What is fyi in correspondence. Principles for reading some abbreviations

Any language is a tree with many branches. Written, colloquial, slang, professional terms. What do you know about abbreviations in English? They are now generously used in notes, SMS and when communicating on the Internet. If you communicate with foreigners, you will definitely come in handy, I picked up a little on Facebook.))
So the most popular...

  • What does TNX or THX mean?

"Thanks!". How often do we say this word. The usual Russian abbreviation - ATP. And in English, thanks most often looks like tnx, thx, thanx. The words thank you are also often spelled with the acronym ty.

  • What does NP and YW mean?

When we were told “thank you”, we should say “please”. You "re welcome (yw) is an abbreviation for the phrase “you are always welcome” or “contact”. No problem (np) is an abbreviation for the answer “no problem”, or literally “no problem”.

  • What does PLZ or PLS mean?

This is an abbreviation for please, that is, requests for “please”.

  • What does XOXO mean?

Repeated letters XO can often be found at the end of letters or messages. This is a symbolic designation of hugs and kisses, in Russian “I kiss and hug”. The letter X looks like lips folded in a bow and means kisses. Some consider the letter X to be a symbol of two people kissing, then the left and right halves are represented as separate lips. And the letter O, like a vicious circle, symbolizes hugs.

  • What does lol mean?

It's an acronym for "laughing out loud" or "lots of laughs". Literally, it translates as "laughter out loud." But now it is more often used as a dumb laugh like “gee-gee-gee” or a skeptical “ha-ha how funny”.

  • What does ROFL mean?

Such an abbreviation can be translated as "rolling on the floor with laughter." Rofl stands for Rolling On the Floor Laughing.

  • What does WTF mean?

Sincere bewilderment can be expressed by the phrase “What the fuck?”. It translates to “what the hell? or even “what the hell?”. And in quick correspondence it is reduced to wtf.

  • What does OMG mean?

exclamation omg! stands for "Oh, my God!" and is used depending on the context with surprise or disgust. However, as in Russian “Oh, my God!”.

  • What does BRB mean?

Short for be right back. That is, a person reports that he must leave, but will definitely return. Often, after this abbreviation, the reason for the absence is written, for example: brb, mom "s calling. Or brb, someone at the door.

  • What does RLY mean?

And so the not too long word “Really”, meaning “true / it really happened”, is usually abbreviated in messages to RLY.

  • What does BTW mean?

The acronym BTW stands for By The Way or “by the way.”

  • What does AFK or g2g mean?

In my last post, I wrote about the “be right back” message BRB (Be Right Back). But sometimes a person simply says that he should move away from the AFK (Away From Keyboard) keyboard or it's time for him to go somewhere g2g (Got To Go) or GTG.

  • What does IMHO and FYI mean?

We all know that IMHO (I have a damn opinion), pumped from the English IMHO (In My Hummble Opinion / in my humble opinion). But just as often you can see the abbreviation FYI (For Your Information), meaning “for your information”.

  • What does AFAIK mean?

Less assertive arguments usually begin with the acronym AFAIK (As Far As I Know) or “as far as I know.”

  • What does SY mean?

Often we say goodbye with the phrase “See you!” in English See You. But who will now write as many as 6 characters? Therefore, it is much more common to write either SY, or CYA, or even CU.

  • What does XYZ mean?

If I see a friend with his pants zipped open, I just say “XYZ” to him. What does Examine Your Zipper mean?

  • What does BYOB mean?

If you received an invitation to a party and BYOB is written below, then the owners warn that they will treat you to a snack without alcohol, that is, you must bring a bottle of what you will drink with you. Bring Your Own Bottle means "grab yourself a bottle"

  • What does AC/DC mean?

You probably know the hard rock band "AC / DC" and officially this is an abbreviation for concepts from physics alternating current / direct current - alternating current / direct current. But in slang, this expression means "bisexual." Therefore, quite a few scandalous rumors about the members of the group were born. By the way, bisexuals in America are also called each way.

Translation and meaning of FYI in English and Russian

For your information_n. for your information

English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary, a collection of the best dictionaries. English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries. 2012

English-Russian-English vocabularies English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries

More word meanings and FYI translation from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and translation of FYI from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for FYI in dictionaries.

  • FYI
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Merriam Webster
  • FYI - abbreviation for your information
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • FYI - for your information.
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • FYI - just so you know, for your own knowledge (Internet abbreviation)
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • FYI - for your information
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • FYI - ■ abbreviation for your information.
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • FYI - abbreviation used in writing to mean "for your information"
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • FYI — FYI BrE AmE , fyi (for your information) used especially in short business notes and emails, when you are telling …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • FYI - - Internet abbreviation for for your information: used when you send someone an announcement or tell them something that you ...
    Cambridge English vocab
  • FYI - For Your Information
    FOLDOC Computer English Dictionary
  • FYI - For Your Information I wrote FYI on the information bulletin and sent it to the other members of the staff.
    English Idioms vocab
  • FYI - For Your Information G Giga
    Computer Acronyms English vocab
  • FYI - Acronym for "For Your Information"
    English Dictionary of Automotive Terms
  • FYI - For You Indirectly For Your Information Forget You Idiot (polite form) For more possible definitions for FYI , click here …
    Most Common Acronyms and Abbreviations English vocabulary
  • FYI - for your information
    Sean Woo's Finance, GIS and Real Estate English Glossary
  • FYI - For your information. Used in E-mails
    English Glossary of Internet and PC Terminology
  • FYI - (For Your Information) KTY (Kwa Taarifa Yako)
    Kiswahili IT English Glossary
  • FYI - For Your Information
    Acronyms - Misc English vocab
  • FYI - See: For Your Information
    Internetworking Terms English vocab
  • FYI - For your information.
    English Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms
  • FYI - for your information
    Chatroom Directory English vocabulary
  • FYI - For Your Information
    English Chat Abbreviations
  • FYI - (abbr. network communication) for your information
    Tiger English-Russian Dictionary
  • FYI - abbr. from for your information
    Tiger English-Russian Dictionary
  • FYI - for your information
  • FYI - for your information
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • FYI - abbr. from for your information to your information; for information
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • FYI - abbr. from For Your Information "for your information" (an Internet e-mail message containing important information and accessible via ...
    English-Russian dictionary on computers
  • FYI - abbr. from For Your Information "for your information" (an email message containing important information and accessible using the ftp:ds.internic.net/fyi/ command).
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computing and Programming
  • FYI - For Your Information "for your information" (Internet e-mail message containing important information and accessible using the command ...
    English-Russian dictionary of computer terms

More and more people in Ukraine conduct business correspondence in electronic form with foreign partners or employers. But even a good knowledge of a foreign language is often not enough to understand the abbreviations that have already become generally accepted in the West, used in electronic messages. We offer you to understand these abbreviations with the help of Deutsche Welle. The vast majority of them came from the English language.

Perhaps the most commonly used abbreviation asap. This stands for as soon as possible, which translates as "as soon as possible", that is, urgently.

There is another abbreviation that reflects the same wish - t2du(things to do urgently).

Both asap and t2du are often accompanied by two letters in front of them - Facebook. This is not Facebook at all, as it might seem at first. This is feedback, which means "feedback" or a response.

Reduction afaik came to business e-mail from youth slang. It means as far as I know- as far as I know.

Another common abbreviation is fyi(for your information). Means "for reference", i.e., this message does not require a mandatory response. Although it would be polite to thank the person who shared with you useful information from his point of view.

Another abbreviation with roughly the same meaning is nore(no response expected). It translates as “it is not necessary to answer”.

Letters tba mean to be announced. The translation is simple - "to be announced later." From the same category, two more abbreviations - tbc(to be confirmed) and tbd(to be determined). The translation, respectively, is: "to be approved" and "to be determined". Although with tbd should be more careful. This abbreviation has two more meanings, so it is only possible to determine which one was meant from the context. And the meanings are: to be discussed (“submitted for discussion”) and to be done (“should be done”).

It is also useful to know the abbreviations that mean the positions of those with whom you are in correspondence, or who may be discussed. Here are the main abbreviations included in this group:

- CEO(Chief Executive Officer): chief executive officer or general manager. This is usually the person on whom the overall strategy of the company depends.

- CFO(Chief Financial Officer): Chief Financial Officer. Controls expenses and handles most financial matters.

- CIO(Chief Information Officer): Chief Information Officer.

- CHRO(Chief Human Resource Officer): Director of Human Resources, i.e. responsible for personnel matters.

- CMO(Chief Marketing Officer): Director of Marketing.

- COB(Chairman of the Board): Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Please note that any position that begins with the letter "C" (Chief) means that you are corresponding with someone from the management, or the letter is about someone from the management.

The fashion for abbreviations came to us from foreign countries. This was facilitated by foreign companies that have recently entered the Russian labor market. What does fyi mean in a letter? In Internet correspondence, this means that destination sent information. Gradually, this abbreviation migrated to informal correspondence. On a par with Ok, Re, Ps, fyi is used when communicating on social networks.

Modern abbreviations of English phrases

Abbreviations in English are very popular. The BBC educational channel has a whole series of lessons dedicated to deciphering popular abbreviations of English phrases. The purpose of these cuts is simplify the process of communication, focus the interlocutor's attention on the necessary information.

As a rule, the abbreviation is used in e-mail correspondence in the subject line. In social networks, abbreviations shorten the text of the message. Some are so popular that special stickers have been created for them. For example thanks ( short for thank you ), popular LOL ( stands for laughing out loud), OMG ( acronym for oh, my God) the Russian version is wtv .

Modern abbreviations are divided into abbreviations and acronyms:

Abbreviations in English.

Several letters are removed from a single word. At the same time, the old sound is preserved, but the meaning is not lost. For example, how does cu stand for? It's short for see you see you soon). It would be correct to write sy . But, this phrase is usually abbreviated according to the rules of pronunciation of English words, and not spelling.

Another abbreviation option is to replace letters with numbers. What is b4? This stands for before( before).

What are acronyms. These are abbreviations that consist of the first letters of the words included in a particular phrase. They are not pronounced by letters, but as one word. For example:

tbc - to be confirmed. It translates into Russian as " will be approved". One acronym can have multiple meanings. So, tbd can be decoded as to be determined ( to be determined) or to be discussed ( brought up for discussion).

Along with English abbreviations, Russian phrases began to be abbreviated. How to decipher popular abbreviations, a simple layman will not immediately guess. ATP in the modern language of social networks means thank you, the abbreviation mg is taken from English omg, np - no problem, pzhl - please. What does pff mean? It is a way of expressing emotions online. Everyone can interpret it in their own way.

Meaning and pronunciation of fyi

The abbreviation fyi stands for for your information or for your interest. Fyi translation is this: "for your information" or - "for information". In Internet correspondence, it indicates the presence of important information that the recipient did not previously know about. The acronym fui is written in the subject line of an e-mail or in the text itself, highlighting important information in a large document.

The use of such abbreviations in oral speech is rare. If you still had to pronounce this phrase, then this should be done letter by letter. In English, the abbreviation will sound F Wai Ai.

The meaning of fyi in correspondence can be depicted in the following example:

Is the Vienna capital of Australia? Is Vienna the capital of Australia?

Fyi, Vienna is the capital of Austria For your information, Vienna is the capital of Austria.

For your intention in Internet correspondence

Fyi what does this mean in correspondence on the Internet? This abbreviation is inserted into the subject of the letter in order to inform the opponent about important information. The format of such a message does not require a mandatory response from the recipient. Please note that the decryption may be different.

Business correspondence

What means fyi in a letter can be seen in the following example. For example, the report needs to be the day after tomorrow. The administration has learned that the electricity will be turned off before lunch tomorrow. The responsible employee is notified of this by a letter marked fly and he himself decides on further actions.

In my humble opinion on the rules for using the abbreviation fyi, it cannot be used in letters with instructions from a superior to a subordinate. These documents must be followed. And such a postscript means a letter for information.

Online chat with friends

Those users who have to communicate or correspond with an interlocutor from abroad, in particular from the USA or Canada, may notice that the abbreviation FYI may be found in the text of the message or in the subject line during correspondence, which can be rather puzzling, since not everyone knows what it is means and how it is translated. The most interesting thing is that this abbreviation was first used in email headers, along with "Re" or "Fwd", and later migrated to IM messengers such as ICQ, Viber and WhatsApp. And not so long ago I began to notice that the abbreviation fyi began to appear on social networks: first on Facebook, and then even on the Russian-language VKontakte.
A little Personally, having received such a message, I wondered for a long time what kind of decoding it had. And the chest just opened!

FYI decryption

In the most common version, the abbreviation FYI in English stands for For You Information.
In the explanatory dictionary of the English language, a longer and more ornate version: just so you know, for your own knowledge.
A little later, another version of the abbreviation appeared: For You Interest. In their semantic meaning, these options practically do not differ from each other and have the same meaning.

The correct transcription of the word is unknown, usually pronounced "Ef Yu Ai". Russian-speaking users make it easier - they pronounce the word in transliteration, that is, as “fui” or “fui”. Of course, wrong, but funny!

An example of using abbreviation in correspondence:

A.: — The sea is Blue
B.: - FYI, it's green

Note: I want to note that on the Internet you can find several more alternative meanings for the abbreviation FYI. Here are the most popular ones:

For You Inspiration - For You Innovation - For You Imagination - For You Improvement - Frozen Yogurt Inspirations

There are even obscene transcripts: "Fuck You, Idiot" "Fuck Yourself Internally."

FYI translation into Russian

The literal translation of the meaning of the word FYI into Russian means "For Information". There are more literary options - "For your information", "For you to know."
In any case, the meaning is the same: this is information, it is not urgent, but it is unknown to the addressee and he should take it into account. At the same time, the message is purely informative and does not carry any directives or instructions.
In the case where fyi is an acronym for "For You Interest", it translates as: "It's interesting!", "It's curious" or "You will be interested!". Then the data in the letter is recommended to the addressee for review in order to expand their awareness of a particular issue or their horizons in general.

P.S.: The use of the abbreviation Fui has become so popular abroad that this fact is even reflected in folklore. A striking example is the song Troyboi - Fyi.