The concert hall was seized by Chechen suicide bombers. Dossier on the group commander

Movsar Baraev was born in 1979 in the city of Argun. Here he graduated from high school. In 1998, Movsar moved to Alkhan-Kala. Arbi Baraev, who was then gathering his detachment, settled his nephew next to him, buying him a mansion - he then had a lot of money from the hostage trade. In addition to his nephew, Arbi settled a dozen more relatives and associates in his neighborhood: peaceful Alkhankala residents, who wanted to distance themselves from a dangerous neighbor, ceded their houses to militants for nothing.

Baraev not only bought a house for his nephew, but also married him. Movsar responded to such concern for himself with deep devotion to his uncle. He became his most reliable fighter and bodyguard and tried to demonstrate it at every opportunity. Once Arbi Baraev arranged a sabantuy on the occasion of the birth of his son. The party, as was customary among the militants, was accompanied by shooting. Moreover, they fired not only from pistols and machine guns, but also from grenade launchers. One grenade flew into the yard of a neighbor opposite and broke through the roof of the shed. The owner of the house, an elderly Chechen, tried to shame Arbi Baraev and his friends, and they sent him to hell. The skirmish turned into a fight. A young and strong son of an elderly Chechen attacked Baraev with fists. The first to defend the Emir was his nephew, who severely wounded his neighbor with a pistol shot. Arbi appreciated the deed: he gave his nephew a jeep, which Movsar drove until the beginning of the second war.

However, in the track record of Movsar there are actions that are more serious. Arby took it with him on almost all outings. He received his first baptism of fire in the summer of 1998 in Gudermes, when the Barayevites, together with the Urus-Martan Wahhabis, clashed with fighters from the detachment of the Yamadayev brothers. Then the Baraevs got hard: five were killed and seven people were wounded, among whom was Movsar.
After the introduction of federal troops into Chechnya, Arbi Baraev appointed his nephew the commander of a sabotage detachment and sent him to Argun. However, while his uncle was alive, Movsar remained completely unknown. They started talking about him last summer, when Arbi Baraev was killed in the village of Alkhan-Kala, Grozny rural district. Movsar proclaimed himself, instead of his uncle, the emir of the Alkhan-Kala jamaat. True, not everyone recognized the self-proclaimed emir. For example, the former deputies of Arbi Baraev, Islam Chalaev and Timur Avtaev, who also dreamed of replacing their murdered boss, did not do this. Therefore, for some time there was dual power in the jamaat. Only after the federals eliminated Avtaev and Chalaev, Movsar became the sole leader of the jamaat and began to take revenge on the federals for the death of a relative. He organized several attacks on federal convoys and a whole series of explosions in Grozny, Urus-Martan and Gudermes. In his last interview, which was published on the militant website, Movsar Barayev said: "The death of Arbi is presented by the feds as a great victory ... They think that the death of our commanders can lead to victory. Commanders who have become martyrs will be replaced by new people .The fight will continue."


Movladi Udugov, a representative of the so-called State Defense Committee of the Republic of Ichkeria, was the first to report that the hostage-taking was organized by a group of field commander Movsar Barayev.

However, representatives of the Moscow Chechens claim that this still needs serious verification and that they are just trying to find out who is really "ruling" the action.

Movsar Baraev is the nephew of the famous field commander and slave trader Arbi Baraev, who became famous for his atrocities and abuse of prisoners and hostages [Movsar's mother is the sister of Arbi Baraev - approx. Kompromat.Ru]. The elder Baraev was killed last June in his house in the village of Alkhan-Kala.

His real name is Suleimenov, but while his uncle was still alive, in order to emphasize his own importance, he began to use the well-known family name Baraev.

After the death of his uncle, Movsar took over his post as head of the Islamic Special Purpose Regiment. Prior to that, he led a small sabotage detachment operating in the east of Chechnya. By that time, only a company remained from the Islamic regiment, and even that consisted of about 20 people. And the losses of Baraev's unit were much more significant - more than 200 dead. Apparently, the remnants of this brigade now call themselves "suicide bombers of the 29th division."

Movsar Suleimenov-Baraev is responsible for several explosions in Grozny, Gudermes and Urus-Martan, and attacks on federal convoys. According to information from the Chechen police, Movsar was one of the organizers of the terrorist act in Alkhan-Yurt on December 9, 2000, when a car bomb "Moskvich-412" exploded. Then 20 people were killed and 17 were injured.

There have already been two official reports that Movsar has been killed. On August 25, 2001, it was stated that he offered armed resistance during the arrest and was destroyed during a special operation. Then they said that the FSB operatives managed to track down the field commander at the moment when he and three of his comrades (mid-level field commanders) in a Zhiguli were trying to leave Argun. The car did not stop at the request of the special forces, and they opened fire on it. The people in the cabin were killed. But not Movsar.

In July of this year, the FSB distributed a shocking videotape. She was found with a militant killed during a special operation in Grozny. On the cassette there is a recording of the interrogation and torture of two women and one man from the village of Andreevskaya Dolina. The militants demanded that the captives confess to collaborating with the Russian special services. The recording ends with eerie footage: one of the captives is beheaded. At the same time, the executioners laugh and continue to mock the two remaining hostages. What happened to the prisoners next is unknown.

Even then it was suggested that these were people from the detachment of Movsar Baraev. The operatives have already realized that Movsar is alive. On June 26, Movsar's militants tracked down and killed a well-known field commander, Rezvan Akhmadov, in order to take $45,000 from him. Movsar Baraev imitated active search for the killers of “his brother”. The executed prisoners were assigned the role of Akhmadov's killers and money thieves.

[In September 2002, fighters from a separate operational brigade of the Volga District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with FSB officers, during a special operation in Argun, detained three well-known militants: Magomed Khamzatov, brothers Peter and Anatoly Kuchushev, who acted under the call signs "Iznair" and "Tagir". All of them were part of the detachment of Movsar Barayev.

In Urus-Martan, while trying to resist, another leader of the bandit group was killed - Rustam Chankaev, nicknamed Krasny. Chankaev carried a pistol and a battery for the Kenwood radio station. It is believed that Suleimenov-Baraev, through younger commanders, controlled all the militants in Grozny - ed. K.Ru]

The last time information about him appeared a week and a half ago. On October 12, the deputy commander of the grouping of troops in Chechnya, Boris Podoprigora, once again announced that "Baraev died under pinpoint strikes by Russian artillery and aviation." However, the dead body was not presented.

Representatives of law enforcement agencies themselves claim that the captured building of the Palace of Culture is clearly well known to the terrorists, and the terrorist attack itself was carefully planned, it took more than one month to prepare it. So, someone prepared it in Moscow. As a spectator, he regularly went to the musical, got money, weapons and explosives ...

Chechen terrorists posted information about the hostage taking even before the first television reports appeared in Moscow, in the afternoon on the website

Is this message missed spices? Perceived as another duck?[...]

(2002-10-26 ) (23 years old) Place of death Affiliation

Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

Years of service commanded

Movsar Bukharievich Baraev(previously had the surname Suleymanov) (October 26, Argun, Chechen-Ingush ASSR, RSFSR, USSR - October 26, Moscow, Russia) - a Chechen terrorist, an active participant in the separatist movement in Chechnya, served as commander of the Islamic Special Purpose Regiment as part of the armed formations of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, terrorist. Nephew of Arbi Baraev. Gained fame in connection with his participation in the hostage-taking in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka in Moscow in October 2002.


“A native of Argun, a petty, unremarkable bandit, the nephew of the previously liquidated field commander Arbi Baraev. He graduated from ten classes, did not work or study, and after the death of his eminent relative, he put together a gang of four or five people. He robbed mainly in Argun and the village of Mesker-Yurt. How Movsar ended up at the head of a professionally trained gang in Moscow is unclear. Personally, he does not possess any professional terrorist and organizational skills, in this respect he is completely unprepared for such actions. I am sure that he is a dummy figure, the terrorists, apparently, are led by someone else, whose name the bandits for some reason keep a secret for the time being,” Colonel S.-S., head of the Chechen Internal Affairs Directorate, described him during the tragedy. Peshkhoev.

He was killed on October 26, 2002 during the assault on the building of the recreation center by the Alfa and Vympel special forces groups of the FSB. When asked by a journalist why he could not be taken alive, one of the participants in the assault said that “strong fire resistance” was conducted from a small room where his body was found, as a result of which it was decided to throw grenades at a group of militants. Baraev's body caused a great resonance, on which a half-empty bottle of Hennessy was found next to his hand on the floor, which was perceived by many as a deliberate insinuation (as well as reports on TV about the ransom demand). In the future, the participants in the assault explained this staged scene with some kind of internal tradition of the group. Together with Baraev, the rest of the terrorists were killed, including those who were in an unconscious state.

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An excerpt characterizing Baraev, Movsar Bukharievich

“The doctor says there is no danger,” said the countess, but while she was saying this, she raised her eyes with a sigh, and in this gesture there was an expression that contradicted her words.
- Where is he? Can you see him, can you? the princess asked.
- Now, princess, now, my friend. Is this his son? she said, turning to Nikolushka, who was entering with Desalle. We can all fit, the house is big. Oh what a lovely boy!
The countess led the princess into the drawing room. Sonya was talking to m lle Bourienne. The countess caressed the boy. The old count entered the room, greeting the princess. The old count has changed tremendously since the princess last saw him. Then he was a lively, cheerful, self-confident old man, now he seemed a miserable, lost person. He, speaking with the princess, constantly looked around, as if asking everyone whether he was doing what was necessary. After the ruin of Moscow and his estate, knocked out of his usual rut, he apparently lost consciousness of his significance and felt that he no longer had a place in life.
Despite the excitement in which she was, despite one desire to see her brother as soon as possible and annoyance because at that moment, when she only wants to see him, she is occupied and pretended to praise her nephew, the princess noticed everything that was going on around her, and felt the need for a time to submit to this new order into which she was entering. She knew that all this was necessary, and it was difficult for her, but she did not get annoyed with them.
“This is my niece,” said the count, introducing Sonya, “do you not know her, princess?”
The princess turned to her and, trying to extinguish the hostile feeling for this girl that had risen in her soul, kissed her. But it became difficult for her because the mood of everyone around her was so far from what was in her soul.
- Where is he? she asked again, addressing everyone.
“He’s downstairs, Natasha is with him,” answered Sonya, blushing. - Let's go find out. I think you are tired, princess?
The princess had tears of annoyance in her eyes. She turned away and wanted to ask the countess again where to go to him, when light, swift, as if cheerful steps were heard at the door. The princess looked round and saw Natasha almost running in, the same Natasha whom she did not like so much on that old meeting in Moscow.
But before the princess had time to look at the face of this Natasha, she realized that this was her sincere comrade in grief, and therefore her friend. She rushed to meet her and, embracing her, wept on her shoulder.
As soon as Natasha, who was sitting at the head of Prince Andrei, found out about the arrival of Princess Marya, she quietly left his room with those quick, as it seemed to Princess Marya, as if with cheerful steps, and ran to her.
On her excited face, when she ran into the room, there was only one expression - an expression of love, boundless love for him, for her, for everything that was close to a loved one, an expression of pity, suffering for others and a passionate desire to give herself all for in order to help them. It was evident that at that moment not a single thought about herself, about her relationship to him, was in Natasha's soul.
The sensitive Princess Marya, at the first glance at Natasha's face, understood all this and wept on her shoulder with sorrowful pleasure.
“Come on, let’s go to him, Marie,” Natasha said, taking her to another room.
Princess Mary raised her face, wiped her eyes, and turned to Natasha. She felt that she would understand and learn everything from her.
“What…” she began to question, but suddenly stopped. She felt that words could neither ask nor answer. Natasha's face and eyes should have said everything more clearly and deeply.
Natasha looked at her, but seemed to be in fear and doubt - to say or not to say everything that she knew; she seemed to feel that before those radiant eyes, penetrating into the very depths of her heart, it was impossible not to tell the whole, the whole truth as she saw it. Natasha's lip suddenly trembled, ugly wrinkles formed around her mouth, and she, sobbing, covered her face with her hands.
Princess Mary understood everything.
But she still hoped and asked in words in which she did not believe:
But how is his wound? In general, what position is he in?
“You, you ... will see,” Natasha could only say.
They sat for some time downstairs near his room in order to stop crying and come in to him with calm faces.
- How was the illness? Has he gotten worse? When did it happen? asked Princess Mary.
Natasha said that at first there was a danger from a feverish state and from suffering, but in the Trinity this passed, and the doctor was afraid of one thing - Antonov's fire. But that danger was over. When we arrived in Yaroslavl, the wound began to fester (Natasha knew everything about suppuration, etc.), and the doctor said that suppuration could go right. There was a fever. The doctor said that this fever was not so dangerous.
“But two days ago,” Natasha began, “it suddenly happened ...” She restrained her sobs. “I don't know why, but you'll see what he's become.
- Weakened? lost weight? .. - the princess asked.
No, not that, but worse. You will see. Ah, Marie, Marie, he's too good, he can't, can't live... because...

When Natasha, with a habitual movement, opened his door, letting the princess pass in front of her, Princess Marya already felt ready sobs in her throat. No matter how much she prepared herself, or tried to calm down, she knew that she would not be able to see him without tears.
Princess Mary understood what Natasha meant in words: it happened to him two days ago. She understood that this meant that he suddenly softened, and that softening, tenderness, these were signs of death. As she approached the door, she already saw in her imagination that face of Andryusha, which she had known since childhood, tender, meek, tender, which he had so rarely seen and therefore always had such a strong effect on her. She knew that he would say to her quiet, tender words, like those that her father had said to her before his death, and that she could not bear it and burst into tears over him. But, sooner or later, it had to be, and she entered the room. Sobs came closer and closer to her throat, while with her short-sighted eyes she more and more clearly distinguished his form and searched for his features, and now she saw his face and met his gaze.

Chechen-Ingush ASSR. Father - Bukhari Akhmedovich Suleimanov. Mother - Baraeva Larisa Alautdinovna. Brother Movsan. Sisters Raisa and Fatima. From the age of eighteen, he participated in the armed formations of separatists, was in the Islamic Special Purpose Regiment (IPON), commanded by his uncle Arbi Baraev. Subsequently, he became the personal bodyguard of Arbi Baraev.

On August 21, 2001, the death of Movsar Barayev was announced by the leadership of the FSB, even such details were given that Barayev was liquidated during a special operation, and the people surrounding the militant were well armed and shot to the last. About a week later, another official confirmation of Baraev's death followed. But then Baraev began to make comments on the websites of Chechen fighters, so he again had to be considered alive.

On October 12, 2002, Boris Podoprigora, deputy commander of the grouping of troops in Chechnya, announced that "Baraev died under pinpoint strikes by Russian artillery and aircraft." From the reports of the military, it became clear that in the mountains of the Urus-Martan region a large detachment of militants had been discovered and subjected to intensive bombing and artillery fire. Movsar's body was not shown, although the military usually tries to show the body (for example, the body of Arbi Baraev was shown in front of television cameras).

At the end of October 2002, on the orders of Shamil Basayev, he took part in a raid on Moscow as the commander of a sabotage and terrorist detachment.

On October 23, 2002, a group led by Baraev seized the building of the House of Culture in Moscow during the musical Nord-Ost, which was taking place there. Baraev demanded that the Russian authorities stop hostilities in Ichkeria and start negotiations with Aslan Maskhadov.

In the days of the tragedy, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Chechnya, Colonel Said-Selim Peshkhoev, described him as follows:

A native of Argun, a petty, unremarkable bandit, the nephew of the previously liquidated field commander Arbi Baraev. He graduated from ten classes, did not work or study, and after the death of his eminent relative, he put together a gang of four or five people. He robbed mainly in Argun and the village of Mesker-Yurt.

How Movsar ended up at the head of a professionally trained gang in Moscow is unclear. Personally, he does not possess any professional terrorist and organizational skills, in this respect he is completely unprepared for such actions. I am sure that he is a dummy figure, the terrorists, apparently, are led by someone else, whose name the bandits for some reason keep a secret for now. ". When asked by a journalist why he could not be taken alive, one of the participants in the assault said that “strong fire resistance” was conducted from a small room where his body was found, as a result of which it was decided to throw grenades at a group of militants. The footage of Baraev’s body, which showed a half-empty bottle of Hennessy on the floor next to his hand, was perceived by many as a deliberate insinuation (as well as TV reports about a ransom demand). In the future, the participants in the assault explained this staged scene with some kind of internal tradition of the group. Together with Baraev, the rest of the terrorists were killed, including those who were in an unconscious state.

In June 2001 he led the bandit formation of his own uncle Arbi Baraev ("Islamic Regiment"), who was killed during a special operation near the village of Alkhan-Kala. In the very first months of his command, Movsar was able to strengthen his position both among the leadership of the gangs distributing money, and among the subordinate commanders of small gangs. He managed to arrange generous funding for his gang at the expense of money received from Khattab. Moreover, as Colonel of the Russian Armed Forces Shabalkin notes, at first, Suleimenov’s teacher Khattab was extremely generous, transferring very large sums to the newly baked commander for organizing terrorist attacks and the salary of subordinates - about 600 thousand dollars. All other ringleaders began to receive money last. or not stand out at all. This situation extremely outraged the Chechen field commanders, who did not want to serve Khattab. As a result, part of the Chechen commanders murdered M. Baraev's comrade-in-arms, Emir of the Argun Jamaat Aslambek Adiev, who had previously been the commandant of the Shali district of Ichkeria.

In addition, M. Baraev was seen in conflict with the Chechen commander Usman Chenchiev. Its cause was the most common criminal redistribution of spheres of influence. Movsar Barayev has repeatedly committed terrorist attacks in the city of Argun, which Usman Chenchiev considers his zone of influence. This led to the fact that the federal forces began to conduct special operations and “cleansing operations” in the city, as a result of which Usman Chenchiev’s group suffered significant losses. It is precisely for these reasons, Colonel Shabalkin believes, that Aslambek Abdulkhadzhiev and Usman Chenchiev, who are supported by mid-level field commanders from among the Chechens, openly declared that they intended to kill Movsar Baraev and his “hookers”, because of whom the federals are smashing the Argun jamaat.

In addition, M. Baraev was repeatedly accused by the Russian special services of being involved in kidnappings and numerous terrorist attacks on the territory of the Chechen Republic. Information about the death of the field commander passed through the channels of news agencies several times, but each time Chechen illegal websites refuted it.

"Arbi Barayev was one of the most brutal, maniacal terrorists," and his unit was one of the most combat-ready. Such a description was given to one of the most famous Chechen field commanders by the assistant to the President of Russia, Sergei Yastrzhembsky.

Before the rebellion, Baraev was neither a prominent official nor a promoted Soviet officer.

The field commander, whose destruction is regarded by the authorities as a "major success for the federal forces," was 28 years old. Arbi Alautdinovich Baraev was born in 1973 in the village of Yermolovka near Grozny.

Unlike other leaders of the Chechen resistance, before the rebellion, Baraev was neither a prominent official nor a promoted Soviet officer. He received only a secondary education and until 1991 served as a foreman of the traffic police.

Moved "to the forefront" with the development of the separatist process. In 1995, he headed a self-defense detachment in the village of Alkhan-Kala. Then he was appointed commander of the "Islamic Special Purpose Regiment".

Intelligence agencies suspect that he is associated with high-ranking Moscow officials

By the end of the first stage of the Chechen conflict, Arbi Baraev was already an army general. On July 14-15, 1998, the fighters of his regiment provoked hostilities in Gudermes, which led to human casualties. For this, Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov stripped Barayev of his general rank and ordered the disbandment of the "Islamic Special Purpose Regiment."

After that, Baraev, who became famous in Chechnya under the nickname "Emir Tarzan", specializes in kidnappings. The special services suspect that he is connected with high-ranking Moscow officials, and this is precisely what they are trying to explain the success of his actions, such as the kidnapping of the representative of the President of Russia Valentin Vlasov, the FSB officers of Ingushetia Gribov and Lebedinsky, the representative of the administration of the Volgograd region Malyshev.

Representatives of the special services consider Barayev involved in the kidnapping and murder of Major General Gennady Shpigun, four subsequently beheaded citizens of Great Britain and New Zealand, as well as in the kidnapping of the Israeli boy Adi Sharon.

Arbi Baraev organized special detachments to deblock Grozny. The group consisted of more than 400 militants.

According to Lieutenant General Vladimir Moltensky, Acting Commander of the Joint Group of Forces in the North Caucasus, Barayev had a specially built prison in the village of Goiskoye to hold the hostages.

Baraev is considered involved in the kidnappings and murders not only of representatives of the federal authorities and foreigners, but also of local residents. Relatives of the deceased employee of the patrol service of Ingushetia declared a blood feud on Baraev, after which they repeatedly tried to kill him. However, federal forces were able to destroy Baraev.

According to the information they had, Arbi Baraev organized special detachments to deblock Grozny. The group consisted of more than 400 militants. The headquarters was located in the native village of Baraev Yermolovka.

The operation to eliminate the group lasted six days. It was carried out by the regional operational headquarters with the involvement of special forces of the FSB and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the Vityaz detachment of the Dzerzhinsky division of internal troops.

On the part of the federals, one person died in the operation. From the side of the separatists - 17.