Collect everything that Nadia thinks and says about a toy about a living elephant from the story of the elephant by A.P. Kuprin. How to win the lottery: Klaus Joel's exact instructions from The Messenger

Magic book of fairy tales
Once upon a time there was a girl, and her name was Olya. She lived with her grandmother.
Once Olya went up to her grandmother and said:
-Grandma, today Katya, Petya and Natasha should come to visit me, advise what should we do?
Grandma replies:
- Here, hold, this is a map on it you will find a treasure!
Treasure? shouted Olya.
Yes, look for treasure in the garden.
Olya met the guests and showed them this map. The guests were surprised and went with Olya to the garden.
The guys searched every bush, every blade of grass and found a small box.
“Olya, come here! We found a treasure!” Petya shouted with joy.
Olya ran to the box, but it did not open. She decided to go to her grandmother's house and ask if she knew how to open it.
Grandmother said: This is not an easy treasure, but magical!
- Well, what is it!? Tell me please! - Olya answers
-Okay, this is a magic book! With the help of which you can believe in a miracle!
Yes? - Olya shouted in surprise.
Yes, Grandma replied with a smile.
-Grandma, well, give us the key to this box, please, please!
Okay, okay, my grandmother whispered, Here! Hold it!
Olya was delighted and said: Thank you so much! Well, I hope with this book we will be known to the whole city ..... or even the country .... or even the whole world! But for this we still need to learn how to conjure.
And Olya ran into the garden to the guys.
-Here, look! Grandma gave me the key!
Petya took the key and put it in the hole. First he turned it to the right, then to the left, then to the left again, and the box opened.
Olya grabbed the book and read the title: "Tales for Children" and got upset and even angry and ran to her grandmother.
-Grandmother! You said that there is a magic book! Olya shouted.
Grandmother calmly replied: Yes, it is.
But Olya continued to shout: No! There are fairy tales and not spells and everything related to magic!
Grandmother grinned and said: Olenka, aren't fairy tales magic? That's just the same in fairy tales to be all the most magical! Just turn on your imagination! For example, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" isn't it magic? Or is Sleeping Beauty not magic? Just everything that is magical is in fairy tales. So tell the kids why this book is magical.
Olya, with surprise, without saying anything, went out into the garden and verbatim explained to her friends what her grandmother had told her.
A few minutes later, my grandmother called everyone to the table to drink tea with raspberry pie.
And suddenly Olya said: But the truth is, fairy tales are the most magical thing in the world! There are different fairies, gnomes, dragons, princes and princesses! They are magical characters! Especially fairies, gnomes and dragons...
Petya looked at Olya's grandmother and said: Yes, and also a raspberry pie ... this is also magic ... everyone laughed, but still agreed with him.
After tea, the guys opened the first page of the book, there was written the title of the fairy tale which they should have read first: "Cinderella"
The children enjoyed reading this story with great pleasure.


How to win the lottery: Klaus Joel's exact instructions from The Messenger

Every person at least once in his life wondered how to win the lottery. Klaus Joel in The Messenger gives detailed instructions on how to do this.

Winning the lottery is not so easy and you must at least be able to meditate. Well, Klaus will tell you everything himself:

While I was looking at my friend's lottery tickets, an idea came to my mind. Recently I came across several books and a TV show on the topic of dowsing. In the program, a person was looking for minerals with the help of a vine, helping a miner to find new deposits of minerals in an old abandoned mine. Surprisingly, they have achieved good results. This man, who used the principles of dowsing, used an ordinary rope with a weight at the end. He took rotation to the left for "yes", to the right - for "no". It dawned on me that the use of a rope is nothing more than one of the ways the conscious mind communicates with the subconscious!

I shared with a friend the suggestion that, using the subconscious, you can look into the future and see which of the two teams will win. He replied that I did not have all the houses, and that it was impossible to predict the future. And he gave about twenty reasons why this should not work and will not work. Obviously, he was even more stubborn than me.

But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. By the time I got home, almost everything was in my head. I realized that it was necessary to find a state of mind in which the conscious and subconscious meet and work together as a whole, and do not exist separately. It sounds simple, and, indeed, it turned out to be not difficult, although it took some time to achieve this. Plus, I got a lot more than I expected.

What is so important about the subconscious? Danny asked.

The subconscious seems to have access to vast amounts of information.. In addition, all subconscious minds are connected in a single network, but the most important thing is that the subconscious mind is also connected to the soul - the greater that we really are.

A lot of time was spent on the development of the whole plan and its details. I had to go back to the library to get books. I've been doing this for about a week or two, trying different things. In general, I collected all the information that I could find, mixed it up, and then chose the necessary.

Instructions on how to win the lottery from Klaus Joel

It turned out that it was necessary to enter a state of very deep meditation, a state of trance. There is a thin veil between the conscious and the subconscious, I had to cross it.

The biggest problem was finding something to focus on. At first I tried to concentrate on the results of the game, but this only put me in a state similar to a dream, and the results that I saw in my mind were wrong. Then I concentrated on the subconscious, with mixed results. Not what I was aiming for.

I will spare you the story of the details of everything that had to go through on the way to the final conclusion. The main idea was that we are something more than just consciousness and subconsciousness. Therefore, I need to connect with everything that I am. And instead of saying "all that I am" or "higher self", I decided to call it the word soul.

I was sure that connecting to this larger part of myself was the key moment after which everything worked. Yes, it worked so well that in six weeks I had won more than a hundred and thirty times.

- And how much is it? Danny interrupted me.

I took a sip of juice and looked at him. It wasn't hard to see the dollar signs in his eyes.

“The total was just under $2,000, mainly because the stakes were low—I wasn't about to throw away the last of my money.

I also decided that it was better to remain unnoticed - since the "how to win the lottery" method works, then there is no hurry. In addition, at that moment money seemed to be a secondary factor, I felt that I had done what was considered impossible, and literally soared above the ground with joy.

How binding to the result can get in the way

I need precise instructions, how to win the lottery! Danny stated.

I saw a pen in Denny's hand, and an open notepad on the counter in front of him. His eyes became like saucers, and his lip trembled even more than before.

I figured I'd give Denny instructions, but first I'd give him a little lecture. To tell the truth, I insured myself with this.

“Okay, Danny, I will give you instructions on how to win the lottery, but know that this knowledge can be used for various purposes, and if you use it in gambling, then you take responsibility for everything that can happen. If you were already going to spend a couple of dollars on a lottery ticket, then, indeed, you can try to maximize your chances. But if you are going to spend for these purposes the money set aside for the purchase of products, then I will tell you right away that you will lose, and I will explain why ...

- I agree with everything, no complaints - Danny was like a child who received a new toy.

- I'll tell you right away about the need factor. If you're playing poker for the last twenty dollars and you really need to win, you might as well leave the money on the table and walk away. Getting what you really need is very difficult. This is what is meant by saying that one should not be attached to the result.

Danny pushed the notebook aside and looked at me in surprise.

“You also needed money, what’s the difference?”

“Actually, at the time, I didn’t really care. If I win, that's fine, if I don't win, so what? In addition, I took into account the factor of need, which I learned many years ago from personal experience. You see, there is a huge difference between wanting and needing. Strongly desiring, a person comes up with ways to achieve what he wants. But in a state of desperate need, the mind becomes clogged with thoughts of the consequences of failure.

It's not productive, just like trying to walk or drive without looking in the direction of travel. You need to focus your mind on what you want to achieve, and not on the consequences of failure.

– It turns out that it is necessary for me to enjoy the action, as if it were my hobby? Danny asked.

“Great, great start. When nothing is pressing on you, you can focus on the goal. If you bet big, you will become attached to the outcome, but if you bet two or three dollars, the outcome will not matter. Especially if you were going to play anyway.

"Danny, are you sure you understand what Klaus is talking about?" Nina asked in a low voice.

I understand perfectly, no problem. What to do next?

Klaus Joel's Secret Technique for Winning the Lottery

Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Then lie down or sit in a comfortable chair. I prefer to lie down so I don't have to worry about my head falling off. The only drawback of the lying position is the need for additional efforts to maintain a state of wakefulness.

Once you are comfortable, allow yourself to completely relax and let your body fall asleep.

But I don't mind.

It is necessary to allow the body to fall asleep to a state where you do not feel it and do not hear anything. I do not insist on hearing anything, but it will be important in the end.

Do you need to visualize something to keep your mind awake? Danny asked.

- Not! If you start imagining something, you will fall into a state of drowsiness, after which you will fall asleep. In addition, if you start to visualize something, then everything you see can only be a figment of the imagination.

- What should I do with my mind so as not to fall asleep?

This is the whole focus - you need to focus on the soul. Soul I call a large part of myself, or "all that I am", whatever it is for you. The catch is that you can't visualize it.

The best I've come up with is to imagine that I'm listening to my soul. I'm trying to hear something very quiet - the soul. Take a moment and try to hear what is going on behind the walls of this bar. Danny closed his eyes and froze, holding his breath.

No, you can't hold your breath. Keep doing with your mind what you are doing, but breathe.

Danny opened his eyes.

- I think it worked. The mind was focused, but did nothing. It was completely empty!

- Everything is correct. You need to keep this focus and not think about anything else. This is easy to do for a few seconds, but then the mind starts to bring in different thoughts and images. In no case do not get involved in them, but when you catch yourself on this, return the mind to concentration on the soul. If you miss the moment of involvement, you will fall into a drowsy state, followed by sleep.

When concentrating, it is important to remain relaxed. Efforts should not be made, because they will destroy the state of relaxation, and meditation will end in a headache. It turns out that you need to be mentally, physically and emotionally relaxed, but at the same time - focused. It sounds complicated, but it's actually very natural.

Why not just visualize the results in the brain? Nina asked.

I was just about to ask this! Danny joined in.

“I don't know exactly why. I only know that if you start visualizing at such an early stage, then what you see will not be the correct answer, but part of the dream.

I don't have all the answers yet, but I have found that one has to go beyond the dream state in order to access the higher mind. This is a fork where you can turn left or right. To the left is the state of sleep, to the right is the state of higher mind. At first, it will be difficult to resist turning left, because this is the path we are used to walking. Most people do not often take the path to the right that leads to the higher mind or soul. There, to the left, a well-trodden track leads.

– Logically. I seem to understand. But why do you suppose that the soul will help me? Danny asked doubtfully.

An interesting question that didn't cross my mind. I imagine that I reach out and become this greater part of myself, thereby receiving all the resources available to it. Why use an old adding machine when you have a big, fast computer? If there is an important decision to be made, why use a small conscious mind when all the incredible resources are available?

Look at it this way. Every time you make a decision, you predict the future to some extent. Let's take a simple example of cooking dinner. What time will everyone get together? How long will cooking take? The conscious mind makes slow, simple calculations, but that larger part of the mind, let's call it the subconscious, has more information at its disposal and has a memory of everything that you have seen, heard, smelled, felt or experienced. Therefore, it can perform calculations much faster and more accurately than the conscious mind.

For example, the subconscious mind stores a photographic memory of everything that your eyes have seen. Much that you did not pay attention to, nevertheless, was recorded in the subconscious. And the most amazing thing is that all subconscious minds are connected in some way, like computers in a network.

Each of the network nodes can access any information it needs. Scientists continue to argue, but knowledge of this has existed for thousands of years. Now about the higher mind - about what I call the soul, living outside of time and physical limitations.

I paused for a moment to give Danny a chance to ask a question, as he was twirling around like a kid craving to go to the toilet. He breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

“Why are you focusing on the soul if you say that the subconscious mind has so much information at its disposal?”

“Again, Danny, I don't know all the answers. I have read many books over the years, line by line and between the lines. There is no information in any of the books about focusing on the soul.. I guess many people have tried to use both visualization and subconscious focusing, but it hasn't worked. I can only speculate why these two ways do not work. But if I wasted my time trying to figure out the reasons for this, I would not have come to anything. I believe that we are more than just a conscious and unconscious mind. I think very few, if any, have tried using the soul.

I was reminded of a phrase that my friend John often said to me:

Always keep an ace up your sleeve, even if you never get it. It gives a sense of calm in any situation.

Then I continued:

While doing this meditation, you may hear words, music, and other sounds spoken by someone. Pictures may appear before your eyes. Let it happen, but don't get involved. All these are just echoes in your mind. Their appearance means that the destination of the journey is near.

I took a sip of orange juice to let Danny write it all down.

What are these sounds and images? Nina asked a question.

“I have a theory about this: the mind, especially the subconscious mind, never stops. And, I think that at this stage there is an entry into contact with the subconscious mind. Therefore, it is very important to keep moving, to allow yourself to swim even deeper and to continue to focus on the soul, regardless of what you see and hear.

Danny, absorbed in writing down how to win the lottery, looked up from his notebook and asked:

How will I know that I have reached the soul?

- Good question. It is like a certain state, the degree of which will deepen each time. When you connect with the soul, you will immediately understand this. You can feel peace and also that you are bigger. The mind will become very clear. Nothing compares to the state. You seem to merge even more fully with the universe and, at the same time, separate yourself from everyday troubles. I can't explain it any other way. Besides, everyone, I believe, will have their own special sensations.

Looks like Danny wrote down every word. I paused again to let him keep up.

“And how will Danny know the results of the games?” Nina asked.

We are getting to the most interesting part. You have to make a choice in this place, because there are other exciting things to do here, which I will tell you about later. But if you decide to find out the results of sports competitions, consider this case.

Everything that has been said so far about how to win the lottery must be done one on one, staying focused and not deviating to the side. But when you reach the soul, there is more flexibility, and what I will talk about now can be changed.

- I'm ready! Danny smiled.

– OK, at this stage, you can start visualization. I imagine that I am transported to the future and I place myself near the store on the corner. I imagine I walk into a store, go to the lottery ticket counter, and look at the score sheet.

Initially, I imagined that I was on a train, and every city that the train passes by is one day from the future. Having reached the required day, I got out of the car, went to the newspaper stand and found out the results. But I found that at times I used my imagination too deeply and made the train too real. Instead, it was only necessary to create the feeling that I was on a train.

How can I figure out if I'm imagining everything I see? Danny asked.

“Something will be the result of your imagination, you cannot do without it.

The best solution I've found is to imagine the setting I want, the shop or the train, very superficially, so that it doesn't become my reality, but just a tool to work with time. However, when it comes time to look at the results, they need to be visualized very clearly, but without the use of imagination, or using it as little as possible. Also, the results should not be considered for a long time. It worked well when I asked the soul to put the answers in my mind so that I could see them as if on a screen. Play with different ways and find out what suits you. If the answers are wrong, this does not mean that the soul is mistaken. The mistake is somewhere in the way you listen and look.

- How long did it take you to achieve the result? Nina asked.

“About ten days.

“Well, not bad at all,” Danny commented.

“However, do not forget that at that time I did not work and spent whole days only meditating. There are some other little things you need to know. Not all answers received will be correct - for various reasons. The future is not set in stone and can change at any moment. So I tried to get the results of six to ten different games. I later reviewed them, comparing them with what I would have given myself. Then he would choose two or three games and bet on them. Sometimes, if I felt that the day was successful, and the information was coming in very clearly, then I bet on more games. I made small bets and used different combinations. Let's say I had ten games, and I could deliver on three or four combinations ("parcus") of three or four games each. In case of one mistake, the winnings will still cover the losses.

Movies are one of my most inspiring sources. In difficult moments, motivational films remind me to be stronger.

In this article, I have compiled 25 inspirational movie quotes that will give you the most valuable life lessons.

1. Be determined. Instead of intending to try something, just do it.

Do something, or don't do it at all. There is no room for trying here. - Master Yoda, Star Wars.

2. Learn to let go and see clearly where you want to go next.

Love cannot be found where it does not exist, and it cannot be hidden where it exists. — David Schwimmer, Make-Kiss.

3. Past experience is a valuable lesson, learn from it.

Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can both escape from it and learn from it. - Rafiki, The Lion King.

4. Just be yourself, because you are unique, and you will see - you will shine.

Why do you try so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? - What does a girl want?

5. Life is too short to miss anything, try to live slower.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once, you'll miss her. — Ferris, Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

6. You must love yourself and take care of yourself, because, first of all, this is your life.

You cannot live your life for others. You must do what is right for you, even if it hurts those you love. - "Diary".

7. Everyone has a choice. You can choose your own path in life.

We are who we choose to be. - Green Goblin, Spiderman.

8. You deserve what you want when you give it your all. Nobody has the right to take it from you.

Don't let anyone even make you feel unworthy of what you want. – Heath Ledger, 10 Things I Hate About You.

9. There is no perfect time for anything, do it now or you will regret it later.

I don't regret what I did, I regret what I didn't do. - Empire Store.

10. You don't have to hide just because you're afraid of what others will think of you. You have a choice to live your life.

To show ourselves as we really are is not an is our choice. - Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

11. Just keep moving, you can do it one day.

Run Forrest Run! - "Forrest Gump".

12. The least expected things happen at the most inopportune times in life.

My mom always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get." - "Forrest Gump".

13. Never give up chasing your dream, fight for it as hard as you can.

Never let anyone tell you that you are incapable of anything, not even me. Okay? This is your dream, you must protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they want to tell you that you can't do it either. If you want something, go and get it. – Chris Gardner, The Pursuit of Happyness.

14. Don't get stuck in your own little world, because the offer of life is to learn and gain experience.

See the world, come to dangerous things, see what's behind the walls, get close, find each other and feel. This is what life offers. - The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty.

15. Stop trying to please everyone because it's impossible. Do what you feel comfortable doing.

You can't live your life pleasing others. The choice should be yours. – The White Queen, Alice in Wonderland.

16. Believe in yourself. Your confidence will open the way for you to happiness and success.

After a while, you will learn to ignore the way people call you names and just believe in who you are. - Shrek.

17. On the way to your goals and dreams, you will definitely meet many difficulties, just hold on!

If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. This may mean that you will lose your girlfriend, wife, relatives, job. And perhaps your mind. You may have to fast for three or four days. Perhaps you will freeze on a bench in the park. You might end up in jail. Perhaps you will be ridiculed. Perhaps you will be mocked and ignored. Ignoring is a gift. Everything else is a test of your endurance. How badly you want to get it. And you will do it despite the lowest chances for yourself. And it will be better than anything you can imagine. — Henry Chinaski, Factotum.

18. Count every moment, enjoy your life and don't waste it.

We all have to decide what to do with the time given to us. - "Lord of the rings, Brotherhood of the ring"

19. The small things you do today can bring great results in the future.

What matters is what you are doing right now. - Black Hawk Down.

20. Don't take missed opportunities as something bad, you never know what life is trying to teach you.

Our lives are defined by opportunities, even those we miss. - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

21. Achieving greatness is how much effort you put in all the time.

Great men were not born that way, they became great. - Mario Puzo, The Godfather.

22. Instead of looking for happiness, live in the moment and this is where happiness exists.

I still believe in heaven. But at least I now know that this is not a place you can find, because it is not where you are going. It's how you feel when you're part of something, and if you find that moment, it lasts forever. - "Beach".

23. If you are looking for someone who completes you, then you will never have harmony inside you when you are alone.

Only when you achieve harmony within yourself will you find true connection with others. - "Before dawn".

24. Always keep hope. Be optimistic.

I know what I have to do now, I have to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the wave can bring? - "Outcast."

25. Before you do anything, find out for yourself why you need it. Purpose is an important reason to support what you will be doing.

To find something, anything, the great truth about lost points, you must first believe that you will have some advantage in it. "All the king's men."

Do you have movie quotes that really inspired you? Share them!

1. What do you think, why did she get sick 1. What do you think, why did little Nadia get sick and what helped her get better? 2. The story told

A.I. Kuprin, is unusual and at the same time, reading the story, we see that all this could be in reality. Why? 3. The heroes of many of Kuprin's stories are not only children, but also animals (Tommy the elephant, Arto the poodle, Yu-yu the cat), and Kuprin's animals are always kind, fair, selfless. Think about how the elephant is shown in the story? Why is it given in such detail its description?

forest green

Quiet, breathing cool.

answer the question for a liter here is the verse then the question

What's his name, I forgot to ask.
Ten or twelve years old. troublesome,
Of those that are the leaders of children,
Of those in the front-line towns
They greet us like honored guests.
The car is surrounded in parking lots,
Carrying water in buckets for them is not difficult,
They bring soap with a towel to the tank
And unripe plums pop ...

There was a fight outside. The fire of the enemy was terrible,
We broke through to the square ahead.
And he nails - do not look out of the towers -
And the devil will understand where it hits from.
Here, guess what house
He perched - so many holes,
And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:
- Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander!

I know where their gun is. I unraveled...
I crawled up, they're over there in the garden...
- Yes, where, where? .. - Let me go
On the tank with you. I'll bring it straight.

Well, the fight doesn't wait. - Get in here, buddy! -
And here we are rolling to the place four of us.
There is a boy - mines, bullets whistle,
And only a shirt with a bubble.
We drove up. - Here. - And with a turn
We go to the rear and give full throttle.
And this gun, along with the calculation,
We sank into loose, greasy black earth.
I wiped off the sweat. Suffocated fumes and soot:
There was a big fire going from house to house.
And, I remember, I said: - Thank you, lad! -
And shook his hand like a friend...
It was a difficult fight. Everything now, as if awake,
And I just can't forgive myself
Of the thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,
But what's his name, I forgot to ask him.
Why do you think A. Tvardovsky tells about this front-line episode on behalf of a tanker? Why did the poet introduce a tanker narrator into the verse?