How to improve life in our microdistrict project. Social research project to improve the environmental situation in the microdistrict "My little world

Question: Prepare (jointly) a project “How to improve living conditions in our neighborhood”. ??Think about what needs to be done in your house (quarter, neighborhood) to improve the living conditions of its inhabitants. Write down your proposals addressed to the house (quarter) committee, district government or other local government. urgently need an answer

Prepare (jointly) a project “How to improve living conditions in our neighborhood”. ??Think about what needs to be done in your house (quarter, neighborhood) to improve the living conditions of its inhabitants. Write down your proposals addressed to the house (quarter) committee, district government or other local government. urgently need an answer


You need to respect people to let grandmothers through and help them cross the road in everything to carry the bag to the house, and in general it is recommended to help in everything

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Valeria Popova, Nikita Tyurnikov, Nikita Yurasov, Olesya Lebedeva, Sasha Stolyarov, Dima Kuznetsov.


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MBOU secondary school No. 7. Social project Our yard - we are the masters in it! Kirzhach, 013.

Our yard - we are the masters in it!

A project of an awareness campaign for a courtyard of a high culture of communication/Social project.

Leader: social teacher Gonyshkova Olga Gennadievna.



(project of a student information and explanatory campaign for the courtyards of a high culture of communication between children and adults)

Project Information Card

Students: Vakhromeeva Marina, Yurasov Nikita, Yurin Serezha, Tyurnikov Nikita, Popova Lera, Lebedeva Olesya, Stolyarov Sasha, Kuznetsov Dima.

Supervisor: social teacher Gonyshkova O.G.

Name of the organization implementing the project

A group of students of the circle "Young lawyers" MBOU secondary school No. 7 of the city of Kirzhach

Organization address, phone

601021, city of Kirzhach, Microdistrict Red October, st. Sadovaya, 51

Full name of the project

“OUR YARDS ARE THE OWNERS IN IT!”: a project of a student information and educational campaign for the courtyards of a high culture of communication”

Objective of the project

  1. Socialization of adolescents through socially significant, approved activities
  2. Persuading the community of the microdistrict to return the educative function to the courtyards.

Project specialization and direction


Implementation timeline

Place of sale

microdistrict Red October of the city of Kirzhach


Students of school number 7 (circle Young lawyers.

Social teacher of school No. 7

Total number of participants

15 people.

Summary of the project

Brief description of the stages:

Preparatory (October-December 2012)

3. Studying the methods of an information and educational campaign (social advertising, explanatory work, etc.).

Activity (main) stage (January-February 2013):

Final (March-May):

Creation of a video based on the results of the campaign with placement on cable television.




Acceptance by residents of the microdistrict and representatives of municipal authorities of the idea of ​​improving the conditions of the courtyards of the microdistrict for more efficient organization of extracurricular time, leisure for both children and adolescents, and all residents (freeing the yard from cars, improving the architectural and landscape appearance of the yard, etc.)

Understanding by the public of the microdistrict and students of the need to recreate the traditions of the yard multigenerational culture of communication, respect for each other and tolerance.

The belief in the need to form the speech culture of adolescents and the yard communication etiquette, which excludes all forms of insults, including obscene language.


Mainly from own funds (fee for publications in the media)

Relevance and social significance of the project

The yard has always been a resting place for residents of neighboring houses. During the years of reforms, when the maintenance of houses and adjacent territories fell on the shoulders of the residents themselves, in our microdistrict the number of equipped playgrounds was sharply reduced, there were no places for recreation and communication of people of different ages, including labor veterans.

In the yards, the dominance of personal vehicles, the construction of garages and "shells", often with the destruction of unprotected playgrounds for the smallest.

Children left the yard for this and other reasons, including the replacement of live communication with virtual (computer games, social networks, etc.). As a result, the children's yard community disappeared. Games are not passed down from generation to generation, in which all the children of the yard, from young to old, once participated. The social roles of neighbors and the neighborhood community are not being formed.

Virtual communication and the strong influence of social networks and the media on adolescents have made ignoring neighbors, and sometimes contempt and disrespect for older people, families of financially and socially vulnerable citizens (families of disabled people, large families, etc.) the predominant style of communication. Adults in front of children use foul language, insult each other. Teenagers repeat the same in relation to each other. In 2011, in the courtyard of house No. 4 on Pushkin Street, an incident (fight) occurred with the participation of 5 students of our school and school No. 6, with the participation of the mother of one of the students, using obscene language and actions that provoked teenagers to fight. At 01, the police detained while drinking alcohol drinks about 0 minors in the yards of our microdistrict.

This project is the beginning of a student outreach campaign in our neighborhood for a high culture of communication of all residents of the yard - young and old.

It allows you to solve the problem of returning the educational role of the court in all aspects: aesthetic, moral, physical. Our goal is to draw public attention to this idea.

We are convinced and want everyone to understand:

The yard has the right to be beautiful and bring up a sense of beauty.

The courtyard has the right to be a nursery of the best human forms of communication - mutual respect and patience, mutual assistance and cooperation.

The yard is a place of rest and communication.

Playgrounds are not a place for cars, and a recreation area is not a place for shells.

Alcohol, tobacco and obscenities are not from our yard!


Target: The project has two goals:

The participation of children in the project pursues the goal of socialization through socially significant and approved activities, the formation of patriotic consciousness and citizenship in adolescents, respectful attitude towards people living in the neighborhood.

2. This project is designed to convince the community of our microdistrict of the need to return the educative status to the yards, the status of the community.


Direction: awareness campaign

Target group:

This project is directed

1) for the target groupadolescents aged 12-15, incl. children in a difficult life situation. This target group is primary, since the main goal of the project is directly aimed at it - the socialization of young people in socially significant, approved activities.

secondary targetThe group in this project is children and teenagers living in our microdistrict, as well as their parents, grandparents, all our neighbors.

Program executors and project participants:

Number of project participants: 15 people, 8 of which are the authors of the project: two studied the legal framework of the problem and correspondence on the maintenance of sites.

Two photographed playgrounds, two more searched for our ideal playground on the Internet.

Two protect the project.

Project participantssocial advertising projects prepared, appeals to local governments and residents, an exemplary code of the courtyard of a high culture of communication has been developed.

With the onset, we plan to hold a promotionLet's give our yard to children!among drivers who put cars on playgrounds and occupy the recreation area of ​​courtyards. All drivers will receive a postcard with the Children sign and our request to give backyards to children. You park your car in the yard - plant a tree or paint the swing!

We plan to become volunteers for mass yard games and organizers of mass events in the yards.

The call "Go to the yards, work with children!" we rethought and modified: today is the time for children to go into the yards and work with people.



Project stage



Preparatory stage

1. Conducting a sociological survey in order to confirm the need

and interest of school students, parents, residents of the school district

2. Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project, the choice of activities by each of the project participants.

3. Studying the methods of an information and explanatory campaign (social advertising, explanatory work, etc.).

(October-December 2012)

Activity (main) stage

Development of a draft code of communication for residents of the yards of the microdistrict and the choice of ways to familiarize students and residents of the yards with it.

Preparation of appeals to representatives of municipal self-government, the management company, residents of the microdistrict, etc. regarding the improvement of courtyards, the equipment of teenage (sports) grounds in the microdistrict.

(January-February 2013):

The final stage

2. Participation in the action "I am a citizen of Russia" (presentation of the project).

3. Creation of a video film based on the results of the campaign with placement on cable television

4. Action Let's give our yard to children!

(March-May 2013)


- Successful organization of employment of minors during the summer holidays.

The acquisition by adolescents of the experience of socially significant, approved activities.

Formation of communication skills that can be used in everyday life.

Awareness by teenagers of their role in the life of the local community, the importance of their work for the improvement of the city, village.

Improvement of conditions for children and adolescents of the village for more effective organization of extracurricular time and leisure.

Creation of a photo album and a video film: "Our yard - we are the masters in it!".

Attracting public attention to the problem by the project participants with the help of the media.

Efficiency mark:

  1. Reducing the level of offenses (petty hooliganism, drinking alcoholic beverages, etc. with the participation of minors in the microdistrict. (Certificate of the Department of Internal Affairs at the end of the year
  2. Return to the yards of minors (mass games, communication- Report in the form of a photo shoot on social networks in the summer months.
  3. Formation of courtyards of a high culture of communication.



Required amount



Up to 10 minutes in total (30 sec.

1000 rub.

The fee from the publication of video materials of the project in local media and on cable television

Making postcards for distribution to drivers and other people who litter the yards


Fee from video materials and publications of project participants in local media

Draft Code of the Court of High Communication Culture

We, residents of the courtyard located at: _____________________ (street, house number, accept this Court Code of a high culture of communication in accordance with the traditions of the Krasny Oktyabr microdistrict and undertake to observe it and educate our children and grandchildren in its spirit.

  1. Each resident of our yard is a full-fledged owner of the yard, who takes good care of its appearance: public facilities, including recreation areas for veterans (benches, tables, etc., landscaping objects, a playground.
  2. Each resident is respectful and tolerant of his neighbors, not resorting to swearing, assault, and other actions that harm the mental and moral health of the younger generation, including drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking, in case of conflicts.
  3. Each resident who is forced to temporarily store personal belongings, building materials, park a car in the local area, takes care of the cleanliness of the yard, the safety of the landscape and buildings, does not violate the boundaries of the recreation area for labor veterans and playgrounds.




"I'm bored in this city! Nothing happens here… There is nowhere to go in Ulyanovsk! There are no opportunities for creative growth here…” and so on and so forth. If you have ever had such thoughts, it is a pity that you did not attend the hackathon (marathon) of urban projects "K-Ulsk", which took place last week in one of the hub cafes on the street. Iron Division. We guarantee: you would definitely change your mind.
The organizer of this event is the "Greenhouse of Social Technologies" with the information support of the Ulyanovsk - Cultural Capital Foundation and the creative space "Kvartal". Hackathon participants discussed ideas and projects aimed at improving life in the city.
What has already been implemented
“We will not only discuss and select the best social projects, but we will also help at the initial stage of their implementation. An agreement worth 60,000 rubles will be signed with the winners of the hackathon: this will certainly help to take the first steps towards bringing any good idea to life,” explained the essence of the two-day marathon of social projects in Ulyanovsk, the event editor of Teplitsa Alexei Nica.
The main criteria for evaluating projects are social significance, realism and "open source". The latter means that Internet projects created on the basis of the proposed ideas will be able to scale in the future, that is, they can be copied and reproduced for free by those who wish to do something similar.
Nitsa told the participants that similar events have already been held in other Russian cities and the results are really impressive.
— For example, the winner of the St. Petersburg hackathon in 2014 is the Smooth project. One of its authors is a person with disabilities. It was proposed to make an online service with which you can build the most convenient route on the map - one where there are the fewest obstacles for a wheelchair. Now this service is working and gaining popularity,” Alexey assures.
Another successful project is the winner of the hackathon in Penza. Its authors decided to create a website that effectively helps to find future owners for homeless animals.
- At the moment, this project is effectively working in Penza: (http: / / It is built on open source. This means that if you want to do something similar in your city, you can easily and free of charge use the existing developments, - notes the event editor.
The idea that arose at the Equal Opportunities Hackathon, held in September last year, is also interesting. The participants proposed to create a web messenger that helps to communicate using icons. Target audience for this site
- people who have lost the ability to speak or write for any reason (for example, after a stroke). The initiators believe that this project has excellent prospects.
“Love Ulyanovsk! Moscow will wait
In addition to preparing and defending projects, there were many other presentations and master classes at the hackathon in Ulyanovsk. Thus, Dmitry Abramov, head of the Vector Moscow online school of urban entrepreneurs, gave a lecture on how private initiatives can change the city.
“Now there are people in the provinces who are ready to stay in the cities where they were born and grew up and change this space for the better. These are the people we call “urban entrepreneurs”. At one time, I monitored provincial websites in search of such enterprising businessmen, and I especially liked the slogan invented by the guys from Voronezh: “Love Voronezh! Moscow will wait. It seems to me that this approach is applicable in other cities,
- says the speaker.
He gave some inspiring examples of urban and social entrepreneurship:
- Here in Yaroslavl live a young architect Sergei Kremnev and his wife Yulia. At some point, they have grown to that professional "ceiling" when it becomes uncomfortable in a provincial town: a stronger environment, more projects and opportunities are needed. However, instead of moving to Moscow, the couple decided to create such an environment in their own city. In 2007, the Kremnevs came to the director of a local textile factory and asked him to let them spend a “creative weekend” at some almost abandoned site of the enterprise.
They invited musicians, choreographers, teachers of foreign languages, artists, photographers to this site and for one day turned the abandoned room into a creative laboratory.
— As a result, it turned out so cool, everyone liked it so much that the TEXTIL cultural center was born from this idea, which - what is especially important - arose without any help from officials or wealthy sponsors. Now street festivals and exhibitions of contemporary art are regularly held here. Any resident of the city can come to the open meetings of the TEXTIL team with the idea of ​​their own project.
Another example of successful urban entrepreneurship is the idea of ​​​​creating the so-called “anticafe”, or “time cafe” “Dial”.
- It was invented by Muscovite Ivan Mitin. And now "Dials" have spread in many large cities of Russia and other countries. The bottom line is that in such cafes they pay not for food, but for the time spent in this institution. After all, it often happens, especially in the capital, that the waiter begins to look menacingly at a group of friends who have taken a cup of coffee and have been sitting at the table for more than an hour. Mitin realized that in Moscow, as in other Russian cities, there are very few so-called “third places,” comments the head of the Moscow online school.
The term "third place" was coined by the American researcher Ray Oldenburg. The logic here is simple: there is a home, there is work, and there must be some kind of “third place” for comfortable communication and pastime. It seems that in Ulyanovsk there is also an acute shortage of such places.
Ulyanovsk hackathon winners
According to the decision of the competent jury, the project "It's faster" ("Road mess") became the winner. The essence of the idea is to help drivers learn in advance about traffic jams. The developers have proposed a unique way to obtain such information: special reflectors will be installed on the tracks, inside which sensors will be placed. Thanks to the latter, it will be possible to find out the exact number and speed of cars on specific sections of the road. This information can be transmitted to special electronic scoreboards or via the Internet.
Note that in reality another project, the geolocation social network with the display of current events in the city of Inthispoint, won, but the authors refused the contract because they did not want to create their web resource based on "open source".
The jury also appreciated the Ulyanovsk projects to create websites that help find owners for homeless animals, unite volunteers for various events and show announcements of cultural events.
Evgeny Nuvitov

Edited on April 26, 2015

Improve the city, village, village, microdistrict. To make them comfortable and good for people to live is a task that must be solved by the heads of cities (the administration of municipalities).
We can recommend to the heads of cities a number of proposals for the improvement of cities and microdistricts.

In the city, you can lower prices for goods and products, by reducing the trade speculation of sellers (entrepreneurs).
Usually, the closer the store is to the city center (where there is more consumer demand), the higher the prices for the goods and products sold by it.

If owned by the municipality, there are still buildings of the Central Department Store (Central Department Store). Then the municipality can establish in it certain conditions for leasing trading places to entrepreneurs (merchants).
Namely, trading places in the department store (TSUM) are leased for a year, to those entrepreneurs who, for the past year, had the lowest prices for the goods (products) they sold in the city. Additionally, most of the goods sold were of domestic production (and locally produced products) and of high quality..

As a result, this will encourage sellers (entrepreneurs) to lower prices for the goods they sell, to prevent their price collusion by stores (since, due to an increase in prices for goods sold, products, you can lose a profitable place).

In the city, on weekdays, there is a complex (loaded) traffic on some sections of the streets. Usually, this is due to the fact that drivers leave cars on the side of the road.

It is possible to improve the situation on the roads, make it easier to travel, if you force all firms, shops, markets, organizations, both state and municipal, and private, located near the road, that have their own employees and work with visitors and clients, to do in front of their building ( object), parking for cars for vehicles of their clients, and with an area sufficient to accommodate an acceptable number of cars.

It is possible to increase the number of parking lots and parking places for cars along the roads and in the yards of multi-storey buildings through specially equipped lawns, as is already being done in European countries.

To do this, a part of the lawn adjacent to the road is leveled and mesh reinforced concrete (or iron) slabs are laid on it, in the cells of which lawn grass is grown. Cars are packed on these mesh slabs without causing serious damage to the grass turf.

Further. One of the causes of traffic jams in cities, is that the existing roads were not designed for a large (always increasing) number of cars. And, the expansion of the street, especially at intersections, requires huge financial outlays from the city budget. (Since there are usually large shops, shopping complexes in the area of ​​​​crossroads, and it is unreasonably expensive to buy these buildings only for their subsequent demolition.)

Therefore, in order to reduce, in the future, the monetary costs of expanding urban roads (in order to reduce the occurrence of traffic jams, on roads and intersections, due to the increased traffic intensity), must be included in Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation additional requirements (rules, conditions) for construction and reconstruction facilities intended for commercial trade (entertainment, leisure).

Namely, these objects (buildings) should be located from the border of the site (from the side of the road, sidewalk) deep into the land, at a distance of at least 15 meters for objects (buildings) with a total area of ​​​​up to 500 sq.m. (Accordingly, for objects with a larger area and more than 2 floors, located near road intersections, other increased distances from the border of the land plot are established.)
And.., the land plot, on the side of the road (sidewalk) should be used only for parking the vehicles of buyers (clients).
Then, in 20-30 years, when the need arises to expand the road, it will no longer be necessary to spend money on the purchase and demolition of shops (shopping malls and commercial facilities), but only on the purchase of a part of the land used for parking cars from them.
In addition, the reconstruction of shops (shopping complexes) occurs at intervals of several decades, which will also allow these objects (buildings) to be moved away from the road, sidewalk, at the expense of their owners' money, and not at the expense of the city budget.

It is worth ... to determine and bring to the attention of the townspeople which trees cannot be planted on the street in front of the houses.

That is, to identify the following trees as weeds to be cut down for a number of reasons: poplars - in view of the allergy caused by people to poplar fluff, as well as the increased fire hazard of poplar fluff; acacia, elm and other tall trees with a highly spreading crown - in most cases, they cause power lines to break (in strong winds, the branches break and fall on the wires), their root system destroys the pavement coating (knolls form on the footpaths, asphalt bursts.
You should not expect that the trees to be cut down, growing on the street in front of private houses, will be cut down by these homeowners themselves, they will cut down a maximum of 5% of the trees.

Therefore, it is necessary to force electricians, when they perform planned pruning of branches around power lines, on trees that are close to wires and paths, trim the bark on the trunk so that these trees (acacia, elm, koragych, poplar) wither. Then, in a few years, dried trees will be cheaper and easier to cut down, and perhaps 20% of the trees will be cut down by the homeowners themselves.
Also, sawn trees (branches) can be offered to agricultural producers who grow vegetables in large greenhouses outside the city for heating during the cold season.
If residents or municipal authorities want to plant tall trees on the street, then birch, coniferous trees and other tree species with a small crown width are quite suitable for this, provided that there are no wires above the planting site.

Local (municipal) authorities need to competently use the territory of cemeteries. With the right approach, a tall forest or a birch grove can be grown on the territory of the cemetery (it is lighter, and in the future the trees can be used for building materials). To do this, you need to leave a little space along the paths for planting trees, as well as citizens who purchase a plot for burial with an area of ​​​​more than 8 square meters. meters, to provide on the conditions that they will plant one birch in this area.

A piece of forest on the territory of the cemetery is the protection of the city from strong winds, and additional fresh clean air.

Some of our shop owners, as well as some wealthy residents of the city, have laid paving slabs on the street, on the one hand it is beautiful and good, but in some cases, they create an obstacle on the footpaths, namely, there is a large height difference (20-50 cm) between the sidewalk and the laid tiles on the sidewalk in front of the store, house.

In the "Urban Planning Code" and in the local "Rules for improvement and ensuring cleanliness and order in the municipality of the city", there should be an article prohibiting erecting obstacles on paths (sidewalks). Therefore, it is necessary to demand from those who have tiles not correctly laid (which led to the appearance of an obstacle), to shift the tiles, thereby smoothing out the height difference, and the height difference should be no more than 10 degrees.

In the city, it is necessary to put in order grassy, ​​flowery lawns located between the sidewalk and the road., their level (height) is almost everywhere above the pedestrian sidewalk and the road, which leads, during rain, to the discharge of rainwater onto the footpaths or the roadway, and not vice versa. As a result, puddles form on the roads, the road surface breaks, black soil from lawns is washed off from the lawns at best onto sidewalks, at worst into drains (sewerage) clogging pipes, and passers-by and motorists suffer the most, who have to overcome puddles and impassability in various ways.

To do this, you need to make the level of the lawns at least 5-10 centimeters below the sidewalks and roads, so that rainwater flows onto the lawns, nourishing the grass, flowers, trees and does not interfere with pedestrians and motorists.

The head of the city may be interested in some part of the population in cleaning up excess land from the lawns in front of their homes.
For example, to reduce the land tax by 20% for those homeowners who maintain the lawns adjacent to their site from all sides (primarily the lawns between the yard and the highway.
For municipal authorities, it is enough to drive a car through the streets of the city (settlement), film all the lawns and numbers of households on a video camera. Then evaluate the lawns initially according to two main criteria: the ground level of the lawn is below the road and sidewalk, tall trees do not grow on the lawn, which with their crowns can damage power lines. After that, on the website of the municipality, lay out for the public which households have reduced the land tax, so that everything is fair (no bribes, no corruption).
The last step will be to indicate, in the distribution of land tax notices, that the tax is reduced by 20% percent for maintaining the lawns adjacent to the household in good, proper condition, or indicate that the land tax can be reduced by 20% if from the adjacent lawn excess land will be removed (a groove for draining rainwater will be made), tall trees near the power lines will be cut down.

Checking the condition of the lawns (shooting with a video camera and evaluation) is enough to carry out twice a year (in spring and autumn).

Perhaps in this way it will be possible to keep the asphalt pavement of the streets and highways of the city in good condition for longer, thereby spending less money on their repair, making it convenient for motorists and pedestrians to move around the city, and accustoming people to look after the lawns.

It is possible to reduce the cash costs associated with cleaning excess land from lawns by using the removed soil to raise the level in the lowlands, on flooded (or flooded) land plots in the city. If the ground level is raised on such plots, then they will become suitable for the construction of private households. The money from the sale of these land plots will replenish the local city budget and cover part of the costs allocated for cleaning excess land from lawns. The only thing is that for this you need to use only the land removed from the lawns, and in no case construction or other debris, otherwise the cost of these sites will drop sharply.

Construction debris (pieces of brick walls, reinforced concrete structures, plaster, etc.), if it is not possible to process it into material for road construction, can be used to strengthen dams (platinum) of reservoirs (their expansion and raising the level). It is only necessary to properly lay construction debris, and pour it with earth to fill the voids.

How can make the city cleaner.

In the city (settlements) you can see the abandoned garbage (bags, bottles, paper). Especially a lot of it is thrown away on the outskirts of the city and along the roads, in the nearest located forest plantations (bags, heaps, or even the form of a whole spontaneous dump).

In addition to the fact that garbage spoils the appearance of the city, it is the cause of environmental pollution (nature, ecology).

Household garbage, in the wrong place, is thrown out by people (negligent citizens) living in the private sector who are unable (or because of unwillingness) to pay money for the removal of their garbage by public utilities.
With tenants, apartment buildings are easier. From them, management companies serving a residential building, without fail, collect utility payments for garbage collection.

Residents of the private sector, only on a voluntary basis, can independently agree with utilities (private companies) on garbage collection.
It is clear that some citizens do not do this, preferring to throw their household garbage anywhere or burning it, thereby polluting the soil, water and air.

The elected authorities (local governments) prefer only to fight with fines against these citizens. Although the law "On production and consumption waste", in her duty - ensure the collection of garbage in the settlement and its removal.

So, as long as the local authorities prefer, the removal of household waste should be carried out at the expense of the citizens living there themselves. It will not be possible to get rid of abandoned garbage in inappropriate places, spontaneous dumps outside the city in forest plantations. Will not ensure the cleanliness of the city and its environs.

If earlier, the local authorities said that they did not have enough money in the local budget, now additional money has appeared, due to an increase in revenues from the introduction new tax on property (housing, real estate), based on its cadastral value (since January 1, 2015, introduced in 28 Russian regions). Moreover, the established rates of 0.1-0.3 percent for private households (especially for outbuildings) are higher than for apartments.

So, due to additional tax revenues (and the established difference in rates, upwards for private households), the local authorities must ensure the free collection and removal of household waste from the private sector.

Then, the amount of garbage thrown out in the wrong places, outside the city, in forest plantations will decrease significantly. The city and its environs will become cleaner.

Another important question is how to reduce the financial costs of garbage collection and disposal. utilities from the private sector, and contractors - private companies, organizations from the area of ​​multi-storey buildings. In other words, how can the city be made cleaner (cleaner), at a lower cost.

Basically, this can be done only through the separate collection of recyclable waste: paper, glass, plastic. (Scrap collection in cities is well developed)

Garbage collection should be profitable both for organizations involved in its collection and for citizens who will put it in separate containers for free.

This is achieved due to the fact that organizations engaged in separate waste collection must pay their income tax, not to the local (regional) budget, but to the budgets of municipal educational schools. It is advisable to "pay" to children - schoolchildren, in the form of gift sports goods (sports equipment, accessories). For the fact that schoolchildren (and their parents, relatives) bring and hand over free recyclable garbage.

This direct funding of educational schools, organizations engaged in separate waste collection, bypassing local budgets, will help to achieve a greater positive effect (including an increase in profits), compared to the old principle that is currently in effect.

The leadership of educational schools will be interested in instilling in schoolchildren an ecological culture, proper handling of recyclable waste, explaining to them the need to take garbage to separate containers in order to make the city cleaner. Like schoolchildren and their parents (relatives) are interested in the delivery of separate waste.

Further. To minimize the number of separate waste collection points. Places for containers should preferably be located near the nearest stores located near educational schools.
For stores, this will attract additional customers.
It is advisable to install video surveillance over the place of collection of separate garbage, to prevent the actions of hooligans and antisocial citizens: arson, beating, raking the contents of garbage containers out. (although this may not be required everywhere)

Private companies involved in the separate collection of waste, all that remains is to load the separate waste into trucks, check the correct sorting (if necessary, carry out additional sorting) and transported for sale to processing plants. In this scheme, it is possible that waste collection companies will no longer be required.

From 2019, most of the regions of the country will switch to a new system for handling municipal solid waste (MSW). At the same time, the power allows Regional operators for the treatment of MSW, set high tariffs for the population for the service of garbage collection (MSW waste) and its disposal.

The problem is that the very scheme for the implementation of the waste reform has serious shortcomings, with damage in the billions of rubles.

Therefore, it is necessary to make socially just, economically justified changes to the waste reform in the interests of society and the Russian economy. More about this in a separate article>>>

Near many settlements there are ponds (small reservoirs). These ponds are leased for fish breeding, without any conditions for cleaning (deepening) the bottom of the reservoir, landscaping, planting trees around the reservoir.

The local authorities in charge of which the reservoirs are, must correctly (under certain conditions) lease them. Lease for no more than 5 years.

The conditions for renting small reservoirs for fish breeding (stocking) should include the following requirements: cleaning, deepening the bottom of the reservoir, if required, planting a forest belt on one side of the reservoir. As trees, it is better to use linden, in the interests of beekeeping, or other valuable building types of trees.

The creation of forest belts around reservoirs is also beneficial for people renting a reservoir, because it will become a protection (barrier) from the possible ingress of fertilizers (ammonium nitrate) and poisons used by peasant households and farmers in the fields into the water, especially when the fields are plowed up close to the shore of the reservoir.

For lakes and large reservoirs located near the city and within the boundaries of settlements, it is forbidden to lease. Local authorities should create a city beach for swimming and keep it clean, build places (piers) for fishing.
On one of the large reservoirs (section on the river or the sea) located outside the territory of the settlement, the local authority may set a fee for visiting the beach and fishing. At the same time, it should be free for children and pensioners.

The money received from the citizens who arrived to relax (fish, swim) on will be enough to carry out the necessary measures to maintain the coastline and the bottom of the reservoir in a cleaned state, the arrangement and maintenance of the beach for swimming not only on this paid reservoir (site), but also for holding the same events at a public reservoir located in the nearest settlement.
The main thing is that the money from the provision of services to citizens at the fishing site and from the lease of land under the facilities of the service sector for individual entrepreneurs were transferred to a separate bank account, and the local authorities quarterly reported to the population through the newspaper how they spend it on measures to put the public reservoir in order , city beach and fishing area.
It also costs, part of the money received from leasing ponds to individual entrepreneurs for stocking, should also be transferred to the above mentioned bank account.

In cities (settlements) theft of ferrous and non-ferrous metals flourishes(they steal manholes from wells, power wires, telephone cables, etc.). This criminal activity causes enormous damage to the city and many of its inhabitants every year.

The administration of municipalities (city), together with the police, must take measures to reduce the theft of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in the city.
The simplest and most radical thing would be to close all non-ferrous metal collection points in the city, because almost all stolen metal is handed over there. But this way of solving the problem is unlikely to be realized.
Therefore, it is better to install video surveillance at metal collection points with video output on monitors to the operator in the police. For the city, in principle, one collection point for ferrous and non-ferrous metals is enough, so the city can take the cost of installing video surveillance equipment for one collection point for metals. Require other commercial entities involved in the reception of metals to install video surveillance at their points at their own expense.

Then the police operator will be able to see who delivers stolen wires, cables, metal hatches to the metal collection point, and accordingly send a police squad to detain these persons red-handed.

I recommend articles that affect the improvement of settlements, the solution of important urban problems. Expert opinion, analytics on the situation in Russian society.

New tax on property of individuals, based on the cadastral value

Give citizens the opportunity to participate in the distribution of taxes

How to revive sparsely populated areas (villages, towns) in Russia

I also recommend reading an interesting article Provide an opportunity for working citizens (having their own children) to transfer part of the contributions to the insurance pension directly to their retired parents (to their personal pension accounts)

Monument of hopelessness...

You already want to drink soon to forget. Not! Stop it, get a grip, rag! Let's make the world a better place today!

I’ll warn you right away that it will be very difficult, only a few out of thousands will reach the finish line, the percentage of success in such cases is still extremely small. But when did difficulties stop us? People think that getting your yard in order is a fantastic, and most importantly, very expensive story. In fact, the money in this story is secondary.

But first, let's digress. Imagine that you are on vacation and you are booking a hotel by the sea. You carefully study the reviews, look at the photos. You pay extra for your windows to face the sea, it is very important for you that there is a clean beach, that there is a green area. You make sure that the room has a bathrobe, slippers, and the food in the hotel restaurant is varied. You are ready to pay extra for comfort, because you are going on vacation! This is a completely logical behavior of a person, because comfort is important to all of us, we all want a cozy room, a beautiful view outside the window and high-quality amenities. Would you ever rent a hotel with a window like this?

Or like this?

At the same time, such a view from your own window does not bother anyone. And here the question arises. Why do you pay so much attention to a hotel where you will spend only a few days? And why then do you not think at all about the comfortable environment in your home, where you spend your whole life? Why are most people willing to spend a lot of money to have a blooming garden outside the window of a resort room instead of a parking lot, but at the same time they slam the door in front of you if you ask them to donate 2000 rubles to repair the entrance?

This is completely illogical behavior, because from the point of view of long-term investments, it is beneficial for everyone that the environment around is of high quality.

Recently, a person wrote to me who wished his story to remain anonymous. And the story is very interesting. He decided to take care of the improvement of his yard and put things in order there. I made an estimate, invited designers who made an improvement project. The courtyard was formed by houses, in which there were about 500 apartments. The landscaping of the yard cost 5 million rubles. That is, 10,000 had to be collected from each apartment. Part of the money was knocked out from the municipality, and the amount dropped to 7,000 rubles. As you may have guessed, when a man went to the neighbors with an offer to raise money, he was sent and almost beaten.

It would seem that here it was necessary to spit on everything and score. But no. The man applied with his project to several real estate companies and asked to calculate how the price of apartments in these houses would change if the residents put the yard in order. It was then that it turned out that thanks to a steep courtyard, real estate would have risen in price by an average of 5%! That is, by investing even 10 or 20 thousand in their yard, each resident would increase the value of their assets by 200-400 thousand! Good investment? The same applies to rental housing. People who rent their apartments could raise the price of rent and recoup the investment in six months or a year.

Having made a presentation for the neighbors, our hero was able to convince many of the benefits of the transformations. I hope this story ends well, and I will write about it later.

In Russia, few people think about such things, but in vain. People calmly invest hundreds of thousands of rubles in the renovation of their apartments, in tuning their cars, but they don’t think at all that if the environment around them is improved, the value of their assets will increase, as well as the quality of life. Why live in shit when you can live in a beautiful garden?

After studying the experience and success stories of people who managed to transform their yard, I came up with some rules. Perhaps they can help you tidy up your yard.

1. Set boundaries

It is impossible to do anything until there are clear boundaries. Therefore, of course, you need to start with a land survey, if you suddenly haven’t done it yet. That is, it is necessary to define clear boundaries of the local area. And, of course, the yard must be properly designed and managed by the residents. I will not dwell on all the nuances of land surveying, this is a separate big topic, read it on the Internet.

But it is not enough to draw boundaries on paper: they must also be in life. This is a big problem for micro-districts, which, unlike block development, do not imply a clear division of yards. Often, looking out the window, you will see a shapeless wasteland with indistinct landscaping and parking. What to do with him?

In any case, without zoning anywhere. It is not necessary to put up a fence. You can, for example, move a parking lot to the border or plant bushes there. You can at least a path or a lawn to separate your own from someone else's.

It is important that every tenant of your house clearly understands where your land is. Because in the future, this land will have to fight and shed blood!

2. Rally the ranks!

Almost all the stories of changes in the house or in the yard begin the same way: "I went to the neighbors and realized that no one needs anything!" Indeed: if you have a garbage dump outside your window and everyone was happy with it, then most likely you will encounter the indifference of your neighbors and unwillingness to change something. This is a banal story, and you should not be afraid of it. You just need to fix the current state and change it.

Alone you won't change anything. To put things in order and make a cool yard, you need to make friends with the neighbors! There are many ways, and each of you will surely find some for yourself. It can be some kind of chats and forums in your house where residents will communicate, it can be some kind of real activity.

European practice shows that people unite very well around children. That is, your neighbor is probably an asshole, but the children are not to blame. And for the sake of the children, you can endure. Therefore, for example, creating a backyard garden for children, where you plant various plants, and then everyone will take care of them together, can be very helpful.

The BBQ area can help too! By the way, you can often meet a tandoor in the courtyard! This is the soul of the yard, and it is he who unites the neighbors when someone cooks cakes or pilaf for the whole entrance!

3. Start small

A good yard is a place where you will enjoy being. Therefore, treat it like, for example, a personal plot. What is the first thing a person does in his area? Sets up a table! Nothing works without a table. The table brings people together. At the table you can play dominoes or drink culturally. At the table you can work, do homework in the fresh air, draw. If you look at how people equip their own yards, then pay attention that no one can do without a table.

In Finland, there are tables in every yard.

It is very convenient and inexpensive.

It is also very important to create conditions so that you can be in the yard in any weather. To do this, you need canopies from the sun and rain. These can be pergolas, which will eventually braid plants, or ordinary arbors.

A good solution would be to make an elongated visor with benches above the entrance.

4. Yard for everyone

Reading the third paragraph, many of you probably thought to yourself: "Yeah, give him benches and tables so that the gopota will drink there until late?! So that the homeless live there?"

Let me tell you about the homeless theory. There are homeless people, drunkards and gopniks in any city. And their requirements for the urban environment, for obvious reasons, are extremely low. It doesn't matter to the homeless whether there is good amenities or not - he can sleep under a bush. It's the same with alcoholics. They will thump in any case, and the interiors are not very important for them for this activity. But normal people have high requirements for the urban environment. For example, in order for a hipster to go outside to work with a laptop, you need to create conditions for him.

When the conditions are unsatisfactory, we go out into the street, and it may seem to us that there are only asocial elements around us, who only do shit and interfere with normal people's lives. But there are not as many of them as it seems: there are simply no normal people. But they are not there because the environment is bad, and normal people prefer to sit in a cafe, at home or in an office, and rather run away from the street.

And now you look out the window and think: how can drunks be driven out from under the window? This is where a lot of people make a mistake. At that moment, when you look out the window at an unpleasant company, you try on the situation for yourself. And you know that an unpleasant environment drove you off the street at one time. And you think that if you worsen the existing environment, then unpleasant personalities will become uncomfortable and they will leave. So you decide to remove the last bench at the entrance, insert an ugly metal door, unscrew the light bulb in the lantern, so that these bastards feel really bad.

This is a big mistake, since you will not be able to descend to the level of an environment that is uncomfortable for the same homeless person. Have you seen the conditions in which the homeless sometimes live? On some heating mains, in garbage, shit and insects ... Do you seriously think that you can scare them away with an unscrewed light bulb and a removed bench?

So: the environment must, on the contrary, be improved. Your goal is not to lower the bar, but to raise it! And we need to create such an environment that as many residents of the house as possible spend time on the street. Then among 100 normal people you will not notice one drunkard, and the drunkard will feel uncomfortable, and he will rather go to another yard. Remember how it was in Soviet courtyards, when there was always someone on the street. Grandfathers played dominoes, grandmothers sat on benches, children played, adult cars were repaired, in some yards on the street they even did their homework.

It is very important to make sure that people of all ages and any social status have something to do in the yard. Grandmothers need comfortable chairs and shade, young people need a gazebo, adults need a grill and sports grounds, and so on. It's just that every tenant should ask themselves, "What will make me spend more time in my yard"? Distribute questionnaires to residents and ask them to write down what they would like. And you will see:

- swing for adults;
- horizontal bar;
- simulators;
- hammock;
- fountain;
- place for car repair;
- grill;
- vegetable garden;
- a house on a tree.

Here it is important to avoid noisy activities under the windows. That is, if you have a small area, you should not make a basketball court or a skate park. So you save the mental health of those residents of your house whose windows overlook the courtyard)

This is how the yard in Satka was landscaped. It was like this - a typical miserable courtyard, of which there are thousands in Russia ...

A gazebo with an equipped place for frying meat and a children's rope playground were built in it. The landscaping of the yard was carried out by the team of Mikhail Shatrov from Ivanovo.

I am often asked how to inexpensively landscape your yard.

Such a project is within the power of the residents themselves, if there is a desire.

This is how inexpensively and simply you can put an ordinary yard in order.

All this was done in 10 days last summer, during the first My Satka festival. The beautification process was led by invited architects and designers, and caring local residents helped them. Satka entrepreneurs also took part: someone bought boards for designers and planners, someone provided the necessary equipment, someone brought crushed stone.

5. Parking war

This will be the most difficult test. You have to clean up the parking lots. This will be incredibly difficult, since most people will assume that a piece of land under the window is PLACED for them! By whom and why, no one knows. Apparently, in car dealerships they promise people that a piece of land under the window is allocated to the car.

There is a lot of explanatory work to be done here. You can start. Finish with logic and mathematics.

The logic chain here is very simple.

First, find out how many cars the residents of your house have. Depending on the region, house and district, the number may be different. Next, take a map of your yard and see what percentage of the area of ​​​​the yard you are ready to give for parking. Perhaps you decide to give away the entire yard - then everything was in vain. If common sense prevails, then it would be good to allocate no more than 20% of the territory of the yard for parking. At the same time, it is better to organize parking on the border of the yard.

Further, most likely, it turns out that there is not enough space for everyone. And parking in the yard is a scarce resource that must somehow be fairly distributed. There are two ways. The first is the queue. That is, whoever arrived first, he parked. It is not entirely fair, since someone can leave the car and go on vacation, taking a place for two weeks. And someone works late, and he will always be left without a place. The second way is to charge a fee for the opportunity to park the car in the yard. This should be exactly the amount for supply and demand to equalize. Perhaps it will be 1,000 rubles a month, or maybe 5,000 rubles. It all depends on the area and the level of prosperity of your tenants. Yes, the richest will park their cars in a beautiful parking lot, and all the money will go to the improvement and maintenance of the yard.

But even if you are not ready to reduce the number of parking spaces, you can make a reconstruction of the yard, while maintaining the number of parking spaces! For example, in 2014, the People's Architect Bureau prepared a project for the reconstruction of the Moscow courtyard at 21 Berzarina Street.

Almost 80% of the territory of the yard was occupied by parking (140 parking spaces).

The project included landscaping and landscaping of the yard with the creation of play areas and places for recreation, while parking would be reduced by only 13 places. It was proposed to organize drop-down parking spaces outside the yard.

Off-street parking can be a very important resource for financing the entire project. For example, 10 cars for 5,000 rubles each - and now you already have a personal janitor-gardener who will keep the yard perfectly clean. And in six months it will be possible to buy a new gazebo or plant new trees.

The rest of the residents will park on the adjacent streets, in other parking lots. I am sure that in the immediate vicinity of any house you can find a parking place. Yes, you have to walk 5-10 minutes to the house, but nothing. Don't fall apart.

In parallel, it is very important to stop any unauthorized parking. Here, an effective solution would be to install posts that do not interfere with pedestrians, but prevent cars from entering sidewalks and lawns.

6. Wastelands

In any yard, the question of the purpose of ownerless territories arises. These are plots of land that, for various reasons, cannot be used, but they must be monitored. One of the types of such plots is the land under the windows. You won’t do anything special there, since people live on the ground floor: you can’t put a horizontal bar under their window. On the other hand, someone has to clean up and improve this land. It turns out such an exclusion zone.

It is most logical to give the area under the windows for free use to the residents of the first floors. This is how all modern housing in Europe is designed now. The second floor has a balcony, while the first floor has a small plot. There they can make themselves a personal recreation area, a garden - whatever.

The main thing is that they take care of this land. This is still happening in many courtyards, when some grandmother plants flowers under her window or makes figurines from bottles. Then we'll get a living yard.

Your goal is to strive to ensure that there is not a single square meter of unused land in the yard.

7. Garbage

Nothing ruins a yard like trash cans. Fetid dirty tanks that spoil the view, the air, create unsanitary conditions. Trash cans must be dealt with. It is clear that this is not entirely your area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility, and you cannot make an underground storage if there are no special garbage trucks in your area. But the organization of a site for containers, even if they are the most common ones, is a very important stage in the transformation of the yard. Buy new garbage cans, if you have old and broken ones, decorate the area for them (for example, with plants), keep it clean.

8. Tactical urbanism

This technique is often used in the city to understand the needs of residents. The main principle here is to quickly, inexpensively and qualitatively improve the space with the help of non-capital changes. Before you thoroughly block the street, you can block it for the summer with flower beds, put in inexpensive outdoor furniture and see the effect. This is exactly what they did with Broadway.

Tactical urbanism also works in the yard. At the first stage, you can improve the yard at no extra cost. Here a pallet or a pallet will come to your aid - a wooden container that is used in any warehouse for warehousing and transporting goods. A standard Euro pallet measures 80 x 120 cm and is ideal for creating outdoor furniture. Here are some ideas for you:

It is not difficult to create such furniture, it does not cost any big money, but you can understand what will be in demand by residents and what will not. It usually takes a year. During this time, you can move furniture around the yard, make playgrounds and recreation areas in different places, arrange flowers and plants.

If the process is properly organized, then it will be possible to involve neighbors in it, accustom residents to the new life of the yard. When you understand where it is convenient for people to rest, and where they prefer to walk, taking short cuts, etc., then it will be possible to do everything more thoroughly.

The same goes for the grill area. To get started, you can simply buy an inexpensive regular barbecue or equip a barbecue area. Next - to see how residents will use it, whether there will be complaints, whether it is conveniently located. And only after that do already solid constructions.

9. Entrance groups

Make good entrance groups to the entrances. It's a good idea to make a large canopy and organize places to rest under it. Change the doors to transparent ones, put up benches, put things in order at the very entrance. I recently wrote how .

In one of the Moscow houses, the chairman of the council of the house installed a new door in her entrance at her own expense. The rest of the tenants handed over money at will after the fact. As a result, out of 20 apartments in the entrance, only 5 were not happy with the positive changes.

It was:

It became:

The entrance with a transparent door immediately became much more pleasant, and no special efforts were required from anyone. This is a very simple example of making elementary changes to your yard and home that will immediately improve your quality of life.

The easiest change would be to replace the door. And here you have to overcome another myth. The metal door in the entrance has nothing to do with security. Moreover, it is much more dangerous than a transparent door. From a security point of view, a metal door cannot solve the problem of unauthorized access to the entrance.

Residents, apparently, are building such a logical chain: if a metal door is safer for an apartment, then the same rule works in the entrance. Here, any burglar starts to laugh) After all, they break not the door, but the lock. But okay. I hope I won’t upset anyone if I say that the front door and the door to the apartment are different things? And the material from which the door to the entrance is made does not play a role at all. The reader may notice that the doors to restaurants, cafes, shops, banks are made of glass - and nothing...

The biggest problem with a solid metal door in terms of security is that it is opaque. Previously, in houses, entrance doors were tried to be as transparent as possible so that you could see what was behind it. This is exactly what safety is. You come to the entrance and understand that there is no one behind the door, no one will hit you on the head, no one is waiting for you there. In addition, when the entrance is visible from the street, it is unlikely that anyone will "spoil" there in every sense of the word. The same is true when you go outside. Already at the entrance you see that there is a maniac with an ax behind the door, goparis are waiting for you or a grandmother is sitting on a bench.

10. PR

It is important not only to do something well, but also to tell the world about it. Any successful cases of transformation of the urban environment today attract a lot of attention. Even replacing the door in the entrance is already a reason to write about you. Publications in the media and social networks motivate people to do more and better. Compliments from neighbors and approving comments can convince even the most ardent opponents of positive changes in your yard. People are vain, so feel free to tell the world about your successes.

The PR part is underestimated by many, but in vain. Even at the level of your home, it is important to inform residents about the changes and their benefits. Make campaign leaflets and put them in boxes, hang announcements, tell all the inhabitants of your house what and why you are doing, what will be the effect of this. It will be very useful to print the correct articles and also put them in boxes.

If you consistently go through all these 10 steps, perhaps your usual yard in an ordinary Russian city will become like this:

Or like this:

Or like this:

Everything is more than real.

By the way, in almost every Finnish yard there is a shovel:

It is needed in order to beat on the head the skeptics who whine that nothing can be changed. I collect success stories. If you were able to put your yard or entrance in order, if you have experience in communicating with neighbors and bringing people together, write to me: [email protected] .

Well, spread the post) The more people read it, the better.