Special (defectological) education (bachelor's degree). Special (defectological) education

The profession of a defectologist is to work with children who need adaptation in society, education and training to get rid of physical or psychological abnormalities. A specialist should not only be able to draw up a correct program of work with children, but also have the skills to communicate with kids, the ability to interest them in such training, and develop in the child a desire to cope with their problems.

The history of the defectologist profession

The origin of the profession took place at the beginning of the 20th century. At this time, many scientists began to study the causes of deviations in children, classify and determine the most effective methods for individual development. Special centers were created in which research was carried out and in which future specialists were trained. For example, in the USSR, such an institution was a special research institute for defectology in Moscow.

Features of the profession defectologist

Conventionally, defectologists can be divided into two separate categories: those who are engaged in an in-depth study of science and directly teachers working with children. In the first case, you will need important knowledge in this field of medicine, the development of your own methodologies for working with children. Accordingly, a person engaged in research should receive a professorship.

To work with children, specialists are selected who are not only strong in defectology, but are also familiar with the features and principles of child psychology. It is important to find the right approach to kids so that education and upbringing take place in a positive way. And the children saw in the defectologist not a doctor, but a teacher. Only such a system of conducting classes will allow the child to get rid of the complexes and engage in self-improvement.

Pros and cons of the profession of defectologist

The main advantage of the defectologist profession it could be considered opportunity to help children who, for whatever reason, cannot become full-fledged members of society. And the task of the teacher will be to develop the personality, acquire the necessary skills and abilities for further social recognition. The greatest advantage of work is its importance. Help for families with a child with physical and/or psychological disabilities is simply invaluable. And the main reward is the moral satisfaction from the work done and the positive result. On the material side, this is a decent salary for a specialist and the opportunity to further develop and create their own work to help young and inexperienced defectologists.

The disadvantage of the defectologist profession, or rather, the limitation is the recruitment of specialists. Not everyone can become a professional in the field of defectology. And before you start studying in this medical field, you need to determine whether the student really knows how to communicate with children, whether his behavior in relation to students will be correct, whether he knows how to adapt to unique situations and make useful adjustments to the program. Obtaining a diploma is based on knowledge in this specialty, but the personal qualities of a teacher are no less important. Therefore, a limited circle of people will be able to get a job and achieve positive results.

Demand for the profession of defectologist

The demand for defectologists at the present moment is very high. Many children, for one reason or another, cannot communicate with their peers at the proper level, or they do not have the skills that will become decisive in further education, the formation of a personality. There are also quite a few kids with physical disabilities who cannot study with other children.

Defectologists are needed in kindergartens, and in schools, and in preschool development centers, in institutions of a special type, sanatoriums and orphanages. But before being hired, a specialist will have to pass an interview, which will show the professional skills of the employee.

Profession defectologist - salary

The average salary is $800 per month. But one should also take into account the special difference between defectologists-teachers and defectologists-researchers. In particular, scientific works are rated lower than work with children.

In addition to obtaining basic knowledge and gaining experience, speech pathologists must remember to constantly study this area to improve their skills and knowledge. In other words, attending seminars, communicating with researchers in this field and reading modern literature on defectology will be the most reliable solution for recognition among senior colleagues and providing really important and useful help to children.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Please tell me where can I learn to be a speech therapist?

in any pedagogical university.

Well, not in any, of course, pedagogical university. It is better to study in a state higher educational institution. Moreover, ideally, to receive the specialty of a speech therapist at a well-known university, so that later you can feel confident when looking for a job.

On the basis of institutes, there are both evening and correspondence forms of education. The terms of study are different - it can be 2-3-4 years.

But distance learning, according to many, alas, does not provide such a knowledge base as full-time, and to a greater extent involves self-education.

What exams do I need to take to become a speech therapist?

Subjects that are handed over upon admission to the defectological faculty - an essay; Russian + literature orally; biology (anatomy and general biology); interview.

What will happen at the interview? What questions will be asked?

As a rule, you will have to be able to clearly justify your desire to get this particular specialty. The commission will get an idea of ​​your inclination towards the teaching profession. Also, at the interview, attention is necessarily drawn to your speech, whether you yourself have defects in sound pronunciation. If you're good at speaking and did well on your exams, you shouldn't worry about the interview.

Which universities train speech therapists?

  • Moscow State Pedagogical University (formerly named after Lenin)
  • MGGU (former MGOPU) named after. Sholokhov


  • RGPU them. Herzen,
  • ISPiP them. Raoul Wallenberg
  • Leningrad State University. A. S. Pushkin

MIs it possible to become a speech therapist after the course?

If you complete the courses without having a higher pedagogical education, then you will not be able to officially work as a speech therapist, since only a full-fledged higher education gives the right to conduct this type of activity. After all, many important disciplines are not taught at speech pathologist courses.

I already have a higher education. Can I get a specialty "speech therapist" as a second higher education?

If you have a higher education (if you don’t want to go to 3-4 years of distance learning), there are ONE-YEAR courses for the training of speech therapists, speech pathologists.

In St. Petersburg - at the Wallenberg Institute, in Moscow - at the Moscow State University. Sholokhov.

On the basis of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, there is also a faculty for retraining specialists. They train deaf teachers, speech therapists and teachers working with mentally retarded children (oligophrenic teachers). The term of study is one year. On the basis of higher pedagogical education, you get a second higher education. A hostel is provided for non-residents. In your place of work, as a rule, the place is kept and wages are paid.

How long are refresher courses?

Typically 1000 hours.

“Professional retraining under the LOGOPEDICS program is an additional professional education designed for people who already have a secondary or higher pedagogical, psychological or medical education. This form of education was developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a convenient, inexpensive and quick way to get a second education and master a new specialty. In this way, this form of education compares favorably with the second higher education, as it is designed for a shorter period of study, is much cheaper, is saturated only with special subjects and is as close as possible to practice.

Purpose: training of highly qualified specialists with deep knowledge in the field of speech therapy, professionally proficient in research methods of work.

Are there any colleges that train speech therapists?

You can enter a pedagogical college after the 9th grade, and after it to a university.
Some teacher training colleges train remedial teachers. But there is no separate specialty "speech therapy" in pedagogical colleges.

In the modern world, there are a lot of professions that are aimed at helping people: rescuers, doctors, social workers. Today we will talk about the profession of a defectologist, whose representatives deal with children who have deviations from normal physical and psychological development.

It is these specialists who give abnormal children a chance to socialize in society and change their fate for the better.

What does a defectologist do?

What does a defectologist do and what does a defectologist do? Specialists are usually divided into two categories: those who teach and educate children with psychological disabilities and those who work in the field of correctional pedagogy.

Defectology as a science appeared relatively recently. There is nothing surprising in this, because before no one treated abnormal children, they were simply disposed of. The competence of a modern specialist includes not only direct work with children, but also the study of the features and patterns of certain deviations.

Over the past 20 years, defectology has received an additional impetus to development. Having started its development as a theoretical discipline, it has turned into a practical concept aimed at the introduction of effective methods for the treatment of congenital and acquired defects.

Working with children requires certain qualities from a specialist. Among them:

  • patience;
  • stress tolerance;
  • excellent memory;
  • friendliness;
  • developed capacity for empathy.

It seems to a simple layman that a defectologist works only with children who have physical and psycho-emotional deviations. This is not entirely true. The duties of a specialist include the selection of methods for children with problems of academic performance, understanding of subjects at school.

Classes with a specialist last according to the developed plan for a certain time. When knowledge gaps are filled, classes stop.

Pros and cons of the profession of defectologist


  • socially important profession. Specialists give children a chance for a happy life;
  • the demand for the profession in the labor market;
  • Opportunity to combine work and private practice.


  • psychologically difficult work. The specialist is at risk of overwork, manifestations of depression;
  • modest wages in state institutions.

Defectologist salary

The salary of a defectologist fluctuates in the range of 25-35 thousand rubles. Labor market studies have shown that employers in the Kamchatka Territory and the Moscow Region are ready to offer the highest salaries:

Where to study as a defectologist? As we noted above, this profession is a symbiosis of sciences, where pedagogy is fundamental. If you decide to become a defectologist, take a closer look at pedagogical universities, on the basis of which there is a faculty of defectology.

Among ordinary inhabitants there is an opinion that it is possible to master a profession at specialized courses. It is a misconception that in order to become a specialist, you need to go to university.

What is the difference between a speech therapist and a defectologist?

What is the difference between a defectologist and a speech therapist? The main difference is the area of ​​competence of a specialist. involves working with children who have a violation of the pronunciation of sounds, complex words. The speech therapist corrects the child's slurred speech, shows the correct pronunciation of complex sounds. Often a specialist works with children from three to six years old.

The defectologist deals with the general development of the child, struggles with psychophysical problems, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, develops the emotional and volitional component.

At the moment, specialists in the field of pedagogy are again in demand, and defectology is one of the most popular areas. What does a defectologist do? He does everything possible to prepare for school a child with lagging behind in physical, speech, mental or mental development. Such children need adaptation in society, and often it is with the help of a defectologist that significant progress can be made.

Defectology, in turn, is divided into several more specialties: deaf pedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, tiflopedagogy, speech therapy. Deaf teachers specialize in children with hearing impairments. oligophrenopedagogues teach children with mental retardation, the specialization of a typhlopedagogue is children with visual impairments. Speech therapists work with all types of speech disorders and do not specialize in something specific.

The profession of a defectologist, like any other, has its own specific pros and cons. It is worth considering them in more detail.

Pros of the profession

  • Short work day- most defectologists working in state-funded institutions are released after four hours, which makes it easy to combine several professional interests or devote more time to yourself and your family.
  • big vacation: defectologists can afford to rest almost all summer, because their vacation lasts as much as 56 days (this again applies to budgetary educational institutions).
  • The social significance of the profession: teachers help children, even with the most severe disabilities, to get on their feet and become, if not a full-fledged, then still an independent member of society.
  • Huge space for self-realization: there are a great many different teaching methods that can be mastered through seminars and courses. The particularly creative may even develop their own method and use it.
  • Opportunity to run a private practice: many parents are ready to give a lot of money for individual lessons with their child. It is enough to recruit a clientele, and then you can forget about financial trouble, because parents satisfied with the result will definitely advise their friends of a good specialist.

Cons of the profession

  • Often you have to work with very difficult children - children with extremely severe disabilities need a defectologist. You need to be prepared for this, otherwise what you see may shock you.
  • Unfortunately, in kindergartens, the services of a speech pathologist-defectologist not well paid– the average salary varies from 15,000 to 35,000. However, if you keep in mind the short working day, this seems pretty fair.
  • The competition is pretty big, after all, experienced specialists can remain such until a very old age, and young cadres need to try to find their place in the sun.
  • Very often it turns out that classes do not entail absolutely no effect. This can undermine professional confidence. You need to understand that all children are completely different, and what one succeeds with ease, the other may not learn. Of course, the task of the defectologist is to do everything possible so that the child can speak, read and write, but success can be achieved for years.

What qualities should a pathologist have?

Each profession requires a certain set of personal qualities that must be possessed by its representative. Below are a few tips to help you become a truly great specialist and win the hearts of customers.

  1. Like any other teacher, a defectologist must love children with all his heart, feel and understand them. It is unlikely that without this something will work out, the work will only be a burden.
  2. Stress resistance will help you not to despair in difficult situations and always look at things positively.
  3. When working with sick children, it is very important to have compassion and patience, because they are not at all to blame for their lack of learning. On the other hand, such children are distinguished by devotion and kindness. With an affectionate attitude, they most often respond in kind.
  4. Mindfulness is very important when working with children. The defectologist must find an approach to each child, find a point of contact with him, learn as much as possible about his character and interests.
  5. Responsiveness also matters a lot. The child must feel that he is important, that the teacher really cares about him and wants to help him, and not just mechanically doing his job.
  6. Tact when working with difficult children is essential. In no case should you allow yourself to say something superfluous, to focus on the physical defect of the child or to comment on his appearance. This can offend anyone, and for children with mental disorders, such behavior can be a big blow.

Where else can you work

Despite all the disadvantages, this specialty is popular in pedagogical universities, which nevertheless indicates its demand. In any case, a young specialist will find a job in a kindergarten or a correctional school, but here are a few more employment options:

  1. Speech problems are not limited to children. People with speech disorders, stroke survivors and other injuries can turn to a speech pathologist.
  2. With the education of a defectologist, you can also work as a nurse, nanny for children with disabilities.
  3. Many teachers for the summer are arranged as counselors in children's camps. This is a great opportunity to earn money without quitting your main job.

A defectologist is not the easiest and problem-free profession, but it can become a true calling for those who love children, want to make the world a little better and are not afraid of difficulties. At the moment, more and more young people are choosing this particular specialty to study at the university, which cannot but rejoice, because there are still many children with developmental disabilities, and only speech pathologists can really help them.