Types of block diagrams of a simple sentence. The nominative minimum of a simple sentence is its main members and their obligatory distributors.

b) Structural diagram of a simple sentence

The block diagram of a simple sentence is an abstract syntactic pattern for constructing structurally similar simple sentences. The block diagram represents the basis of the formal organization of simple sentences. Structural diagrams reflect special signs(see) part-of-speech characteristic and necessary formal signs of structurally obligatory (necessary) components of the sentence. Differ minimum proposal structure(mass media extended sentence structure(cm.).

The special signs used in the block diagrams of the sentence are alphabetic signs-symbols indicating the Latin names of the parts of speech and their individual forms: V (Latin verbum) - for the verb, Inf (Latin infinitiv) - for the indefinite form of the verb; N (lat. nomen) - for a noun (this sign is also used for the schematic representation of pronouns-nouns); A (lat. adjectivum) - for the name of the adjective and for the schematic representation of adjectival forms of other parts of speech (participles, ordinal numbers, pronominal adjectives); Adv (lat. adverbum) - for the adverb; cop (copula) - for a link in compound predicates, with a zero link, its sign is enclosed in brackets - (cop). With the sign N (noun), subscripts are used to indicate the case form of the name (numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - respectively, the case number). With the sign V (verb), subscripts (numbers 1, 2, 3) are used, indicating the shape of the face. An index is used to indicate the forms of a number. s(lat. singularis) – units. hours and index pl(lat. pluralis) - pl. h. To indicate personal, i.e. finite, form of the verb, as well as the short form of the adjective, intended to be a predicate (i.e., perform the function of a finite verb), the index f (from lat. finitum) is used - V f and A f. Examples: The night is dark - N 1 (cop) A f / 1/5 (in the subscript, the sign / “slash” indicates the relationship of variation: either a short form intended to be a predicate, like a finite verb, or a nominative case form, or a instrumental case form. Example : The night is dark / dark / was dark.

The minimum structural diagram of a simple sentence is a structural diagram in which, with the help of special signs, the part-time characteristic and formal features of the components are reflected predicative sentence core(subject and predicate of a two-part sentence and the only main member of a one-part sentence).

An extended structural diagram of a simple sentence is a structural diagram that summarizes the nominative minimum of a simple sentence, which includes the predicative core of the sentence in combination with its obligatory distributors. For example: In the evenings I read art history books- N 1 V f N 4 (verbal representation of the scheme: name in the im. case + finite verb, i.e. in conjugated form, + name in the accusative case).

Sentences of a phraseologized structure are simple sentences in which the syntactic links are not motivated, and the lexical content is not free, i.e. is not determined by the laws of construction of meaning, since the meaning of such sentences in each case of use is unique. Sentences of a phraseologized structure belong to the colloquial style, are distinguished by a high degree of expressiveness, are created according to unique schemes: N 1 as N 1: - Forest like a forest; N 1 so N 1 - The house is so the house; N 1 not in N 4 - A holiday is not a holiday;This is N 1 so N 1 - This is news so news; All N 3 N 1 - All news news; No to Inf - No to come; Who better than N 3 Inf - Who better than him to do it.

The semantic aspect of a simple sentence

a) Preliminary information

The semantic aspect of a simple sentence includes a system of semantic features expressed in the sentence that create the concept of its semantic structure(cm.).

The semantic structure of a simple sentence is a hierarchically organized system of generalized (typical) meaningful features characteristic of large classes of semantically similar sentences.

The main components of the semantic structure of a sentence are − two main components of the semantic structure of a simple sentence are distinguished, called terms dictum(mass media mode(cm.).

b) Sentence dictum

Dictum - a complex of objective meanings containing information about the actual situation reflected in the sentence, giving a general idea of ​​the structure of this situation. Term dictum systematizes an infinite number of objective situations into separate types. When describing a dictum, terms are used proposition(cm.), predicate(cm.), actant(cm.), subject(cm.), an object(cm.), predicate-actant structure(cm.).

Proposition - an abstract model of the situation displayed in the sentence in abstraction from its modal-temporal characteristics. Proposition includes: a) sign predicate(see), connecting the participants (actants) of the situation, and b) signs actants(see), otherwise - participants in the situation. So the proposition is predicate-actant structure(cm.).

Predicate- the central component of the proposition, which determines the number and role characteristics of the actants. For example, the transfer predicates ( give, return, send etc.) require the obligatory presence of three actants - the transmitting subject (who?), the transmitted object (what? / whom?) and the addressee object (to whom? / where?): I returned the books to the library; He handed the pen to a friend.

Actant - a general term that refers to the participants in a situation without specifying their specific roles in the situation. There are many terms in the scientific syntax for naming the actants of a situation, taking into account the role they play in it. In the tutorial syntax, two terms are mainly used: subject(cm.), an object(cm.).

Subject - the central actant of the situation, from which the relation proceeds or to which the predicative feature is attributed. In the most typical cases, the subject is presented in the form of the subject ( Father got sick). In impersonal sentences, the subject is represented by a name in the indirect case, for example: Father unwell; parents was not at home. In definite-personal, indefinite-personal, generalized-personal one-part sentences, the subject is expressed in the personal endings of the verb components. Examples: Writing a letter(= I, i.e. speaking); writing a letter(= you, those. listening); Screaming in the street(= someone, unknown who).

An object- a generalized name for any non-subjective participants in situations. Different types of objects are distinguished, in particular, a direct object, an indirect object, a locative object (indicates the spatial boundaries of the indicated action or relationship), a temporal object (indicates the time of manifestation of a predicative feature), an instrumental object (indicates a means, an instrument with which the action), etc.

Predicate actant structure - a predicate in combination with its obligatory actants (for example, a verb transmit has a predicate-actant structure that includes four components: subject sign + predicate sign + direct object sign + addressee sign): I gave the book to a friend. → N 1 V f N 4 N 3, where the sign N means the nominal part of speech, the sign V f- personal verb, subscripts at the N sign indicate the case forms of names (i.e., the case number).

Ways of presenting propositions. There are two main ways of presenting propositions: a) predicative construction(see) and b) non-predicative construction(cm.).

The predicative construction of the representation of a proposition is the primary way of presenting a proposition: a construction that has the form of a simple sentence. The doctor came to the patient; Son received a gift for his birthday

Non-predicative ways of presenting a proposition - representation of a proposition by means of phrases: visit of the doctor to the patient;visiting doctor;birthday present for son etc.

c) The modus of the proposal

Modus - a complex of subjective meanings that arise in a sentence as a result of an “active operation” carried out by the subject of speech with the dictum of the sentence. By means of the modus meanings put by the speaker into the dictum, he conveys the actual content either as a real fact, committed in one or another time slice, or as an unreal fact, i.e. desired, supposed, required. When describing a mode, terms are used predicativity(cm.) , modality(cm.), objective modality(cm.), subjective modality(see) and a number of others.

Predicativity- a fundamental, fundamental semantic feature of a simple sentence, generated within its predicative kernel(see) and denoting the relationship of the content reported in the sentence to reality through categories modalities(mass media time(see), i.e. through modal-temporal value(cm.).

Modality - a grammatical-semantic category, necessarily represented in any sentence, with the help of which the speaker expresses his own assessment of the relationship of the reported content to objective reality. The content of the sentence can be presented by the speaker as fact real relating to the present, past or future, or as something unreal(surreal), i.e. as possible or impossible, necessary or probable, desirable or undesirable, etc. Modality is expressed a) by mood forms, b) by auxiliary verbs with a modal meaning ( maybe, wants, assumes etc.), used in compound predicates as connective components, c) introductory words with a modal meaning ( of course, certainly, surely, maybe d) modal and modal-volitional particles of the type hardly, hardly, perhaps, tea, alas, maybe, let it, let it, let it and etc.

Objective modality - the main type of modal meanings expressed in a sentence through the categories of mood and tense. Through the category of objective modality, the speaker connects the expressed content with objective reality, presenting the content of the reported either as a real fact, occurring in a particular time slice (before, during or after the moment of speech), or as an unreal fact outside of temporal localization (i.e. . as desired, required, expected, etc.). Without expressing the objective modality of a sentence as such, there cannot be. Therefore, the speaker is obliged to obey the objective laws of the language, manifested in the process of linguistic communication. Objective modality is expressed through the categories of time and mood.

Time - a grammatical-semantic category, with the help of which the speaker expresses the relation of a real event reported in a sentence to a particular time slice. The moment of speech is taken as the starting point of the time slice - before the moment of speech (past tense), at the moment of speech (present tense), after the moment of speech (future tense).

Subjective modality - type of modality reflecting speaker's personal attitude to the content of the statement . Through the medium of subjective modality, the speaker modifies the objective modality of the sentence with his subjective assumptions and ideas. Subjective modality is expressed through introductory modal words ( of course, of course, maybe, probably, obviously etc.), modal particles (hardly, hardly, as if, as if) etc. Wed: Tomorrow, perhaps (probably / for sure / Surely the weather will be good.

Intra-syntactic modality - modality expressed within the framework of the predicative core of the sentence by means of modal connectives of compound predicates. Modal connectives indicate the relation of the subject of the sentence to the action indicated in the main part of the compound predicate: The boy wants / maybe / must / trying / trying to draw.

Predicative kernel simple sentence - the main members of the sentence, within which the grammatical meaning of predicativity is expressed, i.e. modal-temporal value(cm.).

modal-temporal value- a set of values ​​​​of time and mood, characteristic of any simple sentence. Through the meanings of time and mood, the content of the sentence is tied to reality, being evaluated either as a real fact of the present, past or future tense, or as an unreal (unreal) fact that exists only in the speaker's brain as a desirable, supposed, possible, required phenomenon, etc. The values ​​of time and mood are expressed either in the form of a simple verbal predicate, or in the form of a verb copula with a compound predicate. In verbless sentences, the modal-temporal meaning is expressed with the help of intonation, as well as with the help of circumstances of time and with the help of particles. For example: Winter. – In this sentence, the meaning of the present tense of the indicative mood is expressed through narrative intonation. In a sentence At least it's winter! using a compound particle even if desirability value is expressed (regardless of specific time) . In a sentence Early morning through narrative intonation, the presence of the named fact is reported at the moment of speech (i.e. at the present time).

Modal-temporal sentence paradigm- the set of all possible modal-temporal modifications of the sentence. The initial form of the paradigm is a variant of the sentence, which expresses the meaning of the real modality of the present tense. An example of a far from complete modal-temporal sentence paradigm: Children happy Children will / were / would be / surely will / even if they were / if only they were / certainly will / let them be / will / let them want to be / wish to be / probably want to be / of course would like to be / should definitely be happy.

Communicative-dynamic aspect

simple sentence

a) Introductory remarks

Communicative-dynamic aspect of a simple sentence make up such features of the proposal that characterize it as a functioning, dynamic entity. These features of the proposal appear in the process of its functioning. The communicative-dynamic features of the sentence are described using the terms intonation(cm.), actual articulation(mass media word order(cm.).

Intonation - a fundamental feature of any sentence, representing a system of sound means that function in interaction with the syntactic structure of the sentence and its lexical composition. Without intonational accompaniment, a sentence cannot function. With the help of intonation, the target settings of the sentence (narration, question, command) are expressed, the actual semantic centers of the sentence are revealed. Among all the possible dynamic features of the sentence, manifested in the process of functioning, a special place is occupied by an intonationally manifested feature called the term actual sentence division(cm.).

b) Actual division of the sentence

Current division of the offer is connected with understanding the content of the sentence from the point of view of the popularity / obscurity of the content presented in it. Actual division is a communicatively significant division of a simple sentence into two parts, one of which contains known (i.e., communicatively insignificant) information extracted from the previous context or situation, and the other part introduces a new, communicatively significant, i.e. e. up-to-date, information, for the sake of the message of which the proposal is pronounced. For example: This girl very clever . Part of a sentence enclosed in a phrase This girl, carries information known to the interlocutors either from the situation or from the previous context. Part of a sentence very clever contains new information, for the sake of communication of which this sentence is pronounced. This means that the actual division of the sentence in a short formulation means the information-semantic division of the sentence into two meaningful parts - the known and the new. To designate parts of the actual articulation, terms are introduced Topic (mass media Rema (cm.) .

Theme-rhematic articulation simple sentence is the same as actual articulation(cm.).

Topic - a component of the actual articulation of a simple sentence, carrying irrelevant information, i.e. information known from a previous context or situation.

Rema is a component of the actual articulation of a simple sentence that carries new information. In a calm, emotionally neutral speech, the direct order of the components of the actual articulation is usually observed: first, a part of the sentence is pronounced that carries known (from the situation or from the previous context) information, i.e. topic messages, then new information, i.e. rheme messages; compare: father left to the village (answer to question: Where father left?). In emotionally colored, agitated speech, the typical order of the theme and rheme is more often violated, while the rheme is subjected to a strong intonational emphasis cf.: To the village father left / Father to the village left. There is a category of sentences that contain only new information, i.e. rheme only: Night. It gets cold.

Ways of expressing the actual division of the sentence-special linguistic means, with the help of which the actual division of the sentence is carried out. Ways of expressing the actual articulation are divided into main and additional(cm.). Basic language tools, which emphasize the actual division of the sentence, are word order(mass media intonation(see), acting in close unity and interaction with each other.

Word order as one of the main ways of expressing actual articulation appears in neutral speech. For neutral speech, the direct order of the components of the actual articulation is usual, realizing the natural course of thought “from the known to the unknown”, i.e. from Topics to reme: We went on a tour yesterday. (this stylistically neutral sentence is a complete answer to the question: "When did you go on the tour?").

Intonation as one of the main ways of expressing actual articulation works both in neutral speech and in emotionally colored speech. In neutral speech, in which the topic precedes the rheme, there is an increase in tone on the topic, which creates intonational tension in anticipation of the rhematic part of the message. Then there is a change in intonation (sometimes accompanied by a slight pause) and a calm decrease in intonation on the rheme. Example: Earth - our wealth. Will set the man free only mind. In colloquial, emotionally intense speech, there is inversion(see) components of actual articulation : the rheme occupies an unusual place for itself in the linear structure of the sentence - either the initial or the middle position, while standing out with a strong logical stress. For example: Our wealth - Earth. Mind only set the man free only mind free.

Inversion - changing the usual order of the members of the sentence and the components of the actual articulation.

Additional means of expressing the actual division of the sentence - linguistic means, which, layering on the main ones, emphasize the thematic or rhematic nature of one or another part of the sentence. These include particles(cm.), repeats(cm.), incomplete sentences(cm.), special syntactic constructions(cm.), nominative topics(cm.), parceling(cm.).

Particles as an additional means of expressing the actual articulation. Two types of particles are distinguished - a) particles accompanying the topic of the message, these include the particle same (K son father was strict , to the daughter treated well); and b) particles emphasizing the rhematicity of one or another part of the sentence, these include particles it is, just, only, only, it I took the book;In the silence of the steppe heard just barking dogs .

Repetitions as an additional means of expressing actual articulation are used to highlight both the theme and the rheme: And our artillery thrashed, thrashed and thrashed (highlighting a rheme); Earth is our wealth Earth is the home of our being(selection of the topic).

Incompleteness of sentences as an additional means of expressing actual articulation used to skip a thematic part or its individual components: The world is illuminated sun, human - knowledge .

Special syntactic constructions used as a means of expressing actual articulation. Examples of such structures: As for me, then I I can't help you(the thematic component of the actual articulation is emphasized), Who do I need the most, so this in you (the rhematic component of the actual articulation is emphasized).

Nominative themes- a special construction consisting of a name in the nominative case and used to emphasize the topic of further reasoning. War… How many years have passed and she is continues to appeal to our memory.

Parceling - a syntactic phenomenon, which is a kind of stringing to an already completed sentence of individual rhematic segments, marked by independent end signs. For example: From this city left. Forever and ever. It is not known where.

Communicative offer options- variants of the same sentence, differing in actual division. Communicative variants of a sentence are created by changing its theme-rhematic division, differ in word order and intonation, as well as stylistic coloring, as a result communicative sentence paradigm(cm.).

Communicative sentence paradigm is a set of all possible communicative variants of the same sentence. For example: Today we will go to the theatre (to the question - where?) / We'll go to the theater today. (to the question - when?) / Let's go to the theater today we (to the question - who?) / Today we are in the theater let's go to (to the question - will you go?).

c) Word order in a sentence

Order of words in a sentence - linear order of the components of the sentence. Word order in Russian is a very dynamic, extremely mobile phenomenon. Conventionally, three main types of word order can be distinguished: a) the most typical, frequent variants characteristic of consituatively free and invented sentences (for example: Little boy reads an interesting book); b) variants of the word order are unusual, atypical, but perceived as quite natural within a certain context and situation (for example: sentence The boy is reading an interesting book is perceived as a completely natural complete answer to the question: “What book is the boy reading?”); c) variants of the word order, indicating negligence in speech and unacceptable in speech practice: ? The boy is reading an interesting book.

Patterns of word order in neutral speech. The following rules are observed: 1) matching words are used before supporting names ( springtime, flowering plant); 2) controlled words are located after the supporting words: pale with fear, collarless coat, telling tales; 3) the position of adjoining words depends on their syntactic meaning : adjoining words denoting external circumstances (place, time, purpose, condition, reason) and complex relations are used after supporting words (

First this approach - representatives of the Prague linguistic school. Exactly Czech linguists For the first time, the term "proposition model" began to be used. In the Russian linguistic tradition - "structural scheme of the sentence." developed the concept in most detail. sentence formula F. Danesh.

But already in the concept of Czech linguists there were controversial issues. It turned out to be controversial?s what components to include:

Some linguists - that the formula needs to be included. only the values ​​of the predictive center,

Others - that the distributors of the verb should also be included in the formula.

ð The question is ambiguous from the very beginning.


one). The merit of Czech scientists is that they were the first to raise the question of the need to highlight the abstract formulas on which the proposal is built;

2). Czech linguists do not completely refuse to take into account the lexico-semantic features of the sentence when constructing formulas;

3). All Czech linguists build the sentence formula only on the material of verb sentences; they do not take into account the class of verbless sentences, which is widely represented in Russian.

In Russian syntactic science new type of offer description - at the end of the 60s. 20th century.

"Fundamentals of constructing a descriptive grammar of the modern literary Russian language" - in this book N.Yu. Shvedova first introduced the concept block diagram of the proposal. In "Grammar-70" was first given closed list of structural schemes of Russian sentences. This type of description of sentences is also presented in the Russian Grammar-80.

In modern science - 2 interpretations of the concept block diagram:

I. Shvedova and her followers all propagators of the verb are excluded from the structural scheme, leaving only the structural core. => Structural scheme as a minimum sample that meets the requirements of grammatical sufficiency (Shvedova, Beloshapkova).

Structural A schema is an abstract pattern that a separate minimal, relatively complete sentence can be constructed.

Shvedova's understanding of the structural minimum of a sentence refers to the formal organization of a sentence as predicative unit. The level of abstraction given by this understanding of the structural minimum of a sentence corresponds to that which has been accepted by the traditional doctrine of the main members of a sentence.

II. Structural scheme as a minimum sample that satisfies the requirements of grammatical and informative (nominative) sufficiency (Arutyunova, Lomtev, etc.). A different understanding (than that of Shvedova) of the structural minimum of the proposal is addressed not only to formal organization suggestions like predicative unit, but also its semantic organization as nominative unit , takes into account both proper grammatical and semantic sufficiency.

T.P. Lomtev understands the content of the sentence as a “system with relations”, the center of which is yavl. expressor of relations - a predicate that sets places for objects, determines their number and nature.

N.D. Arutyunova considers the main task of studying the meaning of a sentence to be “the selection of logical-syntactic “beginnings”, i.e. those relations which, being directly connected with ways of thinking about the world, are at the same time involved in the grammatical structure of the language.

=> 2 of the above understanding of the block diagram of the proposal. for all their differences, they complement each other, representing different levels of abstraction: predictive minimum and smaller when oriented to nominal minimum. => The different volume of allocated structural diagrams with both understanding as a result of different levels of abstraction.

In the second understanding, the block diagram of the proposal includes more components. Thus, from the standpoint of this approach, only the proposition corresponds to the scheme N1Vf The Rooks Have Arrived, for an offer They ended up here it must be supplemented with a semantically adverbal component of local meaning, which, in accordance with the accepted symbolism, can be denoted Adv loc / N2…loc, where N2…loc represents any case form of a noun with an adverbial local meaning.

The second understanding of the structural minimum of supply is represented by a large number of works by domestic and foreign scientists, which consider general principles for the selection of block diagrams, the whole system of the Russian sentence in the form of a closed list of block diagrams is not described. General idea of ​​all works: appeal to the meaning of the sentence as a nominative unit, recognition of the relative completeness, integrity of the informative content as the main and mandatory property of the proposal. With this approach, it is no longer possible to rely on traditional teachings about the main members of the sentence. For example, the differences between subjects and objects are not significant.

2 types of block diagrams:

- minimal and

- extended= minimal schemes + constitutive ones not included in them, i.e. essential for the semantic structure of the sentence, components. Thus, m/s min. and extended schemas, there are inclusion relationships.

Yes, min. the N1Vf circuit is part of the extended circuit built. based on it, - N1Vf Adv loc / N2…loc, which is implemented by the preposition. They ended up here.

Beloshapkova offers list of minimum block diagrams:

1 block (single-component): Vf3sn (Rain), Adjs / n (Dark), N1 (Night), Adv / N2 ... (No laughing matter), Inf (Silence).

Block 2 (two-component nominative): N1Vf (Rooks have arrived), N1Adj (He is smart), N1N1 (This student is an excellent student), N1Adv / N2 ... (He is not in the mood), N1Inf (He is to run. And the queen laugh!): noun. in I.p., communication - coordination.

Block 3 (two-component quantitative): N2Vf (There is enough money), N2Adj (There is a lot of money), N2N1 (A lot of money), N2Adv / N2 ... (Things to the throat), N2Inf (No money to count), + N2Num (There were two hunters): R.p. – quantitative ratio.

Block 4 (two-component infinitive): N1 -> replaced by an infinitive: InfVf (Smoking is prohibited), InfAdj (Smoking is harmful), InfN1 (Smoking is a sin), InfAdv / N2 ... (Smoking is too expensive), Inf Inf (Smoking is harmful to health ).

In the block diagram, the components are presented in the usual order, we do not pay attention to word order. + Links are not included. The structural scheme is closely related to the semantics of the sentence. Block 4 can be called evaluative-event, because. evaluation of actions is independent of its implementation (proverbs, sayings).

Minimum schemes - the result of high abstraction: they include only such components, the presence of which is not determined by word connections, are completely exempted from taking into account word compatibility and fix only specific facts of synth. organizational suggestion.

Advanced Schemas- minimal schemes + "extenders" => this is a more complete abstract model, according to which real sentences can be built that have semantic autonomy and are capable of performing a nominative function - naming an event, situation, "state of affairs" (out of context).

Mechanisms (“extenders”) for the distribution of sentences:

1. Word syntactic links ( We saw house.– N1Vf circuit used with expander ).

2. Proposal links (characterize not a lexeme, but a sentence model)

2 types of propositional links:

1) communication in passive construction(Letters are delivered courier - the form of the noun is dictated by the passive synth. construct, not verb). Either the conjugated ph. of the verb can control TV. case, or participle.

2) a separate word form can be included in the sentence as its distributor, which is not formally associated with any word form. Such an independent distributor, referring to the entire proposal as a whole, is called determinant . Several types:

q determinants with adverbial meaning(At breakfast he was silent. - a determinant with a temporal value. + m.b. with local semantics, causal meaning (out of delicacy), etc.).

q determinants with subjective meaning(can take different forms: To him fun. Him cheerful mood. For the scientist main…).

q Object det-nts (Son (for son) he only wants the best.

The position of the beginning of the sentence is the usual position of det-nt (here it is easier to distinguish it), but in some cases it can be in another part of the sentence.

3 mechanism) introductory technique

Feature: syntax. they have no connection with the components of the sentence / with the sentence as a whole: In my opinion,..(no connection with the rest of the offer is not connected). Introductory constructions, in addition to having a constructive status, help to separate the Modus from the Dictum ( What's worse- grade, In my opinion - authorization).


Sentence - this is one of the main grammatical categories of syntax, opposed in its system to a word, a phrase in terms of forms, meanings and functions. The offer may be simple and complex. In a narrow, strictly grammatical sense, a simple sentence is such a unit of communication that is formed according to a pattern specially designed for this, has a predicative meaning and its own semantic structure, and has a specific communicative task, expressed by intonation or word order. The proposal, considered from the side of its communicative organization, is usually called statement. As an utterance, a sentence is qualified as a separate communicative unit in oral speech with a certain intonation, and in written speech - with separating signs (dot, question or exclamation mark), it also becomes possible actual articulation - semantic division. Current division of the offer corresponds to the communicative task: It organizes the sentence for up-to-date information. The doctrine of the actual division of the sentence was created by the Czech scientist Mathesius in the 20-30s. 20th century. Mathesius made a discovery by showing that the phenomenon, which was seen as a psychological nature, is in fact a linguistic phenomenon. He defined the basic concepts of the doctrine of the actual division of a sentence and introduced new terms that do not have a psychological coloring: "utterances", "actual division". The actual division of the sentence is binary. In accordance with its communicative task, the sentence is divided into theme and rheme. Determining the topic, the researchers note its three features: one). Topic - the starting point of the statement (Kovtunova "Modern Russian language: word order and actual division of the sentence"); 2). It is actually less significant than the rheme; 3). This is the part of the sentence that is usually given, known from the preceding context. Referring the content of the sentence to reality - the grammatical meaning of the sentence, called predicativity. The intonation of completeness indicates predicativity (reading a book aloud). In the context, it is perceived as a complete predicative unit. A sentence differs from a word and a phrase in terms of predicative completeness, communicative significance, and intonation of completeness. The division of syntax into traditional and modern refers to the 50-60 years. 20th century. Vinogradov summed up the results. For traditional syntax characteristically: 1). In the proposal, various aspects of its organization are not consistently differentiated; 2). Characteristic is the non-delimitation of constructive, communicative and semantic aspects. Shakhmatov's doctrine of one-part and two-part sentences stands at the origins of the sinks. If the predicative stem includes two components: the subject of a psychological judgment and the predicate, that is, the subject and the predicate, this is a two-part sentence. If there is no dismemberment, it is one-part (for example, "a dog barks in the yard", "it was cold yesterday"). The proposal may have secondary members: definition, addition, circumstance. The division of all members of the sentence into main and secondary ones reflects the difference between predicative combinations of words with their predicative compounds (subject and predicate are predicative, the rest are not predicative). Shakhmatov drew attention to this. The offer is characterized by: one). By the presence and absence of secondary members (distribution and non-distribution proposals); 2). Offers are complete and incomplete. Complete - communicatively complete sentences in a given context. Incomplete - sentences in which any member is missing, which is unambiguously restored from the context. From a sentence, only members of the sentence that are included in the topic can be omitted. Rema never goes down. Subject , in the traditional sense - an expression in the speech of a logical or psychological subject. It is expressed by a noun infinitive, a complete phrase ("brother and sister left"). That. the subject receives two characteristics - in meaning and in form. Predicate - a member that is associated with the subject and expresses its predicative meaning, sign. Sign - any characterization of the subject . Among the signs are different non-predicative (called by the speaker as given in advance. For example, a good student takes exams on time) and predicative (set by the speaker at the moment of speech. For example, this student is good). Most often, the subject and predicate are connected by coordination. In the way of expressing the predicative feature, the predicate is divided into simple and complex. Simple - the predicative sign is expressed in one word, for example, "the poet works." Complex- a predictive sign is expressed by several independent words, for example, "he wants to try to become a good son." Among simple predicates, verbs are distinguished, for example, "I remember my childhood" or "I will remember"; and nominal, for example .. "the task is difficult. There are also complex nominal predicates, for example .. "he was pleased." The virtue of traditional teaching : The division of sentence members into major and minor suggests a high level of abstraction. The traditional teaching lies in the realm of the formal organization of the sentence. One-part sentences - one main member, the carrier of the predicative meaning. stand out definitely personal(the main member is expressed in the form of 1.2 persons, for example, "I am writing a letter"); generalized-personal(the verb of the 2nd person singular and the 3rd person plural, for example, “you won’t help grief with tears” or “they count chickens in the fall” - an action that is common to everyone, the action is thought of in a generalized way); vaguely personal ( verbs of the 3rd person plural, denoting a sign of a person who is thought indefinitely, for example, "knocking", "asking you"); impersonal(denoting actions, states or signs that arise or exist on their own, regardless of the producer of the action, for example, "the wind is knocking on the window"); infinitive(the main member is an infinitive, for example, "to be a thunderstorm"); nominative(e.g. "black evening", "white snow"). Contradictions of traditional classification : 1) the subject is determined both by form and content at the same time (by form - im.p. noun, infinitive; by content - the subject of the judgment); 2). Classes of one-component sentences are determined either by semantics or by form, therefore, syntactically and semantically heterogeneous sentences fall into one class; 3). The secondary members of the sentence receive a contradictory interpretation. Structural syntactic level The organization of a simple sentence involves a distraction from the following: the specific speech conditions in which the sentence was pronounced from the features of the actual division of the sentence, from its intonational design, from the lexical content. The representatives of the Prague linguistic school were the first to propose such an approach. They began to use the words "model" and "scheme of the sentence." Danish developed the sentence formulas in the most detail. But there were controversial issues, for example, "what components should be included in the proposal formula?" In 1966 Shvedova's work "Fundamentals of constructing a descriptive grammar of the modern Russian language" was published, where she first introduced the concept of a block diagram of a sentence. In Grammar 70, for the first time, a closed list of structural schemes of Russian sentences was given, and in Grammar 80, Shvedova excluded all verb propagators, leaving only the predicative core. A block diagram is an abstract pattern from which a single, minimal, relatively complete sentence can be built. Beloshapkova identifies four blocks of block diagrams: 1). Single-component sentences (VF3sn "rain", "freeze", "dawn", Adjs/n "dark", "frosty", "light", N1 "night", "street", "winter", Adv/N2 "sorry" , "no laughing matter", Inf "be silent"); 2). two-component nominative sentences (N1VF "the rooks have arrived", N1Adj "the night is quiet", N1N1 "this student is an excellent student", N1Adv/N2... "he is not in the mood", "she cannot afford this purchase", N1Inf "the queen laughs "); 3). Two-component quantitative sentences (N2VF "there is enough money", N2Adj "there is a lot of money", N2N1 "a lot of money", N2Adv/N2... "a lot of money", "too much to do", N2Inf "no money to count"); 4. Two-component infinitive sentences (InfVF "smoking is prohibited", InfAdj "smoking is harmful", InfN1 "smoking is a sin", InfAdv/N2... "smoking is not affordable", InfInf "smoking is harmful to health"). Modern syntax requires considering a simple sentence with the principle of systematic syntactic description. He points out that the proposal must be considered from a paradigmatic point of view. Concept " sentence paradigms" was developed in the late 60s. Two interpretations: 1). Focused on an expanded understanding of the paradigm as any associative series. 2). Narrow associated with morphology. It is a system of forms in a sentence, similar to the system of word forms. The doctrine of Shvedova's paradigm. Position: The grammatical meaning of a sentence is predicativity, predicativity exists in the form of a number of particular meanings (modal, temporary), the form of a simple sentence - its changes, which are carried out by such grammatical means that are specially designed to express syntactic tenses and moods. The whole system of sentence forms expressing the category of predicativity is generally called its paradigm.

Structural scheme of a simple sentence and its regular implementations

The grammatical basis of a sentence can be a combination of a form of a word with a form of another word, or one form of a word: Morning has come. It's getting light. Night. flowers and others. The main members of the sentence in the Russian language are expressed by different, but not by any word forms. The structure of the Russian sentence can be explained by listing these word forms that form the block diagram of the sentence, i.e. abstract(abstract) sample, “by which a separate minimal relatively complete statement can be constructed”1. So, a number of proposals with different informative content Spring is coming. The birds are flying. The trees are starting to bloom. Peasants rush to sow bread built according to one abstract pattern, uniting the form Im.p. noun and conjugated verb form. They all have the same meaning - subject and action(condition). Sentences are built according to a different structural scheme The night is quiet. The path is narrow. Life is Beautiful and amazing. This is a compound of forms Im.p. noun, verb copula and forms of the name (short adjective) expressing relationship between an object and its predictive feature. According to a separate structural scheme, sentences of the type Here is the lake. A warm summer night in 1952. One component expresses meaning in them existence, the existence of an object or phenomenon.

Such examples of block diagrams of a simple sentence are described by N.Yu.

To record the structural schemes of a simple sentence, symbols are used - abbreviated names of the Latin parts of speech or individual word forms: Vf (verbum finitum) - the conjugated form of the verb (indices at the symbol indicate the person and number: Vf 3 s - the form of the 3rd person singular); Inf - infinitive; N (lat. nomen) - a noun (numbers from 1 to 6 indicate cases: N 1 - a noun in the nominative case, N 2 - in the genitive, etc.); Adj (adjectivum) - adjective; Adv (adverbium) - adverb; Praed (praedicatum) - predicative; Cop (copula) - a bunch; Neg (negatio) - negation; Part (participium) - participle; Pron (pronomen) - pronoun; s (singularis) - singular; pl (pluralis) - plural and others.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that there free structural diagrams of a simple sentence - grammatical patterns with lively syntactic links between components and relatively independent statements , which do not reproduce the structural schemes of the sentence, do not rely on the grammatical patterns of a simple sentence.

Free block diagrams are divided into two-component and one-component . The main ones are the following:

a) two-component schemes:

N 1 – V fThe forest was exposed, the fields were empty. A lot of people came;

N 1 cop N 1/5Father is a pilot. The brother was a student;

N 1 (cop) Adj 1/5The forest is mysterious. The forest was mysterious(th). The night is quiet. The night was quiet;

N 1 InfOur task is to learn. Its purpose is to fly;

N 1 (cop) Adv/N 2By the way money. The money came in handy. House without an elevator. The house was without an elevator;

Inf V f 3 sSmoking is prohibited. I want to leave. Tired of leaving;

Inf (cop) N 1/5Flying is his dream. Leaving is a problem. Leaving will be a problem. To do so is selfishness;

Inf PraedIt's impossible to leave. It's scary to think;

Inf cop InfTo love means to suffer. To leave means to offend friends;

Inf cop Adv/N 2It was not good to leave. It was not easy to leave today;

Inf/Neg (Adv/N 3 Pron)There is nowhere to go. There is no one to go to;

Hem N 2There is no happiness in the world. Already the old woman is gone;

Hu N 2- Not a soul around;

b) one-component schemes:

V f 3 s –It's getting light. Freezes. The pipe is blowing. The air smells like thunder. Again it blew easily;

V f3plThey knock. There is noise in the street;

infGarden bloom. Keep quiet, young man! Get up! Him to take an exam;

N 1Night. Silence. Freezing. Here is the front entrance;

PraedIt's easy and fun for him. Peace of mind;

No. 2 (Gen. quantit.)To the people! Laughter! Colors!

It can be seen from the examples that the division of block diagrams into two-component and one-component does not always coincide with the traditional classification of sentences into two-part and one-part. Wed: Want to leave. Should leave(Inf V t 3 s). Impossible to leave(Inf Praed) - two-component block diagrams, but one-component (impersonal) sentences.

Each structure has its own regular implementations , or modifications of the original form of the sentence. Yes, proposal Father is calm(N 1 – Adj full f.) has its own regular realizations: Father was calm(th). The father seemed calm. Father looked calm etc. These modifications are sometimes due to the non-replacement of the position of one or another component of the block diagram: - Who's come?(N 1 V f) – Father. The reciprocal remark is an incomplete regular implementation of the scheme (N 1 V f) in which the position of the predicate is not replaced.

Among the statements that do not reproduce the structural schemes of the sentence are: expressions of affirmation and negation belonging to the dialogue ( Yes. No. Yes sir. There is! No way etc.), greetings, wishes, requests and answers to them ( Hello! Good morning! Hello! Farewell! Thank you. Sorry. Please. Good luck etc.), expressions of will, call to action ( March! Hush! Aida! Shh! Hello! etc.), expressions of various emotions ( Ah1 Oh! Alas! Hooray! That's it! Blimey!), expressions of a general question and an answer to it ( What? Well? Well? How so?) and others1.this V.A

In this regard, V.A. Beloshapkova suggests using the concepts minimum block diagrams s(predictive minimum) and extended block diagram (nominal minimum, including a variety of expanders). The minimum structural diagram, reflecting the predicative minimum of a simple sentence, is formed exclusively by the main members: The forest is exposed(N 1 V f), Morning(N 1). But the predicative (formally syntactic) minimum does not always reflect the semantic sufficiency of the sentence. Wed: They ended up here and N 1 V fin ( they found themselves).

The main expanders of the structural scheme of the sentence are of three types: 1) substantive-subjective, 2) substantive-objective, 3) adverbial.

Substantive-subjective expanders. The sentence usually has a subjective component denoting the hero of a given event or situation. Often it is represented in the minimum block diagram if it is expressed by N 1 ( The forest is noisy. Sky is blue). But there are structural schemes in which there is no N 1, and the subject component is expressed in oblique cases. Wed: To him unwell(V f 3 s Pron 3), To him be on duty tomorrow(Inf Pron 3) - dative case; He has the flu (N 1 N 2) - genitive case; His be sick(V f 3 s N 4) - accusative; With him fainting(N 1 N 5) - creative.

But there are situations (names of natural phenomena) that do not have their subjects ( It's getting light. frosty), they designate an activity or feature, torn off from the carrier.

Substantive-object expanders are represented by oblique cases of nouns that are associated with predicates or other word forms by an obligatory verbal connection. For the verb expander, there is a typical form of the unprepositional accusative: Workers build a house(N 1 V f N 4). But it is not the only one for expressing an object. Wed: He is into music(N 1 V f N 5) - instrumental; Children are afraid of the dark(N 1 V f N 2); He hoped to win(N 1 V f N 4) - accusative; Brother is older than sister(N 1 Adj N 2) - genitive case.

There are two types of adverbial expanders: 1) expanders that arise on the basis of an obligatory subordinate subordinative connection: The headquarters is located covertly (N 1 V fAdv), They found themselves in the meadow (N 1 V f N 6 (Adv) – local expanders; Friends have spoken hour (N 1 V f N 4) – temporal expander; 2) expanders, which, in combination with the verb form, form a certain type of sentence: In the mouth dries. in the pipe howls. In eyes darkened(V f3s N 6 (Adv). Here the local expanders in the mouth, in the pipe, in the eyes indicate a certain type of sentence (impersonal), and individual verb forms ( dries, howls, darkened) do not give an idea of ​​the form of the sentence.

From the foregoing, it follows that the analysis of structural diagrams of a simple sentence must be carried out in a certain sequence, that is, first, select the minimum structural diagram (predicative minimum), then the extended structural diagram (nominative minimum) indicating the expanders of the structural diagram.

Any simple sentence tends to refer the message to a certain time plan. This is done with the help of syntactic forms of tense and mood. So, the forms of the present, future, past tense correlate the reported with the real time plan. These are forms of syntactic indicative. Wed: Coming dawn. will come dawn. Has come dawn. Forms of the imperative and subjunctive mood referring the message to an unreal, indefinite plane of reality: Let it come dawn. would come dawn. If only it would come dawn. If the dawn came.

At the same time, each of these forms (or modifications) of the sentence retains the main meaning of predicativity (the ability to refer the message to a specific time plan) with a difference in the particular grammatical meanings of reality (present, future, past tense) and irreality (inducement, subjunctiveness, desirability).

Consequently, the paradigm of a simple sentence is a set of forms of a syntactic indicative and syntactic unreal moods of a sentence that have one common meaning of predicativity with a difference in the particular grammatical meanings of reality or unreality. At the same time, the present tense form of the syntactic indicative opens the paradigm of a simple sentence: Nightingales sing. The nightingales sang. Nightingales will sing. Nightingales would sing. Let the nightingales sing. If the nightingales sang.

N.Yu. Shvedova in full composition of the paradigm of a simple sentence, proposes to distinguish between five varieties of modal meaning or five syntactic moods:

1. indicative, expressing reality and having the forms of the present, past and future tenses: Snowing. Outside the window is evening. Too late. It was snowing. It will snow.

2. Subjunctive mood, denoting potentiality, i.e. the possibility of carrying out what is reported in an indefinite time plan: It would snow. It would be evening outside the window.

3. obligatory mood, denoting the obligatory implementation of the reported, regardless of the will of the speaker: Be outside the window in the evening. He is a soldier and be a soldier.

4. Desired inclination, expressing "emotionally colored abstract aspiration to any activity": If it were snow! If it were evening outside the window!

5. motivating mood denoting will: Let it be evening outside the window.

Therefore, the complete paradigm of a simple sentence includes seven forms: three forms of the indicative and four forms of the irreal mood. For example:

1. Factory running(present). one. The night is quiet(present).

2. The plant worked(past). 2. The night was quiet(past).

3. The plant will work(bud.). 3. The night will be quiet(bud.).

4. The plant would work(adj.). four. Would the night be quiet(adj.).

5. work factory(obligatory). 5. Be quiet at night(obligatory).

6. If(if only) worked for- 6. If the night were silent(desired).


7. Let the factory work(wake up). 7. May the night be quiet(wake up).

However, not every sentence model can have a complete paradigm. So, there are sentences that have an incomplete paradigm: six-membered: 1) Learning is interesting(present); 2) It was interesting to study(past); 3) Learning will be interesting(bud.); four) It would be interesting to study(exiled); 5) If it were interesting to study(desired); 6) Let it be interesting to study(prompt.) - there is no obligatory mood; four-term: 1) Saving is great(present); 2) Savings was great.(past); 3) Savings would be great(bud.); four) Savings would be great(exil.) - no duty, desired, induce. inc.; binomial: 1) Blossom gardens(present); 2) Gardens would bloom(adj.). in one form

In addition, there are proposals that do not have the form of change presented in one form: Longevity is exercise. Oh she's a snake! Hey wife!(expressively colored sentences); Be silent! Keep quiet!(infinitive with the meaning of categorical will); Here comes the winter(nominative sentences complicated by the particle here, here and); How is your health? What is love?(interrogative sentences of this type).

4. The system of types of a simple sentence

According to the purpose of the statement (communicative setting), simple sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative, motivating and optative: Quietly splashing wave. What does the future hold for us? Sleep, dear brothers. Rain, the night whispered, rain.

By objective modality stand out affirmative(I received an award) and negative suggestions ( I didn't get an award). Simple sentences can be characterized by subjective modality, i.e. the attitude of the speaker to the reported (confidence, uncertainty in what is being expressed, joy, grief, sadness, etc.: I must have rushed. To the delight of everyone, the holidays have come. The handwriting is definitely feminine. etc.)

The predicative stem of a simple sentence may consist of two main members - the subject and the predicate in a two-part sentence, only one main member in a one-part sentence, or from a syntactic unit that cannot be decomposed into sentence members in an indivisible sentence: Snow ennobles world(I. Selvinsky); The children were inseparable (Yu. Nagibin); smells planed log(N. Zabolotsky); Wounded, right?? – Yes it seems like (V. Nekrasov).

In accordance with this, the three most generalized structural types of simple sentences are distinguished by the nature of the grammatical foundations: 1) two-part; 2) one-component; 3) indivisible.

The predicative stem has the most complete and typical expression in two-part sentences, since the category of predicativity is expressed here both morphologically - by the form of the predicate, and syntactically - by the connection of the subject and the predicate, most often in the form of predicative coordination. It is believed that one grammatical center of a two-part sentence may include several homogeneous subjects or homogeneous predicates (although not everyone shares this term). For example: The city was still closed shops, hairdressers, beer bars ... (Yu. Bondarev); half delirious crossed we are Theater Square, went around The Bolshoi Theater next to the Artistic Entrance… went out to the modest entrance of the branch(Yu. Nagibin).

In simple one-part sentences, the predicative stem is represented by an intonation-shaped semantic category of predicativity. The formal expression of this category here has no special syntactic connection: It's getting light. Night. To the people!

The structural diagram of an indivisible sentence cannot be represented in terms of the members of the sentence: Yes! Not! Nothing! Two-part, one-part simple sentences are opposed to indivisible ones by the presence / absence of sentence members. In the first there are main and secondary, in the second there are no members of the sentence at all.

In addition, stand out uncomplicated and complicated simple sentences for the presence / absence of separate and homogeneous members of the sentence, introductory and plug-in components, comparative turns, appeals, and other units.

Thus, in the type system of a simple sentence, two-part and indivisible sentences are antipodes. Bipartite in the formal-syntactic aspect are maximally articulated. Conversely, indivisible sentences do not divide at all.

One-part sentences occupy an intermediate place between two-part and indivisible ones. They do not express predicativeness formally syntactically, since they do not have multifunctional main members of the sentence, between which a formal predicative connection can be established. The only carrier of predicativity in a one-part sentence is its main member. In this way, two-part and one-component the sentences are opposed to each other according to the structural features of the segmented predicative stems.

With regard to the completeness of the expression of predicativity, indivisible sentences constitute the periphery of the system of simple sentences. So in sentences like Oh!; My God!; Ugh! etc., the modal aspect is not established, and in the temporal aspect, what is reported in them can conditionally be correlated as a kind of reality only with the present time.

In simple segmented sentences, the main members that make up their predicative basis are at the same time supporting components with respect to composition of the subject and composition of the predicate, as well as relatively composition of the main member of a one-part proposal, within the boundaries of which different types of subordinating, coordinating and determinant connections reveal themselves at the level of secondary members.

By the presence / absence of secondary members, all segmented sentences are divided into common and uncommon. A non-distributed sentence embodies the grammatical minimum of a sentence, and a common one embodies its extended composition, which, in addition to the main ones, also contains secondary members. For example, suggestions Thunderstorm began and Suddenly, a hurried summer thunderstorm began with gusts of wind and a loud rustle of wet leaves. implement the same structural scheme, but the first contains only the mandatory main members of the sentence, and the second and optional secondary ones.

With various speech realizations of a simple sentence, opposition is also associated on the basis of completeness/incompleteness, due to the presence or absence of a verbal expression of the necessary or previously mentioned members of the sentence in the context. Both the main and secondary members of the sentence may not be verbally expressed. Compare two possible answers to different questions about the same extralinguistic situation: 1) What did grandfather bring?? – Gift(here the syntactic positions of the main members - the subject and the predicate - are not verbally replaced);
2) Who brought the gift? – Grandfather(here, open syntactic positions of the main and secondary members of the sentence - the predicate and the object are free).

The number of predicative stems differs monopredicative(simple) sentences and polypredicative(complex of different types).

2013 Yu. Belyaev

1 See L.Tenier for details. Fundamentals of structural syntax. - M., 1988.

2 Lekant P.A. Modern Russian language. Syntax. – M., 2010. P.45.

1 Grammar of the modern Russian literary language. In 2 vols. -M.: Nauka, 1970. - Vol.2. P.92.

1 Grammar of the modern Russian literary language: in 2 volumes. - M.: Nauka, 1970. - V.2. - S. 574.

1 Grammar of the modern Russian literary language. – M.: Nauka, 1970. – P.579.

Narrow and broad understanding of the structural scheme of the proposal. The model of an elementary simple sentence as a representation of a two-way language unit.
Koshkareva: Sentence- an independent syntactic unit, the most important feature of which is the unity of the category of predicativity (the grammatical meaning of the sentence) and the minimum structural scheme of the sentence.
Structural scheme> - "this is the abstract model, according to which the minimum independent and independent message can be built"
The constitutive elements of the structural scheme are the main members of the sentence (predicative node): subject + predicate.
Beloshapkova: block diagram - an abstract sample, consisting of a minimum of components necessary to create a proposal.

A new type of description of the formal organization of a sentence, based on the concept of a structural scheme of a sentence, appeared in Russian science in the late 60s. last century. It was implemented in relation to all constructions of the Russian sentence in Grammar-70 and Grammar-80. And around the concept of the structural scheme of the proposal ensued controversy. Two understandings of the structural minimum of the proposal came to light. The understanding put forward by Shvedova in Grammar-70 addresses the formal organization of a sentence as a predicative unit and involves abstraction from everything that is not essential for it. On this basis, the structural scheme does not include such components of the sentence as all the verbal distributors that implement the syntactic potential of words, the forms of which form a sentence and are components of the scheme. Among other things, the scheme does not include the obligatory predictive verbal distributors, without which the sentence cannot be a minimal message independent of the context. Thus, only the predicative minimum is included in the structural scheme. The level of abstraction given by this notion of a structural minimum corresponds to the traditional doctrine of supply. Shvedova, on the basis of such a predicative minimum in her Grammar-70, compiled a closed list of structural schemes of the Russian language and there are 37 units in it.
Another understanding of the structural minimum refers to the understanding of the formal organization of a sentence as a predicative unit and the semantic organization of a sentence as a nominative unit. At the same time, the structural minimum is understood as "the limit of semantic autonomy, suitability for performing a nominative function."
Two understandings of the block diagram of a sentence allow us to speak of two types of block diagrams of a sentence − minimum and extended. Minimum Scheme (MCS) is the predictive minimum of the offer. Extended Scheme (PCS)- MSS + constitutive components that are not included in them, that is, components that are essential for the semantic structure of the sentence.
MSS includes word forms of three classes:
1. Indicators of predicativity (conjugated forms of the verb, conjugated forms of the copula - the service verb to be, the infinitive of the verb or copula, conveying a specific modal meaning)
2. The MSS, including a bunch, includes certain forms of names and adverbs, which, in combination with a bunch, form a single syntactic complex (forms of the nominative and instrumental cases of IP, non-prepositional or prepositional forms of any indirect case that can be combined with a bunch; forms of the nominative and instrumental case IP and passive participles, as well as their short forms and comparatives; adverbs that can be combined with a bunch; infinitive)
3. In MSS, including forms of the verb or copula, variable in terms of concordant categories, there are components that determine the form of indicators of predicativity by number, gender (person). (the nominative form IS and its substitutes, in particular combinations of quantitative words in different forms with the genitive form IS, as well as the infinitive)
Types of expanders MCC:
1. Substantive component with subjective meaning: he has good luck; he's lucky
2. Substantive component with object value: Children are afraid of the dark; Mother misses her son
3. Adverbial component: The children stayed with their grandmother, He acted nobly.

M.I. Cheremisina and T.A. Kolosov: the predicative node is not a sentence, but sentence schemes with several actants exist along with actant and non-actant ones, i.e. are not "extensions" of the latter. Sentence He paid me back cannot be considered an extension of the proposal He returned, because the latter is not a sentence due to its semantic incompleteness. The structural scheme is not always identical to the predicative minimum, but is necessarily the nominative minimum of the sentence.

Elementary simple sentence - this is the simplest linguistic syntactic unit, which is the unity of the expression plan and the content plan. PV of an elementary simple sentence - structural scheme(a sequence of conventional symbols, reflecting the morphological way of expressing the components necessary to implement the corresponding meaning), and the content plan - proposition(an abstraction that corresponds to the meaning of the sentence as a sign of the language is a generalization of the class of concrete propositions of the same type).
Conditional symbols of the block diagram correspond to parts of speech and are accompanied by two types of descriptors: descriptors of the lower index designate grammatical meanings, descriptors of the upper index denote semantic roles.
The composition of an elementary simple sentence includes a predicate (nominal or verbal predicate) and its obligatory distributors - actants (subject, object), and with spatial predicates also circonstants - circumstances of the place.

In any Russian sentence, three potential levels of division can be distinguished: 1. Predicative minimum - GO of any sentence.

2. Nominative minimum - the semantic part of the sentence, sufficient to express a complete thought.

3. Optional components: determinants or secondary members of the proposal, complementing, extending the nominative minimum.

Consider examples. Example 1

He turned out to be a terrible bum. The dispute about what should be highlighted by the predicate. Formally, it is possible to single out a verb, but will this be enough to express a complete thought. Therefore, as a predicate, we single out the combination “turned out to be a loafer”, and “terrible” is an optional component. In this sentence, the predicative minimum coincides with the nominative one. Example 2: The government protested against corruption. GO - the government said, ie. predictive minimum. The nominal minimum is "protest". The optional component is “against corruption”. Example 3. Night. The outside. Flashlight. Pharmacy. The proposals are nominative. Night is both a predicative and a nominative minimum; there will be no optional components.

In scientific grammar, in addition to the term "grammatical basis", the term "structural diagram" is used to characterize the structure of PP. These concepts are not equal, but they can coincide. A block diagram is an abstract pattern that has its own formal organization, designed to build an elementary sentence. Written in Latin terms. For example: My father is a teacher. GO: father is a teacher. N1-N1 In scientific grammar there is a discussion about the concept of the structural scheme of a sentence: 1. The structural scheme is equal in volume to the predicative minimum AG-70, Shvedov.

2. Structural scheme is the nominative minimum of the AG-80 proposal.

For example: 1 Masha is a good person. Logically, the block diagram should include an adjective: N1-AdjN1. 2 Masha is a good organizer. Here "good" is an additional characteristic. Therefore, the block diagram of this proposal is as follows: N1-N1. AG-70 offered a "closed list of schemes of Russian proposals", there are about three hundred of them. The AG-80 offered the same list and extensions of the block diagram. It was explained that sometimes components denoting secondary members of the sentence play a big role in the sentence. Currently, the list of structural diagrams is constantly updated.

Two large groups of block diagrams are proposed:

Structural schemes of a simple sentence, agreed with the main members of the sentence. They are characteristic of a two-part sentence, where there is a subject and a predicate, which grammatically coincide with each other, grammatically agree with each other, that is, they are coordinated. Block diagrams with inconsistent main members of the proposal.

N - noun Adj - adjective Adv - adverb Vf - inflected verb form Inf - infinitive

red - predicate

ron - pronoun

art - participle N1Vf - this is the most common pattern in a Russian sentence: The student is sitting at a lecture.

1Adj: The child is obedient. My child is obedient.

1Part: The work is verified.

InfN1: Passing the exam is a big challenge. InfAdv status category is not indicated otherwise: Learning is hard, living is fun.

InfCopInf particle: To doubt means to look for an answer.

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More on the topic 3.4. The concept of a structural diagram of a simple sentence:

  1. Structural-semantic classification of sentences. Simple and complex sentences, their distinguishing features. Classification of sentences according to function and emotional coloring. Classification of sentences in relation to reality.
  2. 3.6. Structural-semantic types of a simple sentence
  3. Classification of a simple sentence. Divisible and indivisible sentences. Two- and one-part sentences, their differences. Complete and incomplete sentences. Question about elliptical sentences. Punctuation marks in incomplete and elliptical sentences.
  4. QUESTION 3. The history of the development of syntactic teachings in Russia: logical-psychological, structural-semantic directions, the theory of modeling an elementary simple sentence.
  5. 18. The concept of a complicated structure of a simple sentence. Varieties of complicated sentences. The complicated nature of the structure and semantics of sentences with a predicative definition, with an objective infinitive, with a target infinitive and an infinitive phrase.
  6. The sentence as a unit of language. Aspects of studying the proposal. Structural scheme of the sentence and its paradigmatics.
  7. 30. A simple sentence as a syntactic unit. Work on the main and secondary sentences in grades 1-4. Management of children's groups and collectives. Control in learning: the concept, types of control, the ratio of grades and grades.
  8. The concept of sentence members as its structural and semantic components. Differences between major and minor members. Semantics and ways of expressing the subject in two-part sentences (nominative and infinitive subject, subject - word and phrase).