Biorhythms of living organisms. Rhythms of life as a universal property of living systems

The biorhythms of the internal human organs consistently adapt to a certain time zone, so that the body can work without failures. By carefully listening to your essence, you can achieve great success in various types of work. If a person's biorhythms are disturbed, for example, after arriving in a foreign country with a different climate and time zone, then the body will need to adapt. It can take up to three days.

Classification of biorhythms

According to modern research, biological rhythms in humans change depending on age. For example, in newborns, the duration of the biorhythmic cycle is short. The active phase passes into the relaxation phase and vice versa literally in 2-4 hours. In addition, it is very difficult to recognize the chronotype in a preschool child, according to which he is an “owl” or “lark”. Biologically, rhythms lengthen gradually, as the child grows up. Around puberty, they become diurnal.

Biological rhythms can be conditionally divided into three main groups:

  1. Rhythms of high frequency, the duration of which is not more than 30 minutes. These include respiratory rate, heart contractions, intestinal motility, brain biocurrents and the rate of biochemistry reactions.
  2. Mid-frequency rhythms, the duration of which can range from 30 minutes to 6-7 days, include wakefulness and sleep, actions and inactions, daily metabolism, changes in body temperature and pressure, changes in blood composition, as well as the frequency of cell divisions.
  3. Rhythms with low frequency are characterized by weekly, seasonal and lunar periods. Of the main biological processes included in this periodicity, one can single out changes in cycles in the reproductive system and endocrine activity.

Rhythms are also known, the period of which is fixed (90 min.). This includes, for example, cycles of emotional fluctuations, sleep, sharpening of attention. Depending on the alternation of activity and rest of human systems and organs, daily monthly and seasonal biological rhythms are distinguished. With their help, the renewal of the physiological potential of the body is ensured. It is noteworthy that the rhythmic cycle is reflected at the genetic level and is inherited.

Sometimes it happens that a person’s poor health has nothing to do with jet lag or illness. It's all about negative energy, which can be directed consciously or unconsciously by other people. It is very difficult to get rid of this negativity - damage or the evil eye on your own. In this case, you will need the help of a healer, who will help you quickly and effectively get rid of the scourge.

Calculation of biorhythms

To date, there are a large number of free special programs on the Internet with which you can easily determine biorhythms by date of birth. This information makes it possible to find out on which days a person’s activity will be increased, and what time is better to devote to rest and not plan important things. In our Center, which is run by a famous psychic, you can get detailed information about biorhythms, as well as learn how to determine them yourself.

Programs that set biorhythms by date are convenient because they absolutely do not require understanding of the methodology for calculating biorhythms. You just need to enter the necessary data and literally immediately get the result, which is usually accompanied by valuable comments. It is worth paying attention to the fact that human biological rhythms largely depend on weather conditions: on sunny days, mood and activity increase significantly. This can explain why people in regions with long winters are more likely to suffer from prolonged depression and apathy.

biorhythm compatibility

When comparing biorhythms, one can understand why communication with some people is a great pleasure, while with others, on the contrary, it is very difficult to find a common language. Compatibility in biological rhythms plays a very important role in heart affairs and relationships between spouses. If the compatibility indicator exceeds the level of 75-80%, then this is excellent. With such values, partners get along well with each other and their relationship can be called harmonious. Moreover, the higher this indicator, the more likely it is to become an ideal couple, because in this case people enjoy all-round communication.

You can also calculate compatibility biorhythms in contacts with people with whom you have to communicate, for example, on duty or in other life situations: selection of a personal secretary, employees for an enterprise, a personal consultant or a family doctor. Establishing biorhythms of compatibility is a simple method to determine the possibility of mutual understanding of people in the event of their future joint work. A good option can be considered when the biorhythm of one of the partners decreases, while the second person during this period feels its rise. In this situation, thanks to the different energies of people, quarrels and misunderstandings can be avoided.

The dependence of human life on biorhythms

The quality of life of each person largely depends on biological rhythms. Such a concept as a daily chronotype is a daily activity that is inherent in some individual person. Throughout the day, the peak of physical and mental activity for each of us comes at a certain time. Accordingly, people can be divided into three types:

  1. "larks" (those who fall asleep at 21.00-22.00 and wake up early in the morning);
  2. "pigeons" (lay down after 23.00 and wake up on an alarm clock at about 8.00);
  3. "owls" (stay up late at night and can oversleep the first half of the next day).

The chronotype determines how quickly a person can adapt to certain situations or conditions, as well as some indicators of his health. For example, the biological rhythms of "owls" are considered the most flexible - they are the easiest to change the mode of life. However, if we talk about their cardiovascular systems, they are the most vulnerable. Read more useful information on this and other topics on our website.

It is known that in those enterprises where employees work in accordance with individual schedules, which are drawn up taking into account personal chronotypes, productivity and labor efficiency increase significantly. Indeed, with the normalization of biorhythms, physical activity is not terrible. But in the case when the biological rhythm is disturbed, hard work can lead not only to many functional disorders of the body, but also to serious diseases.

Many biological processes in nature proceed rhythmically; different states of the body alternate with a fairly clear periodicity. Examples of fast rhythms- heart contractions or breathing movements with a period of only a few seconds. Other vital rhythms, such as the alternation of wakefulness and sleep, have a period of about a day. If biological rhythms are synchronized with the onset of high and low tides (every 12.4 hours) or only one of these phases (every 24.8 hours), they are called tidal. In lunar biological rhythms, the period corresponds to the duration of the lunar month, and in annual rhythms, to the year. Heartbeats and other forms of rapid rhythmic activity that do not correlate with natural changes in the environment are usually studied by physiology and will not be discussed in this article.

Biological rhythms are interesting because in many cases they persist even under constant environmental conditions. Such rhythms are called endogenous, i.e. “coming from within”: although they usually correlate with rhythmic changes in external conditions, such as the alternation of day and night, they cannot be considered a direct reaction to these changes. Endogenous biological rhythms are found in all organisms except bacteria. The internal mechanism that maintains the endogenous rhythm, i.e. allowing the body not only to feel the passage of time, but also to measure its intervals, is called the biological clock.

The work of the biological clock is now well understood, but the internal processes underlying it remain a mystery. In the 1950s, the Soviet chemist B. Belousov proved that even in a homogeneous mixture, some chemical reactions can periodically speed up and slow down. Similarly, alcoholic fermentation in yeast cells is either activated or inhibited at intervals of approx. 30 seconds. Somehow these cells interact with each other so that their rhythms are synchronized and the whole yeast suspension “pulsates” twice a minute.

It is believed that this is the nature of all biological clocks: chemical reactions in each cell of the body proceed rhythmically, the cells "adjust" to each other, i.e. synchronize their work, and as a result they pulse simultaneously. These synchronized actions can be compared to the periodic oscillations of a clock pendulum.

Circadian rhythms. Of great interest are biological rhythms with a period of about a day. They are called so - circadian, circadian or circadian - from lat. circa - about and dies - day.

Biological processes with circadian periodicity are very diverse. For example, three types of luminous mushrooms increase and decrease their glow every 24 hours, even if artificially kept in constant light or in complete darkness. The glow of a single-celled seaweed changes daily

Gonyaulax . In higher plants, various metabolic processes occur in the circadian rhythm, in particular photosynthesis and respiration. In lemon cuttings, the intensity of transpiration fluctuates with a 24-hour frequency. Particularly illustrative examples are the daily movements of leaves and the opening and closing of flowers.

A variety of circadian rhythms are also known in animals. An example is the coelenterate close to sea anemones - a sea pen (

Cavernularia obesa ), which is a colony of many tiny polyps. The sea pen lives in sandy shallow waters, sucking into the sand during the day and turning around at night to feed on phytoplankton. This rhythm is maintained in the laboratory under constant lighting conditions.

Insects have a well-functioning biological clock. For example, bees know when certain flowers open and visit them every day at the same time. The bees also quickly learn at what time sugar syrup is presented to them in the apiary.

In humans, not only sleep, but many other functions are subject to the daily rhythm. Examples of this are the increase and decrease in blood pressure and the excretion of potassium and sodium by the kidneys, fluctuations in reflex time, sweating of the palms, etc. Changes in body temperature are especially noticeable: at night it is about 1

° With lower than day. Biological rhythms in humans are formed gradually in the course of individual development. In a newborn, they are rather unstable - periods of sleep, nutrition, etc. alternate randomly. Regular alternation of periods of sleep and wakefulness based on 24- The 25 hour cycle only starts happening at 15 weeks of age.Correlation and "tuning". Although biological rhythms are endogenous, they correspond to changes in external conditions, in particular the change of day and night. This correlation is due to the so-called. "capture". For example, circadian movements of leaves in plants persist in complete darkness for only a few days, although other cyclic processes can continue to repeat hundreds of times despite the constancy of external conditions. When the bean leaves, kept in the dark, finally stopped spreading and falling, a short flash of light is enough to restore this rhythm and last for several more days. In the circadian rhythms of animals and plants, the time-setting stimulus is usually a change in illumination - at dawn and in the evening. If such a signal is repeated periodically and with a frequency close to that characteristic of a given endogenous rhythm, there is an exact synchronization of the internal processes of the body with external conditions. The biological clock is "captured" by the surrounding periodicity.

By changing the external rhythm in phase, for example, turning on the light at night and maintaining darkness during the day, one can “translate” the biological clock in the same way as usual, although such a restructuring requires some time. When a person moves to another time zone, his sleep-wake rhythm changes at a rate of two to three hours a day, i.e. to a difference of 6 hours, he adapts only after two or three days.

Within certain limits, it is possible to reconfigure the biological clock for a cycle that differs from 24 hours, i.e. make them go at a different speed. For example, in people who lived for a long time in caves with an artificial alternation of light and dark periods, the sum of which differed significantly from 24 hours, the rhythm of sleep and other circadian functions adjusted to the new duration of the “day”, which ranged from 22 to 27 hours, but more strongly change it was no longer possible. The same applies to other higher organisms, although many plants can adapt to "days" that are a whole fraction of the usual, for example, 12 or

8 ocloc'k. Tidal and lunar rhythms. In coastal marine animals, tidal rhythms are often observed, i.e. periodic changes in activity, synchronized with the rise and fall of water. The tides are driven by lunar gravity, and in most regions of the planet there are two high and two low tides during a lunar day (the period of time between two successive moonrises.) Since the Moon moves around the Earth in the same direction as our planet around its own axis, the lunar day about 50 minutes longer than solar, i.e. high tides come every 12.4 hours. Tidal rhythms have the same period. For example, the hermit crab hides from the light at low tide and emerges from the shadows at high tide; with the onset of high tide, oysters open their shells, unfold the tentacles of sea anemones, and so on. Many animals, including some fish, use more oxygen at high tide. The color changes of fiddler crabs are synchronized with the rise and fall of the water.

Many tidal rhythms persist, sometimes for weeks at a time, even when animals are kept in an aquarium. This means that in essence they are endogenous, although in nature they are “captured” and reinforced by changes in the external environment.

In some marine animals, reproduction correlates with the phases of the moon and usually occurs once (rarely twice) during the lunar month. The benefit of such periodicity for the species is obvious: if eggs and sperm are thrown into the water by all individuals at the same time, the chances of fertilization are quite high. This rhythm is endogenous and is believed to be set by the "intersection" of the 24-hour circadian rhythm with the tidal one, the period of which is 12.4 or 24.8 hours. Such "crossing" (coincidence) occurs at intervals of 14

- 15 and 29-30 days, which corresponds to the lunar cycle.

The best known and probably most visible among the tidal and lunar rhythms is that associated with the breeding of the grunion, a saltwater fish that spawns on the beaches of California. During each lunar month, two especially high - syzygy - tides are observed, when the Moon is on the same axis with the Earth and the Sun (between them or on the opposite side from the luminary). During such a high tide, the grunion spawns, burying their eggs in the sand at the very edge of the water. Within two weeks, they develop almost on land, where marine predators cannot reach. On the next spring tide, when the water covers the sand literally stuffed with them, fry hatch from all the eggs in a few seconds, immediately floating into the sea. Obviously, such a breeding strategy is possible only if adult grunions sense the time of the onset of spring tides.

The menstrual cycle in women lasts four weeks, although it is not necessarily synchronized with the phases of the moon. Nevertheless, as experiments show, even in this case we can talk about the lunar rhythm. The timing of menstruation is easy to shift, using, for example, a special program of artificial lighting; however, they will occur with a frequency very close to 29.5 days, i.e. to the lunar month.

low frequency rhythms. Biological rhythms with periods much longer than one month are difficult to explain on the basis of biochemical fluctuations, which probably cause circadian rhythms, and their mechanism is still unknown. Among these rhythms, annual ones are the most obvious. If trees of the temperate zone are transplanted into the tropics, they will retain the cycle of flowering, leaf shedding, and dormancy for some time. Sooner or later, this rhythm will break down, the duration of the phases of the cycle will become more and more indefinite, and eventually the synchronization of biological cycles will disappear not only in different specimens of the same species, but even in different branches of the same tree.

In tropical regions, where environmental conditions are almost constant throughout the year, native plants and animals often exhibit long-term biological rhythms with a period other than 12 months. For example, flowering may occur every 8 or 18 months. Apparently, the annual rhythm is an adaptation to the conditions of the temperate zone.

The value of the biological clock. The biological clock is useful to the body primarily because it allows it to adapt its activity to periodic changes in the environment. For example, a crab that avoids light at low tide will automatically seek shelter that will protect it from gulls and other predators that forage on the substrate exposed from under the water. The sense of time inherent in bees coordinates their departure for pollen and nectar with the opening period of flowers. Similarly, the circadian rhythm tells deep sea animals when night falls and they can go closer to the surface, where there is more food.

In addition, biological clocks allow many animals to find direction using astronomical landmarks. This is possible only if the position of the celestial body and the time of day are known at the same time. For example, in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is exactly south at noon. At other hours, in order to determine the south direction, it is necessary, knowing the position of the sun, to make an angular correction depending on local time. Using their biological clocks, some birds, fish, and many insects perform these "calculations" on a regular basis.

There is no doubt that migratory birds need navigational ability to find their way to small islands in the ocean. They probably use their biological clock to determine not only the direction, but also the geographical coordinates.

see also BIRDS.

The problems associated with navigation are not limited to birds. Seals, whales, fish and even butterflies make regular long migrations.

Practical application of biological rhythms. The growth and flowering of plants depend on the interaction between their biological rhythms and changes in environmental factors. For example, flowering is stimulated mainly by the duration of the light and dark periods of the day at certain stages of plant development. This allows you to select crops suitable for certain latitudes and climatic conditions, as well as to breed new varieties. At the same time, successful attempts are known to change the biological rhythms of plants in the right direction. For example, the Arabian birdman (Ornithogallum arabicum ), which usually blooms in March, can be forced to bloom around Christmas - in December.

With the spread of long-distance air travel, many are faced with the phenomenon of desynchronization. A jet passenger who travels quickly across multiple time zones usually experiences a feeling of fatigue and discomfort associated with "transferring" their body clock to local time. A similar desynchronization is observed in people moving from one work shift to another. Most of the negative effects are due to the presence in the human body of not one, but many biological clocks. This is usually imperceptible, since they are all “captured” by the same daily rhythm of day and night. However, when it is shifted in phase, the rate of reconfiguration of various endogenous clocks is not the same. As a result, sleep occurs when body temperature, the rate of excretion of potassium by the kidneys and other processes in the body still correspond to the level of wakefulness. Such a mismatch of functions during the period of adaptation to a new regimen leads to increased fatigue.

Evidence is accumulating that long periods of desynchronization, such as frequent flights from one time zone to another, are harmful to health, but it is not yet clear how big this harm is. When phase shift cannot be avoided, desynchronization can be minimized by choosing the right shift rate.

Biological rhythms are of obvious importance to medicine. It is well known, for example, that the body's susceptibility to various harmful influences varies depending on the time of day. In experiments on the introduction of a bacterial toxin into mice, it has been shown that at midnight its lethal dose is higher than at noon. Similarly, the sensitivity of these animals to alcohol and X-ray exposure changes. The susceptibility of a person also fluctuates, but in antiphase: his body is most defenseless at midnight. At night, the mortality of operated patients is three times higher than during the day. This correlates with fluctuations in body temperature, which in humans is maximum during the day, and in mice at night.

Such observations suggest that medical procedures should be coordinated with the course of the biological clock, and certain successes have already been achieved here. The difficulty is that the biological rhythms of a person, especially a patient, have not yet been sufficiently studied. It is known that many diseases

- from cancer to epilepsy - they are violated; a vivid example of this is unpredictable fluctuations in body temperature in patients. Until biological rhythms and their changes are properly studied, it is obviously impossible to use them in practice. It should be added to this that in some cases the desynchronization of biological rhythms can be not only a symptom of the disease, but also one of its causes. LITERATURE biological rhythms , tt. 1-2. M., 1984

biological rhythm

biological rhythms- periodically repeating changes in the course of biological processes in the body or natural phenomena. It is a fundamental process in living nature. The science that studies biorhythms is chronobiology. In connection with the natural rhythms of the environment, biorhythms are divided into physiological and ecological.

Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm of the environment. (daily, seasonal, tidal and lunar rhythms). Thanks to ecological rhythms, the body is oriented in time and prepares in advance for the expected conditions of existence. Ecological rhythms serve the body as a biological clock.

Physiological rhythms do not coincide with any natural rhythm (rhythms of pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure). There are data on the influence, for example, of the Earth's magnetic field on the period and amplitude of the human encephalogram. Due to the occurrence, biorhythms are divided into endogenous (internal causes) and exogenous (external). By duration, biorhythms are divided into circadian (about a day), infradian (more than a day) and ultradian (less than a day).

Infradian rhythms

Rhythms lasting more than a day. Examples: hibernation (animals), menstrual cycles in women (humans).

There is a close relationship between the phase of the solar cycle and the anthropometric data of young people. Acceleration is very subject to the solar cycle: the upward trend is modulated by waves synchronous with the period of the "reversal" of the Sun's magnetic field (and this is a double 11-year cycle, that is, 22 years). Longer periods, covering several centuries, have also been revealed in the activity of the Sun. Of great practical importance is also the study of other multi-day (about monthly, annual, etc.) rhythms, for which such periodic changes in nature as the change of seasons, lunar cycles, etc., serve as a time gauge.

Ultradian rhythms

Rhythm lasting less than a day. An example is the concentration of attention, a decrease in pain sensitivity in the evening, secretion processes, the cyclicity of phases alternating during a 6-8-hour normal sleep in humans. In experiments on animals, it was found that sensitivity to chemical and radiation damage fluctuates very noticeably during the day.

Circadian (circadian) rhythms

The central place among the rhythmic processes is occupied by the circadian rhythm, which is of the greatest importance for the body. The concept of circadian (circadian) rhythm was introduced in 1959 by Halberg. It is a modification of the circadian rhythm with a period of 24 hours, proceeds under constant conditions and belongs to the free-flowing rhythms. These are rhythms with a period not imposed by external conditions. They are congenital, endogenous, that is, due to the properties of the organism itself. The period of circadian rhythms lasts 23-28 hours in plants and 23-25 ​​hours in animals.

Since organisms are usually in an environment with cyclical changes in its conditions, the rhythms of organisms are drawn out by these changes and become diurnal. Circadian rhythms are found in all representatives of the animal kingdom and at all levels of organization. In experiments on animals, the presence of CR of motor activity, body and skin temperature, pulse and respiration rate, blood pressure and diuresis was established. The content of various substances in tissues and organs, for example, glucose, sodium and potassium in the blood, plasma and serum in the blood, growth hormones, etc., turned out to be subject to diurnal fluctuations. In essence, all endocrine and hematological indicators, indicators of the nervous, muscular , cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. In this rhythm, the content and activity of dozens of substances in various tissues and organs of the body, in blood, urine, sweat, saliva, the intensity of metabolic processes, the energy and plastic supply of cells, tissues and organs. The sensitivity of the organism to various environmental factors and the tolerance of functional loads are subordinated to the same circadian rhythm. In humans, about 500 functions and processes have been identified that have a circadian rhythm.

The dependence of the daily periodicity inherent in plants on the phase of their development has been established. In the bark of young shoots of an apple tree, a daily rhythm of the content of the biologically active substance phloridzin was revealed, the characteristics of which changed according to the phases of flowering, intensive growth of shoots, etc. One of the most interesting manifestations of the biological measurement of time is the daily frequency of opening and closing flowers and plants.

Exogenous biological rhythms

Influence (reflection) of lunar rhythms on the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans. Correspond to the cycle of the phases of the moon (29.53 days) or lunar days (24.8 hours). Lunar rhythms are clearly visible in marine plants and animals, and are observed during the cultivation of microorganisms.

Psychologists note changes in the behavior of some people associated with the phases of the moon, in particular, it is known that the number of suicides, heart attacks, etc. increases on the new moon. Perhaps the menstrual cycle is associated with the lunar cycle.

Pseudo-scientific theory of "three rhythms"

The theory of "three rhythms" about the complete independence of these multi-day rhythms both from external factors and from age-related changes in the organism itself. The trigger mechanism for these exceptional rhythms is only the moment of birth (or conception) of a person. A man was born, and rhythms arose with a period of 23, 28 and 33 days, which determine the level of his physical, emotional and intellectual activity. The graphic representation of these rhythms is a sinusoid. One-day periods in which the phases switch ("zero" points on the graph) and which are allegedly characterized by a decrease in the corresponding level of activity, are called critical days. If the same "zero" point is crossed simultaneously by two or three sinusoids, then such "double" or "triple" critical days are especially dangerous. Not supported by research.

The theory of "three biorhythms" is about a hundred years old. Interestingly, three people became its authors: Herman Svoboda, Wilhelm Fliess, who discovered emotional and physical biorhythms, and Friedrich Teltscher, who studied intellectual rhythm. Psychologist Hermann Svoboda and otolaryngologist Wilhelm Fliess can be considered the "grandfathers" of the theory of biorhythms. In science, this happens very rarely, but they got the same results independently of each other. Svoboda worked in Vienna. Analyzing the behavior of his patients, he noticed that their thoughts, ideas, impulses for action are repeated at regular intervals. Herman Svoboda went further and began to analyze the onset and development of diseases, especially the cyclicity of heart attacks and asthmatic attacks. The result of these studies was the discovery of the rhythmicity of physical (22 days) and mental (27 days) processes. Dr. Wilhelm Fliess, who lived in Berlin, was interested in the resistance of the human body to disease. Why do children with the same diagnoses at one time have immunity, and at another they die? Having collected data on the onset of the disease, temperature and death, he connected them with the date of birth. Calculations showed that changes in immunity can be predicted using 22-day physical and 27-day emotional biorhythms. The "father" of the theory of "three biorhythms" was a teacher from Innsbruck (Austria) Friedrich Telcher. Newfangled biorhythms pushed him to his research. Like all teachers, Telcher noted that the desire and ability of students to perceive, systematize and use information, generate ideas changes from time to time, that is, it has a rhythmic character. Comparing the dates of births of students, exams, their results, he discovered an intellectual rhythm with a period of 32 days. Telcher continued his research, studying the life of creative people. As a result, he found the "pulse" of our intuition - 37 days, but over time this rhythm was "lost". Everything new hardly makes its way. Despite the professorial titles and the fact that the same discoveries were made independently, the founders of the theory of "three biorhythms" had many opponents and opponents. Research on biorhythms continued in Europe, the USA, and Japan. This process became especially intense with the discovery of computers and more modern computers. In the 70s - 80s. biorhythms have conquered the whole world. Now the fashion for biorhythms has passed, but everything in nature tends to repeat itself.

Academic researchers deny the "theory" of three biorhythms. The theoretical criticism of the "theory" is set forth, for example, in a popular science book by Arthur Winfrey, a recognized specialist in chronobiology. Unfortunately, the authors of scientific (not popular science) works did not consider it necessary to specifically devote time to criticism, however, acquaintance with their works (in Russian there is a wonderful collection edited by Jurgen Aschoff, a book by L. Glass. and M. Mackie. and other sources ) allow us to conclude that the "theory" of three biorhythms is untenable. Much more convincing, however, is the experimental critique of the "theory". Numerous experimental checks of the 70-80s completely refuted the "theory" as untenable.

Unfortunately, due to the widespread pseudoscientific theory of three rhythms, the words "biorhythm" and "chronobiology" are often associated with anti-science. In fact, chronobiology is a scientific evidence-based discipline that lies in the traditional academic mainstream of research, and confusion arises due to the dishonesty of scammers (for example, the first link in a Google search for “chronobiology” is a site advertising the services of charlatans).

Domestic use and programs for "determining biorhythms"

The term Biorhythm is also used to determine the expected cycles of declines and ascents of a person’s physical or mental activity, which does not depend on race, nationality, or any other factors.

There are numerous programs for determining biorhythms, all of them are tied to the date of birth and have no scientific justification.

In numerous algorithms for such calculations, it is assumed that, supposedly, a person from the day of birth is under the influence of three stable and unchanging biological rhythms: physical, emotional and intellectual.

  • physical cycle equals 23 days. It determines the energy of a person, his strength, endurance, coordination of movement.
  • Emotional cycle equal to 28 days and determines the state of the nervous system and mood.
  • Intelligent Cycle(33 days), it determines the creative ability of the individual.

It is believed that any of the cycles consists of two half-cycles, positive and negative. In the positive half-cycle of the biorhythm, a person experiences a positive influence of this biorhythm, in the negative half-cycle - a negative influence. There is also a critical state of the biorhythm, when its value is zero - at this moment the influence of this biorhythm on a person is unpredictable. Enthusiasts of such calculations believe that the general condition of a person is determined by his "level of positive cycles." The programs sum up the amplitudes of the three "cycles" and give out "favorable and unfavorable dates."

  • All these algorithms and programs have no scientific justification, and belong exclusively to the realm of pseudoscience.

There is a scientific justification: 1.Brown F. Biological rhythms. In: Comparative Animal Physiology. V.2, M.: Mir, 1977, p.210-260.; 2. Gorshkov M. M. Influence of the moon on biorhythms.//Coll.: Electromagnetic fields in the biosphere. T.2// M.: Nauka, 1984, p.165-170.

Algorithms for calculating biorhythms

B=(-cos(2pi*(t-f)/P))*100% where P=(22,27,32)

The formula is commonly used:

B=(sin(2pi*(t-f)/P))*100% where P=(23,28,33)

B - biorhythm states in % or can be expressed as a state relative to zero, as well as a state of increase or decrease.

pi is the number π.

t - number of days relative to zero units of measure.until the current moment.

f is the number of days from zero time units to the date of birth.

Correction by values

Exact values ​​of biorhythms:

  • physical 23.688437
  • emotional 28.426125
  • intellectual 33.163812

PI 3.1415926535897932385

Calculation by average values ​​leads to an error of several days for each year of calculation. Apparently, there is some kind of profanity, wandering back and forth from various "authoritative" sources.

Note: This section is heresy from beginning to end, which confirms the deliberate falsity of the "theory of three biorhythms." The fact is that if studies were really carried out to measure "physical", "emotional" and "intellectual" states, the result would be known with an accuracy, say with a margin, of up to 1 second (although hours or even days are usually meant). Thus, to determine the length of the cycle even for one person and assuming that the cycles are absolutely stable, it would be no better than with an accuracy of 5 decimal places (1 second = 0.00001 days). The figures given to the sixth (after the decimal point) decimal place confirm that in fact no serious research has been done on the topic of the “three biorhythms”. In fact, the way it is: if there is no doubt about the existence of the cycles themselves, and this has been confirmed by many experiments, then the statement that there are three strictly fixed rhythms is a delusion or a lie (and this has just been proven experimentally, see below). footnotes at the bottom of the page).

biorhythm compatibility

Compatibility for individual biorhythms is determined by the formula:

S = [((D/P) - ) * 100]%, where P=(23,28,33)

S - coefficient of compatibility of biorhythms.

D is the difference in the dates of birth of 2 people in days.

A function to round a decimal to a smaller integer (antier).

P - biorhythm phase.

K - biorhythm compatibility coefficient %

The coefficient is according to the table

S 0 3 4 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 18 21 22 25 27 28 29 31 33 34 36 37 40 43 44 45 46 48 50 51 53 54 55 56 59 62 63
K% 100 99 98 96 95 92 88 85 83 80 78 70 60 57 50 43 40 36 30 25 22 17 15 8 4 3 2 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 8 15 17
S 65 66 68 70 71 72 74 75 77 78 81 84 85 86 87 88 90 92 93 95 96
K% 22 25 30 36 40 43 48 50 57 60 70 78 80 83 85 88 92 95 96 98 99


Biorhythms in some people can be in the form of a 12-hour daily cycle, and not 24-hour, as in most people. This phenomenon has not been fully studied, the reasons have not yet been clarified.

Biological rhythms of body functions

According to the most common hypothesis, a living organism is an independent oscillatory system, which is characterized by a whole set of internally connected rhythms. They allow the body to successfully adapt to cyclic changes in the environment. Scientists believe that in the centuries-old struggle for existence, only those organisms survived that could not only catch changes in natural conditions, but also adjust the rhythmic apparatus to the beat of external fluctuations, which meant the best adaptation to the environment. For example, in autumn, many birds fly south, and some animals hibernate.

Winter hibernation helps animals survive the unfavorable period. They accurately determine the time for hibernation.

Scientists have convincingly proved the existence of an internal, natural conditionality of the main biological rhythms in the human body. So, in identical twins, these rhythms are similar. Such a case is known: two brothers were separated shortly after birth and were brought up in different families, not knowing each other. However, both showed a penchant for the same occupations, had the same tastes and chose the same specialty. But the most striking thing was that the twin brothers grew up and developed according to the same genetic program, lived according to the same biological clock. Many such examples can be cited. However, in science, there is an opposite point of view on the nature of biological rhythms.

"A system permeated through and through with rhythms" - so figuratively called a person one of the founders of the national school of researchers of biological rhythms B. S. Alyakrinsky. The main conductor of this system is circadian rhythm. In this rhythm, all body functions change: at present, science has reliable information about the daily periodicity of more than 400 functions and processes. In a complex ensemble of circadian rhythms, scientists consider the rhythm of body temperature to be one of the main factors: at night, its indicators are the lowest, in the morning the temperature rises and reaches a maximum by 18 hours. Such a rhythm for many years of evolution made it possible to adjust the activity of the human body to periodic temperature fluctuations in the environment.

The unknown and previously unrecognized chronobiology, although claiming its ancient origin from Hippocrates himself, was accepted as an equal among other sciences in the spring of 1960 in the American city of Cold Spring Harbor at an international symposium dedicated to the study of rhythms in living systems. At present, scientific societies of chronobiologists exist in all developed countries of the world. Their activities are coordinated by European and international societies, the latter publishing a special journal and gathering scientists to its congresses every two years.

For a long time already, a person has not experienced such sharp fluctuations in the environment: clothing and housing provided him with an artificial temperature environment, but body temperature varies, as it did many centuries ago. And these fluctuations are of no less importance for the body, because temperature determines the rate of biochemical reactions, which are the material basis of all manifestations of human life. During the day, the temperature is higher - the activity of biochemical reactions increases and the metabolism in the body occurs more intensively; consequently, the level of wakefulness is higher. By evening, the body temperature drops, and it is easier for a person to fall asleep.

The rhythm of body temperature is repeated by indicators of many body systems: this is primarily the pulse, blood pressure, respiration, etc.

Nature has reached perfection in the synchronization of rhythms. So, by the time a person wakes up, biologically active substances, adrenaline, hormones of the adrenal cortex, etc. accumulate in the blood. All this prepares a person for daytime active wakefulness: blood pressure, pulse rate increase, muscle strength, working capacity and endurance increase.

An example of the expediency of the existence of a daily rhythm is demonstrated by the kidneys. In the main structural formation of the kidneys (glomeruli), blood is filtered, resulting in the formation of "primary urine". However, it contains many more substances necessary for the body, therefore, in another part of the kidneys (tubules), these substances enter the bloodstream. Proteins, phosphorus, amino acids and other compounds are absorbed in the tubular section closest to the glomeruli (the so-called proximal one). In the far (or distal) part of the tubules, water is absorbed, and thereby the volume of urine decreases. As a result of chronobiological studies, it was found that the proximal tubules of the kidneys are most active in the morning and afternoon hours, so at this time the excretion of protein, phosphorus and other substances is minimal. The distal part of the tubules functions most intensively at night and early morning hours: water is absorbed, and the volume of urine decreases at night. At the same time, a greater excretion of phosphates facilitates the release of the body from unnecessary acids.

In the implementation of rhythmic fluctuations in body functions, a special role belongs to the endocrine system. Light, falling on the retina, through the optic nerves transmits excitation to one of the most important parts of the brain - the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the highest vegetative center, which carries out complex coordination of the functions of internal organs and systems into the integral activity of the body. It is associated with the pituitary gland - the main regulator of the endocrine glands. So, the hypothalamus - pituitary gland - endocrine glands - "working" organs. As a result of the work of this chain, the hormonal background changes, and with it the activity of physiological systems. Steroid hormones also have a direct effect on the state of nerve cells, changing the level of their excitability, therefore, in parallel with fluctuations in the hormonal level, a person's mood changes. This determines the high level of body functions during the day and low - at night.

During one of the heart transplants made to a person, a pacemaker remained functioning in the heart - that part of the heart muscle that sets the rhythm for the whole heart. Its daily rhythm was somewhat different from the daily rhythm of the recipient, i.e., the patient who received a new heart. And now, in the English journal Nature, Kraft, Alexander, Foster, Leachman and Linscombe described this amazing case. The patient's circadian heart rate, or pulse rate, was 135 minutes out of phase with the circadian temperature rhythm. Here it should be repeated that the highest pulse rate practically coincides with the maximum body temperature. It is no coincidence that if there is no thermometer, the doctor counts the pulse or the number of breaths to determine the temperature: when it rises by 1 ° C, the heart rate increases by about 10–15 beats per minute, and the pulse rate correlates with the respiratory rate as 1: 4.

Scientists at the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences came to the conclusion that not only the heart pulsates in the human body, but also ... the intestines when it performs its evacuation function, that is, it is cleansed. A sign of the disease should be considered not only a rare (1-2 times a week) stool, but also a violation of the daily rhythm. Paying attention to this deviation from the norm, it is possible to prevent the development of serious ailments that occur due to constipation. It is known that the rhythm of metabolism is preserved in the so-called tissue culture, i.e., when tissues are grown "in a test tube."

Researchers believe that social factors are predominant for a person: the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, the mode of work and rest, the work of public institutions, transport, etc. They agreed to call them “social time sensors” in contrast to “natural time sensors” (light , ambient temperature, ionic composition of air, electric and magnetic fields of the Earth, etc.).

The social nature of man and the artificial environment created by him contribute to the fact that in the normal state he does not feel pronounced seasonal fluctuations in the functional state. Nevertheless, they exist and are clearly manifested - especially in diseases. Accounting for these fluctuations in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases forms the basis of practical chronobiology.

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biological rhythms

All life on our planet bears the imprint of the rhythmic pattern of events characteristic of our Earth. A person also lives in a complex system of biorhythms, from short ones - at the molecular level - with a period of several seconds, to global ones, associated with annual changes in solar activity. Biological rhythm is one of the most important tools for studying the time factor in the activity of living systems and their temporal organization.

Biological rhythms or biorhythms are more or less regular changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes. The ability for such changes in vital activity is inherited and found in almost all living organisms. They can be observed in individual cells, tissues and organs, in whole organisms and in populations. [

We highlight the following important achievements of chronobiology:

1. Biological rhythms are found at all levels of organization of wildlife - from unicellular to the biosphere. This indicates that biorhythm is one of the most common properties of living systems.

2. Biological rhythms are recognized as the most important mechanism for regulating body functions, providing homeostasis, dynamic balance and adaptation processes in biological systems.

3. It has been established that biological rhythms, on the one hand, have an endogenous nature and genetic regulation, on the other hand, their implementation is closely related to the modifying factor of the external environment, the so-called time sensors. This connection in the basis of the unity of the organism with the environment largely determines the ecological patterns.

4. Provisions on the temporal organization of living systems, including man, one of the basic principles of biological organization, are formulated. The development of these provisions is very important for the analysis of the pathological states of living systems.

5. Biological rhythms of the sensitivity of organisms to the action of factors of a chemical (among them drugs) and physical nature have been discovered. This became the basis for the development of chronopharmacology, i.e. ways of using drugs, taking into account the dependence of their action on the phases of the biological rhythms of the functioning of the body and on the state of its temporal organization, which changes with the development of the disease.

6. Patterns of biological rhythms are taken into account in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Biorhythms are divided into physiological and ecological. Physiological rhythms, as a rule, have periods from fractions of a second to several minutes. These are, for example, the rhythms of pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure. There are data on the influence, for example, of the Earth's magnetic field on the period and amplitude of the human encephalogram.

Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm of the environment. These include daily, seasonal (annual), tidal and lunar rhythms. Thanks to ecological rhythms, the body is oriented in time and prepares in advance for the expected conditions of existence. So, some flowers open shortly before dawn, as if knowing that the sun will soon rise. Many animals hibernate or migrate before the onset of cold weather. Thus, ecological rhythms serve the body as a biological clock.

Rhythm is a universal property of living systems. The processes of growth and development of the organism have a rhythmic character. Various indicators of the structures of biological objects can be subject to rhythmic changes: the orientation of molecules, the tertiary molecular structure, the type of crystallization, the form of growth, the concentration of ions, etc. The dependence of the daily periodicity inherent in plants on the phase of their development has been established. In the bark of young shoots of an apple tree, a daily rhythm of the content of the biologically active substance phloridzin was revealed, the characteristics of which changed according to the phases of flowering, intensive growth of shoots, etc. One of the most interesting manifestations of the biological measurement of time is the daily frequency of opening and closing flowers and plants. Each plant "falls asleep" and "wakes up" at a strictly defined time of day. Early in the morning (at 4 o'clock) chicory and wild rose open their flowers, at 5 o'clock - poppy, at 6 o'clock - dandelion, field carnation, at 7 o'clock - bluebell, garden potatoes, at 8 o'clock marigolds and bindweed, at 9-10 o'clock - marigolds, coltsfoot. There are also flowers that open their corollas at night. At 20 o'clock fragrant tobacco flowers open, and at 21 o'clock - adonis and night violets. Also, at a strictly defined time, the flowers close: at noon - thistle field, at 13-14 o'clock - potatoes, at 14-15 o'clock - dandelion, at 15-16 o'clock - poppy, at 16-17 o'clock - marigolds, at 17 -18 o'clock coltsfoot, at 18-19 o'clock - buttercup, at 19-20 o'clock - wild rose. The opening and closing of flowers also depends on many conditions, for example, on the geographical location of the area or the time of sunrise and sunset.

There are rhythmic changes in the body's sensitivity to damaging environmental factors. In experiments on animals, it was found that sensitivity to chemical and radiation damage fluctuates very noticeably during the day: at the same dose, the mortality of mice, depending on the time of day, varied from 0 to 10%

The most important external factor influencing the rhythms of the organism is photoperiodicity. In higher animals, it is assumed that there are two ways of photoperiodic regulation of biological rhythms: through the organs of vision and further through the rhythm of the body's motor activity and through extrasensory perception of light. There are several concepts of endogenous regulation of biological rhythms: genetic regulation, regulation involving cell membranes. Most scientists are inclined to the opinion of polygenic control over rhythms. It is known that not only the nucleus, but also the cytoplasm of the cell takes part in the regulation of biological rhythms.

The central place among the rhythmic processes is occupied by the circadian rhythm, which is of the greatest importance for the body. The concept of circadian (circadian) rhythm was introduced in 1959 by Halberg. The circadian rhythm is a modification of the daily rhythm with a period of 24 hours, proceeds under constant conditions and belongs to free-flowing rhythms. These are rhythms with a period not imposed by external conditions. They are congenital, endogenous, i.e. due to the properties of the organism itself. The period of circadian rhythms lasts 23-28 hours in plants and 23-25 ​​hours in animals. Since organisms are usually in an environment with cyclical changes in its conditions, the rhythms of organisms are drawn out by these changes and become diurnal.

Circadian rhythms are found in all representatives of the animal kingdom and at all levels of organization - from cellular pressure to interpersonal relationships. Numerous experiments on animals have established the presence of circadian rhythms of motor activity, body and skin temperature, pulse and respiration rates, blood pressure and diuresis. The content of various substances in tissues and organs, for example, glucose, sodium and potassium in the blood, plasma and serum in the blood, growth hormones, etc., turned out to be subject to diurnal fluctuations. In essence, all endocrine and hematological indicators, indicators of the nervous, muscular , cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. In this rhythm, the content and activity of dozens of substances in various tissues and organs of the body, in blood, urine, sweat, saliva, the intensity of metabolic processes, the energy and plastic supply of cells, tissues and organs. The sensitivity of the organism to various environmental factors and the tolerance of functional loads are subordinated to the same circadian rhythm. In total, about 500 functions and processes with circadian rhythms have been identified in humans so far.

The biorhythms of the body - daily, monthly, annual - have practically remained unchanged since primitive times and cannot keep up with the rhythms of modern life. Each person during the day clearly traced the peaks and recessions of the most important life systems. The most important biorhythms can be recorded in chronograms. The main indicators in them are body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate at rest and other indicators that can only be determined with the help of specialists. Knowing the normal individual chronogram allows you to identify the dangers of the disease, organize your activities in accordance with the capabilities of the body, and avoid disruptions in its work.

The most strenuous work must be done during those hours when the main systems of the body function with maximum intensity. If a person is a "dove", then the peak of working capacity falls on three o'clock in the afternoon. If the "lark" - then the time of the greatest activity of the body falls at noon. "Owls" are recommended to perform the most intense work at 5-6 pm.

Much has been said about the influence of the 11-year cycle of solar activity on the Earth's biosphere. But not everyone is aware of the close relationship that exists between the phase of the solar cycle and the anthropometric data of young people. Kyiv researchers conducted a statistical analysis of the indicators of body weight and height of young men who came to the recruiting stations. It turns out that the acceleration is very subject to the solar cycle: the upward trend is modulated by waves synchronous with the period of "polarity reversal" of the Sun's magnetic field (and this is a double 11-year cycle, i.e. 22 years). By the way, longer periods, covering several centuries, have also been revealed in the activity of the Sun.

Of great practical importance is also the study of other multi-day (about monthly, annual, etc.) rhythms, for which such periodic changes in nature as the change of seasons, lunar cycles, etc., serve as a time gauge.

In recent years, the theory of "three rhythms" has gained wide popularity, which is based on the theory of the complete independence of these many-day rhythms both from external factors and from age-related changes in the organism itself. The trigger mechanism for these exceptional rhythms is only the moment of birth (according to other versions, the moment of conception) of a person. A man was born, and rhythms arose with a period of 23, 28 and 33 days, which determine the level of his physical, emotional and intellectual activity. The graphic representation of these rhythms is a sinusoid. The one-day periods in which the phases switch ("zero" points on the graph) and which are supposedly characterized by a decrease in the corresponding level of activity are called critical days. If the same "zero" point is crossed simultaneously by two or three sinusoids, then such "double" or "triple" critical days are especially dangerous.

Multiple studies conducted to test this hypothesis, however, did not confirm the existence of these super-unique biorhythms. Superunique because no similar rhythms have been found in animals; no known biorhythms fit into an ideal sinusoid; periods of biorhythms are not constant and depend both on external conditions and on age-related changes; in nature, no phenomena have been found that would be synchronizers for all people and at the same time be "personally" dependent on the birthday of each person.

Special studies of fluctuations in the functional state of people have shown that they are in no way connected with the date of birth. Similar studies of athletes conducted in our country, in the USA and other countries did not confirm the relationship between the level of working capacity and sports results with the rhythms proposed in the hypothesis. The absence of any connection between various accidents at work, accidents and other traffic accidents with the critical days of the people responsible for these events is shown. The methods of statistical processing of data, allegedly indicating the presence of three rhythms, were also tested, and the fallacy of these methods was established. Thus, the hypothesis of "three biorhythms" does not find confirmation. However, its appearance and development have a positive significance, since they have drawn attention to an urgent problem - the study of multi-day biorhythms, reflecting the influence of cosmic factors (the Sun, the Moon, other planets) on living organisms and playing an important role in human life and activity.