Shavelsky writes in his memoirs: Sitting at the table, the boy often threw clods of bread at the generals. Once, at breakfast, the Heir took butter from a saucer on his finger, smeared it on the neck of his neighbor, Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich.

In order for Alexei to have the opportunity to see life from different angles, his tutor Pierre Gilliard often arranged car trips around the neighborhood with his pupil.

The main passion of Tsarevich Alexei was everything related to military affairs, the army and navy.

He often acted out battles and maneuvers, and he did everything "according to science", explaining to others everything that was happening.

Alexei even had his own "company", made up of 25 local high school students of the age of the Tsarevich.

During the First World War, he went with his father to the headquarters of the army.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with their children, Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, .

Tsesarevich Alexei visited the Evpatoria sandy beach near the summer residence of the Evpatoria mayor Semyon Ezrovich Duvan. Playing in the sand, Alexey built a sand castle, for a long time this place was guarded by the students of Yevpatoriya.

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the visit to the city of Evpatoria by the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the royal family in 1916, on May 16, a monument to Emperor Nicholas II was unveiled on the embankment named after Valentina Tereshkova in Evpatoria.

The death of the royal family.

From March 8, 1917, the royal family was under arrest in Tsarskoye Selo. August 1 - exiled to Tobolsk, where she was under arrest in the governor's house.

In exile, in the Tobolsk house, an old dream of Nicholas II came true - he himself was engaged in raising his son, taught him history and other sciences. The lessons of his father continued for Alexei in the Yekaterinburg house, where the royal family was moved in the spring of 1918.

The illness of Tsarevich Alexei followed him and worsened. In Tobolsk, Alexei fell down the stairs and was badly hurt, after which he could not walk for a long time. In Yekaterinburg, his illness worsened even more.

Alexei, like his crowned parents, was a deeply religious person. Icons hung on a gold chain at the head of his bed, and he often prayed and attended worship services, sitting in an armchair, even when he could not walk.

Before his 14th birthday, Tsarevich Alexei did not live only a few weeks. On the night of July 17, 1918, the lad Alexei was killed along with his parents and sisters in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg.

July 17, 1918 - Day of the ritual murder of the Royal Martyrs: Tsar Nicholas, Tsarina Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexy, Tsarevna Martyrs Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, and their faithful servants: the life physician Evgeny Sergeevich Botkin, the footman Alexei Yegorovich Troupp, the court cook Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov and the room girl of the Empress Anna Stepanovna Demidova.

In 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized and canonized Nicholas II and members of his family as saints. In August 2000, the canonization of the holy martyr took place. Tsarevich Alexy.

Pay attention to the unusual coincidence: “Day of Sorrow” - July 17 - the day of the murder of the last Russian Tsar coincided with the Memorial Day of the Holy Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who was the first Russian Tsar and perished martyred July 17, 1174. Andrei Bogolyubsky strengthened and united the Russian land, and spreading Christianity. Saint Andrew Bogolyubsky founded the spiritual center of North-Eastern Russia: " I built up White Russia with cities and villages and made it populous.

Tsesarevich ALEXEY (1904-?) and Philip SEMENOV (1904-1979)

Several times I published here materials about the younger children of Nikolai and Alexandra, Anastasia and Alexei, who were saved on the night of July 17, 1918.
As for Anastasia (1901-?), her very rare bilateral congenital deformity of the feet (congenital bilateral Hallux valgus), which Anna Anderson (1901-1984) also had, allows us to state with a high degree of probability (1:17 million) that Anastasia Romanova and Anna Anderson are one and the same person. None of the other (more than 30) well-known contenders for the "role" of Anastasia had this foot deformity.
We also note that the medical statistics in this case are more than a thousand times higher than the reliability of DNA tests, which in 1994-1997 allegedly showed that Anna Anderson had nothing to do with the Royal Family and that the alleged remains of Anastasia were found near Yekaterinburg (in the Koptyakov forest ) and buried in St. Petersburg along with the remains of Nikolai, Alexandra, Olga and Tatyana in 1998.

As far as is known, there were a little more than ten contenders for the "role" of the rescued Alexei. One or two of them had the same blood disease - hemophilia, like Alexei, one or two - another rare disease, cryptorchidism (not omission of one testicle), which the Heir to the Throne also had.
However, only one of all applicants - Filipp Grigorievich Semenov - had both of these diseases, which is documented in his medical documents, in his medical history. By the way, the myths that none of the patients with hemophilia live long and that any severe wounds (external wounds) are fatal for them are false myths. There are cases of 50-year or more life expectancy of patients with hemophilia, and their survival after severe injuries:

As in the case of Anna-Anastasia, until recently it never occurred to any of the researchers to take an interest in the medical statistics of these diseases. Yes, everyone knew that both hemophilia and cryptorchidism are quite rare diseases, but none of the historians and researchers looked at the medical statistics.
Medical statistics of hemophilia, according to various sources, range from 1:8000 to 1:100,000; the medical statistic for cryptorchidism (for adults) is approximately 0.3%, or 1:333.
Therefore, at a minimum, only one person out of about 2,664,000 has both of these diseases (8000 x 333 = 2664000). Therefore, it is with this probability that we can assert that Filipp Semyonov was indeed, as he claimed, Alexei Romanov.

It seems that Edward Radzinsky was the first to write about Philip Semenov in his book “Nicholas II. Life and death". On the Internet you can see articles about him:

<<В январе 1949 года в республиканскую психиатрическую больницу Карелии с диагнозом «маниакальный депрессивный психоз» поступил Семёнов Филипп Григорьевич, заключённый одной из исправительных колоний, что вблизи города Медвежьегорска. В сопроводительных документах значилось, что он дважды перенёс инсульт с последующим параличом. Потом наступило улучшение в такой степени, что он мог даже ходить на работу. Однако 8 января заключённый внезапно почувствовал сильную головную боль, обратился в лагерный лазарет, где ему оказали помощь. А спустя некоторое время Семёнов засобирался куда-то ехать, ругал какого-то Белобородова, перестал узнавать окружающих, отказывался от пищи. Поэтому врач колонии и направил его в Петрозаводск, в психиатрическую клинику.
It is from this that the amazing story of this unusual patient, full of mysteries and mysticism, begins to be documented. His medical history has been preserved under number 64. The title page contains his last name, first name and patronymic, year of birth - 1904, nationality - Russian, profession - economist and financier. Further, the data of an objective examination are the same as in many patients of such clinics. If only this is somewhat distinctive - "consciousness is preserved, oriented in place and time."
After two or three days, the state of acute psychosis, with which Semyonov entered the clinic, completely disappeared. It was then that he told the doctors his "extraordinary" story, which they had heard a lot over the years of working with such a category of patients. In fact, he is Tsarevich Alexei Romanov, was rescued during the execution of the Royal Family, taken to Leningrad, lived there, then served in the Red Army as a cavalryman, studied at the institute after the war, worked as an economist in Central Asia. All his life he has been pursued by a certain Beloborodov, who knows his secret, it was he who forced Semyonov to commit theft, because of which he ended up in places of detention ...
Resident doctors Yulia Sologub and Dalila Kaufman talked to the “unusual” patient at the hospital for a long time. As Dalila Abramovna later said, he was a highly educated person who knew several foreign languages ​​and read a lot, especially the classics. During the entire period of his stay in a psychiatric hospital, Semyonov was calm, quite communicative, with a clear mind and correct behavior. Kaufman characterized the patient's revelations in this way - in quotation marks - he did not impose on anyone, this did not affect his behavior in any way, as is usually the case with such patients, which baffled the doctors.
And what was especially striking: Semyonov's medical history included a blood disease - a consequence of hemophilia, as well as the failure of one testicle. Like Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov! Two such coincidences were already enough to seriously draw attention to this mysterious patient of a psychiatric clinic. And if we add to this the fact that Semyonov was born in the same 1904 as the Tsarevich, and on his buttock he had a cruciform mark from a wound ... And he knew well all the palace ceremonies, knew the location of the Winter Palace rooms, the names and titles of all members of the royal family, much more from the palace life of the Romanovs and pre-revolutionary high society.
According to Philip Grigorievich, during the execution in Yekaterinburg, the “father” hugged him and pressed his face to him so that the boy would not see the trunks aimed at him. He was wounded in the buttock, lost consciousness and fell into a general pile of bodies...

But let us return to our Tsarevich from the hospice. He was saved and treated for a long time by some devoted person, possibly a monk. A few months later, strangers came and announced that from now on he would bear the surname Irin (an abbreviation of the words Name of the Romanovs - Name of the Nation).
Then the boy was brought to Petrograd, to some mansion supposedly on Millionnaya Street, where he accidentally heard that they were going to use him as a symbol of the unification of forces hostile to the new system. He did not want such a fate for himself and therefore fled from these people. On the Fontanka, they just signed up for the Red Army. Having added two years to himself, he joined the cavalry. Then he studied and worked as an economist. Married. I changed my last name to Semyonov, taking the documents of a relative of my wife ... Then there was a conclusion, a psychiatric hospital ...
Philip Semyonov was shown to one of the then best psychiatrists in the country, a professor from Leningrad, Samuil Gendelevich. The doctor, moreover, was also very competent in "royal" matters. He knew the location and purpose of the rooms of the Winter Palace and country residences of the beginning of the last century, the names and titles of all members of the royal family and its dynastic branches, all court positions, protocols of ceremonies adopted in the palace.
The trick questions that Gendelevich began to ask his patient did not lead to anything. Semyonov answered readily, without hesitation, giving more and more new details. Remain calm and dignified...
Here, however, the information about Semyonov, cited by Dalila Kaufman, somewhat diverges from the medical history of "Tsesarevich Alexei." From the entry made in it, it follows that F. G. Semyonov in April 1949, after a forensic medical examination, was sent to the psychiatric hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And this may mean that the study of his mysterious and delusional, as it was then believed, the legend was continued under even greater secrecy.
About all this, Dalila Kaufman wrote to the famous writer Edward Radzinsky, who was preparing a book about Nicholas II. And he dedicated Semyonov in his book “Lord ... save and pacify Russia. Nicholas II: life and death” a whole chapter, which he called “Guest”, where he talks about this strange and mysterious man.
Filipp Grigorievich Semyonov was released from Penitentiary No. 1 in 1951. He died in 1979, just when the remains of the royal family were first discovered in the Urals. His widow Ekaterina Mikhailovna was convinced that her husband was the emperor's heir. And as Semyonov's adopted son recalled, his stepfather liked to wander around the city, he could stay in the Winter Palace for hours, he preferred antiques. He spoke reluctantly about his secret, only with the closest people. He did not have any deviations, he did not end up in a psychiatric hospital after the camp. He was fluent in German, French, English and Italian, wrote in ancient Greek.
Philip Grigorievich Semenov has long been gone, but his secret remains. There are many questions left in this story. In what schools could he have been taught so many languages? Why such amazing physiological and medical coincidences between him and Tsarevich Alexei, whose remains have not yet been found? For what kind of faults was Semyonov hidden in Stalin's camps for a long time? Who is Beloborodov, because of whom, allegedly, Semyonov gets into them?>>
These were excerpts from an article by Alexander Popov. As for Beloborodov, it is very likely that this is the same A.G. Beloborodov - the chairman of the Ural Council in 1918 ...
The question that arose after reading the chapter on Philip Semenov (from the book by E. Radzinsky) and the article by A. Popov was where the doctor Samuil Gendelevich (namely, he was the main character in the identification of Semenov as Tsesarevich) - how could he know about hemophilia and cryptorchidism of the heir Alexei, and also had such extensive knowledge about the Royal family? Perhaps Gendelevich was familiar with some of the life doctors of the Imperial family who remained after 1917 in Russia?
Several well-known doctors of the Royal Family did not emigrate after 1917 and worked in the USSR. In particular, Sergei Petrovich Fedorov (1869-1936) immediately after the abdication of Nicholas changed his attitude towards him and then collaborated with the Bolsheviks. The same doctor Fedorov, who advised Nicholas II on the health of Alexei on March 2, 1917 in Pskov. He continued his career in the USSR, he was director of the Institute of Neurosurgery in Leningrad in 1929-1936. He was buried at the "Communist site" of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.
There is no doubt that Professor S. Fedorov and Professor S. Gendelevich - two of the largest physicians in Leningrad of those years - knew each other and communicated on various issues. Fedorov also dealt with the problems of epilepsy and nervous diseases, where Gendelevich was the greatest specialist.
We can also confidently assume that Gendelevich had extensive knowledge about the life of the Tsar's court, about royal residences and palaces, about titles, etc. from Fedorov. Probably, they not only knew each other (as well-known doctors of Leningrad), but also were friends with each other.

In addition to this article by A. Popov, I found my diary entries from 1998 about the documentary "Imposters" (directed by Alexander Gabnis):
Philip Semenov was married four times. The first time he married in 1930 (under the name Irin), his wife's name was Sophia. In this first marriage, three sons were born: Yuri, Vladimir and Konstantin. In Leningrad, he was found by A.G. Beloborodov - the same one who was the chairman of the presidium of the Ural Regional Council in 1918. He knew the secret and blackmailed Irina and demanded money. The family fled from his persecution to Samarkand, where Irin changed his surname to Semyonov. He worked as an accountant in Samarkand. However, Beloborodov found him in Samarkand as well and started extorting money again. Twice Semyonov informed Beloborodov of the location of the secret treasures of the Royal Family, but Beloborodov demanded money again and again. Semyonov began to steal government money and was sentenced to 3 years in prison. He escaped from prison. Then he was married a second time (to a certain Asya) and a third time (to a certain Anna Ivanovna). For some time he lived in Tbilisi, but Beloborodov found him there again. Traces of Beloborodov break off in 1938. In 1941 Semyonov was arrested again and this time he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Further events are described in the article above.
Semyonov had no children after his first marriage. The fate of Vladimir and Konstantin is unknown. Perhaps they disappeared in the whirlwinds of the war of 1941-1945. His son Yuri was alive in 1998. Alexander Gabnis said that in 1994 the British allegedly conducted a genetic examination of him with Prince Philip.
I found confirmation of this in the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" No. 36, September 5, 2007:
“In the late 1990s, at the initiative of the English newspaper Daily Express, the eldest son, Yuri, donated blood for a genetic examination. Peter Gil took her to the Aldermasten Laboratory (England). The DNA of the "grandson" of Nicholas II, Yuri Filippovich Semyonov, and the English Prince Philip were compared. Of the three tests, two matched, and the third was neutral.
As far as is known, Yuri Filippovich Semenov did not claim the Russian throne and a place in the House of Romanov. He only wanted to know the truth. It seems that in 1998 he was going to leave Russia forever (?).

In total, since 1918, 11 “applicants-Alexeevs” were known. The most likely contenders are Philip Semyonov (died in 1979) and Vasily Filatov (died in 1988), as well as Heino Tammet (he had cryptorchidism, but did not suffer from hemophilia). The son of Vasily Filatov, Oleg lives in St. Petersburg to the present. Outwardly, he is very similar to Nicholas II. More details about the history of Vasily Filatov can be found in the book of O.V. Filatov himself “The History of the Soul, or a Portrait of an Epoch. The fate of Tsarevich Alexei, son of the Emperor of Russia Nicholas II ”(St. Petersburg, 2000). A genetic examination carried out in Germany seemed to confirm the relationship of the Filatovs with those victims whose remains were solemnly buried in St. Petersburg in 1998. However, the Russian Orthodox Church and several major domestic and foreign researchers still do not recognize these remains as the remains of members of the Royal Family. Some researchers (like V. Wiener from Yekaterinburg) have long argued that these are just the remains of members of the twin family of the Royal Family - the Filatov family, which was also shot in Yekaterinburg in July 1918 ...
I do not know which of the three (F. Semenov or V. Filatov, or Heino Tammet) could be the surviving Tsarevich Alexei. However, medical statistics speak convincingly for Philip Semenov.

Boris Romanov

P.S. On October 20, 2015, I received a review of this article from journalist Vasily Veikka Ivanov. I reproduce it below in its entirety:
"In your publication, you refer to Alexander Popov. I only dare to assure you that his name is not Alexander, but Alexei. For me, he is no author<...>. The article, excerpts from which you are citing, was largely copied from my publications in 1997-98 and 99. Having visited the Karelian Republican Hospital, one might say, on my own initiative and on the instructions of the editors of the Sever magazine, I literally spent a whole month sitting in the medical archive of the hospital and manually copying many pages from the Case History (heir). My first publication was in August 1997 in the Gubernia weekly, and then in the May (1998) issue of the Sever magazine, and it was called Heir to the Throne or Impostor? Then I worked in the Archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Popov would not be allowed there - he is not a journalist, but a fan of collecting all sorts of things about UFOs). On Proza Ru, but relatively recently, I published these materials. Moreover, I also had photographs of F. Semyonov himself printed in a magazine and newspapers. Now, unfortunately, I have not preserved them, but the events of recent times make me think that I will resume my search."

You can read the full review of V. Veikka Ivanov in the reviews section of this article, and the article by V. Veikka Ivanov himself "Heir to the throne or an impostor?" can be read at Proza.Ru.

Tsarevich Alexei was a long-awaited child. Beloved by everyone, he grew up surrounded by family and servants, but his life was overshadowed by a terrible disease - hemophilia.

long-awaited child

Tsarevich Alexei was a long-awaited child. After the birth of four daughters, Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia (the difference between them was two years), the emperor and the empress really wanted a son who would become the heir to the throne.

Anastasia Fedorovna was especially worried. She was so worried that she developed pathological mysticism. All sorts of "advisers" began to revolve around her. One of them, the Frenchman Philip, was able to convince the Empress that he could provide male offspring. The empress, after his exhortations on a nervous basis, even had a false pregnancy.

Only a few months later, Alexandra Feodorovna agreed to a medical examination, which showed that the Empress was not pregnant. The charlatan was exposed by agents of the tsarist police in France.

Help Seraphim

Both Nicholas II and the Empress were deeply religious people. They fervently prayed for the birth of an heir to the recently canonized Seraphim of Sarov. The proposal to canonize Sarovsky was made by the emperor himself. In his family, the Sarov elder was revered for a long time: according to legend, Alexander I visited him incognito, and the 7-year-old daughter of Alexander II was cured of a serious illness with the help of the mantle of St. Seraphim.

About the role of the empress in this matter, Count Witte said: “They say that they were sure that the Sarov saint would give Russia after the four Grand Duchesses an heir. This came true and finally and unconditionally strengthened the faith of Their Majesties in the holiness of the truly pure Elder Seraphim. A large portrait appeared in His Majesty's study - the image of St. Seraphim.


As to why the boy was named Alexei, there are two points of view. According to one, the crown prince was named in honor of the Moscow Metropolitan Alexy, according to another - in honor of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It is known that Nicholas II considered him one of the best Russian sovereigns. And it was for what. Aleksey Mikhailovich, although he was called the "quietest", led a purposeful and tough policy, annexed the Left-Bank Ukraine and brought the borders of Russia to the Pacific Ocean. At the costume ball in 1903 (a year before the birth of his son), Nicholas II was in the costume of Alexei Mikhailovich.


The heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei was born on July 30, 1904. However, the birth of a son did not bring peace to the imperial family. Two months after his birth, the crown prince began to bleed heavily, which could not be stopped for a long time. Then Alexandra Fedorovna heard a terrible word: hemophilia. In this disease, the lining of the arteries is so thin that any injury can cause the vessels to rupture. Before that, the three-year-old brother of Alexandra Feodorovna died from the consequences of hemophilia.

Hemophilia is inherited. The first carrier of the gene was Queen Victoria of England. From her, the fatal gene was inherited by children. Her son Leopold died of hemophilia at 30, and two of her five daughters, Alice and Beatrice, carried the ill-fated gene.


With hemophilia, the heir to the throne was also associated with the proximity to the court of Grigory Rasputin, who managed to quickly relieve her symptoms.

The maid of honor of the Empress, Anna Vyrubova, wrote about one of the most severe cases of bleeding of Tsarevich Alexei, who was bleeding from his nose: “Professor Fedorov and Doctor Derevenko fussed around him, but the blood did not stop. Fedorov told me that he wanted to try the last resort - to get some kind of iron from guinea pigs. The Empress knelt beside the bed, puzzling over what to do next. Returning home, I received a note from her with an order to call Grigory Efimovich. He arrived at the palace and went with his parents to Alexei Nikolaevich. According to their stories, he went up to the bed, crossed the Heir, telling his parents that there was nothing serious and they had nothing to worry about, turned and left. The bleeding has stopped."

Most often, Rasputin did not even touch the heir, but began to earnestly pray, after which the bleeding stopped. However, sometimes Rasputin also used natural remedies. Anna Vyrubova recalled that during one of the bleedings, the “old man” took out a lump of tree bark from his pocket, boiled it in boiling water and covered the entire face of the boy with this mass. The bleeding has stopped. In this case, it is obvious that Rasputin used the properties of oak bark to stop bleeding.

“The prince is alive as long as I am alive,” said Rasputin. He turned out to be right. Tsarevich Alexei survived the elder by only a year and a half.

With seven nannies

Due to the terrible illness of Alexei, bodyguards were assigned to him from an early age: two sailors from the imperial yacht, the boatswain Derevenko and his assistant Klimenty Nagorny.

At the age of seven, Tsarevich Alexei began to study. The empress herself supervised his studies, she also chose teachers for her beloved son. The confessor of the imperial family, Archpriest Alexander Vasiliev, became the teacher of the law, Alexei, the Russian language was taught by Privy Councilor P.V. Petrov, arithmetic - State Councilor E.P. Tsytovich, tutor and teacher of French was Pierre Gilliard, teacher of French and tutor, English was taught to the heir to the throne by Ch. Gibbs, as well as Alexandra Fedorovna herself.

In the classroom where the Tsarevich was trained, he liked to take his pets - a dog named Joy and a cat Kotik.

Alexey treated his mentors with great love. Anna Vyrubova recalled: “The heir took an ardent part if some grief befell the servants. I remember a case with a cook who for some reason was denied a position. Aleksey Nikolaevich somehow found out about this and pestered his parents all day until they ordered the cook to be taken back. He defended and stood up like a mountain for all his people.


Tsarevich Alexei was a very active boy. He liked to fool around. Georgy Shavelsky writes in his memoirs: "Sitting at the table, the boy often threw
generals with lumps of bread; taking butter from a saucer on a finger smeared it
neck neighbor, so it was with the Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich. Once, for
At breakfast, the Heir smeared oil on his neck three times.


From March 8, 1917, the royal family was under arrest in Tsarskoye Selo. August 1 - exiled to Tobolsk. There, the royal family was under arrest in the governor's house.

Here, in exile, in the Tobolsk house, an old dream of Nicholas II came true - he himself was engaged in raising his son, taught him history and other sciences. The lessons of his father continued for Alexei in the Yekaterinburg house, where the royal family was moved in the spring of 1918.

The disease of the Tsarevich followed him and worsened. In Tobolsk, he fell down the stairs and was badly hurt, after which he could not walk for a long time. In Yekaterinburg, his illness worsened even more.

Alexei adopted a deep religiosity from his parents, icons hung on a gold chain at the head of his bed (it was stolen by the guards after the execution of the royal family). The Tsarevich always, even when he could not walk, was present at divine services, sitting in an armchair.

Before his 14th birthday, the Tsarevich did not live only a few weeks. On the night of July 17, 1918, he was killed along with his parents and sisters in the basement of the Ipatiev House. In August 2000, the holy martyr Tsesarevich Alexy was canonized.