Personality and its psychological structure briefly. The structure of personality in psychology

It's no secret that with age our skin does not change for the better: wrinkles appear, elasticity decreases, color and relief deteriorate. At a certain point, any woman begins to understand that the time has come to act and seek help - and above all, from a beautician. In a beauty salon, they can offer a range of procedures for restoring and rejuvenating the skin - it can be mesotherapy, chemical and enzyme peels, and many other methods. In addition, such a procedure as hyaluronic biorevitalization is very popular today. What is this procedure and why is it needed?


Hyaluronic biorevitalization will be very useful in the following conditions:

  • with dryness and dehydration of the skin, lethargy, sagging;
  • with excessive fat content and enlarged pores;
  • with loss of skin elasticity;
  • with acne and its consequences;
  • with stretch marks, cicatricial changes, superficial scars;
  • when changing the color of the skin caused by weathering, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, etc .;
  • in the presence of a visible capillary network;
  • with hyperpigmentation and freckles.


Before proceeding with the hyaluronic biorevitalization procedure, the cosmetologist will recommend the patient to carry out a little preparation, which consists in observing the following rules:

  • a few days before the procedure (about 4 days) it is necessary to stop taking antibiotics and drugs that affect blood clotting;
  • 7-10 days before the procedure, you can not go to the bath or sauna;
  • 14 days before the procedure, it is necessary to exclude sunburn, including in the solarium;
  • 3 hours before the start of biorevitalization, you should get rid of any cosmetics on the treated areas.

Immediately before the session, the skin in the treatment area should be clean and dry.

Technique for hyaluronic biorevitalization

The hyaluronic biorevitalization procedure can last up to 60 minutes, which depends mainly on the area of ​​the treated surface of the skin. How is the procedure?

The cosmetologist cleans the required area of ​​the skin, applies an anesthetic (usually a special cream). Next, the specialist makes intradermal injections of the drug in certain places: for this, he can use a syringe or a special injection device, which allows you to make the introduction of the substance more painless, accurate and uniform.

When chipping, the patient may feel slight discomfort, the degree of which depends on the individual level of pain threshold.

At the end of the introduction of the substance, the cosmetologist will give the necessary recommendations on the further care of the treated skin.

Types of hyaluronic acid for biorevitalization

There are at least two classifications of hyaluronic acid. They are divided depending on the chemical structure of the substance, and on the origin of the drug.

The chemical structure of hyaluronic acid is:

  • low molecular weight, which is “assembled” from short chain molecules and has an anti-inflammatory effect, which allows the use of such an acid for acne, psoriasis, herpes, superficial erosions and ulcers;
  • medium molecular weight, which has an effect that inhibits cell division and reproduction. This property is beneficial in the pathology of the joints and organs of vision;
  • high molecular weight, which is able to attract water molecules, thereby providing elasticity and moisture to the skin. It is this type of hyaluronic acid that is most often used for hyaluronic biorevitalization.

By its origin, hyaluronic acid is:

  • animal origin;
  • industrial production.

Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid of animal origin has a natural composition, its use often causes allergies or inflammatory reactions. Therefore, many experts have long preferred to use industrially produced hyaluronic acid, especially since the synthesis of such an acid is constantly being improved. For example, at present, microorganisms grown on a decoction of wheat are used to make industrial "hyaluronic acid".

Injection biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid injections for the face are more in demand than for other parts of the body. The injection biorevitalization procedure is used both for the general effect of rejuvenation and for the elimination of individual wrinkles and skin folds (for example, wrinkles on the forehead or above the lips).

Injectable hyaluronic acid acts as a crease-filling substance: it is this property that allows you to change and improve the contour of the face or its individual parts (for example, cheekbones). Injections can also be used to create volume in the cheeks, eyes, temples and lips.

Injection hyaluronic biorevitalization of the face is carried out at different tissue depths, depending on the desired final result.

Hyaluronic acid with zinc for biorevitalization

Often, in order for the result after hyaluronic biorevitalization to be as positive as possible, zinc is added to the preparation with hyaluronic acid. An example of such a combination drug is Mesolift from Outline.

Zinc is an essential trace element for the physiological processes in the body. Among the many properties of zinc, the following should be highlighted:

  • restoration of damaged cells;
  • processing of fatty acids;
  • allergy prevention;
  • prevention of skin microtraumas and early mimic wrinkles.

Thanks to the listed properties, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid with zinc provides a noticeable rejuvenation and strengthening of the skin. In addition, zinc is considered an excellent antiseptic, which significantly reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the skin.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid lips

Biorevitalization of the lips is considered one of the most popular procedures using hyaluronic acid. Injections of this kind are well accepted by tissues - that is, after the procedure there is no rejection, swelling or other unpleasant consequences.

Hyaluronic acid injections help to plump and reshape the lips. This correction can be done at almost any age - optimally - from 17 to 60 years.

Hyaluronic biorevitalization of the lips lasts no more than half an hour, and sometimes even less. Injections into the lips can be slightly painful, but many argue that the resulting effect overshadows all the discomfort: the lips become much younger, fuller, fresher.

The biorevitalization of the lips should not be confused with the introduction of silicone: the injected preparation with hyaluronic acid does not change its location and does not “migrate”, as many people think. The result remains stable for a long time.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid of the face

The use of hyaluronic biorevitalization in the face area is very popular. Usually, preparations are used for the procedure, which contain high-molecular or low-molecular hyaluronic acid. The use of low molecular weight acid allows you to enhance the production of collagen in the tissues, which provides elasticity and strength to the skin.

When treating the face, the hyaluronic preparation can be injected into the middle or deeper layers of the skin. With the chosen method, you can achieve:

  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • filling large wrinkles and folds;
  • correction of the shape of the cheekbones, frontal region, temples;
  • improvement of facial contours;
  • moisturizing and healing the skin.

For the best effect, it is necessary to choose the right drug for injection: this can be done by consulting with a cosmetologist who will carry out biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization of hair with hyaluronic acid

For hair, external influences are more often used in the form of detergents, masks or rinses with hyaluronic acid. However, most experts believe that it will not be possible to completely solve hair problems in this way: it is necessary to use the classic intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid preparations.

The introduction of intradermal injections has a direct effect on the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. This allows you to improve trophic processes and root microcirculation, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands and the composition of their secretions.

As a result of the procedure, the hair acquires shine, strength, becomes smooth and silky.

If the hair before the procedure was thin and weakened, then the effect may not be visible immediately: it takes time until new hair grows with strong and healthy rods.

Apparatus for the procedure of hyaluronic biorevitalization

For those who do not want or are afraid to inject hyaluronic acid, we can advise you to pay attention to hardware methods. Such methods involve the use of a low molecular weight version of hyaluronic acid, which has the form of a gel-like mass and is applied directly to the surface of the skin. The penetration of the substance deep into the tissues is provided by a special apparatus.

  • Hyaluronic laser biorevitalization is a method of exposure to "cold" pulsed rays on a molecular hydrocolloid. Before starting this procedure, the cosmetologist conducts hardware cleansing of the skin, which serves as a kind of preparation of the surface layers for deep penetration of hyaluronic acid. After the gel-like mass is distributed over the surface of the skin, the specialist proceeds to laser irradiation, due to which the hyaluronic filler penetrates the tissues.
  • Ultrasonic biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is somewhat reminiscent of the laser biorevitalization procedure, however, the effect on the skin is carried out not with laser beams, but with ultrasonic waves. After ultrasonic biorevitalization, it is important to regularly apply special restorative cosmetic products for several days, which will help to quickly soothe the skin and improve post-procedural regeneration.

Preparations for biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

All preparations that are used for hyaluronic biorevitalization contain one or another amount of hyaluronic acid. Currently, cosmetologists use at least 10 different similar products from different manufacturers. At the same time, most often experts prefer such well-known brands as IAL-system, Restylane Vital, Skin R, Surgilift + and Juvederm Hydrate.

  • IAL-systems is perhaps the most common drug that has an effect on almost any skin problem. A visible positive effect from this drug can be seen already 2 days after the procedure, and the effect can last at least six months.
  • Skin R is a brand new product that experts compare to a surgical facelift. The effectiveness of this new drug is explained not only by the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, but also by its rich amino acid composition, which greatly enhances the effect of the product.
  • Restylane Vital is a drug with a longer effect, which is explained by increased tissue moisture during the procedure. An excellent result can be achieved if this technique is used in combination with peeling procedures, Botox injections, plastic surgery, etc.

Which of the preparations for hyaluronic biorevitalization to choose, you should ask the beautician - a qualified specialist will always help you choose a quality product individually.

Contraindications for carrying out

Like any other procedure, hyaluronic biorevitalization has its own contraindications:

  • redness;
  • the formation of small nodules (papules);
  • small swellings or areas of swelling.
  • All of these signs are natural and temporary. They pass on their own within a few days, without requiring additional interventions.

    If a temperature appears after biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, then this indicates the addition of an infection and the onset of an inflammatory process. This can happen if the procedure was carried out by an insufficiently competent specialist, or with violations of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. The temperature can also be provoked by improper skin care after biorevitalization, ignoring the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

    Red spots after biorevitalization are usually temporary and are the result of skin irritation after injection. These spots usually go away on their own within 2-3 days. If this does not happen, and the redness is accompanied by itching and discomfort, then you should consult a doctor - perhaps the injected drug or anesthetic substance provoked the development of an allergic reaction.

  • it is impossible to start treatment with drugs that affect blood coagulation after the procedure.
  • When is the result visible?

    The first noticeable results appear 2-3 days after hyaluronic biorevitalization. At the same time, positive changes only intensify over time. The skin becomes healthy and fresh, the lips become moisturized, and the hair becomes manageable and radiant.

    Not known even 16 years ago, the word "biorevitalization" has firmly entered the lexicon of cosmetologists and women who take care of themselves. Now everyone knows how hyaluronic acid works on problematic or aging skin. The procedure is often called “beauty injections”, attributing fantastic results to them: smoothing wrinkles, saturating the skin with nutrients and moisture, rejuvenation. What are these magical injections and do they really help to stay young and beautiful for a long time?

    Preparations for biorevitalization

    Most people are sure that biorevitalization is carried out by introducing only hyaluronic acid preparations under the skin.

    However, there are three types of drugs:

    • Injection of hyaluronic acid.
    • Hyaluronic acid preparations in combination with vitamins, peptides, amino acids, salts, etc.
    • Nucleotides that can affect DNA and "repair" it.

    The most common injections of the first two types of drugs. Nucleotides in our country are not yet very widely used and are quite expensive.

    Hyaluronic acid is the basis of the procedure

    Hyaluronic acid is the main "brick" in the structure of skin cells. It is she who is able to retain moisture and nutrients. Over the years, the natural production of hyaluronic acid by the body decreases significantly, and the older the age, the lower the indicator of its content in the skin.

    The introduction of preparations with hyaluronic acid not only equips the cells with moisture and vitamins, but also triggers the skin's natural ability to restore and regenerate. That is why the effect of the procedure is not instantaneous, it intensifies every day after the introduction of the biorevitalizant and lasts a long time.

    Nucleotides act differently:

    • get inside the DNA
    • looking for violations and breaks in the chain,
    • act on damaged areas, restoring the cell.

    Types: injection and hardware

    Hearing a "prick" or "injection", even the bravest of the weak half of humanity experience fear. Classical biorevitalization is called injection, i.e. the drug is injected by the doctor with a small syringe with a thin needle.

    Science does not stand still, and in addition to the usual injections, scientists have developed another type of drug administration: hardware hyaluronic acid. To do this, use a special device with a laser, which, under the guidance of an experienced doctor, is able to inject strictly dosed solutions under the skin completely painlessly.

    Which is better?

    Both methods lead to high results, namely:

    • completely eliminate fine wrinkles;
    • smooth out large ones;
    • give the skin elasticity, healthy color;
    • saturate the skin with moisture;
    • keep the effect for a long time.

    The main difference between the two methods is that manual biorevitalization using hyaluronic acid can be painful. There is no pain during hardware treatment of the skin.

    There are differences in cost: laser technologies are more expensive than conventional injections.

    Is it possible to rejuvenate only the face?

    This is a delusion - there are no restrictions for biorevitalization. Most often, it is used on the most exposed parts of the body: on the face, neck, chest, arms, applicable. At the request of the client, the procedure can be performed anywhere (legs, abdomen, back).

    Is it possible for men?

    Sessions of the introduction of biorevitalizants are not contraindicated for the male half of the population. The aging process of their skin proceeds in the same way as in women, so the introduction of hyaluronic acid has a positive effect on men, moisturizing the skin, smoothing wrinkles.

    In our country, few men visit cosmetologists, which is associated with the Russian mentality. However, as in Europe, more and more men are striving not only to earn good money, but also to look presentable. For such “mods”, biorevitalization opens up unlimited opportunities to be stylish, healthy, beautiful.

    Possible consequences of non-injection and injection biorevitalization

    Hyaluronic acid cannot harm the body. In other words, its introduction is completely safe. There are a number of few side effects that pass very quickly.

    The consequences of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid may be as follows:

    • Redness of the skin after the procedure. It occurs as a reaction of the skin to an external stimulus. Treatment does not require, disappears on its own in 1-2 days.
    • Paleness of the skin at injection sites. It arises as a reaction of blood vessels and nerve endings to a mechanical effect. Treatment is not required, disappears on its own in a couple of days.
    • Barely noticeable traces of injections. Disappear in 2-3 days. Not available with laser treatment.
    • Edema, hematomas - extremely rare. The reason is not a qualified procedure, violations of sanitary and hygienic conditions.


    The procedure is well tolerated by patients, there are no very strict contraindications. Allergy sufferers need to be careful, because. they have a very sensitive immune system that can work in an unpredictable way on hyaluronic acid and other components of the drug.

    You can not do the procedure on damaged and inflamed areas of the skin, as well as if there are spider veins and varicose veins.

    Non-injection biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is not recommended for people with a history of tumors.

    Hyaluronic acid cannot harm the body.

    Result duration

    The result is stable. The minimum period during which the skin looks healthy and young is 3 months. The maximum is up to two years.

    Of course, one procedure will not give a long-term desired effect. In addition, the introduction of a large volume of drugs does not increase the visible result. The basis of "beauty injections" is the sequential introduction of small doses of hyaluronic acid solution at mandatory intervals. Therefore, a complex of injections is carried out: as a rule, 2-3 sessions are enough with a break between them of about two weeks.

    What can not be done after the procedure?

    After the session, additional care is not required. We list what can not be done after biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid:

    1. Use cream, apply masks and do makeup - a day after the session.
    2. Take anticoagulant drugs - during the first day.
    3. Apply antiseptics and anti-inflammatory ointments and creams - two days.
    4. Drink alcohol and alcohol-containing cocktails - the first 2-3 days.
    5. Swim in the pool, sea, river - two weeks after biorevitalization.
    6. Take a tan in the solarium - two weeks minimum.
    7. Take a steam bath, visit the sauna and SPA - at least 10 days.

    The procedure for injecting biorevitalization can be viewed in this video:

    Biorevitalization is a modern procedure for keeping the skin in good shape. It has practically no contraindications and is easily tolerated by patients. Suitable for both men and women. It does not require special preparation, as well as special care after the session.

    The laser procedure is completely painless and has the same effect as classic injections. The cost of the injection method is somewhat lower than the hardware one.

    You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

    Pigmentation on the face is manifested by the appearance of dark spots of various sizes and shapes. There are many ways to solve this problem. Injections from age spots on the face are one of the most effective methods of dealing with skin color disorders.

    The appearance of brown spots on the face is associated with excessive production of melanin, a pigment that creates a protective barrier against ultraviolet radiation. A similar phenomenon is observed when the body suffers from any disease or exposure to external factors.

    The appearance of pigmented formations is affected by:

    • abuse of being in direct sunlight;
    • lack of vitamins in the body;
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • hormonal disruptions, changes in the body;
    • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
    • age-related diseases;
    • oncological processes;
    • exposure to harmful toxic substances;
    • pathological processes in the digestive tract.

    To identify the cause of hyperpigmentation, a person needs to consult a doctor.

    The effectiveness of injections from pigmentation

    Modern medicine and cosmetology have developed many ways to combat the increased formation of pigmented areas on the face and body. Injections are an alternative between hardware treatment and the use of topical preparations. According to clients of cosmetology salons, the service of misotherapy, biorevitalization are effective in the treatment of hyperchromia.

    The result after 2 sessions of injections from age spots is noticeable even in the photo.


    Mesotherapy is the introduction of special medicinal "cocktails" into the subcutaneous layer of the face in order to reduce age spots. The mixture is selected individually, depending on the intensity of pigmentation, the individual characteristics of the client. The composition of solutions for mesotherapy includes:

    • ascorbic acid - promotes skin whitening;
    • fetinic acid - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
    • vitamin complexes - nourish the skin, improve metabolic processes;
    • a drug for stopping the activity of melanocytes;
    • pyruvic acid - help in the production of collagen fibers.

    Mesotherapy for facial pigmentation has a wider spectrum of action than biorevitalization. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to get rid of pigmented formations, improve the condition of the skin.


    This option is a subspecies of mesotherapy. It has a narrower spectrum of influence. Hyaluronic acid injections are used. The substance is an analogue of natural, completely eliminates the occurrence of allergic reactions. The introduction of microscopic doses of the drug normalizes blood flow, stimulates the production of collagen and improves the condition of the skin.

    The procedure is practically painless and does not require additional anesthesia. Obvious improvements are noticeable after the first session.

    Before carrying out a cosmetic procedure, you should make sure that the specialists are qualified. It is better to visit salons that practice such treatment for a long time and have positive reviews.

    How is the procedure

    Before removing pigmented formations with a cosmetic method, it is necessary to determine the cause of their occurrence. This can be done through a diagnostic test.


    Before starting, the cosmetologist selects the most relevant substance for a particular patient. The doctor explains to the patient the features, reports the likelihood of side effects, possible concomitant symptoms. A treatment regimen is planned, including consecutive injection sessions.

    Before carrying out, a person needs to pay attention to the skin for about two weeks. Use special bleaching agents, which will later be used between injection sessions.

    Substance introduction

    Injection treatment begins with disinfection. A special antiseptic agent is used to treat the skin. A person should pay attention to the sanitary standards of the cosmetologist's office - whether disposable gloves, a syringe are used, in what conditions vials with contents are stored.

    If necessary, additional local anesthesia is used. The buyer of the service can choose the method of anesthesia - subcutaneous administration of the drug, the use of a special gel or aerosol.

    The injection is made with a thin small needle to a depth of 2 to 4 millimeters, depending on the treated area of ​​the body. The cosmetologist cuts off the problem area, then treats the skin with an anti-inflammatory serum to prevent redness, swelling, itching, and accelerate the healing process. The full course of treatment consists of 5 to 10 sessions.

    Care after the procedure

    At the end of the procedure, to ensure a lasting effect, the client should follow the basic rules of care:

    • do not visit the sauna, bath, swimming pool for at least 2 weeks;
    • limit stress, including fitness classes;
    • in summer, before going out, apply sunscreen creams for 3 days;
    • observe hygiene procedures;
    • the first 3 days do not use foundation.

    Compliance with the basic rules of skin care after an injection session will help to achieve the maximum result and keep it for a long time.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Despite the benefits and positive effects of vitamin injections, injections of this type have contraindications.

    Mesotherapy or biorevitalization from age spots is contraindicated in women during the period of bearing a child, nursing mothers. It is unacceptable to carry out similar to children under 12 years old. Injection sessions are not performed for women with rashes, acne during menstruation, or an allergic reaction to the components of the injected substance.

    Do not forget about possible complications, in which redness of the areas, swelling, soreness of the puncture sites, bruises or bumps appear. If hygiene standards are not observed, there is a risk of developing an inflammatory process, suppuration.

    Injections of "beauty" are a simple and universal method of dealing with pigmentation, improving the condition of the skin. Before carrying out such an event, it is necessary to establish the true cause of this phenomenon. Only a qualified specialist of a medical institution can help.