What should a person do every day? Make time for your own reflection

10 tips for every day: the secrets of successful people

Why do we not feel true satisfaction and joy at the end of the day?

Maybe we're not doing the right thing? Let's try to analyze what we are doing wrong. Let's try to bring something new, useful into our life, or get rid of something unnecessary or harmful. These tips will help improve your life from day one!

So, here is what successful people advise us, what are their secrets:

1. Morning workout and shower. Start the morning with a warm-up or exercise, then take a contrast shower. This will give you vivacity, good tone, improve mood and maintain health. Keep the body healthy, this is the foundation without which it is difficult to achieve success and become happy.

2. Drink enough water. Water gives energy, flushes out toxins, thins the blood, improves metabolic processes, and rejuvenates the skin. Drink good clean water, in addition to all the usual drinks, the body really needs it! Doctors recommend drinking at least two liters of pure water every day if your health allows.

3. Eat fresh quality food. Try to avoid products prepared hastily, it is not clear by whom, it is not known under what conditions, for how long and from what ingredients. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits (in the cold season - more dried fruits), and also give preference to freshly prepared dishes. It is better to cook yourself, or to entrust cooking to a good person.

4. Plan your day right. Compliance with the daily routine is one of the most important secrets of well-being and success. Remember: early morning is suitable for working on yourself, daytime for vigorous activity, earning money and solving important issues, and the evening must be calm, you must completely relax, relieve the tension accumulated during the day. It's good to write down your plans on paper if there are a lot of them and you don't remember them easily.

5. Choose your social circle. They say, "with whom you will behave, from that and cockroaches in the head." If you want to be a healthy, wise, successful and cheerful person, associate with healthy, wise, successful and cheerful people. Avoid negative communication, explosive topics and those issues that neither you nor your interlocutors can influence (politics, prices, the situation in the country, etc.). Remember: what you let into your mind every day, then the mind embodies into your life. Don't let yourself be dragged into the swamp of social negativity; getting out of it is always harder than not getting in. Focus on wisdom, positive, something useful and blissful, and your life will improve.

6. Be sure to take time for yourself. Every day you should have your own personal time when you can do something creative or what you love, sit in silence, meditate or just take a break from everything. Try to be happy for at least a few minutes a day; do what brings you true joy. Make it an important daily rule of your life. Don't put off happiness until tomorrow, tomorrow never comes, it always comes today.

7. Every day, do something useful for family, friends and society as a whole. If you do not know what can be done in this regard, just wish everyone happiness: this can be done mentally or out loud if no one is listening. This is the simplest, but very powerful tool for improving your destiny (read more in the article “Formula of Happiness: I wish everyone happiness”). Wise people advise making this the number one rule.

8. Learn Wisdom, be it books, lectures, seminars, films, etc. Find something that interests you, and every day at least a little deepen your knowledge. Reason is given to man in order for him to progress spiritually, otherwise he will degrade. This is the secret to the success of most famous people - they did not limit themselves to the ordinary, but developed, doing it every day, at least a little.

9. Give thanks for all the good things that come to you or happen in a day. You can thank your guardian angels, Life, God, etc., according to what you believe. Gratitude is a huge force that attracts even more of the good things worthy of gratitude into your life. This is the secret of a happy future, apply it.

10. Share wisdom and positivity with others. Give people only those wise advice that worked in your case, and in which you are 100% sure. What we radiate, what we give to the world, then it comes back to us. Give the world the best that is in you, and it will give you the best that is in it! Share this wisdom with your friends and they will be grateful to you.

See my blog for other helpful articles.

Adults are well aware that some things, even sometimes quite painful, must be done every day and without any prodding. Readers of one popular resource have jointly compiled a list of such mandatory daily activities, and we are sharing it with you.

When we are small, our every day begins to the accompaniment of parental teachings: “Brush your teeth!”, “Eat porridge!”, “Put away toys!”. We get a little older, but caring parents don't stop their hackneyed record, they just slightly change the repertoire: “Get up, you’ll be late for classes!”, “Throw cigarette butts out of the ashtray!”, “Put on your hat!”. And then we grow up, take life into our own hands and bewilderedly realize that now no one will tell us what to do, when and how. And here comes the following list of mandatory daily activities:

1. Show your loved ones your love and gratitude. Life is too short to waste it on gloom and anger. One smile, a kind word or a kiss in the morning can make a wonderful day not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Don't miss this opportunity.

2. Spend 10-15 minutes cleaning up. No need to try to immediately clean the whole house, no need to run with a rag for every speck of dust. But a little daily cleaning will allow you to keep your house clean and your head in order.

3. Drink a glass of water. Already drunk? Repeat!

4. Take one step each day towards your goal. Constant forward movement in the right direction allows even with small daily efforts to move far enough.

5. Learn something new. The degradation of the brain begins precisely on the day when you failed to learn absolutely nothing new. Try to delay the onset of this day as long as possible.

6. Push up. The best exercise to keep your body in proper condition. Instantly raises the tone better than any energy drinks.

7. Try to praise at least one person every day (of course, deservedly). Thus, completely imperceptibly, you will make 365 people happy during the year. Excellent result!

8. Arrange for yourself five minutes of silence. At least five fucking minutes in the middle of all this madness.

9. Communicate. For real, not through monitors. Today it is so easy to isolate yourself from everyone through chat, social networks and e-mail, that sometimes you realize that you have even less live communication than sex.

10. Meditate, or at least just think about the positive things that are present in your life. Try every night before you go to bed, take a few deep slow breaths, relax, tune in to a positive wave. This combined with exercising in the morning will help you sleep better and be energized throughout the day.

11. Engage in any kind of physical activity. No need to strive for records or blindly follow all the vagaries of modern fitness fashion. But at least 30 minutes (preferably more) of daily walks, running, swimming, yoga, exercise machines - choose what you like - will drastically change your condition.

12. Pretend to be a superhero. Until you really become one.

13. Eat vegetables and fruits. Salads, stews, soups, desserts and other culinary creations from gardens and orchards. A rare case when all scientists, even British ones, unanimously repeat that this is useful.

14. Spending time outdoors. Walk, ride a bike, walk your dog. In a word, break away from the monitor and ventilate your unfortunate lungs.

15. Just say thank you for another day of your life. Each new dawn brings with it the possibility of a new life, and it depends only on us, will we use we have this chance.

Approximately such answers have become the most popular among Reddit readers to the question of the actions that each person should do constantly and for the rest of his life. And what list would users of Professionals make?

When we are small, our every day begins to the accompaniment of parental teachings: “Brush your teeth!”, “Eat porridge!”, “Put away toys!”. We are getting a little older, but caring parents do not stop their hackneyed record, they just slightly change the repertoire: “Get up, you will be late for classes!”, “Throw cigarette butts out of the ashtray!”, “Put on your hat!”. And then we grow up, take life into our own hands and bewilderedly realize that now no one will tell us what to do, when and how. And here comes the following list of mandatory daily activities:

1. Show your love and appreciation to people dear to you. Life is too short to waste it on gloom and anger. One smile, a kind word or a kiss in the morning can make a wonderful day not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Don't miss this opportunity.

2. Spend 10-15 minutes cleaning up. No need to try right away, no need to run with a rag for every speck of dust. But a little daily cleaning will allow you to keep your house clean and your head in order.

3. Drink a glass of water. Already drunk? Repeat!

4. Take one step each day towards your goal. Constant forward movement in the right direction allows even with small daily efforts to move far enough.

5. Learn something new. The degradation of the brain begins precisely on the day when you failed to learn absolutely nothing new. Try to delay the onset of this day as long as possible.

6. Push up. The best exercise to keep your body in proper condition. Instantly raises the tone better than anyone.

7. Try to praise at least one person every day(well deserved, of course). Thus, completely imperceptibly, you will make 365 people happy during the year. Excellent result!

8. Arrange for yourself five minutes of silence. At least five fucking minutes in the middle of all this madness.

9. Communicate. For real, not through monitors. Today it is so easy to isolate yourself from everyone through chat, social networks and e-mail, that sometimes you realize that you have even less live communication than sex.

10. Meditate or at least just think about the positive things in your life. Try every night before you go to bed, do some deep slow, relax, tune in to a positive wave. This combined with exercising in the morning will help you sleep better and be energized throughout the day.

11. Engage in any kind of physical activity. No need to strive for records or blindly follow all the vagaries of modern fitness fashion. But at least 30 minutes (preferably more) of daily walks, running, swimming, yoga, exercise machines - choose what you like - will drastically change your condition.

12. Pretend to be a superhero. Until you really become one.

13. Eat vegetables and fruits. Salads, stews, soups, desserts and other culinary creations from gardens and orchards. A rare case when all scientists, even British ones, unanimously repeat that this is useful.

14. Spending time outdoors. Walk, ride a bike, walk the dog. In a word, break away from the monitor and ventilate your unfortunate lungs.

15. Just say thank you for another day of your life. Each new dawn brings with it the possibility of a new life, and it depends only on us whether we take advantage of this chance.

Approximately such answers have become the most popular among Reddit readers to the question of the actions that each person should do constantly and for the rest of his life. And what list would readers of Lifehacker make?

Sometimes our mood drops to zero, we are seized by laziness and apathy. Everything seems so bleak. But bad weather outside the window or minor troubles is not at all a reason for a bad mood, but quite the opposite, a reason to improve it! Let's talk about 10 simple things that you need to do every day in order to improve the mood of yourself and others.

1. Enjoy the new day

The action to be done every morning is to smile at the world! This should become a kind of ritual that sets a positive attitude.

2. Correctly set rhythm

Rhythmic and perky music that accompanies you in the morning will help improve your mood! This will give you energy for the whole day. The best option might be, for example, music with a hot Latin American tune. Listen to your favorite songs. And in the evening it is very good to relax to the melodies of classical music.

3. Give a smile to at least 5 people every day

After all, the feeling that you gave a piece of happiness to someone else will bring you double pleasure! A smile in return will lift your spirits.

4. Connect with interesting people

Communication with interesting people will reveal a lot of new and unexpected things. Perhaps, thanks to this, you will be able to discover something new in yourself! Avoid meeting new people.

5. Push your limits

You are learning something all the time! Find new hobbies or just cook a new dish every day. Just do something you've never done before.

6. Treat yourself!

And you also need to pamper yourself a little, for example: eat something tasty, buy an interesting book or a new thing, or maybe watch a new movie. So you will reward yourself for another wonderfully lived day.

7. The key to a cheerful mood is vitamins!

Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and greens. Drink fresh juice, green tea and pure water.

8. Walk a lot

Every day you need to give yourself a walk in the fresh air. This must be done regardless of the weather. Walk down the street for at least 20 minutes. The main thing is to dress for the weather.

9. Surround yourself with bright things!

Decorate your home - make it fun and bright! Hang catchy curtains, buy colored dishes. Include colorful clothes in your wardrobe that will always set you apart from the crowd and cheer you up. If your office dress code doesn't allow it, then go for some colorful fun accessories!

10. Surround yourself with love!

There should be people around with whom you feel good and comfortable. These are those to whom you give warmth and your love: loved ones, friends, relatives! This is the main guarantee of a good mood and a happy life. Love and be loved! That's it! These little tricks will at least a little help to embellish everyday life. Have a good mood and more smiles!

Modern man has very little free time. Work, leisure, family, household chores - all this takes almost the whole day, so there is almost no time left. In this article, we have collected small good habits, each of which will take from five to twenty minutes and will help you become better every day.

Of course, you can choose only a few and cultivate them in yourself, because in total you will have to devote about two hours a day to them. But if you have a vacation or a day off, try to implement all the tips below. Soon you will feel a surge of strength, optimism and that will become your incentive to continue further.


Man tends to forget what he has. This leads to dissatisfaction with life and apathy. It's okay to want more than you have, but if you're feeling unhappy here and now, it's gratitude that will bring your thoughts back to the present. You will surely find positive moments in life. Remind yourself of this as often as possible. This will allow you to look to the future with optimism and become better.

Express gratitude either mentally or in writing. It takes five to ten minutes every day, but it also allows you to remember how much good there is in your life and that your gloom is only a consequence of the fact that you forgot about it.


It is impossible to fully experience the benefits of doing it from time to time. So you will not learn how to put your thoughts in order. And when everything is chaotic in our head, we tend to do a lot of stupid things, for which we will have to pay later - including extra time. Meditation is an investment. Set aside 20 minutes a day to practice it and in the end you will win much more.

Keeping a diary

The diary develops memory, concentration and emotional intelligence. This is already quite enough to start it, although there are many more advantages.

Buy yourself a paper version of the diary and write in it whatever you see fit. Ideally, it is better to do this before going to bed and before some significant event for you. For example, if you are very nervous before an interview, set aside some time and analyze your feelings and emotions, put your thoughts in order. You can write down any questions you may be asked.


If the specifics of your work involves a constant rush and you have to move a lot, this does not mean at all that you do not need a walk. When you walk, you are not in a hurry and you can focus your thoughts on anything. And it’s better not to think at all, just observe the world around you and notice things that you didn’t pay attention to before.


Have you thought about American pop psychology? And rightly so. It contains very useful tips that should be applied to every person if he does not want to die from somatic diseases. The habit of smiling to yourself and to other people will lift your spirits. And in a good mood, our brain works much better. Thus, this method is the easiest and fastest way to become smarter. Eternal despondency leads to the scrolling of the same thoughts, while with relaxation and calmness, more and more new ideas are born.


If you set aside at least twenty minutes a day for reading, then this will be a great exercise for your brain. This allows you to form figurative and creative thinking, fills with knowledge. So after you finish your reading session, think about what you just read, what conclusions you can draw, whether there were points with which you disagree and why.

brain exercises

The site contains dozens of useful exercises for the most necessary purposes - improving memory and concentration, developing logic and creative thinking. Do not forget that the brain constantly needs stimulation and exercise. It is also your most important investment. Therefore, invest as much as possible in it and after a while you will see that your efforts have not been in vain.

If you put these little tips into practice every day, they will make your life so much better. Don't think of them as time consuming activities, because they save you time. The clearer your thoughts, the better the decisions you make. time you no longer have to. We wish you good luck!