It is no secret that the grade in the exam often depends on the correct filling of the exam form. Typical mistakes when filling out the exam forms If you filled out the exam form incorrectly


What is the USE?

The Unified State Examination (USE) is the main form of final state certification at school for all graduates of schools in the Russian Federation, including foreign citizens who graduated from Russian schools, stateless persons, refugees and internally displaced persons.

Universities and colleges use the results of the Unified State Examination as the results of entrance examinations.

More details can be found on the website in the section Basic information about the exam

What is GIA in grade 9?

The GIA of 9th grade graduates is a state (final) certification of students who have mastered the educational programs of basic general education, which is a new form of organizing exams using standardized tasks. Their implementation makes it possible to establish the level of development of the federal state standard of basic general education.

More details can be found on the website in the section Graduates of Grades 9 (GIA)

What items do you need to submit?

Compulsory for all school graduates of the current year are exams in the Russian language and mathematics. Positive grades in these subjects are required to obtain a certificate. If a graduate intends to continue his education in a higher or secondary vocational school, he must pass the so-called optional subjects.

Can I refuse to participate in the exam?

Graduates with disabilities have the right to choose the form of state certification, that is, they can take final exams in the traditional form or in the form of the Unified State Examination.

What can you use during the exam?

Can be taken to the exam

In mathematics - a ruler

In physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator

Chemistry - non-programmable calculator

Geography - a ruler, a non-programmable calculator and a protractor

Other materials and technical means are not allowed to be used in the exam.

Who and when admits school graduates to the state final certification?

Graduates of educational institutions with annual marks in all general education subjects of the curriculum for grades X, XI (XII) not lower than satisfactory are allowed to the state (final) certification.

The final grades are determined as the arithmetic mean of the graduate's annual grades for grades X, XI(XII) and are entered in the certificate as whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding, i.e. to the big side.

The decision on admission to the state (final) certification is made by the pedagogical council of the educational institution and issued by order no later than May 25 of the current year.

Do the results of the exam affect the grades in the certificate?

The results of the exam affect the receipt of the certificate, but not the grades that are put in the certificate. Positive results of the state (final) certification in Russian language and mathematics (overcoming the minimum limit) are the basis for issuing a certificate of secondary (complete) general education to the graduate.

Do the results of the exam affect the receipt of a medal?

To obtain a certificate, a graduate must pass two compulsory subjects - Russian and mathematics, and score on them the number of points not lower than the minimum thresholds established by Rosobrnadzor. If a graduate scored insufficient points in two compulsory subjects at the same time or in one of them, taking into account the retake, then, accordingly, a certificate and a medal are not issued.

What are the exam questions?

KIMs include tasks of 3 types:

A - with the choice of the correct answer from the four proposed (tasks of this type are not in the USE in mathematics, literature and foreign languages);

B - with a short free answer (phrase or number);

C - with a detailed free answer (verbal justification, mathematical derivation, essay, evidence, presentation of one's own position).

Do the barcodes on all the forms in one individual package have to match?

The barcodes of the forms of the individual examination package should not match, this is one of the means of information protection.

Is it possible to find assignments for the exam and answers to them somewhere?

Do not fall for tempting offers to buy "USE results". Acquiring such answers is nothing but a waste of money. For more details, see the Black List section.

What are the best resources to use when preparing for the exam?

To prepare for the exam, it is best to use textbooks.

In addition, on the official information portal of the Unified State Examination you can get acquainted with the demonstration versions of KIM of different years, including the current year, as well as with the specifications of the examination papers. The FIPI website hosts an open segment of the Federal Bank of Test Materials, which includes assignments that were actually used during the USE in different years in all general education subjects.

Who and how checks the answers to the USE assignments?

Answers to tasks of type A (choice from options) and type B (short free answers) are checked using a computer.

Tasks of type C (detailed free answers) are checked by two independent experts from among the teachers appointed for this work by the local state examination commission (SEC). Each expert puts down marks for each answer to the task in the protocol. In the event of a discrepancy in the assessments of two experts, a third one is appointed.

After that, the information is automatically entered into the computer, and the corresponding files are sent via secure communication channels to the FCT. The FCT automatically calculates points for each student, which are stored in the federal database.

What should I do if a participant misses an exam due to illness?

A graduate who missed the Unified State Exam due to illness submits a medical certificate to the school, (graduates of previous years - to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that manages education, or the local government that manages education, depending on the organizational and territorial scheme for conducting the USE in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), in which a graduate was registered for passing the USE. And the school or the relevant body must promptly transfer the information to the state examination commission so that it appoints the graduate another day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

Anyone wishing to take the USE, who was not able to participate in the USE in the main wave for a good reason, documented (illness, family circumstances, final exams at a technical school and other reasons), has the right to apply for the USE before July 5 to local authorities education.

They have the right to pass the exam in additional terms:

Graduated from institutions of NGOs, SPO in the current academic year and did not have the opportunity to participate in the Unified State Examination in May-June;

Those who received a secondary (complete) general education in foreign educational institutions and did not have the opportunity to participate in the Unified State Examination in May-June;

Graduates of previous years who did not have the opportunity to participate in the exam in May-June;

Graduates of the current year who missed passing the exam on the main dates for good reasons;

Graduates of the current year who received an unsatisfactory result in one compulsory subject at the state (final) certification and, for good reasons, did not use the right to retake it on the reserve days of the main USE period.

The rest pass the exam in the main terms.

What to do if you did not find your last name in the list of USE participants in the subject?

If you did everything right when submitting the application, then, most likely, the application could be lost as a result of a technical failure. If the participant is a graduate of the current year, then you need to contact the educational institution where he is completing his studies. If the participant is a graduate of previous years, or from another category of participants, one should contact the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that manages education at the place of residence. Those, in turn, must check with the regional Information Processing Center (RTsOI) whether it is possible to find the lost application. As a last resort, all issues related to such situations should be decided by the SEC.

What to do if the exams in the necessary subjects according to the general schedule are taken on the same day?

In this case, the USE schedule provides for reserve days. If you hand over a large number of subjects of your choice (more than 8) and do not meet the main deadlines, then, by decision of the SEC, you may be allowed to hand over the remaining subjects on additional days in July.

Can you not come to the exam, for which you signed up, but it turned out to be not needed upon admission? What will be noted in the database?

You can not come to the exam, which is not included in the list of basic ones. In case of failure to appear for the exam, information is not entered into the federal database.

The exam in the subject is considered not passed only if the USE participant scored the number of points below the minimum threshold established by Rosobrnadzor. In this case, the result is entered into the federal database, but not into the certificate of USE results.

What should I do if the child has errors in filling out the last name, first name, patronymic, passport data in the pass for the Unified State Examination?

If this was discovered before the exam, you must contact the educational institution that issued the pass to correct the data.

If this was found out during the exam, then it is necessary to CORRECTLY indicate the data in the REGISTRATION FORM and ask the organizers to make changes to the database.

If errors are found in the protocol with the results of the USE, it is necessary through the representatives of the school or the PES to inform about the need for changes in the database before the certificate of the results of the USE is printed.

If an unsatisfactory grade is received in a subject of choice, is it possible to retake the subject this year?

It will be possible to retake only next year. And this year, you can retake only one of the required exams (Russian language or mathematics), since a positive assessment in these subjects is a prerequisite for obtaining a certificate.

If you are not satisfied with the result of the exam, can you file an appeal about disagreement with the points given?

An appeal of disagreement with the points given can be filed within two working days from the date of the announcement of the results of the exam. Graduates of the current year can file an appeal about disagreement with the points given to the school, other USE participants - at the USE point where they took the exam.

If I complete the USE assignment before the scheduled time, can I turn in the work and leave?

USE participants who completed the examination paper ahead of schedule can hand it over to the organizers and leave the PES without waiting for the end of the exam, but no later than 15 minutes before its official end

If a participant is removed from the exam, will he be allowed to retake?

The organizers in the PES, together with the authorized representative of the SEC, draw up an act on the removal of the USE participant from the exam.

After the exam, the act on the removal of the USE participant from the exam is transferred to the SEC for verification of the fact of removal and a decision on the possibility of admitting the USE participant to retake.

Will a participant be removed from the exam if they are found to have a mobile phone at the end of the exam?

USE participants are not entitled to communicate with each other, move freely around the classroom and the USE venue, use electronic computers and reference materials (with the exception of additional devices and materials that are allowed to be used at the USE in certain general education subjects, their list is approved by Rosobrnadzor for each general education subject).

The authorized representative of the SEC informs the participants of the exam, organizers, assistants and public observers about the need for mandatory delivery of mobile phones, other means of communication, electronic computers for the duration of the exam before the start of the exam. In the PES, the safety of handed over mobile phones and other means of communication must be ensured.

If telephones and other means of communication are found among the participants of the Unified State Exam, the organizers or authorized representatives of the SEC remove them from the point of the Unified State Examination. In this case, the organizers or authorized representatives of the SEC draw up an act on the removal of these persons from the USE venue.

The SEC checks the fact of removal and makes decisions on the possibility of admitting the USE participant to retake the USE.

Can the organizers answer questions about filling out the forms?

Before the start of the exam, the organizers instruct participants in the exam, including informing about the rules for filling out forms. The organizers are obliged to answer questions related to the design of the forms, but must not answer questions related to the content of control measuring materials. If the organizer refuses to answer questions about the procedure for filling out forms, then this is a violation of the procedure for conducting the exam. The USE participant can report violations immediately to the PES

What happens if a student forgot to put his signature on the form or forgot to indicate the school code?

The correct filling of the forms is very important not only for the correct reading of the answers to the tasks, but also for the identification of the work itself. In case of incorrect or incomplete filling of the registration forms and registration fields in the answer forms, a delay in receiving the USE results is quite likely.

To replace the erroneous answers in parts A and B, two cells are given for numbering questions. If the number is single-digit, then in which cell should the number be placed - in the first or second?

If the form is filled out correctly, the computer is programmed to read any spelling.

How to replace erroneous answers?

Substitution of answers is allowed:

In part A - no more than 12. To do this, enter the number of the erroneously completed task in the corresponding field of the area for replacing erroneous answers, and mark the correct answer in the line of cells.

In part B - no more than 6. To change the answer, it is necessary to put down the number of the corrected task of type B in the corresponding replacement fields and write down the new value of the correct answer.

What if there is not enough space to write answers in Part C?

If there is not enough space for answers on the front side of the answer form No. 2, the USE participant can continue to write on the back of the form by making the entry "look on the back" at the bottom of the front side. If there is not enough space for answers on the main answer form No. 2, the USE participant can continue to record on an additional answer form No. 2, issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the participant.

Where exactly on form No. 2 should the entry "look on the back" be made - under the frame or inside the frame?

The note "see on the back" should be made at the bottom of the front side of the form. There are no other indications and, therefore, it does not matter where exactly the entry was made - in the frame or under it.

Are drafts reviewed?

Drafts are not processed or checked.

How are the answer forms for the tasks of part B filled out?

When performing tasks with a short answer (task type B), the answers should be recorded in the answer form in strict accordance with the rules for recording answers specified in the KIMs.

Answers are recorded in the answer area "Results of tasks of type B with a short answer" to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell.

When recording the answer, you must strictly follow the model (see the top of the answer sheet No. 1).

The answer must be written completely and legibly.

Each character is written in a separate cell. It is allowed to write characters not in cells if there are more letters in the answer than cells in the field. But even in this case, the answer should not go beyond the boundaries of the answer field for this task.

If it is required to write an answer consisting of two or more words, then each word should be written separately, as required by the spelling rules. If the instructions for doing the work indicate another form of writing an answer to this task, then you must follow it. If the answer to the task is a word missing in the text, then this word is written in the form (case, gender, number) in which it should appear in the text.

The numeric answer must be written as an integer or a final decimal. Rounding of decimal fractions is performed only if there is a corresponding instruction in the instructions for completing the task.

It is forbidden:

1. Write abbreviated words in your answer.

2. When writing the answer, place the symbols one below the other in one cell.

3. Write down the answer as a mathematical expression or formula.

4. Write in the answer the names of the units of measurement (degrees, percentages, meters, tons, etc.).

5. Make any entries and notes in the answer field that are not the answer to the task.

If there are not enough Part C answer sheets on the exam, are drafts considered?

Please note that drafts are not processed or reviewed. Additional forms for answering the tasks of part C are supplied to the region in sufficient quantities, and the regional education authority is obliged to provide them with all points of the exam. The organizers are obliged to issue forms upon first request. If the participant is not given additional forms upon request, this is considered a gross violation of the examination procedure. The USE participant can declare immediately at the examination point by filing an appeal about the violation of the USE procedure.

Is it possible to make any notes in KIMs?

For work records, USE participants are given drafts. It is not recommended to make notes in KIMs.

Will an additional form be taken into account, on which the answer is written, but the participant did not have time to fill in the registration fields?

According to the instructions, the registration fields must be filled in, but the sheet should not be lost. As a last resort, you can file an appeal if you think that the answer on the supplementary form has not been taken into account.

If the participant has spoiled the form, can it be replaced?

Before the exam, you must carefully read the rules for filling out the forms that are given in KIM. In addition, the rules are reflected in the instructions for completing tasks. If, in your opinion, the form is damaged, you need to invite the organizer to assess whether the form is really damaged or whether it is enough to make corrections in it. Misspellings or typographical errors (in the registration form or in answer form No. 1 or No. 2) are not grounds for replacement. It must be borne in mind that it is impossible to change the form separately from the individual set. Only the whole set changes, and the exam tasks will be completely replaced. We pay special attention to the fact that the replacement of forms can be carried out only before the start of the exam, i.е. before the start of the tasks. If the form was damaged during the exam, then the entire set must be handed over to the organizer in the audience and leave the PES. Then you need to sign up for the exam on the reserve day.

If a participant forgets to write "see back", will the back of the form be checked?

Both sides will be processed and checked, as both sides of the answer form are scanned for experts. However, if you have doubts about the correctness of the processing, you have the right to file an appeal for disagreement with the points awarded, in which you can see if your answer written on the reverse side was taken into account.

If the form is incorrect, will the work be checked?

Even if the form is drawn up with violations, it must be checked under the supervision of the chairman of the subject commission.

In which case can a participant change the exam kit?

A new set of examination materials is issued only if the USE participant discovers a marriage or incomplete examination materials.

How many days are exam papers checked?

Verification and processing of the USE forms in the Russian language and mathematics in the region should be completed no later than 6 days, and in other subjects - 4 days after the corresponding exam.

When is the minimum number of points announced?

The minimum number of USE points for each general education subject is announced by Rosobrnadzor 6-10 days after the USE.

And if you didn’t get points in the Russian language or mathematics?

For a graduate to obtain a certificate, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and mathematics are important. Every year, during the main period of the USE (in May-June), after all USE participants pass the exam in the subject, Rosobrnadzor sets the minimum number of points. If you have achieved it, then you will receive a certificate. If a graduate does not gain the required minimum in one subject, then he can be retaken on reserve days (see the USE Schedule section). If the results are low both in the Russian language and in mathematics, a certificate is not issued. Such a graduate receives a certificate. He can retake exams and get a certificate only from next year.

Where can I find the results of the exam?

A graduate of the current year learns the results of the Unified State Examination at his school, other participants of the Unified State Examination - in the PES or in another way, which is established in each region by the education authority, for example, via the Internet (FREE).

After the appeal, the number of points was increased. What to do if the old result appears in the certificate?

In the event of a change in points, the new result is entered into the Federal Database of Certificates of USE results, and new points must be entered in the certificate, or the certificate is replaced. In case of problems, you must contact the education authority.

We will be announced the number of points received, but how can we look at our work? Do I need to write an application for this? And where are the jobs?

You can view your work when considering an appeal of disagreement with the points given. The conflict committee requests printed images of the examination paper of the graduate who filed the appeal, which are then presented to the USE participant, from the RCOI.

Examination papers completed by USE participants are stored in the regional information processing center (RTsOI).

What parts of KIM can be appealed to?

An appeal is filed for disagreement with the results of the exam as a whole. Which part is not specified in the application. The USE participant who filed the appeal is given the opportunity to make sure that his examination paper has been checked and evaluated in accordance with the established requirements.

To whom is the appeal being made?

An appeal about a violation of the procedure for conducting the exam is submitted to an authorized representative of the SEC on the day of the exam at the point where the exam is held; an appeal about disagreement with the points given - to the conflict commission or to your school within 2 working days from the moment the results are announced.

What decisions can the conflict commission make, for example, can it allow you to retake the exam?

Having considered the appeal of disagreement with the scores, the conflict committee may decide to reject the appeal and retain the scores, or to satisfy the appeal and assign other scores. The decision to retake the exam can only be made on appeal according to the procedure for conducting the exam. The decision of the conflict commission must be brought to the attention of the person who filed the appeal against signature.

Who should deliver the appeal to the conflict commission?

An application for consideration of an appeal on disagreement with the results is submitted to the educational institution in which the participant was admitted to the state (final) certification. The responsible representative of the institution who accepted the appeal must immediately transfer it to the conflict commission. The participant who filed the appeal has the right, at his discretion, to be present or not to be present during its consideration.

Is it possible to appeal the decision of the conflict commission to the Federal Conflict Commission?

Any decisions of public authorities or commissions created by these authorities can be challenged in court.

The Federal Conflict Commission is being created to consider appeals from participants who take the Unified State Examination outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

If you do not agree with the decision of the conflict commission, you have the right to apply to Rosobrnadzor with a statement of facts and arguments. In this case, additional verification may be carried out.

Is the exam paper handed out?

A scanned image of the examination paper can be presented to the USE participant (legal representative) only during the appeal procedure. He is given the opportunity to make sure that his examination paper is checked and evaluated in accordance with the established requirements. Work is not handed out.

Is the outcome of the appeal immediately known?

On the day of the consideration of the appeal, you are informed about the decision of the conflict commission and are offered to sign the protocol of the consideration of the appeal.

If, as a result of an appeal, the result is increased, when will it be recorded?

If, based on the results of the consideration of the appeal of disagreement with the results of the exam, the conflict commission decides to satisfy the appeal and assign other points, the conflict commission passes the relevant information to the RCSC and further according to the appropriate scheme for further approval by the SEC. After following all the procedures, the data will go to the FBS (federal database of certificates of the results of the exam).

If the conflict commission decides to retake the exam, but the participant wrote the second paper for a smaller number of points, is it possible to put the first result on the certificate?

The conflict commission may decide to retake the exam only if an appeal has been filed about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the exam. In this case, the first test result is canceled, and the result obtained during the retake is entered in the certificate, which will be reflected in the FBS (the federal database of certificates of USE results).

Is it possible to correct a misjudgment made by the computer due to an incorrect item in part A or B?

In such cases, the conflict committee should consult with the designers of the CMM. If the developers confirm that there is an error, then all USE participants who completed this option, depending on their answer, the results for these tasks will be counted as correct.

What to do if the day of the appeal (meeting of the conflict commission) coincides with the day of the exam?

The day of your appeal does not have to be the same day as the exam you are taking. In this case, you need to contact the conflict commission and reschedule the day or time for the consideration of the appeal.

If, during the appeal, it turns out that the score was set correctly, are the points removed "as a punishment"?

Based on the results of the consideration of the appeal of disagreement with the scores, the conflict commission decides either to reject the appeal and retain the scores, or to satisfy the appeal and assign other scores. There is no penalty for filing an appeal.

How to restore the certificate of the results of the exam, which is lost?

In cases of loss of a certificate of USE results or damage (damage), an educational institution (executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education, a local government body exercising management in the field of education) issues a duplicate certificate of USE results, if the validity period of this certificate has not expired.

Duplicates are issued within seven days from the date of submission of a written application by the USE participant to the educational institution (the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that manages education, the local government that manages education) that issued him a certificate of USE results. If the certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination is lost, the application must state the circumstances of the loss of the certificate and provide documents confirming the fact of loss.

In case of damage to the certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination, the application must state the circumstances and nature of the damage, excluding the possibility of further use, with the damaged (damaged) certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination, which is destroyed in the prescribed manner.

What is the deadline for issuing a certificate of the results of the exam?

Certificates of passing the USE in the main ones, as a rule, are issued from June 24, and certificates of passing the USE in additional terms - from July 23.

Will information about failed exams be somehow reflected in the documents?

Information about failed exams in a particular subject is entered into the federal database. In the certificate of the results of the exam, no marks are made about these exams.

The certificate of the results of the exam has the data of the passport. What to do if the participant lost his passport after the exam?

If you lose your passport, you should write a statement to the police and get a certificate that will indicate the details of the lost passport. This certificate will replace the lost passport until a new document is received. The new passport will be stamped with the details of the old passport.

On the basis of what does the USE participant receive a certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination, if the passport is being processed? Is a birth certificate and citizenship insert and a certificate from the school proving identity sufficient to obtain?

A birth certificate is not an identity document. For the period of issuing a passport, the migration services issue a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is he who must be presented to receive a certificate of the results of the exam.

Can parents get a certificate of USE results?

The certificate of the results of the exam is issued:

To the USE participant or his parents (legal representatives) upon presentation of a document proving his identity;

To a person authorized by the USE participant, on the basis of a document proving his identity, and a power of attorney drawn up in the prescribed manner.

Is the validity period of the certificate of USE results extended for those returning from the army?

Persons who passed the Unified State Examination within a year before being drafted into military service have the right to use the results of these exams within a year after their dismissal from military service when entering accredited universities and colleges (clause 4.5. Article 15. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education") .

The form is filled with a non-black gel pen

After processing (scanning) the form, the inscriptions made with an ordinary blue pen are not clearly visible. The inscriptions made in pencil are not visible at all.

The pen should leave a clear (not greasy) mark without gaps. This rule also applies to the answer sheet No. 2, in which solutions to the tasks of part C are recorded.

The form is not filled out according to the pattern of writing characters

The top of the Registration Form and Answer Form #1 tells you how to write letters, numbers, and other valid characters. If the USE participant neglected the sample, the computer may incorrectly recognize what was written.

Form filled out incorrectly

Inaccurately filled fields can also be recognized incorrectly.

Incorrect recording of fractions in the answers

Recording decimal fractions in answer forms No. 1 is unacceptable. Each decimal symbol must be written in a separate box. A comma is best written in the lower third of the window.

Writing Units in Answers

In answer forms No. 1, it is also unacceptable to write units of measurement after the number after the number (percentages, meters, degrees, grams, etc.).

Incorrect spelling of the names of monarchs

The serial numbers of the monarchs in the answer sheet No. 1 should be written only in words without spaces. For example, "VASILIY THIRD", "PETER THE FIRST". The same applies to the record of centuries ("SIXTEENTH" instead of "XVI").

Misuse of the form

Some USE participants use form No. 2 (for part C) as a draft for solving part A or B.

Exiting the fields of the answer sheet No. 2

Entries in the answer sheet No. 2 should not go beyond the bounding box. After scanning, text that is out of bounds will be lost. It is the scanned copies that get to the expert who checks the answers of part C. If the USE participant does not comply with this rule, it will be difficult to read and correctly evaluate his work.

Using a Corrector to Correct Errors

According to the rules for filling out the USE forms, it is not allowed to use a corrector (“putty”, “stroke”). Moreover, the corrector is not included in the list of items allowed for use in the exam. To replace one answer option with another in part A or B, you must use the special area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe form.

Particles of the proofreader may fall off when scanning the work. This will not only lead to a significant slowdown in the processing of forms, but also ruin all subsequent forms with a line, as indicated in the figure. All cells through which this line has passed will be recognized as a selected answer.

When using the material on another site is required

Questions and answers on filling out the USE forms

What should I put in the “class” column if I am a graduate of last year?

Information about the class is not filled in by graduates of previous years.

What happens if a student forgot to put his signature on the form or forgot to indicate the school code?

The correct filling of the forms is very important not only for the correct reading of the answers to the tasks, but also for the identification of the work itself. In case of incorrect or incomplete filling of the registration forms and registration fields in the answer forms, a delay in receiving the USE results is quite likely.

To replace the erroneous answers in parts A and B, two cells are given for numbering questions. If the number is single-digit, then in which cell should the number be placed - in the first or second?

If the form is filled out correctly, the computer is programmed to read any spelling.

How to replace erroneous answers?

Substitution of answers is allowed:

    in part A - no more than 12. To do this, enter the number of the erroneously completed task in the corresponding field of the area for replacing erroneous answers, and mark the correct answer in the line of cells. in part B - no more than 6. To change the answer, it is necessary to put down the number of the corrected task of type B in the corresponding replacement fields and write down the new value of the correct answer.

How are the answer forms for the tasks of part B filled out?

When performing assignments with a short answer (task type B), the answers should be recorded in the answer form in strict accordance with the rules for recording answers specified in the instructions for completing the examination paper tasks placed in each version of the KIM.

Answers are recorded in the answer area “Results of tasks of type B with a short answer” to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell.

When recording the answer, you must strictly follow the model (see the top of the answer sheet No. 1).

The answer must be written completely and legibly.

Each character is written in a separate cell. It is allowed to write characters not in cells if there are more letters in the answer than cells in the field. But even in this case, the answer should not go beyond the boundaries of the answer field for this task.

If it is required to write an answer consisting of two or more words, then each word should be written separately, as required by the spelling rules. If the instructions for doing the work indicate another form of writing an answer to this task, then you must follow it.

If the answer to the task is a word missing in the text, then this word is written in the form (case, gender, number) in which it should appear in the text.

The numeric answer must be written as an integer or a final decimal. Rounding of decimal fractions is performed only if there is a corresponding instruction in the instructions for completing the task.

It is forbidden:

    Write abbreviated words in your answer. When writing the answer, place the characters one under the other in one cell. Write the answer as a mathematical expression or formula. Write down in the answer the names of the units of measurement (degrees, percentages, meters, tons, etc.). Make any entries and notes in the answer field that are not the answer to the task.

What if there is not enough space to write answers in Part C?

If there is not enough space for answers on the front side of the answer form No. 2, the USE participant can continue to write on the back of the form by making the entry “look on the back” at the bottom of the front side. For convenience, all pages of the answer sheet No. 2 are numbered.

If there is not enough space for answers on the main answer form No. 2, the USE participant can continue to record on an additional answer form No. 2, issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the participant.

Please note that if Supplementary Answer Form 2 is completed and Main Answer Form 2 is not completed, the answers entered on Supplemental Answer Form 2 will not be scored.

Where exactly on form No. 2 should the entry “look on the back” be made - under the frame or inside the frame?

The note “see on the back” must be made at the bottom of the front side of the form. There are no other indications and, therefore, it does not matter where exactly the entry was made - in the frame or under it.

Are drafts reviewed?

Drafts are not processed or checked. In order for the USE participants to keep track of time and transfer the answers from the draft to the forms in time, 30 minutes. before the end of the exam, the organizers in the audience must give an appropriate reminder.

If there are not enough Part C answer sheets on the exam, are drafts considered?

Please note that drafts are not processed or reviewed. Additional forms for answering the tasks of part C are supplied to the region in sufficient quantities, and the regional education authority is obliged to provide them with all points of the exam. The organizers are obliged to issue forms upon first request. If the participant is not given additional forms upon request, this is considered a gross violation of the examination procedure. The USE participant can declare immediately at the examination point by filing an appeal about the violation of the USE procedure.

If the participant has spoiled the form, can it be replaced?

If, in your opinion, the form is damaged, you need to invite the organizer to assess whether the form is really damaged or whether it is enough to make corrections in it. Misspellings or typographical errors (in the registration form or in answer form No. 1 or No. 2) are not grounds for replacement. It must be borne in mind that it is impossible to change the form separately from the individual set. Only the whole set changes, and the exam tasks will be completely replaced.

We pay special attention to the fact that the replacement of forms can be carried out only before the start of the exam, that is, before the start of the tasks. If the form was damaged during the exam, then the entire set must be handed over to the organizer in the audience and leave the PES. Then you need to sign up for the exam on the reserve day.

Is it possible to make any notes in KIMs?

For work records, USE participants are given drafts. You can make notes in KIMs, but it is not recommended. When appealing, drafts and notes in the CM are not considered.

Will an additional form be taken into account, on which the answer is written, but the participant did not have time to fill in the registration fields?

According to the instructions, the registration fields must be filled in, but the sheet should not be lost. As a last resort, you can file an appeal if you think that the answer on the supplementary form has not been taken into account.

If the participant forgot to write "see. on the back”, will the reverse side of the form be checked?

Both sides will be processed and checked, as both sides of the answer form are scanned for experts. However, if you have doubts about the correctness of the processing, you have the right to file an appeal for disagreement with the results, in which you can see if your answer written on the reverse side was taken into account.

If the form is incorrect, will the work be checked?

Even if the form is drawn up with violations, it must be checked under the supervision of the chairman of the subject commission.

In which case can a participant change the exam kit?

A new set of examination materials is issued only if the USE participant discovers a marriage or incomplete examination materials.

If the number of completed forms is incorrectly indicated on the pass, will this affect the results of the exam?

The number of submitted forms is recorded not only in the pass, but also in the protocol. Erroneous data in the pass should not affect the results of the exam.